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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1906)
f , TIinQr,rGO?L: DAILY TiCJOnfL. -I H2. .T- ima"Vw' -it-'pji n"'zi TRif-TO -CHIPPIE COfjJlSSIOIJ L ESLJOIIflS iWEESBOlD mi fiFin n - r i r rmn i c enz UiiUlliU-rUL : LUI gULLI era - r r', '2zJ ifi- Opposes Appropriation for Salary for Secretary of ( Civil j V "v,X6trvlc Board. WOULD HAVE MAYOR'S 'Hrrf CLERIC DO ITS WORK Wo and Meaiis" Committee So At- 4 , Control -E-cpendituret -. rnas Voted Departments. - W -T.- HUIHI -mourn- .. rlvll eervlce reform block trie appropriate. , tke-eeiary of. toe sepretary of the . nldpei civil service eommlseion. - Htt - bold attempt. rorllUc ron rob the coaimlMlon of tte - -proved futile an t appnnrtatlon was . um4. Hs4 he been. - uoo?'wI1"C? civil servloe commission would neve been baaiy crippled end perhepi ' en tlrsly discontinued. The yewmlsslee asked for n epproprietlon ef l.e - the year, of which ,l.0t wee to pey the 'salary of e secretary. , -' ."; .. ' -- :.r -i think U4e e waste of money te pey tho salary of e eecreUry of he civil service V ebmmleelon. ee4d Meetere. : tm yor naa aeeCTetary m2s could work for the mayor end the eom mission also," . . - ?" ''Jxl ; -The eudlter might do the work of ' ' the secretary of the contra I eel on." said Counellman Welleee. ' m ' ' y ;l do not went It," replied Auditor Devlin. "I think e nu to tnet poeitton earne lift e month." -,- -- Councilman Bennett end Councilman Kellaher aaid thet It would be prepos to roue for the euuncll toelieiapt to de " " - prtre the commtaalon of e aecretery. They eleo objected to reducing- hie eel ary, M auegeaUd hy. Councllmee Orey. -; Keetete Xeee It eee.; ! . - Tve been le the office several time and em perfectly familiar with the work ho dm to porform' -waa Heaters re c Boonee. t'1 Ao not eee eny eenae In "' having two men there whan one could .do ihe work' Just aa welU" -' Somebody reminded Councilman Mas "tero that It would tee Impooattola for-the mayor'e eocretary Ve fill the office of " aocratery of th commission f or the reason that e charter provision pre . vented. BeeMee. the two offices ere la ' no 'manner connected. ' -'j.- v'1 "I (usss we had better let lt peae ; . now," continued Masters. "People might ; think we, wero after tho civil service . commission." ' - v ' - ' ., The meeting was characterised by the tost careful . efforts of the members T? of ths ways end means committee to ... . - plaes as. masy restrictions as possible on the esecutlve board In' the expendi ture of funds. ' In fact they so er - ;' ranged the appropriations .. that they control ths expenditures. ', . , ' City 'Auditor Devlin at his -own eug. . ' geitlon was ordered to specify In ths ' otdtnsnoe making the epproprtetlene the : amount te be expended for each separ ats Itemr end provide thet tt eay por . tlon of the funds for eny particular ' Item la not expended ths balanos shall ' be, immediately' canceled. ' This was ' 'done in order thet the executive board - might not" spend the unused portion of . ths appropriation for eny other purpose, and will force the hoard end the meyor to go to the council wheff xhey 'need f - Wrv"v-"''-S-:-' v- r, :,; ..i rateol Wagoa em Beet Side.-. . , Tor the , police department fllt.tll ts ' . appropriated. That will provide for the '' salaries of ths present officers end 10 : patrolmen, the running; expenses of 4hs Jail end petrol wagons end the Installs '..Y tlon of a patrol wagon en the east side. '' ' The oonvnittes considered fM suffl ' eient to Install end maintain the wagon . i:, during the-year A driver will be de ' ' .'