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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1906)
.LJ. J JlUU , - - - 4 . ::;l!i.kuU.".y. 'J.uil : vuL.:..d CO..,, I . S 0 OPT : TO , I Uu LV.u.,Ll)l) Doth . Art ; Otrnocrsts ' and Ceth i " jluds frtwr Forestt!! uthsr Few Fixes r!fv Thtrn Thouji Efforts to Amend Taxation Law I Gales Raging " Along; ; the Coast Will of Mrs. Anna Norton Civss Governor Craiy Ciit:a 11 Young Women Is the !:: 7 V- lng Need of Alaska. V Convict v Cttwssn RIvt Want to Rrpressnt Oregon's . "" 7 First District, . v" i All May Vnisr Recent .by Initiative Rejardad as v ' IH-Timed. .From the Columbia River to " Estate Worth Sevehteeft Thou- ores at Maejly. Ordinance. '7'V ; V ',. Alaska Waters. sand . to 7 Catholics, " ' - W" -v;- '' ' ' 7' ''."' 7 77 ; v.7: i ");':, 7 TROUTDALE LlNE 13 CHARLES V. GALLOWAY Y r POLICE KEEP WOMEN Efforts to amend the laws of Orakon re-1 QTritirn naiaf ie"r I rtoeo' FIVE DOLLARS LEFT 7 ? HARDY PROSPECTOrlS AK2 ' ; IN CEARCH OF BMZZZ I . ..l...!.! wihnmfcn nnm ii-rv buwu BEINQ RATJDUY CUILT v OF M'MINNVILLE IS ONE FROM CUCtt PLACES Ive seem to be directly in conflict with the ,v, 7 SAILS AND DECK CARGO 7 'A iJJQ -HER RELATIVES . - - 1 uin oy xos - jegiiaiure one year J :u. ciiunc T Jiarriman Prepare for a Long Siege -X by Placing Tent fot Larg t Nura- Jrot Mea jodXajrint Jna.jQoo4 Supply of Provisions. 7 V? :. ; .7 Further vlolsne at the eonteated rail-'- road crossing -et Maegly- Junction be r Iwtf construction fore of the BUI "" and Harriman railroad oetttpanlaa, - haa ' : ' been averted by injunctions: Issued gain at both sides by Judge Fraser pra t"" Venting) them from Interfering with pree v ,' ent conditions existing at the Junction, The next move will ba made wham the aUornays. for both companies start eo-. tiona to dissolve thaae Injunctions... The . . Northern Psclflo'a attorney In Portland ' .ar now , preparing papere for auoh a. , . .motion.-: ... .:.-, .. . - ,'... ."".: 1 The Kill camp' at the Junction eon-.' 7 ' tinuee la charge of Foreman Pessault I .and less than half a doaen-men. r Tb Harrlman camp, - pitched on the rail-' T'roed track constructed by tha O.1t. : r-,7'tJ. Ca'i chief officials at the spot where' i " the Portland at Seattle's tracks were -.', vorn away Tuesday night, la . guarded : by C ft. N. agents and equipped wtth 2j a . eommlasary department for feeding "'""! .about 80 men who are at work on the : 7 , grade running aouth from the disputed '. ..7 point.' Half a dosea additional tenta tiare been . taken to the scene by the . , O. JR. A N. people and preparattona for long siege r being made, - -bv The O. R. Jk N. aurvey toward frou .... dale runs alone; the Maegly farm fence to the tare bam blonlne; to the farm. and aradlac work la betna pushed (or ward from Maegly Junetloa to the barn. ' It la aald the condemnation suit decided . Tuesday. In ; which the owners of the ' land were awarded a verdict of $.00 from the O. 1L N. Co. for tha deatred i-rte;ht of wajr tnoluden ground on which ; the U rarer part of tha barn Stands and that the bulldlna; will bare to- be re ' . moved. - It la one of the largest barna 7 in the county. Prloea of land In the - . .'Vlelnltv.ef the- battle around have ad- -vanced conalderably and . the right of way agents of both" compsnlea have '' dlff leaky in. retting '.owners to set a pries on their lands. The O.' ft. eV N. Ca v7 Is now carrying on construction work ' .ever a long stretch of the route, from '' ' St. Johna to - Trousdale. ,: Ita men are icleartag he. ground 1" a hold lying to the west of Maegly Junction and burn 47' Ing. brush. A new fence haa been bull! 77 r. h company across the field where ' the rail fence was torn down .Tuesday . night and rails used for a bonfire to Yf urnlsh light for the work of demolition 7 end reconstruction oarrled on-by the , "llarrlman forces at tha Junction. - - The R t K. Co. today filed two r' -Mora "eandemnatloa eulta to obtain rlghta of way across lands owned by Jsoolr Slaughterbeek and O.. A. Mark- '':'T' land."1 ""'"' n.. x - .,. -; " . i ". TOt'ift, 'i I ' 1 a Ji i;1 i1 "I 1 1 I :''.v W rFiuEGih-DJlHT !THE POULTRY SHOV"! fudges Announce Awards " In k . Many Classes and Crowds : , ': .'':.;'' Attend.. 1 -;s7 ' The day at the poultry show was 4e 7' voted chiefly to tha making of wards . jn the department occupied by the , plgeona There are ever 09 birds In U : tbla claaa and they form tha feature of .... tha exhibition thus far.','. . r..