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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1906)
.aW ' 1 17; y ;T"'7H;?c": r--, ' : -.- a........, tiH " " rvrt- a- "..n.!.- , -.. . J s.1 f Li UU U U LI Of every article in this immense stock (excepting a feu continct goods oh partment that weican't begin to list them all, but they arc here, J ' ;U U XJ U U Uli. J 1J iX ii "fa ft" -. i . . k . r-r r T . y TT v r r-r - r r 'II'.; ' i ' . . i . i 1 1 i i , v V ' - . i . t , I .. . LA . LX LA X U , LX.L1, LA J '''.;,!, ? a J v.--,' .. . .. -. ..j . ..... i '.. ..,... . Pure IVlnettnd Liquors riAre TOcctoity to moat trery iioosdiold. r I I t. At t whiikica, V found on OvWoodlark Scotch Heather, quart.,. Extra Fine Old Scotch, quart. ...fl.15 t fit Z2Z3 Tl Officinal Zyr'L-tfn Woodlark oicc. UTTUJ Rubber Goods 25 Per Cent Off V Fountain Syringes, Hot Water Bags, Combinations, Bath ing Caps, Bathtubs, Face 'Brushes. Rubber Sponges, Atomizers, Nipples, Tubing, Infants'. Syringes and all the -rest at one fourth off. We stamp our name and guarantee on rubberand if it doesn't wear, then we are going to make ft good by repairing or giving you a new article, - . SPiuTHURSpA Yp FRIDA YATURDAY;S Silk-Covered Ht Water Bottles, worth $EoO and $2.15. Special ; Llodem Druggists "IIOITED 0RE801I" THE SLOGAn" j j - i. t r.4'. . (ConUnusd a Pace' TweO '' ocnoors waa held. The rosolt of the aloeUon waa as . follows: v President Bichare K. Hoc, of Hog e A Bwtft rp rosenuUTOs of the United BtaUs BUol corporation - in tha Pacific northwest; vice-president Edward Newbealn. ef R. U. Wade Co.; aoeretary, Edmond C OUtner, ef Columbia at Nehalom Rsil way company; treasurer, Zad Tiltoa baak; truetssa, PbQlp fnehnsr, Zldwsrd Cooklngham. A. IPtldenhelmer; JSf Couch Flanders, rtetchet Una. Jay Bmlth, , - The Hsflretanra ranort ihnvnd smsrl balaaVse la the treasury at the beginning or the-new year. A. H. Derera, chair man of the Irrigation committee, re ported resulte of its work la Inducing the aoeretary ef the Interior to Indorse tne Umatilla project and said that the Malheur proloct had not been ansiulaMd by the governmontr but was -etUf-undor coneiaerauoe. Mr. Xtevera also raportsd for the eommlttee on permanent exhibit ef Orecoa products at the rooms of ths , EUgaatly earrod and en -craved . with monograms - or appropriate ereats, are dlspUyed tn great . ts ... rloty, having the char actsr and style of the ,. best efforts of the rlngw maker. They hsre the f beaTy wetght of gold ' , jmd fine workmanship to ' make them an hoirlodm, as they -jslirntfy. The . prices will lnterset for the eupsrb values,' and Tangs- from $3.50. UP Ihejr mv comt to m regaraea these . Brandies and Wines can be our sbeHca. Thir department offers some ; wonderful reductions on stsple foods. . - ' ',(..,. ' Walker's Canadian Club,' quart. ...fl.O V Dewar Spedal Scotch, auart. ...V.fl.08 Finhr Pure Matt Whiskv. ooart. . ..T3 5x7, Fine Old Bourbon, quart.. ......... Tie- Kper Berry Gin, quart... ........ oir Brandy ......994 I'iViES Sherryrquart.. .5.TT.T.B Fort, quart.... Fine California Port and Sherry, per . gallon ... ... i i;r."rT.. . . .... .. , cauforkia imis WM Zrnfandel, . QareV Staterne, Cabernet, Burgundy and Keiiling; extra select: rer quart ...............ggf chamber. The exhibit now consists of more than 1.000 mineral apochnena, 191 fancy Jars of grains, grasses and vege tables, ss specimens of polished woods, II samples of wool under glass. 10 sam ples pf manufactured goods. IX Jars of zooo, gam mX fish; 111 jare of differ R. R. Hoge, President 'Chamber of t':'.:--:. Commerce." '' ' ' 1 " ent kinds of nute grown in the state. and sos Jars or preserved fruits. Ha said 1,000 visitors had reglatered In the book alnoe the union depot exhibit was consolidated with the chamber exhibit, and that thousands ef pieces of Oregon literature had beam sent out - - -. r Bslsaoe In Ttsaeary. . .. " W. R. Mackensie. accountant, reported that ths yaai'e ' receipts - had bee, and expenditures I14.01S.TI, leaving a balance tn the treasury of , Tha - chamber's clTlo Im provement . work eost $1.0l, the ban quet to railroad men fttt, the portage road excursion $T10, the new 'Portland booklet ll,08t, and a special write-up of Portland, In a magazine known as World s Work,, 12.026. r.