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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1906)
- txis . .02SC0N "liLV jou;:::i; rc :7L.-.:. ,Tr.iD.v l . z:::c?, jahuary 12, 1: -- 1 - SECURES DilOHGE ASKS Clip iFWIiiE -VII-ATC , SiUE SEALS IS OH TRIAL m. J .4 Monopoly; Enjoyed ' In ? Alakan Entira joaaphlna i Circuit Court D. U Grand Did Not Know It Waa Gas Company Makaa Anawar to 7a xvare only a few weeks left to, close, cut cur" entire stock of Viaea and Ujora, aa4 to do o vn shsll auota still lower frures tba. heretcfcre.;r:.--' -v-- V - -V'V' 'y',,-y-:'..r t,"' ': Against tha Law to Marry " ; Itlahd by Senator Elkina and ' Partnara to1 End. V a ' Including Jury Viait Granha - Hl . Today. ' Numeroua Attacka Mada . i v " Upon Its Mathoda.' I . '-' so we shall quota still lower inures tiatn heretefcre. ; - j- "4 ; ' . V THREATENED EXTINCTION I ' ALARMS ADMINISTRATION IaecsSeverely Attained toTh- neAri- -Kraorts Slati;htex It of Fur-Bearing Animate. Washington. Jan. It Senator Stephen f , vr werk . capitalist Ut : JMM LIsbes of fiu Francisco, IMMM ot ths ; far Ml Ulend Ot AMIU, "now ne nam of the North American uwunr 1 elal company Of Bus Francisco, will probably lOM their privileges bsfor the -nd of th present session of oongrs. '..n. administration la alarmed at th threatened extinction of fur aaala - . 111 Km taka kfAM Ail 11UF ivy W . - . ment t atop the slaughter. Thla will . li. V. jM t,.ifti an aareemcnt DtVHHNF wm wvww - with Canada or through tha suspension Islands. ---. " irv. B ui uti for th nest year lnelud eevere Indictments of th worn- of tha lessees and declare tnai .tha killing haa baaa the aola cauaa of v, a. . . - c . Aunt At tha sur- ( plua virile famalaa awl breeding bulls la of Alaska recommends that tha question of aaal bunting ba takan -up with Oraai Britain, Japan ana buhh bum uw ' killing of aaala ba stepped oa at Paul' and oa St Gorgaa islands for olght ! or tea years, th natives being deported, CARfJEGIE STEEL WORKS : DESTROYED BY FIRE 'i .''"''"" 1 " -,-.'" ' a" IJaaroal gaarial garviea.) f OraaBTlUa. Pa., Jan. It Tha work ' at th Carnegie Steel company war da atrorad last night by flra, which rlgl " rated through an oxplofllng boiler. 1 f anned by a stiff braes, tha plant was 1 aoon a seething cauldron. Tha loaa Is , tsoe,oo.. . : , ; : t i.. ' ' flaad of , frlanda for their kind help and aynpa . . thy, also for tha many, beautiful floral t otferlnga, during eur, recent sad ba- ' i easement ' - ' ; MR AND VRbV NJ i. NtELSON ., - - - AND r AMILT. , - FISC3-CR; I'. a L SAl,ESr.lEN- The Fischer J the tnoit popular piano of She day.. 2 - The reason, ior its pop ; larity and greatly increased : sale is the fact that every person who owns a Fischer strongly recommends - that " piano to their friends. V; :-Th 'Fischer sells ittelf.J; Fischer quality is tha result ; of workmanship. , V If money and extra work can make any part of a piano - better, that extra work and i money is put into the Fischer. The Fischer has a beanti- . fol, singing tone, .and .tha ' more th piano is" nsed the -1 better it becomes. ': The Fischer reputation for staying in tune is the result solely of superior workman , .hipd materials, . .. .. . , v The pin block (thg wood . work that holds the pins to which- th-pian atringt ar 7 1 attached) is made of eight different layers of wood. The , grain of each piece of wood ' runs in a different direction ?. from any other. The result is that no atmospheric change .affects the tone or . tun of the .Fischer.;' fy.' ; y-;;;. v -Bring a Fischer from th dryest part of Arisona or.' ' New Mexico to Oregon and the piano will still remain in ' perfect tone, -v'-. -;t .-. . ? If yon are thinking" abouC ? "buying a , piano ask some friend whr haa a Pi-Vi '. r what they think .of their f . i piano. If yon donl ' happen to , know anybody who owns a ' Fischer, we will furnish yon', ' with tha iiin,i a imwm . people in Portland who hare pougnt riscners from us. Ask any "or all of them what they think of the Fischer. "Renieuiber out TwoDoTla?