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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1906)
X" THE DREGON P AILV 1 " JOU. 11 j.ion ansi mm 9 a f r . Krik.! iwiviiIV..i - -v. .44 k... - V -j l.. .J W- r.TU feinrrr.? tirs czcor.2 a recvim 'ccztz::lz ; r.v;7 c:::tyzj c r 5 P i . ! t ' l I ': t . r n " rr n r n n - m r 'A Steamship Aragonia Will Carry Four Thousand Tons of Flour to Hongkong. SOUND IS CUTTlNaiN: ON TRADE WITH JAPAN All Space on AruU Enf tged and .. Considerable Freight t Promised NicomedU and KumantSaBuaineaa Expected to Pick Up la Springer . Ct t eOO ton of flourTor shipment tgflrRgnB. ' neawlttP oauabia river ...a wmH o bi " f - um ji'wti -st-i . - r f.mrt-i smstr ar an searee-ttasrorfcea which wlU ssd this month. . 4,000 ton - wlU b delivered to mercnaiu in wwi- ' . '' kong, which Is accepted,, , vldenc . anion some of ths exporters that tha Chine boycott U not affecting com mere from Portland to any sreat '. tent. Haratofora tha major portion of tha shipments handled by tha ff"1 ij'w llnara want to Japan. .-. V..":,';.. ' X ' ' It la said that very little Hoar-! " in .ant from Pusret sound to China, although aroat quantities are ahlppad t Japan. The expertere-say ma mo hd ' , country feels tha affecu of the boycott to t greater degree than" Portland. To uki iu for the loee. tha northern Bhlp- -pere- have- pat H erth -owy- energy, to . -build uj a greater trade with Japan and ' . ' have succeeded In taking away bualneaa - that formerly t belonged to th. Portland merchant. ' .v -.''' Much aurprla la expressed that the r Chinese have not taken etepa te boycott ' Canadian gooda wall ; aa , Americas ' , : products. It la pointed oat that the Ca ''j nadtaa government baa a more effective exclusion law ag-alnBt tha admlaalon of Chlneae than the United States. It pro vides that arery coolie who land in ' either Victoria.' Vancouver or other Brtt . tab Columbia port must pay to tha for ' eminent 160 in raan. ' None of them haa th la much money and consequently there are no admlaalona of Cblneee Into Hrltlah Columbia.' Notwltbatandlng thla law It la aaaerted that more wheat and .t flour are1 beingahlpped from Canada to China than ever before, and that no rr: complaint 1 made about the exclualon act. ---- --.rr.-. All of th apace en the A rag-on la haa been engaged and ronalderabla rreignt haa been promised, for. shipment en the t ateamera Nloomedl. and Numamia. which are acheduled to aall In February. '-, Inquiriea for flour are being received from Chlneae .Impertera,' and It la aald ..' there la no doubt that three vessel will -, go out with full cargoes. Official of y- the Portland a Aslatie Steamahlp oora- pany bay they do not anticipate any dif ficulty In aecurlng enough freight to ' fill the regular liners, but they do not believe It will be neoeaaary to charter ,. any tramps. BVglnning with early spring they are expecting bualneaa (a pick up ' .' materially..--.--?