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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1906)
. THE I OREGON -DAILY journal. pcnTLAtriv tuzzd.v: Oil Oscar Vanderbllt Say Acreage -, Cuitable for Applet Is Held '. V Hljh, but Worth Price. ' NOT.' MORE THAN THIRTY V 7 THOUSAND ACRES IN ALL Lake City Art Bonding Steam Road U-lYhifh intimately Will " Connoci ' Uot of the published statements . 'bout Hood River rult production bar bora below , the " truth rather thau nfimtML Howivtr, instead of aL toe acree of good appla land tn the vel lay, aa frequently- It baa been aald there 1a, there la not more than 11.000 ar to. BOO aoraa." aaid Oeoar Vanderbllt, owner of tba famous Beulah Land orchard farm, who With Mtt. Vanderbllt la In Portland for a few days, an rout to oat hern- California, for a month's etay. "Hood River men have spent many ' thousands of dollars to obtain for this "Valley "it preient . reputation for" fruit, and they are now beginning to get re turn. ; Within a few years the valley's : annual appla output will bo up In . the ' hundreds of tbouaands of boxes, and already the growers are receiving higher prloes than In any other frult produclng aaetlon In the world. The Hood Blver valley la becoming a rich . aaan'a country.. Lands - suitable ' for applea are selling at from 1I5 to MOO per .acre. This sounds high. xBut a pro ductive article la worth what It will yield ' on a revenue baaia. ' , J know of plenty of Instances - where- men have taken 11.000 from a single A acre of t-charo." ' , - " ,--See the Orewers slurry. Mr. Vanderbllt said that Hood River men have characteristics ., that ' make them successful In what they under take. When It was decided to give the :ocr:ooi ) THE GHEEH DISCOUNT STORE 144-146 Third Street SsTZ-, Portland, Prrgon i Save Your Pay for Double Day! Tcrncrrow, Wednesday, January :1 7, 1906 i k iaKJOT ij. Tin Sliozrs' Bargain Jubilee Has thus far been an unparalleled success as a money-saving event foe the econcdcl buyerrr EveTrnflepartmenrlfiour rpadous establishment has daily been the gathering place of tarfiin seekers, who realized that at ."THE GREEN DIS COUNT STORE" genuine bargains are offered and sold. - - TcntciTov. - And hereafter the third Wednesday of each month will be Double; Day: ( So named, because on the third a "Double Gren Discount will be given FREE with every purchase. ' The same opportunities to save money- on your merchandise will prevail, for The Shoppers Bargain Jubi lee' is a clearance sale on a large scale extending over the entire month of January The difference tomorrow is the EXTRA-Double We want o the biggest shopping day in the history; of Portland. Come early. The 'lowest prices" prevail. Our circular quotes some prices come in and get one. But come, n6 matter how or whcntomorrow and take advantage of "J C ' the biggest day-in the- Bargain Jubilee. :, ' tAvm mTT razes- UAiD YJuT AMD YAVTt, , tmtni Ins : rrwmlar 75c -a.. ...j - 0 m B k-cm arsmtvab, ion ajsir hivth wvw La DIM' EXTaA-riVI BIBBCB TMII AMD rAVTt, mnXlam wrlast; feats triswwd wltfe haDeracbeteef sltk eeie amatKl aerk itl enwa Croat . .TUauXXX VKICZ. tke (rnent. Me smpsmss vaa vjmrt c b- antrir . . a aiaW IJ WOOL VSTIOg SUITS Whlta orfi "irrT: rerle 11.60 sod 20 aelta.B tVMLZl tilCi, the salt.Tke. l,Mrj LkVTtV TLTT.CX luiu via is, lofts slerres, ra nlr. i At the Under IT 9 Ll irk Ita ADITS' HEAVT IBBED ILEECI LIVED TESTS II AMD VABTs, ffi " rn . U fvVi wear V ilii raiox. si annaeat. . .4ie tcunter JUBBED cot toe S, searr legaur I .. BBBI tf lAtl'L Ai ' II ( It ea'd to tor CHIBA, CBOCXEXT aad k ..TVaWAEB aah, whleb has ' bronaht kanrtrede ef eeoonailaal kotrW kaepera,' ownm mt raetaoreat and arise wakaar ra to ear la tbe east wk. This aale effera aa an pmMtmi eneleiiU te del thaaa tM:lZ.7Z2 ' V.M EVER 'r. V S:vc Ycrr Puy tf J f;? C:iil!rr:y ! ; :. ;t::if;r r-, '-"-:3C23C:.:3 i! 