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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1906)
F t. ' A : ai i-- " 1 Vttmm Orsad... Modska ta "kUcbe -I n oueuw.. . . , , . . t r- - . kuil 1 I a. Ijrle ',...,.,.. Oraaol r'sotaf ...... "iou riri u.... vae VaeTt Vasaeitue '" hydrants for tilling th wagons ef th 'Street sprinkling duptrtmwt nr be Installed by the municipal water board ,thl year. 'The subject wss fore the water board - yesterday r Mayor Lane, but no actio waa taken. Chief Campbell of the fire department has contended for many months that ' use of the tire' hydrant for filling the v sprinkling' wagone la a bad practise. The drivers of the. wacons. frequently wrench tb hydrants out of shape and T make thm useless, with the result that the work or the fire department is v rloualy - ' hampered. ' - Superintendent ,' Dodge of the water' department.' said that the sprinkling hydrants could 1m r attached to the feed pipes of the fire ... hydrant without- damage la the street -pavements or to the fir hydrants. - The- Oregon Development league e ,curslonlsts will keep open bouse at the - Hotel St7 Francis, at Baa TrmncISBormn have Invited the people of that city te ' enjoy tneir hospitality in tne white ana "'gojd room of the hotel Tuesday, Jaau 1 ary II, from te 11 p. m. The menage- ment of the St. Francis has "reserved the Messanlae floor a headquarter foi jr-r the- Oregon people. Governor ChambeY -rlaln ; has-wiied "Governor Pardee -of California asking him to assist In this reception, invitation have been ex tended to the mayor of 8a iv Francisco, - the member of the Merchants' as ' elation board of trade, manufacturers 1 .and 'Producers association, chamber of , , commerce. Merchant' exchange. Call - . fornla Promotion oommltue aad Stat - board f tn4t':-r-r'i--. X'".x " ('' Alexander Hamilton wan -'born 141 year. ago- aodey-and 1H" commemoration of the event the American Patriotic club will meet this evening In the par ,. lor of the Hotel Portland. Invitation j have been extended to about II promt ' ' ; neat cltlsen to be present. There I to . be an election of oflcera and speech' maklntv 1 Is wnderstnort that. Judg Wolverton of the United State district . ; court will be selected president of the vdub, W. D. Wheelwright, vlee-presl - - dent,, v will effldate as toastmaster. Toasts will be responded to as follow "To the Memory of Our Late President, C a.' Bellinger, C B. 8. Wood; "Alex . ander Hamilton," George H. Wtlllames "United State Finance, A. I Mills; Empire State the Horn of Hamilton,'' Kev. Stephen S. WU, . ;, :. y Trfr One of 'the- queerest complaint ever . filed In the local circuit court ha been ' presented In ' tho action begun br X ' Ksrta asralnst the city of Portland. The -complaint say that Kerta worked' ; hour - overtime for the eltr at It " crematory and should reeelvc "tl.Slt, or te. cents aa hour' Tor.tnt labor, wo one about the courthouse is able to flfur out Just bow Ksrta Is entitled to ' IU1I If he wa to receive but Id cents '. ,.an hour for hta hours. A second cause of action 1 said to ex let because . , Joha Muchot worked 70 hour over . time at the crematory and should have been paid l,4oo, or at the rat of (t v cent a aour." ., . Tomorrow oventer there will be held : at tho resldeno of L H. Amos, III Haw . thorn avenue, under tho ausploes of the ' Prohibition Allianoe, ev meeting of un- , usual Interest to the cold-water foroea i Plans for ths co rains; local option and . . prohibition campaign will boaoussed. -: Amonf other persona of not who will be present are Miss Mario rehm, presU ; dent of the Illinois state W. c T. U: . -Tlev. Jame Bushell of the Independent Order ad Oood-Templars; Herbert Shat- : tuck of the. Loyal Temperano Lesions Rev. nr. Clarence True Wilson, nrssl - -dent -of the- State Antl-Bsloon 1 ue. and Rev. H. C Bhaxfer. secretary of