-k fc ' W. A. Mears, secretary ef the trans portation eommlttee of tha ehamber. made his annual report telling of the committee's work for the opening of the portage road, for betterment of condi tions related to the Panama canal, for establishing ateamer lines on the upper Columbia, - foe a deeper channel e-4he bar, and In the interest of proper legis lation arreoting railroad -ratea. Kessid that of the various bills now before congress relating to this subject the eommlttee desired to favor a hill that will . give to the Interstate commerce oommlsslon, on complaint power to de cide that toe rate complained of la un just unreasonable or discriminatory end te ,d lgnsts what would..: ba a proper rate, this rate te be maintained and observed by the railroad! until the decision of the oommlsslon may have been annulled by the decision of the United States courts. , Bettrtag Pzoeteoat'shjeeks.' The retiring president W It Wheel wright paid an eloquent tribute te the transportation committee for Its year's work, aaylng that it was the most Im portant and effective eommlttee during his administration, Peter Kerr, chair man of, the grain-standard committee, reported that work in his department had progressed satisfactorily The banquet given at o'clock la the Commercial olub rooms, waa eae ef 11C Oife 50 pet cent off on fine-Dry Plates pedal net prices: :,. Dry Plates, 43, per doxen;..,....;.;.;;.V.........S Dry Platesr4J4x6 J4r.per dozen , . . i .... . ....... . . . .. . ; . Dry Plates 5x7, per dozen . , Zi. ii ,T tV.f ..I. "i . Dry Plates, 8x10, per dozen. ....... .......,;..........f 1.20 A good Developing Paper, 4x5, per gross. ;..... ...,.. Cabinets, per gross., ....... . v ..... i ....... , . .80 per gross , ..... ...... . . t bYrSyt, per gross f .......... . , . a.o 8x10, per grosSiv.i .t. . ."... " . iiTiTi .88.00 Al Mahogany . View Cameras, with case bolder, ' ' 8x10, for .;.f.r.v....VjU.;.fl5.KO , - Other Sizes in Proportion. . " .' LargTslTstock'bf "tenses and Supplies jof all kind weM ;--of the Rockies. Stsrt the new year right and give your pocket Vbook a chance. .We will save you CASH. 7.'., 'J '.TF Sensitized Postal Cards, per 4ozen.; gross ...... ........................ f.ot Combs 20 Per Cent Off Shell Combs, Celluloid, Pyralin, Hard Rubber and Alumi num in all sizes and shapes for big folks and toddlers. .. Special all week any 50c Comb for. . i . . , . . . .80 .,. .. - -r- -1 better select one now. t ... . .'- v. . . I redSf '"3 VoS3 BeButiM Pldutes at dn& you buy if now and use H later. , - ...T...r, j '. Half Off . . aIlf 8 F?a a? C " T1 Dav f Afll iOff Such phenomenal .values are; rarely offered. V We are VllJ HUO! aT Cf ACIII iII slightly overstocked, anT for a few. days you can have-the, !iAll bur display of this exqui.lte'.Tabiewkre at little more "ke bet for half tha regular price. '.No. we're not than coat-no fitter cut Thousands prefer Empire and mtkm TJ"ra .ese, but we are making room, and Quaker, to any other. Won't you be convinced t - ? w it . - j. r , the largest to the history ef the eham ber. A program' of spaechmaklng fol lowed. President Hoge lu an 'eloquent peroration on Oregon sounded the key note for the new year la the following words; "Instead of regarding with mere com' plalsance the riches of our land, ef our waters, our mines and a climate where energy la unrestricted by -winter's blast or summer's heat and where the flowers make but short pause la their bloom and fragrance, let us Join our voices to the song of the birds la hallelujahs to - Ood ' and proclaiming tp man that here la to be found all that makes for the beet in life comfort, health, wealth, peace. Lat there be no grinding of axes, no knocking of hammers, save te clear