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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1906)
w ' v x . rv- ' . . , . ..f i M ! .-asH. . ::jt t:.;j2 stchy , ... r'r -1 'o Cartha C..sric's Tenibls ExpsH- ' , neo V-vS Consumption; Council Committee Appropriates Rf?utcsjv Party ' .Nominates Thi3 great sale is now at its hcisht. Selcctiom : from our enormous s s tock wiirgayc you doUgnr 7 r Yhlrty-Twb Thousand Irr Ex- r Hsad of Csnatf to Succeed Took a Severs Cold and Nej. -V;U':-.lsctad' It. and cents rand in all "cases insure you new, Given Up by Csven Physicians ' y.'as Incurtbls. ' MAYOR KID CXZCUTIVZ election Tcr.josnow ;i- COARD CUYING ACINTO AT VERSAILLES PALACE : i . i . a I 77 A at . j 1 I 111 1 . ' . - . " j Waji and Ueana Cdounlttee Specifies j Statesman Wh Will-Be Selected Itu Definitely What Each Approprla-j Been Many Ymh Before tha Pub. tkm-I FofDr-C JL Wbwlcf He and Ha If and -Honorable . .nnrnnHatlnn. mada hv tha wave and I v ' (Journal Deetsl Bantaa.t " 'aana MmmlitM of tha oltv council tot 'Parle, 3n. IS. Tomorrow thai imam the. different departments Of tha elty I bars of thr-natlonal assembly, composed to meet, tha - axpenaea or tha present I i senators and 8y deputies.' will A, yaar xoed by I32.29X tha aatlmatad re- asiemfcis In .ths grandiose paiaca of tha , ' oalpta of tha city frotn tha tax levy and former kings of Franca at Versailles. ' ril. ,7 . Ti. i a' unar 'the chairmanship; of M. yesterday afternoon' by - City - Auditor Devlin, but the members were not at ail perturbed over, tha situation. " The waya and meana committee la doing this veer what haa never before - been attempted," It la" apecif ying the Failures, tha president of the senate, will proceed, to elect a-' new prealdent for. tha -republic, for., a. .term ef.unn yaara, - - . . . . ,,-v.-,f., :, , . 'TaUlerea Voalnai M. Falllerea. the Drealdent at the , amount ofx the approprlatlona for each aenate, la looked upon aa flrat favorite. parxiy y reaaon of ma office and partly i ' , om-rri. .,. ,! i i iiwjiuea lie la Known in He ennnrt Hi haa the avdvantacea of aonrovad eznert. enca and of a large decree of that valu able quality which la aooewhat Indefi nitely called vallabilUy. Next In xavor appear to be M. Doumer, the preal aent or -the -charaberk - and XV Ieon Bouraeola, who haa held many Important offlcea. Including tha premiership and tha preaidency of - the ' chamber of deputiea. ..Meaara. ': Berrien. Brlaaon, nouvier, ueacnanei, Bertoux. Dupuy and other "polbiIltle- are all well-known to the world aa well aa to Franca, and It la believed that the choice of , any one of them would confirm tha world' confidence . in, tha stability of. the re. it. Fallleraa, president of the aenate, waa nominated for prealdent by the aen atora and deputiea belonalna to the Re publican or majority party. He received tie votes and Doumer 111. " Clement Armand Fallferea haa a polltlcai Yaotor to Franca for a quar ther of a century Ha waa born .In Moun. November 1141. etudled law. Dr. C. H. Wheeler. Who May Ba Ap. fmttted to the bar at Nerae and w . I waa eiactaH niiiriw T 4 u. -." t-- J Ttl.l.t. -rrn . I.... .... f . . " 1 mm sprint no was elected to the Cham : . i -A separate item and the mayor' and the ber ' PuUes aa a Republican by i.7 heads of his departmenta will ba forced . agalnat tor his Bonapartist -o-confine their expenditures to tha ap. opponent- In tha national legislature , proprlattons made. Tha mayor and his Fallieres Joined tha group of the Re executive board and oommlaalpns are publican left He Jumped Into promt made simply the purchasing; agents of nenoa at once as an orator. In the fall ; tha elty council without any liberty of the cabinet In 1STT he waa reelected : whatever to expend tha money as they deputy and to the new chamber he fol -think best The balances In each of the j lowed -the same political lines as- the Mpanut ippraprHiiiapi uir me puivinwisraw mpudiicuu. stay 17, 1180, - chasea have been made are to be can celed. By the cancellation of these bal ances It la hoped by the committee that the deficiency of $J3.:il will be met 'The Committee rises Thtaga.'