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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1906)
w-.-- ,! - .S J j - , i ;l .Uv. ii i i r.. c t et t el 7 ,h ' T V Vjalaew - --,? ,- ".v - -. 4 Mal - '"V' - XjrlC a mim7-? '-'yM?.tVa msB"lTTt. lrgifa printed on the America liner St - Loul, which ' caused the die- rv chart of Printer Edward Morgan. . The program etates that the enter , . tainment ia for the benefit of J. P. Morgan. "It wae Just a joke,? aakL ;7,th. printer. ; "X never heard of Morgan and didn't know he owned the - line." , Printer Morgan waa eent to the eteerag where he wae virtually ----a priaoner throaghout the Toyage f of hla of fcnae against the dignity of ""the other Morgaiw.;-. ,.';. ;.; t-j. 'v ;.V-.V; w:;ju'..V ' VILE - PLOT ENDS Agtd Chlntman Purautt Man Thrsa Year and Finally Shoots Him. YOUNGER MAN HAD TAKEN. OLDER'3 WIFE Then Followed tong Chaao of Lee ; Yick LeeJFrom Place to Place, Who .'. Secured Order, for Deportation of -Him and the Woman. ..' ,WtTH 111! I II- "Si'-!- Driven from San Preacisco by a mur derous plot against his lift, shadowed and haunted (or thro yaara by tha for mr husband of hi a wlfa, Ut Tick Laa, &proaproaa -rouss- snercbant af -tha California city, was anally orartakan by his vana-aful anamT at Third and Oak aoaata lat vlrtit. Ha Is dyia at Good BainaritM hopl...l aa tha result -of a buUat wound through tha abdocaan. Ton ' ' Hone, his aliased, assailant, la eonflaad In the ally Jail awaltlnf haarlna-. Ha will be charred "with nurder la oaaa tea Tick Lee dlea. Ton Hons made a, desperate attempt te esoape after he had fired four shots ' ' at his flealna countryman and would , have baea noceesful but for the ar- rival of Detectlre Joe Raalor. . crowd of aereral hundred persons , plbered quickly after the shootln. Deputy herlff rarrott took charra of the In jured Chinaman. while Resin-' ' chase and caught his assailant ' . Borne one In the ; crowd that had irathcred picked up the reyolver that tha fleetna Chinaman had thrown away and hid It ttt ' his-' pocket, Detective t Kealnav-still ha-1n a bod araap on the - Chinaman, tb r a search for U. A small boy la the crowd told him who ' had ft and ha finally reoorered . the weapon. It was stlli hot Mr Aethacte irtea Wife. 1 Thie years ero Lee Tick Lee met v, Btnir Tot, the young wife of old Ton FOOD- NOT MEDICINE. - I! gD the treatments for V conturoption were put in book form it would make a pretty big library. But after. ' all there baa been little Jm proTtment over the old treat ment of rest, fresh air, au thine, plain, . wholesome food . and N Scott's Emulsion. The latter supplies nourish- ment that cannot be secured v In ny, other way, and after all, nourishment is what tha ; consumptive needs first ; i !u n ' A gain in weight, however ".improvement If there is the eaxtfraagjQbjiikLon Scout's, -Emulsion will enable the pa tient to make&at gain. Peo pie have gained a pound in , weight from a bottle of Scott . v Emulsion it's an exception when they dont " - ' TWe havi'seen ScotrV Emulsion take hold of a pa tient and briftj about a change for the better inside cf a week. It always helps eved tlae most stubborn casts. iiiitiuiiOERl HAH D CONCERT ........ n.KM ! . . Oa Ce4 b 04.03, hohtaT, . . . mrrm eaag ; rtKtu vii Hong. , ah left her ngad husband and Joined Lee. who was about her age. Ton Hong swore vengeance.:, The young man was driven from ' Ban Francisco. Ke went to other , eltiee on the coast and still h was pursued. He finely reached Portland, ta September, and Imagined he was safe, or hi tong s strong In numbers and . Influence here and he was readily promised protection. But he knew the hatred of his enemy and remained ia hiding; rarely going upon the streets.. 1 - . - Last night Lee Tick Lee visited friends In Pine street, near ' Third. Shortly before It o'clock beesoended the stairway Into the street and started towards Saoond street It had been months since he had seen his enemy and he felt secure. He passed a doorway and chaneed to look in. Tber peering at htm through the darkness, wae the mocking yellow ' countenance that had haunted h,lm la dreams for three long year. . , - - . - Instantly .Lee Tick Lee realised that bis ancient enemy had seen him ascend the stairs and had lain la wait for him.1 He was armed with a revolver, but terror seised him and be turned and fled. The aged Chinaman started In pursuit firing aa be went The Drat ball shattered the arm of Lee Tick Lee. Three other shots were fired, tha last entering the back of the fleeing man, who staggered and fell upon the side walk. He was removed to Good g. marl tan . hoapltal.