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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1906)
f ' r s r.e , oii n . (T 1 , TtH MODERN WOMAN. ' , Aa English critic, a. X. Cheaterton, ' In a recent hu;, bu eald him Very , bio thins about what la generally con , eldered the lees Intelligent ml . "Woman are tba Inherltora of the ald- eat. moat universal human wisdom," ba . aayg. They hay mora sense than. , men for the almpla raaaaa that a mart , baa to ba a specialist, and a specialist -baa to ba a fanatic Tha norma) man , all over tba world la a buntar, or a ' flsher, or a back or, or a man of letters, or oom allly thins. If so, ba baa to ba a wlaa bunUa or a wlss banker. But nobody with tba smallsst knowledge of , profaaalenal Ufa would axpaot him to ba 11 a -wlaa man. tut bla wife baa to ba a ' wlaa woman, tha baa to have an ay a onevarytcxr ' rvT Hero ere-a, . -a isai ino t of a certain household baa to know and to do la ona day a abort tlma ago: bo --- bad to halo bar two aona with their '" aohool tasvs, tha ona with bla La tin, tha other wltn bla e-thsmatlos! aha bad to ga Into' ths kiffihen.and gWs tha eook a practical lesson la brsadmaklng. Sha had to dara aoma stockings for ' . bar brood and tha darning" waa ao wall T dona It touted like ambroidanr. -. v, aha bad to make out a market Hat with rsgard both for food valuaa and for tha faot that tha ahoald ' not exceed a oertain aum; aha bad to . dlaouaa athloa at a meeting of bar club. ! . Hearing har amall daughter praotlo ;,. tag at tha piano, aha went Into tha room and rare her a laeeon on tlma that waa -When her husband earn borne la tha evening aha discussed tha political slt uatlon with him InteUlgenUy enough to make him snjoyhlmself and before the family retired aha read a chapter from tha Bible to the young ..folks of Sha beoaa and expounded It Sha waa In no way an extraordinary woman at toast aha didn't eonatder baraalf ao. and har nalghbora do not conaldar bar above tha average; ' bat vary day aha and tba other "women of tba country have to solve problems la a doeen different directions. .They must know bow to manage tha servants; enough about cooking to Im prest Mary Ann; tha beat thing to clean mahogany furniture: bow carpets may be kept bright; tha latent, thing '4a setting7 tha table: how to give ail aorta -lot" function from i -children's dinner party to a very formal dinner; enough theology to raise tha children properly and ta talk to tha minister Trhvn fre aomas to call; something about ovary thing that 1 going oa la the world, -so that sha may converse Intelligently, and last, but by ao means least, bow to snake har husband comfortable. It's a busy life, , that of the house keeper; and as the English crltlo says, compared to It the lire of her husband is a simple thing, oven If he Is making 110.000 a year at tha head of a great bnsinssa -Exchange. X 7 - . ' A LITTLE ,KITCHEN CONFAB. vi - .-7. . v .-v- ' - rr; r There In a fins way to oook liver not : a general use. that makes of that ordi nary article a dish fit for your husband or a king. Some day when you "don't know what ta get to eat.1, try thla: Pour bot water over tha altoed llvar; " let It atand In this for a minute or two; then drain and dry and put la a frying , pan with enough bat batter-or pork fat tTkaaat It from burnlnevTLet It lust strike through In this, taming. Ik.Snd letting H eooa, not mure isu n w Utee. .-,, t- .v ' . Meastlme bar aevsral siloes of baeoa cooking la another frying-pan and while these are acquiring th required erlspl ness, put the liver on a board and cut It Into pleoea amall enough to be eaten without cutting Into "mouthful" as tha. clever' cook who. gave these direc tions would SSjr. ; , ,; Whan the bacon la crisp, put It around the edges of a platter, plans the platter whero It will keep hot, and put the liver la the paa from which you have taken the bacon. ' Let It oook . briskly, stir ring It meanwhile nntU It ta thoroughly well dona. . When It la tender put It In the platter with tha bacon, leaving the gravy In the paa and adding a 'little water to it. If necessary. Thicken this with a tableapoonful of flour or corn starch which you have mads into a smooth pasta with butter - Btlr "this tnto the grsvy In the pan and when It Is dona younave enough' nloa bruwn gravy ta pattrnTarilhs-liTarT Uss salt and pss-t. per at discretion. - Oarnlsh With chopped parsley., and' serr-w- j T To oook onions with tha. above, after removing tha siloes ft baooa from the frying-pan. . Una tha bottom of eame with thinly siloed Mlons and let them cook , four . minutes before adding tha liver, , than oook both together until done.