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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1906)
c - iLErauMiys FouwiioeiiEyffl MTEdTIIE- 0 irOlMCIE ..U.S., District Attorney Msjinlj-ifc Says Catches Man With Stolen Prop Riotous Youths Escape From Dormitory j at. Whitman, Frequent "Saloon and Dancehall and Take Part In Street Fight ', .-, ,Publio Expulsion Follows Today, ' . - , j C. M, Levey Says Work, on Co. lumblaV Bridge ' Will , Be ; r?; Started at OncT; Owner Parted Her From a Set ting of Ecjt to Enter Show Pen but Che Wine the Day. , Oregon ; Press Association' and It Would Be Impossible to erty Just as He Was Taking t ' - Train to 'Frisco.' f 4-- weiyBiopmenx . i-eaue 'V .- ' o - - ' . s . ST- I Convict Them. n CO SCOTFREEr , . - ... .... , . ...I T. - MHOttEGErffleRUilKEO WW ULlja STATE LAW DECLARED ? ,:TO.BE INEFFECTUAL ShtiW Violated No Provisions f ? ; Federal' Statute, So; District At 7 ' torney Says Hands Are Tied-fMo - Croaaea 8kipa to Vancouver, B. C. Onihe ihaorv that no criminal proeeeu- tian.-eould-.toe ; lMtttntOrJth n-l . - ttoa lodged by the district attorney against the notorious Umber abarka, 1. H. ." . OudJiw and W. H. koCromn of this realty, waa dlsmlesed fWtwOar l" mu nidpa court, oo motion of the state, . w, examined the evidence very care ully." Mid District Attorney Msnnlag today. 'and we oum M w oonwuuoa , that it -wan- useless to ao ta trial, aa wa oould not get a conviction under tha ' existing laws. Until tbo legialature anecta a Uw arhlcfc wHI-raauh' such , oases. It will be impoaalbla to prosecute successfully such frauds aa miwm ' WoCnuu war nractlcineV .. ..-Gardner and MoCreeeea- have -been .-, avatanaliaallr swindling would-ba in- -vestors In Oregon tlmbar Unda for tha last two yaara at least Tneir opera tinna nave bean fully exposed la tha dally papers aad - many -of tneir-vlo-J tuna nave told tneir story m impww T. a. Nsuheasen-of the Interior aepen ment No grosser swindles hava parpatratad la , thla atata, but tha ewlndlera bar wisely avoided aay ln- fraotion of tha federal etatuten. - - Oaxdoar la atlU in Portland, or waa at laat accounts. Ha baa dlaplayad a -Indifference , so wi hwium pi readings which were begun against him. - MoCrossen waa for a tlma reported to be la California, a ad -tha alautba an nounced that ha waa carrying oo -an ln " teUlgenoe office ia Baa Francleco. Aa a mat tar of fact ba waa and la ia Van : oouver, B. C, bavin apparently an' un amended, tdaa that it would ba unaaft for hint to return to tha Jurisdiction of tba atata of Oregon. . . . Diatrtot Attornoy Manning- waa aakad today whathar la hla opinion thara waa anything- la tbo atata lawa to prarant Oardnar and MeCroaaen from reanmlng baalaaoa at jtba old ' atand and in tha old way. Ha repllad: ' , " ". ' , "No, aa far aa I oaa oaa. wa eaa't ' touch tbam. Tba law will hava ta ba ebaaaad bafora wa can proaacuta tbatn. - tbonaii of eooraa they ara crooka." . HoCroaaaa aald shortly bafora hla dlaappaaraooo from Owon that ha had . asada la lot of monay" out of hia op aratlona and that lo preflta from tbo pravloae waafc alona wara orar $1,600. Many of hia viotlma-ara raaldanta of Portland. . CSAFKESS OF PLAYER : ;lLTGiyESJHEAME:AVVAY T the daaneaa ef H. Culler the police ewe 4tbelr good, fortune In detecting a game of poker played last night M it Union avenue, j -'- - PoUoa-Sergeant Baty---aBd-Patrelman X barman were passing; when they heard .ooa'versatloa from tha rear of a barber . ebon.. . i -.-o "How asachr came the ouery.-la load ' .; tones. .. . ' .'; "A dollar, I said; I will raise yoa a . doUarr waa fairly abouted. The ofnoara peered In at a window and saw a poker game ta progress. - Boroe ' body bad raised the wager a dollar and -".Cully had not understood, ' - Oeorga Perry, proprietor of the ahop. Cully, Henry Mullen atfd Albert Lake . ,-were arrested and charged with gam . hllng. They pleaded not guilty before ; Police Judge Cameron thla morning, but , were convicted. , Parry waa fined HO and .-the others ft each, v, -i : HIBERNIANS : HAVE u i ' 'THOUSAND DOLLARS " The largest attendance In tha history of XXvlaJonNo. 1 marked tha first meet - . rag . of the year of the. Ancient Order - of Hibernians last night. An : inter------eatln program -waa given. The retlr ' ing offlcera submitted their final re- - -4 ports, showing; that there ia over 11,300 la tha treasury. --'.,-.-y ' " New . offlcera war Installed aa fol . , Iowa: Frank IX Hennessy, president; IX Crowley, vice-president; Charles - Daggan. financial seoretary; P. C. ' O-Meara, recording secretary; John E. ..iiMalley, treasurer; T. P. Douaherty, , aefweant-at-arTna: A. CKeefe. sentlneL - The committee, on entei-ttnmnt w. . v composed of D. W. Lane, J. J. Smith , " and P. C X Meara. D. W. Lane, the ra . 