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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1906)
THE CHCCON DAILV VJT r CiETY-lVAf JTS: HORTICULTURE "EVERT r ARTICLE IN THE J)HAIR.AI: -6TOR3-ATH r l 1 t ; Display of Scsppoose Applef at ths Horticultural Society's M eetta Photo . vl'i. .':, by B. 0. Frost, . - ' .i ' " Resolutions saktag tha president and -' t.m of KpnU I the Ortfun Agricul tural college to fill the vacant chair-In that Inetltutloa1 In -horticulture, which haa been unoccupied for almoat yeart , and a declalea to have mora cups for awards at tha 10T meeting, were fes 'tare of tha cloatnc aaeelon of tha Ore. iron BUM Horticultural society meeting " Jhieh. wara not on tha program. Tha -r resolutions 'asking fore professor on ; horticulture at tha state school wara Tpresented by K. H. Sbepard, - M. i Gilbert and A. H. Carsoa. They wara ' '. unaalmoualy adopted, end. read as fol - 'Iowa: - .; , . - ' .---v-- . " -Wbereaa, Tha chair of horticulture ' Tt our State Agricultural college haa been -vacant for tha paat two yeara, and J "Wbaraaa. Tho induatrr of rrultgrow- tng in- our atata haa already rescued i immense proportions and promises aoon to rival la magnitude that ot say-stats "la tha nnloa; and t .'' - "Whereas, Tha, complexity of orchard problems arising from oar dtveralty of x soil and climate tfamanda that tha ataff 'of lea true to ra of our Agricultural col lege ba Ineraaaod by tha addition, of a t mam bar whoaa special duty ahall ba tha atudy of such problama; therefore 4to It- - ..-..j I "lUeolved. By tha BUta Horticultural society of Oregon, that tho praaldant TOIJGUELESSiYET Hctoriogs; Frederick ' Power, With --Yongue ; Removed, Can CiU Tallc CKLIVENS HOSPITAL BY ' TELLI.NQ FUNNY STORIES Itxpwcts to Bo Ablo Shortly to Go L6a thaStt PronotmcegDla. tioctly All Letters of Alphabet Ex cept G, J. Q. V and w.-.:-.-.- t - '' it rut Special Swviea.t ', I Chleago. Jan. 1U With hia tongue 7 and the greater part of lta root on tha left aide of hia mouth eat from hia ' head by a ' aargeoa'a knife, Frederick i .fower, actor and atago manager of the mian Tempie tneaire. xoia aonea ana bmng aonga at 81 Joaeph'a hoapltal to ' ar. . .-.. -. -VV..V, :. Vivo week ago Power Bnderwont one ' - tof tha moat daagerooa operatlona aver ' gierformed by Dr. Niobolaa Sana, whan a ' ranoer oauaed by eaooaalvo omoklng faraa removed. In five weeka mora be " asxpeeta to bo engaged by tho theatrical ' : yrofeeaton and to bo able to talk aa well aa when he bad a tongue.' It la poeai aJe even that Power will be ablo to go - am again aa aa actor, but ho eaya bo la hot going to pin hia bopea too high and (will ba aatiafied to reoumo hia work aa 'ktago director. -.i:. t ... At the hospital -today -Power Went . Ihrough tho alphabet, pronouncing die- aineUy all letter. bttt. J. XJ. V Btl4 MT.1 , . ' A "runner for s wholeaale , r hooM showed us gome over- coata that looked very low in , . price. It excited our curiosity, we measured the width of the . coats; they were fourteen : . inches less than the coats we . sell; they were skimpy, narrow, ? mean.' .x v' , "The two figures In 'our iOuatration explain the differ. - - on co ..our-coate are full, liberal,- xmrtT'tylihr : These clearlnc prices on good 0?er costs: - r. . .