The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 16, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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j Question of War or, Peace In An
rtthrtchii Fields Hangs in Re-f"
?'jr5;t;:"tutt of Convention ' '
. 7V!$ ',i,';V;f''.V.'"!r t'' ' "";;t
Annual catherinq of&;
united mine workers
' principal Obstacle la the Way I
nition of Labor' Orjanisation,
; 4 -: -.' (taid Spedsl Berries.) r
;t Indianapolis. -Jan. - 1-Th auectlon
Vof war or peace In the coal fields will
largely depend upon 4he-rult. of r the
. ' seventeenth annual convention of ths
' United Mlaa Workera of America which
'opened her' thla moraine at Tomlmeoo
hall. Tb couTanUon . waa called to
', order by President John .Mitchell., who
.delivered an. address sxplainlng the
pimat situation and gave a clear etate
' ment of the decisions of the an this cite
' ' minora convention at Bhamokln. Oov
"". ernor Hanly . delivered an addraas af
, welcome-The rest of the morning ees
alon ws; devoted to tba appo.ntmeot
of committee and other routine busl-
-ytiymrnfn Refuse. ' ' HtfVwe ' - ; j Triumph' Tonight. - - .
- There la a at roof feeling of deiarml
nation among the deiegatea to the eon-
'vantion, baaed upon a full realisation
of the present situation and - of ' tba
probable precipitation of a- aerloua
Serials In caae It should be Impossible to
-bring about aa asreeraent between the
miners aod' the operators.
' v rc ,..-'. . u saaw.:'-)
' i An aaraatnanta aa to waae aealaa. ete
between miners and operators In the
bltomlnoue and anthracite ooal fields
XDlre an March tL' WbUa It cannot
be aald that tba eondlUona la tba bl
. tumlaooa fields are Ideal. It moat be ad
mltted that ther are br no means as ee-
; rleua aa In tba antbraetta flalda. ' Tba
. ' miners In the bituminous fields axa not
confronted with as aerloua problems aa
' those In tba anthracite fields, owlnc to
'tn demands reoentlf formulated by tba
anthracite minora at tba Bhamoaln cos
wenUon. -jrha miners in the bituminous
' ooal mines wlU undoubtedly make osr
taln demands beyond tba conditions
' arrant ed by so oparatora under tba pree-
r. rat areamant, but tt la ballorad thai
na aa-reement will auiokly be reached
- without a, craat strusfle. It is differ
ont 1 with the anthracite miners. " Their
. demands are of such a radical nature
that an aooeptaaoa of their terma la
aoaroaty expected. All that oan reason-
, ably bo hoped for la that tba oparatora.
. i after mature deliberation, will oonaent
.to submitting the matter to arbitration,
Bran that they wUl not
, Tba principal obstacle in tha way at a
settlement la tha demand of tha miners
for - recognition of ' their union. Many
oparatora are known to be bitterly op?
. posed to a recognition : of tha union.
They fear that such recognition would
Seriously cripple them In handling their
mining properties, as It would prao
, uoaily destroy any opportunity of deal
lor with their men -indrrtanaily. A cuu'
- .promise 1a scaroaly ta be expected, as
the mlnera fully understand the vital
, importance of tba demand for reoognl-
-. tion, without which, they feel, no perma-
, nent ImprovemenlotJhclC-Oondltlfm nan
- ; be expected. .-t... -
s ; i The demands of tha anthraolto miners
, : will be the first matter ta bo considered
toy tha convention and there Is but little
- ' doubt that tha convention will strongly
, indorse these demands. President
Mitchell and his trusty Jlsutenanta. Dts-
; trlot Presidents Fahy. NlchoUs a
, ; Dettry. who are conducting , the nam--'
. paign of the anthracite mlnera, are con
fldent that tha convention will back up
. ,'- j tba anthracite ' mlnera. , At tha .asms
tlme they will do their utmost to hold
' down the radical elements amonc tba
delegatea and . keep them from oo:
mining say Indiscretion, which would
preclpltata a, war between tha mlnera
rand oparatora without hop of a, final
, adjustment of tha existing dlfferanoaa.
TMXk Tw6t maea) WdUU'T.
