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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1906)
I I: t 1, atarquam Oread.... ....atodjeika la "Mock About oiIp" Emntre ... " Cripple t r " taker ...........,..... r tmlrml fco' ' rrla ........ .7.. ........ "ManUac " ' a .... ............... Oread ... Vi.u.-. raatagae ............ , VavdavllM . . Tha annual meeting of tha General V German Aid society u held last even- Ins Mil tha report of . tha . officers - showed tha society to bo Increasing In usefulness and In prosperous ehao It V, was organised SI years ago and devote N " Its energies In assisting German set . , tiers, the sick and all who are unable ,." to help themselves. Purine its smist---enoe-Ht-haa-vxpanded t.0"l wuufl tie's and It has now assets worth over ' " S80.800. The lnoom is derived from ! dues and donations. . But one death oc curred In the membership the past rear, Bi-f -AAolpb Burkhardt,. for years one of Its uffluors ndactlvo members. . The officers reelected, for the ensuing ' year arei President. John Reiaacber; vice-president, Charles J. Schnabel; sec- - retary, H. c Bonunann; treasurer, n. Clauaanluan trustee for three years. . Albtn Jublts; school board, George Ot- i - . ten and Joan urieaei. .iWedaeederr Jeauary l V wfll be -the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of Benjamin Franklin. " AT dinner , will ' be given at the Portland hotel In oale ' brauon of this event. Franklin's activi ties touoh the life of the present age at more points than those of nay other . mi or his time, ho was a primer, postmaster, merchant, newspaper man, Inventor, scientist, statesman and dlplo- - ' mat. The serious phases of his life will . be discussed by .the speakers ot the .. occasion, who wiU be Rabbi Stephen & . Wise. Rev.' A. A. Morrison. C. B. 8, v Wood, WUs Dunlway sad Wallace Me- v ' Canmnt - The dinner is a puoiio, one, , i which aJl men are Invited to atteno. ' Those desiring to do eo are asked to notify the chairman of the committee, -v A A. Lindstsy, at tha Title Guarantee - Twist company; teiepnone exonang - A three-cornered leant contest - suited In the ened of Mary .aV Webb v against the Portland Trust Company of Oregon, J. D. Tresham and O. B, Hslnta. The plalntl asks for 11M10 damages .for having tripped ver a piece of iron iwork In front of a building being re- paired at the corner ot Third and Oak 'streets on August 1 or 10. IMS. at hnut nl n, Each of the defendants s. -- has engaged different eounsot and tha -a; case . Is being trie oeior us -"-.. . land and a Jury. Teal Minor - are counsel for the trust company. Attor nay A- T, -Lewis represents Tresham. ' and Attorneys Gantenbeln Veasle are -V acting for Helnts; plaintiffs attorney. C.: Spencer is the , i "f "' An amicable settlement of the dim ' 1 cultlee between the Pacific States Tele ' mnk- a TaimhoM company and the THome-Telsphoner company over- the-ln stallation of their respeouve piania may : be arrived at by arbitration, i It was announced ' yesterday by Frank H. -r -Btowe. local manager of tha Home Tel. ' phone oompany, that his firm had eub ml t ted a proposition to the rival cor poraUdo to submit tha differences ta arbitration, 'each company to- name- aa - , arbitrator. C H. Carey, the legal ad- - -vtadr of the Paciflo States Telegraph dl - Telephone oompany has taken the prop- oatupa under , aovisement. y ; v a. Ii Craig, general passenger agent Of. tha Marrtmao ; linen-1 Oregon, 'de; - parted last night for cnieago o aiiena i a, auarterly meeUng of tha Transcontl nental association. William H. MoMuM nr. assistant general ftassenger agent. ... 