4 tiring seeretary, was presented with a , , -- . oiacntnora in appreciation of hla aerv WALL STREET SIMPLY - s r AUDI I tin Drr-nBT - umiidl.iiiu ncouni ' -v ' Weeraal ftperlal 'tovteat - Washington, Jan. 11 Congniasman Oroavenor dlscuaaed the Philippine tariff bill nt length today. Williams of Mlasisalppi followed Oroavenor. favor. lac tha bill, and aaylng it was a step in the right direction toward free trade between the Islands and thla count. v In advocation f the appointment of m eammiaaion 10 investigate the char acter of . corporations engaged In In terstate commerce, Hepburn declared that Wall street was simply a gambling resort. He aald: -The day haa passed "When gamblers could demand legislation by aaylng that the financial unnnin. of the country would be ruined If cer tain legislation waa not passed, bat such a may reiurn again." DENVER WOMAN IN ASSASSINATIONWSTERY .asselal Plese wa ta Tbe nsaal.) - ' Boise. Idaho, Jan. lL-The nraltml. . nary examination of Orchard for the - . murder of ex-Oovernor Steunenberg'waa today -postponed to Saturday ' mornlna. Bertha Knight, atenographer In the of . flee of Secretary Heywood of the Waat. : era Federation of Minora at Denver, haa ; made a mysterious vieti to caldwalL Her presence waa unknown until today. . 'Denver authorities hava been requested .;,...J inTaaUgatau:.;i.-v:r,. VcEfeERAL CULLER IS t 1 rinZTinEDON PENSION . tJeereal aaecui Bames.) - London, Jan. 1. Oeaeral Sir Red vera BuLter, who baa long expected to be field marshal wlU be retired aa g'. U wita la, 000 par year pansloa. . VAUDEVILLE ACTOR- HELD FOR THEFT ? i Sajf That Fellow Artlat Gave Him 'the Goods and Endeavors to Com : promise the Case, but Without : AvaiL .:-'.( 1 ' Caucht by-an aPaTywOmaJi at.JM Union-dapot- jwat-aa ha waa about ta taa train ' ror aaa iraociaco, nia y.t. fl'1-1 itk yaJiiaMa artlglaa AS la alleged to ha va atolan from Mlaa Bartha.-A-TruUlnar-of Start treat. Lawranca W. Wilaon. a thaatrt oai narformar. waa arraated by Patrol man Tlehnor and lodged In tha city prison. l . L-f. n. i A. waiter woir. nia rounaei. roaae an effort thla morning to nt the ease com- promlaad. but Mlaa TrulUnger waa ta- f ormed by FTana- Hannaagy, elerK er tna police court, that Judge Cameron re cently laaued Jukaae that any- plantlff oorapromlelng a eaee muat pay aoata of 26, and Inatruotad Erneat Brand, repre aantlng DUtriot Attorney Manning, 0 go ahead with tha proaeoutlon. Under tha name of tbo v uran trio. Wilaon, Lea Laird and a man known to. tha police only aa "Foxy Grandpa recently appeared at a local theatre ia a ektt entitled Toxy Grandpa." - They hava been on, the vaudeville elreatt for a year. Monday they visaed Mlaa rrui linger and were ahowa the rooma in Mra. J.. W. Conrad'a , lodging houaa. Hardly had tbey dlaappeared whan aha dlaoorered that eeveral valuable artl- elea-wra-inJaiiB. - , - Having been Informed that the trio were going to San Francisco, Mlaa TrvN linger called, a hack and .want to.. tha depot ' arriving Just before tha train palled out. She accused Wilaon of the larceny, . which, he denied, ' She throat her hand Into hla oeat pocket and pro- duoed an Ivory Japanaaa statuette -belonging to her. " With thla evidence aha called Patrolman Tlehnor. Mlaa TrulUnger. made Wilson empty hla pocketa They contained an ivory Chtneae atarna. a. ellver nail polisher, a Japanese pin tray and other aruclea taken from her room, . aha . eaya. - Ail that waa missing waa a pair of manicure scissors. The Chinese atatuette, valued at 110, waa broken,- w Lialrd and tha man known as Toit Grandpa" succeeded In getting aboard tha train and went to Bah Francisco. Wilaon declares hat Laird gave him the article. If he apeak a tha truth, the police aaaert, he la aa guilty aa tha thief. for be Inspected the room with Laird and knew tha artlclea belonged to Mlaa TrulUnger. : EARED PAFIAMA CLIMATE vVOUlD HST FALlllV r So J. R. Williams Left Wife and Children-Haow Mrs. WiU ' Hams Asks Divorce, w .-Whew Joahaa lfc-Ullamaleff"lbrt land last .July to-become foreman of the 'government machine ehops st Colon, Panama, all hla frtenda rejoiced at pis good -fortune. He left bla family say ing that be feared the hot weather would prove too much for. them. When he ' returns 'from helping in the con struction of the big ditch- he will find hia- family-eoattered." Perhape he will And no wife at all. - -,....