- where his death is speoted at any , moment This morn ing, through an Interpretes, he made a statement to Deputy i. letrlet Attorney Moser and Detective Hears. He said that the only reason for the assault was the fact that he had married tha wife Of Ton Bon. '.V . .. .v ...'v The aged Chinaman was brought be fore him and the oylng man cried out In an excited Jabbering. He pointed his anger at old Ton Hong and heaped a volley of Chinese oaths upon him. The interpreter declared that he posi tively Identified Hoa Tong as his as sailant The old man stood gaslng at his raving victim, but did not deign to say a word, r. Apparently he was un moved, r Tr.,-.. Only At : police . headQuarters Ton Bong only- smiled when ' told that he had killed his enemy. He refused to any whether or not he had fired the shot but Insisted that It was not his . re volver that was found la the Street- r Three months ' ago Chinese ' In 8aa Pran clseo tried to secure extradition pa pers for a woman who had fled from that city. Governor Chamberlain re fused the paper because it was be lieved aa attempt '. was being made to take keT,kaok-te-Or llfe--ef aaamo: De tectives assert that the woman id the same who left tha Old Chinaman for the young man. ,-. ;- ;- t-t Palling In securing her extradition, enemies of the young couple tried other means of revenge. On Tuesday Lee Tiok Lee and his wife appeared before United States Commissioner Bladen and evidence was produced ehowlng - that they were not legally permitted to re main In this country. They were or dered deported and released oa bonds, . Tea- Hong reached - Portland - three days ago and . Is supposed .. to have learned of the order of . the ' commis sioner. Lee Tick Lee and the woman were to have given bonffs today for an appeal to the United . States district This Is tha third ease where a China man, sentenced by Commissioner Bladen to deportation, has met a violent death before the sentence was carried out Of the other two, one was hung, another Jumped : from a streetcar, struck his head oa the pavement and wag killed, FORGIVES MAM WHO . SET DOG ON HIM For wantonly setting a dog on a little negro newsboy named Bcott at the cor ner of Front and Morrison.,. .streets while the lad was selling Journals last evening, - W. Gilbert - was . promptly placed under arrest by Detective Mears. The dog bit the newsboy oa the ana but was kicked loose by ateara before K could do mora than make aa imprint of its teeth, - ' . - Gilbert waa taken to polio head quarters by Mears, who was accom panied by the newsboy. . There Captain lover asked the little . fellow if he wanted to prosecute the prisoner. He hesitated and Anally' said that be was willing to let the man go. -. , Affected by the generosity of the lad. Gilbert apologised profusely to hint and waa permitted to leave the police sta tion. . , . " V--' Staadatd gearing Postponed. '.. - (Jeeraal Bpulal IMrvke. New Tork. Jan. 11. The Standard Oil hearing was postponed until I o'clock tomorrow afternoon, . -DY-Xr-Cl1? Son and Daughter Cadienly Attacked. 1 suppose you will be astonished when I toll you that ale years ago I was in a moat danaereus condition with Bronchitis and Lung Trouble, because you can eee how well and strong i am no. Tha stfaote at tha.1 time eauaed terrible petn in my cheat and iunga. I could haralr move, and to stoop eauaed Intense nfr.rln. Soma one advised Dr. Acker's English Remedy, and I thought 1 would try it. although I confess that sown in my neari naa uiu win u It. The A rat bottle save nreat relief. mnA mmwA Vw.ttl m.A . me the healthy woman I am today. My hue- j band's TungS'lrsi a weaaHalso, eed.bej cured Mmseir with the same ubmhi OLD REMiLDT. Our boy and girl have both been saved' by it from death by Croup. Lknow this la so. for when, they were attacked in the nlht I had a bot tle la the eloset. and by acting qulokly tnat ratal maiaay was easur otwni We always give It to the children when tney have a-oougn- or coia,- mnn - -wrw would not be without