. tailed from the regular force. . ' The committee appropriated ttO.OD for street lighting... There are now .1.111 .. lights, and IT new ones have been ' ordered. , Tho toul cost will be 174,111 '. for the year., Added to this will be the ' . lights , for ell municipal buildings; - amounting to f 1,111 for thoes already . Installed, making the maintenance, of " the present lighting system cost 76.IT. - Vi-- This- wui- leave only- el.tta .Jor, new V. lights. - - - I - To the street repair fund was appro ' priated f6Ml. This wUI permit sev ; ; oral new men to be employed. - w. The epproprietlon for the dty engl 'TX neers department was ttl,71i, and for ."the street cleaning department 14.000. v - The letter appropriaUon provides - for TTl' - -r. C KM U .U. am vmuin VAU mass then Ush It into action Ifyoo went to see . good profrees made. -This Is as true ', '-when Hue faulty human system as ' when it Is e baulky male. -' " Alcoholtc ttlmulenU end alcoholic med : letnee whip the digestive functions Into ; v, q nick action but do uot prevent the week . 1 ' enlng reaction which fououm so cioseiy. . tin cases of Impaired appetite end dlgee '. Uoo mal-nutrltion end wtitine ewsr. e ; I . safe end reliable tonic It Deeded end Is ' the only thing thet can he relied upon. . Dr. Pierce discovered, forty years ago, ' that Nature had provided freely for these . ', needs of her children end thai In her io- cj, fcorotonf were the remedies.' Olyeerie ,-: extrecu of Golden Seat mot, Queen's root, -I fStone root, Black Cherryberk, Bloodroot end Mandrake root, as prepared, com ' bined end preserved without alcohol. In Dr. Pierce Uoldm. MnMool lmny, i '" constitute the most effective end Tertsfn tonic, sJteretive end tissue rebuilding ' , remedy ever offered to the public. : A prominent merrhant, Mr. 3. ATfred ' Arrsnd, of Balnt Lawrenee StreM, lion j treal. Canada, write- I have turd Doctor Pieroe-s Ooleea Medlcat Discovery o and on for nine rears. When I have It In the bonae I aeed no doctor or other medicine. - - Klne pears ago I was troubled with rhan . Vmir 'Ooklen Medical Dlacoverv e.imlaated the Uric acid from the ersteta. f nrs thst Usae I heve never been without i-t t tkM hniM Thers to no other SMKhclne , Ut the bouM. There to no other medicine I 1 ink so much of. eor none I think Its ,j. .very one to whom I reeommendtd M v rles-d wlte the results, end all thaivk ...riW. Its aae. U Is e solendld t s v'u ve to e only sere cere I know c. e.' r- tti . r-wina Rerun- afedlral i. 't le tt 1 eon receipt of etetnps f ri ' -"e ei mailing only, fck I , t o-' -f tor the petw-omreret . eril t fof tbe cloth-hoooe. ... J U. U v. flares, JiitSeio, K. Y. 10 additional men on the street clean Ins force end the expenditure of 15.000 far purchase et e new bam oa the east Side .. -: : - V - J .', The epproprietlon for the plumbing Inspector -wes puced et ., wnicn le 1140 lees than was asked. The tl0 was for streetcar fare. 11 Is egetnst the policy, of ths administration to ac. espt pessee on the cer linse as was ths custom formerly, end as councilman Masters suggested could be done In ths present Instance. . An appropriation-of fl.tOO was meds for the dty museum. No epproprlstlon wee "made for the park noarU--.a-H -WSS,fl9tiirca jo. psvs the board meet the committee Monday afternoon te discuss -the- situation,- at which, time the appropriation will be fixed. ' No definite epproprietlon was made for maintaining ' ths city crsma tory teut-tt was decldedte allow the monthly estimates-as-they-werere- celved until some dsflnlte plan. regard log tho-reduoUon works euid he turn u-4 lated, t . - JTe Assistant JrhysioUe. ' In u ordinance approprietlnc '. ths funds prevision will be made for - the reorganisation or the neaitn oepart ment. For ths salary of the health- of Doer 11,000 was allowed. With 11400 