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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1906)
ana wi! wtipay . IV. t'. Pric an4 Jtllty .Mnf equal wtU fb-papU of th TtciZc Morthwtit buy th product of 1 how. nSuuff 'J coal o3 madt from California crndo oil aa "good m coal oQ of Eaataro nuumfactara? v J. ttM,' t U batteftIt lta been provaa In fair "; r competitlva teats that coal oil from the California ' crude ftre 23 per cent longer Mtfrt, with lees ' ambkeand odor tiagtie beat Eastern coal oll We are ready to repeat these tests at anytime. v",. I- -:;:- fi m 1 v f. PORTLAND, OREGON V' What Is the daily ootpot, In coal otL of an oil refinery of capacity to handle 500 barrels of crude ouper oayr .. r ., i, .: - , Approximately, 300 barrels. -r What is the average dally consumption of coal oil in the Pacific Northwest? . Approximately, 4,464 barrcla. -4.;-: t -.'What proportion of the entire coal oil con - aumpdon in the Pacific Northwest would ha sup "plied by the Portland Refining Oil company, with a 500-barrel per day plant, as at present pro . jected? . - . ... ; .. , ; ... ;..,;",; - Four and one half per cent. :" r',V-.:. -'' .:. . Who supplies the remaining 95 per cent? ' !' The Standard Oil CompSJiy 'Jlie Byatem." . (: i. 0WJtwr As a result of fatTMttgmtlona ntte by the seoreUrr of tUe Manufacturers A-eocUtloa into tne peealblUtles of en ; ; , OOKFBmo With the abere faetUUes foe tranaportint the crude oil te the refinery and the flntahel product to the aumer, the TorUand Beflnlnf at OU Company, yUl b in poeltJon to auooifolly Bt all pe lble oompeUtlon. organ tsatlon of a eorporatloa to carry the propoMd hualneae are now In procrMa, under the direction of Its eaeretary. r KJUUCXTWhUe there are now about rlfteM tndeoendent oQ reflnertae In California, there are no refineries at all north of naaJ I t Mr, Colin K Melnao, and eubaerlptloa Hats are ready at the oflloe of the 'aaaoolatlen for the elcnaturee of all who may , Frnnei-co Bar. nd th .tir Puifl. ; Nrtfawat (nitt(n wnH-K-rw.iwTiii-Ef.ff 'iiiisi-TOrf ttiBirTiSTSS oil reftnory In Portland., a onterprlee of this nature Is projected, under the name of "Portland Heflnln 4k pit Company. iwleh to eubecrlbe for stock la the Portland Refinlnc- A Oil Company. " Jr.. , : ' OaJBO The objeet of the Portland Reflnlns Oil Company Is to Inetad and operate aa oO refinery in or seas PortlslASs 0aw Si : elte to be selected, atfordmc both water and raO transportation fecmtlee direct,' Jlhe projeeted refinery to be of eapeotty to f';;. V handle 10 barrels of erode oil per day. ,' : -"i ," ; :-" . . - ' -.' .. .j. .: : ,,''V: .. . - -v . . . ' .'; ' ' - ' ... y,K x :' I : I ."-"'" :!' ''' ,:' . . r,V OBtntX Olli Without doubt the operation of aa oil refinery In Portland will stimulate' the deralOpment of the eO fields of ' the Paelflo Northweot, but send ins the tune when crude oQ can be obtained at our doors, we must seek It elsewhere, and a .v - Mtisftory arraasement has been perfected ior the neeeesary crude oil from the oil wells of the Santa Maria dlstrtot of ' ; :J California. ,::: 'Ah''''';:-'f -V r - - r-K'?':-SK .... riy.'; ;: TXUUSBTOSTaTioaT Tne ownere- or -the Boats Maria oQ weUe operate a pipe lyie to tidewater, rrom.wuoa point tank steamers . '.''wsier In the YrorthwesCaach as Seattle, Tacome, and points in British Columbia, and Alaaka,' as well as by rail In dmnttt-bethrVeIIhly esUmaied that the product of a l,e-barrel per day refinery can be readily planed la this ' The Orient also offers an tnvltine; field for the extension of our oil market, and H to safe to predict that withjn 10 : yeare the oil' Industry In the Pacific Northwest will hare reached