'J - - i , LASIEB' mi w k h e Tilt . . J''.-1?. S- UCE .....?. I recent Hood River banquet the Cora- enerelet ..eiaio wan 00 niintrte inaBtng preparation. It devoted II minutes to raising the money and the xemainaer vi the time to arranging the details and taking 4f new members into the club. When It waa determined to publish a Hood River booklet to advert lae the val ley the money, several thousand dollars. waa subscribed and arrangement, made In four hours. 1 ' -i -'.'. : Hood River orchard men cultivate the acquaintance only of men . who are enterprising and np to date in fruit growing ;methoda, They discourage all others against settling -in , tne vaney. They allow no man' to pack his own applea. . ..The applea are sent to the packers, and jput up la the finest style. : - r '"'"V. i-' ' i David C Ecdes. Last Bummer they 'wan ted to advertise. Hood River vsrHey' at "the national con vention of letter-carriers and it ,waa de termined to send a ear of fancy apples to be distributed at the convention. Every apple waa wrapped tn silk. The coat waa met by a subscription . that waa raised In two hours and ao man was allowed to give more than tl. 'w V.. Sleotrle stood Oomtac.'. Hood River la . getting a. steam rail road and la promoting an electric road that la eipected te ramify every part of the valley and give orcherdlsta facUi- ic: ari it' Vednes Wednesday of each month M Green 3taei 9 Q HozV.t Qittn Discount it the Crten Cbconct Store. -TOMORROW OOe TDfl. PLAIBT AWO FAMOT B.IB BOMs I aad -4nr wldtaaj iealar l.V and $ftc a vara - ... JVBILXK rKIOB, the nrl ......... se OOLT . ALOTEa 110 eea. LedieT .Oolt Olme, werth , 2So s pato; black,' red. f rir and whltw . , fvtn.Zt TM1CT, the Jtr lie 110 BE ID TO OZT WET As el line el Ladles' Balaeoata, la dark srar and bloei'Bvnt fee eloeed eat; T1M, AH, 4 and M.IK; all a at - JUBILEE PBiaX. eaeh. enlv. tl.M t.M will be tba prlea toaaorrow ea (aa Ladles'. Capes. left .oa our binds. , 2000 YASDS TAFFETA SILK. Bmkea1 line In 'eelnrs; alse' IILX DITMas-.TalBea.Tse ana fl.00 a JuBILEt nidt' ttrfM.CHj M-INOM BLACK TAXEETA (- lar fl.GO . ' " JUBILEE niCt, .lbs rrd 1.M EMBROIDERY I.-. I . nnaorozBT- and 10-tach wldtba, BBB lea Am aaa af. a. I fVBttESjrtlOX, Jbe ran id la and e-rard etrlna 2ir and Z'h- tI JUBILEE BBICE the yard.... le 1.00 YDS. ZMBEOLD 3w tn ane valura JUBILEE FBIOX, the rard. BaVaaSsienaES! i-IBCB HOMEiFUB, Jtut the thiaa far anlti and aklrta. aanlar 11.2b- JUBILEE EB.ICS. the rard..,. m rami rSATHIEBONE, the rard. wniMHuuBB, earn .... fi&OM LAOIAS' BUaSXS, aai' " if a raani i "1.11 LADIES' BET HABDBAOd, ea'ek.'.V.'.'se A LOT OF HAND KIBoi. aack..lAa fj BUT STOvAJalST VA1U BaUXLIM, y v a-aviaa uui cuiua sijikits 1U-4 Tn neat cheap biaaket, aellUig" II rirnlrlT st H a.nalr. II JUBILEE FBICK, the pair... IUBILEE FBICK. the nan- im ratm im full hb. cotton BLABIUIb Watte with plak or blue herders. A esleadid biaaket,. easily sell. Ins at .UNI. . . , JUBILEE riTCS, the paw. ....... M.M BOir BOBrOLX iUlfa Wool mUed. t fr In in. HfUr ttM. i JU"n.It TBtCE, the enlt t. BOkaV BOkrOLX SUtTB-Ballsr enllara. trimmed wHb fajKjr braid. Begalar 1 M. ! , iualLEB FBICB. the enlt. ..M.U :oc: Ilea for transporUtlon between ' their owmaoors' anoihd towtrof Hoo itiverr The electrio