-" a-week payment plan any time yon think that you can- notfford-tertry-i-pun6." ' : Remember, we give espe i cial attention to out-of-town v trade. Write ns or telephone . n,-i;V--: -J-- ... Allen & Gilbert Rcsaker Co." cnrr:iAtiD koxrcon Tt. Oldcit, Largest and fronjet Tiano and Organ Home ia the Tacific North- SEVENTEEN-MILE TRIP. v- IN HEAVY CNOW STORM ' 1 ! 1 - ans)BBSBMaaaamajaBBsnasl , youthAccused1 of layinc , Father Takes to Scene of Alleged Criroe IrWotlJaJ5iaironL to Next Week, , ' -y.y; ' tmnmMml Dlu. tea ta Tka JaaraaLi Granu Paaa. Or-Jan. It. Th entire JeDhlne-clroult oourt inoluding tn Jury, Jadga, oourt report' , and attar aa well as Jaaoar . Jennings and wUnaaaaa. want oat to Granite Kill oamp today through a raging rainstorm. Tha purpoe of tha trip waa to familiar tae th court with th Immediate soon of tha Jennlnxa murder, which case la being heard. Tha Jennings' cabin. In which tha erlma was oommltted, and tha oabln occupied' by Jasper Jennings and bunk mate ware rial tad by the oourt, also tha surrounding and tha thicket la which" tha rifle of Jennings was found. Th Jury will not return to u rants Paaa till lata this afternoon, aa It la a 17-mlle mountain drive to and from tha Oraaita Hill camp. Tomorrow ma maia testimony for both side of the aa will ba beard and tha trial of the boy will not be finished before next Tuesday. Possibly all th remainder of next weak will be takan up in bearing tha oaaa of Dora Jennlns. Her trial promise t ba more perplexing than that of Jeeper. . geparaie Trials. - - Jasper and his sister Dora are being tried aaoaratalr. The boy's trial la th first to attract tha attention af th court and that ef the girl will immediately follow. Jaeper. clad in a new suit ana wearing a standing collar and large whit tl. occupied a aoat yastarday ba aide hia attorney. H. V. Norton. The boy looks more like a ooUeg graduate than a murderer. While he is at part act as at all times, be paya tha strictest attention-ta arary word that la apoken and makes frequent suggestions t bis attorney.'' Th courtroom waa packed yaatrday, many standing In the alslaa and along tha walla. A trery large part of th au dience waa composed of woman. Nearly all of tha . minora are In from Oranlte Hill, aa practically all th witnesses called both by. tha defense and th prosecution are from "ther,"" and "th oamp Is wall nigh deeerted. r. . AtsorWs Bints Osama, .A. After the seleotlon of a Jury Proseut-i InaT Attorney. Ileamea outlined tha caa for th sUt..s;lYing ua jury not oniy a atorr of the murder tn full detail. but also adverting to tha testimony that tbs prosecution would present am aia not attempt to ahow that tha abaln of elroslmatantlal arldeno secured would prove that Jaspor commit tad th murder. but that It aoea prove nun aa aeomnviiv and that h -took a, part, u In hia rerlaw of th caa for th de fense. Attorney Norton- told , th jury thai Jasper waa only. In bis father's house a little while on th night tha old man was killed and a Quarrel en sued. The testimony of Jasper's bunk-1 mat waa promised to show that jasper wss In bad th remainder of tha night. or after ns arrived at tn caoin. -j'n two arose next morning and went to the oookhous - for their breakfast; after which- they - went to work in tk woods, jasper being assistant to hi father In directing the arew ef woodcutters that supplied wood for Granite H1U mine. Shortly after they began work some on cams out and called Jasper, telling him that his father bad ben found dead la bed. : r -1 ; - v 1. , t; fihy lives ei:dai:gered (Continued from Pag One.) th past few years. There waa ens a year ago, and aeveral yaara before th roof waa -partially destroyed. There, bad been other smaller blase In the building, as att ted - by- Mrs.- Salll van en her recital of her rescue by Fireman Hewston: - ."