- " f 8.65 for the $12 and $14 kind 11 for the 1S and $18 kind ' fl4 for ths 18 and 120 kind - Our Salesmen WU1 Be Pleased rr :: v ; shout; yoa. -.. , , - C-"'trrs for Hen sndBoys, . ; ; r- J i-i Third Street, - 1 Lvlk .Coiliny. ; ,4 ' .ar . ud board of rexenta of our agricultural college be and they are hereby earnest- Ir reouaatad to flU aald chair-at tha earllaat poaalbla moment, and bo It far- thar . j ' "neeolved. That tho secretary of thla aociaty bo and ho hereby la Instructed to furnish a oopy of theao resolutions to aald praaldant and. hoard or regents. -Tha aoolety decided that oupa wlU ba riven next year for tho beat dlaplaya of the following apples,-! specimens to bo required for com petition: , Northern 8py. TaUow Newtown, Spttsenberg, Jon athans. Arkaaaao Black. Baldwin, Wag anar and Wlneaap. There are to be handsome awarda for Oreveneteln, Ortly, Lady Apple, Ben Da via, Hyde Kin and Reed Cheek Pippin varieties. -There will be a eweepetake priao for tha beat exhibit .QtflYrar1itlea, ?1 applea of each kind, and a cop for the second beat commercial exhibit The applea will bo Judged as fol lowa: Form, It points; slae, SO; eolor, IS; keeping qualitlee, tfl; freedom from blamlahaa. It pointa; total, 1 pointa. In oeoring on also, eomaaercial eondl tlons ahall govern. la keeping qualities tho praaant condition of the apple ahall govern. " --v - There will alio bo-eapo for tho boat dlaplay of Engllah- walnuta, Italian and French- prvnea. .' . GRIIII IJEII L1EEI III puira BIj Attendance Greets Opening i f Session at . Washington : - MEMCERS OF STATE .COMMISSION PRESENT Address of Welcomo If ads by Preal- dent Bryan Tscbms and Portland ; Well SeprcscBted Purpoao . Is to Get Excbanfe of Ideas From .AIL rSpaHal lHapatm tt the Searaat) - Pullman. Waah Jan. 11. Tha wheat convention, the flrat of lta kind ever held In tho atata( opened thla morning la tha Washington auto college . with a good attendance from all parts of tho north. . Tacoma was aaDoclally wall re roaentod and there were a number of Portland people hero. Including ropro eentatlvea of tho Oregon Railroad , A Navigation company. Tho meeting waa caiieo in order to gat tha producers, the ahlppera, tho millers and the exporters of wheat together for tho purpose of exchanging Ideas and trying to arrange ror more narmonioua action, .of tho va ried intereale of tho wheat induatrr. 11 membora of tho state grain com mlaaion were present. 7 . . Thla 00m mi salon la eompoaed of X , Arraamlth, state grain Inapeotorr W. H. Bead of Taooma and IX F. Ander aoa of RoaaUa. ' Mr, Arraamlth haa been particularly active in arranging for this meeting and Has aavocated tho full attondanoo of all those Interested in tha wheat Induarry la ktho state of Waahlngton.- ' ', v The program opened with aa address of welcome by E. A. Bryan, praaldant of tho Waahlngton state oollege. In which bo set forth the objects of the meeting. weloomed tho visitors to Pullman, gave them tha freedom of the oollege build ings , and the experiment station and farm and Invited all to make a thor ough inspection of these. ; Professor B..Et Elliott, head of the department of agriculture, delivered an address on The Wheat Situation.' .11 lis P. Smith, "tha wheat king.", of Kn dlcott, delivered an address on "Meth ods of - Wheat Production." ' Theao subjects were discussed by tha convention, tho