road movemout . Is beadad or W. H. Moore, president of. ttie Ore- JOn naVlPES oauia, Wl ruruaim. . The ateam road le belne; built by David C and William Ecclea of Salt Lake City. David C. Bowles is several times a millionaire and owns a number of banks and beet sugar lactones, ne Is principal wner of the Bumpter Val ley railway, which Is ektendln each year further Into central Oregon. He picked tne nooa mvar th- irvm -aiimbar of Dromlalnff railroad projacta Land 1" building a Arst-claea sUndard gauge railroad which i win ultimately extend to Mount Hood. The grade la now practically completed ll miles into the Interior' and the road will be finished and In operation by May 1 thl -year. The right of way has cost many thou sands f dollara. as It passe over lan da that were held rat . high prices as orchard landa.. . '.'''?.':'.;.".".. . . SfoS Hi Automobile. , -There Is not an autmuotlle In Hood River raller. but, we ara building first class rraveled 1 roads through the coun- in for una kit horse vehicles." said Mr. VanaerDUL naer ins taw a roan triet im entitled veto a tea te. lea prove ita roads. In our road district war nave for four yeara Jevled special taE of nrlllen-ou property jo.Julld traveled roads. Last year there was not a alngle dissenting vote la th whole district This shows that the plan Is giving satlsfsctton and that our oltlsen appreciate good Toaae. we ex pect to keep It up." ' - . Mr. Vanderbllt waa for many years a railroad passenger and freight agent In the.mlddla west. He waa In the service of the Union Paeiflo system and later with the Northern Paoiae, with head quarters at Dea Moines. Frequent trips to Oregon with nomeeeexers nrs. maae him acquainted with Uk sute and years ago -he determined to come to Oregon and engage 1b fraltralstng. He waa one of the first converts to bis own argu man is mad In the Interest of the rail' road trafflo department and. for years he worked with one act purpose to be come aa Oregon fruitgrower as soon as he had. accumulated enough money, t start on a considerable aoaJe. At last he waa able to buy on of the beat Hood Blver' orchard farm ' and Be secured "Buelaftland". at aa outlay of.IU.0v0. H recently, refused I , for the property, simply saying It wma not for aale at any prloe, aa he was satisfied with the pUoe and tn love with the business In fwhich he baa engaged for the remainder or bis me. f , , KE17 UFE COAT UOH AY BE ADOPTED S' CdYrnmnt Will Test Naphtha ; Craft In High Seas at Capa s. Disappolntmant ? A naphtha launch la te be need 1b the future by tba llfeeavlng crew at Cape Disappointment, Washington. r The boat waa received, here yesterday from the east. Am far aa Captain D. F. Tosler of th local llfesavlng bureau knows, the boat Is the first of Its kind to be supplied to Pacific ocean waters by the depart ment at Washington. It la a rakish craft feet long and tn good weather haa a registered apeed of eight knot an hoar. It le te be. manned by the entire crew of eight man at Cape Dleappolntment, headed . by Captain Charlea 8. Stewart, who Is in charge of the station. .." It Is the IntenttoB of th government to try naphtha launches at several life saving stations. Cap Disappointment waa- the one selected for- the Paclf lo ocean. If It la found that they can be relied upon la all kind f weather, and answer la all respects what la claimed for them In th Ufeaaving work of tba atatlona. It la the Intention of the gov ernment to Install them In the larger stations oa the two ocean aad Quit of Mexico. ; ' V v . i CaDtaln. Toster - returned veaterdav from