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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1906)
'11; 'tiv. f . v.. IilA I't.oi.Lul. ' SUIT "AND ",' 0VEE1C0AY Janus CTKejffi' Who Ctcur: J - Franchls V et CiltJ," A?- - :l- runn fnr Unrth f?anlr Pr-i' V HAftRIMAM PLANTO -" V 1 , . i - --Preliminary -Surrey - Being. Had to l'.v. Ih&easg Facilities of Main Oregon M ' Railway ft Navigation Company' i., 'iks.- --- : rs- M 1 V ; 015 OO Sale Price 016750 7;' System, . I . .-'.,.. k . - 1 7 a, - . . - r , ;.Y. : - ; '. . V ' T - . . . V sr i xj . .1. IMP' II 't" Dtmtehs Jesraal.J---i Hood River. Or.. Jan. II. flpeoula tlon aa to what continental Una la back thaortliOMtitliwut enUr secured a franchise Into Seattle, "i ' may probably be aet at raat by tha new i that Jamee B. Km . i tha ttt . torney' (or tha company, who asked for ' i this franchise, waa bar today. In tha interest of tha Great Northern railroad v j to Ita nght for supremacy along tha iL north, bank. . " l; -r .- -Mr. Karr cam into town vary quietly ' and left, hare equally II outat, and It . .:" waa not until tha tlma for hla - de- narture that it waa learned that Be waa here. ..Inquiry derelopad tha fact that he went aoroaa the . river with A. n. -Upright: right-of-way ' man for the i .Northern Pacific, In an effort' to. oloaa a deal with one of. tha . property-owners . along tha Una of tha north bank mho 4m , i atill holding out. " - .. - The land which the road la trying te (-obtain haa been Bought after-both by . u- Upright and Attorney Miller, of Van- - -eouvar.- who hay bean representing -tha , road up to this tlma In Ita negotiation. ' " Their failure to do ao evidently waa y- the eauae of bringlng'.Mr. Kerr here rrom at. Paul and who la aald to have carte blanche from. the Great Northern -v In the matter of money and concessions. Hla miaaloa here la aald to hare been 'i a ' failure and he left on tha morning --. trnm-for Portland. At the (hotel he - . ' waa registered aa lame B. Kerr, 81 t ', Jntereat here la not confined entirely . . to, the dolnca en the north bank. v peraiatent rumor la to tha af feet that the O. R. A N. la having a preliminary V aurvey made looking te the double tracking of Ha Una. . A day or two a go a. apeclal train conalatlng of a paaeeinger eoach and Superintendent Campbell's : iirlvate oar atopped here- with an en glneeiinf - party on - board. , - Nobody ' ; seemed tot know who were In the party and It waa ghren, out 'that It waa In- apoctlng brldgaa. The fact- waa da vol Toped later that It' waa headed ' by Mr. , Jaaaoa whe la the - conaultlng -engineer ; or tne entire) Harrlman llnea. and who , la making a, minute examination of tha O. R. N. railroad for the company. It . .la not thought that It to probable that a man Of Mr. Iaaac'a prominence In the profeeaion. la -out- oa -the .road for the 7h pnrpoaa of inapeetlnr brtdgee. aa a dl yylalon engineer te uaually considered 11 competent topaas Judgment on these matters .....r..,. ,,,.....!.,;.:; It haa been said frequently of . late .f hy men whs ought to be familiar with future development of the O. R. db N. ' road that It woald be -double tracked , within three , reare ad .taa-M. e wot alone, In the enterprise. :'.-. - (CITY OWNERSHIP MAY M ; 4.f; f CAUSE DAMAGE SUIT " BseHsl Mrpatf ta Tse Jearasl.) s '.s Eugene, Or.-. -Janr-ll Xt la reported ' that F. a Xelaey of Bait Lake City, the ' engineer employed by the fire and water .' : commutes of. the Eugene city council ' - to make surveys for and to superln ; tend tha construction of tha cltya water and electrio light planta, ' will aue the city for the amount- specified an the . contract. tl.tOO. now that the municipal ' ownership project baa been given up. A. ' V C Reeae of Portland, representing Ksl .' aey, la now In the city.