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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1906)
..I THB OREGON "DAILV JOU?.?.! AL7 It . . , r :ijlTC0;i!WIlLL LI Prompt, Work and Good Luck Saw Building From Thread Serious Flrot, iZxi ELECTRICITY FILLS HALL - y WITH FLAME AND SMOKE 1 Thousand of . Volts ' Tamed Loom, "Wrecking Fiztura and Circuit Co ' - aecdoiM Damage rv Dona ; Wffl Amount to Considerable Sum. ; " f7- Tk Mat Me efflo. ef Tfce hmd J 1 tW ,. IIWL. Tewssea. WsV..,-, -,.rv..,..--,- f-tTb ilIlst plaes m peruana for t 'minutes jrultnbf was tb Multnomah ball. at East Aider - and ?Eaat Sixth streets, when lt.000 xtra volta of slo tridty earn daeclna In ovac tba wlraa and aUrtad thraa (lis la ths bis; bulld 1ns. fillip tha .balls, banquet-room and offlca with blua and green Hhtnln and T atlillnir amoka, while safety pluaa blew out wlthr reports Bks lth: noiaa of a rids, and fuss wlraa and fixture malted In -second. ,,7 f ' :v,-'i"' -' ' " Clerk Wood worth of the Woodmen of - the World-was amine In his oflJce e the flrat floor of the building at 11 a. nk, ' when a flash of blue lightning- through the window filled the room 'With, a glare, tha pop of fuee pluge cracked orar the bulMJaa and at soetaed aa U the entire place .was filled with flam. Weodworth ruahed to tha banquet hail above, where the main switch la lo cated, and found ' the ' flames already ' eating Into the woodwork where - the current had burned away the function box of porcelain.' and bad melted the big copper wires. . ; ,". .,- .- A sofa pillow u, the only : as ttngulaher at hand - and "Wood worth grabbed that and stopped tha fire before . much damage had been dona, except ts the switch and the .fitting. Hs then threw the main switch and cut the gam- - bollng current from the building. . . t Detecting the smell of burning wood - and rubber. Weodworth ruahed back down stairs to the switch box In the . front hall. . There the socket plugs had ' been blows out on soma circuits and .tba current shut off, but on others the , sockets had fused, making a circuit and the entire. Junction with Its assortment . of switches and porcelain flttlnga waa s, ruin. : Detecting another set of smells he next rushed to' the parlor.- where he , discovered the ; Janitor emptying - a bucket ot water on the last 'flicker of a fire there. The Janitor had gone ts the parlor tba first thing by mere chsnoe and bad faund the chandelier In flames, the rubber tubings end Insulation la ' tba pipe of the fixtures generating a heat that was melting brass, copper and - Iron. Thla waa tba last of th Urea " and the clerk and Janitor caught their mm breaths and began to reckon the dam- age, which will amount to a consider : able sura. , 1 ' V' .' ' It was only by th merest chance that ".'a serious Ore was prevented, as "Only 1 tha Janitor and clerk were In the build - Ing; and had they both ruahed to the , asms point' th flames would hare got beyond control elsewhere before they were discovered. What caused ths .', trouble la not known, fiomethlng evi dently la wrong with th circuit, as ths ;, heavy current ahould hare been stopped la ths traafsormer outside. . --x -u . ,t -. r i ijl . . j i 1 MANY-SUITS-FILEt X rsstiss Oomrt gwamped by - ' Mass of FetWoma and Ooasplalat. ' The annual clean-up ' of accounts Is being undertaken generally by east aide merchants and aa result the east aide Justice court Is burled In a mass of legal docdmetrta. Yesterday and Wednesday nearly SO eases were -filed In thla court and for th laat week there hare been more case started than in tha four clr ; cult courts, ths writs, anawers, eom ' plalnta, brief and petitions coming by - the dosen. ' .