It for anything. T t-ll -11 . nil, n.lrhhAr. ebout Dr.' Acker's Kngllah Remedy whenever t get a chance, and there are plenty of people around MeohanlcavUle, K. T- where X live, who would no more think of going to bed at night without a bottle of It in the house than they .would of leaving the doors wide open. As I look at it parents are criminally responsible when they allow their children to die under their very eyes - with Croup, because here is a certain remedy that will con quer the terriOie monaier every umew taianadt lira Floyd Fowler." - - Pretty strong words to come from a mother, don't you think T It la true that thousands of loving parents are today mourning the loae of their darlings who ware suddenly taken away by Croup. In many, many cases, if not all, these children would be the Joy of the home had their parents taken the neoeaaary precautions to be prepared when the at tack came. Tne oeveiopmem ox treup la so rapid and so often fatal, that it Is Impossible for parents to be too careful In preventing their children from tak Ins cold or too prompt in curing the eough or cold when H appears. Dr. Acker's English Remedy -will . stop a cough at once and cure a cold In twelve boura. : it aoie eurecuy on om iuhp, positively curing the moot stubborn cases of Bronchitis, Pneumonia and Coneumptlon. Tou will notion Mrs. fowler eras cured of Bronchitis and Mr. Fowler's Lungs wer mads strong cured. Any medicine inai wiu awwin; pllsh such reeults Is certainly entitled to the name given it by Mr Fowler of 'Grand , Old . Remedy.1 which Dr. Aoker's English Remedy certainly la. We not only fumlah all this proof, but we have a positive guarantee with all Aitm-imim (a refund vnur money at once If Dr. Acker' Kngllah Remedy falls to make good. SENATE TO v EFFECTUALLY CURB ROOSEVELT - if v:' .-' ;.. Every Act of Pp,ldsrt to B In . vestigatsd That - Is Con- -' , sldered Unconstitutional. '(y Washington. Jan. 1L There has been no more Important political step in recent years ia Washington than that decided upon by leading members of the senate, Mrt.hA. mm a iMptr. with refarenee to the propensity of President Roosevelt to act oa ais own reeponsiDuiir wnnn reference to oohgrsss. It was definitely decided that Roosevelt will be curbed ,.. wrK-tK Tnla Ke TAeeMtTnl process wlirrt-antiiyta- th-pTeaU dent 1 - - The sonata la going to Investigate every , ., ,w. ..MaiAAnv K-1 ic.Annaldara unconstitutional or as Invading Its pre rogatives, ana as too ewp prvj- lanrth and' with much formality Into the action of Beore- H w mmf nnii. Inatruatlons of ths ureal dent making the now famous agreement ta maintain tne parity u we euver coinage of the republic et Panama with the money of tha United State . The fl ret ala-n of this rebellion Of the senate was shown when Senator Kltte- ridge told President , Rooseveii ' tnree weeks ago that he had better prepare fornbe luneat sort ox uvesugauon i bw acta la ooanectlon with tha Panama canal, -.-v . ' , Ths next sign came wnen tne senate, k.t - -iiiMMitinv veta. adonted a resolution Introduced by Senator Bailey of Texas, directing the finance committee to Inquire into tne circumstances ei us agreement for the maintenance of the parity of silver money In Panama. The oietm that tha nraaldent . has practically made aa illegal treaty.; SNOW IN PORTLAND ; " i.BEFOvENOTHER.DAY : - It ta snowing today at Taeoma, Port Crescent Victoria and at , e 4 nearly all : Puget sound point e The storm Is moving southward ' d iand the weather man aayn it is :vsry proDaoie - snowriaaaa wiu . w be falling at Portland tonight e, and tomorrow. ' A strong wind ia e 0 also " expectea ' to -sweep tne w eoast Warnings were .ordered ' e displayed at T: thla morning e at all ports la ' this district ' e a District Poreeaster Beals says he does not look for the wind to . w e attain a - high velocity, but It e : will be cold and disagreeable . No ships were sighted off the e : mouth of tha . Columbia thla e JOHN D. LAYMAM DIES AT HIS PULLMAN HOME ,ri;'- ' -vr:t. ' rtpeeUl Ptoeateh te The loeraal.l Pullmanr-. Wash., Jan. 1L John IX Layman 1 dead at his noma in Pull man, where he had lived for tt year His body will be burled In the eeme- tery of "hhv-hamasteadt-fur wulualrT donated tne lana." jar. larnu was stricken with paralysis two years ago, but was able to walk