'wtU leave tomorrow evening for the . south, accompanying the Oregon ue : yelopment . league ursion to sooth- r. ity.-ni- ntnfa . Roth oAalais , VIII ll.wl ... ' 'will bo absent Un days or two weeks. s jr. p. O'Brien, general manager, and R. B. Miller, general freight agent, ai rived home yesterday from aa inspec tion irin over the O..R. lines la 1 Oregon. Washington aad Idaho.: v " At 4 meeting of thd Portland High School Alumni association, tomorrow "evening.- the anneal election of officers v will be held and other buslnees of the , annual aaaslon disposed' of. There will . i...ui aiMnuina. sffnctrnr tha m iwiiuw - w endorsement by the association of eer - tain members who are to go before the .-4lty primaries for political offices, The 1 association has LtOd members, and, al- though many are women and girls, the Inflaanos that ooum oe wieiaeo oy xnem ' far or aaralnst a political candidate -would be considerable. There are many i . opposed to taking any part Is pojrUos, . howsvsr., y ''. V' ' Aconrdtng to : charges made by his A wlfe..W. R. Jones fights with his teeth. In a eotwplalnt nled in tha rlrcultjeourt aakinr for a decree of divorce, Mra ' Lola-JKiao alleges that last September her husband "placed her right fore? finger In his mouth and split the end of tha .anaer with his teeth." It la also iiad that Jones onoe struck har and ' almost-knocked her. teeth down. .her throat. Another time he Is said to have hit his wife so hard that aha was ran dared unconscious. The couple were married at Amity. v Oregon, December ' is. MO J. and hare a slamonths-ol4 ' daughtsr. ",';;'' ' -:r:r -;----:'.;'.v Oieblsch aWoplIn were awarded contract by the street committee of the executive board yesterday for tha im provement of East Ankeny Street, be . tween Bast Twenty-fourth street and ; Buchtel avenue for IT.48T. Tha con ' tract fof Improving Halsey street, be tween Union avenue and Bast Seventh - : street, - was awarded . to . Stephens Brothers for ll.Ms. No bid was sub ... mitted for tha Improvement . tof risks street on the penlneul and it Was da elded not to advertise again at preeenU The roads were so bad that contractors - could act gt material oq tha ground. " Ooorge Van Draa of Albany, Oregon, this morning peUUoned County Judge , Lionel R. Webster to be appointed ad ; minlstrator m tha aetata of the late 'Keeper Van Dran, who committed sul- cmericaq Restaurant VdOsurm vxxbb. m oovoi rs. 'jTrr oni bat ajto mMt, i Soresshleei aUalaa ...... .'..,..,.204 -jaek Babbm Pot Me.. ...... ......20 Sesamed littta Oaaaa, Brawa - - Batbar - ...,.., ...; .S0w . Olam BoxOUea, Tees b Oeffea..lB Pried Oat Plah ........... .r.;...lBv , Prted meawr Oiaema .............. lBw SpagaevM and Cbasaa.. .......... is, Oora Beet' Baas, Posse eg Bgf....l5e Ood risk BaUa, Oream ravy lBd "Baked Perk aad Banna.. '.IK Veaffaa, Sree til lshar sad Potatoes ' . ...v.- Vi-a aa trtem . - 1 in t at i -a no 1 t 1 prr arty W' M t f" . t ' ,s s t i vr e i rerei.- T .- i x . i tr, t rlat . i Dran a J '. oi Van Dran, lr ' all of Al b. -y, and s-'rs. larbra Kanney; a a s ter, who resides at Roseburg, Oregon. AlthnH the Investigation, of ' tke fecial (..jncll commit tea Into tha civil service commission and the appointment of Captain of -Police Bruin was- end i more than two weeaa ago, the commit tee has not held a consultation to form ulate a report of their inquisition. It is said that they intend to withhold the report as long as possible.