-t', .. '- ' Attorneys have notified th clerk of 15:o:2S'IRerCeiifc House VANDUYN- TlHood74. 270 Wsshinrtos Out " - " ssa sm v-' mm m. :; -- i " v -. "" ' vs. I V enough mora- cases to make the num ber as etfs hundred ts be heard, ana th average of 1 new suits, a day is being keff OP. an average that la much ahead of all former records of th eourc Th' eonktablS at present lsr-tlrmg"1n ths Suburbs, nerving' writs, and usually he can spend a coup) of days la on locality without bothering to com .in for more papers. In the Alblna dis trict so frequent have been the aults brought that ths constable has mad his shod there most of ths week in a vain endeavor to get rid of the pile of papsrs to be served. Each visit to ths court discovers an squall J big pits waiting service. i v v I - Th majority of th caaes are suits for unpaid bills, - and th amount - In volved ts seldom more than tta. but as much trouble snd time la spent In filing, hearing and deciding them aa In- actions Involving several thousand dollar. ;, Ons day's grist of cases, this being filed yesterday, foil owe:,. ,i M. W. Pareltus, doing business as th Portland Mill' Fixture company, vs. frank Irving, suit to collect S1T.I0; M. W. parellu vs. J.. F. Lucy, suit to eol- lecl I J7i JLjlochfleld xnJU X. Robin son, suit to collect 1411 M. W. Parellu vsi J. . anras. suit to eoiieot hL Wagenblaat. ra. W. 1. Armltage. for llf board bill; : W.V F. HUmpaoh Co7 va. M. J. McCarthy, ault to collect four lift' prbmlaeory not es;- Mary-Phel ps Montgomery aa executrix; for ths sstale of S. B, Montgomery vs. John Anderson, for- posseaaloB of il -acres In Alblna; auit by Mrs. Montgomery against i. Russell fof th ssms purpose; Q X Richards vs. Thomas Healy, suit to re cover ftl on an assigned claim- from Garrett A Young: O. AT Richards vs Charles. Josephine and Mrs. Charles Woodruff, suit to . recover assigned claim of -I4S from Dr. -Thomas Parting; O. A. Richarda vs. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Field, suit on assigned claim of v Dr. tarling for I4S.I. , -, ,r ! DEDICATION PROGRAM. sTmamysld Ohareh WIH Vse Ftes OrgM Th work of Installing th new pip organ t Bunnysids Congregational church has been oom pitted and yester day for tha first time the big Instru ment was tried and was found satis factory. Tha organ, on of th finest In- ths city wss secured by a .month's active - work on the part of (he Men's league of the church. . The dedication services will be held at I o'clock Sunday afternoon, the program being: : Organ prelude. "Gloria from Twelfth Mass (Mosart); doxology; Invocation; hymn, 'Coronation"; scripture reading and prayer: presentation of th organ In behalf of the Men's league by the chair man of ths purchasing committee, 8. C Pier; response in behalf of the church by ths pnstor. Rev. J. J. Btaub; lea rut ode, "America"; anthem - by the choir, "Father, O Hear Us"- (H. R. Palmer); organ, "Pilgrim's . Bong of Hope (Ba tista); dedicatory address by Rev. R. t House, D. D.; organ, "Offertory In K Fist" - lefebure-Wely) : solo. - "Jerusa lem" (H. Parker), by Mrs. Hsrry Stone; address by Superintendent Rev. C. F. Clapp; organ, "Berceuse" (Gounod) ; ben ediction; organ,. "Finals : . from Third symphony" (Mendelssohn). Miss Oracs B. Kemp will be the organist .. 