-. ...W.. .r .i---,, Potatoes. ' of ceurse, either Irish or sweet, or both, should aooompany the above ts the table: and a moat fitting and delectable addition tolt Is maahed turnip.. Tbla is eometimea oooked or half cooked out Into dloa and served In a flavorless. ' colorless lukewarm TKJtlldrmrtrhg aaetesUble"wholrJrrir tating and depressing in the extreme. ; If you want to get your money's worth out of this watery vegetable, try tha following: . . , . - Para, alice and wash as many as you Wlah-ta eook; boll until they ara tender make no mistake about that drain off tbs water and wash as yon would po tato; season with butter and a little aweet cream. If you have Us and pepper and salt to taste. ,. . Always winter or aummer eend bot meat or vegetablea to the table la bot dishes -and be sura tba plates on which they are aarved are thoroughly warm, If not hot - Cold dishes kiU the flavor of man an otherwise good meal. v Gathcrlof Mgy Follow; Coors -of New York Board and Disapprove of Pmideng Conn Retarding Corporation- Reculatlotfc : ' .; .; . 4 Utile caution as to the nsa of salt In oooktng may not ba out of place. It isn't the harmless rallsh many suppose; It Is a very drastic mineral, as you will eaaUy discover, by putting a little on a burn or Into a cut la your finger. It Is a stimulant and an Irritant to both nerves and mnoous membrane and its excessive use may lead to kidney trouble. - 4 : . - We put It on meat to ' preserve the tiasua of It unchanged. ' Well, it per forms lust that office In the human body. If taken In. large quantities, and Is Injurious oa that account, as It pre serves old tissues that are better broken down and eliminated. Indeed, perfect health is the equilibrium between the death ef old tissue, or oeiis. and the birth of tha new In the physloal organ Ism. Te maintain that would be to find the elixir -at Ufa Another - objection to excessive salt sating Is that It deadens the organs of taste to more dellcsta flavors, thus rednetnar the nleasures of the taWe very substantlaUy. - besides lessening the senslbUHy-of the aervowa organjxatlon. TcSmmunlcnUonsrtendedfw this column should have Ttealra Feminine In lower left band oorner of envelope. - V v V lr --. - A -v:-,. - :: ' i j i - ' A. ' , 3 tt ... . V- - Q tttfltfxllMltUB-s . i r -t i r ' 4 --v, S3 '-, 3 --r-'"- TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtlttl It' .Hlllllllllllll'll'lllllll'liil-J jrettS PWa j ' in , ...m IMTir C:t-t V ' " ' t cf C'-L-chUU Trimmed With Ermlna. - i National Coard of Trad Dla- CU82S3 Jvi&ny Cubjocts at ..;. Annual Convention. MAY DECLARE AGAINST RAILROAD RATE, BILLS IXrmnmi Snrl.l leiln Washlnrton. D. C- Jan. 1. Delegates representing oommeroiai organisauons throusboat tbs country "are assembled In this city and every train Is bringing additional delegates. They have oome to atund tha annual convention of tha national board of trade, which begins us session here today. . The convention will ooen with an Informal reception and meeting this evening, wnne xne nrw regular business session will be bald to morrow. -. - The convention sromlaes to be un usually tntereetlng owing to the Urge number of Important matters whion win oome .ud for consideration la the ateet- jeota to bo considered Is th question concerning the government oontrol of railroad rates. Numerous resolutions on the subject of railroad rats oontrol in accordance with the suggestions of the committee on interstate coir me roe have been introduced and will be discussed in ths convention. On of the strongest ts by ths New Tork Produce