-';":' :. i:' v BUSINESS BETTER. .' . V i Veopla e Xarey Afraid te Oe Oall V-- ' " fonaa Vy Baa,.' i ' ' Recent mlahap to Tl' number of the coaatere almost ruined tha paaaanger traffla by water out of Portland, but tha bualneaa haa begun to pick up. . On the ateamer Columbia, which aalled laat night for Ban Pranclaoa, there were 100 ratclaa and 0 steerage paeaeagere, . greater number to make tha trip than for t mora than two montha. x Should -there be we eaore acrldenti anon It la ! thought that the travel will be a great aa it era early In tha fall, whan It waa alraoat Impoaatbla for tha ateamera o - provide aufftctent accommodation a. In' about alx week tha tide of travel from California to the north la expected 'to act In. but until then tha heaviest nf - the traffic will be carried by tha eouth bound ateamera. ' . r , The Columbia also, had a fall cargo of freight made up of 1.000. tone of flour, 300 tone ot paper, S00 Von of potatoea . and SOS ton of general merchandise. Company, of f lctala aay they Intend to keep three ateamera In commission on the route continuously, and are . ex pecting to receive advlcea almoat any .. day concerning the purchase of a vesl , te take the place ef th ateamer Senator which la under charter by tha Una for . only a limited period. . .-. - . i . ". LONGSHOREMEN ARE HURT. wtraaglar- tooith Kaa Svery Bom la : Xasd Broke aa stay &e n, ;"" . While be was assisting In th work f .ngg1ng th American Jark Harry Moree yesterday afternoon a piece of ' -m topmaat fell and broke every bon In son of the hand of "Strangle!-" Smith. . member of the Riggers' and Liners' , . onion. He waa Uken to thehopltaI, where It la feared that the hand will ' , hare to b amputated. Smith gained 1 1 hi nickname aa a noted wrestler. -, , U. Sorenaon, a longshoreman, had his right thumb almoiit eevered from his , hand at about the earn time yesterday . . by a heavy place of timber striking It. Thla accident occurred' on, the Biitlah .' steamship Tottenham, which la receiv ing a cargo ot lumber at the Inman - Poulaen mill. Five men who were hurt ,, during the past two weeks while work ing on the ships are la th hospital ; BARK, LONG OVERDUE. v Bramerals' Sailed for KaaQa laaa Sp ' teaber and Baa ot Arrlred. Conslderable i uneasiness- Is felt In . . hipping circles over the probable fata of tha British bark Drumcralr, which 1 evt almoat four montha from Portland to Manila with a lumber cargo. The . veasel sailed on September 21 end bad . ah encountered ordinary weather and : experienced no mishap aha ahould hare . reached her destination about becmnber , 1. , It la feared that aha has bees dlsa- SieajnflJWiPIvrwrecteiXJas.4Ata. -.. cyclone, s jtorma -of- umiaual se verity- srs- rrequent m oriental waterg In the winter aeaaon of the year. - The jnrwicrwr i m tmantf-6TcrpUTii . Bamesoa. whe haa tha reputation of be ing - a moat akiurul navigator. If no report I receved from her aonn It la ,.' probable that ah will be placed on tha t overou liat. v. . -r. A. B. Canman." Chicago, writs Ifareh f, l0l! . "Having been troubled with ,uaobag at different times and tried one physician after another,' then dif ferent olntmenta and llnlmenta, gave It up altogether. Bo I tried once more and sot a bottle of Ballard a Know LlnU nrnt which sava m almoat lAatant r lief, and will add my name to your Her i ef eufferera. - Sold by Woodard. Clarke Co. i Bava you seen that nloa looking Ore gon celery that la displayed In aome ef the larger . atoreaT It cornea ' from Ores ham and la grown on tha farm ef W. W. Cotton. If a good, not only In appearance, but In taste, which la quite unlike that you have been need to If yoa use only California celery. Oregon la coming to the front aa a celery -pro ducing tt and from thla time forth tha operatlona will be on a scale rar greater than any heretofore attempted. Celery coming from a great dlatanee la generally tough and leathery. That grown In local fields la crisp. When fresh from the gardena It looka appetl ing and can be kept for several daya. If Dronerly cared for. It requlrea moutur and ahould never' be- placed la a heated room, and one or more change or water each day are generally necessary te seep It la th beat condition. , Th great ruFTof amIOnth C61um end. and smelt are so scarerTrfia-prices are conalderably higher. Th melt run this season Is a pussier to the -fishermen who are In th habit of taking th flan by thousands at almoat every dip of th net. - Now they catch one or two fish at a time; sometime none. . 1 " fresh Columbia river salmon 1 la the markets The catch has ahown coa- alderable of aa Inoreaae and no longer. for a while at least, will the publia taste have to be content with stocks that have been- in cold atorage for many montha Prices are high. t Perhapa you've noticed how hard it la to, purchase a email mesa of rasor clam for th past few weeks Thla Is because of the storm that - crime - up along ths coast slmest every dayr mak Ing It exceedingly difficult' for. th Llllliy TO OBJECT TO BRIDGE Public Meetfrig of Port of Port 1 land Commission to B Held J i i Tuetdajf Afternoon, PORT OF PORTLAND '.rk!'?l HAS THE FIRST SAY Whitney L. Bbiaa Closes Contract for v Dredge for Ten Daya '. to Ezpert " mentln Filling East Sid Lowland . With River Dredginga. : .. ".- v '')"-,-', ' ' ' i ;; At the : regular monthly meeting of the Port of , Portland oommlaslsev yes terday afternoon. It waa decided that lowlaada on tha ,' east aid should be filled with material dredged from th river. It waa. decided alae that on next Tuesdsy afternoon at I o'clock: a public meeting will be held at which- th ad visability of allowing th Northern Pa cific Railroad company to build a bridge across - the Willamette,- river near ' th drydock will be fully dlsouased. --, . The meeting Tuesday will be held in the office of the Port of Portland com mission at the olty halL-ZCommlealoeer Adams, who Introduced a motion pro viding for It. aald he hoped to see all Interests rprsntd. He alor suggest ed that If any on has anything to say In favor of or agalnat the proposition of building th bridge a .statement bearing hie view should be submitted In writ ins.' . : .--.- It was pointed out at th seselon -yes terday that the Port of Portland, rep resenting tha atate of Oregon,, haa been accorded the privilege by the war de partment of acting upon th bridge question before It la turned over to the United Statea eoglneer for. conaldera-l uun, . ... . i i. v.v- Thaf the construction of th brtdge at th proposed alte la going to be bit terly fought by certain allied Interest was evident ' yesterday. A written re port -from the J river pllota. protesting s received at - the meeting, but Ita reading waa deferred until Tueeday afternoon. - Officials of tha " Oregon Railroad at Navigation company are ex pected to be out In full force to array themselves on the aide of the pilot. Some of tha pilots assert that they wltl not oppose the plan If the company will agree to build a lift bridge. Whitney. I Boise, representing the EaC. Bid. ...Improvement