1.1 I II I l Mil . "I CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH IN PROSPEROUS CONDITION ' Ths annual roUcall of the First Con gregational church took place laat night in tha church parlors. A large number were present and ths "Reports 'showed that the year it 01 had been th most prosperous in the history of ths chureh. Eighty-five Joined the church the post year, msning me membership to date 117, of .which Hit ar men and 4U women. It waa shown that during Dr. House's pastorate of a little over three years til name ware sdded to the church rolL All ths organisations are prosperous. " ' . - Treasurer T. T. Burkhart In bis re- port ih0werniarln Hhepasl" three years hs had, distributed a total of 4t. 0 for the church. Of thla amount f 1,I4T had been collected and paid out In 10. All bills were paid and there waa 141 In ths treasury. In addition tha church raised mors - than $1,70 for benevolenoea. It waa shown that the average - Sunday attendance at - the church was about 1,00 persons, about tl per cent being men. The church membership 'has til men and - 4 women. In. closing his remarks ,last night pr. House said: - "To my church I ssy this: You are ,the ehlefest among 10,000 and the one all together lovely to ot".- -.. -. On Every Shod in the during this We kU Men's Shoes . and. Men's Fashion able i Hosiery only. Don't fail to take ; advantage ot this great sale. -'f ; (Q WALTON SUeet, ttw Third snd Fourth 1 1 Don't Ask a Dentist ,1 attend to your teeth--ornatter how irifling tba -need utile you faavs-confiJ dence m his ability and intention to do fint-cltit work. ' For. ourselves, If you HJont know about u, what 'we " do and bow we do tt, we auggeit that 'yoa in quire of friends on whose Judgment you rely.. , Well abide br the verdict We wilt tell you our charge any day you ask, - ' X1"' .' .V ' : ; -A :,' , . .)... . 4 ;); ,. v ;Jk(; ... ,' Vlse Bros.; Dzntistsi Third and Waihlnfton. ' .IXT 2029 DITCH TO REOLlL'l PPOOSES . : ,,' . - - ' . Editor Bennett of' lrriron Irri- ; gator; Hopeful for Klam v'-,, "athFalle Country. ,V ' RAILROAD COMPANIES ARE' J BUILDING TOWARD CITY Southsrn Pacific Company, Accordln to Report, Haa Decided to Build to Klamath. Fall From Natrotv Elec 7tHc tlnsT P'rospecta rigfieTT"' A. Bennett and F. B. Holbrook.' prc- pOsTrn4rMrsrrthalTristortt I nigon, Oregon, formed -the vanguard of newspaper men and. members of th Oregon Development league who arrived In tba elty yesterday morning to attend tha Joint session, of th league and ths Oregon Press association, which la be ing held In th rooms of the Commercial Club.' '. :f- '.-r' !'.,' - '- t Following cross upon their heels came K. P. Dodd Of th Pendleton Trlbun and F. W. Chausse of Grants Fas a. - Dlacusslng conditions In the vicinity of Klamath Falls, in th extreme south ern pert of the state. Editor. Bennett said: - : -' , "Maaoo. Davis A Co. of Portland have et -been awarded the first of a series of . contracts ceiling for the construc tion of an Irrigation ditch which will reclaim about J00.00S acres of land. When It baa been completed th ditch, with canals and laterals, will represent a cost Of about 11.000.000.' . The McCloud River Railroad com pany and the California V Northwestern railroad are building -toward Klamath Falls. - It Is sspected by th contractors that ths road will reach the city before ths end of the year. The Klamath Lake railroad, which was recently bought by the Wererhauaera, la also extending Its line toward the-falls city. As you eaa Imagine, those operations ar Increasing the demand for ,mn. wagss sre good. bnd that section of ths sta.t' Is corre spondingly prosperous. '-- "The Southern Pacific has decided to build to Klamath Falls, so we have been informed, end .correctly so, I be lle y. from Natron and