a capacity of 19.00J barrels per day. Xren auch an output . would represent but a small peroentaa of our natural proportion of and participation la the petroleum Industry of the.: v United States, for, according to r cures published by the Commercial Oeorraphloal Sooiety of Paris, the United Stetee to. .. the larsest crude oil produolnf eountry in the world. Its output for 114 having been 1M09,00 toes. -, .'In passlns It la pertinent to refer to a popular but wholly mistaken Idea entertained by many that the trowlnc use of gas ana electricity is routing eoai oil and gasoline. , This Is not the case; on the contrary, the consumption or eoai on, , dlstlllatsa and gasoline to steadily Increasing, and -the products of the oil refinery are admittedly indispensable commodities. J. Particularly la this true of gasoline, the Increasing use of automobUee and gM engines ereatlng rapidly growing market for this product. . . . .. '. .. v ..: ..; ..: ; '2...;.'?.. : ... ', , - t' . tide. the" company's tank cars to Spokane, Boise, rendleton, Albany, Medferd and other points1 where U may be expedient to establish r " t tank stations.' -i :r i OOST The plant of the Portland Refining at OO Company, located on. a lSHtore el to, with capacity, at the outset, for barrele . ; ' r of crude oO per day, wia represent an lnrestment of approximately $18C,0fl. This figure Includes "coat of the refinery. . site, tank oars, tank wagona, tank stations and warehouses, - and other necessary equipment , complete tor' operation of -TTreflnery-awti .marketing rot 1t product, nd -also- K,m to be set asM a the worUnc capital of the concern, ,L. .... .i TIttIlu-liIs rellabTv and MMervativere estimsted that ' ... . ' - r v the gross yield of a 5 00-barrel refinery win spproxU Jmate In falae, $2,000 per day, while its net aeeraga 2 '. daily profit will approximate Jl,0Q0. These figures are taken from the following estimate of " " yield, petentagea,.and piioee. en the basis of U barrele of erode oil In If hours, and the attention of all Interested . -peroone to particularly ' dliod Tte the facts here set : forth, Ttoi V;V llilll ;Jy '-'!' I''-' -Yield from 16 barrele erode en (14 and II gravity) tat SI hours rant ,- , .; .. .. . .. II .barrels or 1,111 gallons, per cent gasoline (IS, Tt, SI, II dog.), average . ' ; .' ',. per gallon ..U., Ill IIT.M ) - 1S ; barrel or 4.11 gallena, II per cent gasoline (II dg.) .41 , I4M IM barrels or 1.445 gallons. II per cent coal ell (121 fire tost water white)... , .14"74II.14 al4 at " &h A Mm .ti. mm . .l.a . .Li.. . v .so 7 4 "41.I barrels or MIS gallona. II par cent special water white or oenners Oil,... .81 I : barrele or 1,110 gallons,' It par sent stove oil or It deg. distillate : .04 1 I barrels II per cent asphalt, 40,410 lbs. per ton ......................... "11.40 If; - barrels or 1.144 gallona, 14 per cent lubricating distillate (which eaa be from lie to- le m.te ti.e- lllll ; -x- ? " Z reanjssgw ohm vy a asms eyaasp -se ssja -etsa- ye o-w e-seiasr asioj way fit7e . " . . rrr:-w Pef ffmX), pe)F faOL jM Mltttilie Doee lesle4ee el - ' . V " iaminfJejl, IB lQd wll ili44iHM oee)aoe , . ; bri. Per cent grooe daQy field.,. .'... ,'-.T fMltej ;;", v;-; r ' ' i.,'(V-'-,:''.'."1 ' J.t ',' ,;... V oOSw- 4W nosvOTZOV-Crude oQ delivered at refinery, lit bbla. at t.......SSl 40 ' t 'rA Process of refining Sit barrels at le per gaUoa . ............ ttl.tO , " . . '. . Kxnanse of maintaiiflnv . hualnaaa. " aatimatAit at la mv Mnt a amaa vlaM . ia ex 1 t , aTBW AiaaAII PlTTiT wmQw. ................. ,,.. ..a , .,a' ' y aw01T4d ' If Tna System reduces ths price of coal oQ In the Pacific Northwest with a view to eliminat- - lng an profit In this ttoiyTald such methods,. cripple and destroy the bnsinsss of tba Portland ; Kefinlngr d Oil Companyf : ' Y'' ' : . No. :. The' territory of the Portland Reflntar Oil Company la not Mcessarfty. confined to the Pacific Northwest, though such territory would Mturally be its first market. Ws can, if we wish,'; ship oar coal oil to Callfomia ports, while British Colombia, Alaaka and Oriental ports offer an on- , falling market for tba products of an oil refinery located at tidewater la the .Pacific Northwest 7. Will The System' reduce ths price of coal oil 1 la a Wry largo proportion of its sntirs territory la order to cripple, the bttslnesB of a 500-barrel per refliteryTn the Pacific Northwest frrT" .No..';.: - ' -.Why not? ;; ' Becaase MTha System' is WISE. If yon dont beliere this,' Just watch' the dally papers.' And The System" will grow mora WISE aa the ad : niinlsttation-oi-Presid WMomXti m any degree familiar with the oU buali ' ' will at once apprehend that the above figures are safe r " and reliable, while others are referred to the dally pipers . for market auototlona on oils and gasoline, where they w - may quToTOyaatlfy-emSertesat-the sslllng prices used It) the above eetunate are oonservntlve. At. this date eoai oil Is euoted st II cents, the above eetimate ; , being at 14 cents per gallon; gasoline Is quoted at If to '. . . Mm Dtnifl pmr uoa nui am nisnen nsiw naea ne v . .f 1 . estimate to II .seats per gallon....; r ;" . i ; ' v . i f':--f.4 : c'. t .. i-r. ': 1 . ' ."V..-.1 ':'' r v 1 ' . ; ... . . -. 1.: 4. . ........ .. -f j ... t ; The fact Is that after a thorough investigation" of ths oil market, the cost of crude oil, '.-' refining, selling, etc, the estimated perceptsge of profit of the refinery Is found to be 00 large that we have In the above ststement need maximum figures for expense and mini-.. M . , i.l . . 1 T . a m . . . . ... 1. a. . a "ium tifures ior income, wiin mi reami, in rounq mures, 01 nn snnosi nex proin or qjoj ' 000 on a total Investment 'of f2S00-'-'!vT'T.'v " ;,C:"7rrTt1'r'; ;'.xr fT' 7 rr- I SuiT'lslnr a these ngurtr are a.t flrir gUnco of the subject .. will satisfy any one that they can be verified l and. In any event, the lucrative nature of the ell" business Is so very generally known that's long dissertation oa the subject to ejulte unnecessary. - '. In brief, the opporttmity which the Portland Refining at Oil Company gives the In restor is the best business proposition that has yet offered In the Pacific Northwest, a land . V of great opportunity; snd while all good things In the past have been handled by the few, "the Portland Refining A' Oil "Company offers the msny sn unprecedented chance to Invest conservatively In sn enterprise wherein success le assured. t' - ' 7 .Win ths Portland Refining k OU Company ba' .: In position to meet. all legitimate competition?. . ' Yet, and any attempted lUegrdmate competition 1 as welL As long as ths Columbia River la an ' open waterway, and as long aa ths Pacific Ocean " affords aa open eommerdal highway the bnsinsss , of ths Portland Refining ft Oil Company can ba carried oa independent of the railroads, If need be. - How?-' 7v'"::.; ; ., Tank steamers will take the California. Crude --, oU from pips lines at tidewater la California and " , deliver sams to the refinery at tidewater la Port-' ' - land. Tank stesmers will carry ths coal oil from v ' the refinery to Seattle, Tacoma and Britiah, Co . lumbia porta. : Coal oil la packagsa can also bo carried by water to these ports. " . 