association, closed contract for the dredge Port land, at tit a day for 1 daya, te dig material from the river and deposit it on lowland adjoining Eaat Alder street. If at the expiration of the 10 days the east aid people are satisfied with th showing made they agree to pay the earn rat until all of th proposed fill have been made. During the experimental period, ' Mr. Whitney aald, all expense will be born by William Ladd. During the 1 day the ' and and gravel taken ' from the river will be placed on property belong ing to Mr. Ladd. . It will be fully twa weeks before the dredge Portland can be placed in ahept for service. She la still on the dry dock undergoing ' repairs It will be necessary, oo, to procure 1,000 feet of shore pipe line for her. and some Uttl time will be required to get this ma terial together." " The biU tor docking the British ehlo Blythawood was reduced from tt(l to II 4 1 at the request of Captain Prltcb ard. He explained that the veaael had to remain on the dock a day after eh was ready to lower on account T pf . a strong wind. - -i . - - Other- routine business of a minor nature was transacted. .. v . ALONG THE WATERFRONT- Bxtenalv repairs are fng-madto the Alder street dock. : Near piling wlU otherwlaonatrengthened, '' v - r- The work of loading the Ruaslan bark Isabel Brown with' a barley cargo was atarted thla morning at the Irving dock. It la the intention to give her quick dis patch and aha -will be ready to aall by the latter part of. next week for th vnrcmr mngootn. Exporter declare that charter rates will have to decrease before many more ships ar engaged to load grain at Port land for European porta. It la held that the ship owners' association la making too great a discrimination against Port land. - .,- Laden with 1.110.I74 feet of lumber the barkentlne Oeorglna left down this morning bound for San Pedro. She waa In tow of tha ateamer Henderson of th Shaver fleet., s . ,.. . , ,. ., ., . Th Britlah h!p Hyderabad cleared at the custom house yesterday after aooa foe Queen town or Falmouth for '"dlggeradlf-nhelr-trad t -advantage. f:?': J i 7, .': It la not at all unlikely that prices In the fresh meat retail markets wilt be considerably higher soon. Of tat there has been quite m scarcity of nogs, oat tie and aheep In tha stockyards and whole saler have been compelled to bid up the prices In order to eecure their sup plies. Thla brings th pale to th re tailer up eeverat notches and he la turn la compelled . to . add to th price th publi pays, ,-n ' If the weather doe not again stop them, the hens will soon bring th price of egga down again. - Tha reoelpts are now increasing) rapidly and th prloe at wholesale haa dropped S eents a dosan, wblla further dropa are expected. Chicken are higher en account ofrth am ail ahlpments to market during th peat 'two -weeka. 'Turkeysi- seem no longer wanted and naturally the price la not -quite ao high. Thar has never tee(Tlr-freWrdnUhorrorucirrTBha- geese than at present and this bring the price of them op. ButUr la at 111 way up 1(T prloe. but the wholesale markets are. not so firm they, were and outald markets are beginning t drop.. Thla will bring Cali fornia and eaatern butter to Portland If local manufacturers do not out High price of vegetables are due to the frosts that have been laying low a large per cent of California's auppltea. All line are affected. String beans are tna scarcest. uood cabbage is higher. ureen pepper . are . about as oaata pound In the few places that have them on ' sale. " Mushrooms from hothouses seen egain. but they're too hlah for ine-average puree. ...... v. . orders with. 115.104 buahela of wheat valued at 191,o and wUl leave for the sea lir swday or twa The Britlah ahlp St. Mungo has com pie ted her cargo for in aame destination, but has not yet cleared.