- , A meeting of the committee may be held the first of the week, and Councilman Wills, who Is one of the Inquisitors, said that in all provability the report .would be submitted to (he counoll Wednesday, .'The Barber Asphalt Paving company and the-Warren Construction- oompany argued the. merits of tbeln respective pavementa before a spec lay oonnnltus yesterday composed of Councilman Vaughn, Wills and Masters. Tha Bar ber people submitted plana and epeclft cations for a brand of pavement which ho other company would be able' lo puf down-The specifications for the pro. posed saw pavement were thought to be Indefinite by the committee: which in all probability-will recommend several changes. , ..-.. .. Pees being received for city llooasea are. exceeding tha oipactatlons of city officials. During the first It days of tne year, ever ttj.oee -was- oouected by tha city treasurer. There are still large number of saloonman and , mer chants who have not taken out their lioensea and they will be notified Imme diately by the license Inspectors of their delinquency. It Is expected that the re ceipts for this quarter will amount to approximately 1 10,000. , .. :; -3--H -i i i.i. i' ';y'-f--y- County Assessor 8. D. Slgler has started work on tha aasessmsnt of prop erty for next year. Ha has had several men ta tha field for more than a week checking up property. . Ha la making a canvass of tha entire city and listing the new. residences.. Mr. Slgler aald that his deputies were finding an - un usually ; large amount of building la progress,, especially la tha resldenos districts. .-, - -. Judge A. . Ik " Praser of"- tha - circuit court will address . tha boys of ' South Portland tonight at t o'clock In tha an nex pf the Fourth Presbyterian church, Glbbs street between Front and First street. It 1 requested that all boys of South Portland bo in attendance, aa the Judge has something- of importance to eay 'to them. Bverybody la Invited and a large erowd will undoubtedly be out ' The Are committee aad Chief Camp bell have visited the Shaver achool to Investigate tha needs of ' the ' school building for-a fire escape. - The com' mlttee. found the building to bo three stories high above the basement, aad In all probability will Immediately ardor tha board of achool directors to install the eeoape for tha protection of the - Mineral Springs Hotel Cov lessees. Amos Dy St. Martin's Hot Springe, Car son, wasninm MHH- aND. ue beet health resort In tha northwest. Hot mineral baths for. the cure of rheuma tism, ' stomaea, liver aad kidney troubles. -Excellent table. -"Blectrle light aad steam heat. -Take Regulator Una awatnV.V. 4; .; .-. - .'.-J At the ssnrloes this erenlns- at Tem pie Beth Israel, which begins at o'clock. Dr. . aKepfcea aV Wise wm matte aa 1 nounoement to tha congregation with re aped for h la plana for tha futare, adding a word on "The Freedom of tha Pulpit3 Strangers are woloeino, . 