- , Mra. Martha A. Williams thla morn ing begun a ault in the circuit court for divorce from J. R. Williams - She al leges drunkenness, cruelty and non support. Mrs. Wllllame avers she haa not received any money from, her hus band for eight months. The ' couple were '-married at Vancouver,- Washing ton. June r IS 01. nod aha alleges that Williams began to- drink heavily two years after they were married; that at tlraea her . husband treated her cruel ly, and that ba once threatened to shoot her- '.' ' -" Mra. - Wllllame seta - forth that her husband ia tbe father of four children by a former marriage, namely: Maud, aged - SS years, . whom the stepmother says Is 'With' an aunt In California; Warwick, aged -II yaara, in the -navy; Carl, aged If. tallboy at tha O. R. S ah oca. and Victor, aged.' 11 Mj Williams declares that Carl has been the only support of the . family for several months, aside . from , relatives who aided. i : -. Mra. Williams asks for a divorce, for 1109 attorney's fees, that a suitable guardian be . appointed - for the , minor children and that aba have reatored her maiden name of Martha A. North. FRIEDLANDER MAY - GET THE BELASCO Although there is" no definite news re garding tba disposition of tha Belasco theatre it is not Improbable that the offer of 8. II. Fried lander, manager of tne oaks, win-be accepted by M. E. Mayer, who la bare to make the aale if he gets ths right proposition. None of the other offers la at all satisfactory. -."I will leave Portland next Saturday night," said Mr. Mayer today, "and will at that time lock up tha bouae unless I nave received what I consider a fair offer for the property. The Independents cannot have the bouse at the figure sug gested by their agenta and I would rather keep it on my handa than aall for any other than, ona oiler we. have That h" offer la aald to be that of Mr. Prledlander, who is ambitious to organise a light opera 'company aim Oar to the Tlvou of Can Francisco. , ' ' . TRAIN-WRECKER GIVEN -THREE-YEAR SENTENCE - aoeraal Saealal aereias.t Bakeratletd,. Jan. 11. Loula ' Dolma. convicted of attempting to wreak a Southern Pacific freight train two miles east of Kern City oa December I, was sentenced , to . three yaara in Foleom prison this morning. ' ' ..V we rata of wwtna,'. ""V rfleaelal rtlaaatek at The Jeonwl.t Sllverton, Or.. Jan. 11. Twin elrla wmvea m uio noma er Mr, and Mrs. Oenrge Van Hattan near thla ettv vaa. tarday, Their first born, three years tirvTtvue, were aiav iwia fina s fltoerisl tHseateh ta Tbe Jearaal.V Walla Walla, Wash Jan. 11 Four students , were today - suspended from Whitman college Indefinitely before the assembled students of Billings hall, for frequenting aaloona and drinking there in. : Tbey ara Clarence Morrow, Robert Fancbef, Ora Holdman and Zeph Look wood. , .'' 'n f ,"' ,'-', .;' Saturday night all were down town drinking In aaloona Later they-en-1 Trq- aTuDlTc' dance hall. A dlaturb- ance started and a fight xouowea in tne btreet below, which waa broken up by Ulcere. : Prominence te the street row I waa 1 van .,bytha story. Jn.Oha morning paper, - Iniurtngr tne name or ' tne eoi- leser' proven at the. eollege, only -one oouree waa open, ana uti iw at ihiimow v leave school. ' All are academy atudenta at Pearson s CilflllLCOLlLllTTEE IS nvestfgation ' f ; Panama Mat- ' tere Commences Behind , . Closed Doors." l' TAFT PRESENT AND ' r - f FURNISHES-NAMES Commeroe Comrsittee Reports Favor- ably on Numerous Bills, Among Them 'Fulton's Resolution Provid ing; for Survey of Coos Bay and Bar i ' ' ft , M1 anarlal BerrVe.t ' ' - Washington, ian. 11. Formal tnves gatloa Into the management - of the Panama raUroad. canal and sons gov ernment began today - behind closed doors by the - senate commutes on canals. Secretary Taft waa present ana furnished the nsmes of those In a posi tion to give Information. Public hear ings will probably begin Tueaday. En gineer Jstevena will be the first witness. A subcommittee may visit tha isthmus. Ths senate committee on commeroe today reported favorably on the follow In bills: For tha construction of a revenue cutter for the Pu get Bound dis trict; tha construction of a lighthouse at Cape Ara go; to Increase tha cost limit of tha fog signal station at Bat tery point to $l.00;"to establish a lighthouse, entrance to- Belllngham -bay, tSO.oOO: to establish a keeper's dwelling at Roblnaon'a point, 5,00; also Ful ton's resolution authorising a survey of Coos bay and bar with a view to widening and deepening" e entrance to a depth of 40 feet . - . The president today nominated F. B. Nave of Arlsona to be Justice of the supreme court of Arlsona. . ' During the diecuaaion- oi us wm re pealing the timber and atone act yes- the senate- publlo lanas en"" e..,. Viiitnn at Hreaon took occasion to oppose the giving of tha secretary of ih. interior so much power aa It now appeara the new bill may - In the house yesieraay o ruuiw" tariff bill was tha eubject of much de hate. Dalaell . opened the discussion and warmly championed the measure. Ha waa followed by several others who opposed it, among . tbem ex-Speaker Keller or unio. wno s' " for opposing the pending bill that if waa a concession to democratic prin ciples . - : ' ' - v -,'" l , Shepard of Tex as, just before adjourn ment, took up the matter of the eject ment of Mra. Minor Morrla from tha executive offleea.