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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1906)
J- -? WHITE TEMPLE NEXT SATURDAY Cured ew Instant Relief, - Permanent : Cure lease ms I Z-il SOLDI Trial Packac If ailed Free to '''. :-.' AH In PUin Wrspper, S - Pile 1 a fearful disease, but easy te cur if Von go at It rlght m An ooeration with th knlf la dan- I ewroua, humiliating and rarely a perma nent Bucce. - , tiic c::co:j da: v. jcjr.:.v.i; rc .r:. r. :. L - rtev. Sua P. jrtmaa will lector at th Walt Tempi , Saturday night. Bam Jonoa, MlMlt uauaUr kaown. I a eur oeity. He waa born In Alabama., but brought np where he now reside, at Cartersrllle, Georgia. He began his career a a lawyer with brilliant pros pect ' Ha became dissipated, however, and at hla father' deathbed waa con verted. He became a traveling preacher of the Methodlat Episcopal Church South and soon attracted widespread at tention by hla unique an4 original man ner of preaching-. . r ' ' "J" , He la probably the moat sensational preacher that ever etood on a platform. Hit wit la ebaolotely Irreelatibl. HI arcasm is eauaUev and merciless. '.. At tinea ha wlU reach the aubltm In thought and language and when be ha lifted hi audience to a great height be Mil! OF DIG "Work Cen Cslow Cascade ' Lock W Receipt of Tsl Crturi From Wainon. TV.'d P0m4TE0 REEF8 THREATEN STEAMBOATS The Eored and AXiut HUE ROCKS "villi .T'rl. fk.rn fU Wltn.'thav at once entered a vla-aroua nuUit aauu e 1 Dynamlio -Boats Now Most Trans fer Passengers and Freight, TJnder the direction of David B. Og- den, assistant United States engineer, the work of removing roc as zrom us rapid below Cascade lock was started yetrdsy aftemooa Immediately on re ceipt ef a telegram from Washington that an allotment bad been- set aside sufficient te bear aU expensee ef th undertaking. - This advlo bad been hourly expected for the past two or thre day and preparation for starting operation had been mad la advano Captain Wmslow.-?naatr-'r of "The dredge Wallowa. Is personally superin tending th work. HI first move waa to aet a plant moored over the rock oa which a number f rrrer steamers have almost been wrecked recently. After bole have been drUled In them an at tempt win De maa to mow uiem out of tb channel by means of dynamite. Captain Wlnalow ha bad a great deal ef ezperieno In thl lin of work on th Snake river and It la said that a more competent man could not . have been chosen. . It baa been learned that there are two reefs of rock, which have given th steamboat men th moat of their trouble. On of these lrabout 10 feet la length, eight feet at th baa and taper to a small point at th summit ., Th other obstruction ls"f about th asm shape, but somewhat smaller. It U an unusually rough locality la which to conduct operation, th current being so strong that no plant. ' can be safely moored there In the. way that la ordinar ily adopted. If all goes well It I thought that th work can be completed In about , a week.-although It la said that th rest ef th month may be re quired, .i.'' ' ..-.,. :' . :r Th ewvernmehr "haif'spent' treal . deal f money In keeping thl channel open for navigation. For a distance of five mite below Cascade locks II1.I0S has been expended sine 1181 and cubic yards of rock hav been re moved. Until three week ago the reefs now to be removed were not known to exist. As soon as they hav been removed the boat win return through trip to Th Dalles from Portland. Of 1st It has been necessary to keep a part t.y WANT AND NEED. . There's - a big J difference between what a baby wants him the one, give him the ",6tEeirr.Iostr.T)atae8 neeVT ' Scott's