1 .... f MieaMary-Adele TaeeTthe contralto, I has decided to organise a vocal class in Pale Alto, California, and make that place ber homo permanently. Mlsa Case la an Oregon City girt She went to tha Stanford university town on a visit ana Ukea tne piaos, There wfH be a meeting of tha tem perance workers at the residence of I. H. Amos, iei Hawthorns avenue, this even ing for tha purpose of outlining a plan ror tne oerense of the local option law. Many prominent jworkers for the. cause will ,ba present. ,; . . - . Brighten Tour- Horns By btaatlag a bed of showy tulips. Don't cost much. Our new bulb catalogue gives prices and all information. Call Mala 471 and ask our bulb salesman about. It Do it now. Portland Seed " company, - Front and TamhllL vv V'.;. v, 4 Police Sergeant' Taylor Intended 're- signing from tha force February 1 and going Into the lodging-house business. Ha has changed his Intentions, howeveri and asserts that he now purposes re maining in the department- . - i Watches, Watches, Watches On easy weeKiy.paymenrsv II oown. I't par week. Don't go without a good time piece. Metsger Co, ill Blzth street Steamship Alliance sails from Couch street dock for Coos Bay and Buraka Friday night at I o'clock. ' F. p. Beum- gartner, agent, Mala Ml. , ' . ' We clean and Press your clothes and shins your shoes for $1.00 per month. unique Tailoring Co., T Washington. Mala' Hi. : - General and Mrs. T. M. Anderson have given up housekeeping and are at the jportiand hotel. . , ; : : v,. .'i-V.-,.' All watches cleaned. 11. - All mala springs. IL Metsger ,Co., Ill Sixth -' Acme Oil Cat. aa! la tha ham aiht 1 alia and fine gasolines. Phone Bast 111, Merchants' lunoh Ita 11 to a. Washington. . ;....-,'..., Fine Chick ea dinner Ive. lit Third, Ask' for Frtta'a tamalaa. lr LOCAL HITS PLEASE IN ; FUNNY AMATEUR SHOW r-.....-.L..'x "AIT Old VHdiTTinTenTTnn" t.- sented at Trinity parish house last night by tha "Old Maids Matrimonial club" 'ore aw aadlewee -which ciowdea -the plaoo and screamed Its delight from the time the players appeared. It was one of the cleverest performances over given In Portland by amateurs and tha local hits which were innumerable, were richly amusing. - , ,y Ths participants and thscharacters were! . Josephine Jane Oreen, president of the club, Mrs. A. O. Barker; Roallla Abigail Hodge.' secretary. Miss Lulu Hall; Zcphretta Stockwell. treasurer, Miss lisa Wood; 2arusha Matilda Sprig gins, Mlsa Maud Hahn: Mary Jane Prad dler. Miss Henristte Caulklna: Patlsttee Dsalra Mean Miss Nanny Wood; Ca lamity Jane Hlggias, Miss Carlotta Par ker Tina Short. Mlee Margaret Morri son; Juliette Long. Miss Caroline Barns; petay . Boblett, Miss Marion Jackson Hetty Armstrong. Xre. Prank B. Rllayj Penelope Gertrude Doollttie. Hiss burr Lombardl: Polly Jane Sprat t, allsa Alloc Slbeont Cleopatra Bella Brown, Miss Deelle Knspp; Sarah Jane Sprin ester, JClss DucUe Palmar; Violet AJU Hui.;lea, It vi a- c-na r"t"7 tyrr l "-i"ThT3,i n . Hf v. -rat l tvr-1 ifrlr-icrTc3A i ti T t rr J r "-" :y cenvbta yea t, tt C I T " t i Tlrr' ; 1 ri r: Men's $1.59 kid and dress Gloves; tana, fnyf, browns; also silk-lined gloves; all uses, j Mens fi.w, sin Brra -arcww the 'exception p( "Pcnt's"; best Men's extra quality French BaJbrisfan Shirts and Drawer) medium weight; all gUet; best $1.50 grade on salt t tha txeep- tlonallr low-price, ot ecb ,t; -. V ,T,Vi7Ti ...... .V.V-. . w m .; fgOcraMdc-JGcltljr Men's fine Neckwear; large English squares of tha newest 0vt and prettiest silks; regular $1.00 values each....,.,.. ww Men's mercerized gloria-silk Umbrellas; attrsctiva bandits OQ f , best $1-50 values oa sale at low price, each........ ( "Men's $2.50 fine twilled .'gloria-silk Umbrellas.