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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1906)
knows oould giro and tsls ar l.l C -1 of punlatunent. - Maaa.eld. while Trot boeoH'- WOf h rot self, la confidant of winning from Zur brick, - . .. . -v e- av -w' U tuit CVC-.::..: cf Prists .nthi T j I. If- keW A U . T C KiBES OfBi Initial 'Fizurt j Ars About a Del ? ; lar Lower Than Thess pt Previous Yoar. 'CENTS OFF TODAY Less ira;ittrftl2qlOAeT .; count ol Herjier EuppliesWheat Oni' Cent ..IHjher Advancs of Twenty-Fits Cents In Sweets. 4: : 'front Street. Jea. 10. The erluctpel ' of toe Portland wbolfeal marssts looey are: " V Jar pricea opening kwr. , .' ,- , V ." Potato art 10e lower. ' 'C"' '''" i. Wheat searset signer. .., four cam baaanaa arrive. ". ' ' V:. Sweet pots toe WM hlgber. ' ' '"' .: ' ; Egg ara firmer with aura- wsatber... t a t hk-teo ara oa the fence, " ; Hay market la Terr dull. - Hope la demandi prloaa asms. ", ' T" J AU frees eaeeta ere-aetlve-T- -r--1' ; v Cbeeee dolls batter la fair.-1' v " ; Mtoaalu'Moaa a froltVara. ' The opening pricea on fruit tor have bee uikiiiiia a aoma at the wholesale grocere. ' Tallica, being eooeiderably tower tb Um h of a rear ago. Many raaaeaa are assigned tor . ' this, eatof among them being the fact tliet " there eras but a en ill demand for Jara a real V ago oa aoamat of the severe shortage la aiett ... trait enp. Thl left the Jobbers una man--,-. nfaeturere, as well a the retail traaa, lth a very Urf amount af Jara. onaold at U ' 2 ot last season. I Tha price uue . ,.-........-. j. Today Tear Age .. Plate ...'.4 's M Qaaru limit talloaa.. o.a - . ' , - ri.ti Are. Tarn Oeati Lower. T.M ' " 'tha hotata narket la lOe par 100 foaada lower la thla city tod. Tula W .w. - in lire aneei ue aiaraes w Bea rraiwleea aad the dropptas aitha prteet re. Hlilpaeata te vaiuoraia aj here beea toe araat e late, ttle belad .tha '. . k..u the aecline. There H eUU .' demaBd for petatoea from the eeotk. bat tit " -ahlpmeaU will here te he aortller before tb " narke aaa rererer froat Ita preeeot weakaeea. - dapplte af potatoea to tbie territory ara the , areeleat la recent aeaeone, tort there are bat ! iaoaU etecka of faney toft. OnlUiery Pt-" 2 are oetd area weaker the ever to tie Oal I ' , ferula erk.te and loeally there to hardly aay aln of demand. Oatoaa era J noted toat ataady tih or Wee aaebanaed frea yeeteraayr - -. ' m Z.Llr M f tret clue calory ; ' and bothouaa lettuee aloag the atreet todey and " - prlr are more firm bat a prow ry""VT' roar care ef baaanaa, three from MloefleU ".f''ad oa from aa Indepeadent nfo were - : aaiand the arrlrala tbJa niomla l0t at the atocka war reea. -- A rar of aweet petatoea waa amoa the arrt. ... i. thi. aMnhe. Prioai era HOe hifber kiteaee : C the ahoruie ef beet atack to Callfarato, . ..-;,..-..Aeel la One Oeat Hlaher. .....Thee to aa advaaea ef le a tbe wheel a-r-bet today. Ueerpoot acted bettor and oaulde . : njarketa were to ImproTed ahap. - ' The floor -market remaliie -eery don wit a todlratloB, ef oMeatal baatoeae. ine ' " now rrlndUK aa net email ardor received ..v treat China aomf jtlma &UmUt , J: MUlfeeda era aooted firm bet enchanted. Tb ?iT o.Virt wr-weak had wall WH pricea aW'AiTlnB-r-Wr tormw- Wabmvi ., ni f (near today. ' Stormy weather he interfered wttlCtb arrtTlJi m faeteed at bring pleatlfal along tea erreei todey nit were rather octree.- Price wot rollag between XSQWe. with eel reported eaee la a wall at OC The geaoral market to. however, at the twd farmer "enree. The ehlekea market ataada Una: Thar tinea a good drained for an line, bat etag and old rooetor to not nna anca a roa-eeu V Hana end enrlnca Ire a Oil firm. Oceee mmt 1 dark Ukewto. Tarkeya ara atow la coming, ' -.: hat tha trad ooe not car roc to "i . . '-AU rrnk ktaata Are -Aetlve. ' 'Activity to ebowa. to all orenche of the ' , freeh meat market today. Arrtvato cannot, be , aald to be eeull, bat demaad to macb larger. i ? The areateat nil thai momlug aecmed te be la v, 4 hoc, bat veal were toat ebont J .eegerly . ak-ked aa at tha printed valoee- , . The efaeoaa-.markH la doIL t'reemory batter . fair at the prevent rang at price. 1 ' ! i . Hop ta Demand I rriook Sai ' . bomand for hope contlaaaa qalt good.' bat -r V- tb trad oeema oawilUag to) pay mora tbaa V- nrlree bow aaoted. Tb oaatora aad nropete meraeta eeaiinna xirm. ewi pncee ere pree- -1 ttrelly the earn a yeetarday. Boot aalee ere '- etlll reported at valley aetata at formel Tb trad paye tb following prleaa to Iroal " afreet dealers for choice aoality ta roaad lota. Pricea paid prodoeere are a a peel r led - wrata. Hear aad Peed. - WHI1AT New rlnbTSc; red Ktuataa. TOci r fchieeleoi. T4ej valley. Tec. - B K I ET-ed, -a.H rlleV fMM brew. ' v lag. ze.oo. COkN Waoto. HT.O.. ancked. tSLOd pel ' "htS gl M net cwt . OATrV-r-rodncerer prtoo W. 1 whlto. tfj.004 - prey, ef.uu. ... PLOUaV Mew eeetora Oreaoa potent, it. Mil fralght. vM.TOea.aoi export, t Xni.H vab i . ., rye, aoa. OA. Off: bele. tt.T6. . r. HilBTI i dling, 21 j. hat- MiiBTurra nraa, it.oo per mat tola eza.uuj vnorta, eweairy, fie.euj city, hooy I1.00l j -Predoeere Mli't Tinjotbr. Wmamert mii. aii nnekiano nMin.n et no: eeetora Oregon. fl4.00djid.O( mlxM, ( f 60B OOi rV.