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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1906)
j i ... k.. ,. il eker...,. hmyln.., l.irle...... rautagos , Star ...... Oraad .... x5:cszri Arr:z3nitTi.- i ....... . . . Ma-tcal Burlesque ........ tfr Marnaie vow .....,."U till ef Crlaia' inwi .................. Vauuerti ......ViultllUt : An Independent oil refinery in Port- tana. , If properly managed. . would par . for Itself tn about a year, said Will M. jrauikner. a former employe In fort' land of the Standard 011 cotnpanr, who delivered a. lecture on the Iniquities of that company .before a largs . .. , at tn Marquam Grand theatre last even- .- In.- - Such a - refinery, ha . continued, " would areatly reduce the local price of oil. According to Mr. Faulkner's state- . . jnent Portland pay a Xreit&t cnargs of 40 cents on five gallons, the product presumably ' being as ' eastern . but - tn reality a California product, upon- which the company pay a f-4git oharga of -About 1 nnnt per. salUm. TflS-lecturer dilated upon the abuses of tha oil com- -pany, eipec tally Its. practice, ot having various - prices . for oil when -fighting The annual banquet of Portland lodge - No. sot, Fraternal. Brotherhood, will : be held tomorrow afternoon at the Jm pe rial hotel. Immediately - after -the "' regular meeting of the lodge the of - Doer and members will adjourn to the ,, hotel. William Illff will officiate as toaatmaster. Toaete are to be responded v to as rouows: rns Laiea." w. J. Haodcock; ."The ' Gentlemen," Bister ',';. Murrayi "Ths 'Drill- Team.'' C. - D. ' Fowler; ,The Portland Lodge," D. R. Idd; "Greater PortJd"UT.JJ. Butord; , "Fraternity," B. A MUner; "The Of. - fleers," Dr.. Kelferi"The-Preea,"-lster - aoUhallj'SocUla.- J. J. Jeffries. .'At a special meeting of th congr 1 v getion Beth Israel last night ths board .. f of trustees was given charge of se lecting a suocessor to Dr. Stephen 8. j. , Wise, who resigned the position of 1 rabbi af ths synagogue to lead an lnde- ; pendent movement in New Tort Pres l v Went Wolfe of tha board of trustees . . . was eiectea chairman ox a apeoiai eom :--" raKtee and Joseph Simon secretary. Several eloauent Jewish rabbis will he - - - brought to Portland from larger dtletyi aa possible auooessora to Dr.. wta. . -Mrs. I'A. McOrsgor. aged TOT years, a pioneer of Oregon, vras operated upon : for appendicitis oa December It, re ' fusing to take an anaesthetic. . Tha sur- j geen resorted to spinal anasthsla.'Mra. t . MoOregor was oonaoious throughout the tlm consumed bi tha operation.' which - - - too place at at. Vincents hospital, and i mad Inquiries regarding It It la con sidered aa one of the moat remarkable , ..7T surgical cases In ' Portland's hospital , records. Th patient lsft th hospital i Monday last.' -'''; " ;. Mineral Springs Hotel Co.. lessees. iMAfl n Ma,f... a-. at , r. I son, Washington, Is without doubt the EM Asaertg Her HnsUnd Own best healtv resort In tn northwest. Hot ''if .'r i 'nUrJLk. '"m,n7 " ig.X mineral baths for tha cur of rheums- Her for Bcgeeraewt IXgdd JJ!mM-.,w,V A, v,? J14". " Prior t BesiorJnt of Divorc Pro- light and steam hcat TtkiH,rniiir t eeedlnn Affartw Cans. ' tlMl SSl'iJFmMin ti.lii Hi ! i, Tha liquor license committee yester day refused - Harry Bowaal, formerly proprietor of the notorious SI Bay an - - loon, a license to reopen th place. Se- sral licenses . were Issued as follows: ' Thomas MoNemee, 111 Morrison etreet; ' H. B. Pine, Randolph and Water streets; F. Storey, i North Third etreet; JKleln '4' Neumann, tt) Seeond street) A.' Mo ' ser, SO Aider street; Sebastian Nat schu. tl