about until re cently, when ha Buffered from Brlght's dlseas' - Mr. Layman was Y 4 years old, mv Ing been born In Maryland In February, 1SI1. He married Ann Catherln Rln- Oomesw Treableev . ' It is exceptional to find a - family where there are no domeotlo ruptures oooaelonally, but these can be leeeened by having Dr. King's New Life Pills around. XfnOi trouble they save by their great work in Stomach and Liver trouble They not only relieve you. but cur' l&o, at Skidmore Drug Co., 161 Third Btreet ,i 0 7coumnn:corrr nrhat Thy Staad IMmdeth to Ba7 ' It , With Thy XJght" ;' .s. ., - How often we hear the expression, "household drudgery" so often, la fact that It may be worth while to take a good, long look at this bugaboo and aee what it really la, and we shall dlsoovsr that it ia a relative and not aa abso lute term. . . For Instance, the Chinaman who comes to sweep and clean your floors, shako your' rugs and do divers similar things, doea not regard his work as drudgery! It is his business and he goes at it ia a business-like way; whereas to you it might be drudgery and you would be Ir ritated that circumstances forced you ploaeantar teaks for Jt It Is undeniably trua that compara tively few women make a buelnees of bousQwork ax Tnen do of" their various occupation It they did they would find no and of opportunities to add to their own fund of intelligence and to Introduce Improved- methods nf. doing things that would give thent more leis ure and comfort The" writer knew young lady who was aa artist at cooking, but who had never dona it outside her owa home, until one summer she undertook ths cooking at a eelect summer boarding house ta New Hampshire. .-Sao mad U tha deaseru, all tha bread, rolls, pop overs, griddles, etc., did some of the meat cooking besides, and had no help except woman to wash dlshe She came back with good health, enthusiasm in regard te cooking and a anug little "wad (the uss paper money In New Hampshire) all her own. In telling Of her summer, she said to the writer: . -.- 1 have found out that It Isn't so much what we - do as - the 7 way - we do It" Aa ordinary professional "cook," so called, might have gone about her work, down at the hotel and In an un tidy wrapper. Not so my dainty friend. Before shs took her "Job", as cook shs made with her own hands three or four charmingly pretty and simple house d res sea of percale two of them blue, I remember and la the course of her story she said with pardonable pride: "There was never aa hour when, by tak ing off my kitchen apron, I wasn't pre sentable for the parlor." "Surely no one could call such a girl as that a "drudge" and no woman should permit herself for a moment to regard the care , of her house as "drudgery;" such a mental attitude will be bad for her health and bring confusion to 'ths home, although aa much of the hard work as she nan afford should bs given ta tha Chinaman aforesaid. Tha kitchen is really the ' "throne room of tha home not the parlor, It should be kept like a battleship up to the hlgheet point of effectivenes Have nothing ta your kitchen that has out lived its usefulness and la In the way. If some Implement or utensil needs repair, loae no time In having it put in commis sion; if tt is past mending, put it. im mediately out of your way and aea it no more, -.-l-.-' I? you finish one thing before- you be gin another, you will save , lots , of fatigue, por Instance, don't leave the breakfast dishes to b washed up with the cooking things after you are through making pastry. Tou will find It easier to -havaeverythlnaa. the. kitchen to order . before you commence cooking. with everything you need to" uss at hand and everything else out of the way.' - This is what one thrifty houeewtfe calls "covering your track' It'a better than leaving a confused trail behind one of all the morning's work, and then the kitchen is never In disorder. - It goes without saying that a kitchen should bo clean, but that doesnt mean, necessarily, that tha rang should shine Ilk a anlrror or the faucets be scoured, but It doea mean clean in the hygienic and sanitary sense of the word. Too ger la Virginia la list and went to Whitman oounty, Washington, In 117. He took a homestead, oa which a por tion of Pullman now stand He Joined the Congregational ehuroh of Pullman whoa it waa organised and had been a member since that tlm His funeral will be held from that church, Mr. Layman leavea a widow and five children George XX Layman. Pullman; Mr J. M. Palmerton, . Mr George Henry and Mr W. K. Jaberg, Pullman, and Mr Bolla Parr of Seattle, Wash ington. , All but the last were at tha bedside when death cam . - Oratorical Assoolatto hTleeta, - Forest Grove, Or..