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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1906)
, . . .. i . . . . . ' - f l ' - '' 1 "-""r-T-m, i iiawgaaBs-gaSBMB . -1 . , -i-SsaSsaT rniD iiw mm mm FOR LE17IS If Hard Training Counts for Any P ' ' ; thing4 Rtx. Will ' B rln; fins Fettls. 4 a ... CONSIDERABLE ftlTEREST . ; V IN TONIGHTS BATTLE . Brooklyn Fighter Hu Worked Uke a 1 -r "m -t a s -'- Trojan for. Thta Contest and .Saya 7fhiTTIenX)foTtril Mat- Soth Men Confident' Sag'".- Francisco. , .laa. IS, There la -- r-haar: wdlnarr -fcrtereat -rrr-the - lwls-Fltagerald contest scheduled for .1 .'this evenlnsv.The porta ara beginning . to Uke nolle, and wblla Lewis' chances ' look very good, yitsgerald eomee. la tor ' fair ahara of becking. y Will la jrttsgerald la tha sort of. light tr who bellavea la roughing It-wbaa pre " paring for atHlA lit dosruot-Bo -la '4k for light, sparring or fancy footwork, but buatlea hla traJoere about tbaeame aa if ha wera In light Tba writer - recalls a llttla Incident -which occurred when Willi wu training for hlsto- round -contest with Jlmmle - Brltt "Rouah- Uonaa BHlr". McDonald, who "fwas ona of tha nutstn tba amateur J , ranks, drifted Into Fits' quarter to put on the mltta with the elatn-bang " Irishmen. If there waa ona thing that McDonald enjoyed ft waa to get Into a genuine scrap, and ha waa Jut tha eort of game that Pits waa looking (or.-- Tha Breoklyntte donned the mltta and en ticed "Rough Houae Billr" to do like - wise. Aa aoon aa tha gong tapped tha - amateur aprang after tba lad from tha ' city of churches 'and endeavored to an nlhllete i kirn with a wild awinr that wool hays takes tils roor Off K If had landod on hla ' skypleo. T But before Rough House" knew It ha waa caught on the muah with a haymaker that ' " brought bright visions of eomata, alngle sura, double stars slid whole constel lations. When be cum back to earth ' Mao said that he thought he wss on hla bead and tha bussing In his 7 Inner works Bounded Ilka on of Souse's famous two-steps.' '. '' Every sparring partner who aver bad the courage to train Willie Fits baa bad ' tha tun experience. Willie doaan't In- tend to chop hla man to death, but he baa auch a wicked blow that It uncork ' Itself before he hss time to think that ' ' ' It la elmply aa exhibition atunt and not tba genuine ting engagement. . Joe Oan Is experiencing tba same trouble with Fits as did tha other boys who . have boxed with him. but tha Baltimore Oriole la acting mostly on tha defensive and cleverly evades i tba plle-drlving punches aent his way. i , In commenting on hla condition Fits said: "I ara In batter shape for thla go than any I bar yet . tackled. -1 have been" sticking strlcUy to the "training camp, and with Joe Cans' help I have ' been able to Increase my speed, and as - my wallop -la. a till Jwlth me. .Willie ': Lewis will surely drop to tha mat for the count.". : : ''.-'". v Willie -Lewis la yeetaa brimful of -r eonAdenca aa tha Brooklyn lad. and as he hu been doing -lust- aa atrenuoua . work aa Fits, both men will be able to , put up one of tha hardest lights, that . was ever punea- orx- nwreaDoucs. 1 i ' sihould be a regular cyclone-. ef flat! ' cuffs, snd judging from the number, of y knockouts scored by "both "man. nhe'-e i. will not Pa necessary to , flogm ? the winner, i -s '. , ,! Harry Foley, thinks that Lewis Is a ' 'aura winner, a xt ' nas men wiin mm 'dally and haa noticed Iris improvement i, and ba look for. hint to Cop the,Irlsb ' Ud with ona of hla body blows with sufficient fore to make tit m drop to tba . floor aa limp aa a wet dialing. Foley 'and Thomas are having a busy time at Millet fa with Lewie, aa tha latter IS .Just aa rough a customer to tackle la .