First street; L. T rummer V Co., 01 Burnstds street; W, Manning; - Third tret,-',. . ;: , i Th larg wholssat and retail fish deejers yesterday war instrumental in ' saeurtng ths recommendation of the lloens oommlttee to paas an ordinance licensing transient nsb dealers and padV dlers-11 a year,' It 4a Mld the'loeal : dealer desire to -prohibit peddler' who -i.llve outslds th city bringing flsh to Portland and flooding tb market. Th " regular dealers pay both taxes and Lt city aina.rar"isr"lhdugnt 1 tha ordl , nanc will pass at tha council meeting A silver oolleoUon U t b taken tip at a oholr concert to be given at th Marquam Grand theatre an th after , ' noon of February 11.' Th eontrlbutldn will be for a fund to raise a debt hang ing over tha A. M. B. Bion church. Thlr- teenth and Main streets. Rev. Oeorg B. Jackson pastor, - Th concert will be un- , der th direction of th choir of that . church. Those f other Portland con 1 gregatlona will take- part In the pro- i ' Th Portland lumber association has - . ordered from Bam Oldsr of Balsm tt. -. seta, of seven samples each, of Ore gon fir, polished in such a nianner aa 10 anow tn train and fiber or th wood. The sets, tha pieces of which measure . T by It Inches, are intended for dis tribution among th architects of th " east, where builders can see for them' - selves to what uses Oregon fly oaa be . put' for building purposes. ; , : , f Xtrr transfer changes have recently keen i on tie 1 hallway eotr" r ' l and It la rw r-osslbre to t. . r t. j a t .ncn 1.js onto S branom On of tae chac -e made permits one to trsnslsr to ths Portland; Heights car from tboa coming In from! Willamette Heights or on th Sixteenth atrael Una. , , - . . , 1 . t L,..-iL.ilTr -v" f dred cr.i nrty Doilarv' If he can buy tha lowland bordering on Guild s lake, it is the intention of Lafe Pane to fill them, and a portion of tha lake, with th dirt , he will wash down by hydraulic means from tha bills west of tha city, which he has eon. . - w i arejiuiipsi vv allay Cottle eeUts la Baa Francisco. WAS HERS aawwa . f .gw. MnBtrVrDUKn Will M me - - . , . . ..a t tsll(Lastot irf-thaJDMgon-IPrail t" M,r ror bytrtauronthl.IlZs'T fllvorc from -8yWStr-rart-M A. Thompson of Sellwood will preach I agrmnt , waa mad that the case I and preside, Rev, p. H. Hare will chat g I should not b contested and that the we paswr ana ner. , M. onarp of I husband shouU have ell th real prop Mount Tabor will charge the people., r. jrty. This agreement waa mad oa T.mni-,TJ? iV? !. I? ? Important part tn a suit tried befor Tempi Saturday nlghT It la evident 1 3uAmtl Kar. !,., 0ln. rsrrse hvlnr I Ha.ttan. ll .Vl - .Til -7 a Tt i I 'T. TOT 7ft0 b 10 M U TOT wwwtilW wmnuw .anVliniaV tha df..aM.a.u. iU. - -- Ik S.nEo M Wsldorf boardlng-housa. I4T Thlrtnth trt. ,"i .f - ; .'. Ferree alleges 'that on th flat the! ,: Attorney Robert Oalloway this morn - tng filed and had proven th will of .- Mra Jane McQulr. who died in this .city December 11, 101, lea-ring property said to be valued at 1 !,.- The prop- erty is wium to a oaugnter. Mra Rich .. ard Becker, formerly Winona MoQulra, with th exeeptton of 10, of which Rob ert Edward MoQulra, a nephew of Mrs. r McQulre, receives It, and niece, Mrs. .Nellie Flanders, i. . .. v, '.. ..,.; . John A. Cooper, a young , business man Of Salem, and MTss Basel Creek of Oswego were married laat svenlng In tn onica or ur. Oliver o. Fletcher In ' 'th Allsky building. Rev. Dr. D. B. Gray of ths University Park Congregational . t church officiating: Dr. Fletcher, wh) . was a college acquaintance of tha brld i and groom, gav th couple a wedding dinner, a ' . , . .