for his jlDutr. For e city physician Ol.eos was voted. No prevision wss made for an asslstent city physician, rrotnsioa wss made for e. clerk for tee ornce et I7t a month end for e meat end meVkst Inspector et tt$ e month. Salaries, of several of - tne empioyss were Increesed aa follows: ' Foreman of street-cleaning department from 10 to" 11 00- a month; " snimal-tender "at'the city boo, f0 to (t month: deputy poundmesler, ' 0 to III e month; stenographer In ths city engineer's of lice, 160 to 110 e month. Laborers in the municipal departments will receive tl e day for the first 00 days ef their employment end efter thet -.. , jtoDronrlatlons. for ail the omer De partments were made according to ths estimates. . v , - - - 1 - , e:oti:er of late senator EMS HIS VIRTUES ' .-fV. J. M. Hippl Says Senator Was YictimofCon8piracy of Political Enemies. From Jefferson, ' Ohio, there comes to: Portland e pathetic echo ef the cess of the late Senator John H. Mitchell. In e letter written by J. M. Hippie, e brother of the late senator, 4e Rev. K. L. House. - Mr Hippie, who le ji - surgeon-dentist, seyst . ;'...." i 1 see ' by the press, that . you. Dr. House, officiated-at the funeral of my unfortunate brother, who was. In my opinion, the victim of e conspiracy of his 1 political- enemies thst caused his death. In the- last lsttsr I had from bim. ne-declersd .hlg innocence, of eny Intention of wrong end said he had as many friends as ever In Oregon. But he Is gone, end -I mourn ths loss of e brother ss kind-hearted end loving es eny men sver bad. , But I am sorry that hta life went out under such a cloud. Ths world Judges harshly by one mis take, forgetting ths multltuds of good thing end Mts of kindness dons,, ' "I trust thet in fats trials he found ths dear Bevlor his net per and new Is forever et rest. Would it he asking toe much of you to writs ms end let me know if you talked wltn him sftsr his trial, end tell me, did his friends stand by him? Could you send ms psper or two telling of his Illness, his deetb end funeral?: Did his sons. Hlrsm end John, get there? ; Did he own eny property thsrsr7 , v - - The letter concludes with e request for ths perns , of the dentist who operated en the senator Immediately be fore his death., in order that the writer mey address him sympathetically., . . Bill PLANS A BETTER PATROL SYSTEM Would Have Policemen Remain . on Their Beats Until Actually Relieved. ' ! : Police Inspector Bruin has come ts ths oonclusion thst the practice of per mlttlng patrolman te cease work snd go to police hesdquertere before ths hour appointed for thsm to report off duty Is inimical to the Interest of ths public end ths. department.:.. In bis opinion, beets should not be left unpat rolled for sny length of time. A recommendation filed with qhlef Orltsmscher by ths In spector yesterdsy follows In substance; I neve ths honor to recommend . thst some - means be devised whereby the change of reliefs would actually take place on ths beets 'or districts of ths respective officers snd not et or going to or returning from said beats or dis tricts. At the present -time three of ficers msy cover the ssme territory for a year and never meet to discuss ths conditions or show each other matters or point out suspicious . characters and their resorts. ., ,, .. . "This question of eight hours per dsy Should 'be construed here ths ssme as It Is elsewhere, end that le . to mean that a man's duty ' shall'., commence when he sotuslly relieves the officer on the best or district. ,' - "The only remedy that I eaa see Is that the officers be Instructed to remain on their districts until they are ac tually relieved by tbe new officers."" ONE WHO EXAMINES -MUST4IARrrPAPERS Herssftsr the