our pathway to the aea and te the markets of the world.", ; . - -;. - On Alaska- rrad. ' ,. -W. w. CottOn. la a short talk, urged Portland business men to extend their investments and .personal attention to the Willamette valley. Mayor Barry Edward Newbegin, Vice-President.: Lne made a few happy remarks about old tlntere and then seriously attacked the subject of Alaska trade. ', He told of a 400-mile trip he made into Alaska and of the Immense wealth and pro ductiveness of that country, the trade that awaits Portland, the willingness of Alaskaii merchants to trade with Port land and the , spot- eash they , pay for goods and urged '!ocet business" tueu to teke hold of the movement for eetab llshlwa; t earn iih Is -ilnes-bet ween Port land, V aides. Kayak, Copper river points. Be ward peninsula and Nome. ' - A. X. Craig, at the request Of the president read 1 a eordlal letter from President H. M. cake of the commercial olub, who waa kept at home by Illness. A telegram was read from Governor Chamberlain, who was detained at Salem by offlHsl buelness." X A. Fllffher, Csll- rbSASA ass tcovv wraoTrrm T. 3. Chambera ' Ed? -Vindicator. 1.1b- erty, Texss, writes December 26, 1002: wun pleasure ana unsoiioitea oy you, 1 beer testimony te the eurstlve rwer .of Bsllsrd's Horehound Bruo bare used it in my fsmlly and CMt cheerfully affirm it la the most effec tive and best remedy for- eoushe and colds I have ever used." Sold by Wood ard, Clarke Co. c ZD i ,iii.iii!iiri.iim ni. i i ii ib ... inn - ' ; in ; f r"'i;' mSays U.Hak,-ToothtK and just nicntlon at one fourth stock. - Adams. Hair Brushes. :A 25c Tooth for the price of fl.60 , Beautiful little fornla commissioner to the tewis and Clark exposition, characterized the Port land chamber of commerce as ons Of the best commercial bodies In the country. ' The Borer quartet and J. W. Alex ander, who furnished muslo, were fre quently encored. R. M. Dodson con tributed amusing Impersonations. BAKER GRAND JURY . , , S LETS GAMBLING ALONE " IBaeelsl Dtosaom e The earsaLr Baker City, Or Jan. 1L The Baker county, grand Jury, which has been In session here. for the past two weeks and from which startling developments had beep looked for la reference te gambling indictments, u has - adjourned , without making an Investigation, only disposing of minor buslnesa It found .the county offlcee and books In good shape and Its report ad voca tea the. bulldlag of a new courthouse. : It holds that an emergency existed and that. Baker county should proceed at once te build a new temple of juatlea, and also estabiian a new poor farm. During the session it round five true bills ef indictment and one not true. ' , v .. .'...."':''-'. - - ' WALTER GOVER CHARGED . 1YITHH0RSESTEALING (peeial Diepstek te The Joeraal.) Baker City, Or- Jen. 11. Walter Oover, son of a prominent and wealthy rancher of Eagle valley, living come 00 miles from this city, baa been arrested on informs tlon Sled with District At torney Lomax, charged with the larceny ef a horse from Prank Balsley.. Oover waa placed under 060 bonds to answer to tha circuit court, naiaiey, mo prose- outing witness, waa recently tried for horse stealing ana acquitted, ana it is thought that the . present arrest was oauaed by the zolxup over that affair. ,i..':.'i:Arege ' ' (Special Dvaeteh te The JeemaL) -Aurora. Or- Jan. 11. The ' Aurora braas band has engaged good Instruc tor end musical director to take eharge ef the band and bring it up to a high standard of perfection. It la the Inten tion to put Hie organisation InV Such a condition that It will gain a state repu tation. ' " 1 - : " A BUSINESS .Proposition . Are you lookJno; for one? Hare jrou one to offer? A Joirnsi .want ad, will y put you in touch with tha proper petfT; Keepln" touch with people who ; " want to tuy and ' UUr. Read V JOURNAL f ; Want Ads1 -Shoe .the usual price. lect anvthinsr in . Evans & Howard. Kent a ad jLoonenV fine ,r Brash and a bottle -of Tooth Powder, one St&4. ; v.