-- .,..: .v WiX Moxon. F. I. Moxon "anaT IB V. Parker hav filed articles of Incorpora tion xor in bl jonns this. Abstract A Trust oompany. . Tb stock, will bs dl- vroeo into . suv - snares, valued at lit '" Hungry ' businsss men,; aa 'well as toilers Of. all classes; will now And It to tneir advantage to try. Morris' new ' Quick Lunch House. located In. ths I'Sbbe 'block.- ion "Washington between '. First and Second. Prices, servlos and cooking will suit both th wealthy and - . il..1 . ' '. ; ... .A - O I Lai : BsgaUt Ma StisV '" reasrvanfl annual -eetlne: 4ha Canadian l.-PT L'IV' l"m"Z Boolty of Oregon will be held in JElks" 7 rnTtnrain dtsp'trsnd sold It to iwaninaJ'tSilw h, wife fw ,71. flh agreed to pay Tmri ri", :d,i!f TJ" if W- w. yr. from data and-if ah. h- w 7, ' I soia tn property neior itoi tt sneuia -ranged. ? All Canadians are 1 -,m m.. tn. .ur. ..m Th furniture was-gold several weeks Articles of lnoorooratlon for J . SXaf m."r I' n Dlmmlck. who when she secured her In the county clerk office br n. K. I . . . ' . , . . - - wwH--i U-M HHUU.II 1M.UJ-, till be innll f," m,rnlB t'xJI that tha axgeement ? ;apital utocU wW j had been made only In order that tt Fruit and Shade Tree-Ws have a I "LfT "L"I "r. .7: ".1 fine lot of all kinds of trees, shrub. I . ''r'Z-Z' J "1, , CKrt. "i ! Hufford. Ferree s attorney.' strongly ' h wTi 'S.1 '"'J disputed this claim. While wn th wlt' see eur stock or phono Mala 471 and I .... m.. miM. ,.I,.. .v... aak our tree mas about them. Portland thrfirntturVwa. Ther. befor the sgrU- 5 .. .. ,, ,. -v.- - mailt was made. She not anlv denied ' " ' . ' 2 '?' "1 1 'Z I B,r frmr husband's claim of I7lt, but Mr. Phil I o Oavurta ef Gevurta aV Son. I .n.-- .v. k. .. . left last evening for aa extended eastern and lodging. . having stayed at her business trip. He will visit Chlcaao. I ZmiTZ ,1 . WJrr.?IhUadi?h'- 5p,,1,J W . HOI at lti a month: 'flh SI. . wHwIver" 1011 ( he did not par On cent. . In w -" oaica ; ,' - I a.nyln-r this eharsra. Ferracaald; v . i 'i'i,. . , , " .-''-v- I .'-fih owes me money on that -alaaLr 2 Tha Zutka Manufacturtngf 'oomoanv. I..i ... .i... ... ... 5r. .K8Ui,V ope" TOt the house before tb Urn waa for business at tb old stand. All con- I ,. tahlnK I ha tiL . lf ..t- . !?fL7 wlU "Were you not staying at th bona prompUf aa Posslbls. I tryina to net her to mam- rou acalnT" Dr. BUphan &, Wis will dellvar an "SL II SThl "2-- S?f 1? ?lJ , J??Z? -Ida May Ferree waa grsntad a divorce i.tT.,, tJ. r!r' NlB Arthur U Fraasr on March 4, 1104. Ths teenth and Johnson streets. f f-, rerrees were married at Grant Pass, wai-tatw-i-T: I Oregon, in October. 1 St J. In th ton Watches, Watches. Watchea On easr I , u-a k. . T. weekly payments. . tl down. ner I i. w. sv-.A. .u..i week.- Don't so without a aood Mm.. I ...... .... ...w."!.. u.. . ..T. pla.-MW A 0; 1 Blitk gtraet: Ur--Vn Crw ' ' I '..'J 1 " ' I threatened to kill her. Tha agreement Why pay tt to lit for eyeslasseetl .., . i. Wa suarante a perfect Tit for 11. Byes Mid to bar provided that In the event SSll!' MeU"r " of Mrs. Ferrers applying for a divore BlXtn Otr.- ; :' . ; .. ,; . I aha arm. not. to daman anv rail am-. W clean ana press your olathd and I . 