-the gym aa Fits, y .i,f""w.i ,':, : BRUNSWICKS TAKE . ; , TVVO OUT'OF-THREE Tba Brunswick took the first -two r games la their match with tha Amer ican Gullda last evening. the Guilds 'winning th last' gama, Tate had tha -high avaraga, ltt, he also bad th hlgh , alngle game. Hi. , Th scores were: American Guilds ; , 1) (2) v ) Freeborough . . .. .lit 1 1ST ' 1 '.Anderson . . ,..4.o,..,. Ill . .. ; .. Tales ..11 1J 111 Kalk . - ...... ..4... .144 111 HI .Jordan . I .....HI 11 118 . XMigaana , let U Totala . . .VJ. 1 . !.; .T . W W rrBranawicka , . 1 t 1 Bloom..,,, It! IIS Vaughns. ........... .i.llt HI " 115 Daoiord . . ........ ,,.161 14g 111 win lie r lja ',S2 lSlOrtOn a , g a a 11 1Z 1ZV ; Handicap i . ....... . H - f t y Totals' ......, . ..741 7S6 . 70 Tha Oorbett-Xerrera TlgblL : ; X IJnaraal SdccIsI aervlee.) ' - LOS Angeles. Cal, Jan. 11. The 10 round prise fight between Toung Cor bett and Aarello Herrera, which was to be held In December, but waa postponed, will take place her thla evening. Many prominent sportlngmen from thla state and other .western states are her to witness the fight. Both met are said to be In excellent condition and a lively contest Is expected. 'Proposition 'For from 14 to tS we will "mke a pair of trousers to your measure out of the same ma terial thatothwt, tailor .charge : -1. 1S and tl f or r iTW muetkp our ahop busy during the dull season. "nTlT'win payyburio buy severaT" crnlr Of theo trousers, f A , ' The patterns are alt new, the" cloth la a flue firm weave, will bold Its ahap and rwear-tike ; Iroa. -V , ' '.' Be the cloth buy svral pair xxxv ruo, rrm staax. FIIR PLAY t: i V I rar-t -1 Thw Northtm Cfub , W!U Quit ' Coaat League. Unless Better.: t t '.v- Conditions Prevail. Ah- SAYS M'CREDIE CAN'T 5 s ? TALK FOR SEATTLE Rum HalTt Chib ' WiU Demand Shorter Season, . Regdjui ttnent: of rK-Rece1pts"and- Sthedutaamda 'General Curtailment of Expenses. Seattle, J ao. 12. Buss Hall 1 expect' ed in Seattle Friday. He left hla old Kentucky bora laat Monday and if he Is not delayed on the way he ought to be shoving that homely mug of hla Into tba city limits the last f the week. Rubs started a little earlier than ha first ln tended, for ha wanted to talk things over wits, tha backer i tne,eetue club before th annual meeting, which la to take place In San Franolsc Jan nary tt. -....; j - . -s; 4', v While In th east Rus has barn dick ering with a number of playara, getting them 4a line for next year, but haa net presented contracts to any new man. He will naturally want to know what th condltlone out here will be next season before .completing hla team. ' so as to max- hla arrangements accordingly.- He will keep most of tha men that finished with the team laat rear, for that team with one or two change la plenty i strong enough to make a good showing "WalCMoOedle has assured the Cal- j Ifornla maa that he knowa Seattle will stick t th .Coast league. If b ha that assurance ha haa mora than the Seattle men ara willing to aay- rixbt here at noma. Things must be different in - the Coast league next season from -the oondltlona of the last three year for Seattle to continue In th organisa tion, according to statementa made by men who ought to know Seattle's atti tude, and , as a four-club league with Loe Angeles on one end and Portland on tha other would be. a bank-breaking affair. Mia magnatea will likely, listen to what the Seattle men have t eay. Seattle wants a shorter season; - a more .equal .division . of the gate re ceipts snd the schedule, and. a curtail-' meat of expanses all around so that the game can ba run on a business basis. Bight months of . baseball . mean that for two months In the spring; and two months In the ' winter th northern town have to keep their teams In Call lorn la, playing for ie per oent of th gate receipts, and laat fall the gate re ceipts were not enough to even pay tn hotel bills, to say nothing of salaries and traveling expeneea. , in too other league in th country la one town given continuous baseball. New Tork la th . beat baseball city In" the United States, yet the world champions have to go on the road lust as often, aa every other team In th league.' But out here every at he -.Interest must -be -brushed -aside to give continuous