exchange. It declares that It would be detrimental to the commercial Intereata of the coun try to Invest any government commis sion with ths power to make tne rates. and strongly recommends other legisla tion to, correct the evils of rate dis criminations, etc Other resolutions on ths same subject will also be considered which rather favor government control of soma form ef the power to make rail road . ratee. Boston. Ness Tork, Pittsburg, Roranton and Washington have offered resolutions a-tho subject of ship subsidies and de velopment of oar merchant marina. All favor soma measure or measures that would have a tendency - to encourage the development of our merchant marine. although some of the resolutions do not expressly advocate the payment Of sub sidies. All of them point out tha great Importance of an increase of Americans shipping for the oommeroiai aeveiop- ment of the country. Other resolutions which will come up for discussion refer to the consular service, postal affairs, the federal con trol of interstate insurance, tanrr ana reciprocity, river and harbor Improve ments, International arbitration, national currency, - territorial possessions, ths abolishment of the tax -on alcohol for Industrial purposes,- changes in th na tional bankruptcy laws and other sub jects of equal importance. BUFFALO eiU JlODOGES lUROPE-TO-EXCBSSIOiiS- American Showman .Teachea YankoeJrickaloJEngnah and I French Railroad Men. ' ' OmuI SneHal Beivtoa.l -.' ' ' Washington, D. C. Jan. II. "I did some educational work with the rail roads In England - and Franos and showed them how to make soma extra revenue by plan common enough over here, but which. It seems, toey nsa never considered,' remarked "Buffalo Bill" at ths Nsw Wlllard hotel. . "What I nut them onto was our Yankee scheme of - running excursions and making - cheap - rates Tha first provincial, town I was to show la gave tha onnortunltv. I went to the rail road people and said: " 8ee here, I am going to give a great exhibition that ought to attract the people for miles around, and wlU If you will only make a low rate so that tne muiutuaea can UEG.liD:! EruptJsn Ercka Out In tpctt All - Over BodyCaused I Continual Itching for Two Yean Doctor1! ; ' Medicine Did no Good Cured at ; Expense of only $1.25 and Now THANKS CUT1CURA V . COMPLETE CURE received it CX K. and want and bouffct tba Soap, Ointment, and I'Um. The? old ma more good than any madicina I aver tnwd. They cured ma of my skin diseiss, and I am vary thankful to you, Mj , brouUs was aruptioa of tba skin, wpiok broks out in spots all over my body, and caused a continual itching which nearly drove ma wild at times. I got mstUana of a doctor, but it did not cure as, and wban I saw m a paper tout ad., I aant to you for tbs Qutieura book and l stadiM my eaaa in . a want ta tha drug stora and bought ona saka af Cuticura Soap, one box of Cu ticura Ointment, and an vial of Cuts aura POa. From tba Irst application I reeivd rslief. I tswd iha first gat and two extra cakes of Cuticura Boap. and .was oompletely cured. I bad. guffarad for twa years, and I again thank Cuticura for my aura. If you wish, woo i may - pubusb this. Your friend forsver. UaideN. Johnson, Hapla Orovs Farm , R. F. D. 2, Walnut, Kaa Jum 16. XOOS." . !-.f;.;;-'r rv. ' 8cnATCnt BciAToa! ScaiTcal This h tba condition of thousands of kin-tortured net, woman, and children, who may bo instantly relieved and speedily gored by warm baths with Cuticura Soap nnd gen Us applications of Cuticura Oint ment, tba great Skin Cure, and mild doses, of Cuticura Resolvent Pill, whan phvsioisjns and all alas faiL. y .- mt St rm. rM IksCaem.OM, sets attend.' They 'laughed at ma and said they had never beard of such a thing, but finally after muoh eonfablng they agreed to run th excursion trains, pro vided , I'd guarantee . so much money, which I did. - , . . r - "The result waa a wuecess even be yond my dreams. -1 had flaming, big ads. stuck tip ' everywhere, and oa the dav of tha show the crowds poured la just as I had figured-' After that It was an aaay matter to get the excursions, and : I never was asked again for a guarantee.' ; . ' -y-.