discussion being divided into sections and led by tho following well known ' wheatgrowers ot the In land Empire: - "Soil Preparation and Cultivation," led by R. C McCrockey of Garfield; "Seeding," led by J. S. Klein- gard of Pullman; "Harveatlng, -led by A. J. Stone of Roaalia and O. B. Toune of Pullman; "Varieties to Plant for the Big Bend Country," led by D. A. Scott ot Rltrvllle; "Varieties to Plant for the Pa louse Country," led by C. B. Kegley ot Pullman, master "of the Washington state grange. - In the afternoon Professor C W. Law rence, cereallat of the .Washington stats college - farm and experiment station, delivered an- Interesting and- iiiatrno- tlva addreaa on ."Methods of Improving Lfleed-yarieUsa.t frefeeeor Ooorgo Bev- a ranee, aaalatant agrlculturaliat of tha college, spoke on "Better Seed," dividing hia topic Into dlvlslona. . as . folio wa: Purity, also and vitality, truaneaa of typo and prevention of smuU IX B. Putman. asent for the Pacific Coast ..IClevator oompany,- apoke -ea "System of Handling, storing and Ship ping Grain." Thla addreaa was dis cussed by S. C Armstrong of Colfax, E. u. Button or Fletcher and W. H. Rich ardaon of .Dayton, Tho meeting will continue tomorrow and tomorrow night. ' ;"-,- " ew atellx OffleUls. : . . V (Kpanal Dlapateh ta Tbe Joarnal.) Helix, Or, Jan. 11. The following city officers have taken tho. oath of of fice for the ensuing year: . Mayor, S.-T. laaac; councilman, J. E. Montgomery, Jr . Norvell. U V. Smith, J.- K. . Bott; recorder, R. . S3, Michael; marsnai, v. u. Richardson. . RIDDANCE SALE ' : . ' PRICES; 10 to 25 PER" CENT ' LESS THAN USUAL. ; PRICES ' HERE ARE NEVER HIGHER THAN ELSE-. WHERE ARB LOWER I ANDCUS PECTED V CREDIT - SYSTEM ENABLES T YOU TO CI BUY WHAT YOU WANT AND PAY AS SUITS YOUR CON VENIENCE. is $50.00 BUFFET w1T;T.'i. $22.50. BUFFET .'.i. . ... I .v, ; .C25.00 $45.00 BUFFET . ........ .a? 35. 00 $27.50 BUFFETi.; ..MSOXa $l2.00 BUFFET. . .e.5d$20.0TBUFFET, . . ........ ; ; ..$4JZ3 ALL OTHER FURNITURE, CARPETS. ROOM-SIZE RUGS, BEDDING, LINOLEUMS, MATTING AND HOME FURNISHINGS UifllCJ Jl lljliMU f HVUJU U 11 11 UU1XJHU j TA Jfr, fX7fcoro rtr Crorfff souTHEnn conon gsoivees i:i oiitg ; Advocate Holding the RemsJnder bf the Cotton Crop for . " . Fifteen Cents. r ' (Jearaal Saaeial Sarvlea.l - Kaw Orleans, lau. Jan. Jk-Rundreda of delemueo were In. their, seats this morning - whoa'- the convention of the Southern Cotton association was ceiioa to order by' Praaldant Harvle Jordan. The attendanoa lnojuded cotton produo- era, bankers, merchants and representa tives of tho busineaa interests or tne entire south, from Virginia and the Carolina a to Oklahoma and Texas. The size and character of tho gathering were such as to warrant tho higbeat hopes of beneficial and substantial results from Its deliberations. -. Tho convention waa called to order at IS o'clock. Following tho opening prey- tho Hon. John Parker , deliverer an address of eordiat welcome on behalf of tha city of Now Orleaaa Response for the visitors waa, made By w. Foster of Shreveport. Prealdent Harris Jordan of Georgia then took ehargo of tho convention and delivered his opening addreaa, Preal dent Jordan took as nis budjoci -roe Southern Farmer." Ho emphasised tho Importance of holding tho remainder or tho unsold cotton crop zor is crow