-r. aa.ooe0.0ui grela. .VJ fcOOi cheat. $.. , w - - Butter, tags aaa Pvaltrv. . BnTT PAT. r r. . . b. . Portliad dweet ' ram, met emw, UTTKR nty , fancy, S7V,.30e; ITe. , . ttHt " aatoMo ITMI tore, HQ ordinary, r.OOn No. 1 freeh Orefrnl, caniUed, MtlSPsi eoM atorare end etra. SJimiltlo. CHBB8I New roll cream, (lata. 4t)15ci j Tonne Ameriea. lBlftei chedder, 167-.-? : OAME-Jackrtkblta, 1.60tl. per doo. 1 POULTRY Minted chlckcna, 1U per Ihj . fancy hena. le per lb: rooatera. old, 10 per . lh: etnga, Itct frrera, lRAlTe per lb; brafjera. 11T per lb dnebe. lfic per lb; reeee. II ' per lb tnrkeve. lc per Ibi dreeeed, B0 per lb I onaba. 2.T0r.8 per do. Kopa, Wool and Sldaa, HOPS 1B0 Oregon, ebolce. 1010Uei aclm. denscs pear grid. TOfte Weabtog- OB. HC1 IV". omiie, cc ww rani WOOL lood clip, volley, eeeree te eacdlDm, BtHit2&Viwl . " ' MQXTct aaatera Oregoa, IPC". . ' ' .r. ' ' r. v lnOHAlrS ItnoHnaU bOeJtle. HIKPKKINS-heenng. lAatloe eeebt ohort IfvTpf a avaa?oWvT"'vT"" "'vaVfeVaaTOWBaW ,eeWaatevBf' VVP TSB "9aTtBVf toe wool. TVtl0 each. . . TAIX0W Priavt. par lb, Ittfjtcl Ho. t dad areaaejfejje. . . ., , :. ,. v I'Hinia aartw ev pjr to. ' HlOBBr,, He, -4, Id -toe end ertHJ . lTVt per If I dry kip. Mo. 1, to H the. I4r; - dry calf. Ho. 1. aaMe d ma, 4 eeltedMe. Sleer. anaad. 00 too and aver, loejl l; eewa, HCHe: etare end bnlVe. eewMI, Tnt kip, .. Id to 6 Ibe, Pe; calf, eoend. aader tb the, lie) croen. nnoelted. 1 leea; calia. I per lb leeei boreehldce, eeltrd, each. ll ?r.eil.TB: dry, eaeb. . i ool.o0: celt hide, XOMti goat ein, -, rmmeav each, 10Q ia Angora, eecej, tocOJ i fl.OO. . tratto and TtoM. ' " , .. POTATO Bn ficet Orevon, Tn per aocbl , ' producer' price for eel lot. T0.i7K per aark; , , ordinary. nT0n pendocere, price, dlfjaooi ' wete, S.0'42.2B per crate. ONIONS Orceoa yellow Imnvera, 11.00; pro ' dacere price. No. I. PucQILOVt . t, t04Jioe - garlic. -JIv per lb. - PKRMIJ PRTilTOAnplee, VoTla. WtT8e: ordlnerr, TVll.2ff; fancy. 1 RortlOO; Bond Um fancy b-iiteenberg aad Newton Plrmlne, .; ereneee, new naveL t 00 I TS; i oeedllne. baaenea, 4V,1V lb i lemon, c no Ice. - dl.Tiu200 per bnr; fancy, 1 oi 1 00 per hoi; Itmep. eiexlcea. Ai.nt pr K' pintcelea, $4 .40 a r one; n . per box; pnme- 1 lati, t tanearlnea. Il.lkii r b.,. Jaevtai.raL 3 DAILY tips o:j r.Ar.xETS 4 - , lit our opinion th proepot 4 at favorable for prent prloaa 4 to rul for th remainder of th 4 week on ll kinda of twultrp. Tha demand for ducka-'haa been :ry bedivjr and ' recalpto light and price ought 'to rang fairly :h(gh on them for tha balance of v tho imonth. There la alao a fine : demand for drnaaed veal and - pork; la foot th outlook la en- :couraglng fop every thing In th Una of freah ' meat or poultry.' -rvH gga, although the rooelpU" d 'hav ben heavy, ar proving 4 ready 'aeller. Quality 1 alao lro 4 provHitT whrch "of 7couraoTaTr tv 4rtfideney "lo lnoroaLa th demand dy for thaut. ,Vllh preont weotirer It ciii to ti the- voarket -will -e ddeclln rather alowly. If at all, . 4 for th week. . Bhip them In, d though. It doea net par to apeou- iat on tho weather at this time of tho year. Store butter la ex cellent demand." From e, oon- , vernation with W. H. Dryer of Dryer, CTMaUoy Co.' va - Orogaa, tl.Ktll.TIt per ewtt greoo pappera, B8o per lb; Oallfonila tomatoca. tlMI; perenlpe, POrrt fl.OO; etrtng beane, ITHi ao l newer. MJXI eratai rhaberb, ll.eO erate; green peae, ue id; aoreeraaian, ee pee wi nrit ehokee. HrVcaTIl OA ne doet -botbonee lettuce. $l.xn11.50 per box; celery, f3.OO40g.2O per crate; pampkla. lVes aquaeh, me; apreaia, e per lb; craaberrlea. jereere. flSCOU.0O per nnii uooe nay aao iiuameoa, piu.ou. DRIED rpClTS Apple, evaporated. 10H per lb: apricota. lOHOlde per lh ftacbea. lOHOlSo Per Ibt aarka. Vi par lb I praaao. 80 t 40. dHei He drop oa eeck txteeafb a waller otoe; dg. California black. oHd per Ibi Call torn la white. Be pee lb I date, guluea. dr per lbs tarda, par 14-lh - '': triewartoa. &.'.'''--- .- BCOAR fleck beat a Cube. f.S powdered, IS.SOt trait arraaaleted. aS.TOt dry greanlated. 5.10; (oaf. A,.faV4(V; beet fraaalated. S.owi extra O. afl.lO: Voldea O. SllOi D reUow. tAOOi bbla, 10c: H bbla. Soct bote, SO advaara oa Back baato. lee 8M per ewt for oaoh. If oayn: maple, letjibe par lb. , ( Above prtcee apply e aatoe ef tree .tlao ear Iota Cer toto at apaeltl pricea aabjeot a aacroeTionB. t - . . RON RT fit. 00 par erate." ' , ,, ). COrriE Packare tire ode. gig 0. ... - SALT Ooe ree flalf rroaneV tone. IT. 00 not toe: table, dairy, boa. 100a. tlo.TBt laa. Kted Liverpool.' gOe. flT.00; 100. fld.BO a, fieoo; eitra ana. bbto. ' S. Be. 10. M.IOtWMl balk tin the g4.00vlg.e0t, eeck a. fOa, nIgOc Uvvrpnel lump rock, fit JO pat loai no-in, rare, bt ooi loue. .. ORAIN HAH Cairo tt Ta : . .'