the But Prohibition AUianco. ''' To the Publlo: Ws have been com . V polled to vacate the old druv corner at Second and Waahlnatoa, where we have - been located foasmany year, but have ' secured the premises adjolnins our old ', stand, where wo shall be pleased to see 'all our old friend and patron aa well ,C as 'new, ones. We shall at all .times - continue to maintain - the . cam hljra standard la quality, service and eatls ' faction that ha been character latle of ' our ator In tb past and will endeavor to make It aa object for you to let us take care of your drur wenta Albert ' Bernl. the drusslat, til Waahlnctoa street, sear Second. - , , . On motion of Attorney Brnest Brand, ' renresentlna- District Attorney Manning, " Thomas Russell It- aged II years, who i waa . held on - a charge of Mtlghway ... robbery, wa released from custody to :' day. Detective Day and Vaughn assert that the conviction of Russell waa . foregone conclusion had his alleged vlo- tlnv- C. A. Aylesworth, seen fit to rev . - turn from San Francisco to prosecute ' - him. The lad I alleged to bar held up Ayteeworth In the railway terminal . yard and beaten him into Insenslbliltyi ": afterward robbing hint of til. The following officer were Installed ' Tuesday night by Deputy Grand Chan- 1 cellor Chile Nell son of Ivaaho lodge 'No. 1, Knight or pythlaai oeorge J, ' , Cameron, chancellor commander; Oeorge Fucn. vice-chancellor; Bugene wiuia. prelate; Thomas K. Dowllng, master of .work; Ed D. Curtis, keeper of. records and seal; Charles O. SlggUn, master TU of exchequer; J. A. Ryan, master of finance; A. IX Kirk land, master-at-arms; . Ed Dahl, Inner- guard; J. B. Mo&Uroy, -: outer- guard. ; . 7J.-.- .; , .. . There 1 comfort In knowing thai yoa , are sure of first-class - photography when you visit sn art studio. We guar? ants uii la every instance. ' w have , one of the moat modern galleries In the r United State. B. W. Moore, photogra t .. pber. Elks' building Seventh and Stark. Hymaa Oumbert. aged II year, wa "- . arrested several days ago on the charge ;." of embeasling II from the Portland nn's-Fcney PO A SOUbsUa. - 7' DcIJ -Eos2 ;: . auiovzjai m taxitbs. -t . . I cheeoer than, va at II cnts per l.OvJ. It's cnMper than eioow ; irease. Ifs cheaper than bay at ll per ton. lt'a cheaper than fashionable bonnets at atx bits a throw. It's like finding a friend la the wilderness. t W Telephone will TeU Ten AH .. Asoat It, , ., aoosro ajtb oourtanA, - - Tel. Main SM. Oyster company, for which a was act ing af collector. Police yudgo Cameron made nlm" promise to . atay home In future and "be a good boy." Tuesday night the lad was 'arrested for stealing 111. wbloh hi slater kept In a small bank;-T ho- wnsformallr- charged -with contempt of court. Judge Cameron gave him a severe lecture yesterday and en tonoed him to serve sls month la .tht county Jail. ' .'.,; Officer were Installed at the Elks' hall last evening by. Camp Scout Toung of tho United Spanish-American War Veterans as follows: Commander, Jay w. Upton; senior vloe commander. Jack neear- junior- -vice-commander, r. Chinook; officer of the day, John Lera; officer of tho guard, C T. Posters chap- Iain. Gordon Peel; adjutant, John W. Marshall: Quartermaster. . Charlea R. Franklin; ' trustees, Adolph Woelm, Oeorge Carr and B. W. Moore. - A publla reception took place after the Installa- tloa, . .. ' . .' Circuit Judge' Alfred "F. Sears Jr. re sumed hie -work- en- the-circuit-bench this morning. , He ha been at bom for several weeks under the ear of physician and trained nurse, taking the rest cure. -. For many year Judge Sears ha been a constant student and 1 persisted In refusing to take a vai tlon, for when not en the bench he would -bo. studying. Tlesnltt Aa almost complete breakdown. - He stated this morning that ho felt real strong again. John Will lama, a negro who wag dis covered under a bed at the home of B. Atwood. IIS Washington atreet been held to the grand Jury by Polios Judge Cameron to answer a charge of burglary. ' HI bond waa fixed at I MOO. His counsel, McCanta Stewart, waived further Brocedure and consented to his client-. being held to answer after tho testimony- for tho prosecution bad boon offered. ' . v ..'"'