- plain Ql 7Q -rand fancy handleevia great assortment special at. . . . .. y Jl ajf.s. ; ;t : MSN'S $ 1 .C3 SI Our entire stock of men's $100 Shirts la stiff, plaited or soft botoms-VMoaarcbs," "Eagles" aad other '" .well-known makes. All new patterns aad ffCf I: colors; the best $1.0 values on sal for....C W " ; fHfTS 1 .50 S tHTS g 1.19 S: Our-etitir-stok-of men's- $1.50 Shirts ."duetts, "Manhattans" and other leading makes,. in all the newest and best patterns. Regular or coat Styles, with or without attached f i,-..C lO :. cuffs.'. ........... V mxns vo":i acaTS 3fc lv;j 50 "dozen men's Work Shirts in dark gray strioes, ' good quality, well mad and finished, all fg ' ' sizes; great special values at this low price. eC V :i: '': :v- $1.00 NICHTHOTS 63o Men's extra quality Flannelette Nightshirts, pew pat l terns, made large, all sizes: best $1.00 val-. rfCl ' Toe oa sale at this unusually low price.... VaV l-i v ' " - s -"Vrep" f sftTstsmlppj i-WfW 1 II PS H - l-ii i mm Clbcnicx) Sah Extra special bargains in boys all-wool 2-piece School Suits the most serviceable matt-. . 's - rials well made throughout rages 9 to 16 years; regular $375 values for,, the suit.................... Little Boys' Reefers and Topcoats the season's best styles and materials. t . - $3.00 values r.7..f4w fAOO valuta ..;.f4.8B. J0 vataea ,i ,.... 5.80 $7 JO values .....$ $iio values on salt at.,.fT.10 - $ltU values for-.....f SO T $11M valuta for..,.4...t9.5 ' - Boys' RaUicoats our-entire stock on sale at low clearance salt prices Second Floor. 'Jvjj"- - $5.00 values ... ..M I 6M values-.....M.T " $7J0 valuta $ia00 valuta ..-. .$.5 Boys' Overcoatsin all the leading styles exceptional bargains at ' f3.8B 1 f4.1w S.IS mpm)imm auu y .vm w. Boys' Flannct Waists at Tsung YOUNG eon'e beet x un, AU ewr S T.SS Baits suits iit.oo Suits suits PopfclaiadQ : v Women's Jacket Suits, the newest and most desirable styles, la cheviots, serges, broadcloths and mixtures, fancy braid and gimp-trimmed, all the best shades. - Largest variety aad best, values at these low prices . - . . " . v i . : v-V. t i .-y " '. -', '' - $16.50 suita 811.53 $21.50 $20.00 suits 814.OO-i$27.00 aulu 818.00-430 aulta 821.00 $35.00 sulu 824.50 $33.00 suits 8S3.CO-448 suits 836.75 - Women's Dress Skirts, in voiles, crepe de chines,' broaddbths and silks. All the newest modes and trimmings, - Great special values at: $15 Skirts 8 0.05 $20 Skirts $13.45 $25 Skirts f 16.95 $27 Skirts 818-50$3a Skirts 822-&Q$34 Skirts 824-50 , . Women's i Coats, hundreds of them, in all the leading styles and materials. ; Empire, loose back and tight-fitting effects, in ten, coverts, kerseys, broadcloths and mannish msterials; great variety;, all grades. SjO'OO Coats for 8 3.C5 each $220 Coats for V&2& each $12.00 Coats lor 8 8.C5 each $24.00 Coata for 8i65 each $14.00 Coats for 8 O S5 etch $23.00 Coata for 810-73 each $16.50 Coata for 812.23 each $30.00 Coata for 21.25 each t-$.00 Coats for 813'caJi$3.C0 Coau for 22.50 each Linens. Mulls and Lawns, I sleeves, exquisue. 7'c ai viciau.s iintcs.. aaowing in me All our tint bus waists st 75 Walata ...... .......f.M .00 Waists ......i....fa M Waists :.