connect with the California Northwestern line, the lat ter said to have been recently acquired by ths ' Southern Pacific, at Klamath Falls. It Is also stated that tha South ern Pacific road Intends to ass that new branch In lta main Una from Ban Fran cisco to Portland. That change may cause th abandonment by th Southern Pacific company of -4ts line over th Siskiyou mountains. ' "Two electric linea ar negotiating for system In Klamath Falls, and 'It is sspected that ons of thsm will be con structed and in operation before the end of ths year. . - , - .. SMLOU KELLY HAS CELL "vanrjonoo ,s-v - - Smiles When Charge of Murder in First Degree Is Read to Him. Sailor Kellr waa transferred from the city to county Jail at 4 o'clock yes terday afternoon.- Kelly Is charged With murdering , Thomaa Flemmlnga on ' ths night of December II during the robbery of the Centennial saloon. One of the policemen who brought him to the Jail said to Jailer Harry Orafton: "They told me down there to tall you to let Kelly have a little morphine every four hours." - - -. . ; "Kelly will not get morphine up here unlee the doctor orders It to b given him." replied Orafton. ; --. . . Kelly haa a cell with Jo Toung. who Is under a alx-year penitentiary sen tence for having shot Keeper van Dran. "Home again," said Kelly as he en tered hla cell and - took -Off hi coat. Toung waa playing solitaire and did not sreet his new companion. . ... - Deputy Sheriff John Orussl read ths warrant charging ths prisoner with mur der In the flrat degree. Kelly smiled broadly at the words "murder In ( ths flret degree."..'.. "What's the be 11 f he asked. , ." ' There la no ball, for you are charged with first degree murder,' replied th deputy ahcriff. " '-That1 Intereetlng . ejuletly replied ths prisoner as he walked away and again sat down In ths corner. . JUDGE"CLELAND WILL ; -HAVE A JURY BOX TOO - Circuit Judgs Cleland -wag busy yes terday. Hs did not hsar a ess nor did hs render a decision, but hs was busy Just ths same. For. year th court room that ha has occupied haa had no Jurybox. Judge Cleland want ons. -tt "I have had to .hop, akip and Jump about the -verloue departments so long," hs remarked.' "that I have Just asked myself thla queetlon. Why not stay at horns where people can find meT When Judge Oeorge was presiding Judge I had to hear my Jury cases In his room; ssms result when it was Judgs Bears' turn to preside; now Judge Fraser hag to va cate when a Jury comes to me. Xluess I'll Just have Jury box too." Judge ' Cleland oceuplea, - when not listening to jury esses, th south room of the four devoted to circuit court purposes. , Ths room Is ths smallest of the ..four, but there la plenty of space for It men t sit and' pass Judgment It Is thought that carpenters will begin work soon In fitting -up ths Jury box. - Tdu-may;e goiBtrnpto: the supreme bench eooa and -noL. need It," -v-f riend suggested. - - 1 .. "Well." replied Judge Cleland. If I imjust fixed up "comfortably until I do go, I'H hs aatlsried." . ;.' r ; ; v Seattle Sucumba ' v To ths ' charms -f ths Csctllsn. Mr. Pierre Ferry of Seattle Just purchased a Metal Action Cecil Ian In preference to all other players, having tested all prom inent players on tha market. He visited the ' Manufacturers Piano ' company's star while here on business, and was charmed -with -our fine-store and tre mendous library. He . remarked that Seattle could not compere with our stock of instruments or library. ' Mr. Ferry Is sntbuslastlo about th-Cso!llan. especially Its charming touch and love ly tone-coloring that can b produced by the New Metal Action. . . . - v , Two million Americans suffer the. tor turing penes of dynnepsia. No need to-. Burdock Blood Bitters cures. .At any drag aters,,, ,, ; .,. -,, ..r.,.,- :;'rv--',.