- . North Powder. Or, Jaav 1C O.
j '.-Z i Hewitt of Pendleton baa purchased tha
, now drug store from Dr. S. W. Barnes
- and will conduct tha business here in
. the . future. Dr. Barnes has conducted
a. drag store f or years tit North Powder,
, - and has- one -of the- oldest established
drug businesses -la this section ef the
, stsXa. ..The 'doctor Intends to con tin no
- the practise of medicine here. .
i Allen -Lewie- Best Brand.
and tone ; thai., -out
glaSe gives ta .:
tba ". table - la mora
, than realised by a eelae- - ,
-rtion from our stock. , -JH r't:y
- Is .tha steet bins color that starts
r from" the plain blank ltaelfand,
'continuing through all' tba vrt-
" IWl"'" sWaneytMr" ' m 'WTfHInwalsihtp1' '
. shows tha finished article to tha
greatewt advantage. "- ;i ;
i- i "' 1 y' f': ; n
Prices ere -Attncth
I ju. e '
. r.,.,.. l--
New York ; Legislator Declares
:That Both the Peach and "t"
js Piatt Are Disgraces. 'v
Motion Asking Pepews Resignation
Pour to One, Democrat Refusinf
Uoaraal tsedal anitA
Albany, Jan.. 1. At tha meet
ing of the aeonta. today Senator Brack-
ett's' resolution demanding ths, resigna
tion of Chaunoey M. Dopew as United I
SUtes senator was tho first order ofiaa m text passage from Blackatona'a
ousinesa - xumcKott eta not mince mac
tara In attacking Dapaw for his connse
tlon with tha Inauranoa acandala . lie
aald that any senator present ought to
blush for shame at tho representation
of the groat Empire state in tha United
States senate, by either of tho present
senators. He said that be would sup
port any resolution requesting Piatt to
resign, and Insisted that Depewa aerr-Ical-TdlhequllsilenarettrrnriBe
time that be received 1 10.000 a year re
tainer wars only such aa he waa in duty
bound to render as. a dtraotor of tha
company.".- . .J.. ,..;
Tha reaolutlon offered . by Bona tor
Brackett Is -ms follows: - . .
- "Slnco tba adjournment of this sonata
tha people of tha state and nation have
been staggered by 'tha relations shown
to have existed for years between the
Equitable Life Assurance society and
Chauncey M. Depew, one of tho senators
of tha a tats la. tha United States con
gress. :-'.:
"Recognising that thasa disclosures
have caused a total' lack of 'confidence
in tha abUlty of tha senator to properly
represent the people la tha. body., ta
which bo was aleotodV .. . . ... v . .
" "Resolved, : " by tha" senate, - That
Chauncey M. Depew be, and he hereby
Is., requested to forthwith resign bis
seat la tha United States senate."
- The resolution -waa Crst lntroduoed by
Brackett on January t, and waa tem-
porarlly withdrawn on account of . tha
opposition of Republican leaders to
radical effort to compel Depew' s retire
ment. ,' ' . f''.'"."- v ""i
After ona of the severe arraign
ments over hoard in tha New York legis
lature, tha Brackett reaolutlon waa de
feated by a vote of t to 1, tha Demo
crats remaining passive and not voting,
declaring that tho responsibility for
Depew. rested ' upon tho party , which
ant him to tho sonata. .
(leersel Sseelal aarrlee.t
San. Xranclsco, Jan.
. is. Altar . many
years occupancy at a big salary with
fat commissions, tha Forbes family la
now out of tba general agency of tha
Now York for tho states of, California.
Nevada - and tho territory Of Hawaii.
Tho change' was mad yeaterday. The
new manager la W. L Hathaway of
Portland, gregon.iJrla . undertakes, the
work with ths title of .manager at a
good, stiff salary, but no eommlsslona
For many years tha lata A. B. Porbea
was general agent of the company on
tha coast - His - son. Stanley Forbes,
waa cashier In the offlcev - When tho
father died three years ago his son suc
ceeded him, Tba father .and son built
up tha buatnaaa until tha f Ace collected
more Insurance money than any other
single Ufa Insurance office west of Chi?
eago. .Tho resignation of For be la de
clared to be voluntary.) -., ,,.', , ,- . ,,1.
,. "The promotion of Mr. Hathaway ia
nothing but tho working out of a plan
of some months' conception," aald Alma
D. Kata, manager of tba Portland office
of tho Mutual Ufa Inauranoa company,
whan aeon this morning in relation to
tho abova dlaoaieh. "Before the older
Mr. Forbes died he made tha request that
Stanley Forbes, his aon. suooeed him as
tha manager of the buslnee for
Franclsoo, northern California, Nevada
and tho Hawaiian Islands. V.