., "I was awakeaed by a mailing Smoke tntnv room. . I paid no particular atten tion to It, as w often have a firs her which doe not amount to much, look ing Into the hall X saw no flames, so went back to bed and was soon sound asleep. I waa later awakened by th crtea of flra aad commotion In tbs halL t went out Into the ban, but returned for toy pock tbook. When Z attempted leave the room again 1 oomia not 00 so because ot the - amoke. X half lost my sonses, and breaking the window, called for help. - Pretty soon a fireman cam to my rescue. As he was taking ms down stairs I fainted. - I waa a overcome by amok X would have, per ished bad bs not.som for ." - m ;-Vm.( D0WIE TRIED TO PAY K v FOR LAND IN PRAYERS -',." 1 ' -: '' ' , . - aesrsal Sserial Sarrlae.) n Paso, Texas,. Jan. IS. Declaring that ' Dr. , John . Alexander . Dowle . at tempted to buy a rich baclenda. at Ta maullpaa, Mexico and found a - new Zloa City by moans of prayers rather than cote Manual Oonsalee. owner of the greater part of th tract, has ooms out In a latter giving the details f th transaction. . : - .!; '- . .- . - ' Oonsala tails how last April he gave an option which will sxplrs tn October to purchase five, large haciendas for IUCO.000 la gold. Dowle aaked eon cessions from the government, the com pliance of which meant 1 10.000,000 out lay. .Closing the letter, Oonssles says: Tor prophetlo power as the Seoond Elijah and for'humaalstio Ideas aa th Hw TratBL IJowl deserves my re- spaot,- but bis method ef dealing la binds and proposing payment therefor, mi te me . aagrca Apot' alb when be cannot get what ba wants bO become despicable. . 1 , ; - , : . . . . i BLOW SAFE TO ATOMS t-t AND ESCAPE WITH LOOT ' Usaraal gnacUi Sarrtes.! . " Ban Francisco, Jan. it The safe la the balldlng of the Tiadea council, at OS? Mission atreet. waa blown enen be tween ti o'clock last night and T o'clock thla morning and about 1140 takan. Tha saf was blown to stoma, Thar la a clue to th perpetrator. . - 1 ., v,'- WaUowa as Xvy. - ' ' eeeeM Dtaeatek to Tbs lesraaLI Enterprise, Or., Jan. IS. At th last session of ths county court for. Wallowa county, juat concluded, it was decided thst the levy for tax roil for 1001 should s i muis. na isMrro irl v i v DECREE DY JUDG3 Long-Con tested Caa Xnda m Vic tory of -Wife Srreral Wives Tell Stories of Hard Treatment and Oct Relief. .'. ' -xytr'-o; :v: new word win nay to b coined t sxjirssJtheMotralatlonahlp that ex ists between Mary, John, James and Ad as La Ormad, -Their lather is their mother's uncle, and when Circuit Judg Alfred F. Sears Jr. waa aaked the ore- cite kinship of tha children be said that It was beyond him to telL ' Th mar riage between Domtniok La Grand and Louise ' La Grand waa ' annulled this morning by Judg Seara, during tbe seg- ular Friday morning divorce "mill.' The couple were married at Vancouver, Washington. September 10, lilt. Whil on th witness stand la a read stated that be did not know that It was against tha law for on t marry a nlae. - He avera that bis wife left him about three months ago. aire. La arend waa a daughter-of her husband's brothen Mrs. J. W. Ickes was this morning granted a divorce. Th ooupl war married In this city In April. HIT. 'Be sides . alleging cruelty. Mrs. Xokas showed that her husband bad been con victed of a felony and sent to the Ore gon penitentiary. After serving a few months in prison be waa pardoned and asserted that hia wife and her brothers war trying to Job him In order that aha eouid get a divorce. . ,-' Harriet -. O'Connor was granted a dl voros from John J. O'Connor this morn ing. The ooupl war married la thla otty June 4, 1L and aha stated that O'Connor bad been treating her cruelly for several yaara,- Another time aha aald that she left a sick bed to defend her mother from bar husband's vlolenoe and waa knocked down by him. Mrs. Ford also testified to this occurrence. Mrs. A, M. Richardson waa divorced from D. O. Bichardaon. They were married - la Junjgtloa City, Oregon, October 4, IMS. She alleged shs waa compelled to esav bar husband on ac count of hie cruelty. Mrs. S. K. Cowles was separated from 0. 