ana the advisability of extending and tr.nrth.nlna the influence or tno Bnnihwn Cotton 'sisoclatlon. Other matters touched upon Included, closer relations between zarmers ana Danaera, tha tHiiidlnx of warehouses to facilitate Ha handline of cotton, trade relations between producers and spinners. -dlver- slfled agriculture ana raising noma aup- niiM. and tha extension ox eoumero markets for Importing American cotton In fnrelen countries. : jrreBiaent ioreas spoke at considerable length and his remarks were frequently punctured by loud applause. -.' ' ' Following WO aoarees m rnwotni Jordan, Hon. XL W. caivin or uaiias aooka on tho subjoot of the cooperation of farmers and lta advantages. The re mainder of the forenoon session .was taken up with the appointment ox in necessary committees ana viner easi ness of routine character. J,., , , 1 . 1 1 : SANTA FE DEPOT AT ' x PUEBLO 1$ DESTROYED (Jearaal tpwrlal SerHoe.) -' ' ' WhaMa. col. Jan.. 11. Fire last night In the waiting room at tho Santa Fa depot destroyed a large amount 01 valuable : railroad records. The build ing was destroyed. Tbe money loss Is Boy Stabs Opponent, : (Special Dispatch ta The Jonraal.) Myrtle Point, Or., Jan. 11. Merrel Davis and -Willie Lehmanowaky. two boys aged about IS yeara, who had been having xroubla zor .some time,- met at- urday and in the fight that ensued JDavis Stabbed Lehmanowaky In tho left side. The knife striking a. rltj..snd glancing bff made only a flesh wound, which otherwise might have proved a fatal Ub. :'. - - T ; " LADIES' SKIHT3 FREE . rr ' V ' ; ' RU rnmvABT I . With every man's Suit " of Cloth.a coating 2& and up. Beat goods, bast work, lowest pricea, . - . JCriASCIJ E3C3. : laalae' and Ooats TaCorlvg. 1SS room s was, TamhiU m Ttaylav , , non bxaosC lsts. . TnHERE i3 no crxues for vour horns not bcin-r comfort- abiy furnished. poorly clothed. Our eanie tin .All the undesirable housso tomers will be pleased z to ; tell jou i the 5 - oAljw Owo4wwT-""-""bPV. !bT7V . VI Will V . fcJJf u kwlAA IDEAL TTnTST7?TTD I ccecti:"s n stkctiy cca ctAss c:;:s wwt a ni".Tiwint a God XJlllUii. AliU ItiilU HEUJ RAILROAD FOR PASS Cithern t Mass Mssting Dsclds to Incorporat and Start : 1.. " ': TAP MINING SECTION : OF SOUTHERN OREGON v . - oMsMessmwaaawawssaiasaamwaa "t" ' Road Will Be BulH . Up ApplegstS River to Taflins SmelterJPIedres ' of .Liberal . Subecription to Stock issdev".-. T J (Special tnspateh to Tbe Jasraal.T, ' GranU Pass, Or., Jan. 11. A railroad wUl be built thla ' year to the timber belt and. the copper mines of southern Josephine county front QraaU Pass. The nllroad aueatlon. which haa been an v unsettled matter fox tho people of thla section for the pass six years, was settled for a oertainty at a mass meet ing of Grant Pass property noiaers Tuesday night. . ; v . , . , V The masa meeting was attended by nearly every merchant and by too ma jority of property holders of Grant's Pasa ' tiberal - subscriptions were pledged.' ' H. a Kinney presided St the meeting and tho proposition waa pre sented by .Representative Robert O. Smith, who gave facte and figure as to the-amount of traiflo a railroad from GranU Pass to southern Josephine could -reasonably expect and proved be yond -question that such a road would pay from the beginning. He suggested the formation of a local corporation In which local people could purchase atock. A committee of business men. com- nosed of Mr. Smith. H. C Kinney. H. I Ollkey and Ed Lister, waa appointed to solicit subscriptions ana xonn an incor poration.