-- The mayor and . the city ' councilman declare that they V will pay- the engineer nothing beyond -l4ie, that amount 'Of work having 'al---- ready been done. Reiser's contract was -f wot approved by ths counclt ; . , v ' v. 1 ' "i . - 'Alien Lewla Beat Brand. ' r.- i,,.,-.. --T-- --'-.' r h-A "-'-v'.-.'iV..-',.7' !' ! . IW. -j ' 'ess ' 1 . "'. .;.;A.,-V... -v; 'i. (..-v..--- iVv- ' t I vv V.' f'ri-.v-. i."f.?v," t.'vV:;V .-H...:--:,r.1- ; i , ' V.;.-. .:';-..'. - '. ? 4 V ?:.- ..vr.-... ,i.t-.f;; ... i ft - . .' .. UfH lssrting nsAaTOasbsr., : ;' , V r .r'; ; '-: ;; , ... .'. . ' v-- v " V.4,' -:. ''" i 1 sc3 Washington si. ; iwt, iWth aa FifU iV , ; I. v Arthur Rubinstein, Famous Russian Pianist who apent twelvs honrs at . ths piano on board La Touraiha,' playing thronghont a riolent storm, , to distract ths minda ol tta passengers from thejr perfl. COPPER: STRIKE JS L1ADE I'l AilACdnOA: 7 At a Depth of Twenty-Two Hun- :;drd .eat., phute of Ore V: Fifty Feet Wide Found. " s ' ' ; ' : ' (SasHsT DwBatek te Tke eoraal.t Butte, Mont, Jan. It. The Anaconda company; of (the Amalgamated Copper company baa made one of. the .richest oopper . atiikea ' la the history , of tha Butts camp, aocordlng to the atatement of a 'mining official connected in no wise with any of the Amalgamated concerns. At a depth of 2,19 feet In a crosscut about 1,00 feet to ths south of tha main shaft of the 'AnaeondaV a chute of copper glance haa been en countered approximately (0 ' feet In width, the crosscut having been driven to that dlatance. .v - , v . ; The ore will average from lSH'Pr cent to 1 per cent In copper.- Aa yet no1 drlfta have been run on ' the ore body to determine Ita length, but It la understood that such, operations will be shortly undertaken. Tha Anaconda' strike Is the talk of Butte Oand further exploitation, ( It ' la bdlleved. will show the ore body to be i, w . - :VY,f a: :v.,:; .'.. vj .-v sasap ' A '4" m " r - at !. ... . ' .. . ... tsras ia. AU tha ? ; UaoMakas ' t VALUES Xli;-: I c HEL ex tens! re ' and continuous with depth. Anacondala the eenter of stock activity in -this clty-., . ROUGH RIDER SURGEON . PRESENTED WITH MEDAL ' ' " aonraal 8aeetel aerrles.l ' ' ' Washington,' Jan. 11. Unusual Inter eat attachea to - the summons to thta olty of Captain. James R. Church of the medical department of the army. ' He cornea her to receive a medal of honor for gallantry at Qua almas In June, 1 .- At that time Captain : Church waa the medical officer with the Rough Rider regiment. . On that occasion Cap tain Church, at great peril to hla own Ilfei: rescued a wounded man- beyond the Bring line, ' aa achievement, of course, whloh-waa quite out Of hla Una aa a medical officer. It la notable that In the presentation of the-Victoria Cross In the British army 'a large per centage of recipients have been medical officers, and naturally the selection of Dr. Church - for thta distinction In our army pleases Jila associates.. r. , In addition to that - fact. Captain Church la tha first officer of the army to receive a medal of honor under the de cision . of the president . made - some months ago, and the presentation' will be made with "formal and impreeelve ceremonial." The president 1 thta case will confer the medal at the White House with appropriate remarks to his former Rough Rider associate. Captain Church, -who la at present on duty In Nebraska.