- Jan.-11. The Col lege Oratorios) association haa chosen the ' following officers: John Peters, president; Sam Lawrenos, vice-president; Miss Pearl Peterson, secretary and treasurer. -, William B. Rasmusen, 'tt, waa chosen aa a member of the inter collegiate executive committee and will represent Pacific university officially at all meetings - athletic, oratorical and otherwise. .... T- , TUB VALUE OP CHARCOAL Pew People Know How TJeoful Tt Za Xa , Pusaiilng Seatta, and Beauty. Nearly everybody knows' that char coal la tha aafeet and moat efficient dis infectant and purifier la nature, but few realise It value when taken Into tha human tyatem for tha same cleans ing purpos ., Charcoal ia a remedy that tha more you take of tt tha tsttsr; it Is not a drug at all. but simply absorbs - ths gases and Impurities always present In the stomach and Intestines and carries them out of the system. . Charcoal sweetens . tha breath ' after smoking, drinking or after eating onions and other odorous vegetable . Charcoal effectually - clears apd- Im proves tha complexion. It whitens the teeth and further acta aa a natural and ekilnently safe cathartic. . - It absorbs the Injurious gases which collect la the stomach and bowela: It dialnfeeta -the mouth and throat from tha poieoa ef catarrh., All, druggist sell charcoal' In one form or another, but probably the best charcoal and tha moat for the money la la Stuart's Charcoal Lossnges; thsy ara composed of the finest powdered Willow charcoal, and other harmless ..antisep tics In tablet form or rather In the form of large, pleasant tasting lossnges, the charcoal being mixed with honey. ' The daily use of these losengea will soon toll in a much Improved condition of th general health, better complexion, sweeter breath and purer blood, and the beoAity of it la, that no possible harm can result from their' continued use, but oa the contrary, great benefit v - A Buffalo physician ta speaking of tha benefits of charcoal says; "I advise Stuart's Charcoal Lossnges to all pa tients . Buffering from gas - in . stomach and bowela, and to clear the complexion and purify the breath, mouth and throat; I also believe the liver is greatly bene fited by the dally uses of them; they coat but twenty-five cents a box at drug stores, and although ta some sense a patent preparation, yet I believe I get more and better charcoal in Stuart's Charcoal Losenges than in any of the iewdloarr caarooal table U." mUcti"cafecannot bT"len of tne" cooklns- thins dishcloths and towels. Everything, however remotely related to tha food that la eaten ehould be above suapioioa m tnis reelect. , Many otherwise good housekeepers use expensive hair mattresses with no covering other than the aheet , The mattreesea become aolled, gray and dusty, wbea a fitted covering made of stout anbleaohed cotton buttoned snugly at one end. would keep them looking like new. It Is much eaaler to wash such a cover then to wssh ths mattres -. . To one accustomed to seeing these neat severs a bed made up without them gives the same uncomfortable feeling that a table set without cloth or doilies would. - It Is a good thing for tha progressive housewife to look Into, as it at ones ftommwnila ,talttQ-Jifr-.yciLJudfmnl!. 4JrHE.CUtT-H0UrL-: ,"Blds awe and dlnna fret" V -i .. In Marshall Field ' company's .mag nificently appointed, palatial .department store in Chicago there Is oa the fourth floor, I think dressing-room and par lor for ladle Here are books. -.maga-slnea, comfortable lounglcg-c hairs, writing-desks, etc. Opening out of this Is the ' restroom provided only with chairs and couches, as In thin room absolute silence is en joyed by printed notice oa the wall To the weary ehopper whose nerves ara badly t raved by the friction of a great city and the mental and physical wear and tear of a shopping expedition, this is an unspeakable boon. Twenty-nve or JO years ago, possibly much less. - the Imperative , need of alienee aa a restorative factor was al most unknown. Now it Is so far recog nised that one of the gresteet depart ment stores hr the -United States pro vides Its patrons with the faculties for meeting It Houses ara built with thla restroom Included In the architect's specinoa tlona as much as the dining Or drawing-room. . The need of The" Silence. as the New Thought people put it, ehould be recognised ia every household, end by no one more than tha mother, the home maker. - At the least she ahould taks a half hour dally for silence and perfect quiet and suffer no Interruption. To get the benefit of this half hour a comfortable sitting position is per haps better than reclining. Clothing should bs loosened, the muscles per mitted to relax and tha breathing ahould b alow, deep and regular. Por learn ing the perfection at relaxation and even breathing take a lesson of a -months-old baby as It la Just going off to dreamland. ' If tha child la In good health thla muscular relaxation will be complete and the breathing per fect ; It haa not learned the muscular and nervous tension that may later send It to a madhoue t Having mustered these preliminaries. It will be easy to sweep the brain clear of all mental, activity and leave It a positive blsnk for a moment or two, then give the mind soma beautiful, and restful thought clothed In fitting words thought that you love and can there fore keep your interest - upon to take ths place of the haunting throng of thought and mental ploturea you have forbidden it to- harbor- for the time. It is not easy to give directions for this qulst hour, but those of toy readers who already take It wDT understand and those who adopt It will soon get light on the matter for themselves. If - yon , ar-nervous - and - get j tired easily, or If. aa the saying I you find you lean'tejtop th'-klng." you may be aura you need "Tie Silence", and you cannot, begin, to take it a moment too Persist la thla quiet naif hour faith fully for a month and ths Improvement In. your mental and physical health will be so marked that nothing would Indues you to do without It i v -. - DOORBELL RANG AND SAVED WOMAN'S LIFE -' It was only because th door 4 bell rang that Mr C W. Stubbs. , ITt Bast Flanders street left a d'. position near the stove and there- tby saved hsrself from possible death, A rifle ball, came whlsxlng d through tha room , crossed the 0 plaoe she had just left and lm w bedded Itself la aa opposite walL .. d Mr Stubbs was lighting a firs . -in the stove yesterday afternoon. -q . She waa kneeling aa the floor ' when the poatmaa rang the door d belL She rose to respond, whoa d the bullet whlssed pest hsr. It passed through a wall, smashed w dishes oa the shelves and lodged w In tha opposite walL Had tha dj woman waited a second la rising ' d to answer the bell . tha bullet ' 0 . would certainly bays struck her. : -Investigation ahowed that boy who Uvea a block away was d . cleaning a .St-callber special d rifle. He had a rag in th muxsie . :' pt the rifle and did not know that there was a cartridge ta tha . : chamber. - He pulled the trigger , and th cartridge exploded. . - - - " , ' MANY REGISTER INua.' r FIRST EIGHT DAYS When County Clerk Prank 8. Plaids closed . th registration ' books - at th Courthouse last night l.ttT voters had registered. , The books wer opened nine days ago, so at tha dose of yesterday's work. total ef tha registration was taken for the first eight days. This la a much better showing than waa made in tha first eight days of the m regis tration, when but 1.17T voters signed "the pledge" la tha above stated period. There haa been a constant stream of voters coming before th registration desks all morning, and during th aooa hour thla was much greater. - Mr.. Fields is very anxious that- the vetera' continue to register few hun dred a day continually so that there will not be the great rush that always ensues during 'the -htat-fawiayr"tn books ara opened. Ha etatea that the candidates for the various offices can aid la thla by filing their petitions early. Mr. Fields states lhat he x pecta to file his petition for oounty clerk next Monday. . . SECURING. JURY FOR --rTHE JEf.T.'ir.'GS TRIAL aeeelal Diepateh e lbs Joarul.l 'Grants Pass, Or Jan. 11 AH Of To day IB being -used- by the - Josephine county circuit court In the selecting of a Jury for the Jennings murder oa Six Jurors ware secured by Boon, and th court expects to secure th remain ing six this afternoon, - After deliberating only 18 minutes, ths Jury In ths Seaton assault eaae r turnvd a verdict of not guilt. met r nr rv Etii4 T leiT hrr , lav as for orcr CO Terra- cad tx - V- ' son! A!