-: 4' -k Ralph Modjeikl Visits V-iizm Helena Modjeska in Her Private Car. . -X 1 i ' . An t lntarsstlng meetiDg , ' between mother and son occurred yesterday af ternoon whan Ralph Modjaakl, supervis ing engineer and contractor of ths Nor thern Pacific, walked Into ths private car of Madam Helena. Modjeska. the noted actress. -Their names are spelled different, according to tha custom of Polish Russia, which decree that tho male shall use ths "I" at the snd of bin name, while ths female may use the "a." Mr. ModJeakl's headquarter being at Chicago. . he . -saw bis mother not long ago, but hs wss anxiously awaiting the arrival ( her trelBi The madams this, year la traveling In th private1 ear Rainbow," which sHeitb JwSsWalsjajis; sjge lPsjsjpsjq CJU T 1 II 49 all laat tour or tns south. . count Chapow-ski.- known In- America. -Boxente, the husband Of ths actreee, accompanies her as usual. 'H saya that hta ts posi tively her iast tour and would not have been undertaken if ths financial induce ments had not been, a great. 1 ' Modjeska. herself la in love with ths Paolflo . northwest. . She haa lived a large part of the ,last seven years on nar rsrm in caiiiomia and snown a aeon Interest In ths development of the eoast. She expects before a great while to re turn to her native heath, the understand ing being that th baa which has kept her out of Poland for many - years . Is soon to be removed. . ' ' : ; SHOWER OF GOLD FOR 55 - CHURCH BUILDING FUND Recently It was decided by th First Church of Christ. Scientist, of Portland to purchase a -prominent corner - near upper Washington street and erect a church edifice, and ver sine that-de cision, a stream- of money - -has - been flowing Into the treasury, of the Organ isation. The church baa but lit mem bers, , yet nearly $1,400 In cash and checks Is said to have beea placed In th basket at the usual collection dur ing the two services laat Sunday at ths Scottish rite cathedral. , . . It Is said that ' money Is betas sent to the treasurer, entirely without so licitation, from many of the church'a f rienda outside of Portland, and .from people not church members in this city, A check for a handsome sum was re ceived yesterday in, the mail from Chl oago. , Every Sunday the reader' of the sermon-makes a simple announcement. In a few words, concerning the building tuna, ana .tns result is a shower . of hundreds of dollars into th basket. It Is th uniform custom of ths Sclontlat church to provide money covering the coat of a ehurch edlfloe before begin-. Ding Its construction. ... ,, . .- " : ' - '-v:. MISS SPALDING LEADS - ; t - UNITARIAN ALLIANCE . vt ..ri , f fi III , 1 At the annual meeting of the Uni tarian alliance th following - officers war elected: . Kiss Helen F. Spalding, president; Mrs. Albert Smith, flrat vice president; Mrs. W. P. Olds, second vloe prosidsnti Mrs. .. Stacy- MaUeckt corre s ponding secretary; Mrs. pted W. Bay, recording secretary; Mrs. Ryan 8. Me Leran, treasurer, . After the election of otaoars th following committee were appointed: i ,-. .. - .-, Advisory (to consist of tha officers of th ail lan o and th baaaar commit tee) Mm. R. S. Oreenleaf, Mrs. ArchU Pease and Mrs. James Hart. r - Social Mra.-J.- p.