. - County Judge Lionel R. Webster baa appointed Dr. W. T. Williamson andVDr. B. D. Johnson to confer with tho of ficials of the state Insane asylum re garding the mental condition of Mr. Mary A. Bane, who spent several weeks la that Institution last sammerr but I now suing to have her estate closed,- It being la tb band of aa administrator. Mineral Springs Hotel Co., losi Amo D. St Martin' Hot Springe. Car son. Washington. I without doubt the beat health resort Jn tb northwest Hot mineral bath for the ear of rheuma tism, stomach, liver - and kidney trouble. . Excellent table. Eleetrlo light and steam. heaUTakn Regulator Una boats. Pennsr Bros. Friday Bneetal Five big bargain in winiiuo grade wtilte or red port. II per galloa: 11.11 grade wmto . Angelica, 1 par gaiioq; 11.10 grade white Madeira. II per gallon: 11.10 grade white Tokay, 11 per gallon. Phono East 187. Free delivery. I7t- III East Morriaon. . . At the ApoUo rink In. Merrlll'a hall yesterday Mra A. J. Diver, 171 Eleventh street, accidentally fell and broke her arm. She waa skating alone and "ran into a pair or skatere. In the collision shs was thrown to the floor. Mrs. Dlvsr waa owner of the rink until last week. Man Tour Hens Lay. Our Diamond Mash I a complete food for ehlckens. Contain the proper food to make ben lay and young stock mature. - Cheaper than wheat when you consider the re sults. Ask Portland Seed Co. about It Front and TamhUL Hear Evangelist Martin's Bonular lec ture, "Marriage and Divorce."-- at the First Christian church, corner Park and Columbia - street, tomorrow (Friday) night Admission II oente. ,,-. Watches. Wa tehee. Watches - On easy weekly payments, 1- down, Ie per ek. Don t go without a good time piece. . Xetagar Co, 111 Sixth street. Steamship Alliance sails from Couch street dock for Coos Bay and Eureka Friday night at I o'clock. - F. P.' Baum gartner, agent . Mala III.- Stsady employment for maa who can make ordinary leadedT window srleas Is offered ander "Mala Help Wanted", in today's, JouraaL ; . , . Why pay If to 111. for 'eyeglasses W guarantee a perfect fit for II. Eyes examined free. Metsger ek Co, 111 Sixth street, j , , t. Candidates' petitions for primary elec tion. Approved form. ' For sal by Man a A Beach, It Second street Asm OH Co. sells the best safety coal oils and tin gasoline Phone East Til. Merchant lunch Mo 11 to Washington. J . . Fin chicken dinner Ivq, lit Third, y ' A W Fritg-S tamalaa. ' ',: vf '.;1,T NSURANCE PROMPTLY PAID Portland. Or- Jan. I. 1101. Thl I to Certify that I sustained tho loss of two horse by Are: they were burned tip In my barn at Union avenue and Madi son street on December II. Bald horse were Insured for till la tho Paclno Live Stock association of Spokane. Washing-tarn, - 1 nave reoelveeT --peymen t in run w my entire aatiaraeuon. I can cheerfully recommend thl association to, ailwishlng jroUetlea en their live stock, as It Is reliable and prompt la Its seiuesaeni or losses. Tours truly, - - .1 W. N. ST. CLAIR, St Pair Joe A Coal Co., 14 Front St ' EASTERN OREGON IN . . LA , MANTLE OF WHITE " Tseeetal Ptepetce te The" Jownsl.V ' Pendleton. Or., Jan. 11.