- -' :i - :'t The great honor of having won all 'first awards In silver ; fowla was 1 ' stowed npon Thomaa Wilkinson of --. Kanalme,' British Columbia.' He . like. . Visa secured all firsts and aiz seconds . In white, red and black magpies, all firsts and seconds in- white, blue and arrlBslad dragoons, two firsts and two 7. seoonda ' In parlor " tumblers and two Srsta In flying tumblera- ; u ,r a w. Knox of Oakland, California. won three seconds la wtilts and stiver 7. homers, one second in trumpeters, throe rsta and on second in white Maltese tictt. pigeons, four firsts and tour eac , onas in otner coiorea vaneuaa, one arst In the a wallow class, two first la the 'parlor tumblers, 'two oeoonda in blue , : beards and all flrata; cecond and thirds I - rn rants. - Other awarda were:- , J. Qrtebelhouse Portland Four firsts and one second lit plain tumbler U. Bpady, Portland Four firsts, one n- second and one third in different va , rletlea. .; '. .,.;' " ' ' . .1 uw-'r,.,. ; - H. O. Fmrrell, Portland Four firsts and live - seconds In different varieties 7r Thompson V- VahU Portland Sevan ';' Urate, six second and - two thirds In 1 different varieties of rollers'' '.. Charlea Btelnel. Portland Eight firsts , and oae second In different varieties. ' . !' Athena and poultry . farm Four firsts and. two thirds In Maltese va- netlea. ' - - Ov Power).' Portland Two firsts and ': ' two seconds In mottled trumpeters. - . '', -vl.'P. Limerick, Portland Three firsts i ., 4n yellow parlor tumblers, ,t ' t -r .- B. . H. , Bauer. Portland Ona flrat In . trhita Jacobins. :,. ,:.i.stZ. " The exhibition continues to attract Z, great attention and will break all reo ' erda - of the ' association both for at 7'. tendanoo and for the quality of "tha birds n shew.. ''-vy;,t'v--r:...-'L'Y, 7: Bieeptlom to .'sdajs.'..-''1' - The eongregatlon of 'the Central Bap. - tlat church will tender- a reception to .' tilght to their new pastor, Dr.-W. T. 7 Jordan,- In - tha parlors . of , tha church. - lr.- Broogherr pastor of h Wht Tem 7 pie, and Pr. Radar, editor of the Paolfle Christian Advocate, will - make ad- "dresses of welcome. A program of music will be rendered and refresh ' jnents served.' 7-j rf. . i ' HOLD FRIEND'S: BODY AND DANCE 77 TO GET : MOKEY uajS V'i I .-''5 n : (rtpedsi Otspetek te The Jneraet? . " ' featUe,- Jan. II. Albes Koppaner, a - barber In South Seattle, died last Mon- '; day after a long Illness ; Last week his , friends decided that a', benefit dance 7 should be held to raise money for his - family, that had become destitute caring .'.for him. -After th hall had been! hired and aaapj ttr . 3 1 " I":. "aer Cri P. A.' Cochran of Woodburo la the Other Former Has Served la the lLegllatnraanA-..the , . Latter 4a -a .: Solid Boeltiesg VLmtCr P: ; ' ' Charles T. Oallwway of JfaMlnhvIlle, Tamhlll oounty, la a candidate for the Demoo ratio nomination ' for . aongress- maa from the - first dlstrlcL ' Though but ! years of age; Mr.- Galloway is . P. A. Cochran, Woodbnro.', already well known to tha voters of tha district, having served a term In the state legislature of ll, as a member of the lower . houses Although tha youngeat member of the house and one of the minority party, be was a decided factor" in the work of tha evasion and it was largely through his earneat ef forts that the aallor boarding-house bill waa"paaaad in the fao of the bitter opposition ef . the, crimps- of Portland and Aatorla i: r .vt. Mr. Galloway la a native of Oregon. having - beeis bora In Tamhlll ' oouaty. He la a son of Judge -William Galloway of the ' atate circuit bench. ' Charles Galloway graduated at the . University of Oregon in list. He waa appointed superintendent of Oregon'a horticultural exhibits at tha St. Louis exposition, and waa also general superintendent of the Oregon 'exhibits In - the Lewis ; and Clark exposition during the construe C V. Oailowaja, McMtanville. tlon period.- If nominated. , Mr. Oallo- way will maka an earnest flght Tor election and will carry the campaign into every part of the diatrlct. ' P. A Cochran , of Woodburn desires to be the Democratic nomine for con gressman from the first district and la making a vtgoroue campaign ' to that end.;. Few Democrats in the stste are more widely known. ' Born It years age an th picturesque bank of the Calls pools river, he has played his part la tha growth and progress of the stste and has been active In th councils of his psrty. - His earlier life was speat la Linn eeunty.