... BICB Imnerlal Janen.. Me. L obn Bav ; New Or toe n head. - t Uaa, . .Tenia, eve. , ' BBANB meTI T white. M.TMl lerwa white. e.tS; pink. fl.Tlls kayeev ftSds Umaa, fo.0 ctlcea rede. IHa, rJUTB r-eaeata, yamnoa. a per rat vif. nia, .ivte per in. roairrea, vc; eoeeennre, cJOOe per doai walenr. inabisu par Hi: aln nnta, IOttH per lb: hickory aato. 10 pet Ibi cbeetnnra. eoerera. IB at I Ac aor Ibi Bra til net. IV per Tbi Ibert. 1401Be per lb; raacy pecan. lDrjic! euaona. It Malayan. - Patoto. Oaalv Olto. Zte. SOPS Pat itaatto. M4s etaadard. UHt el. tin. - - - - COAL Oil.. Pearl or Antral Ceee. fJOUe aer all water white.- araa bbto. IBe oee ami! rooaoa. isc per gnu aeeaugav jro-oeg aaaea. H Pr jrf. v - - T OAnOLlSS d-de-, MH Per gal. tone bbla lae nee eeL BK ri ?t aa3-d.av onee BM pr gaL toea da. 1H per gal. TCBPEMTIB la - - - aae eel. - - bbla new n, eaL -- . WRITS LEAD Toe toto. T par tb) MO-Tk era. nc per in: lee lota. HH per m. win) naii,n rreeent nene or - tMNHBBD OIL Par raw. In S-bM tore..tct 1-bbl lot. Me; caoea, sec per gait peaaln kett'e- aeieiii. eaiae. pie per eai -noi iota, oiei i-nni lot. See par g1; ground cake, cer toto, $30.00 per aeai era toaa car aera. par on. -. --------Btaeto. Tub and Prevtovaa. ::. PRE If MKATS Pront etreet Beet dQBc.par lb; met, SOae pee lb to, block, T2Tt4 Pe tb) packer. TOTUe per Ibt holla, fte par lb; veal, eitr. fUclne per lb; ordinary, TH per lb; poor. SQOt B.I mniioiv rancy, ovrrn Pr in. n Aaln. bacon, ett. Portland pack rtocen kama, 19 to 14 lbe, lie per lb; 4 to if lb. tee nor ioi preeaTr oecea. lacjiae - per Ibi Plenle. U pee lb; eottage. (He per lb) rr-geiar anfarc cieere, aoamosea, IV c pv In; mokad. 11 He per tbj deer beck, enemoked, 10 We per lb) amoked. 11 w lb: t'aloa botta, 10 to Id Iba. onemoked. Se per tb; aatoked, I"-. , cro im-i.iot, imHvMa. tie per av amokod, IXy per tb; boider, SH per lb. LOCAL LABD Rattle leaf. ion. UUe per B: a. Hue per lb: so-lb tine. loc oer Ibi eteam leodered. 10., 10U per lb; oe, 101A m' i"i nnimaiii, tue. lw- CANNRn BALJION Oolambta rtvar. raltn 1.R01 S-lb lalla. tlTBl (anev Oafaa. gt Bill U-lb fancy gate, fl.lnj fancy Mb onto, fiTSi Atoak talto. pink, kf0ei red. 11.60! aoealnej (an, v lH R V eaa. Te naa ta Oiei Be aa h; ballon t. TUe per lb; oraba. l.b0 per do: etrtped beea, ItVi aer lb; entfleh. Ta per Ibt aalmoa, at ae the da. Be aer Ibi oblaaok, SO lb herring. Be aer lb: eotea. c nor lb: ebrlmn. IOC per lb; norch. Be per Ibi bUeh end. T per id; aonicoa. i per m; uoremnia river meit las lb; Oliver am It. U per lb; tabetero, IB per lb; freeh mackerel. 0 pet . Ib; arawftok, Soe per doat atnrgeoa. A per lb. OYMTEKA ffbuabjrater bay. par fnl, fttS) per each, fd.TS, ! - . , Litf-ueraneii, par aes. oXOPt raoat rtoma, .) per boa. - . , T , rail SHOWS in THE LIVESTOCKJJARKET Receipts of Hogs Fair but Not Up to Demand -Prides Hold .ng Around Six Cents' Portland TJhtoa Btockrarda. ' laa. Id. tire- eroea receipm; . ...- a ; ' TTora. Cattle. - Sheen. Todey .................. r 1W tfl Week aao - IT - ITd . . l-f-tj rrevwoa woes .......... SM ITS o Month ago 1 ... Thero to no change la the Hveatock ttaatlon. Beeolnta of boa are not j-ot -aa to Oemeed. but price ore t!U holding aroond. tbe Oe mark. Cattle are ealy fair, bat price ar tb aama. Sheep abow tooagth at praoent utnciai nveatoco qnorafioMt ' v ' " Hoe Beet eaatern ' Orceon. tit. 00: block era nd China fit. fS.S0QB.T6, abxhera gad fved- or. fftzf.em.Bo. , ... - Cattle Beat eaaTerb . Oreena (tee re, f4.nO; lltht and medium eteera,; light find: teckere aad feeder. 2.e01 bulla, fl.05. "heap Wether. Icj mixed abeep, e; lamba Be per lb. Ceivre iod veeL 1A0 to M0 nanndn. IUd dej rough aad keavy, tHQte. , . . . ,., COTTOfi IS FOURTEEN ' TO FIFTEEN POINTS UP -r-o - New Tork. tun. IS Cotton tntnrea etoaed 14 to) IS point higher. r . Official quotation by : Over, BUrr Cook eompeay: finen. Clnee. iannary ......... lint lll Marck 1171 , 117T Mar . ..... iita I1T July list ' UM trhTTIO BTATXB tVOTCTBaTXlTT BOBDB. Kew Tork. laa. IS Oorernnitnt bond:' Date. Bid. Id. A.k. H4 IW'tt No. t regnlar do cou poo No. regnlar do coupon . .. lotO los JOS ! 1IIS0 lie! ' IbuS M3 .lot No. I email No. regnlar do ceupoa , No. reulr '. iof ios ioa lOS 1W14 1KIU JJ( Wlil Jin V. . , . . , 10SM 110 1"T 11, 'S OO fMlM ,............ fuo Matrtrt of Oolambla, MSa.. .... I'bUlppin POlTtABD BSJTW. TATMIBT. e . .t. . : .foe, ye, m ....................,v...a be,ewd. 8' 0: 18 HELP TO GIswi: -CROPS Fsll Is Cenerd Throughout the Northwest . and Farmers Am RejoIcins--f.l cloture Needed LARGER ACRZAGS IN THS-f.ZW4eCT10NS i. Hishv PrkvCsttss -Grwr-f -A4J . to Their production Trader Stslk t Art! Protected -From Ssrers Cold in the Xntorior. There Ig general rejoicing among grbi me over the eaew of the -peat few dare. -la tb wheat net Ion of both Oregoa and Waahjngtoo tb tall at anew baa boaa a woadertal help to the crop. , The lander (rain baa been pro. tacted from extreme oold aad mo latere, wblok la alwiya welcome ta the latertor, aad ha beea uiainouira over a urge eecuoa or. wo aorui waet. To del uadltioa hav been the beet for a neeoeerol aeaaon la recent yean. The acreage of wheat to larger, ' a larger amount being planted during tb fall tbaa Meal. Thl will la a meat ore do away with the- toea la acreag due to a wet aprlng. . . .