- . : ,-: ': EIGHT INDICTMENTS IN -- LAND FRAUD CASES (SeeHal Inepateh te The Jearaal.) Boise. Ida,. Jan. 11. Bench warranU have been laaued all defendants In the eight Indictments found by tha federal erand- fury st Wallace la ue laaa rraua inveetlgatlona aa follows: WUllam F. Kettenbach. Oeorga H. Keater, William Dwyer, on a charge of conspiracy: William B. Baton. Clarence Robnett, William EV Kettenbach. con spiracy; William lawyer, v-iarenoe v. Robnett WUllam Baton,, each for subornation of perjury: Edward F. Knight brother-in-law of Robnett. ror perjury before the grand jury- Ball waa fixed at- 100 In each case.' At torney Rutck eaya that with the Issu ance of warrants tha Indictments be came publlo records and there was no occasion for secrecy on tha part of tha Offlcera serving tha papers. .., eWsenakaBSsana-BBBsaaaanpeaaasXaasBs - : FOUR MILLION POLICIES.' EIGHT THOUSAND ASSETS -h -:",. -r- - (Jearaal Special terries.) , New Tork, Jan. 11. A receiver was appointed thla afternoon for tha Empire Insurance company of thla city,- It ia an assessment company and a number of losses are unpaid, It wagl disclosed at tha investigation that laat month the aaseta were only 11,000 in bonds and 11.000 cash, 'while It had (4,000,000 of outstanding lnauranoa and 1,100 policy holders It had been prohibited from doing business la all atatea axeept New ToravJnnsylraiUaamdWsitVlrgiBta, BRACKETXDEMAND?i. ' DEPEWS RESIGNATION (Jearaal SeeeUi Serrw.i Washington, D. C Jan. 1L Senator Bracketfa resolution demanding that Senator Depew resign wag reintroduced by the aenator today - and made tha special order for Tueaday. It . atatea that the lnauranoa revelations demands that Depew resign forthwith, - SUBJECTS OF KAISER -. ; ORDERED TO FIGHT (Jseraal asmal Sarvlee.i (Copenhagen, Jan, 11. All Oerman ettlsena In Uenmerk aubjeet do mili tary aervloe at home have been Ordered ta -hold 'themselves In readiness to re- , turn te Oermany aa three days settee. PROBING academy, but prominent In athletic lines, Ona la assistant treasurer of the asso ciated atudenta. Two, Francher and Holdman. were prominent track men laat year. One won the mile run and oaa ehowed well ia the vaulting. . -Alt of the four atudenta have re ceived warning previously, that atudenta who frequent aaloona and auch resorts could not stay in school. , Some were already on probation. They were found at a aaloou drinking-therein, and-they alao pursued ed an academy atudeat of lower grade to drink. ' i For theae reasons, to protect the col- lege and tbe- Mi -othera.-they ware suspended. Prealdent Pen rose- when interviewed this afternoon aald: . r beeaitsapt tha .facta. but Ibora la nothlna alaa-lo be done In the case but send the boys away, both for tha good of the gohool and for-their own good.- . . t,. ..r4.,. BUT ALL ALOHE Detective Day Reaches Coldfield ".and Finds That BlrdViii C" : Has Flown. :.- ; t- VICKERY GIVEN TOO MUCH NEVADA FREEDOM Was Wanted Here 'tm- Charfea of Swindlinf but Was Allowed to Do as He Pleased on Account f Per i aonal Prominence. .';';.', Detective Joe Day reached Goldfleld, Nevada.-to brief B. H Vlckery back to Portland for trial on tha charge of Obtaining money by falsa pretenaea, only to learn, that a few houre before bla arrival, the prisoner bad escaped from custody. . Werd to thla effect waa re ceived this morning nt polios headquar tare. ' . ' '; 7 '.'7' ' ; . . Vlckery waa arrested by Sheriff Brad ley at Ooldflald several days ago on a telegraph to warrant aent by Chief of Police Oritamacber, the complaint against. him -being filed in the police court by Frank Griffith, who- accused the man of giving hlra a spurious check on a local bank : for $11.15. Deteo UVe - Day - left for Ooldfleld Tueedsy morning, reaching there ehortly before noon today. ,.,'..- ' 1 i The prisoner was a stock broker and president and manager of the Ooldfleld Securities company. . Ha bad lived In the Nevada mining town for- about a year and on account of hla prominence aa a bualneas man waa allowed a num ber of llbertlee after hla arrest - He waa allowed to attend to hla business under surveillance of a deputy sheriff. ' .Under pretense of visiting ths Monte ram club 'of Ooldfleld. of which be la a member, ha quietly made hla escape. Tha authorities have learned that he did not leave the camp oa the train,, but traveled In an automobile to Bull frog. .When laat aeon be waa speed ing toward Ma Vegas. , Every possible effort la being made to recapture htm. t It ia said that Vlckery bunkoed more than a dosen