-, ' ' - The- roea win ds doui up jippi.gmie BMltslr ana of two routes over the divide Into Illinois valley. The objec tive point ie Takilma, whore the smel ter ana copper mines of Waldo -ere located. . " : 'V ALBANY CHURCH BUYS' MATAYEB PROPERTY ' ' ' (BpecUl 'tnapatch to The Jsaraal.) ' Albany, Or., Jan. 11. Father Lane of the Cathollo church ot this city will become the owner in trust of the proptj srty tf the lats Father Matayer, de ceased. This Is the property bequeathed to Fred C. Divine, his privets secretary. Tho property will belong to the Albany parish of tho church. The building will be used tor a hospital The considera tion was f ,(Q0. h . v- r -. v. - , , i, tm nn Sf - tamiil DkHHitea to The Jearaal.l 1 Aurora. Jaa. J n. . 1 1 Western- Hope Rebekah lodge No. XXI will install tho following nawiy eiectoa omcers tni evening: N, O., lAura Kocber; V. O., Sarah E. Jeaae; secretary, - Emma J. Rnvder: treasurer, Anna-Bauer. ' The in stallation wlU toe a Joint aSalr with the Odd Fellows, . 1 3 . .... 1 Impure breath arising from.the use of liquor or tobacco is completely neu trslired by diily uie of . ; Lupoid, Pow&r f Paat GRANTS Nei cy payment pfca features of the oldima r injtllmeiit-ij fllj DRAPERIES, CURTAINS, AT LIKE REDUCTIONS. .vwW. ta piiaa ntimrwnm FITTSEuaS SYlXATE euys FOOSCULUaS; Schwab and Associ&tss Purehasf nHisiorio' Gold Prbducera and " Will Begin Work. St- .. - - (Joeraal ipid.l Satilsa.) Tonopah, Nov., Jan. 11. A Pittsburg syndicate, at , the head of which - Is Charles M. Schwab, the steel magnate, has closed a deal for the purchaso of tho famous Blair gold minea a-Sllver Peak, 40 miles west of Tonopah. ' The price paid le fTtO.tOO. . The old Blair . mines were almost ss famous In ' the early days of Nevada mining as the Comstock. .They have a record -of T,000,OO ta production and are credited- with having paid more than tS.OSO.OOS In dlvldanda The mines ehow hundreds of thousands of tons of mining' ore ot line grade. -. . Nothing but UUgatlon In whloh the Blair-, estate 'has boon - Involved - Tor yeara haa prevented a sals of tho prop erty. It Is expected that operations will begin on an extensive scale aa soon as the plane of the purchasing syndicate are rounded Into form.- - I AT THE 'THEATRES. liodjesks t. the Marqaam Tonlgfat. MiSasie Bsleae tstedjetaa. aapperted by her ewa capable eaeaaaay ef players, will segia aa enaaavDMat ec Hires aernmaaaesa at tas TeUrouua Oeead tseatre toalfht la Shake- apeare'e Oraawtl. wscm,' "MaeBtU. rit es alght saaae.n,eeema tnu asawerr "Maeh Ada Asset Metaiag," wlU be the MM aa4 Satarday - awttnas oe eralag parfona aaea ' Saturday) Srklller'. historical drama, Mary Stun'' Thla la Medjeaka'a farewU tsar. Lady Maebath, Mary, guess ef th Sosta. aad Beeuice usdeaMealr are taa reka la, which her art Is ahewa la Us aaost auta. y i" --,1 At Cripple Creek s Great Play, v Wlthoat a aob ene ef tha bait shiya that win some here thai ssasaa Is at the Bwptre thai weak. Thla ta "At Cripple Greek," a atory ef tbe wlla mialaf liar hi the early says. On le the Xaeplre MM weak aas yea wui aaver regret It. fastlnea Saturday at S:U s. av Last tlsM fctarsay albt- .T- j. - -t -Her Marrlacs Vow" Nest Week. ; Baplre satreui win' be glad to Wars at the eaatlas aaeteaMSt ef tbe Taylor eoaDaiiy at that pepalat theatre. The Taylor eeateaay vewe rraa Seattle, waste it aaa ersera au raeorda. Allaea May is atUI ieaaiag with ta. eoesaaay aad wlU appear la a part la "Her Marriage Taw." v, , . .