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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1906)
V ths orecqm :datly X" O A .... - A w 4 OiEDIIIIT Tn fTrllinri T r " Eastsm Pugilist Who Fights Fit. ; gersJd Tomorrow Has a V'r rifio4 Punch:;!pf HAS DEFEATED NUMBER j . . . - , OF TOUCH FIGHTERS ,? , ' .. - -" - - " ' V' : Y. j w-V tver. & ? '. w : Jack 0Kefe, Martin Canole and Jo ; ; j Tiproan' Can GiveTeettaony Re- gardini the Prowcat and Science of .,..1. .mi,!,, 1 BuikMl 1 11 l ftsn rrsnclseov Jaiu 1L Willie UwU -who J matched to.JUhC.WUIi Fitter vald at Coin ..tomorrow .night is very confident of being declared the winner prior to the expiration of the bout ' .Lewis knows just, what h Is up against, as be fought Willi FU at New Brit ain In - At th end of 1 furious rounds ths refer couldn't pick the win er and the boat was declared a draw. wiaJIgurebau.h-JwA.Jmproved enough since then te acoompllah the or waiiopmg wreJ iikmiulftH. j.. That Lewis Is there with the kick ' is shown br the numerous battles be has won Tla the knockout route. During his short career In the ring h has sent " it men tnto dreamland with a-sleep-producing pellet, and he has not been, picking easy gntmv either."' Hei has been T pitted against the beet men In the bus!-, r-. nees and has more than held "his own. ; On Christmas day of 104 he knocked , out Martin Canole In the ninth sroun4. Canole Is well known on this coast by '' ' reason of his great fight sgalnst Bat tling Nelson and Jimmy Brltfc ; Ca- note's scrap with the " native son at Colma went tt rounds, the decision be ing given to Brltt, If he can get in Ills punch ,onsuch.j!leYatrlng gen. eral- as Canole. he dopee to Jolt Willi P1U - a .few times while the Utfer Is rylng- to-. bring 'Otrer ,hts haymaker. Jtrt CKMft Is .another husky Ught ..." weight who was defeated by . wls. , 'Jimmy Briggs. Joe Ttpman and Jack Burke Iwere also reoenUy added to his . string. of victories. ' ' ' . He should be tn fine shape when he -enters the ring-Friday,, as he has-been working very bard at Millet's to per fect his wind and harden his muscles to ..withstand, a grueling light such as he will have on hi a hands when he .stacks up against FlUgerald. .- .V ' ' " The visitors . who havs crowded his '. training quart era during the past week V go away much -impressed with his style and figure that he wilt stop th hard . hitting Fits; with' his terrible body punches. Me has a peculiar right-hand Jolt for the ribs that Is. exceptionally hard to Mock and every time it lands it Jars : the entire, system. It is this - blow that has earned him so many vle- torlea and it wilt be his chief mod of - attack when he faces Fltsgerald.. - Joeb Thomas and Harry Foley have air they can do to block his punch even when .they know that It Is coming. The Darrlng. bouts that these, boya are pull. "lng off In th gym are certainly the ' genuine article and are having the most " beneflclar effect, t .. -.t-- 'r Bob tend! Is also In active training "-for his 10-round go with Charlie Dunn. ' ' Iindle has his eye on bigger game and . If he trims the Iron Man he wlU tackle Jack O'Neli. the husky Quaker who hah . made such a phenomenal record In the . six-round bouts' around Philadelphia. . O'Neil has already started for Callfor- t been promlsed-a, matoh with the winner of this scrap. . . -. Both fighters wilt no doubt hare big crowds sports out. to see them t their respective camps. - Fltsgerald - is training with Joe Gaas at Croll's Garden In Alameda and Is grinding sway steart lly with the clever-colored boy.,...;.' GOLDEN WESTS DOWN ' - THE GOLD BOWLERS : -Th Golden West bowlers took all threcr games from, the Gold Bonds last evening. Moor bad the highest aver age. Ill 1-1; he aleo had the highest single game, 114.. The scores were: Goldea West-.-,, ..t.. l. (1) (I) ; Moore . " ; ;V..T.T. -.114 rut- ltt Case . -............-..141 - III ' 100 Peterson . ....... ..-.lt4 . 177 1BJ Hlnnenkamp . . ....... .,.101 14 13 -Closset . ..160 1 101 Totals . $11 $17 110 Gold Bond-- ; . 1 .) $) Harkett . . ...............141 16 141 N warts . . ,............-l4 1 1$ 1(1 Tonelng 117 , ltt 121 ory.'r:...:;:::;:::;j Totals . '. ........'