- About It years ago Mr Cochran removed te Woodburn, which haa since then been hi home. He haa been -'a successful ' business rasa " and haa accumulated a. comfortable - com netence. ' .' ' :? - '' During recent years Mr. toenrsn nss taken an- active - Interest in- Marion county politics and has gained a repu tation as a ready and entertaining speaker. ' Though hie opportunities -In early Ufa were limited so that his edu cation was ' confined to the common schools, hie experience haa been wide and varied.- He la an ardent Democrat and haa clung to hla party-through all the political changee of recent years. Mr. Cochran propoees to maka his cam palgn largely-on th platform of oppo- eiuon to gran,,. v. v. Mrsr-Ida Pwrtsr'Buyer. m ' meniber of the-. National Equal Buffrage - associa tion, delivered a , short address this sfternoon before - th - meeting of th Oregon Press association. Mra. Porter. Boyer la here from Pennsylvania. ' - v FOR HIS; FAMILY on Monday. His. friends, however, ede clded that the danoe should take place tomorrow night notwithstanding. The frlende that, got ap th dance asked that his body be bald for burial until Sunday, so they eould sll attend the funeral. -Saturday night his friends will dan to raise money for th fam ily .and Sunday they, will turn. t n tjaaes to the funeral. EnCorcement Of Tiila and Other Reg - . 'tilsrirtna' Haa ' Robbed Private 'ulatfons Haa -7 Robbed : Private 1 .. Apartment of .. Ita Attraction- for "Liquor Men, Although V Portland - la " practically without an ordinance regulating private J?.rrK JfmJIlTfiy loons eontaln them. The better element -..jrj:.":-:LZ.-L"i If tha practice . is again permitted to any estent they . will havs to Install boxes to protect their own peouniaK Interests,- as . . i Boxes containing 1(0 square feet of spaca or ' ever ean now be maintained without any ..restrictions placed on tbemv aooordlng to the amended ordi nance . which stands as the result . of tha of patty-political blckartnga over tne box problem by the city eoua- ou. The police have been keeping a watch ful aya on -all netorioua resorts and have received Instructions to atrlotly enforce the ordinance prohibiting women rrom - frequenting me , Doxea. - xmrtng tha earlier ' part of Mayor Lena's ad ministration, tha police made many ar rests and heavy tinea wars Imposed th violators of the ordinance. The re eult haa been that tha practice of women frequenting the boxes haa bean nearly broken up and haa taken the revenue which waa raoetved from the box traf- fio away -from the saloonkeepers. The salooa men are Just about as tired of the box ordinance question aa tne eounollmen,''. aald - Mayor . Lane. "They have arrived at the conclusion that ondei; preeent conditions maintain, lng boxea la. an unprofitable- business.' The bos ordlnanoe to eliminate boxes entirely from the city baa bean laid on tha table by the' city oounoll, where it remains, although several attempts have been made, to take. It-from th table. Tha supporters of tha measure have not admitted that they were defeated and will make another attempt' to hav th oounoll consider the measure. , If they ar unsuccessful In their efforts, they say that another . ordinance atmllar tt the one now on the .table will be in troduced for consideration. ; EASTERN STAR INSTALLS nPCirFRQ Cnn TUC YC.D , W I I saw I I "si I W I I - II eke skn I I Atv the' annual Inatallatton of of fleers of Corinthian, chapter No. 4. Order of Eastern Star. Mrs. Minnie J. Was ser ins n, retiring worthy matron, wats pre sented with a chocolate setjby tha.hap tei. Miss Bessie a. Smith making the presentation apeech.' Arthur L. Flnley waa master or ceremonies for tha even ing. The. Installing offiosrs .ware: Worthy grand matron, Mrs. ., Inas M. Ryan; grand marshal, Mrs. Hermlnna J. Waaserman: grand ehaplals, Mrs. A Antoinette Stiles; grand secretary, Mrs Myra is. u lines;, grand treasurer, Mrs. Anna X. Spencer; , grand organist. Mlaa Edna I. Protsmaa. The reception com mittee- oonsla ted -Of Mrs. Msrsaret-M. Kellogg, Mrs. Nolle B Soott. Mrs E31a Vincent. T; a. waaserman. A. A Ballsy, Dr. Francis Orake. The Offlcera In. acaiieo iouow: r Worthy '. matron. - Miss .. Bessie B. Smltht Worthy patron, Mr. A. M. Knaon:' assoclats matron, Mra. Victoria Da Tar- mond; secretary. Mra. Kate M. . Stead- man; treasurer. Mrs. Edith Spauldlng; conductress. Mrs. Emma A Davlsi-i eoclate conductress. Mre. Ros Castls- maa; enapiain, Mra. corn M., MacRae; marshal. Mrs. Anna Tates; organist Mlaa Rowena Allen; Adah. . Miss H. Maude Steadmao; Ruth. Mra. -Margaret no wen; Estner. Mlaa Christina Ander. eon; Martha, Mlaa Katharine Slmonton; Electa. Mra. Carrt R. MePhereon; war- ear. Mra. Mary E. Bra 