-. . The good price that have rated taf wbeet aad ether grain daring the pent few year her reenHed to tho opening ap f OoneUerabl new eoantry, watch wm bo net t wheat, C ACREACE IS INCREASED. ranaors rabOaat Ort Bo Smwoifmn i " '" JSnecUl Mlanatcb to Th.'n.i I "I . Wtlaoa Creak, Wieh.. Jan. 16. Termer r rooiiaai over ino anowrail earing tho greet ut winter, which toeure another bompaf wheat crop far tb Big Bend eoantry. ' . V Snow began falling aovoral week ara and it baa not melted. More enow to failing, aad with only a few tocbeo ef froat to the mm A it wui be iriorooghly eoaked wbea the enow atelta te tllA MfaU . - , T Lt year a heavy crop era raleed gad OM.dOO bnabela of wheat were chipped from thl town I that year folly 000,000 buahela ara expected, a the acreage baa beea eonaldJreblr bm it aad a larger yield to -predtoted. - - i-rico or, tine ara graomaliy rta mg. - liend which waa effared far eele at faAtl per aera a few yeara ete ha tocreaaed A rain to the extent of flS to US. Arraagomento are being mad t teeali larae number of tmrnleraere In U.rHt ahM a .pedal trato wlB be run ea U Orent North. CROP PROSPECTS BETTER. erxsia Oroor ore atposk ta UUmiag kosais ..'s Ooaxlnf TWi.;.; . gpedl nienatch te Tb eVmraaLt : ' Tb Dellee. Or.. J a. Id. e-armere reeee the aenntry opeek to th moot' glowing terra of crap preepecva. -ta late rati Of aw bat Incceeeed the moletaro ta th groaod and af. forda protection to. fall' Wheat. If a foot oa more would fall tb proapecu would be anach better. The- treat ban not damaged grala la Waaeo aoontr, ee fir a we caa learn, and with. a covering at aew no deeaege- from thl CHICAGO 17HEAT LI ARXE1L IS A HALF CEHT;0FFr Tone In Pit Makes , Another ' Hedge and Despite Higher . Liverpool Closes Lower. . (S';.h.: '.'."V u'.-'i- k, TUXaDAT'S WBBAT ffABKMC ... ,. , . fjpea. r Cloae. : '- . '. ' - Ti.e. Thm Ctoaa, " tou. Mob. Tnea. Tannary ,.,..$ .80 f .4i '- Majr elW . .tb8 July ...., -.n4 , .sntZ eptember .... .04 ' M f .snvt .oo . -OB .00 MA .00 rbreagn.'' Jan. IS The wbeet Burbet took nether Mddea ehange today. The aewe from abroad waa of a bulllah character, tha liver, pool a bowing an advance of tod at the etoeing. Bewerta from India ara af the aama character aa previously received, the aew a till tolling at damage by drought. In thl market the ooeuiae' Tnc of about cent, bat thla rtee waa aoua ool- .- ni CMeiag ec lae market drop wt H Oeut bekrw tb bid prk of yea- terrtar. Official enotattoaa by Ovorbeck. Star A uoou ompaayt : wuui, One. ' fBoee. January ... .............. .f . .noj , f .m May ............ ...t .. .. - .PS .AS jaiy ...,.... September ................. -. - --. .. nut. .014 I. Ifay eee... J dS K MISS POBK. Kay e.. ... M-OB tzTtmvoor. bbatji uammxt,'xv Urerpoel, Jan. IS-Off total prtoeei : v v .-. t WBBAT. ' 'J:. . . - ' - 'i'y ( ' CVnao PtoeO Oata - ; "- Today ' Moa. - Today Marefe .T Sit To 4 , tod May ...Oellgd SolOKd . ftd May COBNi . tnuary da SHdl.ttd ee t4 Cd oa d 4 V 8 wan Bay March. ........... ..ea ja A - -' '. Xemdoa eHeok Varh. . London, Tan. 1 Th atork market Is gen eral anrnangva ve m point nignrr. wnn the - exception of Aaaaeade, . whlcb to SM potato tower. - - '- BIG SHEEP CLEANUP -H MADE AT PENDLETON t - .. " . - '(Soeelal Maratck to The loaraal.) . taiiiMi. Or.. Jan. IS Aa Important iboeo ante of B.000 wether waa made by tb Bnrg brother to Jam wngat, a nnrra laairoa bnyer. yeoterdey, Bayer are Cora lag la aa aatially early for abeep thla eeaeoa. . Theaa were nbeep that have been fed by Bneg brother t their reach near thl city, and the aato waa la the narnre of a etoaaup on tbelr port, They were purehaeed aa mnt tna ttm the Seattle aad Tacoma marketa, and were purr baaed without tho wool, the . Blue brother ehearlr tbcm ae tbey are ablpped. The bnaugbt from fS.Sft to fd per bead. A Buiuber of big abeep deal ar expected to tak ptoe IS the belt week la thl viclaty. HEAVY REGISTRATION -r BEING MADE IN LINN - - (Speclel Dlepansb to The Joarnal.) . Albany, Or.,, Jon. Id. Tho electors of Unn county are regiatering muoh trior rapidly this year tbaa during tho rea latrstloa of l.wo year ago. i Th rec ord la tbo clerk'g office ahoir s total of; 147 tip to Saturday evenlns. "lnfor matron from tb notaries and JugUcog regiaterlnff voters In outlying; precincts la to tho effect that elector Ore regta tarlnt early and that they have a total on blanka moro than equal to that on record - In the el ark' o office. Many of those reglateiing object to atatlnf tbelr political affiliation, think ing It s violation of tho true Intent and ptirpoae of tho Australian ballot law." Thu far It to about an oven break betwoes . .Ui ..Xemoorsts sad., Republt. OBMailEDB UP TODAYS Higher Prices In London a H!p to New York Values and the ; C General Ust Is Hbrrer. ' READING COMMON 13 !HLEADlNarEATURS Advsnct Onorand sn Eighth Points 1 Amsrlctn : 8Bgsr, V, St. Psul sndl Union Psctfio Bach' a Half Point Urb-SmaU JUm In Amalgatnattd. ADTSNCBS. iaitbramaleil ............ u Brooklya C Bt. 1 ....... J oc Itund ,.,.. i South. Paclfc m.... 1 untoa ractne ..... ' ' Vl prefmreii'r!" .i I wuraTHie toe. laeiXe . WaU Street, , Bow York, 7aa.1S--WtOi th better feeJIng 'abroad thl market held ratbtr ftrr today, a maiorlt eloalne aa.vk.i higher tha yaatarday'a gloaa. Tbre waa a break of ever point In Anaeenda la Londoo ana au anrt oopper tare. Amalgameted waa but a fraction an at th cloae. ft -fling eutu mna waa train the attraeUv feature, with a act gala of lto polnu at the cloae. Uulor Pacific. ttogar Behnlug and It Paal each advanced H point. Traction ware again iirm, out u avncon war not nearr. Brook lyn "L" " advanced point today. Steel atock war errong. with Dalted State StMl t t H point turner ror u preferred stock. rttpartlTel. ., , -, ,. ,. - Official aoUttooi . i . - : -J . P". AmairamatM Lppar.ow.a.u n Stcblaoe, common 06 Americas Sugar, commmt t ISO Brooklya Bapld Trenail 0 Chi., Mil, ft. Panl. ltd uowaviue naaavuie ...... lot -Mlaaourt Paelfto ............... IndH Beading, eomanoa ............... lttM Back lalaad. rnmaioa M Boutbern 1'iolf ............... Union raeiflc. mum ........ 1M United Statea Steel Co., eem..., 44 do prfrtd .w.. 10B i i i BUSY THIEF IS III -jail now ; Vu- Man With Four Names ' Admits Being Implicated In Four-" if ; j " -een Crimes. . . Trrortoen bcrgltrleg sad Ureoalos trero eonfossed to Aetlnc Dotactly Hollyer last night arid' this .mornlns . by. Bert Adams, alias Proatoa, Silas Nolsotv sltsa Brooke alia HUi. A. Kamnaher, seeoad-hsad dealer on Front street, eras arreatod thla aaorr. inn; -env eomptoint ef At. Wax,' folro-vring me aiacioouros or Adams, and char gad with twee tying- stolen property. ' Rs nil judge camsroa orr a bond of fftf) sad will appear for trial tomorrow. . Tho burglar's statement show that la soTorsl Instances bovdlsposod of stolen property to rnpn from whoa . ho bad stolen other articles. Ho took - De tective Hollyer to a number of places where bo bad disposed of woods this mornlns sad a, part of his plunder ha beea takes tot polios headquarters. It has been learned that ao entries la their stock books were made by a aumbor of tbo purchaser of this stolen property, Tbo burglaries aad larcenies admitted by Adams are: A sold -watoh sad sbaia worth f Tl from AC Was, sold to A. Kamusher for ft a suit of clothe worth-til "from tho White Corner clothing store, sold to M. Wax for fS.SO: a bicycle from B. Hlnmaa of tbo Crane Elevator company, avi ivr ee hp " m avuvna'uaau tiawiatr. sa oyorooat. a rewolTer, Jewelry and toilet articles worth ttf from J. p. Bcbmoor, 111 Sixth street; a bicycle from W. U rrsley, 114 Third street: hair bruabeo, porfumes, stow from, tho SkldV moro Drug- - company i a. 120 .ororcost from . J. Olson, Janitor of tbo Jewish gynsgogiie; a cornet, musto rack snd raior st Bridal JVell: Jt bicycle from la front of a saloon, owner unknown, at Vancouver, Washington; opera glasses. sn opera . bag, a droas cost, a whit walatcoat and a arrrroktng jacket from B. a Hunt, tfl Tsmhlll etreet i a satchel from l. I Mandelaay. . North Third atreet; a set of new harness from N. P. Nelson. Iff V Holladay srnut s earners. Held glsasos, etc., from a house at Walla Walla, , Washington; nooks from Jones' book store oa Alder street. William Harerv allssd to be an ac eompllos of Adama, Is slso bold by tbo polios, . . .'. " : 7 ',',!'' - . ii I B iii a V ' ' bTos lruaad Xoaass. Bundlng permits' bare been Issued as follows: A. Id. Anderson, two eottsges, corner , Alblna avenue and Sellweod street, coat, tl.tOO; O. T. Bottlemelor, cotuse, Union avenue between Belmont Snd East Morrlscrn streets, cost, f 1..00; Mrs. Nsgren, rosldenoo, corner -Mlsolo-stppl STenue snd Monroe Street, oot, fl.ffO D. J. and B. R. WUllamson, frame nouso. Eant Twenty-fourth near Killlnsoworth street, cost. tlOSi B. A. Campbell, repairs to dwelling. East Lin, eoln street near union svenuo, cost, 1100; Mrs. James Drlneoll, cottars, cor ner East Twenty-first snd Weldler streets, cost, fl.fOO; Bushong IMarkle wlts, three-atory brick business block, corner - Washington and Berenteentn treats. " coat. 111.000: Archsmbesu d) Ooobock. ' repairs to . fttotory building. Hoyt' between Fifth and Sixth streets, coot, 14.000; J. B. Hlbbsrd, cottage, cor ner East Thirty-first snd Flanders streets, cost; tl.tOO; R. I Cste, cottsgs, corner East Ollssn and Esst Twenty- njnth streets, oost, IJ.soo. . . . . ' Wallowa Ta trtsyv. t-.' '" (SpeeiaJ DtopetcS to The Jooreal.) ' Lostlne. Or- Jan. It. Tho WaHows county court has fixed tho lag levy on the 1(01 roll ot 14 mills. The court found that 11 mills will bo smplir fuN, ficlenc to meet me generni axpenses or th county for the ensuing year and It la poaalble by sddlng sn extra t mills that the present. Indebtedness will bo paid.