person who examines applicants for positions 6ndef"th inu- nlclpsl civil service system 'will be required to correct the pepers snd make the marklnga, according to a ruling of the civil service commission yestor- day. Heretofore the duties of examin ing . the applicants and correcting the papers devolved to a large extent en the secretary snd he did pot like the lerge responsibility that rested upon him and held him open to criticism. . : It waa decided by the commission that no applicants who ITavs not. taken out their second citissnship pepers should be permitted to tsks examinations, pend' tng e decision -of ths question rsgsrd tng who mey be slaased as a cltlsen. The members tf ths commission ars going to look thoroughly I a to ths ques tion before making a permanent rule. a man who had traveled around a good deal looking for e location eettled in Springfield, considering thet the best and Large Crowds Predicted at North Pacific Meet. k- NO RACING IN PORTLAND UNLESS POOLS ARE SOLD Micht as, Wen T17 to Ran Bmby ShovrJVith Eifhth-Orede Children, 1 JSoyi. Judgo . Frexier, Whorls, the Owner of Chehslia. ?, is -Blg- pursear fast horses -and -r largs crowds ere predictions ef Judge Frsnk Frailer forthr Wtif tu Feclflu meet thte Veer. The - veteran horseman. wne gained an , International repuUuon through his. owning Chehelia,. dropped Into' Portland yesterday from rendle- ton end registered at the Perkins hotel. He came lo ettendTEineetlnrhf horse men who ere Interested in the .circuit. There Is not going to be eny racing In Portland -unless there- Is poolselllng." said the Judge "Tou might aa wall try to run vbaby show with .elguthi grade children. Poolselllng- is. west .counts. tod without It Portland la 'off the map.' Outside of this city -ws ere -looking for sjuie mighty trtr times' big purses. f est horses and crowds .thet will, fill the grendstends. , And when I aay big purses, I mean Just -whet I eay. Beiem le coming to the front with the fattest ef them ell Pocket books with $1400 and f 1,000 In double golden seglee la them ere, assured us by the boys la thet section of the state; not one or two such purses, but six or eight of them... Thet Is whst oounts end niskef the .ponies run.' ," - . . 1 , , "The Teclfle northwest has some -of the best horses In the country. , Eastern men have thought several times thet they could beat ue et our own game, but .ws heve ususlly found thet thsy had to aell one horse to get the others home efter the meeting. . "Selena Is not the only town thet Is going to hsng up good purses. North Yakima Is going to open Its purse, as sisted toy the stete treasurer through appropriations. Seattle ts talking en tertainingly, as' Is also Lswlston, Welle Welle end, Evsrstt. ' ; - ; l I as meeting this - yeer u going to be e success because of ths half failure of lest year. The big show down here hurt Hks sixty. People came to Port land Instead of attending the races. There Is no fair this year, end the peo pis who feel sorry - because of ths fell ure lsst yeer hay they ere going to work herd for the North Pacific circuit this summer end felL ' r ' -, -."With the big purses- promised, the horssmsn will turn out, the poolsellers will be there, end the crowds -will at tend, not only .te eee the horses run but to try - Issues with ths bettors. J pre diet the greatest meeting this yeer that Oregon' end the circuit have ever ssen." South Sea Islands. Ths S." a, Mariposa will bt sailing again for Tahiti December It,- The vey age to Tahiti Is the most delightful ef sll trips to the South Pacific. All Ta hiti travelers ere enthusiastic. First esbtn round trip rate from San. Fran cieoo, 1115. C W. Stinger, agent, 2(4 Washington street ' . kedeeed Bateg f or