- All OoanterTelts, Initiation crl Jsztco i tr Cxieiiment(. tbat trljla wlti end esianyor do ttl c? Zadaito and OiCdrciwIiytrlcac tlart Errcruts rCasinrfa is m taresB scttlta'a fcr Cuter C3,"rr troric. Drops and SootiJay Cirore . I la nttr'iv k I .-' cobatanoe. Its is Its iurantae It AettrcTS TTcrzrs ' , cad allays ForcrlsluMSSe It enres CurrLoaav ani .TTtJ : ; joUe. It rdleres Teething Cponbles cores Coarl!;ti!ta and Flatolethoye It assimilates tna Food rcLss tla Ctonawsh and Bowela, lvina; healthy and natarxl tUr . Vho CStMxw Panaosa Tha Hotter Frkade I: onnoiriB CASTORIA' f-"VAVO TTioM.YottHayoiunajiiBDM II M A We treat successfully all prrvataTir vous snd chronlo diseases Of men; also blood, stomach, heart liver, kidney and throat trouble We our SYPHILIS . (without mercury) to atar cured for ever. We remove STRICTURE, wit- , out operation or pain, in II day ., We stop drains, night losses and Spermatorrhea by a new method la a' short tlm We can restore the sexual , vigor of any man under by mean of local treatment peculiar ta ourselvet We Cure Gonorrhoea' . B: : -in a AVeelc - - ' The doctors of this institute are all regular graduate have had many , years' experience, have been known in Portland for 1 years, have a reputation rto maintain, and will undertake no ease unieea certain euro can be effected, we guarantee a euro In every undertake pr charge no fe Consul tU tton free. Lettere ronfldentlal. Inetrue- tive book rua MKM mailed tree , ta plain wrapper. W euro the worst eases ef piles la' ' two ar three treatments, without enera aUo . Cure guaranteed. Iyua oaanot call at ftffloa, write omoe aoura, f te aad T to t. Sundays and HoUday I DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. OfBoes la Van Hoy Hotel. Ii Third Street Corner Pin Portland. O Th Hs is diseases Call and tell vou He treats kidneys. H has had great euoeeea la curing consumption who the vic tim is net too much run down by the disease, aad will atop heaorrhaee in aa Incredibly ehort tlm He brews his own medicines from Chtn.-e root herb bude, barks and vegetsbl tea all ef which ar eatlre.y : hsrmlses, and whose medicinal properties are unknown to American doo ' tor Ha uses In his Drsctloe over 10 different Oriental remedie Haa . rs or testimonials from grater ui 97 NortH Fifth 5tret ) FIRST tar a mutt or BxwaavLsaoa, rar marpTATioa, lor BQVXFaraaTT, -rjf xBTOwiwaaV I ar stroexsa. anaJleW ejieubl. Ptetpls Kidney CoamiaMa Ptoed Fotsoa, Xfervoms ptuavi . private Disease. B-iaa , - ' Zjosa TrUty. All maawer o Chronle afflictions of men snd women. Most modern and acl entlflo treatment No cutting. No pain ful operation No detention from busl nes No misrepresentation. Reputntlon established for honeet snd fair dealings with all patient Consultation aad V vic fro , . ;,'.'.'-,-'. Jt'OW.tEiiO :?;c:: jrydreeel tnosra. n i i Lj tcrxa t1 r z cJ ten cait-r LIj rr muTrrizlan tiara till'--" vio mi tA t. .ta vm t-t t ' a. r for onestloa blank. Home treatment to U W Ml: Hi - i Crcct Chlr.ess Dcctcr &O0ATX9 TAT POBTbAJrO ealred great because he cures all without resorting to ' th knife, have a free examination.- He wia the exeat nature of your - trouble. 4 successfully every form ' of fe male complaint, all private ana oiooa se peso cancer, paralysis, tumors, rheumatism and all disorders or th etosaaoh. liver and 4 patient -ee- e , ' Portland, Orson j clgodp::::: rc c::i Tiii rrrrr run wehavemede the sere of bleed m'0 a naelalty. I ilfeiy.S '' Vi nj erlwwery Sased t alaea rweaa. ,.y Cured, Yoe e-e be treated et hove -t ee rr - . Capital avfl," Vee-Wttaesaneto- c aete eaae It yea save exhausted ae e Imetnoas ot we end palMhioe ThromW (tepi TJlaeve oa aav methods of Weeoxent. end Bull save ae ami ItHM la biauta, bore Plsepie OaeneMMeead f -tm. aav Bin ml the ben. I - . Brebrewe teillne eel. writ fur ixraa al , esrs lipase Boo Pre Vww.e ...... f ica ci rrtt. tm, ill t'Alkewai I'---" ...if c rur.j t.. j I f . . --.. c k P -e C -- v-'- e r v SJMt.. t V, 1