... .707 - 71$ "77$ This evening th American ' Guilds bowl the Brunswlcks and th Oregon 'bowl the lloneymene, : V':: - ' " BTPOr ax . jroxwe siuie, ' ( Forest Grove. Or., Jan. 11. Th acad emy team defeated the college team at -beskctbitll 'last jilght hy-a seore ef -1 to 1."" The' game was held as a sort of practice contest to select the flv who . will make op the rvgulsr 'varsity team. The college team , was- composed of: . Wlthara and White, forwards', Peterson, . center; Alter and Owynn, guards. Acad ' my team personnel was: Ferrln and , Huston. ' forwards; ' Williams, center; Callff and Ward, guard, - tTtt. Men' Shirtrand Draweri . -iLi a 1 ytrA- .i Underwear Special f nuucu Dicnno vatuTts wiia ninu ucuiiuic octroy .. ;':'wi'0' ribbed wool and merino, American Hosiery com- r; i 1 panjr natural wooL . These garments are all aplen-'vUrCt didlr made and tailor trimmed. : They ccyne in all sixes, in blues, pinks, grays, - ; ..REGULAR $10 SPECRL ROBINSON 2t9 WASHINGTON STREET IKE'Qlin P.CIFIC FM sseGMTi::i4.:fET! New Officer Elected arid Dates 7 Named and Two Etriy.Closv ' ing Stake Announced. " The North - Paclflo Fair association held tts annual meeting yesterday aft ernoon and elected officers for the com ing year, besides awarding dates and naming stakes for th racing season. Th oflkiers elected were: WvIt Weh rung, president;" J. I Smith, vloe-presi- dent) , M. JX . Wisdom, . secretary and treasurer. ; Board of appeals Ck A. Gra ham. A.. T.,'Van d-Vantr and R. H- Cosgrov. ' .... ' ; ; . . y ., There was considerable . enthusiasm nwljaj : jhfytlna ey j I thought beet for bis district. la all. 73,00i will te awarded o the" barneei hui ses In His iiui ill west auiing me coming season. - Th dates as Nar ranged ar as fallows: Seattle. September I to I: Salem. September 1 to 1; North Taklma.' September IT td'ZXf Spokane., September 24 to tt; Walla Walla. Oc tober 1 to f ; Lewlston. October to IS. Everett to select its own dates. f It was decided that the member or the association arrange at least two early closing stake and th amounts to ba g' Aivnrdlng to ' schema the following were made: , ' ! , ' 1 Oregon . State Fair association win have three Jl.Oo stakes and o at 11,000. Th Salem stake are: 1:1 trot, 11,000; ' 1:10 pace, 1 1.000 -. t-year.! old pace. $400; l-year-old-trot, 100; pace. 11.000; 1:11 pace, 11.00! 1:10 pare, 1700: 1-year-old trot. $400 i 1-year-old -trot, -1 trtt trot,- $ 1,000; t:lT trot. $1,000; 1:11 trot, $700. j ' North Taklma will give a l.v i:i pace and $.1,000 for a 1:10 pace. BDOkane give st.ooe ior a ;n trot and $1,000 for a 1:10 pace. . WalU Walla will give l,oo ror a 1:17 trot and $1,000 for 1:10 pacers. - Iewleton hangs up $600 for 1:10 trot ters and $600 for a 1:15 pace. Bverett offers two purees of (to each for a 3:40 and a 1:1$ trot. A purs of $50 for a"?:i$ pec and $$00 for a 1:1 pace. W ' , .'si i . L i - J. iews-afcisaessawes a . , ,. . , WOODLARKS LOSE TO - THt JOSE VIIA TEAM rr'-j The Jose Vila team were. there with their .swell, new uniforms last evening. andV-te--how-hat-tiey were bo hoodoo they took two out of three games from the Woodlarks.- Capen had th high average, 10 1-1; he also had the high est single game, 207., The scores were: Woodlarks . (1) () $) Crook . . .......... .....lof , 1$ 1 Lunney . . -;.......... ,151 140 ; 104 Vlgneux .......... ,r ... .lit - 1(4 11 MBAflMMP ... '.k ...1T1 1 B 1 111 Kruse .. . lit -171 171 Total . .an it v$i Jose Vllaa- . . (1) (W ($) Cum . ...207.. 114 111 McMonles . ...Hi 19$ ill Beylund !...; il! ill 10-171 Totals $t Ill III Th. JosyilawfU bowl L a jKt poned game with the MonUvUlas Fri day.avenlng. r'... srORTINC GOSSIP. t:. This Is the season of the yesr when the promoters and mansgers of college track teams and baseball nine are get ting real busy, making arrangements for the spring and summsr sports, in th FacMo northweettheresrs many track athletes who can hold their own In the fastest ' corns ny In the country and it Is gratifying to se such a deep interest manifested In sports that re- milre so much 'Individual effort and consistent training. .'In track and field events participants must depend al most entirely upon themselves If they wish to secure recognition. ,. , ,. ,( , Paclflo Coast league ' managers and players are doing considerable worry ing over the report that the coast sea son ia to be .reduced from eight to six months. 