Ooavoaiaoa. . The .' Netional Amsricsn . Woman's Suffrage essocletlos) has-been granted a pec 11 reduction la railroad retee for friends -and delegates who contemplate attending the annual convention to be held In Baltimore, February T to 14, In elusive:' . : . ..... i . Drunkards Cured in 24 Hours Any Lady Can Cur the Moat Violent - urunkard secretly at Home. To Wove It, a Free Trial Faekags Xs . neai neaiea vs au was write. , . Let no woman despair. The - sure. quick, permanent cure for drunkenness ess been round. - , y- It Is Golden Specific, It has no odor. it baa no taste, juat a little la put In the drunkard'e can of coffee or tea. or In hla food. He will never notice It, he will be cured before he realises It. and he will never know why he abandoned the taste lor Honor. ; ' Ooas Had froam Whiskey. His desire for drink dlsnnnesre ahao lutely, and he will even- abhor ths very sight and emeu or whiskey. The visor be hss wssted swsv bv drink will be restored to him, and his health snd strenrth end cheerfulness TwTir-reTllYfiW or! en ten oTIF home. ' uoiden B peel no nss cured some or tne most violent cases In a day's time. This fsct in proven by many lsdjes who Jjavs tried IL " Mrs. Mettle Balklns, Nanoeburg,, Ky, says: ' My .husband took two doses of your medicine about five months sgo and haa not taken e drink or had eny desire for liquor since then. Our home Is so different now." Mrs. Mabel Zlnk, R. TV-D. No. , Sa lem. Oregon, says: : "My husband has not touched liquor sines t gave him the sampls package of your OoTden Specino." Save your loved one from premature death and the terrible consequences of ths drink curse and savs. yourself from poverty end misery -i;- - It costs sbaolutely nothing to try. Send your "name and addreea to Pr. J. W. Haines, IIJT Glenn Building. Cincin nati, Ohio, and he will at once send you a free package of the marvelous Ooldsn Specific in a plain, sealed wrap per. He will also send' you ths strongest, ronrluetve proof of what a blessing It has been to thousands of families. Mend for a free trial package at Oolden i Bpeclfle today, ... , , 1 . .-: , ,, ; -. . - . BIfi? -: Purses, - Fast Horses Backers of Saloon,. Councilman and Temperance Workers Fight for Same Thing. ' ALLJ3PP0SE PRESENT ; LICENSE ORDINANCE Promotere of St. Johns Hotel Com pany Say Jhty Have Already Been Let ln By, TovnTOlficeni andthe ' Hiher the Berg Now the Bettor. Ths east side office ef The Joersal fa te ths store ef J. U. O. Kilter. ISO JUat MorIsbb iuhl - TOepness aast xra. , Members of the St Johns Women's Christian'. Temperance union, the towe councilman end representatives ef ths St. Johns Hotel company, which ts seek in a license to sell llauor In St Johns. ere all agreed that the present proposed license ordinance should . not- peaa. Pro hibition workers are lobbying actively In aa effort te dsfeet the ordinance. The hone et ths St. Johns Hotel cem- neny la thet thsy suoeeea. The council weeks ego ' eaoptea a resolution that ' enepdraged the hotel management to ; go ahead with Its plans., and a building eosung more use M.000 la nnder construction snd will be wtted-ep-ss a hotel and saloon. After this resolution wee passed aa erainance was lntrodnoed- resulatlns the Bale Of liquor In the town. This waa supposed to bo offsred in . tne interests 01 us hotsl backers and against It such a de termined fight has been made that two of the eouncllmen connected with the movs to grant a license heve pledged the women of the local W. C T, U. that it-will not he consldereoV Iesai raDresentstives of ths .hotel company assert that the town hasiel readv entered Into a contract with the company end ' thet this contract was unqualifiedly accepted by the company, lta - acceptance