-a , ' , r ; )' : -:, ,' V':.i ir:,Ths' Innocent Maids. . The laaeeent Maids Barleeqn. eonaasy win ba aesa tenlatat, tiaetriw albt aad ' for the last tine Ha tarda y aftwnona at tbe Baka tlMatre ta twe elaborate berlettaa, "A Night at Newport" and "Tbe Dtaswed P-Jae.." Orar a seore ef baodaoBM yeuBg woeaaa eoaprlae tha -At-die-1 "-The keif ittraeflea at (hi BakaT Theatre wfll be tha Aleaia BaaatlM aeapeny, wbleh will WMMBeaee tbe aaaal si alstata' - eagaganali baglnalag with tbe Saaday auUaae. . 1 VAUDgVILLE AND STOCK. - Carnival of Fun t Ptntages.; ' 'The earnlTal ef taa eeatlsoea right awrrlly at Paata. " The list laclades a pair ef lateraUna kaoek-abnat eonedlaaa, wbe 1 Blabtrollr aaawaV Biff aad Banal JaeMe Mack. .et.ntrte eoavadl.a: tbe U.slltts, a witty trie ( Juvenile cosMdlaaa; Lro White la a Sew IlleatrateO anna: Flnnd and Kmrt enaaedlsaa a.4 baml-liraineni "Tbe DoUwakare IHtnsaM, a tlmr little eoatedy prasastrd by Hobby. Boyle aad the three Georara, eed tbe biosrapn, bowing a sew eari of tbrllllag SwMlaa acas, ' '; Harmony Trio st 8tsr. y-v The eeerlasa barawny trie, "eowtotlag f Heaieaa. AdaaM aa4 luawa. ara a dtatlaet bit at tbe Star tbla week.". Tardaiaa, fast. I. tm- pwaoaatair, haa a nuke-ar that aay yoeas gwl r.iA4 mil Tbe .AIMia are hwrlaoetal-bar eaaMdlaae sikl ttH bayis aarteriaa) kMauiaujr Tiff) LIU vp!r.cb3'ycu."cn the ; East - v 0 ' ' 1 5p " .1. 1 "fy ''11 ' v- kill X ask the sanction of my party in my candidacy for Sec- - retarof tAte,"and;tlurym "a hand at" the4 corning" piiniaTies. ;;;. ,. : - JGLAUD GATGH, f Marlon ea the esacartlBa. The res ef fee bin la na r . the BtsT'e-rsesgataad atasdarS. ; Bemurn Freak Coming. fas a freak. Mrs. Osaeral Tow Tbaaib. aiil te tka uraad seat week.-' Tbla wek tb fowr LMedora, aoetoty aero beta. d. tbalr work la ' evealog drasa. MarahaB- aad Lnrralae eaetrtbete "Hartlaaa Us," a character sketch with kMae ead daaesa. - Tha Lenwnta ere giving tastrewoaUl swaal Mlaa Klala. FonMt Is a eekwatara aopraae . aad . rigare is S cuts aalpaiator, t :l f .'r ' fFlglUlng Fortune .".. ; Tb. tyrie la asseatlany asekxlraBM soase. Tbe pkty tbla week ta a (enr-aet ratltlad "ngbUag rorteae" aad eoatalae' assay tbrtlhag ellaraaw. at wall aa a ptoaUral. lataraiUigUBa of eomedy. The waits bstwaM acta are ad mirably don away with by tbe totredsetloa ef movlag ptetura ea tb. tails wipe aad pletarsd kallada by Joe Thempoos. aapa hill all week. PAYS SIX MILLIONS - . ; FOR ANTHRACITE MINES i " (ladrsal SpaeUl Sarvtee.) ; . , Pittsburg. Fa-. January 11. As the result of long negotiations E. P. Much law of this oitr today became .the owner of all th eoal mines In the- Pelet craae. it ear virguiw, wauwi, wwii exception of the Detroit and the Impe rial mines. The price paid tor tbs prop arty waa ,0M,ftOS. It la understood that extensive - Improvements will, be mads under the new owner and that several new mines will be opened on the property. . The coal lands , pur