Emulsion -it's , the rijht thing Aor a baby. It contains a lot of strength building qualities that their f::J r.y net contain. .Aiter v,Ulz they get to want it, ;hy r ;;: Caccuxe f 1 1 v makes ccricrtable. Those !:j trd round cheeks : 3 Lzzzitzzt. Scott's r I cakes : children c ;v thtn so, toa --,t . : j rmrt rt, w Tec. will let them drop with a thud tharl fairly Jar their teeth. . . A a character he 1 unique that hi extreme oddity give blm a piotur eequenees ...which la peculiarly and ex eluatvely -hi own. The cut preaented with thl artlole llluatrate air. Jones playing a gam of tenplna with hi con gregation. H never fall to hit every poaalbla claaa of Individual before him. Preacher and laymen, doctor, lawyer, merchant!, clerks, politician, dude and dodlaea, all ahar alike. Jonaa will give them om good advlo and never hesi tate a moment to-say what he thinks, and be doe a lot of thinking. Mr. J one 1 an special friend of Rev. J. Whlteomb - Brougher, - the pastor of the Whit Tempi and wUl be enter tained by blm during bl stay la the city. ...---, ..... of th tlx on th upper tIvst and two at thl end of the Mne, and transfer freight and pa agar at Bonnevllla 't ;Z t SAILORS RUli. C K f ' i Beela Tnmtth Bark Aal BkaU Be Sty . daeked, and OaptaU Apm. " ! ; If wtatter continue aa they hav of lat French aklpper say they will be rather "small fry" as compared with th men In tb forecastle when It comes to a question of cxerclafeg authority on board a vessel . It appear - that - th Bailors are running affair on board tb hip to suit themaelvee and pay bo heed to their (superior offloera. v . . An axampl of the tars" Independence waa aeen yesterday whan, on th advlo of Surveyor Yyy and Hoben, Cap tain Trlellard. master of th . French bark Aal, decided that It would not be necessary to place th veaael on th dry- dock for . repairs. When . th Bailor were mad acquainted with th decision i . ... ... , -, . L . ..." I la fact, they poaltlraly declared that th Aal would hav to be docked before leaving thl port or they would not so te aea on her. . - After" thinking tb mattir vr, th captain amy he ha about concluded to concede to th wish of th Bailor. . He do not believe that th ahlp I in need of rapalra, but th man -hav laid down tb law and he feel that- be will hav to obey It. ' He remember bow tb sail or oa tb French bark Bretagne, bar recently, prevented her from going to sea until th first and second mates had been discharged. They won their point, and he appear confident that hla maa would be able to gain their. For that h think that th Aal-might Just aa well be docked without further Tb Asl was slightly damaged by striking a rock while a be waa entering tb harbor of Hobart, Tasmania. When shs reached Portland she . waa leaking lightly, but after examining her closely th surveyors said that ah could be placed la good condition Just wher she Uea. ..-. ; . . ;. , ...... ROANOKE MAY TOW. Likely That ' Big SteanMe wm Xea4 . Olyasplas Around tb Xora. It has been suggeatod that poaatbly tb steamer Olympian, which was sold recently to C L Demon, will be towed around to Mew Tork by : tb Roanoke. whicn i reported aa having been sold to be taken to. the Atlantlo eoaat It bad been given out that Mr. Demon pur chased .th steamer Zealandla, - with which be Intended to tak th Olvmnlan around the ifdrn, but It la now learned that thl plan baa been changed. So It I generally believed that th Maw Yorker baa aecsred tb Roanoke to. do th towing. . Th Olympian baa been In shape for- th see and t -now -watting for a ateamer-to-eom and take her In tow after ah, reach Astoria. All of th companion way around bar main deck baa