giving . tt the right As sell liquor when the provisions of the resolution granting the license has been complied with, whether en ordinance waa passed on the subject or not This resolution epplled the general license ordinance to this particular case, with certain restrictions Which , were found satisfactory by tbe hotel management,' - The prohibition people . object to tne ordinance now under eonalderetion be cause It gives ealoona entrance to the town, the hotel company oppoaee it because the ordinance tnrows uown tne bars to general competition. . - This aspect of the case ts entirely novel even te the eouncllmen, who heve from the first considered en ordinance neoessary te enable the hotel bar to ooan and supposed that they still bed a tight rele ea the situation. The oom peny Is not of - the sum opinion end expects to open Its bar when ita build Ing la completed. - -r - -r The April election may eee a Prohrbl- tlon council In office and If It-does more complications will probably be - dls novered. the company being prepared to fight eny action of tbe council that would invalidate tne license resolution, or render worthless the expenditure ths hotel managemest has been put to In order to comply with. the restrictions Imposed. ' '" t . FEAR FILUS POOR." Method wf Wi j srtreet Hot Approved by ' Judgs J. B. Magere and others who heve had experience with fills and bridge work ere objecting to the method of making the East Morrison street fill snd prophssy thet In a year or two the street will be in bed condition because the work was not properly done - "I note that the workmen ere leering In the bents many old timbers; end. I understand, some of the pHlng," eald Mr. Magers. " "Such work la going to cause trouble, ' for , the wood will rot end leave e hole. . water wilt enlergs the cavity and without warning some day there will be a cave-in.'- We had the aeme experience Jn filling a county road one time, snd I remember we had te dig up most of the fill." - tr. Dev Reffety Is certain the fill will melt away-when the eprlng rise comes and three or four feet of weter lane shout ths base. - . ' - "I . had the active supervision of a 40-foot fill In the early days or Bast Portland." said he. "end that fill settled for IS yeers. end t Imagine ts settling yttT The flret-year, -when high-water came,vthe fill went down 10 feet et one drop, end' the memory of the time thet followed makes me curious to see what will happen next spring when the .Wil lamette backs out over the lowlands." The Best Weshlngton street fill wilt probably not be affected ea much es thet on East Morrison street, es pert of the former fill was In place when the lsst June rise came and had a chance in Mttle before the workmen finished brlnains- the .street to a grade. ' There being consldsrsble gravel. in the East Weter street fill. It Is not expected to cause much trouble, though should It wssh or sink more trouble wouie oe experienced than from other filled streets In the district, ea It Is the only one with a macadam - improvement, which would be broken up by a sudden drop. The plenklng of ths othsr streets Vm .An. ..v.,,11. s ' . OUU1U V9 -"1 DEDICATE BIG ORGAN. i t sanr-dde Ooagreetioaallsti te bstan burtrnmsat Jfext ammlay. ; Congrsgatlonallsta of SUnnyslds end Portland generally will formally Install the new $1,000 pipe organ of the Sunny side Congregetlonel church Sunday aft ernoon. Jnnunry 14. The dedication urrlce will begin at P. m. and will be the first occasion when the organ t.a haen heard In Dabllc worahlp.