1th; sentinel. Mr. si. Jk. sterol arson. . ,. . WANTS TEN THOUSAND V , : DOLURS FROM FAIR Das. I. Malarkey. attorney for tb 1Lwlaand Clark exposition Corporation. inie morning mea an answer to the complaint filed by Kmh P. Btrendberg In tha circuit court aaklng for $10,000 damagsa for having been Injured by th prematura discharge of a cannon at th fair on September 1. The plaintiff was a member of tbe Oregon National guard employed at th expoeltlon and be al leges thst on September ,4 It bad been planned to ore a salute In honor ef the birthday of President W. Goods. He waa ordered to act at one of tbe cannon. which ho avers was made froqi a piece or iron pipe, ho alleges that hla right wrist was broken by the discharge of me gun. v - ' . , In th answer filed It le alleged-that Strandbsrg. aa a member ef tbe Oregon National guard, had not been employed I by th exposition corporation; that the gun to whioh Btrandberg waa aaalgned had been Inspected by one of hie su perior offlcera before it was Bred, and that tbe guardsman was an expert ar tlllerist and knew It was not safe to reload a gun without It first having been properly swsbbed. r RICHARDS' TRIAL MAY V INVOLVE SOCIAL SET ' An additional charge ef selling liquor In apartments connected with a bar room waa filed against T. L Richards proprietor of a restaurant at Park and Alder streets by Deputy City Attorney FttsgeraraV" yeaterday afternoon. This make ths fourth charge placed against Richards, who Is to be tried before Po lio . Judge - Cameron next -.Wednesday morning.' -' ' - - - . - v- About 100 persons whs have patron ised Richards' establishment during tha laat few montha have been subpoenaed as rrwitns.rietectives Ksy and Jones, who had charg of th raid on the restaurant, assert that facta will be brought out wblee will esns consterna tion among a local social set Six eouplee escaped arrest during the raid by climbing '- through a Window onto a roof of a porch and through an other window Into th main dining halL from which they objsind egress te tbe street. ;-.',... , - - ' .:..-. - li i i , ., . A - Charel. Sects ty as - ShU14.'7 ' " tsseelsl Dtaesteb to The Jaernal.l ,"- SUverton. Or- Jan. 1 1. Th Christian Church society - of this elty has pur ehssed a lot and will erect a church building as soon as the weather la fa vorable for out ef door wen, ,v , . : I waa ehu-Ked with'thaduty" framing I Bew u code. The .commissioners have -been at work for some time and J J? yer- 7;. ,.it,: Manvtaxnayers-doUbttI.e wlsdon.'iftf Invoking the Inltlatlve-beiarsZthle coin- SdV"U W.alatlon relating to taxation waa af forded by the law passed In ItOt. which ved so defective that a special ea- order to repeal It" Two - taxation bills have ; been ' nre- rTl " ' 7,:r.." 1"Z ZZ.: erne. t.Halsail a. it.. t . a I wwaaeaB vievtiuib f VIII .WlUt-U UOa attracted the moat general attention was prepared under - the ' direction of ihe "Farmers' end Shippers' congress," con vened , last : November .- In McMlnnvllle under the - auspices of the .Willamette Valley Development league. Thla bill i haa excited 'much, adverse criticism on account of alleged Imperfections, and It become law by- means of the initiative umm n-uui uin u m " anumu the collection of taxes In Oregon would be thrown Into a atate of chaos. - Lawyers and others who are familiar with the present tax eode hesitate to xpress themselves aa to the new mess- ure until they have given It thorough I study, but th opinion la general that! before resorting to th Initiative aa op portunity should be given to tbe atate tax commission to complete. Ita labors and submit Its report. W. S. " U'Ren. the fsther of the Initiative In Oregon." expreesed himself to this effect todsy, snd his view is shared by-many others Tha blunder mad by th legislature ef 190S in enacting the Phelpa law ne cessitated a special session which cost ths stats nearly tf.OOO, , The law passed at tha last session creating a tax com- mialon appropriated the aum of 17,000 to cover tha compensation of the com missioners snd their secretary, together with expenses, and considerable part of the work has now been done. If the tax code which the commission Is pre paring Is to be superseded by meapa ot tha initiative ,thia . appropriation . win be wasted.. - ', - '" The members of the tax commission are F. W. Mulkey of Portland., E. W. Beabrook of Marshfield and W. J. Lach- ar of Baker City., Their next meeting wilt be held - January " 20." Mf. Mulkey said today Tf e jbi m A 'ae h Hit)i da la sLaat aa .ff i -u' r ";; r I , . . - 