his Quarterly annual inspection of th Bin station under the Jurisdic tion: ' Grays harbor. WIUaDat bay. -II. waoo beach. Cape Disappointment, Point Ad am a, Washington; Taqulna bay, Ump qua river. Coo bay and Cpqullle river, Oregon. It la th Intention of the gov ernment to make material change la th station or th two states. Not only are they to be Improved and en larged, but additional men. ar - to be employed. The scope of the proposed Improvements will depend largely upon the report and recommendation of Cap taia. xoaier to in department. It !s-ealv ana confirmed br Captain Tosler that two of the altea are to be changed, but he aald this morning that he was) unable to go Into detail owing to tn restrictions throws around him by th bead efflce at th national capi tal, commenting :. upon the naphtha launch, he aald: - . "It haa always been my Idea that a launch ahould be used at Ufeaaving sta- tlona, -f or men ln rowboata exhaust their energy in pulling from the shore to a wreck. ' The boat at Capo Disap pointment i partially duo to my agita tion or the matter. wnea a wreck la alghted th men uee the launch. . When they arrive upon the scene of distress they ar not exhausted from a long and hard pull aad are better tru alined to lend assistance. We hope that th boat will prove all that la claimed for It for If It does It msan their Installation on th two ocean coaats and dowa oa th Oulf Of MeXlCO." . ' ! :.'; ' Letter to Journal Readers WeeaarS, Clark ft Oo. Baiwaa y- ' Our Catarrh et.Ss .,: Ooet Bjetalaa.' w -T-'rr - v; ': : ;-;v:-' t. Editor ef Th Journal! ' , In view of th prevalence of catarrhal trouble, at this season of the year, we want to tell your reader that we have never sold anything that gave more satisfaction . than Hyomet, when used In catarrhal troubles-, Ton get Imme diate relief from, the treatment, and consistent use will prove to every suf ferer, as It haa to many of our cus tomers, the Virtue of this preparation. - .Personally1 .we are interested In Hy omet for It Is made and aold on honor. tand we do not want your money unless you ar benefited and satisfied, s There Is no stomach doalng in con nection with Hyomet, It Is a thorough ly local treatment- for- a local disease, and Ita' soothing, healing- .' medication goes direct, to the' spot where it , is needed." v ';. . , i",',' v (The "63tnple ffyomel oirtftt oneleta ef a pocket Inhaler a medicine dropper and a bottle of Hyomet and the price U only tl. wh addiUonal. bottle can be obtained for 10 centa. i . We positively guarantee a euro when Hyomet la uaed In aooordanoa. with dl rectlona,. or we will refund your money. Thle certainly show our faith and be lief la tbe virtue ot, Hyomet Yours vry truly. , , WOODARD, CLARKB CO. ' it not convenient to obtain Hromel of Woodard, lnrke V CoH or aome other druggist It will he forwarded from the laboratory by mal on rerelpt of pried. The ft. T. Booth Co -liy omel Al Jg Ithaca, N. Y. ,'..:'-:....... council Doccns THE ISSUE St. Johns Body Refuses to Past License Ordinance or to r Oust FIN At ACTION -COM 3 r" i : v WHEN PLACE OPENS AtjphJltJCtaOThQBoiiJniWgaw Permit Will B ;Granted-.Temper- anca .Fortes on Hand pd Com- .1 The east adds ahW ot Tba loaraal Is la the stars ef J. M. O. ' Miller. ' sso Bast MorrtsoS sueet . ghUpbaae Kaat 371. ' Neither the liquor Ilceae - nor the street vacation Baked were granted by the St. John . oounoll at Ita regular meeting last night Over the license question a considerable discussion arose and several new features cams Into, th situation. The general liquor ordinance, which