1.. .u ... .r. .. . shtoaFoutshoaa for V,!.9. month, si: ths osU of the autt. tt is also al I?1 qut.T'ilo!in Ck ,4T -Washington. i.gM to have been gTeed that If the a- f--.:.. i I dlvnm. w.. allawu aha was to ault- .1.1. v..... .n, l.t.M.t ah. nl-bt 1 Oeld medal a for lawn graas And sweet I h.v. had l. the real aronart atandina peeAPutsarsaetomslllICJToat in his name or belonging to him. . iK ' ; --;" , During the discussion regarding th 'Merchant lunck !0o 11 to . " IIT agreement. Judge BeaVs said that he waa Washington. . - - v 0f th opinion that a husband and wlf . ,:v, ' . . .. ,. I might make aa agreement regarding th Dr, B. C. BroWn, Xya-Xan Marquam. I dlvUlon of property. QUITS LONG SERVICE . TO GO INTO BUSINESS . , ' ' ' . O. W. Taylor, unta recently assistant superintendent of th Southern Pacific Has In Oregon, haa severed his connec tion with th railroad company and has become Identified with th firm, of Hart- man. Thomnson A Powers. - Mr. Taylor's resignation became effective . January If. and be immediately began his new flutl."- .., ... Mr, Taylor wa connected with th Portland Tarn ale fsotory, ltd Park at L' Big? aho sal. Marks flho Co Ask for Frltaa tamalsa ' IVOULD SAVE K5USEIVIVES : LFR0L1 SCLICIT08S . ana an.. 1 a a I . A WF wvnilWs.m-W WltU all Retail Qrocert Past Rttolutlons I Southern pacif io in poniand for tt ' I L.IJUa aa.a.lla-.a - - Denouncing House to House Canvass for Orders. ,- years, holding various positions from dispatcher and chief dispatcher up to I that of assistant superintendent In- his new position ha will hav I charge of th real eatate and Investment I denartmant of the ' firm , of Hartman. in order to savs housewives from th I Thompton at Powers. . Ha believes that worry and bother of Insistent solicits-1 the field offer wider possibilities and tlon th Retail Grocers' association I greater opportunities than connection last night passed resolutions d.nouna. I wltn th railroad oompany. Tortland Is becoming- a great otty I and tha opportunities ner ar unllm- A r f ' O , , w .... v . r v I? cm. Clearance Solo of 7cn:cn'G -R.c?iccato 'til tssrea's Itlt cr fch katbwri" 1 tcxcf;actt,VlaiteJ and tibt-lCrJrs styls-- ctrcrrt every wcran finis csc!i cats f zrTtxt. Oxfords, olives, tlack sad glO.CO Rc!?xetts rt 'g 6.65 S14.CO Rabcosti ct $ 9.25 $35.00 Uaiacctts ttt Sl73S $30.0q tUIacoitts ct jZOAS $12X3 Ht!-te-n rt $ T.C5 " $16.50 Uf8-t rt $ioTas $22.50 Hr -ri a ct $15.25 $20X3 Ur-sots ct 019.25 $42.00 iU -zctU ct $f55 TTen's tiauti, uct sijrica, all sixes. uica TSJUCS gt . - y tTea's t!3.50 Rafccctts 5 9.65 11 '- - Men's St 0X0 Rt:scat $14.69 l:ta't $15.00 tlaiacosU 3755 "HrMaa's t25C0Rt' tcoaa tl5M Klfa'a $13.00 feaiacoats $14. 15 : Men,aC20r'at$2LflS Women'-Jacket Suits; the very newest and most approved Itylei in chrriott, " sergei, broadcloths and mixtures, fancy braid and' simp trimmed; all tha v- latest shades; wonderful valuea t theie special low prices ..'- $16.50 suittfor:::.i;$ri .t:.: $ 19.C0 $30.00 Ztt tsr 1 21X0 Oseraiace c Sd.a to 1 100 - 1 t " " T $22.50 $id;t tor $16.65 $2r.00 Snits for $10.90 5 Alt Walking and Dress Skirt at low clearanea tala orices. "All Evening Costumes and Wrapt at greatly reduced price. nAtHYaiiU, yetticokts, Wrapper! sndKtmnWTircleafaBc lg prices. Clcaranco Sdo of Tabid and Dcd Linens ; 7t-lnch Bleached Satin Damask i Tabie Linen, the ILU grade, for tna low.prio or, - ... per yard ..WC Bleached - Sarin Damask Tabl Linen, best patterns: regular - tl tl valua , on sal at noi par yard ............ ).,.7W Bleached Satin Damask Tabl ; Linen; regular 11.10 f mt "r" grad-Tard . . . . . . . w I O Bleached ' SatinDamak Tabls Linen, II Inches .wide; regular yard ,..,...;..V...J1.33 r'r All gradss of Tabl - Damask marked v at , th lowest - clearance sal pride. All Napkins at clear, "anoa , price.; All Dollies, Tray cloths and ' Tabl Bets - at low elearaaoa price.. ,. Full slse White Warssllles pat ,t tarn Bedspreadst - rsgular 11.11 grade. On sal at a - . - tha low prie ot aach.'Jjt aH Full sis White Marseilles pat- tern Bedspreads, beautiful pat terns: . regular 11.00 : grade On sals for, . v .j e ' each '.',.