residents 'of Port land. Among ths 'number are John Coffey, the taller, who indorsed a ficti tious check for sis and hsd to pay that amount aa well aa protest feea of ll.eO when the check waa returned by Seattle bank official, and J. A. Diets, who lost IIS in ths same way. Another man cashed a bogus check for SS, it Is aald. Gevurts Bros, sold considerable furni ture to Vlckery . but , recovered their property.' -. ' . ' , - Tha man's oparatlona were auocessful on account of bla bains-' or claiming to be a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elka. Ha ahowed a card purporting to prove him a mem ber In good standing of tha Elks lodge at Olympla, Washington, and . thua gained the confidence of hla victim a . Detective Day bore the expenses of the trip himself, trusting that ha would ba reimbursed by the state. The officer ta noted for hia swsst disposition and tha police are aughfng- today over rue way In which he wlU probably take the es cape of Vlckery. .!.'.;-- V "Ooldfleld ia a mining camp,- aaia Chief Orltsmacher. "If Joe gets too emphatic In bla demonstrations of In dignation I ttAt that be will some back on a stretcher or marred py tne nuneta of playful mlnere." -: r WILKES0N MAN KILLS J TWO AND HIMSELF ' i ' (Joeml Special gervlrs.'t . Tacoma. Wash., Jan. 1L Nels Nelson, at Wllkeson, killed hla : mother thla mornlna by cutting her throat and then tried to kill hla wife and two children with a flatiron. Ha then blew out his own-brains. The wife and ona child will - recover, but the youngest child, aged 1 year, was fatally Injured. The loss of land through taa foreclosure is said .to hava unbalanced hla mind. . Ooyae Baok U Frank Coyne, a member of Company H, Second Oregon regiment of - volun teers, left for Manila last night, to re sume hla duties In the Unltedetata crustrrms -ofnee - there, - after - four months' vacation In ' Portland." Mr. Coyne haa been In tbe cuetoma aervloe since Hi waa mustered-out as rVoiun teer In the army service seven years ago, ' He la a 'brother-la-law of J. M. Mataoheok and formerly made his home in Portland., where be haa a num ber of . relatlvee... - . ,.-: .... . , .:. ,,.,.-., week ef Prayes. - . ' rapeetal Pispateh t The Jearaal.) i-Oregon City, 'Or Jan. 11. The third evening aervloe of the week of prayer waa held laat night at tha M. B. ehurch, Mr. Landsbo rough waa the epeaker and his subject waa "The Unsaved Aroused to Seek 81 vat loa," Tonight tha aervloe will ba held at tha Presbyterian ehurch when Rer, H, B. Robbtna will- apeak on fSoolety Bvangellaed." Tomorrow night win be the last service that will be held at the Baptlet ehurch.-. Rev. EL B. Bollinger will be the. apeaker of tha evening aad hla tople will be "MJs aloaa JUinaplred and RetafereaeVv y . MATERIALS ARE NOW V ' EN ROUTE FROM EAST i,:-' rrrrr. T';,----f ' Old Pier at Vancouver to Be Used I, ia : New Bridge Must Go Down : Seventy Feet to Meet Solid Foun t"datlon, " . .-,', ''. .'. : 1 It la. Aald J T C ht. Lever, vice-pre si snt Ptlhe Northern :Pacifl9: jtatiroaq oompany, that tha litigation arising out of tha crossing trouble at . Maegtyg junction wilt ause no: delay; In pfeper-J lions ror Beginning oonairuoiiou vi uia Columbia river bridge. . u i-. .- "ConstruoUon of this bridge will be commenced immediately. Arranger menta are made for beginning wora and Engineers If odjeskl and Crosby ara on the around." aald air. ievsy. Ralph Modjeski of Chicago, who has bean retained aa apeolal consulting en gineer and who dealghed tba propoaed brldaa. arrived in Portland a few day ago, and ta making hla headquarters at tha Portland hotel, but going daily to the aita of the bridge at Vancouver. B. F. Croaby, tha Northern Pactflo'a bridge engineer in charge of the Paclflo coast Jurisdiction, ia now at Vancouver and ependa most of. bla time at the-Vancouver and of tha work. .The bridge will be constructed in two sections, their ends Joining on tha island. . Materials for the-caiason construction and piers are now oa tba way from tba east and a force of men la building a wharf at Vanoouver or handling the supplies and equipment ' '. ..'