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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1906)
r v.. . Prfcay. Jan, I JCS-Ctori Ope t aia-CtoM. 6 lua, Dy f 'FlrSS tErl- SALE g Wdijr, Jan. V0Mtor. Opts 8 SPECIAL : ATTENTION PAID 1 TO ; ALL DRAPERY WORK Estimates Promptly and Gladly Furnished Fourth Floor 141st Grand Friday "EconomySale:; ioirtiorrbvi : GchuinBarcairo V'-No CouaterlHt V0a :A . .Will it come to the piss of hav ing censors for American adver tising? It JV.My.the 1cm crim inal to issue false statements in ada. than to indulge in -purse-snatching on" the itreeta? " Quite often the victim of the street thief g ets her .money back. 'A mer chant hat no more moral right to get-your4 money thro false pre tense than he hat to forge note or crack safe, r Isn't that to? And there it a negative swindle practiced less reprehensible,' but Still outside the pale pf .decent ethicsthe advertisirig of goods not in stock- Cm silly' thinr to I do you " sav. yet 'tis Jdonc, by. some stores careless ox weir su ture) and the advertising 'of ar ticles "just to rope em in" (you! can be , the vTem1'),' while sales folk are instructed to "switchwjrou to something - else - and in - effect refuse to sell the bait. There art no baits Jiere no offer, covered by a hook just a good, hearty feast of palatable, nutritious bar gains that youH ; enjoy Friday without digestive pains on Satur dayor later. Bear in mind, too, that Daring Clearance Sale Erery Article in the Hone(Cpntract Goods - Alone Excepted) - It i Drastically Reduced ' r - Friday Bargains in Domestics J;:':il' First Floor. -s. ; . '. . Apron Ginghams 8c - .''...'.- 101 Places beet quality Apron Olncfcama. : In. v brown. , blut and frwn, all et ; , checks, ; Clearance ' Ml Special at. "th yard int's .".v................. 84 rV i "Pillow Case ? Muslin Sc." -v-i.aot Tarda heavy bleached pmow cm -r-Birtii-yr v Happiness for Homsekeepers Who Delight in SarinfDont Miss These Third Floor Bargains Tomorrow.- . Great Sale of Havi ; laiid Chind ;: Choice Decorated Flatcs One Third Off. Oeeerte4Ptatee, value mt Anm . ........ ft.O dom. Special . .M.VV ..B4.00 Decorated Plate, value le.l doa, Si Ipeclal aU, doa. ......... m.l.. nlna 111 A Atm. ST.OO Special Vat. doa. i SS.wT Decorated Pltea, rahie IH.Midom. Special at, doa. flO.eS ' Decorated Plate, value 111 dom. 8pectl at. doa. S1S.OO Decorated Plate, value I2S.0 dos. Special - at.' doa." ..........(....... -Sl.SS ... n.tu 1ita KI M Ao. Scteclal ' mt m m A at, doa. .....S17.34 Decorated Plate, value tll.W do. Special Deoprated Plate, value tll.tS doa. Bpeolal at. do '..w ....atja-e.ww . Satire Uble all at one third oft regular - '.' ',' ".C'a'-T--. prt?," :.:':f" U JardmUres, Pots and Pedestal. " 7 ; AMorted color,' Inottle and blende, full l-ln. Jardtnlerea; value too. RpeL at.lS t-l.'rdlnlere: Value "lia.,-Bpcl. at. 18 f-lrt. Jardiniere; value , 40c. SpcL t.85e l-ln. Jardlnlcree; value 0c SpcL at.40 .ln. Jardiniere; value I Bo. SpoL at.60f 10-ta. Jardiniere; value LII. SpcL at. 904 . -, . , - , , -t " " ' f- . "j - Bohemian Cut ', Table" Olasswar,' Flute .. i.l $ V Cut-AU, One Half Price. J 1 , Table Tumbler J value lli.09. doa. Special at. do. . jST.OO Champavn Tumbler; value U. do. -' Bpeclal at, do. ....... .i.... . .. ..fS.SO Whiskey Tumbler; value 11.01 do . Special at. do.- ....i ......f-i.RO OobleU: value 111.00 ,do Speolai at, - do .' ......sis.oo Champaiu; value 11100 do. Special at, do . ;.. ......SII.OO Claret; value IH.5S do. -Speolal V ' do . i f ..'