- TRANSFERRING ELECTRIC fgpeelsl Dlspstek te The learaatl.V Vnram Or Jul it. Deeds - were .mAm. nut here ' today transferring ths of the lams County Efleotrlo y. . - coTOpanx.razPnrcnasejyjuis Rhodes, Blnklsr A Botcher syndicate, to k. vrlMamatl. VU1.V rairiTnT. ' JkM soon as th local water plsat la form alls- turn eo over in ui new jwruiimavi - .1... ii k Amam& ta the- Willamette Valley company. A. Welch, general manager of the company, went to Al bany today to fix up the deeds trans ferring tbs light ana water plants mere to ths Mr corporation and will go from i ..), fnm ih. uml narnua The eleotrlo and gas plants at Salem, the electric plant at Sllvertou and others owned by the Rhodes, B Inkier eV Butcher yileat-wUl also be deeded to -the WllUmette VaUey company,- and - all win h. ii.Im tha eame aranaral manasre ment, each with local managers. It Is uia to oe ine intsniion vuv ng pany to purchase many other electric - nl.nt. in K vellav In tha near future, forming on of th largest oomoinauona n am wvet. , 7i Universal Remedy Pains in theBaclt Fbr pdni'fa th tegkm of Ch Kid nrji or for a Wtai Bmtk tha plaater hotiM be applied m ihgeyn im flltnv mnaCf- sJssrVsl Tbey are She ortesssd sad res eqnalM eh m pais eeser ' era n 'if l - aver M ad hare aever bt v. pondPGtli's Pills Tonic, Tba Ctn-t Blood rurtVr - For Coasfipari . Bk Hedcba,Dl,sainm, lmrjestioav etc. 1 . M K . sasaaisb e . SMg awaa - WWW - . 1 FOR TI113 UALII ; Ah IKK IHU UAin A little " BATHASWEtvT" makes bard water toft as rautwater. It perfumes, refreshes and' Invigorates ; Cleanses tha pores and PREVENTS all OD)R from perspiration. Plsaty la sack bn IbrWUtat. fries 25a. tha BATNASWECT RICZ TCWCER beat toilet powder, andseptlcaDy pura, hsalthful, daintUy perrumed. Heals charmed (ace and hands.. Ex- ceUent after shaving. Csfy pswfJsr ftrlkafcy. FrleaZS. ' i x v - -r ; ; Uzlzs ycu itroa'Iover cf njuilc II yea ere, htre Is tha for cvcrycn residing In Portland to secure for their own hcrda cna ; . ' these clear soii"lnz, sweat toned and tireless cntrrt-Unirse ' , A $7.50 Columbi; Uraphpphone AbsplutelyFreir to Old and New Portland Readers of the Journal . V -t: . : Bv aoeclaJ arransrement with th Columbia Phonocraph Compatir, Z71 WaaUrrton it 'atreeVTho Journal la enabled to make thla extraordinary offer to both old and new aub-v 3 ! Cribera, Our aolicltor will rill fTtd Tnar.hltiv-in-sv : faw awsvorrf-worf---. , ; ; want tbia Oraphophone immediately cut out the attached coupon and mail to the Circulation r J Department : .",' .fTv,S!: '''' -.t Vf.T-..'' a:. - A. ; v: l: , f : v MAIL THIS IN TODAYS NOT TOMORROW .;. This Offer Is ; Only Good in the Cit of ; r Portland ... I,. i ' C0l?a C7; CwOY ' : i .. " . - x To. TIJE JOURNAL, L - I'M- ; f i -: -"Fifth and Yamhm Streetat -yr Pleaae aend solicitor to my addreaa to explain FltSS 'grapkophons ; offkr, .;' ;.. :i-HHy'---i Name.;. Addreaa . .' ... ...... J, e vvMMMMM M MMMMMMMMMMMIM UI.IQUE DEATH RECORD OF . 17ashi::sto:i Tog : Fourteen Cravea In Wilson Creek Cemetery TWelve ', of Ocou. ; : panta Met Violent Deatha. X wtieon OMk. WuL Jan. . ltPar kana iTm n tha aiumit MAOrda af via. l. Amtttm lm heM-tiv hla--lewu ef about SOS innanitania ana leas uu m year eld.- Fourteen gTaves ar in ua oemeiery an4 only twa of tba occupants dlsd rrom natural causea i rernaps iae saddest of ail the accidental deaths was Thecnishlag of "a small child by a which Aad been placed on top of aa Otnsr Ovunier. ' sevnai wuium wr plar tg In ths vicinity and all wars out . mmnmnt thla little flbild. ' . , Anions tha other deaths were ana suicide by msrpune, ' two - auiea on 1 railroad, ' one during " . child- kU.k fim Ma a rfV .AW. A A Ml. MB had UU WU. . W M V T hia neck broken recently by falling from a wagon and several . other violent deaths from various causes. CIRCUIT COURT BEGINS - - SESSION AT PENDLETON ' : ; ' 1 " ''A . "... (Special Pupated e Jestaal.) Pendleton. Or Jan. It. The January term of the circuit sourt for Umatilla county convened yesterday. Judge W. TL EUle presiding. Not much waa dona after tha docket was gons over and