'l . y' v. . '-X,; IV BXram We have secure! the as. Hi us of a refiner who has daring many years of "experience thoroughly, mastered the knowledge of extracting oils and other by-products from petroleum, or crude oil, since we well understand that the possession of ' ' thla axnert knowladan tm m. anna "- alamant of snooeas in the huaineaa of raflnln v OrOOBPOaATtOTbe Portland Refining ft Oil Company will be incorporated with a capital stock of $504,009 divided Into shares of the par value of 11.01 each.: Subscription Mete are new ready for signatures. ' '', ;.:. . .u. : ' ' BU1I IfiajTI .MK. Will M lOia M.E. AllOa KDl lalllllalll Yfltl MalinMalM PX LflB rHUUU lUTlllinV A Kill HMMT MM Hfl Tl onuiTMa. . ' ."I' remainder to be kept In the treasury for use when it le considered expedient to Increase the capacity of the plant. .:', "'.; j ': ;''"'' !'a'' ) ' t'V- ,v' " :'.-; :-1 "v " ; ' ' ' ' ' - 1 .: v-' ,:- . r ' . .' . ........... ; .... , . f , ...i -,..,'.... - '.. .. . ;-' . ' .. - . t t MrOCmOTiBBBl " All stockholders of the Portland Xeflntng OO Company will be given a voloe In the election of Ite officers and .:';;f. directors. .. f'''.' V" ', ; - .- v.-' - '.-:'; ,' .;. :...- :.'.Jr,.'.-.' -s. ?,''' !'.'':i' .,0'..?.,:'X . ; . . Any one wishing to purehase stock In tba Portland Refining m OH Company, or Interested In leering more In detail concerning the plena of that company, la' Invited to call upon or address the undersigned. 4 A - ,.: - ! -. 'V''.. ' , V i V'.' U - IV. COLIN H. M6IS.AAC Secretary Manufacturers' Association, 308 Chamber of Commerce PORTLAND, OREGON P ; Can ths entire output of the Portland Refining , ft Oil Company be disposed of without resorting . to rail transportation? .' Yea. Ths output of our refinery as at present k contemplated can readily ba disposed of In Port land and Seattle;' as much more could daily be aold la Alaska. - -a,-..' .,'..' ' la there any reason to beliere that the Etand ard Oil Company will interfere with the business v of the Portland Refining ft Oil Company by re ducing prices to a basis eliminating all profit on ' .'Coal oil In thla territory? ''V, 1 , -' ':: '. No. The System win not allmlnsto Itaowa; J profit oa 95 per cent of the coal oil consump-. tJon In the Pacific Northwest to rid lftf of a 4Ji ''per cent competitor. , ,;. v:. ':': ...f - - tf' . ".. . -. . I. I... ;: By encouraging ths citabliahment of lo cal Industrial cnterprUet and the consump tion of articles of home production you aa- v-"- ...... ' ' . . s . sis In the employment of home labor. " Keeplp2 the money at home means pros- -parity f of the community In which you live. prosperity for your neighbor vend prosperity - 7: ;-frV:: . ail i,. . , -y MR COUM K. McIS AAC, - Secretary, SUBSCRIPTION BLANK Ills. llanufacturere Aaeooiatlou of the Northwest, 101 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. 'j1,..?:.' . ' r t. Dear Sin I do hereby subscribe for.. Shares of the Capital Stock of the PORTLAND REPININO A OII COMPANT, a corporation of Portland, Oregon, aad hereby agree with the shareholders of said corporation, end with aaid corporation, ' ' '"that X will toko aald Shares eo subscribed for, 'and pay said corporation therefor at such time or times as such payment -shall be- .'. reqttlred by Ite Secretary. '." c'.'t ' c- Kf 1 'ft The capital etock of eald corporation to lltMOt, and to divided Into lOO.Ott Shares of One DoUar eeely. ' " (Signature), 4,.,.,.... ....., a. ,..... .............. .m. ;--;,r;;i!';v;:;;'f;'':;''.'l'I:;.";!,: . : - ...;..-',..'. ...:!. ; ' ". J V 1 " i1 . ( (1. Oa AddrMS)) - aoooeoaeobeoooosoea4oasoe4 SEND IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AT ONCE, OR IP YOU WISH ANY ADDI TIONAL II.TCr.IIATION, VDITD C7. CALL AND. 72 AVILL TIT . i . . - . , fea. a. W W . for yourself. t