. ; , A larara srarehaaaa la nelnar con structed in which the cmentWllibe sept,, me oia pier now sianatng in tne Columbia ; river at vanoouver will be used .aaa support 'of the new bridge. From 1(S to toe men will be employed in oonatruetion of the piera. The work will be begun with the sinking of cala- Bona and filling them with, cement to form the foundattona of-the- plera on tha river bottom. The engineers say they do not expect any difficulty In construction of the bridge, the only hard piece of work being the pier foun- dauonsT They. wmba obliged to go down TO feet below the aurfaoe of tbe Columbia to reach -solid ground. - The englneera expect to have the bridge completed within a year and a half, or soon aa tha Hill railroads down the north bank are done and ready to be connected. . It . la estimated that , tha Columbia end. Willamette bridges will coat the Hill roads upward of 11,000,009. T LIARHIE LlEd Situation In -Regard to Portland . Steamship Line to Alaska , . . Encouraging. ' 'y KETCHIKAN MAN URGES : .. CITY TO ENTER FIELD Juneau Merchants ; Demanding ' In vestigation of Alleged . Combina tion of Transportation Companies and Ruinous Rebates, Before making a canvaa of the mer chants to 'see what they will do to ward guaranteeing buslnees - for an Alaska atsamshlp line, we ara negotiat ing with ateamahlp people to ascertain what they are willing to do. - Tha situa tion todsy looks encouraging,'' said Sot Blumauer, chairman . of . . the - Portland chamber of commeroe Alaaka ateamahlp committee, after a meeting held by that body to discuss plana of procedure. 7 - The committee baa been greatly en- con raged by the results of Its Investi gations Into Alaskan trade condition Hardly a day passes that further evi dence la not forthcoming to ahow that Portland' a trade, opportunltlea-In-wvst-ern and central Alaaka ara great - I. V. Flolechnar of Flelschnar, MajreraiXQ'l wno sena a representative regularly through Alaskan territory to solicit trade, haa been added to tha commit tee. '--,-.,. . -T - A Ketchikan merchant, writing to Mr. Flelscbner, complains bitterly of treat ment received from-Seattle merchants and ateamahlp lines operating out of that port and nrgea that Portland enter tha field with transportation facilities. He aaya that If merchants here would send men to the north to make eon tracts the bulk of the trade of south eastern Alaaka could be appropriated by Portland, and the only thing neoeesary to get it would be to guarantee delivery of the goods. - . , Merchants or akagway, Juneau, Doug las .and other polnta are unanimously complaining' at the high rates charged by the steamship companies operating out of Seattle, between which there is said to be an "understanding" regarding rates. .At Juneau a movement Is on foot to induce- the diatrict Judge to call a special grand Jury session to Investigate the alleged combine between the Paclflo Coaat and Alaska Steamship companies . It la alleged that the 'combine has agreed -upon- a schedule of rates and wharf charges in open violation of the Sherman law and ruinous to tbe trade of -the -dlstrlot-- It is-further- alleged that there Is discrimination onlfie part of the combine In favor of large shippers,; Tljt practice pf . rebating Js denouncedby the" Alaska tnerchanta, as pernicious and Illegal,'-'; "The result of the whole matter, we take It, will ba an Independent line of boats entering the trade from Portland and that Instead of two companies eon trolling the. entire traffic divided ' between : three er more com panies,'' says the Ketchikan Journal, - vl . Axst KMUMk Sm - - y Assl Knoblook, who waa found yes terday morning in his room at tha El dors house suffering from the Inhala tion af Illuminating aaa, - waa reported somewhat . Improved la - condition - thla morning by St Vlnoent'a hospital at taehee. It la believed that the man now haa a chance for hla life,- He ia unable to talk and the police have not learned whether he turned- the gaa on with suicidal Intent or left the stopeoek turns by accident ' -,-. . . ',',. '. '. '.";.' ', ' NEGOTIATING WITH BIGGEST BUNCH OF V 1 i CR0WER3 YET SHOWN Poultry Exhibit as WelJ as Tbat of . Fancy Pigeons Attracts VWe " At tention Judges Announce Partial 7 List c4A wards. ,'- !' - There is a eertalsi aettiasT-nt over st the poultry ahow :wha . la -proving something of a disturbing element In the family of l.OOS fowls located there. Sh - oaa screamed , and . Jl u t U rad.-s.nd beaten the sides of the sags with, her wings until her owner, J. C.- Murray, haa about decided to send tba lady home to meditate upon, tha opportunities aha haa loat The aole reason for the hen a ire appears to be the fact that Mr. Murray lifted -her, from a dosen -eggs - In-order to properly exhibit her, but she haa thus far been unable to appreciate tna ad vantages of a blue ribbon. The neigh bors are complaining, all except a giant Plymouth Rook rooster, who sagely ex hibits a strong tendency against race suicide and protests sgalnst tha action Of the proprietor of the ben. ' . ; , . The ahow is attracting great attan tlon, and so It should. It contains nov elties In the poultry ' Una. -There -are Olant pigeons from California and. Eng lish "runts." which fanciers - declare were known prior to the year 1(20 as Romalnes. Snow-white gobblers, with fan-like- feathers of pure black extend ing from their breasts, ara also to be eeen, and tbe pigeon exhibit aa a wnoie la ths . greatest ever preaented before the people of tha northwest - I Thm Judges thlevear arFL.H-J!h' aoarger ox towa ana wmuun uionenouee of British Columbia. .They have about finished the awards In the Plymouth Rock department but have announced no others.