1 R-- Cowles, They war - married - In Minaaapolla, Minnesota, November IS, 1BIL sad Mrs. Cowles said that during th past three years her husband had only given her 110 wfth which 'to sup port herself. - in the complaint It .was alleged that Cowles deserted bis wife April 10. 1004. ; 1 ,. - H. Ok Bammona was divorced from Anna I Sammons. -They war married la Centarvllle, Oregon, October IL 100s, and tha husband asserted that big wife deserted him th following July.-' ' WHEAT SITUATION I ' UMATILLA FAVORABLE (Special XMspatefc te Tae Jaarual.) ' ' Pendleton.- Or- Jan. 11. Th wheat situation waa never more favorable In Umatilla county and old-tlma . wheat raisers say . th county will havs ths biggest crop on reoonL-Kverywher th fall-sown wheat la doing well. Only a small percentage failed to grow last Tall and very little raseedlng will have to be done In the spring. Unless freeslng and very unfavorable -weather comes 1 within ths next six weeks or two months the prospects are good for a bumper j crop th coming season, ,. . " - . ' , n...mmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmm l-! MILWAUKEE OFFERS T - TO BUILD WAG0NR0AD ' (Jearaal Seealal servtee.) Olympis, Wash., Jan. 11, Because tha survey of a railroad oonfllota with that ,of tha proposed Snoqualmi Pass state highway tn Kittitas county, th Chicago, Milwaukee it St Paul haa of fered t build of wagon road ta avoid troubw with tb stat and keep Its located Una aa bow projected; - - HERRERA f AV0RITE IN ) H -LOS ANGELES BETTINQ ' inemal gseetal arrlil Loe Angeles, Jan. II. Harrera, opened the favorite thla morning over Toung Corbatt with odds of 10 -to-. Doth men are ln.flne condition for their battle to night . Thay will both make the weight without trouble. The winner will meet Kid Herman In- this Ity February 0. - JUbGE INSTRUCTS FOR .Vil . ACQUITTAL OF; HILL fjaaraal bsaalel errk!e. . Philadelphia, Jan. IS. Judge Auden- reld this morning instructed the Jury hearing th caa against former Filtra tion Chief H11L accused of grafting, to acquit him. Ths charges against Hill war brought aa a result of th Weaver reform movement' . . r '.:' DOCK DEWEY FARES . ; . : WELL IN BAD STORM (Joerael Bpealal Berrtea.) v ' Norfolk, W.. Va Jan. 11. The first matt from the dock Dewey arrived to day.. It was posted at Bermuda. When th sonsort put in there. -. Captain Wood, commander of th Dewey, says that la th on bad storm encountered, th dock fared batter than any ahlp In ths fleet. ; JKra, sfartha Sbelley Pia, (Spaaial Dtsseteh te Tbe Joeraal.) Zusane, Or- Jan.- II. Mre. . Martha Shelley, a" pioneer of list, died at her TlOttiS at Fiaaeant Hill, January 10. at the age of 7 years. - The funeral was held' yesterday afternoon. . Xttakiiiimthlnibr$ady N 23 23 J) RECITES HISTORY. w J OF PRESENT COMPANY Thinka'Oas Charge Way Be Reduced to a Dollar a Thousand Within the ' VearutOTeirtcl TmsiL Cbn- ditioit Uso Uada. In -vbrw of-tb pubU -attacks tbat bav been mad upon th Portland Oa oompany, the management of that com pany bav issued a statement describ ing its operations since tb beginning of th corporation. - It requests tb mayor to appoint a eommltt from the city council and - sxeutlv board ' to Investigate tb conduct of tb company's business and all' causes for nomnlalnt Tb oompany statement addressed . to ta puMio follows: . , .- ' Portland. . Or.. , Jan.- a To tha Oas Consumers and tha General Public Commencing on the first day of January of this year that bav appeared daily la w vrresvuiasi ok uua Ciiy suacas not only upon the Integrity of th manage ment of tb Portland Oas company, but also upon its methods of doing business and the character of th product fur nished by it The public generally may Interested In the matters actuat ing the attacks, but Is interacted In th truthfulness or tha statements made. Th Portland Oas company, aa a public mo corporation, recognises its du ties and obligations to ths public and therefore submits tb following state ment ox ui conduct or its business; SOstory of Company. "This oompany was acquired Wits present owners In th year 1I8L Th prlo