ball In Ban Francisco, where Unci Henry owne th park and pocket 4 a per cent of 4b gate receipts for th use of tha grounds. - It is a nice, fat arrangement for Unot Henry. but it le a bit binding upon the rest of tha fellow . . , y.;. :' t, YXjUNG'cORBEn IStrlS1 m. -. FAVQR1TET0N1GHI Oearaal aeeslal aerrtse.1 , 'Los Angeles, Jan. 12. Young Cerbett le a 1 t favorite over Herrera In thalr battle In thla city tonight. The odds on Cerbett advanced rapidly yes terday when 12,108 eastern money wea dumped la the scale. - It Is aatd to have come from a New - Tork broken who Is a warm admirer of tha Denver tighter and believe he will win -the t forth coming fight easily. . Tba fact that he haa out the horse race and other af fairs that would tend-to distract bis attention from training and undo the work be baa dona, la having Its affect Corbett waa very v heaVy and soft when be came here, but la now aald to be in An ' oondltion. H la keeping hla weight a secret Most ef hie train ing la done la. secret end no one la allowed to get -aa accural Una upon hla condition. However, those who are auppoead to know nay ba will be In the pink, of' condition when ' he atep into ' the rlngj Harvey Tuthlll, hi former manager, la in tha east and It Is thought he la placing considerable money there for Corbett and his frienda. HONEYMANI'S BEATEN ' tBYCREGOW-TEAM i The Honeyman's dropped all three gamea to the Oregon . last - evening. Swlnney had tha high average, to; he also had tha hlgheet alngle game, Sis. . The ecoree were: v ... Oreaena ,lvj..-.;A (i- S (I) Bwlnnay , . ..............SO 1T S31 Hamilton , .16S '( 141.' Ill Ingle . . ..! 11 II Flood . .171 116 - lit Keating . . .....v.,.. ....IIS ltl 17S Totals 174 ttt I7S Honeytnan S'' "' O Day . .... '..., i,f , ,11; parrott , t ...... ,k.,.,.,4i Jonee . . .............-.llji Popple , , ..w.. .'! Woe Ira .................124 Handicap . , ,.....,..,, 60 Totals .i . TS '-This evening the Jose Vilas, bowl the Monuvlllaa. BASKETBALL PLAYERS ; V BUST AT CAPITAL .; 'V"" '.. " v,; '..'.y (gpsetal tnssatea te Tse loaraal. Salem, Jan. 12 The boys' basketball team goea to Newberg today. - where tTiry:nm:Wtthe Qukers-of-rscifle oolleaa In a match game.u v The boys have been practicing hard and" although' th"lehThag TSdfer-beOn elected th following win eonaiuuie tha llneuot Simpson (captain) and Nel son, guard: Oreg and Rader, forwsrda - On Saturday evening e girls' basket ball teem of Willamette will play the glrla of th Salem High echool In tn Th, Wlllunatta teajn la w um m j .... . ..w - , composed of nearly the earn girl thet played en the-tan laat- year. y C Bel knap 1 captain), center; j.. raraona ana A. Soloman, guarda; R. Coryell, O. Woods and M. Hall, forward. California Prune Wafers Purely vegetable.' they , are nature's product and ehould be in every houee hold. They cur constipation and All disorders of the - stomach, liver and bowels. .-. , - :; , 100 Wafers 25 Cents a 9. Skidxaeee Oe-, Btwrglste, 111 (S) t) lit 16S . !' 140 111'. II 160 161 ,114 ISO 60 . 60 t41 11 TaJl sapoaeaaugm Wtma,9 . nOPROFESSIOriALS III EUGE..E State University Boasts That Its Athletic Record le Free : From Stain. , DENIES CHARGES MADE i AGAINST ITS ELEVEN With Ona Exception AH Its 3ridlron vHeroea Are.: SGUU la CoUeeiAU - Mernbi)rr-HhaTere- Ara Old Players Except Three. J nhl " - aa ha IsafaaLI univerait of ore a on. juuaeaa. ur ianr-lt.h-srtiel-en- th Oregon eol- leg football team -In -.Wednaaoay Journal created a sensation nera. - With m exception all of the men composing the 'Varsity team are etlll In- college. The one who baa dropped out is "Lump" Spencer, who played a a ub during the eeaon." Of th ra mainder, of the team - alii are tinder graduates and with - th ,xcptlon of three, all ara old t layers. These tbr are Fred Moulletn. who moved to Bo. aene with his ia rents from Ban Fran cisco early laat summer j Leland Hur, who moved here with hie parent irons Michigan, and Spencer, the one dropping out ;- Not one of the men who compos th team. la a special, student .jU-Sfe, of sssloaallsra. , ' ., There is no appearance of money being aollolted to carry on 'thla branch of atbletlce. The statement that gambling waa carried on by the stu dents la said by college men to b in eorrect The sporting fraternity of Eu gene and all nearby town wa.prot at the big gamaaadv money changed hand rapidly on the aide linee.