- The results to date follow: B. F. Kennedy, Eugene Cockarela, aeoond aad fourth; hen, third: pen, sec ond: -cup for best five cockerels. .. . J. M. Garrison, Forest Orove Cock, fifth.-' -vv- . .,.. - ' : : J. I Andesson, Fremont Washington Cock, first and third hen.TToarth and fifth: pulleta. first, second, third snd fifth; pen, first; collection, first ' and third: cun for best' rive males ana nrst ftvs females and cup for best collection of barred rocka.v-.v- ;.. - E. J. Itdd. Portland Cock, second; hen. second; cockerel, fifth; collection. Mra Oenrge Shaw, Sandpoint, Idaho- Cork, fourth; pullet, fourth; collection. fifth. . " - " - " " : J. O.' Watts. Eugene Cockerels, first and third; pen, fourth. . J. C. jiturray. Portland Collection, fourth; "pen."flfth.LT. . :' -J. Murow, Oregon City Pen, thlrdT- " ' M. I. Wiley. Rex, Oregon Hen. first ' The attendance at the show hss been thus far very gratifying to tbe offlcera. Not only fanciers and breeders crowd Into the big building at Front and Sal mon streets. . but a great many people who could not tell the difference, be tween- a pigeon and -a -bantam are- evi dently eager to seek out the curious sights of tha exhibition. - The poultry ahow lasts unttl Saturday night being open each evening, aa well aa mornings and aftornoona. ... -.: . F 1SES- A6Ai:i . HELD UP AT VAFiCOUVER Question; Arises as to Authority :' of : Commissioners to ? ' -' Make Grant. , ' : ' (Special BleeatHi ta The JoeraaL) Vancouver. Wash.. Jan.- 11. Prose cuting Attorney W. W. Sparks last even ing gave hla opinion In the matter Of ths appllcatlona of the Vancouver A Suburban Railway company. and the St Helens Public Service company for rail read franchisee along the publlo roads of this county. In this opinion Attorney, B parka -holds that the county commis sioners hava no right to grant auch granta. Ha saya the state legislature must act In auch matters. - The question at Issue baa been referred to Attorney- Genera John D. Atkinson, and it ia ex pected hla decision will be received in a few daya If it la In favor of the railway oompanlee In all probability the county commissioners will grant the franchisee at their next meeting on February . If. on ths other. hand. At-torney-Oeneral Atkinson should uphold the opinion of County Attorney Sparks, the franchises will have to bo secured through' the legislature. Thla ' would cause a delay of nearly two yaara, as the state legislative body does not meet until late in ISOT. Should tbe attorney general take, thla view of the matter It la probable that both companies would buy private right of way Instead of being held up for two years. ; ' OREGOHITY ; jo;iTi:ino gsi;;d tt-."-." '. . 'i. I.; Several Matrimonial Bonds Sev . I ered by Court at City :; ; ( u.;:;; by the Ttifa''rYi': (Soeelal Dlapateh altWlemtU -rt)ragOH-aty. Or, Jan. 11. A deoree has been entered In the following cases and the bonds of matrimony which ex isted between them have-been dissolved: Nellie Smith against Samuel Smith: the defendant will have the' care and cus tody of the two minor- children. Frits R. Braun against Edna Braun. Eleanors N. podson against Nelson H. Dodson. Ths plaintiff will resume her, maiden name, Eleanora N. Buchanan.. The demurrer waa, overruled end de fault entered In the ault of Abble a. Miller again t Thomas - Miller, also . In the eaaa of Charles Drake against Mary B. Drake. . . x 1 The ease of J. O. Kates against XX it. RaMllffe waa dismissed by Attoraeye ITRear- Sohaabal. . - Marriage lloensee were laaued yester day to Florence A. Riekert aad W. W. Paraona, to Mra. l-ydia Howlett and O. te Barbour. - j . '. Ssafanaa frteek Allen , VrmW TO DISCUC3 CJ2JZCT8 ' : ' OF CSr.ZRAie INTEREST Governor Chamberlsln and President Caka of Portland Commercial Club Smith and R J. Hendricks Respond -taarnowdruiTaTTre" build good roads and successfully eon- " duot a dairy, one haa but to attend the eeealona of the Oregon Press ssaocla Mesj and Oisgew levelnpnteal -league- in the rooms - of the Portland Commercial club tomorrow and Saturday, when papers bearing on theae subjects .-wt!L be-read.