waa opposed by : the oounoll, W. v. T. U. and St. Johns' Hotel oompany, was, as predioted In The Journal, A' nsatad and a. rides waa tacked ea glV' Ing the council the privilege at any time to revoke a Uoensaf and declare forfeited ail money paid for such a permit This waa something of a di rect alap at th St John Motet com pany, that haa paid !l,00e in cash for Ita first year's license. It waa paased by the council by a vote of S to 1, sev eral of. the members who Introduced' and passed the resolution favoring' the granting of a llcen te the fit Johns Hotel .. company being . responsible for the amendment,' .-.". A legal ' representative of the hotel oompany waa present and privately gave th eouncilmen to understand that the liquor 11 cense ordlnano. was not of in terest to his clients, aa they expected to open trp a bar la their new hotel building when it was completed. It Is asserted by those closely associated with the council that when the hotel is ready for business, February 1, it will be granted formal right to open up by a vote of 4- to of the council, twe member being opposed to the license and one, not voting, v ; ;:u The local W. C T. U. was wen rep resented at bat night' meeting, but no opportunity waa given them to express their opposition to a license. A regular committee baa, however, been appointed from the union and the Law and order league and will keep doe account of th dolnga of the council. The aoDlloatlon ol the t jobs num ber Mill company for the vacation of three streets waa taken up, aa waa ue proposed vacation of Charleston street, in the Interest ef the Marine Iron works. There waa a strong petition, signed by numerous voters, agalnaf the first va cations and th council refused to act. though Mr. Francis, as manager of th mill company, pledged his corporation to the construction of a plant that wouia turn out 71.000 feet of lumber In It hour, and that would employ 10 men. The Mt"-'" Iras Wnrka fJimranT Wtmid make no concessions to th city and the council refused to allow th street vaca tion requeeted. ':" v;.J: REFORM JCITY.B0Y&- mrtjVrvmnMmmSm t lietet Befaoemaat of FabUe Froperty. Even the boy la St John ar differ ent The town haa been laying new claims to novelty every week for two yeara and has made good, tbe coy raised In the community being tbe latest local wonder.. For the Bt Johne boy doe not break windows, nor doe he dot the marahal's footatepa at night with derision and contempt for the curfew belt'--- V- - .",.-: Instead the St Johne boys nave hanaeo together i to prevent deatruction - a)f public property ana iaia sown ia aa( nt hattie to the youth wbo darea to In dulge tn Wanton mischief. . The boys of Bt. John Height nav juai xinianea cleaning up the car atatlon there. Past mutilations have been effaced,- rubbish carted away and the station made pre sentable. The organisation haa In addi tion let It be known that any boy who dare lay unhallowed hands on the ata tlon will be ' vigorously reformed by a pedal vigilance committee. - It 1 asserted by tbe boy that wander ing youths from the city only one who cause trouble, aad tn this they are becked by the town marshal, who during hi year of watchfulness haa never laid violent handa on a juvenile culprit without discovering that he waa a visitor. Tb city boy ar' alleged by the vounrer seneratloa of the height to spend their Sunday in riotous living and to their nana is atinouiea in duo plaster that adorns car stations -and tbe ahot holes that-afford ventilation. In the future all this is to be changed and the St Johne visitor