charged for gaa at that time per thouaaad feet waa t!0. Shortly after th property was acquired tha " hard times of ISOt sst In, and for number of years th earning of th company war Insufficient to maintain and oper ate Its plant aad pay tha interest o Its bended indebtedness. In- the year 101 the stockholders found it necessary to raise 1150,000, with which to pay float ing lndebtedneaa, othr than th bonded debt, which bad accrued over and above the earnings. At the earns time th bondholders and stockholder reorgan ised the company, the bondholders sub mitting ,ts a reduction of Interest on bonds from per cent to I per cent per annum, and canceled to per neat there of. , taking stock instead; .whil . th stockholders on their part, aunendered a large portion of their stock holdings. Th capital and bond account than stood 'as follows: Capital. 010,000; I per cent bonds, IT50.000. '. . : . -During all of .thin , time tbs antlr earning of th company, other than tb interest oa bonda, wr expanded in conducting the business aad in better ments asM maintenance of the plant On February 1 next th capital stock will bs t Lb 00.000. There will have been expanded then, sine August 1. 1001. ths sum of 8100,000, all ef which la rep- resented by stock paid for In oasb, at tha rate of 100 cento on tb dollar, and the bonded Indebtedness of ths com pany baa not bean Increased on dollar. ,:- 0o1Of oas. -: "The price of gas pf thousand fast has been a ftrflowe: : 1 August IStS, to Msy. 1IIS...U .11.10 May 1101. to Auguav-100 ... til August, 1000, ta August, 1001..., LOO August, 1001, to August, 1004..., 1.S0 August, 1004, to November, 1101., Lit November, 1101 1.11 "It la confidently zpcta tnat oar ing thia year a price of II per L000 feet will be made. -,- - - "The only dividend aver paid by th eompanr on th capital stock bav been ss follows: ' ..-'.-... v. - 1001. dividend of I per cent On.t T00.000 1001, dividend of per cent on. , 70,00 1004. dividend or par oant on. 1 sai.ivw 1004, dividend of per cent on.. 1,800,000 . "It Is, therefore, apparent that the malntenanc of the plant, and service X9 It patrons, have bean the primary consideration, rather than th payment of dividends to stockholders. . .. - ' '- Asfts fag yjaanlry. . r , - , ThU company nas ovr 14.00 ens- tornars. It would bs Impossible to ex pect to conduct a business of such mag nitude without any misuses, or ua rounds for Just criticism would not somsttmss arise.' The company expects this, and welcomes -any Just ortticlsm, andany .complaint will receive prompt attention. It 1 solf-evMsnt that a busi ness cannot be success fully conducted unices Its patron are satisfied with ths service rendered; particularly la thla so In ths kind of tmslness conducted by this oompany, where a number of other tllumlnaats, as well as other materials for fast can b used, and It therefore would be th height of folly , for th management to needlessly arous th sntsgonlsm of tb people. "In view of tn fact that tnis om- Oenr and Its ' predecessor have been doing business In Portland for more than 41 years. It must strike the ever sgs reader aa Strang that this sudden, bitter and' malicious attack should b mada upon It ' As this Is a publlo serv ice corporation, the management trot only welcomes, aa before stated, proper criticism, but believe that any com plaint aa to It eonduot or operation Is properly tns suoject ot investigation. . "The Portland Gea oompany. there for, requests the mayor of the elty of Portland to appoint a, joint committee from th council and ' executive board, with authority to investigate as fully as tbey may deem proper, not only the oonduct of its business, nut ail causa tor complaint.-and, make 1U report thron. -'- " . "PORTLAND OAS WUrAWI, , - "By ft Pi Adams, Preeldetit.