-;-. : H . In tow of th Qtieen the BrltUh ship Vsndusra left down thla morning bound for th United Kingdom with a grain cargo.; Th French bark Micbelet shifted thla morning from th aand dock to th Holmes coal bunkers. The achooner Forest Home ha cleared for Saa Francisco with tSI.000 feet of lumber. t ;v- i l GUEST OF CONSUL. - lMpectorOesteral ef Bis; Fiasuk IoM . Speads Bay ta Fortlaad. Oeorg Ixurent Cochelet, Inspector- genera, for the Meaaagerlea Marl times Steamahlp company of Havre, France, pent yesterday In tha elty and was en tertained by French Consul Labbe. Th visitor had been In Saa Francisco. H left Portland last night for th - sound country, where- he will, remain v fe daya before starting- for his horn. No ateamera of th French line are operat ing iron any or the pacific coast port and Mr. Cochelet declared that thare waa no movement on foot to have them eall here. . The company owns in tha neighborhood of 7 ateamer ranging la la from 1.500-ton to T.OOO-ton carrlara. Nearly all of them are la eervlce in th oriental and Mediterranean: trade. Mr. jocneiat said inst hi company did a limited amount of business with ' San Franeisoa firm and he merely . went there to get acquainted with. them. Being eo near, ha, decided to visit the other pacific coast porta.- - MARINE NOTES. Astoria, Or Jan. II. Arrived down at midnight Steamer South Bay A rived down at ( a, m." Steamer Colum bia, Arrived at and left up at 1 a. m. Steamer Cascade, from Saa Fran. Cisco. - Arrived down at 10 a. . m. Schooner Robert R. Hind. . Arrived at 10:40 and left up at 11:10 a. nv Steamer Bee, from Ban Francisco, - Sailed at noon Steamer Columbia, for Ban Fran- CISCO. - ...., ,. M San Francisco. , Jan. 11-Sailed v at 11:10 a. m. Steamer Senator, for Port- tana.- y -. Astoria.. Orw .Jane 11. -Sailed at 1:10 p. nu British ahlp Wray Castle and Britlah bark clan Graham, for Queens- town or Falmouth for ordera. Sailed at 1:10 p. m, -French bark 'Br tarn. for Queenatown or Falmouth for ordera, - auiiwir, wu. in. Baueo ocnooner Monterey la tow of tug Defiance, tor Portland.". -'','..-.. Saa Diego, Jan. lL Sailed Schooner Alice MacDonald, for Portland.'- Astoria. Or- ' Jan. 11. Condition of the bar at a. nu rough; wind south; weather cloudy. Fcr Ct UsX zt Tcsr Uosey TowesccJ & V&a Scbooshoirea ;'. Wao1ia1t and Betail grisera, r, I Mi FIRST STREET . :: :- 55 and 65 a Ron .:::.- 2 for 25- ; flood .Table Peachea and Apricots. 'v ,: 2 Cans 15 ,V ; Standard Tomatoes,.' V i:- v 3 -Cans 25 , Corn, peas or String Beana,'!'