who sees an irate committee chasing a crew of scared boy through the brush, or pummellng an unruly culprit in the highways mod. need not be alarmed; It will be only the vigilance committee, v . - The officers of the Boys' Improve ment club are: - Prealdent Roy Davla; vice-president Clarenc Conroy; treas urer, Dave Rutherford; secretary, Clyde Teellnv-v,; ; .V : j..;X.Ji. JUNGLE PACK AFTER HIM. H ; " , -ay-lBBl IB IBB f ...;, , yf XoZIaaOB Flee y STlgl Tmrongh Baal Side WUdB Witk Tiger Sebiad. Believing that he waa pursued by an entire menagerie of wild animal with voracious appetitea, T. McKlnnon fled from hi couoh In th smalt hour of the morning yesterday and endeavored' to escape- hie - carivorou - pursuer by losing them In the wild adjoining Union- avenue and Russell street . . One of the chief performers la the wild chaae waa - a certain pink and green tiger that had ao extra pair - ef -. lege which gave him twe . jumps to Mo Rinnon'a one - end close behind was B lumbering- pup that - would -nave given several points to the hound of the Baskervtlles had be been properly Introduced- to the slumbers pf Doyle, r Mo Klnnon nearly lost ' the . howling pack by dodging behind a lamp poet In front of Engine No. I s house, but th dodge waa nly for th moment effective and th six-legged tiger waa . in verity on hiiialawben the man was rescued by firemen from the station wnohad" ruabed forth - aroused- ny nia yeus, and then McKlnnon wok up.- .The victim of -the midnight chase de- elarea that there were no python, sink dragons or purple spiders in tbe vora cious assortment of jungle neaata that puntea Dim inrvuin, in niut. r; . EAST SIDE NOTES. I y- At the regular meeting of the East Bid 'Improvement association tonight In the east aide justice court several Questions of importance -will be. taken. p, emong which will be the reporuj C? HCART ZllZSZZ. Eaw f-wintly does head 1 aSml mxJu tu-t above great ua In tu Bewa papera. Th rash, push aiyitrecwo nea of th AmerlcAB peoplehM ronf tondeocy to U-d up to vaiVular and other BawoeUons of ia Laart. attendad br lr reguiar actio, palpiUtlon, dlolneaa, mothered MiuaUun and oUer Ustrer . - - , i . ... UTT BTmpwana. . 'JThre of th prominent Irirredlept of covery It mad ar recommended OT some ui sua leauinsj wiip, for th aure of Juf sack ease. Golden leal root for Instanoa, la said by th UjriTBD HTATBS unrasaAwai, a j i ,ia iMMpt tAna and la- creased power to the heart i acUotr AT . . U ..a lmAls.mW Bh 1 r.KArltl Al MIW a i- ... . i war rm in arannral. sumo iwr a.www. . - . and as th heart la almost wholly oora- -Boaea Ol aBBSCiiisrnaan,. ii mwn follow that It mast be greatly strnri-i- probably the most important Ingredient if- OoJdeTr Medhr-ihB30Try, ar a m sanrvT"'T Other Bflectioaa of -the heart are eon- Is Stone root, or CoUinaorUa Can., Prof.Wm.- Paine,- aaihoB of aiae't Epitemy of -MedtctD. eay i - I. not long since, had a Batteat i who waa ao muck oiwresead Wlta valvular dtaeaa of the heart the hie friends were otind carry him ap-etalrs. he, howevergrauually rscoverea tuiuer tmm aum. v. (medicinal prutctple extracted frosa etone root), and ia sow attend In to his buaueea. Hereaorore porsiciaas anew w a w-u for the removal of ao distressing and so dan gerous a malady. With team It was all guess-work, and it fearfully w araed the enacted that death was near at head. Col llnsoam unquestionably . aJToras relief la Bach caaea, and In moat Instance ecte a . Stone root to also rwmmeded by Dra. Bale and Elllngwood, of Chicago, for valvular and other diseases of the heart. The latter says: . It la a heart tonic of direct aad permanent Innoeaoa. n '. . Golden Medical Dleoovery," not only cmrea snrtout heart affections, bat U B . .it(.iMI, Miunl tnnU and lnvlffnr a tor, etrengthenlnt tile etomachf invig orating the liTer, rearalatlng the bowele Bna curing catarrue. auievaiuue ua au parts ol th syitem.. -r . 