- Ml LeathervjarQ 25 Per Cent 0ft " Suit Cases, PocketbookiNJill Books. Wallets, Card Cases, Cigar Cases, Hind Birt; Traveling-Bag and Outfita.Roll Upj-etfcj-etc. , ? 7-?, j .-rr-r- , .. , SPECIAL -.i.M,;.- All Hand Bag worth up to $150 for, choice, .';. ...'.8 Ormolu Cloths 3Q:eL A Cent Oir timekeepers that are a delight to OVER HARPER Or. Qunsaulua and Other Clergy , ' men Make Addresses at ' s - Private Services. - T ' CLASSES AT UNIVERSITY 1 NOT 8T0PPED BY DEATH ...'J."; .'.-...,,. , . ; pSOent Tread of -Students, Sorrowing Facea of Instructors and Flags at Half Mast Only Signs of the Lead ere Passing. (Jearaal Special gerrlre.f , - Chicago. Jan. II.- Aocordlng to the deoree of Dr. Harpefr-aimest the last order issued by the - dying - educator. classes at ths .University of Chicago went on today uninterrupted. The silent tread of students, the Borrowing faces of S7S instructors and flags at half- mast being the only signs of the leader's passing. . . ' - ; Private funeral services were ' eon- ducted at 10:10 o'clock this morning at the residence by Dr. Frank Ounsaulue. A number of short addresses were made by other clergymen. PnbUo services will be held Bunday. V ? The body -will remain In charge of the family until Saturday, when It will be escorted to Haskell assembly hall by the univerelty council, the members of wnion. win .act as pallbearers. Here It will lie In state under a guard of honor, composed tof students of the university. The funeral services will be held In Mandel hall Sunday. Addresses will be delivered by President Faunce ef Brown university. Chancellor Andrews ef ths University of Nebraska and Dean Jud son. University of Chicago, Tha body will be burled in Oak wood cemetery, Chicago. . . . ,'. . EIGHTEEN MEM HELD - UP BY BUTTE ROBBER ' (SpeiUl Dtaptti t The JoeraeM -Butte. Jan. U. Eighteen men were held ug by a lone highwayman in the Thomp son saloon, almost in the. heart of the city, at about 0:00 o'clock this morning, the bandit securing 111. The robbery was the nerviest in the history ef the elty, the daring robber commanding the big crowd before him as he would a single victim. " Every man was compelled to shoot his hands skyward and face the waiWwfclie-t he bartender ws-foreed to tuna ever the contents of the cash register, which ' the - holdup coolly pocketed,' growling at the smallnesa. of the . plunder. Shouting , goodnight he backed out of the door and disappeared. Or they will eeoa endoralse yoer beelth. Tkeet fcleeknMde, Hwolles rest, fcpoti kedire yonr ere esd Mpeelally Uie seseral warn-nt feollnt Is the mora Ins are fare iIm e- Klda.r Troable, tmnt e nucne wi'-re eiMBse ine erana, enue l tii eenukee waii ef tee aioseys, resovln( r.tue aed tee Beta with It. Sold st tot bea by. - ....... a. . SMdmove Ocw Froveists, lsi FIH. SERVICES Whin St aveS BgSBU f Ok akwriad, OS. Eruf its kCHztrMicles our fine , - " Spedal,'' Buthymol Tooth raete.,.l Holmes'. FroatlUa .t&4 CapUlri S Hair Visor c )2 BrtUlaotln .............18 LlsUratod Tooth Powdr..T Uthla Tablata ...... .,...19 Florida Water (largo) .'...S3 SmoUlnc SalU 16 Violet Animonta'......k.8 Colsato'a Talcum Fowdor. IB Almond Ifaal. ,...1 Arnica Tooth oap......13 ZonwalM . ......12 Potrolatum, lb Boa Bait 1b. ......... .16' Soa, SalV lba.............B Boap Bar '.T;ru:,;riJT,4 Nutmoas. dosea . . r . ... . . .8 Glycerine and Rose water, 1 ounooa - ..............8 Com Plastora ..8 both DMII TOVJELS All our stock olaeed on sale r-half the price. Y on out a real Jinen ruo. ceu regularly tor wc, outvsc, vuc. .11.00, S1J25, 275; take your choice at... .....HALF OFF Jook Superior Stationery 25 Per ' Eaton-Hurlbut's ' and : Hurd's- Fine Papeteries, all at -25 per cent discount Latest -tints and shapes paper in -bulk and envelopes to match, if yon prefer. " Writing- Fluid. Tablets, Tally Cards, Playing. Cards, Visiting Cards1School Supplies everything you can suggest in this ; line at this' great saving. . 