-It 4 snow ing at Pendleton and In eastern Oregon thla morning. - Thl ta ths second enow fsll of the see son in Pendleton, hut all ether towns have bad - much snow. Farmers generally, are rejoicing. , BsanssjBnnnBS-BssBnsSBB j ' ' ' : Snow at Cloa4on.""'' "r'"' "" (Special tHslwtch te TM searnal.l Coadon, Or., Jsn. IL Five lnohea of Cutd fcr Ten Thousand Doilart Iz'XrTtlzLct- Appeal ;., V Joha Ai. Andereoa waa allowed 1150 by a Jury In Judge George's court this morning for an assault mads upon him by employes at tho Oaks oa June. II last Anderson sued the Oreg6n Water Power at Railway company, which owns tho Oak, for 110,000 damage, and the case occupied Sve days. A Sealed ver dict was returned last night and road at the opening of tho circuit court thl morning, i r , ' ; . On Sunday. June It, 1101, Andereon aid be went to the Oak In a private launch. After walking around awhile he etarted to rotnra again to the tauncti. but wa not allowed to pas out ths gatss leading to the boat landlpg with out paying 10 eenta This, he alleged, ha did not wish to do, and 4a attempting to paas out he waa violently assaulted by Guy Wat kins and ' Joe Keller, two guards In the employ of tho company. Forth defense. It was shows that a rule bad been made allowing oao boat company ta use tho landing for hire; this had been done In order to Insure safety. : The officers of the company said that II cents was not charged for a person to leave the grounds, but for transportation from the grounds to tho city. It ,was shown that there w free exit. It U thought that a a trial will bo asked for, and If tht la not granted an appeal will bo taken. "It they want a new trial we win give It to them." said Dan J. Malarkey. attorney for Andereon. William . T. Mulr, counsel for ths company, la Out Of teWB. --;.: -y c:u:::anDr.:::ER3 i:jto COT ED DF REFG:.1 Whtrtwith W. a T. U. Worksn 1 Adopt Him and Will Civ V ' " Hirri a Chanc. i - ..- . '- .-.V' v - Member of the W. O. T. U. of Port land had an opportunity yesterday afternoon to give a practical demonstra tion of what their organisation stand for and rose to tho occasion. The state headquarter In tho Goodnough building wa filled With women' attend ing the weekly parlor meeting when In tho midst of aa animated discussion of tho liquor evil the door opened and a drunken man entered.' Ho slid his hat from his tangled hair and dropped Into corner, where ho dosed through ths mooting. : When tho meeting wa over tho local missionary of the anion and some of the officers garnered .about the vteltor and. discovered - that ho ws without work and money and anxious for another chance.. , -i , -I think the first thing he aeeds la a bath,' said one woman. And ft clean shirt, suggeetoa an other. -. - And food if ho want It and a bod. but no money," supplied ft third. : "Certainly a-job - no to willing to work," commented a fourth. - The women did not suggest the poor farm or the -board of enarltteav Before the -Women let him depart ho had lodg ings secured and a meat Later he will be given work and tho shirt If ho still desire It . w i r AGENT SUING FOR A BIG COMMISSION Presiding - Judge Fraxer this morning Issued ft temporary Injunction in the case of C. L, Derby - against H. L. Phillips and the First National bank. Derby la suing for 11.000. which he al leges Is dus as commission for tho sale of a quarter Interest . In tho Monarch mine . located la Bhoehone county, Idaho. It Is set forth In the com plaint that . Phillips wished to sell an Interest In the mines and told Derby that 111.100 mast bo bad for tho prop- arty, agreeing to pay one third of thla um aa a commission. Derby says that ho sold the mining - property to San Antonio, Texas, men. who gave their note. The notes, are' reported to be at tho First National bank of Portland and due. , -Charles J. Schnabol, attorney for tho defendant this morning . aajd that" be waa preparing hi answer la the ease. "Phillip tells me,- said the attorney. "that Derby got 110.000 for the prop erty. Of thl sum h turned over only note for 111,001 to my client taking a second mortgage on the mine for the other half of tho sal price. Derby seems to want to collect from, both slde.