1 legislation by means of' the Initiative Just at the time when thle commission Is engaged la framing a tax code, but tha people mast decide as to the wis dom of such action." ' ' - , prefersipi:: TO FEATHER BED : evv, I pisgusted B ec ause Couch Is Too 9iLb9KeILLeiylJM0tei. and Vanishes. Because Oeorge Jenkins, a logger. who, as he expressed it. had been "ae- eustomed to sleeping on the soft side of a pine board," objected te sleeping on a feather bed. he left the Kingston lodging-house In anger and disgust last Igbt and .has net been seen elnce by hie friends. Fred Hamilton, his com panion, haa asked the aid of the polloe in iotimi jura, '''': - Hamilton, who la well known In Portland, having once been a member of the Multnomah club football eleven, same to .Portland with Jenklaa : from southern Oregon, ' Intending to go to Tancouver. Washington, todsy, - where they are te be wltneeses In a land case.' They procured a room at the Kingston, .corner of -Third and' Taylor Streets. -, .- f. , , "What do you think?" exclaimed Jen kins angrily, appearing at tbe door of Hamilton's room about 11 o'clock last night. "they have put ma tn a room ' where I am expected te sleep on a feather bedl Me eleep on a feather bod, who have been aoeuatomed - to aieeplng on the sort side, or a pins board r Hamilton laughed end went to sleep again. . He discovered this morning thst his companion did not aiaep laat mgnt at the Kingston. Being unable to and him. ba applied te the police (or aid in locating the missing man.. . i i ' '--A DOUBT COLE'S STORY n Tf r fic Dl lltTf I AO I U ULUVt DLUrr I Vfc- ..nil. aVanilMl aa ta, tha rm. ported holdup of W. A l-l. a . n. I ik. r-rin u,,n.i M aneietv. naar hla I realdenee. 7K1 V. mi Pin. atreet. laat I night. Circumstances, ' they say, are such aa to make It impossible for them te believe his story -that he thrust a pair of glovee against the highway man a stomach, though tne latter was holding a revolver at hla (coles) nesa. snd made th robber believe that he waa going to ehoot. Vm.Imm. .f m tv ma. pany at ths East Anksny street" oar j barn, who aaw Cole a few mlnutee be for he elalma te have been held up and , to hav bluffed th highwayman into running, laugh at hi aooounc or th alleged holdup snd have told the police that It la a fake, v - :- DEATH RELIEVES MAN WHO INHALED GAS Axel Knoblock. who was taken to St Tlneent hospital . Wednesday Buffering from the Inhalation of Illuminating -gaa lit' a room at- th fcldora lodging-house, died t at , f O'clock .thla morning. .The man never recovered consciousness. When Knoblock wont to the Eldor the landlady asked hint If h under stood the usof gas and h replied In tb affirmative. He left th stopcock turned on fall force, whether by acci dent or with suicidal Intent; la not known. ' - - In his pockts were -to and papers showing that he came to Portland re cently from Salt Lake City, Utah.- He left a aealed letter addressed to M Iss Taste Amatrusen of Astoria. I It Is believed that this letter may I snow mat KnoDiors waa disappointed in love and sought death as a relief for hie mental suffering. ' . , -., : j Suamer San Juan. Four Days Oyr . - - ; 7' I .flue rrom Ulxoa Entrance Keports I SeaawBoata CapiiaaoV;;. ' . , ' .7 -Bsesial THamtf ta -nm SusrssLI ' fleattla. Jan -ll A unr atnrm ta reported by arriving vessels as sweeping tha section from the Columbia fiver as far north aa Dixon's entrance, Alaska. - A severe storm Is raging off Cap Flattery,---"--: -t-- . Steamer Rainier, L7 H. Gray Co., arrived thla morning from Ban Fran Cisco, and. reporta that ah loet her-fore and aft satis and a quantity of cargo while making Caps Flattery from the Columbia bar. .Her deck cargo -was swept overboard.'. 7 i, ' . Captain' Hanson aaye that tha weather waa good until he reached tha Columbia bar. when he struck, a gale there with heavy seas. - He-set. both fore and aft I "-','--- "'" - "- -- I bolt ropea and tor them to ribbons. I - The steamer San Juan, four days I overdue i from Dixon entrance arrived 1 tnia morning. She mat a severe storm. Men In amall boats capslaed, but their live were . saved. Rough weather loreea tne entire fleet Into Butlar a cove, on Staveneon islaad. They 1 remained there until th weather bettered. CLOSING ARGU"ENrS HEARD REf.!EY CASE Young Frenchman's Fate Will Be , -(n Hands of Jury by To-7, . ' ' ' morrow Noon. i V ' '' faeelsl DtapaM The Zeemal.) Helena, Mont, Jan. U. It la expected that tha fate of Camilla Ftederlo Remey. th young prisoner charged with the murder of Wesson Oliver, will be in the