-.t -f3-tw DrttfAi Choose from our entire ttoek of fine silk Petticoats at low reUW colors snd qualities the very best silk Petticoat bargains 1 where elae in town axrra vpaciai $15.00 Silk Petticoats $10.50 Silk Petticoats $18.00 Silk Petticoats tticoata-...fU4S 10.43 H.43 Mis. norothr Morrison: Rachel Rebeoce Sharp, Mrs. Ernest Laldlaw. ., Msheovere Balrt Danrer, Miss Maria Olngrlch; Prima Donna, Mra B, R. Nor. ton i n of -Them," aeisara norioni Brunette. MleS Howell: Mandolin Flayer, Mlsa Seattle 1UU Uapttvoaattf beaUt . -w ; V 4-, .ki r a 1 4 .0 'rrr-3 m ever r-"--r J, r-1 pair. . . . - I . fl :t. si mm s vtftv -tieev wtta I'frS V" hadcs pair . . .......... O 1 tww - i itHTS ' ; jlM to $1.50 CbarGncoSoIsMcnGCIo ' 2,000 men's fine Suits in the newest snd most desirable styles and materials. - The best garments from tha leading manufacturers in tha land. The greatest suit bargains we ever offered. Let us show you Men's $10.00 Suit.... 8 7.83 9.15 jucn a xa.w suns. . .a Men's $15.00 Suit....! mm . mhm m f . - . 10.SS Men s eio-w ouin. . . Men's Suit oil sale at the Entire stock of Men's Trousers at greatly induced prices Men's Fancy Vasts to bo closed out at clearance sale prices Men's Smoking Jackets aad Lounging Robes greatly reduced Man's Bathrobes on salt at low clearanca sale pricaev . ..- ,y K -, . v " .' Men's 'genuine Priestley ,Cravenette"" Raincoats i and Orercoatw very garment bears the Priestley label all the best, styles and pattens alt sizes. Best values for tha money fa the city Second Floor. -. PHtrtWi S12.E0 Crawenetta Raincoats at. each. 8 O.C3 PrimtWi tll.C3 Cravenetta Raincoats at. each....... .610X3 Prlestle7s $0.C0 Crarenetta RalncoaU at. each....... .814.09 PriestleT'g $xk craTenetta Kaincoata at, eacn. . ... . . . .viuiia - m. . . ewa . . sTJgf O SO Pttestlejrs cravenette Kaincoata at, eacn. . . . .. . .jio PrieatWa $270 Cravenette Raincoats at. each. ...... .C21X3 -rfmttrmmtneh nt Tnen'o-fWereoata. in thla.season'a most-aDoroved styles and materials large Ufortrnent for your choosing phenomenal values. , ,; v- '.(. v.vV .(,;-.-..,:.,,-.- : ... r Men's $15 -Overcoats 010.85 Men's $25 Overcoats 8183 Mn $20 Overcoats 814.69 Men's $35 Overcoats 823.15 of Dbys! &nd Yoang Mctfs Clothing "- .u uw J .. -w-. V vV aej .ana w. seen's Suits Staey mixtoree smgie atrleev ?T.:..t.;.....V;.t aja for. for s i for .ft tnr ili aws. nwiii i . K ZZ. " Raiacoats.. . . .aa ss rwnoosis. .. reung ssen's Ovareoau at clearance suits f 10.85-$2$ cults 810.60 lL3ai!iag : Gloak Store beautifully made, hand-embrtidercd aadJlctrimmeA eflrrts, lima- r short, I great reauctions. ; All our imported W 60 Waists" ...... .......3.55 ISOO Waists ...........;.4.1 $7.00 Waists s5.45 avgaina at , ee., mjjio, ttZM filk PtttleoaU. A.f 14.S5 120.C0 f lit Petticoats.... f 18.85 USJt9 ik Pettkoata....Il.a Carter). MUs PwaH ticy; minuet dancers. Laura Shay and Roger Shays Tenor Soloist. V. S. Ackles. . , Professor and Attendants PVofaasor Athens de Phllm jam. rranS & Ritev? Oaaton. rrd Ktoveaa: AJpAsase, Carlyle Oelaler. . r v 1'GTiL: ft 'Mr -.1 SWSATKIS AT 39o f i v I, Juvenile Sweaters, in the very best styles and colors; blue, white, red and era v. sizes IS to 24 onlrl values oa ! u - y , S?C X r.sSN urrawcAR at 93c 4 Men's Medium-weight natural wool Underwear, sCk . faced shirtsall sizes in shirts and draw-. (1. ' ers; the best $15 values off sale st...... eafV All lints of Uaderwear it dearanct prices. . , - v asc to 33c root wn ar 1 7c ; ; Special lot of new silk Band and Shield Bows, Teckt, , Club Ties, Midget Ties, etc Best patterns- 1 y .- dad colors! 25c to 50c values for........, I V ;35c;FANCY HOSS 17cl a Men's new fancy. Half-Hose, in stripes, figures, - Jacquards and embroidered effecU; all are inv h; ported Hosiery seUinr regularly at 25c -1 aad 55c pair-pair...... 1 V ; Men's $20.00 Suits. v. Men's $23.60 salts. .. .eJio.xa Men's $25.00 Suitt.... 