--.;;- - W. A. CI eland is attorney for Derby. A Mall Order sTpsolst Every business man, and especially those interested In asy kind of mail order advertising, should read the De cember number of Judicious Adver tising. Chicago. - ., Thl wa a mall order special and contains articles by : authorities well known In the advertising field, giving muoh practice! Information concerning mall order memoes. .. . Br . ths wayr thl la ft handsomely printed publication and It Illustrations and comment are practically object- lesson to every man Interested In the growth of his own business. mu article in canicular is or uni versa interest, treating the much mooted question of position and writ ten by no lee an authority thaa Charlea Austin Bate, ,-v; . ateildlar Activity la Fortlaad, ' Building permits hav been Issued as follows:. George Rasmnesen, cottage. Murray avenue, near East Thirty-fourth street, cost ll.ooor u. b. Haitermaii, hied Brala , 20 Jack BabW Pet Plo.T,,. 20d "attot . . . . 204 Olam BonlUoa. Teaot wu Ooffeo..lBe Fried Oat Fish ..................18) hrrlofi Base Clams ;.........., .15) sa4rasMt aa Chaos. t4 Oora Boot Saab, Poached Bst...1So) 4ftvT..,v..l5e i......;....iss) Ooffee, Broad and Bates on. , With all Orders, American - Restaurant OOmifM TaTTJUJ AJTP OOVOK .fJTB. ' erar sat ajtb arxaani. Oed Fish Balls, Or mm Bakod Fork and Boaas ntx ta czr t tjryTfc rtustu for wticli r re est CLZZzsZl , '' .. Women' Jacket Suits, the newest and most desirable styles, In. cheviots, serges, broadcloths and mixture!, fancy braid and (imp-trimmed, all the beit shtdei. Largest variety and best values at these low , prices Every woman is interested; ' ' ' ' 16J0 suiu gll.SSt22.80 $20.00 suits l?14.COt27.00 $85.00 suits 24.5OtS3.00 ' VVbmelTirTJreii Skirts, In lilki. AlLthe newest modes pflg San.CS3 :Skirti"?13.45g2a Skirts glCCS $27 Skirts 918.5Q-32 Skirts $22.50 $34 Skirts $24.50 V Women's H Costs, hundreds of them, in all the leading styles and f-material!. -Empire, loose back kersey, broadclotha and mannish .material!; great variety; all grade. $10.00 Coats for 9 5.65 $12.00 Coats for $ 8.C5 $14.00 Coats for 9 0.E5 $16.50 Coats for 812.25 $20.00 Coats for 813.85 Linens, Mulls and Lawns, beautifully made, hand-embroidered and lace-trimmed effect!, long or short sleeves, exquisite styles at clearance prices. Greatest values ever offered. j 5 ,.p-.. -.- y -j. AH. or. fine 5ilkWaistijr great reductions. All our imported Waista at one half regular prices. 17S Waists .r.-... ....... f25 rts.oo Waists ..........,..f S.58 fa.OO Wslsta ........... ..5.5 1.00 Waists i.. ......... .$a.85 40 Waists . ; . ; , . . ; i -;f g.a8T$7J0"WaisU " Ptett!fiji Choose from our entire stock of fine silk Petticoats at low , clearance aale prices styles, . . -colors swd qualities Ahe very beit-Hiilk Petticost bargains we know you can't equal any. wnere eise m town unri special Bargains at a? -a. wo, so.a, f7,is. sV.fto. tlS.00 Silk Petticoats.... M I1U0 Silk Petticoats.,.. tMS tlOO Silk Petticoat.... f 12.45 Dti&cnicnt '.Gray Oranltewar of the beat grade at very low prices. Baa' mentr . . : til-'. j. No. I Tea Kettles' for. ...T2 t-Ojuart Coffee Pot......82e quart Coffee Pot 40 1 -quart Tea Pot. ....... .84) I-quart Tea Pots. ...... ..32 m-quart Pudding Paa..12 t-quart Pudding Pans.,.T.lB -quart Pudding Pans...,16 II- quart Dish Pan forw,.40 14-quart IMsh Pan for.i.'.52 lT-quart pish- Pans for....60 1H -quart Rlos Boilers for. 484 i-qusrt Rloe Boilers for...B64 -quart Covered Kettle. ..48) -quart Covered Kettleo.. .S2 T-quart Covered Kettles. ..60s) -quart Saue Pan.... ...224) 4-quart Sauce Pan.. 84) l-quart Sauce Pans. ..... .28c) 7-ln. ' Semt-Poroelain ' Plate, . blue, brown and pink decora. ' tlons; lie and 0o values. e) Beml-Porcelaln Covered : . Vege table Dishes; llo to 1.H "valuos"". rr. iznrm-.r. . . .404) lie Round Vegetable-. - Dishes, each ......... ..89f tie te II. II Fancy Plates, each .50e) Tlo to 11 China Cups and Saucers .............. .0Oe) T-tn. White Plate .,...,...64) llo, tlo Platee. ..lie) Blue Abbey Cup, Saucers, r Plates, Bowl aad Salad -Dlshe 8) I, 100 Jsp "Teapotsrtle ' -values, each . .. ...... 