.4...... .fv.TS Wlnee; value doa Special at, - do . - -ST.OO Cordial; value 11100 do Special at- . - do. , -SO-SO tonaremrta7-vattr;ttt.W-oto "at." do . .T.'YV.TT ."imi . . -SO.OO Pinter Brwto; vaJue tl7-W doa. SpeclM ax Finaer Bowl Plate; value 117,00 do. Special at, do -S8.BO Water Set. 1 Bottle. Tumblere; value 110.60 et, Bpeclal at. set 4 S5JS Win Set, 1 Handle Decanter, ! Wine . Ola; value 114.00 et. Special . '' set.. .4. ST.OO v Terrs Cotta Figures One Half Meow Buat Wajroner; value 11.00. ' SpcL it.Pt.00 Dnncln Otrl; value IT.S0." Spclr at.l J.T8 Cake Walk: value lt.10, - Special aVl3.TS rfanoieon; value 11.00. Special at.i.f4.60 KlectHe PlKure, Girl at Fountain; value 11.00. Special at ...a f l-fD Indian Chiefrvalu 114.10.-SpeL at.fJ Prenoh Ladyi value IJI.OO. Special at . sia.eo Clectrle PI cure; value 110 00. ' Bpeclal -at . .flS.O Buata; value ll-TS. fpeclal at .ttl.Li Handsome Houce Wondxrfcl Dsrsins, $2.50 Values IX'..: : - .. t PfJ-l - .4V Grand bargains these! Wrappers that $1.69 of Expensive Oriental French flannel lounging robes, yet are but' outing flannel of a. superior quality and finish. .'And the 'aristocratic 'mien of these charming house garments is carried into, and all thro' the mak ing. They have. Bishop sleeves, with fancy cuffs that fasten at the wrist, The; plaited ' and trimmed Cyokfc effectsenhance.Jhe beauty, of these comfortable and useful domestic f rocks-'A pretty assortment - of OrienUl '.designsin: the choosing. The .turn-over collar- (narrow, and -modish), with neaCnarrow belt and skirt.llouncedVxompletes the handsomest , - . . : : "" t - 1 ll. ana , oest nouse wrapper ever inaae,.. and feel neatly, dressed while about at a moderate cost. The best $2.80 day ypnly,7at , '. V.;, v:?.J. ; . . f.: .. 4i A Stirring Oa Ditpedid for Friday and tUtarday-Sth St Aiasz, 1st Floor Plain and Corcied-Japanese Silks, washable, in a large assortment of colors 1 ;': and designs.;' .Special' fof -Friday- and Saturday! only r yard.. . .21f 19-inch Imperial (Wash Taffeta; in" a" full color, line, a splendid wearing : sUk,v Special, .for Friday. and Saturday only, yard..,,,'....V.."..;j.56 . Friday at,, VAVchoice ;v,'v iceUany: Bar rain Orap-hor- arMites (fWeM in the Small Wares Shop Ftrtt Floor. i . Back Combs 21c' -anpy Mounted Shell Back Com be. fin , heary quality. Speelal JDoonomr Bale ; ferlce, eaon .................. .......alt Sevan Spools Thread 25c '' Beet American Spool Cotton, for hand or . machine uee. black or white, all num- : ; bera., Special at 7 SVOOX4I FOB S5S Safety Pias Sc. " '"": ". Beat quality- Nickel-Plated Safety Pin, one a doeen on card, all eleee. - Special at. , th card ,..84 ' Patent Pants Hanger. : Patent Pant Hang re keep trouaere . la ahape; our lio value. Special at, each ...;...... .............104 w: 'v. -..:' Hat Pins 5c' '-;"''',''' Cut Cryatal Hat Pine, extra lea; eur. 0o value, - Special at, each. ........ .,.54 EXTRA 8PECIAL 7 SALE ' OF FINE i TOILET SOAPS. r -' :- Thre Cakes of Soap 10c -rtne ToUet Soap. In all edore. Boa. Violet, - Jeckey Club, sader Flower, Turkish Bath, . Witch Haset, ButUnnllk, etc. Special , , Economy Bale price, three cake for,, 104 . Toilet Paoar 7c lToritt paper in- patent boaholder hnr- up; fine tlue paper; our no vaiue, "Speelal at, the pack....... .-T4 : -'. Tooth Pasta 15c Dr.' Wells Beet Tooth Paste, la tubes; . our te value. Special at, the tube... 184 ' i ' Writing Paper 10c ' -Boa Wrltin- Paper, smooth finish, white, . ruled; our lio value..- Special at, the .box i 104 l': : Wrklnf Paper c v Extra quality of Kurd Beet Linen Pabrio Finish, Writing Paper, la white or color. " Special at. the bo. ........... ...... :14 ,' Writing Paper 30c 1 -Linen Cloth Finish Writing Paper, put up In large ale bose. whit end blue tinted paper In boxes, 6 aheet paper and l 'envelope; our I0o value. Special, t. : t the box .. .v . w ..... v . . . . . 