- Is graduate-or Princeton and of Columbia university, Washing ton, Dl st riot of Columbia. , He entered tha regular army from tha District of Columbia aa a surgeon la December, lltt. TV-: LA GRANDE ODD FELLOWS V . ELECT NEW OFFICIALS '" pechr Bwpifcrts Te JosrsalTv" - La O rami a. Or, Jan. The follow ing offlcera have been elected for the 1. O. Oc F. and Chrysta! Rebekah lodgea for the ensuing year: -Ledge No. IS, L a a V., H. K. Cool Id ge, N. O.J J. A. Arauckle, V. O.J D. B. Cox. C S. C. J. yanderpoole. F. ) W, B, Wlaea, T.J Q. E. Fowler, R. 8. N. O.; V. A. Carroll, L. a N. O.: F. B. Currey, R. 8. V. O.: George Ball, chaplain ; B. B. McKlddy, L O.; W. H. Lockhart, (X O.; H Bcott, warden:. W. F. Meciuar, conductor; w. T.'Orlder, Roger .Deal, 6 8. ' ' - Chryatal Rebekah lodge No. (0, Mrs. Mollis Bock, N. O.; Mrs.-J. A. Braksr. V...: Mlsa Maud Breast c. 8.; Mlsa Clara toll, F. Mm. Oeorge Ball, T.: Mrs. Maud cranoau, cnapiain; airs. Harding. R. 8. N. O.; Mrs. Price, U & N Q.I Mr.' McCorralck. R. 8. V. O.l Mrs. Farquharson, warden) Mlse Ada Fowler, conductor: Mrs." Ella Braset L. O.; C H.' Blystona, O. O.' i . -'.j ' l -iK MRS. A. H. PATTERSON ' SUING FOR SEPARATION ' -V.. (Sseelal Dhpsteh te The Joarsal.) ) Albany. Or.,' Jan. 11. Agnea Harrla Patterson haa brought ault- agalhat Ar- noia D. Patieisinu ' Tiirr wars martiso' In Lane county, December l, l0t. and her residence la now ' Eugene. Oregon. Bhe-aiUe-ea arasMy and dsalrsei te have her maiden name, Agnea Harris. re stored. The residence Of Patterson Is given aa 1101 Twenty-aeeond street, Sac ramento. California. - : ' , BBT. P. B. afABTTJr, IL 9. Of Waverly, Texas, writee: Of a morning, when first arising, I often find a troublesome collection of phlegm, which produces a cough and la very hard to dislodge; but a small quantity of Ballard's Horehound Syrup will at once dlsledge It, and the trouble ie over. I know of no medicine that la equal to It, and It Is. so pleasant to talra. I can moat cordially recommend It to all per sons needing a medlnlne for throat or lung trouble." Sold by Woodard, Clarice A Co. . ' - c m a i I., V '' ' 4 . ALFONSO'S SISTER WEDS FERDINAND OF BAVARIA - - ' (Jesrssl Bpselsl Bsrvles.) Madrid,. Jan. 41. The civil marriage of Prince Ferdinand of Bavaria and ths Infanta Maria Teresa, alster of King Alfonso, , waa celebrated today. The ceremony took place at tha royal palace In tha presence of a glittering aaaem blage of sovereign , princes, diplomats and cabinet m,tnlstera. The bride waa the recipient - of many precious gifts from, the vaxloua courta of Europe, the municipality of Madrid and ths members of tha royal household. : . The Infant Maria. Teresa, la It yea re old and la tha favorite member of ths royal family with the people of Spain. She devote moot of her time to chari table work, visiting the hospitals and making clothing for the poor. She haa beeji well educated, speaks five ' lan guage and la an accomplished mualclan. She lajpne of the .richest princesses of Europe and ' take to her husband a dowry of l.00,000. NEW OFFICERS CHOSEN 4 BY LODGES OF HELIX ,4 .' ' i I ii . ; ; J -s ' fBpsrtal Dlsaatek t-Tse fearaaLt ' ' Hells. Or, Jan. II. The following of ficers hare been elected for Helix lodgea for the ensuing year: ' 1 Artisans P. M.. Manuel Freedley: M. A., Lena Stanton; superintendent, Ben Stanton; ' Inspector, Grace Joy; secre tary, Minnie Bayae; 8. C, Henry Peter son; J. C, Olive Freedley; treasurer, Frank Richmond; master of ceremonies, John McRea. Two nek. members were Initiated In ths lodge at the last meet ing. ' - ' ; - Hll lodge, 't'O. O. Fv Ko.' IS Noble grand. W. L. Knight; vice grand, J. 8. J4orvall; - aerretary, Frank. Rich mond: treaourer, WMU Dal.' . ' Masons, Naaburg lodge No.' IS W. ML, O. J. Piper; 8. Manuel Freedley; J. J. 8. Norvell; secretary, Thomas Roblaon; 8. A. Larson i X tK, John McRea..'