. ' - j In making' the appropriation for elty . parks yesterday,, the- committee--specl be was appointed under - secretary ef state. He left, tha cabinet, together with tha. other . members of the Jules Ferry ministry. In 1181. . He returned to power as minister of the Interior In the Duclero cabinet, and when Duclerc re signed. -as prime minister on account of - -1 have been nearer death with -Consumption than nny other living person In the world, and I want you to read this, so you . can tell others. I took a severe cold and neglected It, I grew worfie all : the time and ktPthe "end of two. years i had -run -nto-Oonaume4io, I coughed terribly, lost fleah.'could not sleep and became so dreadfully weak that I hef toMake to bed. In the fol lowing eighteen montha I gradually reached the last stages of Consumption. No less than seven Dhrslotana treated ma and all save me ud savins- I waa in- curable. I was sbsolutely helpless. The whole family wore themselvee out car ing for me. . One day mother and slater came to my bedside and said I had but a day or two more to live. Tears rolled down. their cheeks as they sobbed the news. The doctors bad declared I was in. the last atasre and io human balna- could save ma. . Through the mercy of Providence, some one brought a botfle of medicine said to be a Consumption cure.- No one imagined for an Instant ii waa.wortn trviaa. But aa a drown. Ins person creeps nt a straw, so I tried thla medicine. ., I waa better after tak Ing two doss. Mother got .more of the OICTIW-and I look It. rmnrOVrrla'all the time, . Today I am as well as any reader of thla naoer. and tha medicine that cured me was Dr. -Acker's Enrllsh Remedy for the I-.ungs. - I declare beore ood snd man .that every word ' here printed is true. (Signed) Bertha Shark" ' We have many more Just aa strong testimonials as- thla that have come to us unsolicited. ' Don't you think that thla Is Drettv noaltlve nroof of aur cTaJm for Dr.' Acker's English Remedy? It acts promptly and In a soothing man ner. It goes right to ths dleeaeed part, killing the polnonous elementa (disease germs) and building up tha entire sys tem, thus Dreventlnsr tha taklns of the first sold.' which, when, neglected, al ways terminates In Pneumonia or Con. sumption. And right here we wish to lm- fires upon you . mai Lr. Acser a Jne lh Remedy - Is not sn alcoholic medi cine and does not contain opium. It la guaranteed to be nerfectly harmlesa and your money will be refunded should 11 lau to oo ail ws claim lor It Bs stun to ask for IPUl'l laOLini For tas X.OJurs. All Braggurts too. Wo, WUOO. it tk. .M.h I HI -health Fallieres became president of on ths east and on the weat aide. In facte I " -- nwpNc, togatner wun ins protests 61 1 1: V. Meyer,; Z. -r T I T . '"V"' ' " to reoonslder It . He has the ' lecal power to appoint and remove all publl officials, . Including ambassadors ' snd cabinet ministers. He can adjourn the chambers foe. say period of less than a month, can dissolve them after they have est rive months, and, with ths con sent of the senate, can dissolve . the chamber of deputies at any time.- But extensivs ss is ths nominal authority of tna preaiaent nis real authority asualls Is extremely limited, for all' of his own sets snd those of his appointees must virtually receive ths , sanction ef the chamber of -deputies, which in reality wieids tns supreme power. DENVER SOCIETY TOTTERING i.l mm l . ii. -' 7.. '-. . -. y if x : C Mm? m m mm. i-i?n spuiis ana uvercqa Boys' and GMdrcn's Suit Spscial ( ,f rr SALE, EXTRAORDINARY of Boys and Chfldrcn's 'fX 7 Suits dcsiraWa sty lesall sizes. : Regular $5.00, $6.00 and $7.50 ralnes, at .: : ' . ' .' Here are stunning Hat values. Regular $2.00 and $3.00 C7 1 f.t? hats in stylish shapes and colors ' vr ; '.. ; . , si) A - J Mf5e Tnilftr-Marle iiif anr. rnnf ' nf ; Arf iml ri-ff 1 r'TT Ths Greatest abtfilnjjf House in the Northwest ! . .".! -rv,,; ' l .v' -V l J r-'- i-hhii- January 13, 1908. The Journal Publishing Co., '.A. , :'.y'f . '- ,"-.