1 ' M r ' ; . EXTRA SPECIALl v All Inkwells and Desk Rack at........OtfE HALF OFF HEAS3T VICT03:i:i BATTLE :;i7iTHi.:oy:iTjii:i:iio:i- Wounded Animal Rushes Furl ously at Editor Whose Nsrye - Does Not Fail Him. - . tosreal flpeelal geevke.) - San- Antonio., Tex., Jen. lS9WIUlam R. Hearst Of New Tork and a party O mends now 1 at Chihuahua. - Mealoo, yesterday went for a day's shooting tn the hills. . Hearst Is hunting in the mountains ' about tils mother's- ranch ar Chihuahua. At dusk last night dogs treed a large mountain Hon, which ahowed fight Immediately. Hearst, rid ing ahead of the party, caught eight of the animal and Bred. . The shot wounded the big cat. which) sprang from ths tree la which he had taken refuge and rushed furiously at Hearst. It waa a moment of real peril, but the Near Torker'a nerve did not falL - Taking another quick shot. when the animal was only a few feet away, Hearst stretched ths lion dead at his feet. -t-t- . , MERIT WINS.' Kawnfaetuser's . ilr Bedded Tlotory, Sold Mr. . Paul Van Frldagh, one of our prominent Portland buslnesa men, a new metal-action Ceoellan. Mr. Vaa Frl dagh tested several ether well-known piano-players, but after due consider tion purchased the Cecilia n. First, be cause its touch Is not mechanical; seo ond, the divided t raker-board, ao you can - play the bass aoeompanlment softly: third, the metal aotion which Is noiseless and will stand ail ainas or weather. Mr. J.- Frederick. Keesler feela delighted, aa the cholee wae made upon the merits of pie instrument., . - ... ' i , . WILL OPERATE VITH COAST RANGE COMPANY ' (Special riwpateh te the Joe real.) ' . Ch eh alia Wash., Jan. 11. The ChieasTO Woodenware company, which 'Will be represented at Chehalie by J. C, Gard ner of Mobile, Alabama, will be oper ated for a short Urns In conjunction with the Coaat Bangs Lumber company. which is being closed out by Receiver Porter. The Chicago company will en gage- In the manufacture- of - ladders, lawn swings,' etc., out of spruce, which they expect to amp into Chebalia from Wlllapa harbor points and Grays Har bor. .The new company will employ about SO hands when It begins opera tions. , , - . . Piofctiod Stoek Allen S Lewis' Beet Bread. AITKEM A CANDIDATI t-: FOR STATE TREASURER J (Reertal Dwpatek te ne Jearasl.) Baker City, Or.. Jan. 11 J. H. Alt- ken, a prominent banker of Huntington, today filed a petition with the olerk of this county and forwarded the same to the secretary ef state for nomination as state treasurer. Mr. Altkeu made an attempt before to land this nomination at the state convention, but waa unsuc cessful. Ha thinks v that the direct primaries will give him a better oppor tunity. - . . ( ; oeolaL Japanoso Cloanlng fluid, .18 Lyo,-pound T Moth Ball. ..,... Porous Plasters ...... 7 Housobold Ammonia, pints. f Coooa Butter ....... .t Curllna Irons ,..8 'WlUUms Bhavtng SUoku.lB Absorbent Cotton, lb 26 Dickenson's Wl(ch Baaol,' ' pints ,..., ....... 14 Baking Boda, lb.........8 Epsom Balta, lb... ....... ..8 Powdarad Borax Xb. ....... 8 Lump Borax, lb. ...... ,...8 Powdered Alum, lb.,;. . ..4 Buaar of Milk, lb. ......... 22 Sulphur, lb ,..r ,44 Carbolie Add. 4 os. ...... 12 Mixed Bird Beod. lb.. T Borto.Aeld. lb...'. ..20 Phosphate Soda, lb,,...18 AT OtlE-HRLF. during this month for iust oner loee-halfHhe enjoyment of r bat tr with-" Cenf Off i. PHOKEi r PRIVATE EXCHANGE it Preeminent Among Pianos SO STAND THE'.. r- MATCHLESS- - Has led all the highest) '. grade pianos for over 40 years.. .We have received . a fine new; stock. ; Call and examine, before you -. purchase. : .' t.-iuli': r CASH OR EASY 'i-g&h PAYMENTS VtTT FIAKO CO. 850 ALDER ST. ip- " r J. Fred Kerssler.Pres.; W. T. Shanahan, VPresv Reduced prices ' during- the CLEARANCE SALE from X2.50 to $5.00 od a Man's or Youth's Suit or Overcoat.' From SOf to 1)1.50 on Pants, Hats, Overshirts of Underwear i also a fulMlne1" of Shoes at the same induce fnenL.t --',;.'.;" ' C3 Per Cent Discount tn Blankets, ; Comforters, Trunks' and Suit Cases. ' V -rrltfrto your Interest trW vegtJsate this genuine. Re ductioa . Sale. J- fLU.Ccrinrd izJ Tenia