- ewi-f Fringed Whits-Marseilles pattern Bedspraadst tha . regular 11-00 . grades. , On sals at . a. a a this low prloe. each... 1.00 11.71 White , Marseille Spreads 11.11 Whits MsTsalllaaBprwada for low priO Oft --tay-a, a - ' each ...V.. 2.40 Cloaranco Sab of Womca'c T Hodory ; , , TAKr ADVANTACtt Women' all-ribbed cashmere Ho, one. son quality, eiaetio, all sises; beat iOo values on sale for, pair,. 4. C Woman' heavyweight black cotton Hose. Hermsdorf dye. doubl heel, . to and sole; best 60 quai It- ity at, pair........... JC Woman' fleece-ltned Hose, very elas- tic. plain or ribbed, ail alses; our eaoh vain on aai xor, Qg Woman's heavyweight, fleeea-llned Hose, hem ton, white eole; our most. popular taa number, , on sale for, pair.. ........ ...a? a C Women' fleece-lined . ' Ho, Bn 39c nun. silk flaana. ham or rib tan. si sues, ineiuaing out-aisss; tOo vaiuea on sals for, pair All our iOo and tKo embroidered lisle Hosa and lace Hose; a complete line of stylss and alses, all nsw and . desirable hosiery; exceptional vnl . uee at this sxceptionally low Q price of. psir. ...... ......... '- All our 11.04 embroidered and- an. lace uale Hose, pair.,....,.. -v All our 11 1? embroldsred and Qftu. iaoe usi Hose, jair, Odd let children' cashmere 191,. , Hose; vaiues to 40a, pair. .. eyTaV Cntir stock of misses . borr and children' Hos at aal prices. . Ectrtj ttoc!c t!ta 1 Iccj Oa35CDo 3000 dcxen NewCtvIIforcia fa'jtvcl Ona,Th) 4Qc tlxa and r-idLty on sals for a lew ttgys at ta lowrriccf ticx.. I oans Carnation Cream..,.. -IS 10 pound Orabam Flour. ....ton Van Camp's Catsup, bonis... too 1 lb. Royal Baking Pwder...40 f lbs. Paper Shell Almonds. ..SSe 1-lb. Jar Long's Jam... to 10 lbs. rellow Cornmaal a. 10 Iba steeljut Oatmeal.... .40 pkge. Malta Vita.. ,.. pkga ,Orape-Nu.t SSe 1-Ib. can Shrimps ........... .loo t ' cans of Smith's Kippered Herring for Boa It lba Granulated Sugar. . .SUM A. A W. Corn, can,. S Alpha fancy Maine Corn, I - cans...... r......,.IS t cans Hulled Hominy ...,,.S3 1 can Custard Pumpkins,,.. asa 1 Jar Ubby-s Siloed Beef ,,,,- t cans Amaaon Peaches. . . . ..Mo Baker's - uuswsatened Chooo- -- late , Qt. McNally CaL Olive OI1....TI Pint McNally'a CaL Olive 01I.40 C. B. Lucca Oil ...........So t-lb. pkg. Domino Sugar..., ..oo lt-oa. Jar Qusen Olives.. l-oa. Jar -Qusen Olives ....... .10 Mb. can Mount Hood Lard. .. o Jl-lb. can Baker's Cocoa toe 1-lb. can Baker's Cocoa. ....40 Plus Label Catsup, bottls. . . . .no ltOI all-MUcher Herring, keg$l.lS pkga Prese Rica Popcorn, pound ......... 6 Meter a) Frank's faanoa Kteta . . aad Java Oogee, equal to tha best 40 grade sola 1- jjj. atte, Joand ........... JV "Victor" Flour, none batter at any - price, te-lb. sack ...SLM Mw California Walnuts; great ... special value, pound .......U 'yiTOamoTttV Sewfag rvlachlaes-15 ModU at prion frora $15.00 to $35.00 Each Trunks and Trovelins Bsjcs Every sood size and style Third Floor - AgantTTbr tha ' Pmlnsnlar'' Stovts and Stsal Ranges -10 years' gaarantae V ' Ar.istic Fictnre Framing to your order at the very lowest prices - ? v Clearance Sate of Boys Closing r Entire stock pf boys' Sailor, Blouaa .and Eton Suits."Thit season's best stylet and materials in all sgev Second Floor. . . : ,r',.i v.,..- :: .00 Talues. .,..2.98 7.00 values..... 5.80 JO values a,.,S.20 - 7J0 values.,.. .86.15 g.00 values..;.f3.85r $gjo ralues....,8T.15 .00 values., .f 4.80 - Bis; variety, - y ; vv " Entire stock little boys' Overcoats in the newest and ' prettiest styles ; and . serviceable materials. Aces 2 to 6 years." ",' ;." $3.00 values... "..f 8.98 16.00 values... ..4.88 I3J0 values.,... 