- Lsss ttan aimtrnth r the Men's eegue-e-f the church starteo a suDscnpuon cam paign for ths organ, and ths four weeks', work .hae resulted In acquiring ths Instrument, which Is eald by local experts to be one of the best of Its rlaas Her. K. I. Houss will deliver the dedicatory address and Rev. C. F. Clspp and othsr , local ; ministers will partlclpste. --1 : :: y s t -( rev: j." w. miller sinkino. Fioases Msthodist TSA4eTOusly ZU et Xosme of Klo. won, - "L . Rsv. J.. W. MUlsr. one of ths first nf the -Methodist pioneers to preach In the northwest. Is dangerously 111 et the home of his son, City Treasurer Oscar p. Miller. (20 East Ankeny street Since an atuek of the grip a year ago Mr. Miller haa been - sn Invalid. A crisis cams Tuesday night when be was ren dered speechless by psralysls, and owing to the edvancsd age of the pet lent, II yeers, It Is feared by attending doctors that recovery, is unpossjots, ear. atuier v--' '.'.-, S03s Waalilnfton 8v r Corner of Fifth St OppJldnfi Hotoir:, .f"T. . f ... -v . "! ; .;i.SEE:;tHBV': Special OasentlrkTr llkt Teeth that fit. . - Gold Crowna, 22-K......fS.50 fcridfe Tooth. 22-K. . V. . . f3.RO Gold FiUinfg. ........... fl.OO SUver Filllnta.'. ......... SO , A 12-year riiarruttoo with aU work. We-do etrictly aa-wo advertise. Open evenlnce and Sandaya. Bank reference. . ' 1 ;. CHICAGO PAINLESS DHJTISTS SiiSJtt for 4t years was a prominent figure In the religious activity of tbe coast and northweet In 1(60 he ame to Oregon aa . a Msthodlst missionary from,, the cast, traveling across the lethmua,' and; thanoe to Portland by boat. With other pioneer ministers he attended the first meeting of - the- Methodist -conference held In ths Oregon country. . Of all his early coworkers only . Bsv." Mr. Tiynn and Rev. Mr. Royal are alive. . MISS BREHM ARRIVES U-t - AHEAD OF SCHEDULE An Impromptu recaption waa -tendered Miss Msiis prehm. state president of the Illinois W. C T. U yesterday , by the women of the local union et their headquarters tn the Ooodnough build ing. Mies Brshro dropped Into the city on her way aast. althMigh aba was not expected v-uutll - laterrrt -the-sisher first publle eppeeranoa In Portland be ing planned for Sunday, at' the First Congregational ' church. ' - . . Miss - Brehm. was . introduced to ' her eudlence by Mlsa Laura Clay of the Netional Ekiual Suffrage association. Bhs spoke at length oa the liquor fight in Portland. "urging the women to con tinue their warfare-with unflagging eernestnese and determination, - Touch Ing upon suffrage, the speaker advised the members of her audience to keen on working for it, assuring these that they would succeed ea have. the women of other states. -, , - Miss Brehm received national atten tion some time ago by replying to an articis . written: by . orover Cleveisnd against woman suffrage, j THREE MORE DAYS FOR ; CALVE MAILORDERS There ere three' more days -in which to send , your mail order for Madame Emma CeJve'e concert at tho Marquam Grand theatre Monday evening. Janu ary 21. The - regular , sale at the box office opens next Monday. January If. All this week mall orders ere being re eel ved and -returned 'to both 'cUyand out-or-town people, cecn oraer must state clearly , -the number of " seats wanted tend- be eocompsnled ' by a stamped addressed' envelope Inclosing money order or check made payebls to W. T. Pengle, Marquam Grand theatre, Portland, Oregon. - This will give out- of-town patrons ths same opportunity as those living In Portland. The orders will be filled In the order they ere: re ceived and seats assigned, aa near as possible to tbe location desired.' EXPANSION OF SGUTEEE. TRADE ' Kelsna Cseemaa Co. ef St. Lmla, Oeaeral New-inener man Macailne Advertlnns Aeeate. L u..KflKil k k j a . f.u.. Tesniim, and will ee a geiieral newvpaper anj maseeiae adverrUIng buaineee throoslMml tke Sou til. la these Sere of rapid-Ore eervlee die. tiaee