. ' t CARDINAL GIBBONS - Baltimore, Jan. 11. Cardinal Gibbons last night decupled a aeat on the plat form of the Eutaw Street Methodist church at a publlo - prohibition maes meeting. ' The cardinal stated. Tne holding of a publlo meeting hi k Protect ant church doea not excite any religious scruples In me... . ' " ' 7; TWO MIDDIES FOUND - ' ; , GUILTY OF HAZING -" ---fjoemsl BseiUI Bsufce-V -" Annapolla, Md. Jan. It. It la current ly reported that Midshipman Worth W. Footer of New Albany, Indiana, and Pe terson B. Msrsonl of Pensacola, . Flor ida, have been found guilty' of basing. Both would have graduated next month. The eourtmartlal ef Midshipman Stephen Decatur Jr, la n earing ita close. ; rT'-. t 4 ;. '-r- iiaaaaaii , .y ' v ;, SPECIAU : FOR- SATURDAY ONLY $2.00, $3.00, 7:$4.00-iindV$5 4-. (l2xibrokcn liri:-Ncw.Sty 1 O. bl F. Xaatana. - ' Speelal Okwstsb S Tas Jeataal.) 1 Adama, Or, Jan. 11-Tbe following offlcera have been Installed for Adams lodgs No. 14, L O. O. F for ths ensu t f i ' ', ' ' .;;-'::i i9 7 :.'..," ' r . '. v . Vt--. : ALBERT ORMONDE Duffy; Ta an shaolutelv nnra. aentla and lnvle - .1 gives power to tne Drain, atrengm ana eiaaticity 10 tne muscies, sni rienneas 10 the vital forces, tt makes digestion perfect, and enablea you to yet from the fool ' tains. It la Invaluable for overworked men. delicate women tnt sli'.iy pi 'drew.. .tarn. 1 a promoter or good health ana longevity, mnses me o 1 y"--" s-1 OATtlO-f Beware ef ae-eaDM "e - Imitation. A aaaaot rtak tnaiaf wya you -. . la balk, fcoek far the trails e,a-. t.e . at all arag-glaaa aad gtesssa, a mmi , tag. aT. T, . , ( ..'' laitouglt - FurTiiRhing - ning veluee in Neckwear, Shirtty RobeUnibrella, etc." " '. ; . rrJ-Vfj! -v-v Odd 1lneTitdr i w w -broken ies V each i;Fine Derby Ribbed Worsted TTT.Sale pricey the gartnentT", . m . . vJJl ovr;lVllsscsVM and Coats at actual House in the"'-j -aYlaSi FRIDAY :TAND ing year: a E. Otterstsdt.' N. O.; M. A. Ferguson, secretary; B. A. Marquis, treasurer; J. a Hale, L. 8. V. O.; O. M. Morrison. R. 8. V. O.I 3. C Chestnut, L G., and Clint Holoomb, O. O. . , Pure, Malt Wfoicr oratln stimulant and tonic, builds no th t - e-e r ' , , GX)da - Departinent for tun-I Glovety Undarwear. Ktght Underwear. cost ; : northwest a ;!viS: v V v .yVrv- , OeeitimHa - Centralis, Wash, Jan. II. The city council baa granted a franc Mae to the Centraila-Chehalla Electrio Railway aV Power company. '.j '.,.;, ! : .I ;;,.''', iaW) u m . ttLXi.m aikA --- mm Uaii rn.Mii l vll Albert Ormonde,- of Mcd ford,Mas.,aturdy,hsIthy and Robust NcwEnglandrr, jwho recently celebrated his 76th birthday, has scarcely had a sick day In all his UJj. tie attributes his extraordl-T nary good health entirely to Duffy's Pure .Malt Whiskey and says he could not get along without It ' .'Vv .;, Ia lila letter he writes aa follows: "1 ' have used Duffy'a Pur Malt Whlakey for . : a Ions time and could not g"t alonr with. . out Jt It la a wonderful medicinal tonlo stlrauiant and atrengthener for old people. I celebrated recently my . TSth birthday . and bare scarcely had a sick day ia all my Ufa, thanka to Dofrya Albert " , Or -monde, 194 8. Mala St, Med ford,'. Mass Sept II, not."'.-. . ; ''. ; . -7 . . Tb : remarkable ' rejuvenating' and : atrengthenins qualities ., of Duffy's ' Pars Malt Whiskey' have endeared It te count- ( lee numbers of old men and women who, by Ita Judlcloua use. are enabled to pee the century mark and enjoy ths bagplnssg that aeoom pan lea a vtgoroua aid '.age..? jauAy!Lfura.kAU..hUuy th unaualtflod tndorsementa of Ministers of the Gospel. Doctors and Scientists, snd 7 haa stood every test for mora than fifty yeara. It la,th only . whiskey recogniss4 by ths Government a medicine, and la ab r aoiutely frea from fusel oil. - This Is s guarantee, . . .. . . 4 . ' . .- nerve i'mvn. I t 1 y 1 It ' , "l 1 .,