- Aa a result et thla etepe were Ukea and will b followed In th future to prohibit this practice. . . ; -r; . ' . . 'JfthMidens QsjapbeTl Talks. ' . President Campbell, when Interviewed regarding the article, eald: - - ' -Physical training la ' an important work at every university and the beat phyeleal training Is that received from out-of-door sports, in theae out-of-door sports the faculty of the oollege must be In close touch with the students and both must work together. - The fauU with athletice - at tha eastern T uni versities waa that they were not united with the students in this phyeleal train ing. - - v- ' " "Aa to the statemant that profession alism entera Into football here. I have the ' personal eeeurencee of . both the graduate manager of the university, and also of tha season's , manager, that no money waa aollcited for athletic 'work. "College athletics doee not. mean mat the men who are training in one branch ef athletics are 1n such a position to the elimination Of all othera, for the vatioua branches have their airierent asplranta, and .the work of ona Is not adapted to the other... Every one baa a chance and It I up to him to make the beat tof hie work. I am perfectly will ing to give publicity to students -who have a bad standing at the university and to those who -have been dropped,": PORTING GOSSIP The practical retirement of Henry Harris from baseball In San Francisco waa brought about by the severe criti cisms that were tendered 'him for his alleged participation in the gambling on gamer tharwa an0WedTgtlgjarajatiaftndg-4or SUt-waa ih shrlnkac In - attendanoe at tha gamee aa the reeolt' of such gambling. There are many pereons, however, who ere of the opinion that Harris atlll owns or controls the majority of stock in tbs San . Franciaoo club, and that the announcement - of hie retirement from the active management waa elmply a blind, in order tq mislead ths fana who were loud In "their demanda that Uncle Henry should get out of baseball. V-; ' ' ' '. ' l-. ' Tor a long, time the charge has been made that Harris was Interested in the bookmaklng at Recreation Park and that he made more money off thla self delegated privilege than he actually re ceived from handling hla own team. Some time ago The Journal etated that the good fana of San Francisco would saver agree, to attend .the ball, gamee In that city ao long aa Henry Harria was at the head of tha organisation, and Harris! withdrawal thle week fulfills the prediction then made. ' Gambling on the national game is a most despicable aot and ehould not be tolerated for a second. It le the source of every 111 In baseball. . . .. , t vr O.i' a., , i. '! ':,!! "We aim to make baseball more pop nlar than evrA sald President Bert, who haa purchased the controlling "Inter est ' from Henry Harria. "The league will hold He annual meeting In thle city en January IS. and at that time several Important movea. looking toward the popularising of the sport, will be made, r "I am at liberty now to etate that one of the Important change will be the reduction of the admission price to SI cents, and another will be the abeo lute prohibition of any form of gambling on any ot the grounde controlled by the league. If gny one is heard offering a. bet on any team in the stand or bleacbere he will- be summarily ejected from the grounds.. The Ban Francisco team will have a new first, baseman from the east named Sears, 'and there will be some addition to the pitching staff, not yet settled upon," ' . '- ' :.;vi.-.a,e;;...v.'.'