-"' -! "Aooroved: -C A. Dolph. L. A. Lewis, A. L. Mills, Jacob Kama, J. N. TeaL James.JTiiaVJC.jrA4sma.dlreo, Gayasrs and Hot Lakes tt la easier t viait New Zealand and tbs wonderful thermal region than to go t Tosemlts or tha Tsllowston. - The trio on th steamers from San Fran cisco which Is pleasure sailing the day long withstops at 'Honolulu and, Sa moa, la . aejignru, mm-irmt i.uu-, , 11 train I trip from -Auckland to Rotorua, the region or the geysers ana not taxes, Is a short ons of seven or signt nours. Ths Walmangu geyser throws a stream 1,50 feet Round trip ticket permits stopovers en route. First cabin 1100, second eab1a,ttl0, from Portland to Auckland ana return, ask iot roiaer, C. W. Stlngsr, 854 Wssblngtoa atrset Tmnnsnlbl tn foresee an accident Not ynpoaeiDie to o proparea ior iu it. Thomas' Bclectrle Oil. Monarch ' -1'' ; 'V ; i.. . . v '.v; , tOO Bottles of PorJ Wlne at, -.000 iJOtues OI oncrrjr vviuc i;i.'. .( m.,.vvi. 500 Bottles of Angelica Wine "r i,i7ritt-iZ:-: yir: ' Lxaa nflTlfalaWlna "vw'-llir ri7- " 50 Bott ca of CaUforniaiarape 4 bottle , ; a ; . t . . a i . . .... a .. . : . ; . All of our bulk Whiskies, Brandies, Gins 800 Bottles of Rye and Bourbon Whiskey ; I--WMte Rye," MaUhiakleavJCummeVat SOf, regTilar" $1.50 aty ft, bottle. . .TtTT. .T. i .f ; ; pn-the, l.OO. 'y 'C-l-:' ,-': t rv H tCrivnii;-- pAyyou .to ' a .good"' supply? i ftfrtiz, 1 1 CM"; 3 ;WANGTON -StBliSrWEiai TENTH Antler Hotel BuuViiniv..;- niii::s-cuT -" .v ' ' ' ' . " r.LY ELEQI1T. Jury Raturna Vardlcttf Culfty In SaveraJ caaaa ana uxnr v , Want to Laava.';, '' --- tMnateh Ss The JearsslJ suiror- Jas! IS. After being out four hours tb Jury last night brought in a verdict of guilty against Fannie navadtxirt Anna Smith. Lla Johnson and LIU Thompson, three of the women who were recently arrested tor onauuv tng disorderly bouse . within ths. city. Th trial oommancea rwj at t oelo in th reoorder court, and was not concluded until 4:14 o'clock la th afternoon. Tha cass was stubbornly fought by the attorneys for tn defense. Th Jury consisted ef Chart Taanka, Max O. Buren, Chart Zaenkar. Charles Both. J. M. lAWrsno ana Y- Flye, other women wr pisoeo en trial for the same offense wis morning at 0:80 o'clock and a onvione-ss had In their eases aiso. wiu pr-o-M.n 9.MM -aha bonsea of thla ehar- aeter are te be banished from the elty ot Salatav as tha ordinance against them Is very plain and Chief of Police -Oomaltus says that so long as th ordinance Is oa the book It wUKb enforced to the letter, --.'..v -" ' '-- "'"' :j-",'i ThM eAlored women who wer given a chance to lesvs ths city after pleading guilty to the same enarge, out ,xiuu and were remanded to Jail, now state that thay will leave town ae ther gat a chance. ' ;, WINTER IRRIGATION IN PROGRESS IN UMATILLA '.'-'.,. "5 ;:i' "..'7 ' rgpaeial DwMtek t Tb Journal.) V-Amtan. Or. Jan. 11. Winter lrrt' gatlon Is now In progress In the Free water and Hudson - Bay , oouatrlea la Umatilla county and 1,000 acres will be brought under IrrigaUon this year.. Land that was formerly raw sag brush and sand, non-productive and for bidding, and worth from $1 to 810 per acre in Its raw state, baa been re claimed and Increased In -value until it is now wortb from 850 t io par ar for alfalfa, fruit and gardsn lend. " The most significant feature os uua revolution is that th old ditch com panies have not. been Interfered with, and the regular ' aummer ,- supply of water ties not bean divided up, but IdlS water In the winter and early spring haa been used exclusively In reclaiming this land. . . . -..--.,. if sufficient flood--water can. bs se cured to thoroughly soak tha ground tn that section, no aummer irrigation is needed. Tha earth becomes - a tore- houaa ot moisture to be drawn upon by th plant roots and fruit tree ana sur face water la not reqmrea o prwauv heavy yields. , &- . ATHENA WANTS TO USEI y GREEN, SPRINGS WATER 4.1 ru-aiA aW limwgemext ! 