been removed so that th planking may not eatcb the ' waves aa they sweep over her. She haa been earefully braced with heavy timber and mad aa strong aa possible. Her smokestack haa been removed. Seen at a distance ah does not look very much Ilk a steamboat Th work on her waa completed Bator 4y. : ., '; -x :: STANDS THE TEST. " Macalaary fo O. X. VentwOrU Feamd ... - v Work tattsfseterlly. A test of th machinery with which -thl- morning near the i Portland ahioyard and the machinery was found to work Sallsfao-J lorny. Yt vassal will gst up (team thl. afternoon and go down to th Couch treet dock.Juat to see bow ah la go ing to behave when in action. It I planned to giv her a trial trip th last of the week. The Wnt worth will be used for towing-loga tnm points on the lower Columbia to th Portland mllL Capuin tt W. Hosford. her owner, will be mastee and A. B. Andrews chief engineer..- She will be used la th towing uui exclusively, . V,- OPPOSED TO CHANCE; Pilots and BaUroad Object t Petltloa . .to Btoalfy XmIm Ut " Opposition to proposed ehaages In th barbor lines in the vicinity of Waud point, oppoett th foot of Swan ialaad. wa mid by th rlvr pilot and Cap tain Conway, auperlntatident of the wa ter line for the Oregon Railroad Nav igation company, when the matter was I I Tier lalust on other ear way to bo cured palnlese, aaf and in th privacy of your own' horn--It Is Tyra- gald Pile Cur. .' ; . W mall a trial package fro to all WbO writ.. . '. .'. , - . : It will giv you Instant relief, show you - the harnflesa, " painless nature of thl great remedy and start you well on the way .toward a. perfect cur. - ; Than you can get a full-lsed box from ' any druggist- for., t . oants, and oftsa on box. cures. ' rt -v - If th druggist trie to sell yon som- thlng Just aa good. It la because h makes more money on th substitute. Insist on having what you call for. ' Th our begins at once and contin ue rapidly until It la complat and per manent ' r -,t r r :. Ton can go right ahead with your work and be easy and comfortabU-all tb tim. 4, .', v . It 1 well worth trying. 1 Just sand, your name and Addraa to Pyramid Drug Co., 11014 Pyramid Build ing, Marshall, Mich, and receive free by return mall tb trial package in a plain wrapper. . . - r-.- - - Thousand bar been cured In this easy, palnleaa and lnexpenalv way,, la th privacy of th bom. All druggists, oenia. . wnt today for a free package. .. . . ., ., - discussed yesterday afternoon ' In th offlo of Major 8. W. Boessler. A hang la th lines waa requested by th Uni versity Lumber. Jc - Shlngl ' company, which was represented at th meeting by A. J. Kronert. Thomas Houston, . a property owner on th peninsula, also appeared' and spok In favor of th oompany request being . granted. . A letter, protesting against the change, waa received from the port of Portland commission. Major Roesalar will send th atatements of both aide to th war department. The oompany wanta mor pace on which to moor log and con- TtBnda IhAt an extension "Of th BarbOf line will not Interfere with ahlnnlnav HITS SPAR BUOY. Xt Penetrate Oaard and attnli Throagm Compaalonway of IVnrUae. -Whtl crossing th bay at Astoria Saturday night, th iteamer Lurlln ran against a spar, buoy, which penetrated her guard and, extended on up through th companion way oa the upper deck. Fortunately no one happened to be in the vicinity of the huge timber or a aerioua accident might . hav occurred. Th spar waa so firmly fast in th guard and upper -deck that It waa necessary to saw It loo. Th buoy had been placed in th bar as aa aid to naviga tion, but bad evidently " drifted' away from Its moorings. - The damage