13 IT.I0 Silver Nut Bowl for, each ..88 I I. 1 Cut-Olao Bowl, .f 6.80 1.I0 Cut-Glaa Bowl. 1 v each .., 818.30 Great CbcrancQ Sdo of tPictgroa Entire stock of Framed Picture at One Fourth Off regular prices. -Picture framing to your order at 15 per cent reductions on regular pricee. "IS per cent reduction on all Pyrographic Outfits and materials. ; 20 per cent reduction on Pyrographic Stsmped Wood; great variety. 20 per' cent reduction on all Metal Picture Frames; all sites. -19c Matted Pictures, each .j ..,l4 25c Matted Pictures,aclu.. 14 Great Special lot of Framed Pictures In all sites and subject!; Of 1 A Great Special lot of Framed Pictures in all sizes and subject!; epIelTr Pharaoh's Horses framed $4.50, $5.00, $6.00 values at..... PRICK Everything In the Picture Department at low clearance sale price. ss44tM' Tarlor between Eat Thirteenth and East Fourteenth streets. coot 11,111; O. ' HevaiaiBon, rnmuiar avenue, near Foster street, cost 11,100; T. P. Howard, cottage, corner Alberta avenue and Eaat Fifteenth street, cost B00; W. Seton,' COtUg. East Eleventh street, near Sherman, coat 11.000; Abe Tlchenor, stor and note, Twniy-inira and Washington streets, cost fi.suv; v. If. Sathsc repairs to residence. 111 Wil llama avenue, 70o. ; , ; ''' At Tolaatoora Xoat. " H. O. Haroourt will prealde at meet In a to bo held "at-the Volunteers of AmBrie Worklnsr Oirls' '. home. ' Ill East Ankoay street, tomorrow svenintf at I o'clock. Mr. Hareourt will give a short talk on "The Redeeming power," The meeting I open to the publla , , Milwauki8 Country Club." r . Eastern and Seattle rscea Take Sell wood and Oregon City ears at First and Aldar. .c . ' " I .0M08AT8W- -- SAIL WAT Oesty ASTTt- t TEL,. ESTACADA ta imct rmosi vovxmta s teSstae with Weekfet............. in s.oo aeea eae sears yer sr ass KM sessreea.. is. akeskfsst. lee. Laseseea, Me. teae. fare sad ae sperfal Tleke, (seNStse tu4H fsre see aiest's stasia sad tane v' CJtttf 'LMAVB7r.;l nom omci na? aits alms its. Deny at Tit, t ; ll s a. ski im, t:i lies. Til s. ss. " ' Paoa sr Write ' , , . L. O. MaeXfah0m, Manager asTAOAOA. oaioog. suits 9ie.S5t;3 suits 910.CO ,uiti 18.00 ICQ iuit t?31.00 suits g23.C0 tt3 suits 33.75 voifes, crepe dc cnTniirbroiJcTothi and' trimmings. Great ipecial value! and tight-fitting effects. In tan. covertir": each $22.80 Coats for 815.25 each each $24.00 Coats for 816.25 each each IQOXoata for 810.T5 each each $30.00 Coats for 821.25 each each $35.00 Coats for $22.50 each (J.OO Waists t't''iiT, ....... ..,ev.-ww .22.00 Silk Petticoat.. ..S14.8S 120.00 Silk Petticoats.... 81 8.85 t25.00SUk.Pe1ticot , . 818.28 The greatest assortment, the ?g.TfM hree tion, full 'Waistbands, 11.15 vsU.t .77 81.75 vls .$17 $3.00 vaU .$2.43 vvuiucns tine cimunc, oaiusuua and muslin Gowns, trimmed ia fine embroideries, Valenciennes , aad torchon laces, dusters of tucks, insertions, beading!, ribbon 15 high, low, round and aquare necks, long and thrtrlcv Grand-vluss-ll $ J5 val. 69c $1.00 val. 79c $1.25 val. 89c $1 JO val. 97c $2.50, $2.75 val. $157 $3.00, $325 val. $2.43 $3J0, $3.75 val.$2J7 $4.00, $43 val. $3.12 EVANGELIST-MARTIN PLEASES THE PEOPLE Ths Interest In the revival at the First Christian church. Park and Colum bia streets, continues unabated. Large auaiences are hearing pr. Martin avsry night. .e ........ "He 1 the most remarkable religious teacher Portland ever heard," remarked one not a member of the Chrlstlsn church, after he had heard the discourse on Tesensration and Regeneration last night. , yt, ' Dr. Martin 1 remarkable In hi fund of apt Illustrations. HI humor la al waya to the point. One I In a state of the most alert expectancy all tb tlm. . . .