804 ppr NapUns 9c. -Plala White . Japanese Crepe Paper Napkin, 100 In package; our Ho value, Special at, the hundred........,.. 4.4...04 Writing Tablets ftc Fine amooth finish ruled Wrltin; Tablet, . not or packet else; our -1m value. - SpecUl ai.. eaoh. ................... ..4 ' HoooeiIshlris for Lets ; Special for FridajwFonrth Floor. $7J0 Navajo Blankats S4-7S. .Pennine . Pendiete. . Mavaje Blanket. H- , wool, extra large alse; regular value 17.80. , - Clearance Special, each ......... .84.T8 ' ' $125 Smyrna Rags $U5. -All-weal double-faoed Smyrna Rug, fringed ends, si llxt; regular value tilt. .Clearance Special, each ...... ....$1.65 " 1150 SugS $1.65. Rug, each repllras of real oriental Is de sign ' and ' coloring, braided fringe, alse ' 37x14;. regular value - Clearance t Speelal, each .- .., .....1.68 ihr HJ5. . -).- -- . Wool-faced Rue, wltnout fringe, else t7x z ..t; regular value' . Clearance Special.. A each ...,4... .fl.88 r' U.7S Lata Cnrtaina tlXH Lace Curtalne la Bntasele affect. tH yard Inn, it Inches wide, seven styles to select from; regular value Clearance (' SpeeleV the pelr fl.tJ - bear the look lor wuuun mu iot w wu (cii.jr her, household duties, value. Special for FrH M .... . . I . . Sale of Siffis; j mow- $169 Gmnd Finale m Startling and Sensational Values in Tomo Sale 'Vt.lXw. Our. Millinery Chief starts east next week to'prepare for a .new seasonthe glad springtime that will come romping in almost befdre we're aware Jt's due. As a fitting climax to his successful achievements of the past season he offers tomorrow the uiusi rcmariuuie vaiuca oi au inai umc; ne nas hats, tailored ahd:readyrtowear hats, raoging in each...... lot of elegant, new' evening hats" just in. 4 The latest and newest in New York's millinery creations for opera and .v'Y-. ' V theatre wear all included st .Clearance Sale Prkea.. ;: .; r.;..1-,;-r;? trt.r?v Annex Bargains Second 7 Floocvr Art Goods, Gowns, Children's Aprons Useful articles; such a Laundry . Bag. Newspaper Holders, Traveling-. Compen , . Ions and Umbrella Holder, mad of nat- ural Holland linen,-red braid bound; our ' tte value... Special Seonomy Sale price, each ,. ........184 39c for Cushion Cover Worth $1.00. Cushion Cover with plain back, cover - stamped and - tinted In conventional de- signs, head design with dalale and sraok- .. or design; seventeen sxetne . ef floes for, ' working- Cushion Cover and full diagram , showing how the color are to be used; V remlar price le Boenomy Sal -; - price, each, eomplete ..894 Embroidery LoMOffg- Free Dally During v tha Clearanco Sal. r . . 97c for Women's Outing Oowna . Worth $L50. Women's Outing Flannel Night Oowna, mad of pink or blue and whit striped outing . flannel, daintily trimmed with ribbon and . finishing- braid; our value. . Spe- -. clal BJconomy Sale price, each....... 074 24c for Children's S5e Oingham Aprons. Children's Aprons, made of fine blue and whit checked sins-ham. Mother Hubbard. With ion Bleerea,-trlmme witn torcn lace. a-a 4 to It years: our ttc.valu. Special Economy Sale price, each.. 844 SPECIAL IN Leather Goods Shops Friday ' Only Firtt Floor- Siath Street Annas. .-,.., i. .- 7Se Loather llaaic Rotta 3tc A lot Of nn patent leather Musis Rolls; eur 76o value. Special . Economy . Sale rlco. ach -8834 -j f 98c Music Rolla 49c ' Another line of Muelh Rolls, mad of good , quality seal-grain leather, with - strong ". loather handle and strap; In blacH only; '. our tlo value. . Bpeclal economy Sale , price, each ............484 '"'':.'' 45e Jewel Bags 23c '' - t."' An aasortment of pretty Jewel Bag. mte ' from fine chamois skin, with outald eilk .' covering' and silk draw string; come- in . white, blue or pink; our 4fo value. Spe. clal Economy Sal price, each....... 8S4 : Vote MUST positively be gotten at time et purchase. None will be Issued after, either oa duplicate checks or otherwise. This 1 holut!iklrjourj!;vot i me or purcn VOTE FOR BENEVOLENT. v . FUND DISTRIBUTION ; - AX It a. m, today." ' Patton Home ...................... 