- -J , - -y.: .-A-" f , I wish to say that. I have done considerable sdvertising in The 'Journal and can tli unhesitatingly state .that it has proven s biebusiness-brineer. ' The first four weeks of our business career we did five thousand dollars' . worth oi : cash business, which ; -jC 4 ..v ...... , . we fcuowcame vertised ; in. - A S. aaaa-ala smSs -a a a.a-aaiaaMh aa aLaaafe-aSasBpasaasMgfaiaSkaBSh UllUllgll JUUIUSI aUTei 113111 the-only newspaper we sd i i Quality .ft-a.'. Are the prominent features , of the matchleta ' . . Hawkins and Ion Lewis, members of the -park board, who wer -invited to confer , with ths mmmlttee. The .e-tlmato t , . the expenses of the department was re duced from I30.00S to I2I.S0S, of which tll.OOt was appropriated to the' west side and K.OOO to the east side. .-' , - - Commlssionera Hawklnai and . Mayer declared there was no sense- In specify. - ', tag a definite amount to be used, for -each side of the river. ..' JWe-jwHl-4ise- ouy best ' judgment . In (expending the appropriation- and x do ri what Is riht," ventured Commissioner Hawkins. "It will be Impossible to say "Just what amounts shall be expended In , : the different parks at the present time." -'. we aos-x snow a oioody thing about -. parks, and this proposition to specify ths amounts to bs used on ths east and wast- sides- is -1 oolUhneaa,"- declared CounoUman Wallace; - but the- other , members thought differently' and -. the . . . division of - the appropriation jatood. r- r,-"-tsal- Xepartmeat 1aav.; Dr. JL. 3. Oiasy and Dr. George Wilson -- of tas city health board created a mild . sensation when they told the commlt . tee of their plan for the reorganisation " of ths health department. They favored , the appropriation of 11,00s a year for a ' health officer, who shall be the execu '.. . tlvs officer of the board of health. They - recommend that a salary of 1100 a year paid ctty-physlcian, -to be snbordl - nate to ths health officer. They were ' of the opinion that many.' young phy slolans would be willing to take the of fice at that salary. They further rec-- wmmended that the salary of the deputy . health reduced from 11,20 to l0 a year, tThla office Is how held ' .- by "W. BSutelspscher and there was con , . slderabls opposition , to. reducing his salary. The members Of the - health -board were or the opinion that the du . . ties did ot reaulre any larew ;. of skill and they said they could get capable men or the smaller salary, and it stood. - A market Inspector was al -"lowed tS a-month and a-clerk month. , ' . .- .. ! : ... r. -ins reorganisation or the health de partment wllL take place at a special ' , meeting of the board of health follow ing the raUflcatlon of the' appropiia- t . ..v..i. uj ini vivy-oouncil. It IS said r Dr. C H. Wheeler will in ail probability ,:.',be elected health officer. ,i ,. South 8sa Islands., 'l The a S. Mariposa win be -saliins i .. again for Tahiti December 21. The voy ., age to Tahiti is ths most delightful of an inps to ins isoutn Fsclflo, All Ta. hltl travelers are enthusiastic First -i cabin round trip rata from San fran ' Si"00, ,1,S- w Btlngar, agent. tU senate refused to accept his bill directed against pretenders to ths throne of Kranae. -He aexved tagain lnthe Jules rerry anor ttonvler-mlnlstrles, snd "In 1 SIT was oalled by President Carnot to farm a cabinet of his own, but -aid not succeed.' .He served as minister of pub Mo- instruction In ths Tlrard cabinet la 1818, and On the Freyclnet cabinet of 180. . Ha was elected a member of . the senate In and has served as Preal. dent' of that body slnos March t, list. .-J Method off yreeesdnre. - The method' of procedure In the com Ing election will probably be of as much Interest 'to foreigners aa the questlos of ths presidency Itself. . Ths hall of ins palace at . Versailles in which the national, assembly will meet Is an lm mense-oblong room, galleried at three sides.: with sn unpolished glass celling. Ths hsU Is situated in the southern' wing of ths palace, between the Swiss Pond Snd ths Rue Oambetta, and Is furnished with. 114. gilt-framed, crimson silk-up- Bolstered chairs (or the senators and deouttaa. ; - "v .