4 fnuvtaaia vnimtani saw v Athena.. Or. Jan. It Th elty of Athena I making efforts to oure th right for th us of water for municipal purposes from th Green springs, which era situated on th Umatilla Indian reservation, v While some of the rest' dents on tha reservation bsvo land near the springe, which are being used by them, they bsve not the exclusive right to them. Papers have been prepared and sent to th secretary f tb Interior for hi approval. - ?; WANT NO SHEEP AT : urin nr- iifgf I lull I I FICHU Ur.iHLl.H IVHUUH ,..:,,. ; .v. ii i i,- v ':-;v Itk 1 Banktsh as Tha Jaanal.l .' ' MllXim j-Janr--4 1 Ape Hhm 1 being circulated la Mil ton praying th government to pronioit tn grasicg or hep oq th mountains at ths bead of the -Walla Wall river. It is claimed that the shkep destroy ths vegetation which conserves the water supply, thus doing - Irreparable damag t water- users la tn vauey diow. j nsariy an th slenaturas of all water-user In ths Walla Walla valley ar being btelMd te th petition. - t ...... RUBY IS PRESIDENT . OF PENDLETON BANK 'fSeerial DIsBatah U Tb Joe real. Pendleton. Or Jan. It At th an nual meeting of th Commercial Na tional bank the following officers wsrs sleeted: A. C, Ruby, president suo- seeding R. O. Besoh; Judg T. O. Hall ay. vlce-preeldent; W. , U Thompson, cashier; W. S. Badley. assistant cashier. With the addition- of Robert Lalng tha officers sompos tb board of di SALEU IS : ritrrt .. bluviiwa rectors, .. :- " .-'.- .$; - a Sdttle:;. ,15f 200 Bottles. of i, a uumc, . awf.. -i v -- - ............... . ..... T , at KnttL IRai' 400 Bottles Union Label WhiskevS. full r. ' at, A bittJcXSaJ - - ui--iKlQQ Gallons of ntn Wd ' lBai - I""::-T:o0a Gallons of erandy nJ., ... -. ,v It W!!l Consist of Twin Buildlnsa '.Twanty-Thraa Sorlea High m-Jhmtia In Dassmsnt. i : (Xoorsal SpecUV Sarvks.) , . ' v Nw Tork, Jan. 11 Ths ... terminal struoturs at the Manhattan 4- Hudson company' ltunnl will b tb largest skyscraper la ths world, consisting of twin building, each - It stories high, with the terminal station in tha base ment' On building will eovr a lot ooatalnlag 81.600 aquar fact, and the area ot the other building alte Is 88.100 square f t . . Together thay wUI Inclose not lss than 14.000,000 oubi feet 'Of spac. :r ' -,-- excavation - on tb prallmlnarr buQd lng terminal la being rushed aad many old . structures demolished. When . th terminal station tunnels are com plated, In about two years, ons ef th moat Im portant steps to rellev traffic conges tion la ths lower part of th elty will ba taken. ' - r The new staetos, wUI aweOlowOsp thou-i annus or commuters every evening, re lieving th ferr!. It wUI bring New ark within 80 mlnut of th city ball. xasBsBBssaeBSxaamBsBBsmanKsBB Amdsewa Case .Ooansa TJJV (RpeeUl Dlapatrii ea The Jocraal.) t. -'" : La Grande. Or- Jan. It Th case of A. W Andrews, who was arrested a few days ago oa the allseed charge of con ducting a lottery, will come up for trial Monday.. The complaining witnesses ar among the leading merchants. N. K. West William . Ash and Ed Murphy. Thia la th result of suit elub drawings which Andrew baa eonduoted for some months -paafc i - WaUowa Ooxmtys - . (Spedsl tHspatch ta Tee Jaanal.l a,i.nriu r- Tan - ths, teat term ef th county court juat concluded th court decided that the amount of funds whloh would be necessary to meet th currant expenses ef WsUowa county for tbs year ltoe should be a follows! Stats , tax, 84,881.81; county tax, 848.188.88; county school tax, 8t.tt8.Ot; county road tax. 14,481.81: county eon. tlngant tax. 84.481.tlt total. t4l.841.SLv DOCTOR CASCARET Office if Trtlir'oftn Vest Pocket. - On call nnyMlnuto Day orhtl UBBawanasawaTsBBBal ' wnen - Hear (burn. Sour Stomach, Headache, Bad , Breath, . Coated Tonfus, Belohlnsi of Stomach Caa, or ' any of thsa (orarnrmera'of Indlrssuoa 1 appear. Old Dr. Catcaret want to be right en the spot la your pocket. Instantly before It can brow into a t 1 .1". .- n v. ., . naou 01 ins powcis to b oosuv. . ; Ladles, who extend to Dr. Cssoarst the hospitality of their Pursso or their Dress Pockeu, will "be rewarded with s flae Saww., - - ."