10M7t Fruit and Flower MlMloa ........... 11. it Crlttenton Home ...... ............. Tt.ttI Salvation Army IMt! St.. Vincent' Hoapltal ... ........ IMI People' Institute ...... 4 ... 4 ...... . 4t,tlt Beby Home ., 41-ttT Mt. St. Joseph' HoM for the Ad.. tt,t74 Oood Samaritan Hoapltal lt.Oflt Old Lad lee' Home v.. ........... 14.1ft Open Air Fund t,7 14 Volunteer of America ............. t,ttT King's DaughUrs f Marshall Street . " - Church . - it-, i .............. ...... i f.ttt Children's Home ....... v .......... . 1.741 Visiting Nurse AseoelatiO ....... 4.7 tt Scattering , It.ttl Total .tlt.114 ; Every Fcr Piece and Qxrment in tha House Included . Fur CciairiFurCapg All HnlErice ' Ladies' and Children's t Furs, of very description in the sweeping riddance of the winter's fursr Every wanted fur embraced within the scope of this drastic house-cleaning in the fur rooms. Natural and blended squirrel, mink, fox, lynx, marten,- electric seal, astrachan, Persian lamb, . coney, bear.-Thibet, angora,- creamer,tetc::- Furs at half price here means the" same as a two thirds reduction would mean elsewhere for our furs are origin ally priced lower in that full proportion. An exceptional opportunity for selecting rich, beautiful furs that will wear a lifetime, at half their actual worth today. ; c j'l, ' 'r'v -bj. xAQreat: ' 'v: ' Fifth StreetAimex-irst-Floor . ." " V:.1,- : SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY; AND SATURDAY dress goods . ; , ; ' r; All Wool Panama 'Cloths in 'all "staple ' c61ors;?";;;i-i'. Regular $1.00 grade. Spcjnajjjrard.y.... ; . . : I Keguur $1.25 grade. . Special, yard. Regular $1.60 grade. Special, yard. V' BLACK DRESS GOODS: . X.; :;':'-. Imported Turkish ; and : Italian , Mohairs, a large variety of weaves to choose from;- regular $2.60:' grades.,. Special for-Friday and Saturday only, . yard .............. t .,. i ....... . ..&4V ... ... 91.04 Annex--Second Floorv : gitnertu a iwi v. .juv. skis . price from $2 to $5, and will give ............... . Family F( Friday's Claarance : Shoes and Slippers - RARE BARGAINS ' -Sr, Along the "Fair-Way" Sixth Stroat Annax. . ; - We're' goinr't carry few style of Shoe because to keep a stock of every ! In so many scores ef sorts makes sum total stock unnecessarily large. 80 we've marked several styles to go of which al most exact replicas will remain.' An ever took ef Slipper help along the Interest In sal tomorrow that will surely b ring throng ef buyer ef good footwear to the Shoe Store. Among the many bargain w print these few picked almost at random from the Hat: -., .Woman's $100 Slippers 08c Pair. ! Flvs style la tb choeeinx. splendid variety - that includes one, two and three strap styles;, regular t-M value. Special t Friday at, pair ........ 884 c Women's $t25 Sllppors 79e Pair. -, Three point, eommon eonse style. $1.49 for Women's $2J0 Slippers. Women' Slippers, on strap, with black beaded vamps; oar tt.tO vlo. Special Economy Sal price, tb pair. ... .f 1.40 - $1X0 for Women's $150 811pprs. Worn en's vicl sjraTtptr7me-4trap'tyler traps black - beaded; our t-t ruue. Bpeclal Boeoeaay Sol prtoe, the , pair fl.80 $1JD8 for Woman's $3.00 81ipprs. . Women' fine Xrenlng Sllppera, of patent kid. very awell; eur value. Speelal : Economy Sale prtoe, the pair...... 81.88 Woman's $150 8Upprs for $L59. Women's full area Slippers. In four dif ferent styles; eur ti e value. . special Economy Sale price, the pair...... 81.50 $1.29 for Women's $150 Roraeoe. Women' tan