-, Tonight Dr. Martin will preach on Evll Speaking,' ono of hi moat pop-' a tar sermon. - . -- ? -- .- ANN LAMONT. WITH MISS : i. ROBERTS AS STAR, FAILS Paul Armstrong's best, friends told him "Ana Lamont" would . not, could not, succeed. To which Ih playwrlTit Invariably replied that he would rather own It than any play ha had evee writ ten, r,,; v. ,,, : .'.-v -r , Two week ago Florence Robert and her company, presenting the drama la question, closed at -Vloksburg,- Mississ ippi, Joha cert, the backer of the tour having grown weary of nutting up money to cover the repeated losses of the enterprise. ';.'. Mis Roberta, It I reported. Will go to Denver to organise for tb revival of -at least on of her former successes. She has .many friend la Portland. So )e a Job. - On January 11 tho United States civil service commission will hold examina tions for the following position and persons wishing to compete should cull upon or address Z. A. 1 department, city: Constanhle, la the Indian service, t Great "7 1 ,...1 ,Ji ''' ,xn ii v ' anoT" at: J. ' . eiiMW waists . , . ... ..fs.M nsuis i u r st sivHei rncsa $30.00 Silk Petticoats.... 888.88 $3i00 Silk Petticoat.,., $8145 Jati8tt ttytes. tgrior val good reestsas fsrhzyissyoar mnsEn imdemeejr here Second Floor j ' Long, white Underskirts, of fine cambric j and muslins, trimmed ia fine embroideries, Val I and Torchon laces, cluster! of tuck and inser widths, separate dust ruffles, fitted etc.: . - ' ,. -: --rv-- tl23 vala.S M t22$ 14.00 vala.f3.12 II JO vals.f 37 12.75 val.lJ7 $5, UM..iS7 ,n Cambric, trratlin and naimook Drawer, trim med , iq dainty embroideries ; laces, clusters of tucks and insertion. Great special values at: : V t J50 vsls JB-.t .65 vals.f JS9 I 85 nU I Jto tlM val. ,70 1.23 vala.f M lUW vals 7 U$ XI , il5 rata 4l.4 I2J3 yala.tL97. 13.00 and ti25 vsls. $2.43 53c, 40c Drawers, pr. 25c $us v-iue ;;i.:.;i;...;.,l.$ij7 Z25vahe ..$lv9 tSMS to $5J0 valuea. ...... ...37 60c Gowns, special. . .39c Women's nainsook and cambric Corset Covers, dainty styles, lace and embroidery .trimmed, edgingv insertions, clusters of tucks, bead ing!, ribbons, etc Grand valuei: :. 40c values... .25e 50c value,. ..29c 5c values.... 47c S5c value.... 69c $1X0 value.. 77c $1 JO value,. 97c 'Our entire tock of Willamett Sewing Machine on sate at clearance tale pricei; . 15 model to aelect from; every machine fully guaranteed for ten yean; easy running, full ball-bearing, best bead, handsome woodwork, complete act of the beat attachments, etc, etc.1 Experienced demonstrator to teach you all the detail of operation. , .... -, :. ,..K- ;. $18.66 :Mcii " $2lW MaddneiTr. .917X3 $2S.B0' Machines. . .$10.85 ; $230 Machines. tS2M Machine... 28. 10 $33.00 Machines... t0X3 $10.00 Machines ..) 8.15 8econ4 Ploor. AJTOSJUIJPrTat- Mmrquarrl arand TheMttre -. - stansirs; rtJXPt "MODJESKA- Prldsr Mlsht. Issser 11. "Jfeeh I Metkiu." RatnrSty. Kethiee, jeassry IS-'Hary tea MATINEE PRioEifV. sa. sn. nu si M6UT PaiCES SOe, V, toe. TSe. 1, SI J BAT AAB MOW SELLING.. Empire Theatre RLir THS POPULAR THEATRE. Swy alaM 4kls week, MaMaee Sesuaay. S. J. Oarpeeter's 8 tea Met Buims. "AT (TIPPLE CCIES" A Westers I)rsas ef Ceasrsds ' Mlnlsg life. wits sa eesetlellr selectee eoaisenr ef tw I sr tee aruilset Uttls see- bratte 1OIXI0XVT XVAV. reals Prices lac. ate. hta. aoai "---- lOc. lir, : nxi ArxaonoK - anrn auaaAs . VOW." nkrrThofltrel " See. L. afeasc. Kn, Tamhni and Third St.. Phone Main IMt. , - . THS BOMB OV BUaUSQUaV Ibalsbt., sU tfcte week (except BstorSay sight).' M.wwr wmuw w pe mm eilue. vwe Sreat fturkMqaes, "Isseeset Msla." : "A wtmn ay nwresr assf " "to BXAjgcxan FAAsvear tmfnr Prtree tfle. See, BOe. TAe: SssOiiv sad Saturday ktetlaeee. lee, KM. ate, SOc) Wedaes- "7 auuBeee, aee. ear eesi. . tsseeial.) Keat Wtw atertlB SoimI.t Metises. - , . - ALCaaaa ixtari-A In ths Indian service, at a salary from !0I to 1710 per annum; li t e. - nlst and tnksaaker, - In t 1 a- ef su rra vlng and - prl&T- t a st'-ry of s,o per annum; I In the bnreau of t' ef 11,000 : per ; t 1 Mlf-'-'ne aervl . i t i ry s u -aot. i. 4 1 a f 'rr n r. ii t'-e ut of ( . ' l h'i'l v in. 1 i r . i b t s; i 4, assortment; . te . : ' value. .! ' Or-t soeclal Ut of f ' 4 1 ., ;.s s - , ' valuea for. rr4. e . 