.,;:. Henry Harris, ths retiring manager, said: have retired from baseball. I atlll have a block of stock which I am willing to sell, but I will get my price before I sell. If nobody wente to pay what I ask. I will retain the etock but I will not take any active part In tha direction of. affairs." '., j (When asked a to whether or not he would accept the poeltlon of man ager of tha newiy organised team, Coffroth said: "I have taken the mat. ttr-OTdeT consideration.-1 -camrot-arlva say answer jiow. "It they ehow where ytuciijnaka romoTmohey,. wQI'yoii' Uke the Jobr ie was asked. -' . '..";', . . - "Tcs," be answered, ."meet decidedly t'wIU." "5.; ,( r : Hi -;.- - At present, Coffroth has- a multi plicity of Interests, eaclt .demanding hla ' attention. Monday afternoon he added to his affairs by signing a laese of ihrea vaara on Mechanloa' Davillon. starting March 1, -It U understood that I he ie te pay 111,000 a year, for the big pavilion, -. ':'"- ... ., " :: r The" naUonar"bAaebsJTomhiItld yeaterday - approved changes In the drafting rule dmapdd by th minor laegueeA The moat ' Important one Is that but one player ean be drafted from a minor league, -Amendments to the national agreement were also adopted providing. for th draft prtcee of playara, a follow:. CI A team shall be 11,000; clase B, 1760; class C 190, and i4e ivws( waasegt aev ,f.--i ic-.'r -a Mlfc QIQ cy -T GFFIOEuS 0 QO Army Faces Gig Deficjeney ' on '.".Account of Traveling Pro- ' ; - pensity of Men. "T- (Jearaal gpeclal M ilea.) Washington, Jan. It. Tha army is In a bad way on account of lack of mils' eg. .Despite the attempt at economy In the travel of officera and tha etrlet rules ; which were laid down" to limit such travel to cssee of necessity, there has been more travel by Individual of ficer under order entitling ' them . te mileage than , aver before, except In tlmea of war. ' -v ,. The expondtturea are destined to ex ceed those of the year when there were large -arar .and -mlUUa. . nanauvara-4-the eest and west and on which account a loan of Its. 00 waa expended to pay tba mileage' ror- numerous omcers who traveled te-and-grom the ecena of opera- tieaa.'Phia year there 'have been no mabeuverSTthdeOflOmy Was exacted by th author! tiaa.-Thara 4a already In alght-adnc4ooy of fieO.ftOO, whleh ill bring, the annual expenditure of mileage for the army in thle fiscal year UP tO7 1500,000. ? v.-.-.--: - n- - Some Idea or the demands in this re spect may be obtained by the -fact that on January 1 the .chief paymaatar of tha department of the eaat at oovernore Island received 14,000 to meet the mile age bllla presented tn the month.'; He reported two day a later that tha money had .' been paid out and all remaining bills of the month will have to await the allotment of additional funds. The result will be that many army offloere will have to. wait considerable time for the settlements of their mUeag ao- count. ,, ' , ;,;,:,, . -. : , t-.. ',.v'r .' n. .i.i i, r, j s 5 REPUBLICANS PLAN ?" - JUBILEEXORj"NE (Jeeraal Seeelal Service. ' ' PhlladelDhla. Jan. IS. J. - Hamptoa Moore, preeldent ef the National League of Republican-clubs, haa Issued aa ad- drese to the sevaral prealdante of ataM leagues, urging a large attendance at tha biennial convention of the National league to be held In thla city next June. The date for the convention correspond to ths fiftieth anniversary ef tne nrsi national Republican convention. . Call ing attention to this fact. President Moore eay a: ' . V Tn the old hail in roitaaeipnia waer the beat political minds of a troubled oountnr framed a national declaration of undying party principle; wbara tha ehamnlona of liberty ana union as sembled: where th frienda of Fremont of Lincoln, of Chase, of Seward, ef Lovejoy, of Olddlngs, or hcism, or Sumner, of WUmot and a boat of the aountrv'a . ablest, atateamen met to strengthen and cement the scattered ef-J forta ofnhe nation's patnoia, it wui d the proud privilege of Pennsylvania Re publican to welcome their associates of the National Republican leagne.". . , , INCREASE JN TRADE. WITH