hands of the Jury , by noon tomorrow: Tne evidence has been completed. ? -iL toasy iieutenant-uovernor Noma be gan the opening address to ths Jury In I a.a.a t - ' . . . rtoDenaon 0 roroana re- i a j as a ibuhww aeui aa a foul mur derer snd pictured his removal of the ling from the finger of tha dead body, his long night and hie - disposal of I the dead man's effect aa substsntlat-1 lng tha state's accusation. He belittled Remeys. story of Oliver killing him self, snd said that In reality Kamev had clubbed Oliver, fracturing nla akuU legislature to permit him to export logs snd then shot him to -make aurenf hie and piling. He proposes to form a corn death. " i . . pany to be known as tbe Robertson Mr. N orris waa followed by Lawyer Goodman for "the defense. Former At - torney-Oeneral-Nolan and -County' At-1 torney Lacrolx. respectively, will close for defense ana-atatetomorrow. ' v - CilTflFLPANAMllS THREATENED BY FIRE 7 :: - (Jearaal Special Barrio. ) t ' ' Panama, Jan. 13. A great Are : Is raging snd ths - sntlre city threatened. Firemen ar Sndlng the greatest t difficulty ... In., eon-- id) tending with 'Jthe flemaa. The e fire originated In Chinese shops" e and It la alleged to ba due to tbe e eareleasnesa of 'Americana la e ' fumigating. ;r--::--' r a e. The flames are spreading rap- d Idly toward the . heart ef the d city. 7 The r water pressure Is a poor 'en socount' Of defects - the new aqueducta. - On block a haa' already - been burned out. Santa Anna square, la- thejieart ' of the olty, la menaced, ' .. ' e ' - Mobs are creating great ex cellent ent and the people arr d greatly . Incanssd against ' tn Americana. Th , nolle are I s hardly able te maintain order. ' otoffteoooottettJi SOFT BRICK FOR EWER REJECTED ' The eewer committee of . ths city ex ecutive board thla morning Instructed th ettv engineer to reject a lars ansa. I tlty of brlok which the Pacific Bridge I company, who haa the contract for build j lng. the Irvlngtoa district sewer.' con-1 lempiacea putting in ins oonsirocuoni work of the drain. The commute made! templated putting In th construction I a thorough investigation of th sewer Bna issss.tnsi au ine oral sniru naa l brick which w " ' Th. ImitiMlM rrrn1ii t f fa SAW ' kmh. I tlcallv finished from tha river te tha Intersection-of Williams avenue and San I S. K. Blaster received a. telegram this Rafael street.- The contractors srs pro-j afternoon from his brother Eugene at ceedlng much .mora, rapidly with thelotdiUld-Nevada.lniormina him of a work than was contemplated. Th com- mltte found that a high grade of work I waa being don throughout. MFAD SALOON MAN MAY - , ,... ... HAVE BEEN MURDERED! Coroner Flnley la Investigating cir cumstances surrounding the death -of Josenh- Itabet.- nronrlaUir art lis PnnMM Wloon. 6 Flrif street, near Madison. which occurred laat nlghV It la said I that he had been drinking and wandered i te the docks aear th foot of Madison street snd fell into th river. F. M. Merrill, - night watchman for th Southern Pacific, found Babel lying on. ths dock at I 'doefc last night. He tried te a roue hjm -and failing started to the telephone te call assistano. He had gone but a short . distance .when he heard a aplaah and, returning, aaw , that the man had fallen Into th river. 1 Relatlvea ot Sabel believe that he met with foul play, but Coroner Flnley baa been unable to And evidence to aubstan- h. Kali. . ir - --- " i' Sforalea Mas Btssigaed. lAmraal Rpeelal Serrtte.) . Washington. Jan. 11. The atate de partment has a v dispatch from Pin Domingo which says that Morales I resigned- and . announced hla Intc of going to San Juan, Porto Rico, action -will probably end the trout." Baa IfemlngOh Five 7 Hundred ' Bequeathed That Masses May BeSun j Soujf Lthe.Chttf. Beneficiaryr - v l--'1' Logan-thir morning I tiled the Will Of Hra.Anna Norten. who I J" ta,t Tuesday morning of old age. di wh we wwowoi uaaiei norton. who- was for many years one. of the beat 'known policemen- on the local f ores. She -loft - aa astate valued, at 117.009. 8o far as khowa there are no living heirs, although It la reoortsd that there .are. some jrery distant kla iiv lre- -' The will, which waa filed thla morn lng, waa drawn up last Monday even ing, it is signed by Mrs. Morton snd all who were present at : the time the document waa made atate that they did not. know, that the hand ef -death waa near. Her last confessor. Rev. Father , T 1 1 . . . i terms' Of the Will 14.S00 was left to St. Joseph s church and school. insti tution to ba located at Condon, Ore gon"; ll,(0 to Rev.. Father Kelly of v-onaon, . i.uqv io ine vomtnican Fathers of this city; f too to Lisxio Mo Ma h on of Portland! 