eonsts tmmenaely aad the loeatloa eeleetee for this letnt traacn ef the Ckeeans Aseser not only fatlltatee the work ef sevsr. Ids deeh-ehle eostreeta sat ales Insures snlek snd SDneaelly efsetent dletrUmtlaa of ropy lor eueiesw-re in uraDi peris or ids eusatrr. Nelaos Cheeaua Co. le eaa ef the oldest raw of Oeaml Nevapaper ' aad Magislne Advertlalng Assats In the baalneae, sialn office le at St. tealea wltk Mr. Ooor.d rum, in vare. worm t u. invq in nn- III hew York, ber tir. Kelass rbeemes gives hla andtvlded ttentlne to a vaet voluaie of Til VMra m.. miif-hM ere eiuulnM bnafnees., S well la Chleasevwhers Mr. Arthur A. wlleon. the remalDins sseaiher et er.ater la all Dmhabllltr tkea the tatal eatsat jr menr proenineni eaTerTwiiis iimtiM. Tnronsn ineir m. ittii. uxnre 107 save ai. were enae aweh- bualeess ssd kept- hi tbe rloeeet poaelble track wlts-tbe South 'e tmalnaee ensdlttooe aad Its expendlas InrinetrlM, sad are sot atrensers is IHxIeUod. Tney place eeveriiinns in ail newepapeni a eg Maaealnes - pnhushed Thronskent - the United Rtatea, Caesda and llettr-n, and the elnee, friendlr rolatleaa with pabllahere whleh tber have maintained for as man. rearm, enqme. tleeaMr seesree fnr tbete mek-hottoat prlrwe. Aernraey In checking 1 1 mens ef advertlae Kent and all the work- lavelved Is keening reeord le aa eaaentlal tbrnushest the eetabllak Rent. . UsqnMtloaed Integrity aad eompetent proof that all the eerrlea paid for (aad anally nor) baa been renderee . aatlaf . the moat eiitteal enatotner. ' - jy' With their orfonleaoea. they preeeat a plendld enorMaai foe the pmmeuiie of there trade, ex pa sains it aeme ena carrriag n late terntorr. ana arenrainsir inviie ibo . ac enaats ef -reaponalhle. coer-eraa, aad tbe renord ef the Area- fully jueUBrs ss seesptasce ef their Invftatlna. c J v AH Alfred Bsiijamia Coned acthss cxceptDreb Suib T- Discoant on afl Underwear Jaer and Ddmele and all ilab-actzz r--nd dhcotmt on or Ee d V. Collars mdfM else in the' store at one- Stocfe tip no wlule WdAll do tlie wk ofifiree1 Wliit'J 'is,::".;;".i;; - - . . w - v - - ----- --t- , - ---- -- 'V ' ' "i"- .".-'. v " :. ... ... , ',. -5----Vi ' e . ' ,- ; ...ei. ..eM..,7l A . '' - v-1 . t vy j 1 1 . i j Gpi?tnf5 placed teyouraceoaQT 1 r- ; - - s':';v";-,,'A- .- -f 'i VJ-'Tj V -a. to Sutscrlters .-. .;o.'.v-.--.-v.i. . v. ' ' All vnti fistve tn Art is to fthrvw sign tt receipt lor the batiic I II ,"''' - r;.-,"-' '-;"' v'i''.v-'' -ving-banktf-7tm. TherefKrt Mvings-banVr -to-you.-l hereupon-yon- taK- ine-oanK-to THE OREGON TRUST & SAVINGS BANK," in the : Xfarmiam BuiMinfr. and hv are given art extra 25 cents, which is added to,: - your account Thi is all . done for you just to encourage ", you. to topen an account Jn this institution and thus start Ku upon the road to wealth. ' Every person, man, woman, y or girl, ia privileged to take advantage of this proposi-? tion. The banks can be obUined from The Journal bu?i-f ness office ot through Journal canvassers in ihe dty-w.; PHONE ilAIN tOO. QtiettWtrShirts and Caffs ,. 3UL'.rriscaSt ir - ;-'-,.'-'.":-ft--r.--.;.--. Don't M a Dentist .' ' "- k : ' . " '.' ,' ;- .", f . , To attend to your teeth no tnatter hove -trifling the need unlets 70a have confi- -dence in his ability and intention to do firgt-clafi. work. For onfielveg, Kjoa don't know about us, what we do end how.wer do it,. weuggettLthst jou 4".- quift'of fririnds on whose judgroeht yo,ti rely--Well abide hy the verdict. We -will tell vou onr chaxget any day ydu Wise Bro3.". -Dtntbt$'. Third and Waghtngton. U. ' "X '-:A- raCV " jr. n''ti" rrrikvar - ?. of Its Jcsrnd .''' 'rv"; -, i. voa arc a 8tibacriber of The upon tne delivery 01 ine pootei denositinsr SI or more in this PORTLAND, OREGON:.