88.40 . 6.50 values... ..88.15 S4.00 values.,...f 8.98 . $70 values.. .. .$6.20 15.00 values..... f 3.95.; Entire stock included. - Boys ' special school Suits and Norfolk suit. Very best styles for boys up to 12 years of age. , t2.50 8ults. . .. ..81.T3'. 3.00 Suits. ... ,.81.98 $3J0,$3J5 Suits. 83.48 1 14.00 Suits...... 82.98 S.0O Suits,..,, , 84.85 $5.00 Suits.. ....83.95 $7JJ0 Suits.,,...fe.l5 Entirs Stock Boys Suits end Overcoats at clearance sale prices. . : Entire stock young men's Suits in all tha lead ing styles for young men 16 to 20 years of age, 1 tlOJW Suits.... '.98.60 $lg.of Suits. .V. 818.35 $12.00 Suits.... .99.95 $20.00 8uits....916.80 $1100 Suits.... f 13.60 $2i50 Suits.. ..$17.95 Young Men's Overcoats st low prices, . - ' Ing tb praotltoe of eertala snann- ....... . ... . . I sou UI vu-ur. . J-l,. Jl: wL . y I nJ " n ' " - that on can ending agents from- nous to bous tolaa ttta. in a line for himuir ,.. ,. wvwiu unim .p, nrauo wares. .- r ,i remaining in tn servioe or soms on it nas nssn tna custom of osrtain I else." manufactursra, aooordtng to tb reUUl grocer, to attempt to tntroduc tbelr wares directly -into tno homes by em ploying solloltors who would sell orders for ths goods to ths housewives and In h,f av.v Vam. . K. at.. . - - T " l ' . ,. ... , i t .... . handle them. Th dealer declare that I "v. w.woiiuii miwiiiuyow vy 10 per esnt of such orders are I opening sernion tun morning at me I ,. . : U..a bogua and- last night decided that no I convention or tna coiumota Central iAi.ioout.pwra ; i.i moiiuui. nvu more would be'fllled nnlees aceompanled theran league in Bt James Lutheran by oaah. ; - - - -,ir j church. At tomorrow's session routln At th meeting resolutions wsre also buslnss of ths league will be trans- adopted denouncing th practice of Mted. Paper wiu also b read and dis cs rtaln local -nanuracturer of macaroni I cusslons will follow.: Officers Will be In giving short wolshta ., . . lalected at tomorrow's session. a v W m. ' v . - t . w ' - ' To be safe la rrULtj t ; bsr;sins on Clc r . Shoes f o to TII13 IULL -"DLE STORES C? y , JOJT2IMT dutlisied foi ; the lsrt 12 years, his . pstrons suytj with him V ever , since hs. surted, just on account cf ; his honest dealing.7 , -r r " v - A-special reduction- criis ; on the entire line of tlEH3 srid YOUTHS' CLOTliri vrith'm wriersliine' 'ct' SHOE3, sTso BLANKETS, ; - COtlFOETEHS, -; and SUIT CASES. 4 Running Two Stores Southwest Corner First ac3 , 4 Yamhill and Southwest Cor ner Third and Davis Streets ;.-- ' sJlaslUUTW. . SKATDIG EIUK Fancy Battle cud CTj Skating Wednesday r?:z Night '--. . APOLLO RIM Skating Morning,7 Afternoca . and 11 veiling. y;.y RINK SEVENTH AND OA1X LUTHERANS MEET IN " CONVENTION! DETECTIVES UNEARTH El : SORT OF SWINDLE Canvass Town, It la Alleged, . ForrriTng Clubs. '....----a ' . v Detectives ar searching for H. O. " Two loeal groosry nrms wr ad- Tomorrow evening ther will be a ,rzZ, . 'l, Z mT,I .u.Vi Mallsy and Pomeroy a. Burns. bVR' ' K' t--I.0J-.nor. who ara aald to have operate. poStJh -te-ri: balSevIn'thid'T: Orocers' association, will leave tonight ' services. for Niagara Falls to attend It He Is I Tb convention will. bo concluded on under Instruction to support ths at-1 Thursday. Wbsn tns annual English eon tempt to secure th enactment of a na-1 ferenc of tha Pacific synod will be oral hundred dollar by their operations and It Is feared that they left tha city Thursday. Whsn ths annual English eon- "? " ZSTZ SLtA thSi ti.i Parm- amim .tit k. I bfr thls vlotlms rsaiiaM that tnsy tlonal pur food law.