don t th steamer was repaired while she wss making tb run op tb river to Portland, ALONG THE WATERFRONT; Having got through for the season towing rock barges to th mouth of tb Columbia river, th tugboat Samson ar rived yesterday. She will soon be given a thorough overhauling. . Th work of loading tb French bark La Kochjaquelln with a cargo ef grain wa started . yesterday at th Oceania dock. After taking on a part of a lumbar cargo at Rainier th barksnttne Aurora W trashed through ear We found we had too many Overcoats on hand. - , - v Price broken,- but the clothe Ing is strong, whole and dnra- -tle. ' ' Bring in yotn personality and hare s good fit it half the rcgu- U prifc...i... .. . ; . V: $lS.oa -nd -120.00 - Overcoat are going now at 13.8f, and th f 15.00 and $16.00 Overcoats st 91X0. Th f 12.CD - and $13.00 Overcoats at 03.69. Pom today and see. . v, . IficiiCLariiiKjQ Outfitters for Hen and Xoys, 166 andJ6$ Third Street, : - . Uohswlt Building. iili . tAdls Cluater Rings with ruby, opal or turquoise center, stir - rounded by Is- v llant Peru dlamoni1s; 0nflmng solid oidiraerauicbiT' ' karat Pent diamond. ivp.y $1.75 : WIKni BUT the atone forever; a brilliant ring. . ' Vfss$3.S0 rKo.y si.75 r Thouaanda of beautiful Rlncm. lin set with th marvelous Peru gold. Hereafter .Peru Diamonds f.7a Orders -If you - live" out of -town and cannot call ' at our atore, you can out out the picture of ' the artlole you want. If a ling, send sis of finger, mall to us with amount, la cur. rency or money-order, and th artlcl se lected will be sent, . postage prepaid, and : If net aa represented your money will be refunded, v . ) Crop or Screw Barring; beautiful, brilliant, vnly matched atone; 1 karat la Bis, set In solid gold Tiffany mounting; seem to b worth - tun T ...... t. .... . -OPEN JVENiNQS cam -up -ytrday - to eomplst - her bipment at tb Portland mllL - . Am mmm mm Mk llnr M. K procured th British ship Hyderabad. grain laoan xor am -"eMW". will start for th sea. .' Th vessel's mmm hM enmnletaA foe aavaral day, but tb scarcity of sailors la port has mad Uf Impossible for her te get away.- - - r Frank MalmquUt, pureer oa the steamer Undlna. bad Ilia foot badly crushed yeeterday' while aasistlng tb crew in, handling a large place of Um ber. f ---A-i -W - Tomorrow' morning the French bark Jean baptist . will reach th barbor from Aatorla, wher she arrived a week go. In ballast from Hobart, Tasmania. By failing- to anivo at th mouth of tb rivr two weeks earlier shs' tost grain charter. ' ' 'V. r a HiAal WStSV th tlUS Columbia bad to anchor a mil distant from Kalama. where an anemps vm made to take ber torciv a sbipmsnt mt MiieeaA -Maa: Ther lumber Will b carried to her on bargea ' ' Captain r. . warucn, wne oa. muv caeded-Commander-1. &-HUaer . aa ii.vtk.tiu inenaeta tat thia district, ar rived yesterday from Washington, and will enter upon mm w - Unta reoenUy th new . Inspector' was nan tain of th cruiser Castlne, sUUoaed at Santo Domingo. : . - r ;, - The following lumoar ommvwnTw cleared for California -ports with car goes of fir: Steamer Cascade, fof Baa Francisco, with J 16,000 feet; steamer Nome City, for San Pedro, with HMO tmmt anil llHUDir DeSDStCtU for SSB Francisco, with M.0vS feC united b tales inspvciora . -- and FuUer inspected th steamer Star this morning. "Sh toelongs-t the lusr Sand 'oompany. ""ll"' mJm,'. - At 19 ertocat "last BIgnx ajriwen steamship Ellsrlo left Esqulmalt, Brit i.w cninmiii. fr Portland. She Is tra der charter t load lumber her for Australia, - : . J ; v. MARINE NOTES. Astoria, 'an. I Left up at 1:41 a. m., French bark; , jeaa mpiism. Ar rived at-I and left up atll a. ns steamer Baqueta, irom nasi, a u. via Eureka . ,-' mimn T.n 11-Jlefled at It o'clock laat night, tearoer Aurella, for portuna . ' . Astoria, Jan. IS.