- -''-.-; - .- ; aTtunesai i.g. m. sutrrs. ; (Kpec1l Dtopatcb to The Journal.) . -Baker City. Or, Jan. 1. The funeral of J. H. Rlgga, the farmhand who waa found deed la s haystack Saturday, was held In this city yesterday. Tho de ceased waa a member of the Woodmen of th World, under whose eusptoea th I funeral servles were conducted. - j Cloa. V 1S4 ibt 1481 'Of ti FOH ICE SKATERS - ' 7oarsal Bpoelat atorelcs) " ' . Philadelphia, Jan. Id. healing sa thuslasts la PhlladalphU's smart st are enjoying tbo unique sxperlsnos of gliding about oa sn toy surfsos, smooth as glass, sbeolutely safe, tit feet In tho air, and resting on a 11,000,000 foundation. , i Ther ts nothing like It tn tho world. This wonderful skating isks ts situ. at ad on tho roof of the Bellev-ue-Btrat-ford hotel, a building oxoeeded In height tn this city by its nearest neighbor, OlaJ-aBdsJhPSiJVJ.Jn ball tower. - - Early in the winter "tha idea of eon. farting tha roof saxdan Into a skating park ooeurred to tho management, ana all arrangements were msds. - Th - roof of.- tns Benerue-Btrstford Is absolutely water-tight. being made of ' steel end eon orate, . overlaid with brtok. Water connections wore easily made, snd as aa experiment the roof was flooded several tlmss, aad th scboms proved foaslble.- - ' A few days ago tbo root' was freshly flooded. The water fro, snd during tbo afternooa Mr. MoCormick's son and a few young friend bad th honor of being tho first to try this novel lake. For half an hour they enjoyed them. ooItos, with sbsoluto safety, aad than tbo roof was again flooded. . - , In consequence), the roof presented a bard, glassy surfsos ; that la tha Joy Of the skaters. Trom tb roof skatora enjoy a superb view of tbo city, and if they get sold they find hot oof foe sad other Sever, ages, ss wsll as lunoheon,' In ths pa vilion. The roof will bo freshly flooded nightly, so that sscb dsy thero will bo a new smooth surf see, sad st . night ths sleetrlo lights used during tha sum mor -will furnlah Illumination, i . -Several skating carnivals, faney dress sad otherwise, have beea planned for ths winter, snd the roof Is destined to be the- eoene of -some - brilliant- and uaiqus tuaotisas. ';: :.',-v,v,;;.-: " ( ODDITIES PRACTICED ' ) ; CRACK BATTERS ' r "Batters ' hSve Odd wsys of taking their positions at the . plats," declares Perry Werden. th ox-king of first bass men. "Lewee, who played shortstop oa the Ksnsss. City, team, la. 104, had a peculiar way of getting ready ts bat. Just before his turn came to face .'the pitcher he would take his bat In his left hsnd sad then, swinging it slowly, would fsoo tha sun. Whoa It was his turn to take his place at tho plats h would walk slowly ap to ths swst ata tlon, first stop with both foot oa the plate, torn completely sround twlos and then step back ready to bat, "When right, there never was a sorer hitter than that Lowes. Ho wss a rs liable man to a plnoh. - Although not a heavy hitter, bo oould be depended open for a single or double, which ho got with a persistency most Irritating to ths pltchOP.' "1 - ' r:;: c r-!-."- -r.-r-r- ,-t-l "Whether this peculiarity has helped to wss to1 get many of -his- hHs f -cisamot say,-but he stars wss a lucky bate- man, c -.- -. i . - : "Lefty Davis of ths Columbus Ameri can asaoclstlon slab -is another player who gooo through soma mystifying mo tions before batting. Lefty stalks ap to tho plato, turn his back to ths pitcher snd then spits a large quantity sr to bacco on tb trademark of his wallop, ing willow, aftsr which ho Is ready for anything In the twirling repertoire. Davis u a hard, surd hittsr. PRAYED FIRST, THEN PUNCHED HIS MAN - fJoontal IneeUl ftorvtoo.t New Tork, Jan. 14. Robert Stone wall Allen, a colored evangelist, bow It years old, who la his younger dsys was a pu gilist of note, sgsin entered ths ting last Bight ana fought a tarso round draw with "Black OrlffO at ths Shar key Athlotle club. Just before ths bell rang to start tb bout, Allan knelt la tho middle of ths. ring snd offered tap an earnest prayer for the oouls of th "members" prossnt. Ho also prayed for bis opponent. ..... Whoa tho prayer was finished Ilea bestowed a beaodlctloa upon Ortffo and tho spectators. But - whoa tho fight started ho did not let his feelings Inter fere. ' Ho used his choicest hooks. Jabs and apperouts. -.. .. Ths old man, notwithstanding his age, mode such a good . ohowlng that Tnomas Bparkey, tno rorereo, would have boon forced to eaU tho bout a draw had a decision been rendered.: . DUFFEY WILL SUE FOR - RESTORATION OF RECORDS ',. v,.