'How this can be accomplished, when so many players hsvs contracts for elsht months. Is a matter not yet understood. ' If the season should be shortened t six months every player holding aa - elght-monthsiontract will h entitled to the full compensation. Several manager might object to this scheme, but e others havs money to toss in a hayneld, the two months' extra Dr would not disturb their financial equilibrium in th least. , : : The report made by Manager "Walt" McCredle ' that Washington drafted Larry Schtafly Is denied emphatically by Secretary Far re 11 of the National assoclatlonr-FarrirBayg IBafwhen McCredle made the statement the time for drafting was over. The scheme, it Is said, was to boost Schlafly so that several of the big clubs would be will-ins- to offer high prices for him.. Such methods should be condemned. : ' Will - fsnertal Dtanetek ta The JaoraaLI -Forest Grove, Jan. 11. Roll I Peter son, the crack runner, will' not enter the universitv ox uregon. as sia oy aw. agar Wlnslow of Kugene.. He has reJa tered at Paclflo and is taking regular work. He Is a candidate for th basket ball team. v: r v, , ' ' ' Fief sued Stock' Oaaas Csoaa, Allen eV Lewis' Best Brand. in extra "grades orlaiacy" . .1 1 r- j 1 ecrus and natural color i :- AND $2.00 KIND !, J. V' t '-. ;v.rr' $1X5 & CO. rT1 "Tlrl obebou mm mm Professor Burden of Eugene Se- lected to Manage the Lemon :M':;-; Yellow Ball Nlne, OREGON WILL PLAY, THE ' V - MULTNOMAH TEAM Financaa Ar in Such a Good Cos ditioa That th National Sport Will B Oiven'a Healthy Inning at Stat , Uul.,Kitwia:PWettV (Unarm QtajatcMa Jh. Jssmal 1 Bhigene. Or. Jan. 11. In athletics at the stat university this weak football d track work : have each ; bad their abare, but It . is saf to aay that more Interest was taken at a meeting of th baseball ' enthusiasts held yesterday afternooa than at either of the other two. The meeting yesterday elected as manager for the coming eeasoa Pro fessor CL A. Burden. - Over II took part In- the basobail -raeetl ng. t-r- r- n Next season th sport wiu gave urn financial backing of Bugeae' business men, and with no league Invading th city It should be a financial success. It I th intention to play all college nines In -Oregon, a - gam or two with Multnomah. . and , possibly . game .. with Washington ..teams. . T. Tha . track team holds its meet In Seattle this spring. A ball- gam there may follow th track meet . . '.' ' '', ' - v v'-- With th additional material from Portland la Whittlesey, Nelson and Clif ford; front Walla Walla la McBwen,' a first-class catcher, and Hurd of Michi gan, a strong battery - la assured. . WHAT THE PONIES ARE. -" DOING NOWADAYS (Jeeraal Spedat terries.) -Lo Angeles, Jan. Jl. Aacol race re sults: ' .' , v ".-;. . ' ; ' - ' . Staeplechaae.' short course Declmo won, Adams second, Mllas third; time, 1:01. .. , " rs Brooks course Oraphla won. Preser- vator second, Chickadee third; time Mile Mastersoa won. Ortlen second. Good Luck third; time. 1:40. , Mile and a quarter, handicap. $1,00 added Borghest won, Orchaa seoond, Hippocrates third; time, 1:07. Brooks course Dolll Welhoft 'won, Golden Freen eecond. Brigand third; Urn. I:04H. - -.. . Futurity, -course Good Cheer Durbar second. .Ethylene hlrd; (Journal RdmUI aervtee.t ' . nan rrancaco, Jan. reaulta: " . " .rac Three and a half turlongs,' ly olds, $40 Marlon Roe won," Native Son second. Clements ' third; time, 0:41 '. k - v " MlUr-4-year-oidBi purse $400 Pha lanx won. Fastos second, Aldennaa Batt third; time, 1:40 - Futurity courser l-yearwlds,-'purss $400 Sugar Msld won. Hey del Mundo second. Grass Cutter third; time, 1:10. Mil 'and a sixteenth, the Maxim handicap, x-yeer-oida and up, purse 11,000 Dr. Gardner won, Luan second. Bed Leaf third; Urn. 1:46. Mil and 10 yards, 1-year-olds sad tin, purse" $4.000 Northwest won, Gateway seon4,-Havllan4 -third:-time 1:41. Fourvyear-olda, purse $800 Prlnoess