- ..' - ' The congress will be opened at about 1 o'clock In the 'afternoon by the pros! dent of the senate calling the assembly to order. He will then, after Informing the assembly of ths. impending comple tion or tne term or orric ox president LoubeC recite the srtloles of ths consti tution empowering the assembled repre sentatives ta elect his successor. Ths brisk, business of balloting than begins, ths ' presiding - officer . carefully . sup pressing all attempts made by the elec tors to addrsss . ths assembly, and as each member's name is called out hs steps forward to deposit his vote la ths ballot box- It Is not st all probable that aa elec tion will result from the first ballot, for In tha. assembly, of tie members 441 .votes are necessary In order to eonatl tuts ths necessary majority. As soon as tha balloting Is finished sn adjourn ment la taken to count ths votes.. This usuaUr consumes about half .aa hour. Ths assembly Is then celled ' to order sgaln by ths presiding orrioer, who an nounces the numbers snd If the requisite majority has . been obtained proclaim ths chosen one1 president of the republic " Sa Srot errors Xa M' 'When the assembly hag been duly closed the prime minister, members of the cabinet snd other dignitaries, all in full evening dress, adjourn to ths mag nificent Balon Marengo, where tne sue cessful .. candidate ; receives from ' the premier' ths .notification of his election. Ths president takes, no oath of office, la -not sworn, in and Is not Inaugurated In the American sense of the word. The powers of the chief executive Of France are as roiiows: hs cannot veto legislation, but may require the houses o;i its fou:.wio;i Action of Juvenile; Court May Mean Penitentiary Terms for ; Many Prominent Citizens. ' People Comef ritb our store eveijr dsy-snd-teU-us they saw the advertisement In The Journal We believe The Journal is as. good an advertising medium as there is in the city of Portland and we believe it;, to the extent that we will continue to ' V 'give it our patronage. . ; v ' Yours very truly,; Piano : (Jssraal gpsdal aervtee.) '. i . - ' Denver, CoL, . Jan. Just . before going: to ths hospital for a rest. and euro for his nerves. Judge Ben B. Llnd key of the Juvenile court has ordered ore than 10 cases prepared, which will Involve professional snd society men of Denver. - Juvenile Of fleer - Philippe hss made a rough investigation of every big department store In Denver where girls are employed and claims to have evidence that will send sevsral men to the penitentiary- Philippe aave)- - "Informations are being suppressed, but we wilt be' ready for action In two weeks. We are assured that there Is no power on earth that can save the criminal offenders when tried. There are rich men, high In publle places of Denver, - who must faoe - tne awful dla grace when the Tacts are made public - "I aavs tne names ox over 20 men business, -professional and society,, who are Implicated la procuring young girls from - department stores. - These girls are all under ths ags of consent, and mere are aunareoa oc mem." - 1 ; i ' ' 'J . ' . . .r-r -'-..... T. :i - ' - COLUiIA WjOI-NJini co 4Grant Phegley, Mgr. .J.. $ r', Examine them closely. Wtrt elegance of design and solid ity of construction. ; Prices are right. ' Sold on easy pay. .; ;rr ' ments.' DARK JiriYOI I Stage En Route -From Condon td Fossil Is Wrecked In 1 Cloomy Night. , ; , ONLY TWO CANDIDATES ANNOUNCED AT EUGENE (ftoeeUI Disssteh ta The Jomal.t Eugene, Or, Jan. II. Very little of politics Is heard In Eugene, the political pot not yet having begun to almmsr to any great extant. ' r The only persons here who have publicly announced their candidacy for office ore A, C Jennings for stats treasurer and Z T. Harris for circuit Judge of this district, both oa ths Republican ticket, ., , Mr. Jennings Is a former member ef the legislature and acted as recording clerk lav-ths house. of representatives at several sessions.