2 Znntenae . ejieeT- 1 e? fr- Kiobpns. printed ws , - floral designs. I a1 r wlds: r. 44c a&4 li - , ' r.TT! 4000 yard of t. "eft iVs. 1 - snan rlp-e, Lsu Verr . v etcwvM uoo 4eo4U for. 1. ? , Our entire otoeh of r-i ed ; fancy Ribbons in satins,- U ;u. plain colors and faneraa. la a 1 Widths, blacks Included ail at olaaraao prices, .- v. VszClX V . Women's aU-mire linen limn-. cn,T.f" wrm'fTL. ana. Tred edges; i.o and o value I. WW 1 1.4 ieo BUI T .213 moo. ..... . "Women's . all-linen unl tv. - handkeirblefs, nad-au.Viv ' ed: beet 4e values on sa at thl wonderfully- low .f ,Prioe of. eaob ,.JIZ Fine lace-trlmmed Haadkerabi . with embroidered corners; - "f'A?1." n eeie' at thla low price of, ea. . . A J lie Swiss embroidered Haarr chiefs, komstltekod - - edsea, each... Id llo unlauudared Initialed rfaad. kerchiefs, for tao low -1 . - price of - 10c Swiss embroidered ManW chlefs. laee-trtmnted. for I I. thla eale, eaek.... ....... 1 1 ll-rnch halt-bleached Satla Dasa aak Table Linen; very beet pat . terns; great value at. f " yard........ , .V- - Tl-lnch bleached Satin tJamaetc Table Linen; all new 'deelgaei flne quality; great value, per yard .................. Tl-taeh Table Dasnask; ll.Uf--. grade for, per yard ....... Sl-lnch Table Damask, beautiful rat terns, tin quality; reani'.-r IT! a-rade .... I.J I 3l0dosen rlne Satin Damaaa la- Die juapaina, new aesigns; l.?l MaraeUlee Bedspread for 1C1 l. laarselllea BedspresJe r Uvea Whits fringed Mareellles Spresds; to5fr:.;...:;.01 Whit fringed Marseille Bpra; : fo,?.T!irr..;..:...w.j lie Union Buck Towels. .,,..) 10 Cotton Uuok Towel.., ,.4 10c - herastltobed Linen Huck Towels for low price of.. 2$) 400 dosen bleached Turkish , . Bath Towels at this low ' price of, esch 144) Hemmed Turkish Bath Towels; lOo value for. each. ..... 1,3 0o bleached Turkish Bath Towele, for low price f..28d " All line of Table Linens, Sheet and Pillow Cases at special low prioea, , .., . ,. ,. Heavy, duck .covered, water. ?roof trunks, - hardwood-- at Hps aatened with ' malleable Iron -elasspe, patent look, llaed through out with Irish linen;' secret pocket, set-up tray, tw - extra - skeleton trays, etc So-taeh, fls.M valao, t...fs Se-taea, isoJO value, fee. . .4xeV4e Theatrical Trunk of special de , sign for rough handling, 12- v.1u..;...;.;.wI3.C0 Heavy canvas-covered Trunk, boot : fittings throughout. strongly built, IS-lnoh; regular 111.10 vslue. for..... ilAe " Htgh-grleu canvas covered. waierproox irunaa, nanosomeiy fitted and finished, extra strong built. ' Greet special vaUiee at . Se-laeh, f ov vatao, foe. ,.fo SO-tae. .j i w I veOao, fos.,.i tH asHaoay' Aai vaiae, fer. . All tuit Cases and Traveling Bags at. clearance prioea, - PJJT.G3S tlesd Rayes. - '. Thm ReslttS SHs ' ; BIFF AIID DAKG , , T, SwyV-. " .TW luo Seewiss. fcevte Metarss. bVismSM Ovaaeein. PerfonaasrM aellv st T:S0 ssd S . Si. Alaklea TXJt OiST with savea tews si SO ests. Lyric TIiLCQtTO .to nrooaryAaAaxs trsid stoos nv. Pmist the Iwar-Act Ossjssy-Brssja, MRGim;:s rcanr S ADMISSION lie. RESERVED ffXAT to GRAND 5. , TKXATU ; , ailss hialae f ensti. -; - wkefc ef . thm'"-" .. -'Bse. Sth, tastw siea Rsff. ' riUCXSi v.v Bieslasisi. EvsalssSi ilii d -. V-end See. Dwum. We. fees e-ets. . . gaar wsai 'tm. Sksa. ra ' - -V STeAR ,-.tXSATS. : . j We ef.'..i niesMt The A . ati:y 1 ass, . ' Vie I -'1. - VW V w. s, i . : "The " IS Omsj mmt e -' 1 ' snow fell hare last sight , . . salary f TII per annua j 1-1 :.