900 to Anna O'Brien of Portland. ttOO ' to Ida Stevens of Seattle;. 11.000 to Bishop Charlsa J. O Rsllly of Baker City, Ore gon; $100 to John F. Logan: feOf to pay tha priests of St. Mary's- cathedral of Portland, for celebrating mass . for the repose of her soul; If to relatives who may appear. All remaining property la to be given Blahop O'Reilly and Father Kelly for tha purpose -of erecting and maintaining a Catholic- hospital at Condon.- Th will Is witnessed by John C ShUloek and A- Burr. It la aald' that eeveral other wills have been made 'by Mrs. Norton. Mrs, Norton was about 10 years old St tha time of her death and had been a real dent of Portland f or more . than a quarter of a century,.; v , ' TO SHIP CJliOL'!! LOSS 10 SOUTHER;. CALIFORNIA Ill Br B - I a. gaa a - aaa . titions British Columbia: :. X Legislature. ; .'7 7 7 - Vletorta.-.- C." Jan. .1 tnrUT Rob. I epteon of Portland la hare asking the I Lumber A Transportation company, to 1 ship by Robertson's patent rafts. Ha would nee only amall timber such aa is I not at oresent used In sawmills. , Tha rafts would carry the poorer quality of lumber alss.-e.nd would trad hot. with Puget sound, but -with' southern .Cali fornia porta and foreign countries Captain Robertson is the pioneer In th ocean log rafting Industry and la at tha head of -a rafting company that builds log rafts at Stella and launches them from the mouth of ths Columbia river and towa them to southern Cali fornia ports. The - rafts eontaln about iz.000.000 feet- of logs and ar chiefly used for piling. It haa been proposed to Improv uoon th present method of vail tranapor tatlon of flr and pin lumber from Ore gon mill by rafting tbe loga to mill in southern California to be sawed there Into lumber and . byproducts. : Of the many ocean rafts sent out by the Rob ertson companies only on escaped from Ita tow, and this raft was carried by ocean aurrenta mors than 1.000 mile for It waa found and recovered nsar- y a year' afterward. .- . ATTENDED REVIVAL r -1 AND IS ARRESTED Mra. Llssf -Reiner, a patient at the ount Tabor Nervoua - sanitarium. escapdfrom the Institution a few days ago and -mad her way te Th Danes. Her peculiar conduct at a series of re vival meetings conducted by the Rev. Mr,. Luce caused th preacher te doubt her sanity and aha was reported te Chief of polios woods. . ' ; As soon ss the Identity ef the women was Clscovared Chief of Polio Orlts- macher waa notified and Informed th of flats le of th institution from which the woman had scaped of her being at Th Dal lea -An attendant waa aent to im mua n mbmi wh win t The Dalles yesterday and took the de- ranged woman pack to tne sanitarium, ,f i " ' PIPW QTPiK P IM nlPtAnA '. . '. W Itllta 111 istanan rich strik made on their property at Sliver Bow, which la about 45 milea from Qoldtleld. Th wire says Manager Fulton haa already let four lessee. ' Th. strlks was made while cross, cutting a vein. Thla is the second strike made on th property which. It Is ex pected, will turn out on of th richest In that region. ' Further Information, according te the ; telegram, . will follow by letter.. . ... . -, . .. ,. OPPOSED TO PtTRClMASir OF VJ" S 1 7. LV". FORESTRY BUILDING SITE ' Superintendent W. "T. Gardner, ef tha Boys' and Olrta' Aid Society, and Lewis Montgomery. representing - the - Esst Twenty-eighth Street . Improvement as sociation, called upon Mayor Lane to day, and asked that he veto th .ordt-t nance appropriating $14,000 for the pur ehaae Of the Fore a try building alts Th mayor declared that It waa likely that he would permit tha ordlnanoe to become .. effective without . hla . signa ture. '' f !-,(.- " kadspBdaat rhome T'ae. ' : Bllverton. Or- Jan. II. An In-Jece"-- ent telephone line Is soon t- te er I between Scotts set i n A? tne new r"-- i ted exo! t I i I'M -' 1 ! i Fine Specimens of Manhood,' Too JProud. to- Betum Withovt Wei.h, - -; Are Sighing or vWiveawUothers .PtaTrtrllcjtleer'-r: TBoarfal Dbpateg te The JoawaeL) - Washington, Jan. 1J. Toung women ef healthy' mind and bodies. Thst is th pressing need of Alaska today. - So the chivalrous John G. Brady ef that ', territory sends out In hla annual re-7 port. Just mads public, . an appeal for vouna woman ti a ii..k ft... . ; tha. gentle words of love told by . the mignxy man or tne norm west and to try home - building: -Hla -- is the tru " cry from th wild for wlvas. . 