THE PHIUPPINES t (Inarsal gpedal Bervlee.) -Washington, Jan. IS Figure fur nished by the bureau of statistic of th department of commerce and labor show that the value of the commerce between the United Stalea and the Philippine islands for the present -eal endar year la likely to reach ISO.000. ooo. aaalnat 116.000.000 for the preced ing year. The American trade with the island ta now nearly four times -ae greats aa. in, the last year of Spanlah control. ' For . tne i monins unami October SO the value of import irora lS.OIO.Ooa- and the exports from tne United Statee to the - Island . nearly it eoA.eoe. - Tha value ef hemp calved from the Islands for the 10 months ending October 10, 1106, Was 110.171 St 1. snd that of sugar SS.11I, 140. The export to the Islands include agricultural implamenta, care ana car riages, manufactures of cotton, iron and steel, leather ana wooa. - -., - t . , TO MAKE THE MIKADO KNIGHT OF THEARTER '! -t SneeUI Sertlee.! V" London, Jan. 1Prlnce Arthur of Ponnsurht. accompanied by a dletln- arulahad suite, leavee England today aa route to Japan, where he wUl represent King Edward at the Investiture of the mikado with the Order of Garter, the hlgheat deooratlon within tha power of the British sovereign to oesiow. The route le by way of Marseilles, Where the special embassy will embark on a P. at O. ateamer for Japan. The first week after Prince Arthur's arrival In the. land of the ehryeanthemum will be devoted to- ceremonies of state. The nt three weeka will be epent In travel and sport. inir'vi""g. ' T"11"1 hnwat to Prince Arthur, Bear snooting in in mlkarin'a foreat. ' ' " . - Prlnoe Arthur and We party wtir em bark for. England on March II end the return Journey will be made by way of canaaav"?'" -';y. ;. - A Series of Lectures. P) ? A aarles of free lecture will be aivan bv the distinguished phrenologist, Katharine M. H. Blackford?, V.t 1 V of the Boston School of vitosopny, Bos ton, Massachusetts, at the T. M. C. A. auditorium, commencing Tuesday night, January 1. Vltosophy, it Is claimed. speclflee the wisdom of life. It reveals the causa of existence, and it la the only true method of reading human character- Vitoeophy presents the only eucceesful solution of the perplexing problems of llfes This wlU be proven by portrayals of human character mad by Dr. Blackford before her audience. She will delineate the .character of prominent eltisens each night , with a phrenometer, a new method of examin ing heads, producing astonishment and roars of laughter.- The doctor will ' no doubt have large audlencae to greet her In this city. , y -;,.;y rjewtalHtseraUI Ssent, 12 Ban -Francisco, Jan. IS. The.' post TOnedghrT5tWeeirwniIeXTi of New Tork " and Willie -ntlgeraMT Of Brooklyn "take ptac arXoima-ToTnthtt and tbs result ie awaitea with great in terest in sporting. elrolee.'' The two are regarded as evenly matched and as there la considerable ill feeling between them they are expected to, put up one ef the liveliest bouts seen hereabout In some time j ' ' . j riJASaSr-jra.stOST StTf SCITlf a. T. J. Chambers, Ed. Tindicator, I.lo erty, Texas, wrttea December 16, Host ''With pleasure and unsolicited by rrm,- 1-bear testimony "to the curative rwer of Ballard s Horehouna ayrun. have used it la my family and can cheerfully affirm it la the most effec tive and beat remedy .for coughs snd colds I have ever used. Bold by Wood are. Clarke A Co. L c 3 -X. '-I' sOiKicr vt -a A.,7 --.l'I.KThat were.,10,C9 and ,;:vi:,n "f-g w t mrQ7." broken lots up" to 9.C0. r -OfOy, r-. , . ' ' '. SWEATERS Y 1 ' Choice of any $2.50 or $3.00 " Sweater in the house for i HalfPricc PV. . yt i::. pPIp"7?, THE I AT THE' THEATRES. Modjeska at MarquamToTtiht.