-V'-Te 1 Dr. Cm carat fuarantcea to euro ths most obstinate oases ef Constipation and Indigestion, s without dlaoomfort or In-' onvemsnc. ' j'.;,'.v, f'' , :.: Kla medlotne does no gripe nor purrs, nor oreate a drug habit Vr; ' Bsoause It la not v"BUe-drlTr," nor a Caatrto-Juloe WastV, . but. a dlreol Tonle (0 the Bowel Muscles. , y ' - r. It exerctaes naturally the muscles that line the walls of the Intestines and Bowels. -.1 '.X,"-y --s " '-' '" : Waal of Exsroto weakena and rstaxsa these Bowcl-Musclss, usf aa It weakena Arm and Lag musoles. - Old Dr. Cssoarst goes directly after these .Bowel-Muscles."'" Hi wakes them up Just as a 00 Id bath would wak u s buy person. . ':,: - r f '. ; i ; ; Apricot Brandy; reyular " 1 ; JiH Port Wine; reeular $1.25 ' - Sherry Wine t regular Sl AND ELEVENTH Telephot Telephone Main 70. IP V.lE-I.MUil l!FS05&ESi:: Despite - Winter Weather. Con . xraexora Kuenirig operations) on New Una. Ai fgeealsl fMa-ae a. w - Ontario, Or, Jan. is Work is prog ressing on tb Val-Mlheur Valley rail roasradlnr despite th winter weather. : A.rx Lee. raUroad eontraetor from Btaunett, Idaho, waa .tbls week awarded the contract for grading on mil adjoining- Ouy Johnson's sontraot on the weat .Tula makes seven miles of tha lt-mlle grad that has been contracted.' Burroughs gt Johnson are working on their OOntraotS and A. J. Ouaakanhnah . . baa the right of way cleared on his con. tract ready for grading. .Nina oars .of. ti nave Been unloaded at Ontario tor the new road.- ..,;-... - A rw of man is now at work where the line eroasss tha Malheur river! about uv mil east of Vale, sounding tb riverbed preparatory to driving pil ing for the railroad bridge. ' ' ' Tnre crew "of Oregon Short , Lin engrnaers -working in - the canyon west ox nera. . - - w - v On party ta en Bullr creek, another party la oa, tb Malheur : river and tha third party is on cran crk in Har ney county. - Thee 'thr - arveytng parties ar In charge of Engineer T. L. Wsxgener, who has established bead auartera at- the Carter house .In thls city, and th information la gfVsa out that tha Short Line will connect with the Vale-Malheur Valley road aa soon aa Its weetern . teraunu -baa' been ee- tabllabed at or near Vale by a through line , ta - the ' coast. . . ' . . v . ; M0RAN ASKS REMOVAL OF. BANK COMMISSION ; ) IJesraal Sserial terrlee.t Jan. 1A W.trfct Attorney J. B. lfaraa has seat s latter to Oovanar OlO aekfar tttb reakwal the Massaeheaetts gavtasa Banks smnilartaoBra. ebarcuig them with erase care, litaeiea as wUlral ssgllaaeee Is aaaaevtio. with ta affairs e( tbe Praaioaee Saemrtty 4 Baaklas eeaipaay, , wales teeeatiy aespiaaUB, eafreadlos S.O00 eeeosltaie, tae sujarltr ef whom are laborers aad eklldrea. . FirsedlMthe Bowels .....A.' Then he works raemjfhiwugh (he berves)en 0y.lrel,"o" gtronc from that Exercise., that they don't Bead any more help to do their duty- -; ButDr.CsuKaretwuuitoherjrton -the spot bi your Pocket of Purse, wh'ers hs oaa refulata these Bowet Muscles all ths time, in health, and out of health. '. . y.'rv:.w V Because, even (he gtron jagt Bowel- .' Musoleg may be overworked, .yf-: . 1, . , Heavy dinners, late suppers, whiskey, wtne, or beer drlnklnc nervous suite went, sud"den exposure to 00 Id or beat :. and a dot sn other every day likelihood tire the Bowel Muscle. ; ; . . In such eases a little Caeoarst ta time 7 Tn JLmL "nviifi ; discomfort, losa-of Buslnasa Enerry, and discomfort, loss of Buslnegs. Bnarry. an loaa of Social Sunshine It eavss. -",:-'.v';'T '.H:A'.' ' . V; "v'. 'y"', V"" ' ;. . ..itom la the 4sheapeet klad of Health-ln- ! aAiice,andHanpUamProrntlontha4 -at af hsbnaned.V'1 '".' Little thin enamel Casosrsl Box, half aa thick as your watch, round-cornsred, . smooth-edged, and shaped so you don't noUce Its presence. , 1 ' ' : ..;2 ' 'Contains ala Candy tabUta Prloe Tsw Cents s Box at any prugglst'g. - Be sure you get the genuine, made only by 'the Sterling Remedy Company, 'and never sold In bulk. Every tabl stamped . br ritu to otjh rKirttDsi Wo waat ts or-t to ear tW a b-Tl k iMrTkJ kJKBCl fcv Z nt-ai- 4 UOiMars. It is s sesaty Pf Us ... t , o H stsna u 4 1 a . e- at ' atecevarcesteiCasMf, r iwr-i, tHnklsb ... rt " I 4 -- i ' - '(L I t- hmm J V . ir,C tf.. - .