- He- hss also served one term aa Lane county- clerk. - Mr. Harris is at present occupying ths position ' to which he desires to-be elected, having been appointed a year ago by Governor Chamberlain, when ths law providing for ' two judges In this district wsnt Into offset.- He Is a for mer speaker of the house of representa tives and has been a candidate for tha nomination for congressman. ONE HORSE FALLS AND ' FRIGHTENS OTHER THREE Terrified Animals Draf Their Mate 4 at Terrific Speed Alonj Rocky 2 RouteVilaepceiirtsoX Expect to. Be Dashed to Death. BUILT V; LOGGING AND HOISTING ENGINES ;.?V 4MARINE ANDTEAMBOATJACinNEIlY r-rj' t; ELECTRIC HOISTS , . : ' -7 HEAVY SAWMILL SPECIALTIES v r v 7yV.- POWER. TRANSMITTING MACHINERY r tr;-;' ' Guaranteed heavier, stronger and of better design than sin V uar machinery built elsewhere. Ws believe what we say and. stand behihd it. ' Jiyni2iii2t2 iron and Steel l?6rfe p ;Tchtlai:d, Oregon, u; t: a. V ONVICTS ADDRESSED BY-MRS. WEATHERRED SnaUl Damatek ta Thai limill . Salem. Jan. H. -In lieu of the usual Sunday evening-service at the peni tentlsry,' Mrs. Edyth Toslsr Weatherred delivered to-the 400 prisoners her lllus trated lecture on the 8t Louis exposi tion snd showed some views'" of the lswls and Clark fair. - The penitentiary band rendered sevsral selections , snd CaH - JtoWBSowoe -PorUaad,vrne -as sisted Mrs. Weatherred. sang an Illus trated song. . . ... . -.; . 1 . , wsaee Z. O. O. P. lavstnUX, '' , . raeeelal Ptopeteh ta Tk JeernLI ' " Wasco, Or., Jan. K. Sherman lodge No, 117. 1. O. a r. Installed the follow ing officers 'January II: . Ira F. Hill. N. O.; Arthur F. Watkina. V. O.: J. R. Howell, recording secre tary; W. C Rees, financial secretary; J. K. Merslnger, treasurer; J. A. Laf ra. conductor R.- -H.- McKean, -warden '-fc M. Btorm. chaplain. C R. Porter, D. D. a. IL, was insuuiof ofQcw, - fnseelal panateh te Tbe.l'oamal.t Condon, Or., Jan. II. The Condon stage that left here Saturday night for fossil - met with . dlaaster about . five milss from town. . The four-horse stage left her, at T o'clock with two passen gers and the driver and all wsnt well until one of the leading horses Tell and the Stage ran Op on the fallen animal. Thla caused the other three to take fright-and rthejr reared and plunged along tha rocky canyon road In a ter- rlflojnanner'-Tha driver di4 not Jose his head, but held on. abpfled the brakes and tried Hot guide the-now .thoroughly frightened horses slong ths dangerous road.- Reaching a bend In the road,- the three boress, still dragging ths fourth. mads a lung to thr side orrhac7arrm, when both splndlss of the front axis! broke and the horses wsre . thrown In 1 a heap against tha rocky bluS alone the canyon aids. Ons of the passengers waa. J. "W. Brooks, ana of the Held agents of Tha Portland Dally Journal, and bla story Is thrilling In tha extreme, aa almost at. any moment they expected -'to be dashed over one of the . many rocky banks along the dangerous road. . Ths other passenger waa J. V. Kingsbury, a traveling salesman for Hester, May 4V Co. of Portland, and both Brooks and Kingsbury, during ths few minutes of the wild dash, expected to be killed or maimed In ths general wreck that followed the passengsrs climbed Out of ths de moralised stage sad went to work as sisting the driver to eztrioate the stage and horses, which were all piled ap In a heap, and after about a half hour's work ths horses were pulled out of the wreckage and taken In charge by the passengers, while the driver started up the canyon to a ranch house three miles back, where he secured a hack and team, returned .to the wreck and took the mail and passengers, who had to wait about two hours In ths cold and snow, on -to Fossil. '. ' Had the accident happened a mile far ther down the canyon tha chances art that all would have been killed, ss the road la narrow and the bluff rooky and dangerous In ths daylight, and is doublr so In the night and darkness of the canyon. Both Kingsbury ana Brooks, when seen by the correspondent, seemed all light and none the worse for their wild sxpsrlsnoa. ,. ,. ; 7-T-' Mew Wanala, Sokoot. ;.