- "Tha business waa not to the liking
of the aon, but ont of reepect for his
father's wishes be consented to remain
with tha company for one year. He lim
ited his management to tba San Fran
Mmm nfflr. and Mr. Hathaway took
cbarg of northern California. Nevada
and tha Islands, now nr. come step
out for good and Mr. Hathaway assumes
tha 001 tlon formerly held py tna aon.
Mr. Hathaway receive a salary Instead
of a commission. . ' -
' RsmUI fnmsteh ts Tk JearaaLl '
Koeeburc r.. Jan. it. la tha circuit
court this morning Leoa U Vial, charged
with ahootlag Mrs, lsuu Ihimbleton at
Winchester last March, pleaded guilty
and was sentenced to six years in tha
penitentiary. Ha will bo -r taken to
Salem tonight '.:, -'v.. ' i - :
Vial shot Mrs. Dumbieton during aa
attempt to fore hla way Into bar home,
where hla wife, . with whom ha was
having trouble. ' was . stopping. The
wound .waa a alight ana and tha woman
recovered. Vial waa arrested, remanded
ta jaU and his caae set for trial-laat
u a . week before hla caa came tin
ha scoured his liberty on bail and fled.'
Nothing was heard from him until last
Tuesday when he surrendered to ; the
Spokane authorities and ha waa returned
hero Sunday. -'r '. '-,''.-,:,;
X' '' fBseeUI Ottpateh te Tbt taamaLl '
; HUlsboro, Or Jan. 1-Frank J. Hall
of this city Is accused of entering,
through a broken 4r1ndow, the store of
Schulmerlch ' Brothers .Sunday ' evening
and stealing $. . He was arrested lata
yesterday, and aonfesaed to tha charge
rig 1 now tnr1att. -H has a wlfs aud
six children, and ail are respected.
" Pocket Banlc Free."
; Subscribers of Tha Journal ara glvoa
pocket savings banks free. These banks
when presented at tba Oregon Treat St
Saving bank. In tha Marqiiam building,
with tba deposit of one dollar or more,
entitle thr drsposltor. ,. to . extra -Ft
oents. ' " .- ... - ' -.. '
This offer Is made aa an inducement
for opening a bank account which means
ths nucleus f future wealth., n v.
Tho batiks oan b obtained front The
Journal business office or through. Tba
Journal canvassers la tba dty. , , ,
i c . -'5. -.. ' , .i .... 1 V-
Fire and Brimstone Are Words
-7 Used - Figuratively, - Says-
Evangelist Martin.
:'M-...... -, ; . ; i
A in Cam of Dcserlpdong of Hell,
"TEoa oTKeaven Aro but Fifurs-
tirt. Says : Dr. ' Martiii-MLot'g
Dr. 8. M. Martin, In bid sermon last
night on "Hell." . demonstrated conclu
sively to aa audlenca that crowded tha
First Christian church, tha character.
exlstenoe and duration af belL He uaad
commentaries, wherein It Is stated that
in. tha vindicatory part of a law con
sists tha main strength and force of
that law. He argued that tba princi
ples of right and Justice ara fixed, and
law la merely an expression of these
rules. God's laws, however, ara omnip
otent and unchanging. . f . - .
"We hare In tho Old Testament" aald
PiMartlnJ3woworda to rapresent
bell. Tha first la aheol, which la found
II time In th Old Testament' and
translated 29 times It means hades, and
tha remaining two times It means death.
Thar ia ia tha Old Testament tha word
top hat, which occurs tea times, and
translated means tha place' af dreama
Sheol la tha Greek word for hadea, and
la found 11 times in tba Now Testament.
Ten times It. la translated hell, and onoe
It 4a translated grave. It means tha
grave,, or death tha' unseen or under
world. Tba equivalent of tho word
tophat la tha New Testament Is tha
Greek word gebanna. Tha first syllable
ta valley, and tha balance of tha word
baa reference to alnnom, tho other name
for tho place of dreams..- Tha word ge
henna indicates tha place, or condition.
It doaa not Indicate a literal existence
of a fir and brimstone hall. Nobody be
lieve in that. It 1 almply a flgusatlvo
reference to tha awful condition of tba
wicked In thalr future state.