- -Arrived at noon, achoonar. James Bolph. from Baa Pedro. Sailed at 1 p. m.. sobooner Robert R. Hind, for San rearo. Buwa .... v m., British "bark Vanduara. fer Queen- v.i ,,ti, tnr omtera and bark entlne Oeorgina, for Baa Pedro.-- San reore, Jan. jrTwu, Prosper, from Columbia river. - r jaaworia. wn. . - bar at t a. m., rough; wtnd. southwest; wathr cloudy ana qutuiy - . rooster v;;:o ate dia:;o flaged on exi:isitig:i ; k Bird That 8wal!owed Two Huadred-Dollar Gem Is Sub-: ; jtct of Utljation. (Joaraal Special Service.) .. , - Cincinnati. Jan. One of the moot Interesting attractions i al ; th Cln- m.ttr mnA - e MtAck exhlbi- tlon. which va opied br today, la a S v.i.k nmmleaa (hrouah lltla- ruonr wm.v. f " - - . . . Uaa-Oa.bcom.aa famous, lniilstory . as the celebrated calf In the Jonea county eaif case.- Th rooter In question was xhlblted in Minneapolis ias year. At th conclusion of th exhibition h belonred to. an exhibitor. In th atat of ffmmj xora. ' ti nil. in. wr m-mm .u. other In th exhibition hall, a Kana A. B. Canmsn, Chicago, writ March 4. ltott "Having been troubled with Lu robes, at dlnerent tlmea and tried on pbyalclan after another, then dif ferent ointment and liniment, gave it up altogether. So I tried one mere and got a bottle of Ballard' Snow Llnl ren which gave m almoat Instant re lief. "d will add my name to your Hat of iuuerara Sold by Woodard, Clark h. Co. ' ' - fltdes. .very neat ana popu. lar slse: U m .HU 111. ult- eoet you about tlti er tiBO. Thinwr- all purpose at one twenUelb . . ef - that coat. , . ... . - ,. , VzsS1.53 KOVUSc BroochcaJ Stud. tMxrinn. Scarf Diamonds. Buy now stock Oent' - Shirt - can only b bought at reliable Jeweler' and will b sold by C karat only. 1 Ladle twin diamond Blast two fln stones; If genu ine would be worta tuo or f0. ; 17 15.53 UOX'J $us 17 15.53 lV0.7lf.75 ILL. Ill Savo .Money The Boston Dental Parlor. tlU Morrison etreet, are giving their annual January reduoed prices for th purpose of advertising their Alveolar System ef Palnle Inthrtry.. . - - , Come at oaoe and have (re QTamtna- wlIJaT,,VR?2 81 JVETt FILLINGS, f So UP GOLD FlLtiNOS. 7So UP; SBTOF TBKTrL tt-OS: SPUDNDID SBT. tl.0; OOLp CROWNS, TO WHIT CBOWNS, a.6 TO it. ' . m.m. " ' ' All work guaranteed- for ten year. - Lady attendant alway present. An work den absolutely without paia by specialist as zrom is to s yearsr a S1M Morrison Bk, Ov. atates B . He rwmwinmvm. . , ahttraaee S1M Montsea ft, Offlo Hours M a. m. te a. Sunday, :! a. sa. to U: P. m. Zar BBFTTTATIOBT.. TM BQVTjragBJTV, zar newusitai XJI SUOl . . mm ...vlaa. JiaaVyOosaT.iaUs, iood Foiea, xvawen mwiyi -' r.uuam. - Frtvava BlsissiBt ' SL'TJ ' ien v lseiitr. , All mann'f Chronlo Affliction of m.n.nd womn. M-et modern and sol. rati DO . rm i. w t r ful operations. N dtntlon from busj. iess. No misrepresentation. Reputation Established for honeet and fair dealings warlK Sill tiat.Uinr-BV UUIUaBUVH nar- JFiO.-!anf-IBIBffl Oer. Sd asi aamaia .rorlteaaV O. RELIEF for LADIES' FHH1WCH - Tansy Wafra-Ortgl nal and only genuine Put ap la yellow ' t.rapper and "Crows - trademark. For sele by the -v' " lAADINO PBUOaiSTB. xhtbltor accidentally struck his hand against th crt with euch force that a large solitaire diamond,, valued at 1200. broke from th setUng of his ring and fell Into the crate. Th rooster quickly Plckedup jthe fern and swallowed J t. Then there wa great xclBnfcI.J Tbs owner 'of th diamond demanded that Jhejfoost?r.should J knied, but tb owner objected to the