and red Suede Romeo Slipper. fur trimmed, leather heel; our tt-tt . value. Special Economy Sale price, the ' pair . ...81.28 Woman's $150, $3.00 and $3 JO Shoes $1 J9 We have selected from our entire stock all mall lot and discontinued lines . of Women's Shoe, different style, leathers and weights; our, t nd value. Special Economy Sal price, .the pair . ....... .8150 $149 for Woman's $3 JO 8torm Boots. Women' high-cut Storm Boot: our value. .Economy Sale prio,-th . pair ., .... -88.40 $3J9 for Woman's $6.00 Shoes. Full dres Patent Ideal Kid Shoe. Leal r lOalue7Tfeonomi;Bale prioe3. . . pair fS.B ETTSSHOES $149 for Man's $150 Shoos. We are closing out three line of Men' Shoe ' they 4 re in alt leather and1 styles, , : solid throughout, and were made by some of our most reliable manufaotarer: eur regular - value. Special Economy Sale price, th pair ..............88.40. v $3.49 for- Man's $5.00 Shoos. Men's vlscoltaed, high-cat Boots; our . value. Special Eoonomy Sale price, the plr . ...... .-..-83v40 ' Ment $4-00 Shoos for $189. Men's bo calf Shoe, Blucher Bal out. both straight and swing last, alngl or double sole. These shoes are here also ef patent colt; our M value. Bpeclal Economy. ' Sale price, the pair .............. (.2.1, All of Our Men's Slippors Are Oreatly Reduced In Pric. (1.05 i ) ....... uu, uvoivi full and ree choice on MJL pays' shoes Boys hoe' her in velour calf, else ihi to I Ml our value. Special' Eoonomy Sal price, the pain 81.40 Slsee It to : our I1.TS value. Special ' 1 Eoonomy Bale price, the pair 81.89 Special in Under wear and Hosiery y Women's Knitwear Shops -Firat Floor. - Bseeptlonal ottering for. Friday Shop per. Timely "buys" for prudent buyer. $1.98 for Woman's $3.00 Union Suits. Women's fine ribbed whit Cashmere Union Bulla, medium . weight, open down front; eur value. Special Economy Sale . price, the suit ..........81.08 78c for Women's $1.25 Vests. Women' whit Swiss ribbed Vests, high neck, ion sleeves, medium weight merino; eur tl.ts value. Special Economy Sale ? price, 'each ',...'4,...4..i.....,.t.,784 Children's High Grade Underwear. Ot fine ribbed, very eof' eaahmere; nice, medium weight Both Vests and Pants Slse II; our too value. , Special at, e.S04 Blse tt; our tt value. . SpecUl at, ea.444 Slse tt; our 7o value. SpecUl at. e.494 Sis 34; our Tto TaIu8peolal at. ea, 5-44 tse tt; our , tee value. SpecUl at, e.B04 Bis II; our lie value. Slse It; our tfto value. Sis tt; oar tie value. Sis 14; our tl-t value. Special at, a. 644 SpecUl at, ea-694 Special at. e.T44 Bpeclal at, e-T94 S6c for Woman's 50c Cotton Hoot. Women's fine medium-weight - black maao . cotton fleece-lined Hose; eur to value. Special t, th pair ............... .304 49c for Women's 75e Lial Hoe. ' Women's hlgtt grade black lUle Hose, with' maoo split sole, full finished; fin lm ' ported hose; our 75o value. - Special ' Economy Bale price, the pair 404 i - - - 19e for Children's 35c Hose, r Children's fine ribbed black eotton Boee, . finished foot: all slae t to 14; value to v lie. . SpecUl Economy Sal price, the pair . .104 Big Values in Jewelry Chain Purses 10c " tl: Whit metal ring mesh Purses, with chain handles; for . little girls' uae. Special ",: xjcooemy naie price, wen,, ...... ,,..xwa Paari Ball Hat Pine 15c . An assortment ef large Pearl Ball Hat Pins, . extra long pin stems: our f So value, 8pe ."clal Economy Sale price, each ......154 BsWtckll An ataortment of Urge alse graduate) BeaI' , . Necklace. In different colore, such a 1 amethyst, lavender, amber; Hgtit and-darfc-green, eta, with gold-plated catch; our tto value. Special Economy Sale , price, each t 104 Enameled Beauty Pins IOC A' let Of Enameled Beauty Pin a, 1 red and blue enamel; one pair on card. Special r Economy Sale price, the pair..,. .v.. 104 15e Oilt and ,Oxidi4 Belt Buckles 10c An assortment of OUt and Oxidised Belt Buckles; value tap to tlo. Special Eoen oeny Sal price, each ........104 f toilet Ammonia 15c Violet Toilet Ammonia, targe Vise at"-; .our tto value.