"The alluslooJto- heaven aa contain
ing streets that ara pavad with gold.
with pearly gates and a river of life
flowing through tho midst of tho golden
thoroughfares, ara but figurative ex
pressions ' of tha infinitely glorious
stats or residence of tho soul who Is
rewarded for. righteousness and good
Seeds. It Is hut to give us a faint Idea
t Its glories and Its Joya. So with
hell. Tha descriptions of a lake that
burue forever and eternally with Are
and brimstone la but flguratlve.
., Tha aublect of Dr. Martln'a a
tonight will be "Love's Triumph,'
pmiiis are won
a .. . ..... ; .
.... (Continued - from Pago Ona)
tho poUUea. - Under tho terma. of tha
act of ISO! tho county alerk of each
oouaty where auch petition la fllad must
eertlfy that he has oomparea tno signa
tures with tha signatures of the voters
aa shown by ths registration books In
his office and tho law provides that tha
campetttairihaU b wlth-tb regtstra
tlon books and blanks tor the preceding
general election." -,'. .- V
It seems therefore that a voter who
was duly registered before tha laat gen
eral . election that of 101 may sign
petitions for. tha exercise of the Initi
ative. But ho may not algn. without re
registering, petitions for tho nomination
of ' candidates for atate, district or
county office, to be voted for In the
primaries next -Apru. tanaiaaiea woe
have secured signature af voter not
vet reaistered will therefor be obliged
to see that tha signers register before
the petition: -la presented, otherwise tha
Signature of the unregistered voter
eannot be counted by tho county clerk.
(Continued from Pago One.) -
howl would still soften annually from
tho winter ralna and let tha tracks sink
toward tha center.
- On tha Southern Pacific system there
ara two other places at which -similar
trouble occur at - a pout between
Sulsun and Benacia. California, and -on
a section of tha Una crossing tha Great
Sale lake In Utah. Formerly tha South
ern paclflo paaaed around Great gait
lake, but about two years ago a- out.
off was built across tha lake, from
Oaden to Lucln. by piling and filling.
At one point where tho - water - la
shallow, tho fill soon began sinking and
since that timo piling and tracks .have
steadily descended toward the bowels
ef the earth and tha company has con
stantly had to (111 and reinforce - tha
roadbed. .:: ':.,-';'
Crossing the Sulsun marshes to roach
Ban Francisco by a short cut tha rail
road passe over -another section that
alnka nncaaalngly - Into tha - earth " and
requires oonstant vigilance and recon
struction. Watchmen are kept at these
points day and night and when a sudden
sink of several feet as occasionally oc
curs and tha rail Joints are parted tha
watchman gives warning and trains are
atopped until a construction gang oan
be aant to mend tha track. ' . , - ,
. . ... m 1 1 mm 1 1 .
See Nature In Her Winter Garb.
To sea . tba. far-famed Rocky moun
tains In their wondrous winter garb 1a
tha treat of 1 a lifetime.' The canyon a,
peaka and gorgea ara even mora . at
tractive in winter than In Bummer. ' Tha
Denver eV Rio Grande, popularly known
Ss "Ths Soenid X.lnr Of the" -"World. "
piers as - thaserr -heart af thoBoohtoo,
and besides is the only transcontinental
Mna paaalng direoUy- through.gaU Vmk
City, the quaint and picturesque Mor
mon capital. Stopovers granted on all
classes . of tickets.- For ' rates to all
eastern points call upon or write W. O
MoBride. lit Tblrd atroat.;. , .l -v.f
.gsui fMssaam as tha Jearaall "
Billings. Mont, Jan. It Charlotte
Warraa was tba aublect yesterday of
what . might ' have become a . tragedy.
While ah waa out . driving with on
lover. John Price, another, Fred Morris,
held Prto up at tb raussie or a pistol
and forced her to qul tha buggy, and
waia nome wiin Dim. - v
Price later had. Morris arraeted. 1
1, T
- , .
Perfectiorr at Last.
Aatomatto chant maker and rests ter.
tt Marguam buildlag. .
...... -v..; -v
'. . We have a number of
pianos that we propose to
- put tip forjpecisl sale. : ;
pThe sale will open Sat-
v urday, January .20..