8183 ; Men's $30.00 Suits. .. X23.15 low pries of, each. ... .$13.15 11 ' --n-- -r v :: r. oesi sivics. ;. . -a - . . ' or ouaia-areaaua seaia au uua see Suits for.. ft Suits for.....,!. fiLat ili.oo Suits .for .......iiSM Suiu for , .....ia.TS priosa. ate. . . .SUSS : tie s Balneoata. . . . .SieJS sale prioea. f ciry oecona rioor. -. t Waists at one half regular prices. $9M Walsta ...... ....;..5.S $10.00 Waists .$. Waists up to $45 at Special Prices. clearance sale nriees atvlea. we know you can't equal any. .. . . $30.00 Silk Pettkoata.ll.faO.CS : $34.00 Silk Petticoats... ,tai3 Ba. aasCa aw "Bva tr" The sermon lat nlfvt rv I a' Martin, at the I lrt C. " .' n eomer Park and ( v a "Irll rjer 1 lii aa ee,- a v t " f ioi,t j.,-: i . j . ll 1i4m..)wI ' ": " Wv....3 ; . ' mi i ii l s, i. u i - '- eAt :Loi71riwC0 IZZO fesXitr-ca 25c tzs. Hilar U Erci's tVtzjri V.octM c4 Java Cefiag, Ca ada. a rem CV' 3 cans Carnation .Cretm...25 jrVktor. Flour,, nana., better at ' any nrict; 50-lb. sack. .f 19 New California Walnuts; great special value, pound... ..Hf 2 packages Malu AriU.....5 2 nackages Grsoe-Nuts. i-ibrcn Shrtmpi .'.o-t JrcanaSmtth.'r;Kippete4;H . " ring f or . ......... e0 M-lb. can Baker's Cocoa. .0 1-lb. can Baker's Cocoa.. 404 Blue Label Catsup, bottle. SO 2 lbs. Paper Shell Almoads.854 1-lb. lr Long's Jams SO Van Camp's CaUup, bottle. 1-lb. Roval Bakinr Powder. 404 19 lbs. Granulated Sugar. fl.OO A A N. Com, can.. Alpha fancy Maine Corn, z cans for ...;4.t....v... ...... a4 2 cans Hulled Hominy.. ...85 2 cans Custard Pumpkins.. S5 1 far Libby's Sliced fieef...aB4 2 cans Amaioa Peaches. . . .aft Baker's : Unsweetened Choco lata ...Iae) Quart i MeNslly's California Olive oil ;., .......Tvt Pint MeNslly's California Olive oa C 4 B. Lucca Oil... 5-lb. pkg. Domino Sugar.. 16-oa. jar Queen Olives. ...854 5-os. jar Queen Olives.,... w4 CltOArrS 4VALE 1 Nottingham Lace Curtains tor low prion of. pair... Booteh Net Curtains, oa sale for tha low price, pair. . . . . fXIS Kottlngbaat Las Curtains, lir?!!.,;.;...;.....OI.13 I1.7S Netttngham Laos Curtains . pau..'"::,....- ...51.39 f t.eeMadras-weave Laos Curtains for low prtoe et pair... 51.44 ' ' Cable Net Curtalna, Sostcki Net Curtains, aiadraa-weave Curtains. Jlualln Curtalna, all grades, ; ai xlearanoe prlosev - Real Arabian lac Curtalna, made an the best French nets, with real Arabian edges and In sertions, Beautiful stylet In Im mense assortment. Orand vainest . a.4o ataat OnrW4na, pate. pair..-. 51 1.58 flSJa Onsealna, pa.... 514.80 HUO Osjtatna, pntt....f 50 eaiae airo e e :f23-5 - Scotch Madras, light and dark around, floral, art and scroll designs: large variety t - (juaJltr for, yard.ivif -4- auauty ror, li te quality for, vard..,.f .SO LIS quality for. yard.. ..$1.28 Entire steek ef rortleres at low elearsnoe prleeei . , S deuble-faeed Bagdad f( Couch Cover fo?, ea. VeWU 4 doubta-faoe tapeatry f 5ft ' Cetteh Cevere, VVW 4.St heavy tapestry -- fV ff , Coeuih Covers, i3e(rU It heavy 'douMe-faosd tapestry , Couoh Covers fee. eoh.g4.00 JK.ll Curtain VaterlaU aad Cur n ruturea oa sale at greatly reenoea - pneea xnim -ioor. Custom ehade and ' Diaoerv Work our Specialty. Beat mate rials and Workmanship. Lowest prtoet guaranteed Third Floe. . Hosiery Great specter lot of net pairs of . woroen'e black laoo lisle Hoe, ' . all-over and boot patterns, tan embroidered lisle hose, white " Hale embroidered' boea, plain gauss Hole In navy, black and