7 "As fine- specimens of manhood as ever stood on two feet ar they who would become huebanda,' declares this governor, who ought to know. . "All ' health and courage, they hav com to a country In search of a fortune. They ; have not been a successful aa they ' expected, but they have not given up ths struggle. - Man waa not made to live alone, even when prospecting. But why net ' return to the states for a wife? Governor Brady aaya they hav too much pride to come back to their old homes for a visit and a wife aa long ' aa they havs not tha fortune, - "It la noticed." aaya th " governor, "that achoolma'ama and other, young ' women who come her do Sot reside in a plac but a abort' time before some worthy admirer turns up tnd tells tho old story. - A - number of these chose) -matrimony during the past year. "There ahould be aa such thing as rsc suicide In Alaska, where we have mora than nine square miles per capita." But to get thee young women, -that Is the question. Shall the government, re sort to - the - importation of them, as woman waa brought to . Virginia cen turies ago to marry the man who would pay her passage T . How, to do It, the governor can't decide. ? ,; "It la a delicate matter rand not easy to arrange, but It la desirable. to hare more women of good mind and health to try thla western life snd home building,"- says he. "Those who hare a- love of children and. desire to raise a family should learn what Special advantages Alaska has to hold to them , It- has- been-- suggested - thst Alaska '" ' would be a good -place for a -match making mother, to. take her dsugbters. CHILD BADLY CURSEdSSI : IN SEEKING F0.1CAr.DY 7 Seattlai.Waab-Jaav-WWWlwviaoh-- ns up io, - mgn sneit in- -thw pantry 1 where, his mother had hidden a box " of candy, 4-year-old Willie Collins, son ot Maurice- Collins of Thirty-ninth snd u-,cot mu, upsei s i ray ox mate aa which Ignited, barniag tb boy so bauly that he died today. The child's mother -was sbsent from homo when he want la iainh nt ik. candy. His clothes - were set on . fir ana nia race badly barnsd. H ran out heln. ',.k .. . i - A neighbor tried to tear tha buminv clothes from him, but failed. . After ; much trouble a blanket was - thrown around - him. which extinguished the flames, but not until he had swallowed some or tn flames. - . . MONTANA WILL NOT I REPUDIATE ITS DEBTS ' 777v.!; ; ' .'Helens. Mont-. Jan. It. Governor Tools In an Interview stated that be cause of tbe eupreme court decision, da daring Illegal 1(00.000 bonds ot tha va rious stste educational Institution, he ' regarded an extra session of ths lrtis- laturs as tmperatlvs. but wltr nor take ' thla atep, however, until tha bond own ers have determined If they will appeal tha case to tha supreme sosrt of tha ' United states or apply for a rehearing te : ' in state supreme court. "On thing is certain.',' said tha sov- ernor, "snd. thst - Is that - tb bond- : holders will loa nothlng.-aa tha people of Montana would not for on moment consider repudiation of obligations." ' is mi G 1 ADvAJfeea. awaisasuna ... MM Illinois Mtrr ... a - Atrhlaoe H UwKvlile J , JfciMaaaattas t' alNerrolk im, , KlN. Y. Oatral..... U aaltrr ......... Srauklva ..... Baltlatore ........ Colorado reel n .?o1 l.Hir",aXvaata S Caaadlas Hl3aa 4 Dearer Readies 1 v. Sa ............. IHSoei lalaiftd ....', U . Soathera Paeiflc.. L HimI...,:. .!: 3 Coala-I livfOTII.. ft Ceatral Ltatbaf lis Wall' lltreet.' Mew Tark. Smm. "r Bated Coppee waa the reatere ef tha tredlus ' la the stork SMrket today. All threesh the ABMlsaautrd was ssraaavay -as tlwias wbe helmed that aw ' was yet te rerelve a his boost la nla. The hlh pries of , raw eorpor la tak.s as aa hMU erttae et tbe worth ef AsialfaaMted Mnrk sa4 that the. flsaeelel sn hetieve thla will be . eoatlaaed la evMeeeed by their Ueeral harbi; ef lata. ' Tn Oaal Iroa waa very eWees. maklnS aa sdvanee at th very epeslng af t prrlati ever the ekwtag af yener Say; Trwdtng ta the Market was eettv 1 : tae wsy tbroash. Rnrlii la ef a wry sw-4 rharaeter aad as a tbe seea.hesr las sales - bin sw,eoe shana., -,. f f .-- osea. . at. Aauimwatad Copper . 0. .nati Stctilaoe. eawmoa M 114 lng far a reeaSry. wan. 44 AnMelrae- Stisae,- -eosiaww.-. .11 Amertras raii,"eaeiso. ....... .ins BaltlBMes A Ohle, awM,;,..lltt Brook Ira BiDld Traaalt St "A ' 1,- I.--S. ranadiaa Paalfle. coiaiaaa. . . . I A t'hleaso. Mllvaakla a t. Paul....!. 4 Coluraee roal Iraa, eismi.w , leaver t Hie eraaoe, eawswa.... .... r-te. enama ..... ....m... 4t's luinoia Ceau-al Iilnr11 S .vr-rtlla " t.lruuuntas '. hr j I nun P- way 1 Pai - ooo 7.7. '