----- ghakeapear' eelteHtfal eosaedy,' "Mark Ada Aboet hethlag." will be tae play snaeatee by BteaasM ' Heleaa Modjesss at the Maroaaai iaa theatre tealaht-al S:1S a-eiock. Tea row aftaraoo ' tha laat perform. ace will be ftvea, wbea . gchlllar' tragi tfrasu, "Mary tuart." will ba tea efferlng. This I alodjea ka'a tarrw.ll torn. Uaaasas Modjeska reosatly MelT th fnllowtn froBJ Padarewakl. aer eempatrietl "Sbakrsprare has feand la yea as latrrpreter Wertby ef ba saost esqntslte and tarllllDg uaagtaatloas, and, la tba raage f awaera trssedy as eosMdy. the refiaeaieat and eharsi ef year every. Imparseaattoa, .have ea Louis Jatnea Coming.; ', Tae fasMa tratedlas, ImIs Jaaata, saa br aa eenpaay ef Blarera. will eeyla aa an. r. meet of tear perforauuwet st the MsmiaasB Oraa uratrs, segtoalng a it Tharaosy alcbt, Jssaary IS. .The apealag MU will be "Men. Ilea"; rriday alaat,- "Vlrsla las"j. aataraay autleeei "lnoaar" ; B. tarda? alfht, "Merehaat t Teales.". AdTaace sal seat Taeeaay, 4-, "Her Uarrlage Vow.' Starting gaadsy afteraooa the Kaalre theatre will effar fa the easalng weak 'a attractiea tb Charier a. . T.ywr encopany la a BMloerasMt eaUUrd "Bar Marriage Tew. "AtWppirCrsV "At Cripple Creek", aa Barked tb Smplr t every per tats wera aaa w pre- eeaute anaaliaoaaly tn be the best effrria at this ' ae tar tbla aesanej. Taer will be bat tore swr per for bis sees, tonlrat, eamurrew alfbt snd a autloee tomorrow after- Bona. "At Cripple Creek" 1 saia e ID trengest sad Bust Interesting play ef Its kind that bar been fWrn to the Amerleaa Mas slae Barney oaBpoell' "aiy rariaar.- Alcaaar Beauties Next.' 4 '. At tb Baker seat weak stalda, silrth sad aielody will bold sway wbea the Aleasar Beea tle eenpany, .osder tbr perron al oireetloa ef T. W. Dlnklas, will be rbr attrsetlon, epealsg ea Banday matlaee aa continuing for to. aaaa) all sights1- esfsgrmeaL . -. , ! . e ? 'i-'X'-i'i tioctat Afaids. , ;.( J ' Tb saatiaee at the Baker egeaorrew after Sooa will be the laat of the "Iaaa- oeat Maids' ess acanwat. ; The rorUlB tnalsbt at 0:11 o'clock, ss eaaal, -hat tomorrow Bight ta tkratrr Is dark. A.U that she Sroet eiaetin ran eeslr In karleeqae, faro eeaMdy or vandevllle stay be aaea With tea "laaocrBt Maldr" perforaiaBo. , ' , - t ' ' -' J.-. 7 VAUDEVILLE AND 8TOCK. 1 V'-i ; ."Fighting Fortune." ' Pa the' beaefit, ef raesa woo- bare- not - aa vet atteooae the am4j4alked tar.-ri:ht- iag Fortane.'r which Is being predorrd at the lo-rt theatre") lit tb Mpablr Lrrw Ux'k euuipasy. K sbwint "be vat -That the -play ia a brisk an senasttoasl eoaseay Oram Is fonrvarts. It will eoottnoa throagh tke week with matter dally and two perforata sera sightly st T:M sad o'clock. . ;. :P Society Acrobats at Grand. "p The foar litoeaort, th aortetr ernbata, art featured at tb Orand this week. Oa th bill wltb tbem are: Maraball ad Lorraloa. . la "lUrtlme t,!!""! the LesMnt. taaaleal people; Mlae Elaine rerraat, eoloratara sopreao;, clob Bianlpalatori Master Harold Roff, alnrin Th Rahhl's Panfbter," ana tbriuiDg pietuM a Oraadlarapo. Nt week th. feator Will be Mr. Oeaeral Tool Tkamk. tb httle aa ef wbaai erery oae Ba seare. , Pleaalng BlU at Stsr.'-' Oaly ' few taer performance rVmala nf tb bill at th Star which ha aenred ao yleaa In this week, restores are the seerlMS bar siony trie. Seanaa, Adaasa and Bocrei lb eoaeartlBS kin, Prd UadsJ tb romlesl kerV natal bar ei ports, th Alaoana; Billy fiiaea, .! pew.- - tae. t 5 r"i :.i- ; .1 -. .... .'' , . - '-. ; . 'V ;- .' 'I ' m-M am m bbsw OU A STRICTLY HIGH CLASS urn PV. GETTING -IT JICnS DURING OUR GREAT CLE AWCE::S ALS : JThstwere$10.C3 and broken lots up to $15.C0; 'iv.V,7;TV;Vy:;T. , i.jiuai. wiib ia.Kj auu . .... broken lou up to fir.M. ;. .4..;;;..;v...i eiji 1 KJmVJ iJ broken lots up to $23.80.;. :..,V.....JKJJKJ 9 1 , ' J. Fancy ; Au-Wool Cheviot. sw4nch belt.-Best $12.60 arnr$15.C0 alaet:;.v;. Finest Fancy Cheviots." 644nch cost belt. Best $17X0 and $S0.00 vslues. ;.,.". HATS :0?P- Choice of any $2.C0 or $2X0 Stiff Hat In --':--:-the' house j '.'-VV;:: - : . . - i . . 