the various eases set for tha term. "A - plea of guilty waa entered by A. Testers, socused of horse stealing, nen tenee will be pronounced upon hint tha last of tha week. - . - Sidney Warren ef Weston, scooted at perjury, has entered a plea of guilty, snd tha passing of sentenced was post poned. I Charles Bands pleaded guilty to point Ing a gun at anotbsr party 'and was fined 160, and aentenoed to (0 days la ths eounty Jail. ':. , ;. . :, , FREEWATER ORGANIZES "r ; A COMMERCIAL CLUB '' SBeSBSBWBaBBBWBSBnSaS ' ' (Wui Dispatch ta Te Journal.) ' ' 1 ' Free water, Or., Jsn It. A Commer cial club has bean organised In Free water with a membership of mora than 16. Tha following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, John a Vinson; secretary Miles Ovsrholt; treasurer, 7. H. Hall. v. -. . a committee "of five members of tha club was appointed to Interview ths officials of ths proposed railway from Wallula to Walla Walla by the North ern Pacific and was Instructed to offer them a light of way for a station at this place. Railroad officiate atate that tha road - la assured and say that a double track wlU be built through ths Hudson Bay country and that It la the teat grade that can na found.. ..t.. Sho XUnd Ton Esre lwj CorcLt, tad Las btzx - in naa tor orur CO yestrey lJbpmisLs-ixm-xS and Laa been made under til pa. i faffxtr&fyjfc aonal Baztarrls&oa aSaee) t txZzne?,- -' '4CAJ: AIlownooii6todelTronlaC43a r An Coanterfelts. ImttaHona and Jnat good are tx) ' ' Znfants and C?.'isCijfirlWM?f afainas ypflrrrt "' UNIOltCOUNTYS -REPORT ' SHOWS, LARGE SAVING (eeelel tMspstiil k Tfce foereaLl Lav Orande. Or. Jan. - H. County Clerk J. B. ' Qllhara has Just completed his annual statement of the eounty af fairs for tha year - ltOi. . Just closed. The grand total Is found ta beJil.IOO.t4 for expenses of all kinds for the yes? snd with the smount spent for new furniture for the courthouse, 14,000, end 7e.t donated to the Lewis and CUrk fair exhibit, it Is found thai an actual saving "ef over tha year before baa been effected. - UMATILLA INDIANS ARE' BEING FURMSHED LIC'JCH ' (Hpa PajsetiSi te Tee J ll -Pendleton, Or, Jan. It., el' liquor to Indians on ths Utt vatlon eon tl noes te go en. appearing before the so terday an tha jftrtuCri t I .... , ' tl I J What lo CASTORIA OMtmia la a harmlesa aabstittr'e fbr Oaator C3sTr 1L coric Drops and Soothing1 Syrnpfe It la netxxzX I) eontalna neither Opiozn. Zorphlno nor other TZzrtz 'T abaUnoe. IU ac I Its ffttarantee. It deatrors TTorm - and tuiaya rorerlalmeaa. It eorea'DiarrBosa and 7i-l , .. 'olloJ It relierea Teethtngr Troablee earea Oonst$aaa . ' 1 and Flatnlenoy. - It asalmllavtea the Food, rez&ztzM ; etomacn and Dowels, sirmaj healthy tvnd natarxl ' ; Che Children j eUUecea--Tha Uother'a Friende-'; 7" ; ocrjuiNQ CASTOR! A LV7V Bean tha Cnxtsra cf Tbo Kind You Ha?o Aluays Ccls -r" . f. In Uta For Over CO Ycirc. . - Wa treat successfully an private ' Vaul w1 Ahmnifl dlseaaea of men: " blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and , wroat trouoies. ws cure .iirtuun wlthoot mercurf) to stayeured for ever. We remove BTRICTTTR t wttb out ope ratio or pain. In IS daya . ,. . ws stop . a rains, nignt loesea ana , spermatorrhea by a new method " short time, we oan restore tne visor of any man under SO bv m local treatment peculiar to ourselves. we aaa o4ll t s sexual neans ef ,Wd Cure Gonorrhoea Tne aoetors or thla institute are ai regular graduates, bsve had many ' years' experience, have been known la Portland for.14 ears, hsvs a reputation to maintain, ana wlU undertake no ease , nnless certain cure can be effected. " - We guarantee a cure In every case war undertake or charge no fee. Consults-1 tlon free. Letters confidential Ins true-V tlvs BOOK FOR HhJi mailed free ta- plain wrapper,, A ' Wa cure the worat eases of piles la two or. three treatments, without opera. ' ... tlon. Cure guaranteed. . ., If yo sssfuL OOoa hours, t ta I and T ta t. ; -: ( V;. ::.. J V i t aaU a oAo writs Sot ,2eatto aundays and rV It t) DR. W. MO IJT0M-' r r COoee M Tan r-y CatJ. Z", T a c tie y '-r f -re 1 llTt If ' t I 1 i