.; - 2 for 15 - i Primrose Cresm; '. ; . For 5 ";. ' . . can Baked Beana ;. - -'r-:;r'2 for 35t s-:V n -lb. pkg. flold buttr 2 lbs. for 35 Beat Walnut and Almonds. : ' 15 a Pound ; English Breakfast Tea. v- ;: 25 a ' Pounds! ; -' i" Ounpowder Tea. " ; ', . ? VSM a Pound : . Best . Eastern Hams,- - ' - i i -..irri- Ttfsw rTAfi Y1ra mnS XvnAa TTJsT Hlfl Delivery .Tuesday and JridayJ rBOBB MLAXst. Washingtoii market-:! Beet grade of meats at moat eco- Tiomlcal price. . -- , W handle, flrst-claa TOB, TlaX, BOBX, lVABBv BAOOBT, BASTS, ' POtrtVrBT, BtHrS, - BUTTBB ABB BBSAP, -,...,;. - Telephone ordera given careful and prompt attention. : East -and weat Sid deliveries . . - --r vl .. ' ' 112 First Streat - Bet. Stark aad SJA PHONE l Alti 1412 m mm mut ' 20. Pounds Qranulated Sugar, ; ' ' ' with order n . . , .... ...MJl.OO Fancy Potatoes, per sack . . . .' . 75 10 Pounds "RoUed yOats . . i ; ; . . .' . . 35 Pountls-NavyrBeanf . . . :25 Cans Beat. Corflj nm :tjdriiiXiS4z. , Z Cans Best - Peas. ... . . ;l .25 -- 2 Cans Premium ; Tomatoes. '. . . ;15jr 12 Bars Soap ;V....;....;i,V..U5 . 1 Can Baker' Cocoa, l; 1 . V. .;.20 3 Cans AIL Kin da of. Cream... . . .25 t4 Pounds- Lima" Beans. r.".'?. . ,;.r:25 k Cans Table Peaches. . 1 Gallon Table Sjrup....;. We would:'esteem it a GREAT Tha largest small store In Port land, where high grade goods are sold at fair prices. This store 4s famous for Its. Coffees and .Teas. Ncer4lfewjricea T given" below; 10-Ih. sack Buckwheat nour. Oajlon oaa Chora Kaple Syrup. t-tb. eaa Assorted soopt reg. II ;x:.v.J:t,;-::BOo.ix:i; 1 dosen eana Condensed Cream. ;:.:;V:j-;:? "f 25? -l - "v.- -' .. TflkPa Borax Compound, - washing Powder. . .. - rl..,20- "i, S-Ia. pkg. Soda Cracfcars.- T:-", 5f , Pound Cora ' or Oloss Starch. rr -rrrT 25o - S eana Table peachea or Aprleota. . .:: J. i..' , . . 2g '. It bars Good Laundry BoapT ' so.: :ii-:--r.'t Pound Hoffman House Java and Mooaa coses. ; JWsLjaFa4s The juicy, steaming roast Is the main attraction of a good din ner.;' The meat: must be. vrell cooked, but first it must be well cut. At these xnarketa you will find the choiice of Jhechjrfcest. We take great pains to please each indiTidual customer whether their order is large or small. Friedmaa Packing Co. rirst sad QoramMa eta. rkoa Kaia 111. iGdepeodeot fieat Co. Butter! Butter! Bast Creamery ...BO and S Good Creamery ' i i 80 Dairy Butter ,.i.,Uf ana Ranch Egg I."30 Qood Ear-.....-.. ZBc and aO0 Best Sugar Cured uuii., Breakfaat Bacon , .1541 I lb, Pur -Lard. . . . . . . . a:, rr. RO Chickens, per lb. and lTf . AU foods retailed at wholeaal price. - SOH TABDBXU TBUSSTs'. . FREOH OREGON Creamery: Bu tter Hesdqusrter for CorvalU and Pag' 8pclal Creamery. Strictly Freeh Eggs and OysUr alway on hand, ; Strictly Freeh Egga.,.......;..V3Sw cans Corn ...... . . . .....X5 eana Tomato '.'.. . ... 154 cana String Beana. ...... ,.1S4 Enterprise Cre:r.2ry Co. - 1ST jrxawr sx J. it. - Between Washington aad Aider, j 1 ft ' t- - FELLOWS Wan' Park aad WaskiarB Usa. .. na Kaia sase. - LDSTERI .-' . at at SI m seas ssr- Meats 'FAIR WARNING: Looks as if the price of meat Is advancing. Our patrons can rely oh us keeping the price as low as .possible: Compare our .prices .with those "of our competitors--ouf meats are beyond rnmnarisnn.' ' ."v't'' ' ' .' . Prime-Rib: Roatsrperpound . . Prime RoUed-RoasV coning Beer7Teruna77.T7riw Pot Roasts, per pound .', j . ; . . . . ' Mutton Stew' per pound . . . . . . . . . . ; . Mutton -Chops, per pound. 10 Shoulder of Mutton, per pound. .Cf All-Pork ; Sausage, 2 pounds; , , , . ; 15 Hamburg Steak, 2 pounds 15 Bologna Sausage, 2 pounds . .'. 15 ;Pork Chops, per pound. ......... Pork Roasts, per-poundii..,..'