- AeonferencT. Vmo wll'I bs hd ?" AQUATI& CONTEST AT "; THE Y. M. C. A. TONIGHT wimming and divinsrgonieets win h I peia at the r. M. o. A. swlmmlng-tank tonight Th evsnts and antrlea will be a follows: : - I IS-yard swim W. Ughty, L. ptnkham, I roTDSs. H. L.rvinritone. r. Perkins. R. Davidson. " ' . rsncy dlvingP. Llehtv. C. W. Carl-1 son. i at anion. It-yard swim. l- C. Tslt, Jf.- Hart' snsn, W. Rosa, M. Isaysr, R. Davidson. - Diving for dUtance 0or Latimer. a. T Carlson, D. Irvtns, J. .Qstes. C. W. I Carlson. A. afaeKensle, A,. Heater, F. I A. Perkins. I Prry. , 7 r ' - I Diving for objects George Latimer, I Hartman, u. x. carison. p. struck. held. preached Thursday evening by Rev. H. A. W. Tung. W. Rosa, G, W. Carlson, A. Heater, F. rerKina,- ia atanion. v. wetteroorg, L. perry, A. asacKsnsi. 100-yard wltn J. C. Talt, D. Irvine, Plnkhaaa la. Ifetrer V. W-l,,k- K. lngon. ..... . L The last svsnt will be an' zhlbltton Wster' nolo gam 1 by members ef th TES OBXeOS WATIS P0WXS .. SAttWAV OOltPaaT.- ' .HOTEaU IEvSTACADA BATES t :?'C n amor rsosi soTnrsM a. tee-Hat Wltb areeMat.....,...,,..., i s iaew aa4 Soard set say.. S.M gill aaa aau ser anas. ......... ., ,aValLfae,o. Laaaaaea, Cteaar, Sac. ticket, iadsdlac i-a-rh I dlsaef Speetal Ticket, ISalsSIa nasi trt . . fara, ass slM's leealag ssd tan BteaJs , ..,........-. ..SS.M ".?". cns LBAV . natxt omn met urn alum its. Batiy at fm. tm.nm a. s.i tiss, irts, ' a. ytwaJ-, Tile) gr saV . Phase er write i L, O. f taeMahon. Manajtr , XSTAOADA, OEIO0S. Hood and Idoors, aeordlng to numer ous person who hav lodgd com plaint against them at- nolle head quarter, claimed they represented th publishing agency of IV D. Cottrell of North Coshocton, Kew'Terk, and that they were 1 eanvaesing Psrtlaad fo -the purpoe of securing sufficient names to orgsnlss clubs for ram cast nee. - Moore.. It Is said, made a .house-to- bous canvas, explaining that If hs could get op a club of. loo subscribers thsy could get th msgaslne at re duced rates. To Mr. O. A. C Bsilsy, 110 Union avenue. Hood said When he collected for her subscriptions that h had organised nine olub of lv mem ber each. Prom each member bs said that h had aollected $1.11. . Th who suffered aa a result af th operation of the ' two men not only complained to th police, but also to the manager of ths agency. Mr. Cottrell. who hss written to tha chiefs of polio snd to th newspapers ef various cities In th northweet, asking that th fraud b axpoasd. , ;-' . ; . -.; . . -i ' sassaSBjsjSsaasBaSBB Milwaukls Country Club. Ha stern snd SesttI rieea Tsks SeH- wood and Oregon Uty osrs at First aad SAVS PRODIGAL CHASED -HER OUT INTO THE RAIN Just two days after bis wlf had filed a suit for a divorce, alleging that ha had ton to Panama laat July to work on th canal and had not sent horns any money. Joshua R. Williams arrived at his residence at midnight and forced hi wlf out Into tb rain, aooordtng to an amended complaint filed In the divorce proceeding yesterday , by Mrs. Wll llama. Ths original - complaint was filed last Thursday morning. ... :. ,.: Mra Williams claims that between It and 1 ; o'clock - Saturday morning . her husband arrived at home and drove her out Into the streets In a pelung rain storm and threw soms of hsr clothing aftsr her. ' Sha avers . that she - was forced to quit th room dreesed la. In sullloient clothing and waa oompelled to eek shsltsr at lh nous of a friend.. Another contention In th new com plaint ta that ha husband owns lot 16. block II, Albtna. Sho claims .to have ast out ISO roa bushes In th yard and wlsbss tha court to allow her to trans plant them. . - s Tha Williams wer - married at Vancouver, Washington, Jun , 1101. . . Joseph Seolety SXtoota. ; -Th St Joseph Sick Benefit society held It annual election f officers for thd eneulng year Isst Sunday. The elec tion resulted as follows: Joseph Relschel, 5 resident; John Miller, vice-president; osepb Psus, corresponding secret ery; Frsd Bruch, financial secretary Frank Schwarsback, treasurer; Louts Harwss, marshal, and August Kschls, Ous A. Kasper and O- Schsrslnger, trustees. - - StomocbliG t sVa.? tt-ls almost a aat a1n .a. pWgan doing th famUy"""" ; , . .Washinat lb. . i A tat .-'j-.-jr :.i -.j-jijs. F , . iu,. And In that tlm hav lifted th burden front many a borne. . W caU for and deliver. Chat with u by telephone. . r . . , , . . "c::3nt"r (5 I Positively Curej by "Nature's Own Remedy." fUssert's NATIVE HEI.3S.or costs you nothing 23a snd $1 (contains Slht Drsfi S9rTSvnrnof your SMM-ye'aaiear-a) At Oraa taer (la Mm hwaek ar Tnat saa raCg a. na, ... BasW Natlv Herb Co-wnasry Cat kaii. OH, es Sea frsstans, Cmj. tearqum Grand Tkeztrt 5Ts-I u HU1T TK40KPIA-J AND CT0 -fapporetd by as Snellen! Con pes . . FUyers. . naresay slrat Jas. U "Klrhelles. vj-1dar alskt. Jan. IS T1rs1lt." - V f r aai. Haiiaae, aaa. a, ."Inseaaar." Sat. nlrht, Jan. 30. "Verckaut ef Teslea MATIltEs PBIClC8--!lvr sV, T5at. j ... . ... avar sai.iiiim. - t. at. o. a. Avomavnrst ' mXS Xieitla Xaakt, We. u TWax las . eoiy a .a -Vlteaopklat es the kx- re r,latr-.--i. ' ktajti at . at . s. v., - The Slatlas staked Bbreimliis lat ot t bm-TOtf aHOOl, i- -rf-mnnf-vrv Mt a.- ij liver s soperbly Uiaa tt. r a eDti-a or FSAt tfcurtrv 0V ; . CHaXACiaa. Tuoitot. Jas. 11, Tltoaophr," tree, S S. aa. WeSaealev ' Blkt. Tbeiee ef-Oeeui-atloas," Trii Tksrsdsy ai-. H..llh " trmm Uekrere, M. D., L. V. Paresofc-glesl tsattess Sally at Oraaoa hotel. , . . . t .. B AIIEIX .TIIEATnn Qtesoa, Jhestr OaLiaana. 6a. U Ssfesr Temhin and TtlrS atV'pkoee Vais THS BOUS Or atUHICAI, BtTHLa. "V a TealfhsAU Weak- Sergem KaMsss waua , ... dayi Sis ts Aay Seat . .. The Altseuseir OseauilsA ' Direct frora tk Afeasaf theatre. Vew Tars - aiaida, atlrta, at.lo Two RnrU-e. MTKS 01Utfe or A SOlXOaaa-' aad a suDjnajrt ssxam." seteiway MatitM Is the test Psifanaai a. Kla-bt Trirlcee t, SSe, 5Ue, T5; Sate, V Matlsee. I0e, Sfte, See, SOc: Weanessay sm,-lD-a, (Special) 'JC, anr scat. l AttmsVlaa WArSQg'S OaMXTTaXS. I f Lzj aUtkerise K. B. . EMPIRE THBATRO twelfth and Morrlona. ' Phos Mats lit. -SH.IU 4t. iUJU. Manaxf-r. ... Tuts araefe's st-e- tloa the eoasi : st aMloeraaaa. BSS r5aAta ; vw-," , With An. f"ay. the o-Mar bai- tnff waann. MetlBee srareft tTeate plc- lie. Sue. S , t . ' siattaee lue. 1 -a. tc. heat . K3) reerth a aad Starh Its. PAF1TAGES Only neBX t Avoirs soixos. , Bel Adalakla. . ' Toha f. artmee aad Oasasasy. Bay Ogdea aad OowpMy. . tee Walt, is kona augtaia. , BalaataA Dnkafja. Perterwsscee sail, st 1 . t SO aal t !!3751c!:e3ltil- feeti Northrup, street, a nice. 1.V.I In, . ... grada, eoncrat Sidewalk and e' Vast 'Im proved, facing oa ear line. This Is a rare opportunity to sacur a f home It In on of th b-1 t ' - looaut tiea for eom-riT, l . . C H kO.iLU 1 1 . 4St.' fr 1 t f STAR TKXATKX -T-, - . .', Weak ef Jaaaery 1. vaiossi iiw le te sll parts ef honae t loey RySers dacatod Monfcerr In KaI lew) U Trtaeas - ' aialaai . Oarite ' - V. B. Paniw , riKS CEN. T0SI TK'J.r.2 iata4 t Onl aM Tvnm T-- . Tesaa aad tonaa, Aaer a-l t." . "T Oram, tH aad 'SaSnek, kA JtOTlCn r--lal Allureee S" " . . Janoary TrtO saifiwaiaacas m m SItob hots S SO t 4 s. s. Lvn:3TKzv. WZZX tTAKTttS KSt I" Ike IseostseratiM Lrrle I t U. A AC. and X. M. c. A. Aldr,'.w ,...;:, ' ;- .:.;. ,.: ,