95c illiiiiii HOME 0F MEN'S C00D CLOTHES : J: We treat suoeeesfully an private ner-, voue and ehronlo diseases of mn;Uso blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and .. throat troubles. - We euro STPHILIS without mercury) to stay cured for ever. W remove STRICTURE, with , ' out operation or pain, in II daya. v - . W stop - dralna, night loeeee and spermatorrhea by a new method In a ' anort time. We een restore ths sexual ' vigor of any maa under 10 by means of .. local treatment peculiar to ourselves. . . 'i We Ciire Gonorrhoea ' ;4 . ;.VIn'a Week (.-V. , The doctor of thla Institute are all , regular graduates, have had many yearn' experlenoe, have been known la " Portland for It-year, have a reputatloa to maintain, and will undertake no oas unless certs ia oar oan be errectad.' y We guarantee euro la every case we ' undertake or charge no fee. Coneulta-I ; tion free. Lett ere confidential. Instruc tive BOOK FOB MEN. mailed free ia plain wrapper. 1 - . We euro the worst case of pile la two or three treatments, without opera tion. Cure guaranteed, - .x ; ,. Vtv5?r BBOt CU ?mi rt ror ,jueetloa blank. 1 Jlome treatment tuee;, Offloe hours. 0 te and f to a, SundsVs sad Holldava. -"'is' ta 'if. "V P '"f ''V -i.OfBoe hours. 0 to ( and f to a, Sundays and Holidays, 10 te ll JRr W:; N0RT0N;jjAVISi - OfBee In Van Hoy Hotel. 6SH Third Street. Corner Pine. Portland. Or.: FIRST nr a bht.ttt nr Bxraavnwcra, raj MruTATioar, . ebt wQTrrjwaraarT, -est xsTOwxaDsa, y - ladder Troubles, aTyooele, . Tarteeoele, Pimplea, 0101. . aTldaev Complaints, Blood Veteosu BTervae Debility, a trio tare, - ' BhavuBAtlssa, ' SHvae Plssasis, rtua tWst TltaUty. All manner of Chronto Afflictiona Of man and women,- Most modern and set entiflo treatment No cutting. No pain ful operations. No detention from busi ness. P(o -misrepresentation. Reputation established for honest and fair dealings with all paUenta,.(UnauJUUoq and ad vice free. .. . - v .. , . ., .- Co. Sd and Yaakm' fcns, sNtloA4 Or. Tardawaat the ltlsatrated ang by W. B. Bart ford aad th aovlag pletor oe the BUroaooa. ''r" Oraslty Basts off Bliue.-r:- ' fHperial Dtapateh to The roarnal.) ' Pendleton, Or.. , Jan., IS. Maud S. Vferryfield baa eoramenced divorce pro eeedlngg against Francla B. Merryfleld. The two were married In Spokane In August, DOS.. He le accused of having threatened ta kill her and ah left him one night ia June, 1906. - " "Little Colds" neglected thousands of llvee sacrlflcad . every year. Pr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures little colds cures big colds, too, down t the f JJg sTUOtnoaHS. TT), Terg of eoaatuBpUoa. - i. - ,i 'i, '.SO ... .,, - .xi.f BsT -m-sT eT-m coat with ,; O $9.8S , with ' Natural; Gray Wool, medium heavy; our best1 $1.00 a gr tondnd 75c r'-.V'.V i (' . .i f UKPCECECENTED SUCCESS OF Co The Great At No. I52i First St., Ccr. Morrison Ma afaronaatr a. the tfflUW. I gnaraatra a complete, safe sad lastlac ear hi tb eulckeat p-jorlhl - time, aaa at - tbe lowest eort aorrlbl tor boneei and saaeaaa ral treatmrat. - I core catarrh, asthma, leoa, threat, rkeaawtlaai, aereooanaaa, atooucU. Ilrrr, kldary and Inat SDanhood. rXBAU TBOUBLVO AVO AU PBTfATB . :. SiSXAICS. Mr remedle ' are harailess, . eooapeaad et-, harba, bud. as berks aapreially soleetrd- aad IwaeHed direr -br- a- trrst tb tatertsr- or Oitna. XT TO V ABB ArniOTgn POWT - PBUTr I juxavsa aaa. UAruuuua... If roe caaool call, writ lor ajaivtosi blasM ad irealar. Inclose 4 rente In atampe. - oopiaiTATiox rasa. . Ike a Oee W Chlaeea Stedlelae 0., MaW - Tlrri St., Omar Mowisaa, PsfHlaae, O. , a - Pleas BMaUoa thla paprr. - - ... -. ;v arays --Li. War rial Dtopateb a TrnwaJ.r-r- - Pendleton, - Or , Jan, ll.-Or. . J. Am Best hss Juet-parchaeed 01 acres of land- ia KUmath ; eoaaty- for -111.160 This land will com under the Klamath, Palls reclamation project apd Is adapted te alfalfa raising. 'Previous to this pur ' chase Dr. Beet - already . owpad SIS acres of Klamath .land.': . , v ' ( , PsrTsctlort at Uit'.i iJ ' Automatic vhang end caati reglstea absolutely correct no more mlstakeaJ Agente wanted throughout Oregon. . 004 iMarqaaai - building, .Portland. . .-1 r i j ? ilfcz Chinese Doctor i - t;-, v.-v ;-.).. ,i-'. ; .; i'...