X This is not a fire sale;". 1
neither have these instro-
Z ' ments t berincratcheflJOt-i-X
damaged in handHngi-lItT l
i is simply another genuine
Allen & Gilbert-Ramaker
piano sale. ; ; '
X In fact wejiave'no ex-- X
V cuse to offer other thsn :
' that we - propose to sell
X these pianos . out In a '
- hurrjr.y.
They are all in perfect :
r condition and are pianos y
of world-wide repute! -' '
T The list Includes ''
r2 Emctts
t 1 llardman
I 2 Smith & Barnes i
i I Wellington
i I Conover
2 Fischers
1 Mason 6;HfimIini
x , We : have not' priced ? X
t 'these instruments as "yet,
T Knt ws ntntnut tfiat tfi'
,- ......... r
figures will be substantial
inducements td"iny one
X ; irrthe market for a piano.
Watch" for - announce-
Z ' ment of prices!. : -' v.!Vi'Z
''' Sale 4 ooens "Saturday. :
,'."-r" z . . . t. '
I j;-January 20. ?.t:'& ii I
X ;.:The.;; Oldest, Largest V
; and Strongest Piano and 't
Orirsn House fat the Pa-' 1
. v -r ' V V. ' f :, ;-r ...i - ",tr
Port'xnd Man and New Work
7 Ctpfts!:f Want to finance J
;'v : M:."ion-Do!'ar Road.
On ftdctlon. WlU Open Up Territory
Contslnlnf Six Eillion Feet of
erWia Develop flue
Portland man and a capitalist oft
New York City have asked tba prlvUega
of Grants Paas ta finance the f 1.000,000
road which it baa taken stops to build
for the purpose af developing copper
and timber Industrie. ' - .. v
Representative -; Robert -' Smith of
Oraata Paso, who la chairman of the
committee appointed by the otttsena ta
raise a f 10,000 bonus, as a token of good
faith. Is 'registered at tha , Imperial
hotaL He aaya the time Is not oppor
tune to mention names. Associated with
him on tho committee are H I OUkay,
H. C Kianoy, J. O. BooU and I U
rua nine miles to the A.pplegete
Hvar." said Mr. Smith thla morning.
On tha other side the road will branch
out to Takilma la one direction and to
Blue Lead ,in - tha other. -From the
junction to Takilma wUl be II mllea
It la oaUmatad that tha section of the
road can be buUt for l00,000.' It will
develop a country, having 4,000,000,000
feet of timber. From the Applegate
river to tho Blue lad copper mines is
If mOee, whioh caa he ooaatruoted, to
gether with the Williams river branch,
for 1400,000. It contains 1.000,000,000
feet of lumber. The Williams river
branch wUl leave the Blue Lead .line at
Provolt poetoffioev a point si miles
from the river. It'wlU he II muse
long and open a section of - oountry
having 1,000,000.000 feet of lumber tqr
market, terminating at WlUlam. . I
"The Blue Lead branch win he down
grade into Orants Paaa. At present our
section of the atat la producing lO.OOe,
000 feet of lumbof uer year, which
cost t per 1,000 feet to haul in Orants
Pass. Nona of It la hauled mora tnaa
II mllea Tno proposed road wui out
the present price more thsn In two. -
"At Blue. Lead la on or tno largeai
copper mlf aa In the atate. The company
bearing afa name, controlled by C. I
Tail of Colorado Springs. Colorado, and
minor ones, have been ao developed that
with railroad facilities ther oan ship
1.000 tons of ore a day. At preaent the
Tull eomnanr. which has a smelter at
Slue Lead, is compelled to haul Its coke
and matte o mllea. -
Takilma la the center of the Sucker
Creek valley,-with. 10,000 acres of land
capable of Irrigation, wnen tno pro
posed read la built a eopper. smelter Is
to- be erected there. . , i. --
"I am la the city for the purpose of
completing arrangements for possible
aetuoment of the deal calling for tha
financing of the road by tha Portland
"."auJal? euustfuatlo owUl bs
y, we hope to have it ia operation
by tho-nd of the
Deputy' District Attorney Qua C
Moser baa f lied aa ta formation la the
circuit court acalnat Jew Nun,
Chinese, charging him with murder in
the first degree for having shot and
killed ' Lea Tack Tee ' on . January. 10.