-,-: , , ..... (- j: fJoarnal Snecial Service. . ' ' : New Tork. Jan. 14. Artbtir Traffav. through bis sttornay, C P. Rogers, has served . notloe on Secretary Jsmos B. Sulllvsa of ths Amateur Athletlo anion, that unless tho latter reinstates Duf feys records In the Athletlo Almanao for 104,- as-sa-amaUur athlete, auit will be begun to compel him to do sa Duffey Justifies his sotton by stating that ths Jl.Jl.V. has Ignored Its own rules and regulations ' la striking his records from the books Mr. Sulllvsa said last night that h had received a wandering Sommuntcsr tloa snd hsd forwarded It to ths t real- dent of the iVi A. li,-without giviasr It any attention.- Ths A. A. U. rules spe cify snd that body may at its discre tion accept or rojoot say records that It- sees fit --V-,--r-A-.r-7t---e-re PRESIDENT BAN JOHNSON MAY DISTURB PEACE ..V'4. " (Journal Special lei lice.) Nw Tork. Jan, K.Praaldent Baa Johnson's announcement tb the effect that ths American, ieseruo win open It playing season on April' 17'lnstead of April II, the day t set by ths National league for Its opening, msy ' Jar th peaceful relations thst have existed be tween tbo two big league for the last two years. In the spring of ItOI thero was oome friction over tho fact that while : the Highlanders wera entitled to ths-opening day In New York, so cording to . agreement between ' the leagues, th Nstlonsl lesgse sohedule makera scheduled the O lan to to play In Brooklyn rm ths same dsy ths High landers opened at American - League park. . . v , - . t . i m i , , YOUf.'G MAfJSFIELD IS CONFIDENT OF SUCCESS Toung" Mansfield, who boo War- ren lurbrlck In Vancxraver on Thursday, put the glovee on yesterday for the first time in Portland, sad those who aa w hira box asld he wss a fighter from t ground up. He la a great deal on t i style sf 11 Lsv:; ROOF GAHDirj r.!.." ' croRTiNQ cocc:?. 'Aqustio Bight will bo oeiebritod this evening st tho T. M. C A, A number of good numbers are on tho sard and aa In tar as ting svealng Is promised., -v., ... ., a. .r .- i ; '.It ths Plans ot the aatomoblllsta go through England will tn time have tha finest automobile track In the world. It will bo between London and Brighton, 40 miles, will bo built by private enter prise at a coat of something like 111. 000.000 nndwUl bo subject to no speed laws whatever. .. A generating otatlos for ths supply of sleetrlcal .energy oa the banks ef tho River. W audi a, neat Waddoa Mills, Croydon, is also to bo erected, - , '-. : :' - o.s V JThllaAelphla.. J vws-afralet -at dlsgraelng his "family hams whan ho went Into the prlstflghtlng buslnsa, and ho therefors took a soak at sn snrdont enemy By . sdoptlng - the nam of CBrterC .. .ciii -o : -;(- r-, AponTt6tiiUttttiimim burglsrs entered a store and atole oix pslrs of rubber boots,-If pounds of oof f ee. two doaan cane of- oora snd t in money from . tho- cash drawer. Ths ; cash drawer la Bo plao for such stuff. ; ... -' . ' ,-fv I .. ' -. V . " - O -. . 1 v , - . t Ws read last, week one of' those "humsa internet stories that sometimes stray srvsr on ths- sporting psge. "It dessrlbed touchlngly snd befetoblngly th depth of ths affection of Mrs Plts simraons III for her huaband snd her tender devotion to tho children of Mrs Pltsslmmons IT. ' And ths aext 1 Chester Ooodwia and....; Aha, 'Ai fought a ll-round draw ' at , Chains., MasaachusetU, Ust night- XtteU hsd ths better sf ths last tour rounds. . ; : - ' ' V ' Poen will have only graduate sosohes for her baseball nine thla aprlng. This wss decided st a meeting of tho board of athletlo directions of tho university. John Blskoley Was appointed chairman ot.tho board of coaches sad Joseph Swalrv It 04. college, was appointed chairman of tha-. committee. Mr. Blskoley- has ths same relative position In baseball affairs as Dr. William a had la foOtball under tbo previous arrange ment, snd upon tho whole tho baseball coaching aystsm will be modeled closely upon thst sf football. Thero were slso appointments made to ths committee on rowing snd track aaa tna vacancies ta tho student representative members of the board of directors wera ailed. Fol lowing la a summary of tho various appointments mode: Rowing commit te Thomas Reath, chairman; . R, Francis Wood. 1104, college, manager; Joseph1 W. Townsoad Jr., MOT, eolleg. aaslstaat aasasger. Track committee Dr. Howard. Kennedy Hill., chairman. Baseball oommlttoo Josopk Swala Jr. ehalrmaa; : John , Blakeley,' chairman board of coach. .Th vacancies on tho board were ruled as xonows oy sp polntmsnC ths students) having failed to elect: Emlen B. Hare. 1(00, oolloge; William Gardner, ltof. modlcal; E. B. powhurst, ltOOj dental! Tbomss stelley, 1104, veterinary medicine, .. joan H. Minds was appointed a graduate mem ber of ths board of directors Rsadar Nov ths two ' Harvard sur geons la their published statement of ill esssf of Illness and injuries In th crimson football . squad at ' Cambrldgs last fall did not aay anything about toothache, . , splsooty, hiccoughs, in somnia, gout, dyspepsia, malaria or oold feet, but they mentioned almost every thing slss la th ostagory . of surgery and materia mdloa. They probably did net think of Brill aad Look-wood. Is thoy might have added at least two oases of angina pootorta,. JKopys SB aTlTllsrd i (Journal Special gervtoa. Paris, Jan. 14. Willie Hopps of Now Tork City defeated Maurice Vlgneux yeeterday for ths billiard championship of the world. Tbo gams was aa ll-tnch balk Una. one shot 1K . Hopps won by 1T7 points. -r ., .