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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1906)
IMPORTS OFSUGAR iriCREASiriG 1 -W t United. States Gaining Steadily ' 7 and Rapidly InConsump-; . - tiort of Sweats. - --r-. icANE pRooubt syowkit . A i A CAIN OVER BEET ;PeK Capita Consumption Is "TJot aa -lr at in tbt .United.. Kingdom, --jrn6uf.pneiJFwttJLt-JYorld,l Supply trUaed. . (. . i -. (Weealagtea Boreas f The Itvul.) Washington, Jan. 1. gititmtnU ; 1 Just prepared by - the department of commerce and labor through It bureau o of statistic ahow that of tb mora than 11,100.000,000 worth ot merchandise brought Into th United States during the last rear more than 1150,000,004 , worth waa sugar. Cucar formed by faf th , largest Importation which tha United States has aver mad In any -islngl yar. f-'-' v:o- ,' . ' . Th vlu of sugar brought Into this . country . during tba year ltd will far exceed that of any earlier year.- The vaiue or sugar Brought into tha oonntry during th 11 months ending with November was 1141,671,146, of which 161.486,164, or more than on third of the total value, was . from the non contiguous' : territory or : tne united States, and It la quite- clear that th figures of th remaining month of the year ltOi will bring th grand total of Sugar Imports considerably above $110,000,000, while th highest figure In eny fiscal year prior to 1006 waa 1117, 000.000 In the year 1004, when an un usually large Quantity, of sugar was brought into the country- In anticipa tion ot a chang In the tariff on that arUCI. . ., - ..;'... : w-,.,,:- - v Ooasumptloa laor.asi.- ' Th United States Is. Increasing steadllx and rapldly.lta consumption, .of sugar. Th sugar producers' at home are increasing their output of bath cane andbeat augait but ven taetrrwpld tn cross In production Is not keeping pac with, th increasing home demand, and a a 'consequence the quantity of t ' Mm mm S "mTm n n le ' ! 1 i WLmm ",c - The-- family ot- Mrs. -M. -I Bobbttt w . swW nwr urinsx ana JiniV i. . i "T wr. t DfJ moil klllful phyioUn nd rry fmrty ylewiy but surely taking her llf. Ia wi, iui. nuui M.j . iun i new jliis overy for Consumption turned despair Into, joy. The first bottle brought Ira mediate relief and Its continued us completely cured her., - It's the most and lung troubles. Ouareateed bottle ivo ano xriai potties rre at ft "kidtnor Co, Druggists, 161 Third street. 3 sugar broughl"rlnttha r-country in creases from year to year. It has doubled In th last SO ye re, while, th population, meanwhll Increased but 10 pr cent. r,-,.;- . Th United States Is th largest augaiconsumlng country in s the world. though th per capita consumption in this country - la not as- great a the united Kmiaom, . in tout consumption-In 10 aggregated 1,767.000 tone, making an average consumption for each individual for th : year- of about 75 pounds. Th estimates of Wlllete and Gray, acknowledged aiathoritl&a in sugar production and consumption, puts the consumption for ' th year ltOS at I.03I.0OO tons, though this doubtless represents a larger valu than that of th preoedtng-year. by rearon of the tncrad"p rices which -prevailed linh various sugar-produoing countries of th worlds i ., t- oat nuu os arappiy. ' . . JL-comparison of. th figures of our own consumption with those of the world's 'total production Indlcatea that th United States' . consumes about on fourth f th sugar production of th worl41ompating - our oonaumptlen with th accepted uthortta4v.