Jew Nun .waa arrested a few miautea
after the fatal shots bad bean fired by
Detective - Joe Raaing and Deputy
Sheriff Dodo Parrott. With the Infor
mation Is a Hat of witnesses examined
hv the district attorney and . among
them la given the name of Lee leek
Tee. and f ollowlna tho - name of tha
Chinese ar tha . words, -dying
declaration." .. ...
Moser - ale - filed two Informations
agalnat John D. OlmeUr. who la charged
with assault and battery and. also with
having contributed to the delinquency
ef a minor In encouraging "Whlrley,"
aged 14 years, td gamble. It la aald that
both Olmeter and "wmriey- are newa
boys. i-.. ..- ' ;.
a Kronberg, who le conducting the
tour of Calve In -conjunction with John
Cort arrived in town today with the
good news that tho famous "Carmen
never bas sung better in her career
than now. The artiste's bearing la
Portland baa attracted a groat deal of
attention, and ao It should, if the word
of Mr. Kronberg that this will be her
first and only advsat te the northwest
I true. i - '- i." .-
The present tour is to laat 10 weeks.
She la alnalng tha -celebrated "Haban
era from Blset's "Carmen," ths opera
which made her famous. In eoatuma, aa
wall aa cbaractertetla Bpanieh songs.
The program arranged la Itself of note,
but Calve le amiable ia bar eaoorea and
usually responds ; with - tw or - three
numbers at tho end of each of her an
nounced oelecttona ; Tha singer's ap
pearance will be ona of the great mu
sloal events of tho season. , , - , ,- ,
Prank C Barnea baa filed with County
Clerk P. & Fields his Intention of bo
soming a candidate for reelection to tha
position of county- commissioner., Mr.
Barnes left yesterday for Ix Angeles,
Callforntg.-Wharghd ; Sriu 'spend
month's vacation. .'One of the laat acta
before leaving wee to decide to again
try for . tba county eommlsslonorshlp.
For several weeks he has been con
sidered . as ' a ! possible candidate for
sheriff, and for a time would hot eay
that he did not have the matter under
consideration. On . Jury 1 Mr. Barnea
will have served four rears In the office
to-whttvK be wishes te he reelected.'
"JBcleotSlo; Ucturta" ; ;-
AU Intallectuaf and progressive peo
ple will weloome the announcement
that Katharine M. H. Blackford, M. D
L of the Boston Bohoel of Tltoao
phy, the only woman vltosophtat on the
lecture platform, will oeiiver a course
of free select If lo lectures ea character,
mental, physical and health culture at
the T. M. C A. auditorium, commencing
tonight, January 10, v Inv Blackford la
an attractive and pleasing lecturer aad
ha thoroughly mastered her subject.
which will b demonstrated in her pub
lid delineations of character each even
Friful Xtavt-ts of the Scourges, Which I live So Long Baffled
the CUa cf tledicaJ Science, Prevented ard Cured by the Use of
roved a boon to suffering- humanltv durlna - the "nhoumonla - weather," -
which has prevailed from one end of the
aunertng men and women are blessing the day when their attention was called .
ta the btoAoen,'lYoaHftg "Invigorating and life pfdeaglng gualitleo ef thie ua
rivaled throat, lung and stomach remedy.
It ia recognised everywhere aa the Unfailing apoelfle pr the euro of colds, ,
bronchitis, consumption, nervousness, malaria, every form et stomach trouble, .
all diseases of tho throat and lungs, and all run-down and weakened conditions
or tno brain and booy. - it returns youtn
ful vigor to the old by nourishing and
feeding the vital force' of life, and
maintains the health and
the rouna It Is ere scribed by
of all. schools. Is used la all of the lead
ing nospltal of tb world, and ia tna
only whiskey recognised by the Govern
ment a a medicine. Medical advto and
a valuable booklet oa diseases sent free.
Duffy's Purs limit Whtekey is sold
by all flrst-eUag tlruaciats and fro
core, or -direct, in sealed bottle only.
, Price $1.00. See that the "Old Chem
ist" trade-mark is on tba label, loos
for Jt carefully, and refuse substitute.
It win, .cure you sfter sit other
ramadiee - have failed. : Duffy, Pura
i Halt Whiskey Co,. Rochester, H,
your - Vest Pocket;
EE the thla. round-cornered Bttle
Enamel Bos below J When
carried In your vest pocket It
means rieallh-lnauranc.