-. . WILFULLY EIH1CED HBO : TO ELOPE M G1SL , Missouri Woman Brings Suit for , Deunage Against' Parents of Husband's Companion. '-' (Jesrael ftooctel atorvlee. ' Loulalana, Mo, Jan., II. Mrs Maud Dlllard Bibb of Eola, thlg stats, hss brought a 110.001 damage salt against Mr. sad Mrs John Williams, hsr neigh bors, for alienating the sf factions of her huaband, Len O. Bibb. She sets up tho unusual sJle-ation that thoy "wil fully enticed" her husband to abandon her to go with their daughter, Rhea Williams, aged It. She, says that her husband and Misa WlUiama are aow la Loo Angeles. .' r ' ' ' Tbs elopement of tho couple ooeurred September II, sooordlng to Mrs. Bibb's allegations but was : Interrupted by their arreot while st dinner at a Bt Joseph hotel and the consequent return home. ' Owing to tho 'Influence of tho girl's psronts she says they mad a a sec ond snd- successful attempt. ' " On September II, 1105, snd sgsin In December It Is stated that Mr. snd Mrs. Williams Induoed Mr. Bibb to abandon the plaintiff to go with their daughter. which ho did oa both occasions. Mrs. Bibb prays for 110.000 actual aad 10,- punitive damages.- ... ; ' REALIZES FORTUNE " : FROM WORTHLESS FEE - (Special DUpatrS te The Joeraat) Seattle, Jan. II. In 1SS0 . Superior Judge R- B. Albertsoa took in payment of s 1104 fas from a poor client a bundle of eontracta from the state for tide lends, believed to be -worthiees st the' time because of a doubt In tha title. YeaUrday Albsrtson sold 44 lots for 111,001. Hs will hsvs . lsft three lot oa thswaterwsy, that must ' be bought by the railroad for - terminal faollltlea. and Sf others worth about f 114,000. too LATt to crAwrrr. yOB BBNT OB BAI.B Buy terms i a-roem Boueo, lot eeet lairiy-ieuris ac, oa Wood stock ear line) elty water, fruit, small hora; owner will be et Soon Saturday aad Baadny. rnoBO Bt SSSg, . . ' 1 po-vrrtsTtn, r"-- s r-v. -VauBA ShO t.,.J i 1 (.Estebllsbed !(. ovc: . ' fn a, r 0 - ft. . 1 i i 1 1 I! 1 -Z IB Portland .. ) PORTLAND.. ORBOONn EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS ' AND COMMERCLU , i r? ,.. TnAV&ujiSLa. -- r lfrerytning to est and drlah. and It coots no more la the . Portland Hotel Rataskoasr -thaa elsowhero In the city. Every w oak day sight from 1:10 to It, sr. a o-sraBS. HotcIEatcn ' Ousts Korrlaoa aad West Vork ' v-. raw- " ' eaonoasety furulaSed. etogaathT fTrepreof. five mlnoteo walk from hour alKpDtoa and bualnaee dtotrtot. an torau. airy, ootatde repeat, ateem aeeted. etoeuai hgnts, telephone fa each a part neat. ate. Largo Office, leengtag, Sanoklng, wrtttoe. leal receptieo pnrtotav by mall ee ten Private iPMiiii meets tretes aad atwmiaa Rjomi fl.OO fa $S.OO a Day ..: Bp nil! Sato to Oammotelal Moa. . . MX. MSB IATOS. " -, - fTxjtajwly of Betel Bedpeth, Spokaaav) DLOQD POISGI we have made tho euro of blood poinna a noelaliy. rVtaaoty .aecwantary or 1 eruawy Steed Pet sea Hermaneatly Cured. You eea he treated at home under name guerani . Capital 4600, DOS - We eeitolS the moot oon i aato ease. If you have exhausted the o l methods or treatment, and still have aeon and palna. Mneu patehes la Month, bora Throat, Pinoles. OoDDor-Colored S Ulcers oa any part of tho body. Hair or Erebrowa falltne sua. write tar anWt a,f ouree, 100-pag Book Pre. COOK REMEDY CO, IBS aUUdW TleVU, lalim, 1.1.1 SCslTs S:!:l-Fc;::3 C:;::!:: a PccmVet c..:i For teSemeMee. mrf"-- -f the hi -.-.ra -.S I - i -Ber. t0Ouailtt. C a quickly tat nernieaeet'r t. e worst reeve ef -e and Sitae, ae smihmt ot t long etenoins, Akaolnt. f asrmlaae. Sold bv drne c rrU.: Bettitontla.CJa. Sale by Wailaea. OUtW , ahfataBBft a.ek saw. f " MAXVCL Urtof l..v,y tjeew men eiiawa. Htm onit aerTWt. Tt , l aaa me eWeaM Sw B. it he cannot onreiy the I1BI IL, a other, but end auunp far . - ' Tl il i full particular nad Itrectinna t vaiuabletolanic. . I. COX. . su use st.. sax toettT ' OB gaXK BT WOOSSBD. OtABTB ft ft. Par assdora dental work. Wartd-rs aewnod apaclaiUts. Lowest prises soosletent with trst-alass) to tho '. . NEW YORK DENTISTS ' S-OTTBTat AJT9 KOBSTJKW STS Open day aad alrht, frees M a. aa! saitn is a, ss. . eerwt iT." tat fc'rts lead, I re I Catarrh, teat to I , V Scsincio sad rtoeog la Uti'i. . C aa(aa , m Cai'W mmJwf SoU y alaraiyaTsrHme7T-' L F. C KEITH, Prop. Omtoil crtnr,. - . r a if ft: t " wrest I ..!. f t t-ic -to or ' ' Set ia l. van. - m