1 .: - v.. . Dr;piercPeUto ew of the 'committee on fir protection, police service, th fill matter and th Sullivan auloh bride. . ' ' - "Aa Overaocommodatlng " Judge,", a farce, will b presented ny th Bt. Mary a Oramatio club at St. Mary hall In Alblna this evening;. ' ' " Resident of Alblna ar making gen eral oomplalnt regarding the aldewalk at Cherry street and WUllam avenue. A house Is being moved oa the lot which the wslk fronts and the walk haa been torn up, compelling pedestrians to wade the muddy street This. Intersection Is on of the important street comers of Alblna and next to Russell and Williams avenue probably th moat frequently used In the district.-'. .' R. B. Rice will have on of th hand somest residence of th East Twenty eighth etreet district when th dwelling being built for him at Waeeo and East Twenty-fourth : streets is oomploted. The cost will exceed 14.000. ; AIS TnlK SKOP - '; t : .--.,.:. . - . AssocTation Tn"Ex6eIIeht""Shape : .v With Prospecta Excellent . : . : for New Building. W At the regular annual ' m banquet of- tha-Toung Women'e Chrte i tlaa Aaaootatioa In the association hall, at Sixth and Oak streets, last night re port trere submitted of the work that baa been don daring th paat year. .It was shown that the association waa in a most prosperous condition. - There were 200 girl and women at th meeting, the largest . number that haa attended on of the annual reunions. Mr. W. J. Honeymaa. prealdent of the aaaoclatlon, presided -and delivered her annual . address. Mlsa France Gage, secretary, responded. Breaking oa the subject "The Present Age aa Transl tlonaL" Miss sarah caoe, chairman of th social committee, spoke on "Social Needs of Business Qtrls," and Dr. Jeesl MoGavtn on "Pbyalcal Need of Toung Woman." Mlas Matilda, Weiss epoke on "Spiritual Needs," and -"Training for Olrla la the T. W. C A. and Its Value In Business" waa tbe subject of an addreae by Mlae Sophia Relnhard. , Mlae Mar guerite Flamming delivered the last talk of the evening on , tbe eubject "The Business Girl and 'the Building Cam paign ' - . -. - ' At th doe of th business meeting Mia Constance MoCorkl told eeVwhat had been done In the swatter of erecting a new building for the- aaaoclatlon and aald that It was likely that work would be begun -next September. The new building, It le planned, will be Ave eto- rles la height and modern in every re spect committee has been collect ing money for the building and $2,000 haa been secured. The prealdent was Instructed to appoint another commit tee to assist In th work. . . The aaaoclatlon aa present It waa Portland People; Talk ? About It. - There Are ; . Praises In the Air. . IYb la the air.- " v. "'i . r Can't atop It apreadlng. .7'; . Can't atop peOple talking: ' . -v Can't keep down a good thing. ' People who don't know about It waat lO IIUIV,' . . people- who do - know want to tell about It "---- .-..-.'r-'.'i--; f,.,. Portland people are learning it fast Ijeamtnr It from their nelgnborw,- ' Learning backache means kidney ache. ' Learning Doan'e Kidney Ptlla cure It : Plenty jpl borne endorsement to prov . ..... - A. v ,t Here's a case: '..vJ: ; v. '; O. H. Bprlngmeyer, , eVirBnmajv. re siding at 1010 First street, seye: 'Ex- poeure to rough weather and the oon atnnt Jarring of the wagon while ( waa ridlna brouaht on kidney trouble. 