-r: Oammana, Mrs. Hannah Robertson, Mrs. W. H. Patter- WWtUeesy1"11 T-1. T U'm - Hospitality Mrs. Irticy Ballsy, Mrs. Alia & Tyler. Mrs. T. U Eliot, Mrs. F. Hsnshaw. . Uterary Mies Helen T. Spalding, Mrs. Julia Comstock, Mrs. H. W. Scott Mrs. HL C Wortman, Mrs. D. H. 8 teems. Household-r-Mtsa EL F. Davidson, Mrs. D. F. Sttmson, Mrs. H. a Oil. Press- Mrs. D. H. Stesma. Miss Julia Joalyn, .,' ' ; ."...: . CAFE AMD H1USIC DAII is-.."i- v. -r- li .. . v'.: , r Cora Boiijjlsss A FAMOUS EASTERN STAR . ....... - t ' . , " ". ; I . Ada Drcdlord "9 i ' v ' i :'hx' Dslle Lavrence f And Many Other Special ; ' '.' ' Featnrea., V : ' ' Beginninf Monday, Jaaaarv . m 15th, including tha famous ; .,' : aggregatioa ',: r1-' -)'. . , W!VVIHty , ... , Prograra Chanced' Daily. Entrances at 21 North Third street, 21, 23 and 25 North Sec ond street, and 243, 245 and 247 Burnalda street. - I 1 .XiXXl, "X r -v n': r-;':. V';"-"',-;;-. ;:Tini'fr A i A : XX Every Boys Suits (U3 Sultfc.i.. .;:.c3d7 tlW Suits?. V.. ... .. . .01.78 C3.C5 Suits.. ,wM...'..C3-S3 XXi5 Euits.... .?3.C3 ; i Boyfl' Oviercoato (3.C3 OvwotsV.VII.,C3.43 r (3.C0 OvercoaU. . . M . .C3.C3 : tlO-CO Orercoiits.. ... . .t)7e&5 fi : Knee Pants '. CSC TUUM l,w....i...,,lvf ' C9c values -.... ... '.33 "7fc aiueg ;;i;..rv:68s t. - S AA ' - . CJrtJ. Jronclad Hose ' 7 best quality- . V. iV.. .:i8d Men'g Wool Sw. . , . . ; a j.Of 5.:' BOYS 1.., . .,) V rXi: ;' r ' t - S .1 -, 'K. j. ... w'. . Mmmmmmmm .-,.,;. kxxx :-t:X; f iyxXi', y-;- ''XXy so VEAR AT SWIPIUSIG DISCOUNTS FR0;.l REGULAR VALUES In thl Great Clearance x.x ? - ;- i mere indications or prevalent cu in i20 Ladies' , Vid Blucher extension or light soles, Cuban patent leather tips, sizes 2 to 8. (f4 A( Now...i.j...;....,.v,;?.;420 $129 and $10 Grade Ladies' 3-StrapSandaIs, ' -NQwtnlyr..J..V. Little Gents' Satin Calf and Box Calf, sizes 85 to" 13Kr' only . SEE CUR ODDS 1 FOR EXTRA BARGAINS In Ladles! Shoes and Oxfords Shoes tm this taMe-.thafwould U simply a part of our plan of had in stock sir . A. EVERY FUHCIIASE IS 3XXX Artlclb I n " O ii rS j;pStcc!t:;vIcn: '''i'X'.l ''XL ' '.''''". IV xx vJx X.'h x-: XtOe Clousei .M ;yr 7Sc Blouse r.V . ttCO Blouses . 7 ii :' Best wear ' -f 7 1. S9o 'mm -RUBBER CAPliukUil : s ; : V"' .VhtnYca See It In Our Ad iiiiilfiiffil 23d-232LionisonSt. nearSecond GREAT JANUARY SALE ruenVomen's and Children's Shoes ylJ4v"05ITrV REDUCTIONS W MUCKS CT AttTCOODS i " . : r . AN HONEST ANNUAL Sale may b enumerated and Lace,' heavy or school heel. 2 and 98 c and kangaroo to 11, v Now;. $1.00 rsues ii to AKD ENDS TABLE ;,J-.V' -1 from 75 cents! to $1.89. , There ie Foodhuyi -it t2 to t LOOZThis : cleaning; put everyChinj; we hav'4 months or longer, and - i Str"' LIKE ' A ; GIFT FI.0H Take advantage of this sale while the fever. Is upon us. These prices may with- " dawn irliny time." SHOE; .STCB C2z-::z:i sr., r:r..7 czzcxo mm- W ..i ' . " .' J . - Immcrico Boy! Flannel Blouses! H .V..C3t ...S3; erwear EOc Fleeced Under- i ,S5 i WrichiV Fleece-Lined Health' Underwear: ........ . ..G3 COc and 75c values...... .85 Three for ......... . . . 1?1.K) values ...... ; . . rMenVJ Shirts Best $1 Shirts In the city;, 73 Best 75c Shirts in the city .89 " ';,-r.t'-..i XX-'X"X t''.:X'rX ,-v -v Ifs So! J X ' ' X-i- f XX :'''f '"X' :. i' ' X' . v - ,.- - ',;4 - 3 i , r "X y-i :'iiX':.: r:-'vn-''i TrURDi&s: i 1 1 . DISPOSAL OF F00T- the follow Iny;, which are tne enure list : . ; j . mm ;Mens Calf Lace Shoes, all styles (g f ' 9 C '--every pair warranted.. J 180 Men's Vict and Patent Leather, Blucher 'Children's School ShoesVici kid. box calf calf, all solid, sizes 6 AO. .'. . . . j VO C x;: ... f ........ i i. i t .flur as ae- jxxx,y Li art US ".' , C PA r -- - t " .-.. -e - ,'V ' K