killing of the rooster, maintaining that 11 was not his fault that th animal had swallowed th diamond and that tb rooster waa far more valuable than th diamond. vTh Kansas maa went to th -courts-fer re llef and for th laat year th case has t jt-m mm m ihHMirti th atata AAurta' twn wiaa i. - without any prospect of Immediate set tlement. Th rooster does not seem to mind th trouble bag haa oausea by hi greedlnee., - . y fHpecl.l Dlspeteh te The 'onrsal.)" Milton, Or Jan.. It. Th publl ohool of Milton and Free wa tar. pre cincts which war closed for two weeks on account of th prevalence of diph theria wer opened Monday,-and aU quarantine have been raised from th different homes. Ther waa almost an pidemlo of th disease In this section this winter, but it I now believed that it I an tl rely stamped out. FIRST 1 J ' ll&llll VrSimeala -'-rr' r'Tany 1 fient in-; an eaant du t I i iit r of" Hffany 1 nsasamaat 'Kln rj--.bmiul tone. si. in goid-fiUed munU j lu t-rmr- is a -t t -at ef eae r'tfc i ,4k ur, , New Tors, t f e. Xu oaa piae taea w If " aad a .:.eee eaa teut fee 4 i sum. Flngl LoclV. XlecLUc. Cuif Cuttona; 1 complete. Tb mounting ax sterling 4yer, , gold filled 1 : ladtos Marquis Bin: each ston set with tn smni care that w would ' task If w were meunt l"t genuine diamond. jW can turnlah thl ylnf In any combination of stone desired. . , - l7MW.5a:3;72.25 s' '' " 4 ,' XT ..-.- (( r " - 1 " V -',-'J r , V -.-' - - 'j '.WXX . . i; "oFmn sisisseaiaN: v.. i --A- -A.i. t m" "apaVa ppgseiye T?" TtT.V3 -" Vi-- .y..w...aaj . ' i-aaigst' ' ''''ymaiaiaj' ' . jsmsjssf ' 0X "All you hive to do Is to show yott are tubacriber of The 7 r Jouniai, by producing a: Journal rweJpt or otherwise, and , sign a receipt for the bank' upon the delivery of the pocket:' savings bank to you.-' Thereupon you take the -bank to vTHE : OREGON TRUST A SAVINGS BANK, in. the'1 iMarfjuam: Building,' and by depositing $1 or more in thisj bank you are'given an" extra 25 centjpwhich'lr addedr toF "your account. ".This is" ail done for you just td encourage you to open' an account in this institution and thus start f ' yog upon the road to wealth. ; Every "person, man," woman, boy or girl, is privileged to take advantage of th!s"proposrT j" tion. The. banks "can be obtained from Jht, Journal busi nia office or through Tournal 'canvassers in the dir. ". . " rJPIIOHB. MAXtO50A ' V i. rl ' . jou?i.'iL ;7it;t add pay e.3T". Oenta Small EelchrL "juat out for man, set trlth :m pert eot-l" -karat stone " " vow sust I VJzsSi.SO t:3V75 in fact. )fTthinr In th jwlry and solid our ; : W ' guarantee - each and vry stone to re tain Its - briUlaacy ' forever, and the . mounting to give perfect - satisfaction. Peru - Diamond - are ?. . natural errata! ound tn Peru. South" America; they will aand all aoida, beat, Siaail, to. In ' fact, i taey c be washed : and olvned Ilk ordl . nary I.monda, and so nearly do they re pewioi fhem that a Lpert have been 4e eed. . ' - -karat , :,, ... -i . Diamond, .'rset to" ;. earf ptp -', St : 17.jf.53V: 7:0.7 75c v mmrdm 'Bvt'Wasknsrtea aal llaaa,' - -y (,-,', '-' f ' -if i m V-- V Sam " - ';--' " - . .'. 't.i -' I PORTLAND; OREGON. There's Somethln r. n-. ' a. tooth her Or ther altogether ent, or . rone or more broken or decayed. Idkely pain is not missing. y Ours It Is to put . your teeth to right, whatever la wrong ' ' . supply exeellent substitute for teetU no longer uaaful, atop tb ach and do ' any dental work your may require. Mind you. we make ao : charge fort . examination and will tell, you extotly " what proper and ncsary treatment ' .' will et. : . . . Wic3 Bros;. iCisntists n.lrd snd 7a6hlnrton.,- IX. 2S29