'Mv back ached almost constantly and the muscles controlling the bladder ap peared weak and their action far too frequent Doan'e Kidney Pllla came te my notice and I got a box. The pain In my bark waa relieved end th kid ney secretions became normal. Two boxea of Dotn i Kidney Pllla brought about fhl result- and It le with pleas ure that I recommend thle effective pre paration to otnere." . ( ' For aal by all dealers. ' Price BO centa. Foater-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y sol agant for the United 8 tales. ' itemember tbe nam DO AN S and take no athac.. . .... JtJ ,., ,.v -. ,.. . IT'S IN THE AIR g2P''i?G;Ccfc t AH Alfred Benjamin Suits, Overeoate end Rata Coat --,f- now sellingat a discount of 20 per cent from the rtjuJat -prices.'. . .-' : V-'vC ''V-;: V ''''.i ' in suns , Xott my-have aiderTarie joi sryies, weignts ana vpnees "tc "Choose'iroifu 0UERC0ITS IThe West End, the Croftoa : and xThe Paletot. . Rnmcoms 1 The Alfred -; Benjamin ; Rain i rCoat is as fine a garment, in ita J-class as the -Alfred Benjamin t Suits and.Overcoats .-V-t PERCENT DISCOUNT A r ir a Ar"" " W ahown, has a paldtfp memberahfp of 100 and Its meeting ar mor largely at tended than ever before. - - Reports . of committees were submitted aa follows: Devotional, Mrs. H. N. Boott; fl nance, Mrs. vFrancea- Chamberlain; ' member ship, Mlsa Margueretta Oibeoni hooee, Mrs. X. H. Am; luncheon, Mr. W. a Kinney; educational, Mrs. H. I Corbett; headquarters, Mr. A. O. Parker: travel- era aid, Mrs. Charles Kana. .- . Big 'A I AT 1 I . S ill ClearanceSale , Now Is the Time to Buy 7 at greatly reduced prices. 'Note j - - ' .the following list: . , BURT and PACKARDS ' War . v . ranted Patent Leather, all styles regular $4XX) Q-J fP . shoReduced(to:.; ePOeOO : BURT and PACKARDS - uomestic s.ou X ahoeJ-Reduced to. w MOmiU SPECIAL attention la called Heary Sofed Box Calf $2.50 .The Shoe that saves you money, wearing out three pairs of X ;;-i--".'!-'".-'vv'. one WOMEN'S Patent Leather Reduced to . . . .v. . . V WOMEN'S Welt Vicl ICldi latest styles Blucher XJ r P V X 7 $3.50 Shoes Reduced tQ.V.-iJi'?,.-.i,Z$&dQ'-i ' WOMEN'S McKay Patent Colt Flexible $3.50 J (f ; : - Shoe Reduced to..,:,Y...-...i..W..tJviiO:-: WOMEN'S McKay Welts, Blucher, $3.00 Shoes 1 AC 1 , "Reduced te;;'..7:;-..'...;..;i:..V.r;V,;Vel)leytl X WOMEN'S Vici McKay Welts, $iU0 Shoe- , J C v 1 Reduced to. ... . . . . ...........i........... tPlevi J ' Great - Bargains in ' Misses' and Children's Shoes. - Don't a . at e. ' ). . :",la. - miss uus rare opportunity. 01 your me to ouy up-to-aaie - , ? Shoes at .these prices..;,-. -;'y; j X 29ci iviQrri3on -street , "' .'K.:"; 'The Little Shoe StoreNear Kftlt.:.; XeMMH :'4 Men'f Suitt, Orcrcoati, r:2tfs $ il if hot man; i;xic liiiliiiiiilffif gr-. . . a IV -(.-." .'. a . a i mmJ ' -' ar i ' I aw-' aw r I AW I ' Iwhr -U, r- eaaBBBaBjnjBjBJBBjaejB i i 311 Morrison St., Opposite PostoKlct. ABuUeare tw : "An Overaooonunodatlng Judge," - el . fare ia whjch John Dillon onoe atarred " with great euooeea, will be presented, tonight at St Mary haU In Alblna by V the amateur dramatic . eluhf of 8t Marya. - It la staged under tbe dlreotlon of Joeeph Meyer, - aad friend -j&f th . young playera are looking forward td aa entertainment of exceptional merit. ' All ir to our BOYS' ' . ; tt'lC t Shoe Reduced to. :p-.X pair wjippera.; ,;.vv---i "X $4.00 Shoe ,1 C " X . . 4WM Shoes, Hats, Underwear t S'i:3 $9.75 makes rt wchf 1 a-r . r v : .. ,- . . 4 ;