... .10 ...... .25; .... .40 FAVOR If our PATRONS WOULD KINDLY TELEPHONE 7;". .' - ' ,'.'-.:-.'. "'rJ ; Ieraarb twimt.) ': , SU. am, SH Tans at.' ear, 7 Btg stora ef Uttis PricM -" V poxxownre raxoss wnx sats to aa OX XTXBT SOLLAa. AVAUTT UAaAaTXXO Weetera dry gresaltd eaa easar, IttMb seek ..00.00 Wiwlsra dry graaalated eaa eagar, 1TH ' lbs .S1.00 Bitr dry graaalated sagsr. Mo-lb Exa-a try grsaslsted sogsr, 10H Ujs ii.o ness naoi. erssse saa sni seei. ia..iae 0 pkg alegaoU eliisia earrasts .........SB pka Bw Strews ... rsisla ...'..zs lbs asw aerswa inn Ma 1-lb ess ajsl bakla swder i-is css arnuuag s sesc is SrhllUas' Beet baking Bwdsr..,.afte A Blaekwell'e oUv oil, at BetU.. i Arst Beanie aa ......-.. .6c tTDMI l ib ak i-aml eaa riser tsble sms H-fsl esa fsacy table yrap. f tw rmm a pun, ...... ...... Bhredded Wkeat blscalt set pkg lb LeaMeae rice ie IX bare Hn;al bstos Soap 0-lb pall best lard AO 10-lb pel best lard , . . ..Il 00 to lb Ball best Ur4 tl.SO Fiaest eaetera . per I ........-,.. lee But plral ksaa. per lb .....10e Beet eotuc bsbm (bonelsea) Bar Ik .......lOe ........ breeds eoeessat,-Br,U ...... . "jr. 10s Hsra-wasai aovr. per esca ............, Bcstrk eats, per pkg ................... .,..1o Peetasi cereal, per pkg .. ...... SOe rll'e Raptbs so., pw bar ......... ...,... Best enft-wbeat Boar, per peekaae ...... .41.00 Java si Meek coffee (rr.Ur Wc) .......aoc box mos erackan boat 10 lb) .......SO Ksailah Breakfsat tee, pn lb ..,...! Pancr Oanseweer te (regaker 00) ....... .10 0 lbs brakes Jsvs, efr .. ....lax 0 bus tar seep ......... ............ . Vseda Btsealt. JMT pkg 5 Tlcer cress) (10c (lie) ..................... .Be Bsat Side Deliver! Teaaye aad Vrldsjs. McKINNON & SMITH ' oasx oboozbs. v rawn bast m. - irxoucsAU tvn mAii-'-';.'-'-- -v V 19 GRAND AVENUE v; Bauvarad 0 Aay Part ef th OMs, ' - rarrs bajtos sees, r larraw enil as ani,sai si-way . . O. A B. oil. qu 1 eaa Bak 1 ms Ohlr's ysney Barbssk potateea, per sack .... AM Miller- jaspiss, a ror ....... B-lb. bsii Beet lira, sne; le is ........ . .41-00 1 m. Hor.l Mking pwer 1 lb. Brhllllns's beklBB ae n as lot Oood En(lUb breakfast tea 1 IB. Uunpoweer uunpowoer mm..... ..r" Bra.' atsap, S kettle ...........M Hi 1 pkg. eote atasek a mcMrm r. ...... .......... 10 Beet Jva aad Mocks eorfee, per St.. 16 Postsja , .u..aoe Oood bMS . ..................lUt ria-Pras rl BMt kesM, per Ib....-...........,.........iee Whtt rUw us ssi eel. 10-lb. Botti eiueuig ..,.., rsse tsbls sms. Ber sal ....... ...... ..00 LerM boa awcsraal S In. nrreaa - .. lb, relelse. dls .-........ Se ass rstare ............................... aaa pas r aoiag Baa .............. Mall erdera biped to en Beteta, Mkwted Ma acepit sues, seas la r t eaee. - .' '- - S The 'cutting of meet has much to do with ita appetlalng appearanoe, ana ap pearance go a- long way, yoa know. The meats that-w arv ar out -a. tlstkUjt and from stock which la young and tender. . If yoa wun to enjoy good Roast fv;:,;V'..7."- Bccf,.PorK or Favor us with yonr order.- Xf yon want a delicious breakfast dlah la th morn ing, juat try .our LITTLE PIO SAU- SAuB or ybal BAUBAUJfl, maa xran vary (Saturday. v ;,. ( - t- FKKSH . BJBTl'IJU KHJNDBKEtl LARTX "BACON aad HAKS a apsclaltr.,, . ' Ova. BtsU a Freak.: Fkono htaia 41B. wb' want Totjr' orders for And guarantee to give yen th beat at lowest prices. Don't forget to call pa a....? ' '..".'