- Delegatea to the joint meet- . ing have already begun to arrive. The two bod lea will meet tomorrow morn-- llf at S:l o'clock. . - v Immediately after the Joint gathering " ia called- to order Governor O. XL' Cham-- berlaln will deliver a few words of good - cover, wmcn win no rouowaa oy a, welcome by President H. M. Cake ef the r Portland Commercial club, to' which. President B. U. Smith of the Oregon Development-league and President R. J., Hendricks of the Oregon Press associa tion will respond, i , .j- . The chief discussion of ne - morn ing will bS upon the general TeubJeotTT "The Commonwealth of Oregon; Ita--Resources end Opportunities," ' Judge ' Stephen A. Liowe.l of Pendleton will re- -spond for eastern Oregon, J. M. Blake ,' of Marshfleld will be hesrd aa the rep- '. reeentatlve of the coast section. Thomas -Sharp of Prineville will repreaent een- , " tral Oregon. . ,. -' ' Colonel ; i John T. Whistler of the - United States reclamation service will.-'; discuss "Reclamation of Arid Landa la ' Oregon-Friday morning Instead of Sat--' urday morning, aa heretofore announced. . Tbe Preaa assdcisUon will meet in the, tower room promptly .at 1:10 o'clock Fri day afternoon. The following-program ", has been prepared-by Seoreury Albert -: ', Toaier: . ..- '" - ':-'." - Report of legislative commit tee; Sla- ; . cusslonr-rPubllcstlonTOf r the- General Uei In ths Newspapers of the State." George C Brownell. J. Q. Graham and F. . . . D. Cornettj . "The Trade Press," O. Strong; "The Unltype,' A. H. Qrlgsby; Th. Relation of tbe ' Editor to the, politician." Frank Pavey; "How to Ad vertise a BUte." Tom Richardson; "Value . ; of Country Correspondence," Charles , NUfcell; "What Shall We Do About Itr A Bennett; paper by Rlnaldo M. Hall:: address by J. F. Carrell; miscellaneous association business; "Direct - Primary Law. aa It Affects Missouri . News-' papers," D- M.- C Cault. -' '-. -Tha grood-roada aeeUon- of the Oregon Development - league will meet at, a ,. o'clock Friday . afternoon In the main f parlor Instead of the dining-room, aa -heretofore, announced, and will be In - charge of Judge I R. Webater, assisted by Secretary H. B. Thia'aan. , A mim- ; bar of invltatlone have been sent out : . : for'apeclal speakers.," '4 ' L Sabry ' aaaa" Saaatlaa'- '" " '" ' The dairy section wUl meet exactly .' at I o'clock In the corner office, near - tha main office, formerly- occupied by tbe promotion committee, Thla section : will ba under the direction of J. W. Bailey, atata aalry-and food' commis sioner, both do ye, v ""t v Frlda afternoon at :tt o'clock the editors wllt pe alven-a dinner at"the- Commercial club by the offlcera and members of that organisation, to be fol lowed by a reception to tbe club mem- ' bora, newspaper men, members of tha development league and visitors. , - ' ' , . An Interesting prog Am baa been ar ranged aleo for Bsturday. UILUAM VMLSH riSSKG FR01I SEA1RE HOtEL Wealthy Citizen Believed to Have . Fled to Escape Prosecution , ; ; - on Criminal Charge, -f -: fSpeclal Mspateh te The Joarnal.) ; -Seattle, Wash., Jan. 11. That Wtt--llam Walsh, until recently ,port " en- ; glneer of the Northweaterlf Steamship comnanv. who. la accused by the com-r pany of Systematic grafting, haa -fled , to escape prosecution, is ins oeciaranon of tbe ateamahlp officials who caused: his arrest. At the hotel where Walsh was sUylng tha statement is given out that he haa left the olty and hla where-. abouta ara unknown. Walsh la paat (I years of age and worked with local ateamahlp companies here for 10 years. He had chsrge of all the repair work done on boats at three dockA - He an- : tared into an agreement with Bhlp wrlaht H. R. Reed to do iha .work and " add' IB to te per cent to the cost of tha ' bill, and thla money went to waisn to pay It . . , . , -'.. In tne preeenoe or a nuiaen wiwinv , Walsh gave Reed tha money.' Reed gave Walsh over the ehange of IMS, If aoorehended Walsh wUl be . prose cuted on a charge of obtaining money , under false pretenses. Walsh is wealthy. . TELEPHONE CONTROVERSY MAY LEAD TO CUUHI5 The struggle between "the' Pacifle Telephone . Telegraph company L and r. u.. T.l.nhnnt eomniT for au- . nm . - . premacy In Portland may not be set... tied witnoui a isi - -v-t!0nrtsrlPTta'e- botljorp-. . u h-fnr the atreet com-. reuune -fk ----- - mlttee pf the city executive board yes- , lerday Aiiorney nj. ! '"' old company asked that the new com pany ba forced to remove Ita poles , when they interfere with the old com pany's lead or place eroaaarma ' aad ... mi thrtm ta which the wlrea of bla company should be at ¬ tached. ( . vv Robert Tucker, atiorney. or loieoo, , nt.i. ehn laa mtnDtr hi the Home Telephone company, appeared at - the meeting and auggesiea n ma tout--pany had been damaged It waa a ques- 1 1 ItT IVT ,..w , " able further discussion followed..' . , - ateHy Oasunyed With Stsaaee.-,- a inmiBilAa haa hn flle hv Depoty Diatrict Attorney Adama eharg- ng muraer in ma lire aiai as againai r-. Mia Wnw" Wellv who la BAfmeeA Af' binua Tttnmu Flafnaalaee tn the Can, tennial saloon holdup on December -it.. Kelly la bow a prisoner a ju viij jaut .V