-.. - raaaaUl rMeaatefe -Ss The Jeerest Pendleton, Or.. Jen. 16. A new school district hss been formed in Umatilla oountv near Wallula. taken from ths north patL?f district No. 10jwhloh was FED HER I lUSDAfJO POISON f-Ianufacfwrcrt Piano Co. r- 350 ALDER ST.' While Nursing and Caressing T Spouse, Woman Tortured . Him by Giving Arsenic. 'V IT MADE LOVE TO HIRED MAN AT THE DEATH BED too largo and unwieldy for 0ns sel"of TTTomach removeoTw'ehty-thi"gralna director handler--Tha Bsw-dletrlct will ba known as No. tf. By ths divi sion ths old district loses much railroad Bronerty now la the new district. Offl cern for thr new- dlstrknVwill- he- sleeted at a special election to- be bold to the near future.'.: '- " FwniTHYrtF rniysinFRATinw The production . of Oregon wheat, wool, hops, fruit, ash, lumber and gold brings millions of dollars Into Oregon each year. . AU these vast -millions do little to permanently snrlch ths stats If the money ts sent away for commodities made elsewhere. The only way to build up this : state Is to glvs preference to Oregon-made '- goods. ' Life Insurance premiums drained us laat year of more than $1,099,000. Thla money ' can and should be kept here, Ths Oregon Lafe Insurance company Is a .home oonoera managed by well-known Oregonlans. Every dollar paid for premiums is Invested In safe Oregon securities snd ths Interest or profits, on these securities are also Invested here. Examine their, rates snd plana before considering outsit) companies. Offloe fifth floor 'ao Imv building. Ill Washington street, Portland. ' Oregon. Phone 1 x " .' r frn .--r, U. 8AMCEU Mans; r. Twenty-Three Oralna v of Arsenic Pound in" Stomach ' of Murdered LMan Wife .Watched Him .Dla-In Agony Without Emotioo,' ' , '-- r... V , ; . - . -r - -fr v-'- .?.'''"-, mmmm,, ' . f . 4 . ." : A'' ...... ' ' (Jooreal tse-Ul Bervfaa.) Rockwell city, lows, Iowa. Jan. It. The trial of . Mrs. Joalah , N. : Pratt, charged with having killed her husband by alow poisoning, haa dlsoloeed what appears to have been one of the most heartless crimes ever committed "by woman. If the Jury flnda her guilty On me evidence n is equivalent to saying that Mrs. Pratt, while nnrslng her hus band and caressing him - during - ' six weeks or excruciating pain, was In fact torturing him by adminlstsrlng poison. its sruneraiwas stopped and his 0 POMyS EXTRACT Is a sseetS efela lesd, SMMle ef MM -a4 rtmA'i 1-HA Hi Skla, daasaM fe el all laumrMM, Irrltaties. la erasaaatal SBe. saa BOM Is sells-elkls ' lasv. mi la larsa Ms Has, , : raLSST tlksT-CtAM P1ALIM IVXRTWiml of free arsenie were found therein. Five experts or th suu testified -thst Pratt's symptoms-wars these) ef srSenlc poisoning snd could' ba attributed to f-no disease, while-three sjxperte- for- the defense siaimed that the symptoms Indl caiea m comDinaiion or rive diseases, although admitting that ' symptoms -of arsenic poisoning were present. ... . Utnsr witnesses testified reeardlna Mrs. jPratt'a affection isa William Parsing, employed on her hosbeuid'a farm. - A doaen persons told of having seen Perslng's arms around Mrs. Pratt. Three witnesses said that whan' Pratt wss dying Mr. Pratt stood bv ths bad. her hand In Perslng's, while without a tear or sigh aha watched ths suffering man breaths his last. Then she rested her head on Perslng's Perslng declares that he t svr 1 . . ! Mrs. Pratt, but piano, s to .t- a young girl at Fonua, Ijv v V - I taeeena) 1 ' irukesrae I ; nws.l ilast Isuba II take. PLAN TO J.!AKE CHICAGO GREAT CATHOLIC CErjTEH ' (Jooraal sseelal Brrfa. Chfcago, I1L. Jan. If. An s-nh"'-i -ctieTiTid -for munyytf i f the l- man Catholic elrgy of C " ro,.!! r plan by which ths 4 w center Of th best C t and religion In Ai assumed definite s ' m Ing in the s"--"- "n ' menr ser '