.!,''',: ' : . ; '. G. tbvQch & Co. STS Ftra Bts . Chicago Market and ysters , esae- -:-. Page's per pound r . , . , 10 - 123' VY111"'" - W I TZ1 CCrr THAT QAHTY CSILT ;':.!' '.y v'v'.'i - v i r "'.r vrh-lt v' ;-v " Yoa remember, the' wonderfully fine natire Turkeya we gaVe you! at Thanksgiving- and Christmas time.--. Now, we hare-, more of them .and they are prize stock. Young, plump and ? tender. ' - Then we have-the most tender and delicious of all ' MEATS, When boiled just right to meet all requirements' 1 ' must be cut from stock properly .fed and killed. . This is the rin A mm .... ' Li-.. . . v v. Try one ot dor Fancy Prime r ' r Roast of Lamb, I FINEXOTlOF CAPONI Splendid supply of fresh Vegetables; Orangea Apples; Nuts m07-TUra SL- city mm ,173 Third Street, Near Yamhill? , . .Phone Main 1U4 . Compare roar grocery bills with our prices and be convinced that you can save 20 per :.,,:.,.-.vgTOenes you.puyirora ua.. :, :::::A Few Prices for the Week v '18 Pounds Dry Granulated Sugai,i..M. ...81.00 1 Sack Good Hard Wheat Flouri ......... ...4 ....?1.00 5 l-Pound Package Galt'a Ceylon Tea. . ; , .. ... . ; . . ; .50 i 1 Can Baker's Cocoa. .V. ; . . . .-.v. i .20 iS 6 Cani - Sardines; . . W'.'. .'iViai". iV.;. S. '. ..'.25. 1 ' 2 8-Pound Packages Gold Dust.i,......:...; .....35 IT 1 Can: SUr Cream rrrrrV.tiir.:v.v.Viv, " SCans Carnation Cream. .'. ; . ; . . . . . .25 . U,2 Packages Grape-Nuts or Force.J4.;.,.,.....i...;.25 .12 Bars Good Laundry Soap. . . .'. . . . . . ..... .25 ClTV OROCERY". i."' C E. Wallenstien and H. E. Sauter, Manager . . . The Standard Crab 6 Fish' Company v;.'J . ,V. ' . ' y-P.v ''abartF , a atoiii! Wmi .;.;7: ';Vt. ; : EVERHIIIKG IH THE SEA FOOD Um And Freeh From the Water and ' .,- WmtOam, The Most Rellabl Place for Vkl,v ::- , : Pish, Crabs Oysters, Shrimp and Crawfish TMWV SOVin and TAQVTJrA, BAT OBASS Received aad Boiled Fresh . ;.. .;. -; i-.-..!.(. ,-,. .-Dally.. -.v., ' ,;. ZAsaa 15c Steelhead Salmon, Columbia River Smelts, Olympta Oyster (hi th shell ' 'V :"ih.-i' .-0P6in',8m04 and ' Salt ( Flab. ... k..,;;,-..,, STTrvriri1 QsTWiJH 1 fM9.Drv inTDarWf rr fa IWHAMWW(W ' Vjt BBB BSg BB1 BBS BBS OsB SBf BmS ) sCaai Central Kid Our meat market Is ready with all the dellcaclea In tha meat-line. . W ar tired of turkey, ao why not -try a Prim Rib Roast of ; . . . . IVlIlUUi 1 D. iiee las At Spsclcla 2 CAtlSLCARtlATlZl CZLVj 15r Special Butter, per roll...... 55 One Dozen Strictly Fresh Eggs. . . i23 JlOPound BoiTMacaronnrT .....0 10-Pound Box Spaghetti , ",l . . ' 10-Pourid Box Vermicelli I . . ; .' , . 1 30 10-Pound Swift Compound Lard. .E0; 6-Pound Pail Monarch Brand Lard 5ty 10-Lb. Pail Monarch Brand Lard 91.CO." " Eastern Hams per pound r,";,T.":12j7 Picnic Hams, per pound.... . , .8 , Cottage Hams, per pound ., ;.'. . .10 -THEIR" ORDERS EARLY ;, KtesM elurave eltnntv ' V ., J - r t Rib Roasts of Beef or a Fancy Mutton or VeaC cent on every dollar's worth oLC VMTTstXjrw AT lOWUS lOc jroa M0ST delicious ries. r ' AND COOICIES. ' 7Z ii -a n 1 so . ObB KB OBI B-A 03 CB BBB OS OBJ BSXU Grc.23?y -CucinKS, Th result of Ions experience. You can : bare th benefit of our expert- knowl edge of quality and valu . and sav money at th same tlm. ,- . '. . . Davlo 0ron. OroQsrds - . 't ,