chased by Mr. Muchlow ara situated In Fayette, Raleigh and Kanawha coun ties. This Is tha first step In a greet consolidation . ot Weat Virginia ooal properties, which. It is understood, haa been contemplated for some time, ALEXANDER HAMILTON'S , ANNIVERSARY OBSERVED . f (Iswraal Special Serrtee.) ! If aw Tork, Jan. ll.Today ia the an niversary of the birth' of Alexander Hamilton,' one of the tranters of tbe constitution of - the United States, and patriotic organisations throughout ths country celebrated the event by memo rial meetings, banquets and In other way a - The name ot Alexander Hamil ton Is one of those Indelibly engraved upon the pages of this country's his tory. " He was bora In ths-West Indies 1 Lc-t- .- 7 v SB J ae r . 1 aV V"" .-" i cans. t, . LITTLE PDCKETPHYSICIAN .: o. '. " Sryomol inhalex Tha Za aaraateed By' : -, ,Woodard. Olarka ft Oo. to - -x:J-.. -v - Onto Oataxrh,' - . ' ,1 v Thouaands who have been eured bt Hyomel call the Inhaler that cornea with every outflt "The little pocket phy sician.' as It la so small that It can be carried la the pocket or puree. r Prior to the dleooVery-Of Hyomel Sta tlatlca showed that at leaat 91 out of every 1 persons In this a tat a were suffering from catarrh In some-form. The remarkable. results following the uae of Hyeanei are shown by the amallsr percentage today of people Suffering from caUrrh.- --.- ',,' i There is really ho excuse whatever for any one having catarrh now tKnt Hyomel Is so readily obtainable. If vo ou have any doubts about lta value, , Woodard, Clarke et Co. will let you have a. ft oomplate outnt wits the uii deratand-. but that unices. It curves catarrh It will not coat you a cent. . .- A comnlate Hvomei outflt 'consists of "the little pocket physician,- - a med- tiocket nhvalclan.' r ' v . . . . . , . , IT 1 1 ,1 1 IJ L,,,l . ana a nomo or nywro-i, and coata onlv tl. while additional bot tles of Hyomel can- be procured for rfl , cents, making It the moet economical, as well as tbe most reliable, treatment . for the cure or catarrn. - Do not delay longer the line or Hjr omel. If you have oatarrh; Thle Ta , a . purely local diaease, and Hyomel goes right to. ths spot where the catarrhal germs 'are prewem, . oeexroya . mora aoothes and heala au Indammation and makea a permanent "and lasting euro. It not etmrenlent te .btaln ByeateTef Wood ard. Clarke Ok, or aoa other dranlat. Ill be rnrwaraea ma tee, aoorsury oy - ea receipt, of twlee. ' " THB'B. T. BOOTH 00.4 Bysaiel bid., Ithlea, M.w York. ' on January 11, Ml,, Snd was itlll . a ' comparatively young man when he be; came closely identttted. with soms of ths moat Important eSrenu ot that je van tful . period. et this country's history.. His was one of the msster minds, of ths epoch which' developed our constltua. tional government TO his brilliant and far-seeing brain the country owes 'its financial ayattro. ' During the period "of ths war and the subsesquent dark years ' Hamilton waa one of the pillars if strength, His versstfllty waa .... oWr . equaled by the strength of his grasp of matters which concerned tbe colonies. ' The history of ths world has produced no character. that Is ths counterpart of this remarkable man. He was a sol dler, -atateeman. financier, , political economist and scholar. " . rr-'-ii CO. Ncrt to Star Theatra i