-' Special at, the bc;.e 1. ;.; v; cokrt r: - Czr r . ; . Coke's De"1rr ' - - , - c else bott'3; f . the bott . . . . ........ I ffl III I I ir- I Special Reduction LINOtEUriS MTOIGSSI Sewing Machines Fourth -i?loor-" , V 1 SPECIAL FRIDAY Sixth Street Annex ' ; First Floor I2yac for Men's 29c Handkercbiefa, Men's pure Irish Linen Handker , chiefs, Richardson's Tnake,"' with: hemmed or tape border; our 25c ' value. Special Economy. ' Sale price, each, i . ... . . ,l2e 38c for Boys' 60c Outing Gowns. A. big line oi Boys' Outing Flannel ; t Night Gowns which arrived late. We do not want to carry them " over for next season ; a good 50c . value. : Special Economy Sale price, each 7. ; . . . . f . . , , .334 $1 for Men's $1.50 and $2 Kid Gloves A line of Men's Kid Gloves in the . ' cable stitch, full pique sewed ; not all sizes but some of the best;. our $1.50 and $2 values Special Econ- omy , Sale price, the . ; : ; - :.; pair ...... ?l.CO Half ,Price on what remains of our 2 etocjc of Terry Cloth and Turkish - Bath Robes-For Friday "Economy Sale.. Half Price These Lively Sales Continue Friday and Saturday in tb -. Women's Furnishing . r- 'ShopS'. . '- , . First Ploor. - . Rare bargaina In Veilings, Kmbrold eries. Lace. Ribbons, Insertions, Lace Robes Read: - " ' 75c, 85c and $1.00 Medallions 48c A lot of pretty Medallions in cream, eern and white: reular Ttc tie and valuea. SpecUl at 484 v ; $1.00 VeOincs 25c Yard. " -A lot of fine Vellln In black and white, all black and colore, black Tuxedo with ' silk eheniUe dot, fancy Tuxedo with vel vet dots, and black and colored fancy mean, pretty patterns; worth from tte to tl.OO. Clearance special, the yard. ZS4 50c Ribbons 18c A lot of All-Silk and Satin Tarfeta, tlb- bone in pUtn and fancy color. 4 and S Inches wide; value to toe Clearanoe 'pecial. the yard . .................. .ZS - Embroidories and Insertions, . Elne Swiss end Nalnaook Embrolderte and Insertion at half prtoe, divided Into 1 lota. LOT 1 Embroideries liv t yard strip. 4 to I Inches wide. Clearance special, each 34 LOT t -Embrolderte and Insertions In yard strip. 1 to 4 Inches wide.- Clear ance ipeclal. each..... .........894 LOT t Embroideries and Insertion In I yard strips, 1 to It Inch wide. Clear ance special, each .SlJCft - 25c and 35c Veniee Bands 10c ' Vents Bands In cream, white and ecru; , regular value tto . and tto,-- Clearance ; special, the yard......... 104 21 AO Van! and Net AmUou 18c Veniee and Net Applique la cream, white and ecru; value to f 1.40. . Clearance peolal, the yard,.... .........184 . SlJS Appliauea and Bands 43c An aaaorted line of Applique and Band la , cream and whtU; value to : 11-44. Clearance special, the yard...,, .....484 $1.00 Medallions 75c and 85c A lot of Medallions In cream, ecru and , white; resular- value Clearance ' special, ...T&4 and 8S4 -' $1.00 Bands and Oaloona 48c Black Silk Veniee Bands srid Oaloonat r . ular value tto and t L09. Clearance ePC"? .44........ , LL4., tA t J .1.4X4 45c 50c and 60c Net Bands 25c - Cream an4 . WhlttNt Banda, !. Polat. veniee, reauiar vajuee itQ) in mn t4e- Clearano special, the yard..,,. ZZ$ f 14.44 and tl.44 Allover Laoee. . Clear ance. speoUI. yard.... ....4-.S4.t3 It 00 Allover Laoea. Claaraso peeial. yard : L1.0 f Lace Rob. ' In White and Cream. Rular tlt.t value r- olai. .each. -I'O.C 7 Rrular tT.0t value clearance -claL each . Reeular val, ear ........ Regular t .C9 v . clal, eaca At A : V