It contains Six Candy ; Tablet ef
pleasant , nste. almost a a - pleasant ss
choceUuW: '' :f V- ;,:.;.:;. !
Each tablet Is a worldnr does et Cae-
oarets, which aotsxllke Exercise en the
Bowels and Llvar...
not purre.
Because It to So
driver," uke Salts, So
dium, Calomel, Jalap,
Senna, nor Aperient
Waters, ; V
V These wast Dttes
tlve Jnlces of the
system needed tc
morrow, la merely
(luahinf out tha Bow-
Ola today.'
. a . - . e
Castor Oil, Clyoarlne
or other Oly Lata--Uvea
that elm ply
rubricate the . Intea-
iln far transit , of
- - -w.-e r M
CaatmrtlB4utmmfmtt4U WUh.
ihe food stopped up In them, at that parti
ular time. V V w''" 5
These emercency drun relieve tho,
rm'medlate" trouble, but do not reneve Ito
Cense. 1 .' , '' - .
The same' trouble will therefore reour
sraln flu that Cause to removed , per
manently. V , i 7
The chief cauee ef Constipation and
IndifcaUon s a weakness of the Muscles
thai contract the Intestines and Bowels.
:, Carcarets are praoncally to the Bowel
Muscles what a Msasaga and ColaBatb
are to the Athletlo Museleov
w f
, v
Efs Bb
l A
awcT.a... i TnriTii OTri:
"Any one doubtinj ita merita may
wrle to mt itji Urs. nces,
: wbo baa been fermdnecy cured
V ot Consumption by Duffy's Purs
Halt Vmskey.
. -I consider Duffy's Pure Malt Whis
key ona of the best medicines In tha
world I had consumption and hemorr.
- haves vt the "tungr In b1r worst- formr--
but sine using 1utrrs whianey xjjave.-
- tmtr- had- - anv hemorT have and I am
nearly well. -Any on doubting It mer-,
Its may write ma ana i wui giaaiy an
swer all leturs and prove what It ha
done for ma I would not .have been .,
; her today had It not been for Duffy's ;
- Pur Malt Whlakeyr Mra. Duane
Hughes, Augusta Springs, Augusta Co.,
country to the other. Thousand of
Doctor in
J They sttmnlale Ihe Bowel Muscles to
' V"ract ezpaad, and squeexe the Dlree
trre Juices out of food eaten. . , - ' .
u Caaoarels do this naturally, .without :
urflnf or disoomforL ',r7sJ
They dent help tha Bowels and liver
ta such g way as to make them lean upcti
similar assistance for the future.. , . ., ....
-This to why, with &soareta tha dose
may be lessswsii each suooeedUif -time
instead of Increased, as it
ust be vith an succeedinf doses " 1
cf ether Cathartics and Laxatlyoa.
Casearetsact Ilk
i erercise. .. ,.
- If carried la your '
. Vest Pocket, lor ear- -
tied In, My Lady's
PurBe), an d eaten
Just when yew star
peot you need one, T
you wlQ never know a )'
sick day; from the -ordinary
ll Of flfe.
;' Docause, nearly an
these Ills begin rtrr
the- Bowels j-and w
t partial , Constipation '
paves the way for ,
' an ether Diseases.';
"Vest Pocket" box 10 cents.
1 1
Be sure vou ret the renulns' 'mad
only by, the Sterling Remedy Company, T
''and ftever eold In buBtr Every-tabtet-
stamped CCC". ; , ,
'CesSsfts i
lsjeHmas-4 to ekvs. Jt is a seasty fcr toe v
. dracsiBg Uo. Jt cestt to rUsm is asked as a
v awaaarief yi C-' hsM wearer oast sfCascarets
WttkwlBckwaanVtrh Is leaded. ns
. .." te-ear. seajoatas tws easer, A4rees
swasg smiisy veassay, sjcage et new lers.
to Me
to Buy the Resi Thinj; In y
, . .... V- , ,'t.,. . ... ' -4.77
V--vAt 1 -'Considersble- Savings 'U.
; W .hsTS tlQns. pur psrt, we have re-, ;
-ducederery garmenVwe present every!
r s '"7 amountinj to 10 per cent of purchsse,
and during "this month, we 'extend ex
: f tra. special terms. Select your; gar-
iment, pay a portion of amount at thtr
. '.. r , : time and the balance at your own con-;
-j- r-wrJH7:i-l...'
.' I-