chaiiipagi : values eatraorai- . nary at the very low - lit price of. pair............ peire women's black eettbn Hose. In heavy, medium .and fight weight, all slses: the ' ' beet (So values oa wale We . for. pair ,.''v Women's woolen Rosa, in ail-rib and tib top) - I So values oa Bora heavy ootton Rasa, ! all . slses; regular JSe valuee I Km oa aal at, palr..........t' BTlsoss medium weight ootton Hose; best See value oa Km . .sale for. pair.. .4. ....... , Bntlr stock of women's, men's and children's Hosiery en sale this month at exceptionally tow clearance Sale, prices Take ad vantage. .;'v5" A'y-:" '' elOWC 35c Beauty aad Collar Pins.SS Alarm Clocks, special..... 59 1 Gold and sterling Cuff Links, .gmtjabiea ata-pajfjsaf . Eight-day Mission Clock, strikes every half hour, each..S2.T9 -AlTur-yerfolbrrfni'ed' Watches; Elgin or Waltham movements; many sixes . and . styles, all . ... at..... ONE FOURTH OFF Nickel Watches, stem wind d stem set. each... " All o ur ' f i a e y J t w e 1 f y , brooches, lockets, bracelets oa sale , at low. , clesranca Sale prices. - t.Zfdu-m C - . - . ' -y T. r- - ... m aTfFOaTV nv v . r- -- - Seoisat at S:i, "ss. . ' , t alat'e rwn, , , I -a t I H , ' e Snns , a 1- LA l En:!rcTtxtrccLf- HTCTOW W. SS1WJW Ma- Only. Taii, ytmmm Tee, 1msbm. a. . ViMSer'e imwmm - m i. i VTaatars Draeta ef Obleraee MMag LHe. Wtth sa eepenaUy eefeU eoeur ef mtr. w'.r" eeeBr tae krUuast little L. See. I. aNsaer. Atan. TamhUI and Third Sta. - Phone Mala ItST. rum bokb Or DalAsuta . Tealskt. Ifmamm MsUaee teat railuisimn. w Oraat leasees, nsasasat Msie," -fiaHsf a rraran"-auvr . ' mTMM BZAAIOstA VASAO" " aVeseas- rrlnasSBe. SSe, S TV! Sae'-r e4 SamAar huttm-a, la? aeTaVs, Sue; V.eSem. mmm MUM, sne, aav aeai. tpeiai. . ; Vast Weew atartlne BeaS'T Manese, ' . ... STSSSa AAAIrxuA . - - ' PAfJTAGES nasi A aTiysg, V BIFP AlID DAi;Q '--laaiaa aafc":Tv--'T tea Wa. Ber aerie.. " ; - ! n rvtnwx aslV at :. u aad S a. nv AdaUMtea lsJf CANTS wUh eavaa em a Lyric Theatre ,tD OrOOltTAnAAXX 1TAIO STOCK 0.. , meaat tse 'PeeAst CnskMOran. !S ADMISSIOlf ltev stXSXRTXD SBAT Its . - Stlfcl JOTVT sTVaWS.--' -. "Brtr"- r Bert iiw'i, SWM.- - r ti"ri- GRAND ' anAxaa - ' : -naaisiae ir lae. MS. Stotew SaaaU WaAf. flBOIl ; - r- ' ; we 'ass, Sialajs aad, fMiesw, lee and aWnV aVsMJaMSsSe dVsMa aVeaal aVeMaaV aVanfj STAR T 4JTAia snuyfOess, : i . ejs-jgjj of :: atayda, . ; 1 aitfaai, ; ; tUOMBt- "The Pea la,," aa. It Oaats te eay seat oases, aenas. Apollo Riiili Ajra M. SKATING A safe and comfortable helL ge4 skates, attentive inetruotors, respeotaalo neoDle. centrally located. . Ada!:alCSkctcs2c: s v, Aww alMaM v eBe W Ana ' - - tXJUa XlwMJ-m , Wot. m4 TW. imm Mix waw iTItoawrtla-t tla.ks. patfOTsni, AAIySSL.1 at X. ' M. n. u V Tee esMiMglsied ra-t ac n-e TO!f sraooL ot VIIOaorHT. wui ee Uver e easarely lUaa. iraii awn, c Vttnaarr jHe, 1 p. avi Wem,T lt, . "ChoH ef Omeaaaaaa,' rl XsOMrme K. Tkeradev si. "Fealta." wee. ' - reraanlnelaal eaa. asakfem. SL B. laaOees deny et Origin hetel. arwr Jan. trmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ,ye:. e r Owing to our surplus ateck eg holiday goods w shall reduce prices on every article la all llaes. eenslstutf of flat Sliver , Clot sonne. latnna, new Braasware. Broamm, Decorated Porcelain Tea Seta, Silk and .Satin Embroidered Kimonos. . Screens, Carved Furni ture, Toys, Matting, tto, - , . ;AEren H3 a Co. . ".WW 4 DR.c7VlESIROV7f3 RHEUL2 ATin FOR SAtJ! AT AtX r- C::::::C:: r a c