-aUt- ment of (the world's production for a term of years,' tha figures Indicate that In ttle five-year period. .ending with iibo. eur consumption wsa about XI per cent ofi ths world's product., In the' five years ending with , 1I0,. about it , per cent ', - ; - - ' Nearly all of tha sugar brought Into the United States, whether from for eign countries or our own non-contlsa-ous territory, . Is produced from cane, and It may h said that tha (United States consumes fully one half of the canes sugar produced In th world. Th accepted figures of th world's produc tion f can sugar In. the year ltOf are i,!4,00 tons, and aa tba quanuty Of can I sugar brought "? Into th United BUtes in that calendar yf was 2,17 1, 009 tons and th domestto product 111, 141 tons. It Is quit apparent that th people of the United States consumed practically . one half of th can sugar recorded in the official - figures of th world's production of that article. '(,y 'JTv? Oaaa Ingur raoieaee. Cane sugar is- forming at present a larger proportion of th world's sugar supply than' was th case during the period from Ilia to 1101. , In 1I0 beet sugar supplied l.7 per - cent of th world's product; In ll0i (7.7 par cent; 101. l.l per cent; but In fell vt v per cent vt in iviaj. . During the half .century prior to lt0t however, beet auger formed a mucb.amaller proportion ofjih worlj'a sugar production, ' th percentage which beets supplied ' tit ' world's sugar product being In 1140 about 4,1 per cent; In IliO, 14.1 per cent;, In 1160, 10.4 per-cent; In 1170, 14.4 percent; In 1110. 4S. per cent, and in 1890, as al ready Indicated. 11.7 per cent,' while 1000 showed for beet sugar the highest proportion In th world's production of sugar, 7.T pef cent.. ,'. . .,'';' oi7 ; abitSTorla OasaiTW O. 1 ' Saeelal tMepetca to Th evaroel.) . Enterprise, Or, Jan. I. Th En terpris camp." W,0. W.r at- tbetr-eeiv Mention Tuesday evening. Installed off!- txMMAjn Am stos mrynornja. T. J. Chambers, Ed. Vindicator; Lib erty, Texas, writes December 16; 1101; -"With pleasure and unsolicited by you, I .bear testimony to- ths curative rwer of Ballard'a Horehound Syrup, have need It ia my family and can cheerfully affirm it la th moat affec tive and beet remedy fer cousha and colds I have ever used." Sold ha Wood ard, Clark 4t Co. - , cere .as follows: Consul commander, a, Xeltner; adviser lieutenant. J. D. Woodell ; clerk,' C. A. Ault; banker, J. A. French; escort, W. W. Zurcher; watch man, J. U. Matheny; sentry, W. D. Wea ver; managers, R. . I Day and W, U, Graves. y "' r., ,''..'. , 7 Absolutely Correct Changs. Automatlo '' register, 404 ' Marquam building. , ,:. . . . CH0ATE FOR PRESIDENT 7; OF THE NEW YORK BAR M' ; h , . ... , V ; " , (Jeeraal apeetal Brvto.t. Albany, N. T., Jan. 1. Repreeen ta li va Char la SL JUtUsfiaid. of Main-wiu be ths principal speaker before tha annual meeting of tha New York Stat Bar association, which will open la ths assembly chamber this vning, Mr. Llttlefleld .will speak on th subject "Th Thre Departments of Government and Their Relation to Each Other." President JUchard l7 Hand will speak on th subject of "Th Judicial Power." Otbsf addresses which will be delivered during- th two days of tb meeting will be: . "Th Massachusetts Ballot System," by Richard H. Dana of Boston: "Tha Disregard of Law, by Judge l phoaso T. Clearwater of Kingston; "Should th Grand Jury System Be Abolished T" by Oeorg Lawyer of Al bany; "Fraudulent Conveyances," by Frederick S. Walt of New Torkj "Com binstloa af Contracts 1 1 Sals of Per sonal Property," by Edward l alio of Nsw York: "Th Ore ; Movement for Uniform Dlv. by Clinton B. Olbb of Yuf: Th subject of ballot r Clacussed by WlUle t 2X I: feated Republican candidate for mayor of New-York.- It la. generaUyconceded that Joseph H. Choat. th former United States ambassador to " Grat Britain, will be elected president bf tha Bar association. .? .. ..'"''. TO MAKE RATES TO -V COAST CONVENTIONS . fjovnal Special Service.) Los Angeles, Cel., Jan, It. - Tha Transcontinental passenger association Is In session her to discuss th mat ter of reduced - rates for- aom of th 7 VSM ' ": 7 7 big gatherings af tb oemlnc summer. Among tha convention. w which rates) wUl be fixed are those af tba Natioaal Eduoationel association in San jPran cisoo, th Grand Army national encamp ment In - MlnneapVlla and tb Myetlo Shrtnsrs and CbrUUaa, Esdeavorera in Lioa Aagalea. '..i , - - . . , . ? v P - , 2 Baldwin's Health Tablets. Take them tonight be well tomorrow. Cure constipation. 16c Druggists. 7 Grand Ball Thursday Eve.. Arlon halt, Genta - tie. - Xdiea frM. GOLULaDIA- "'",''':''. 7 .'.'7- 77'