Tltanls won, Andrew B. Cook second, Rubythlrd; time. 0:11.' . ; f v . At sTw otiaaaa t7ty Joaraal gserlal Berries. I New Orleans, Jan. ll. City Park race results:- . . : ... Three . furlongs Bossraln won, Ka rama seoond. Approbation third; tiro, 0:1$ 4-1. , t ... . Seven and a half furlongs Merely Mary Ann won, Margaret Angela .sec ond. Gentian third; time, 1:21. Short course, steeplechase Bvander won, ; Lights but second,.: Pick Time third: time. $:! l-. . Mile and . a sixteenth Modred wpn, tsuapadrome second. Little EI kin third; time. l:tl l-l.:. .. : Five and a half furlongs Thespian won, Airship second, Robin Hood third; lime. 1:0 l-l. . . . - - Mil and 71 yards Covtna won, Happy Jack second, Doubl third; time, 1:4 l-l.. - Mile And a sixteenth Flying -Char coal won, Helgersog second. Wood Shads third; time, 1:11.' . 4 , tv' At Vew Orleans Fate Orouda, IMroar Special Berrl.i . New Orleans.' Jan. 11. Fair grounds race results: -f- - - - Five and . a half furlongs Vivian won. King- Get second. Maaslnl third; time. 1:10 l-l. Six furlongs Southern Cross won. Optional -second. Odella ' third; time, 1JT 4-f.--- ' - Mile -Consuello II won. See Torage second.- Lucky Charm., third; time, 1:4 l-l., " Mile, handicap Horse - Radish ' won, Bxcltement second, " Reldmoor third; time. 1:41 4-1. .-p . v Six ' furlong Gay ' Adelaide wen, Schoharie second. Ban Lear third; time, 1:11 l-l.' ..Mlle Tyrolean won, Msbel Simms second, , commandant ' third; time, 1:4 l-l. Kd Early finished first, but disqualified. - YOUNG MANSFIELD HERE TO MEET. ZUBRICK Toning Mansfield, who will box War ren Zubrick at Vancouver Athletle club January II, arrived in Portland this morning. Mr. Mansfield had a pleas ant trip from San Francisco and la In condition to go Into . the ring tomor row If neoeaeary. He will ' train at Vancouver- until - th ;aaf - before "Th match.- Mansfield has It knockouts oa his score and one defeat. Kid- Freder loks of Philadelphia la one of th 11. Mansfield also won th decision over Toung Sharkey, and kocked out Jimmy Riley and Kid Gallagher. G. R. Flshsr, Mansfield's manager, accompanies Mm and will assist In his . training. The training quarter will be open to the public at t o'clock la the afternoons. T. . .. Closed Paper Chase. , i Th Hunt club will hold a closed paper chase on Saturday afternoon, starting three blocks northeast of the Thompson school, Alblna, at 1:41 o'clock. Ths hares for th chase ar Mlae Cronln and Mr. Strata. , . . ' , - ' ,. f w -. .. - it ii i . . V '!v PerfectlofC,at.. Last .' Aotomatlo change and fash register absolutely correct no . more mistake. Agents wanted throughout Oregon, .404 Marquam building, Portland, , k- Is Burdenscms to TAcay I ; In PortUnd ; i ' Life's Journey is a heavy harden. With a constantly aching back. With urinary disorders, diabetes. With any kidney fit ' , x Doaa'a JCldney Pills relieve and cur. . Here Is proof that this Is sot , : J. C Buckler of No. I East Ninth street, brick mason, . contractor and builder, say: "A constant soreness across th small of th back, which bothered m when, stooping or straight ening up, 'and was aocompaaled with a weakneat pf th kidneys, particularly ta evidence at night, . Indicated that my M.U.. V w V. W MW. ni ..I lU.H ...v.. ....... Hons properly, .1. had it for years, de-l spit all my endeavor to get relief, un til on day I read about poan'a Kidney PUlaanoV-wsnt -laiF-soit- for--a-boarA few doses convinced m that they ware going to the root of th disease, and the continuation of J their . us tor a abort tim removed th pain from- my back and corrected th kidney secretions. I bars another bog la th house. '-and should aecesstty demand It I shall eer talniy resort te th us of poan's Xld ney vain." For sale by all dealer; -Price cent. Fostsr-Mllbura Co., Buffalo, N. T., sola aenta for the United States. ' . Kara em her ta nam VVAJXW ana take bo other. i., IIEW-PIIOIIE CHIEF TO BE NAHED i ,.'V..j'.f ..... ......... V A- . Executlvfor the Pacific' States Telephone t Telegraph ' Company to Be Chosen. V LOUIS GLASS REFUSES ; .TO ACCEPT POSITION Visit to Coast of Frederick P. Fish. . Head of the Ball Telephone System, - Giwas Rise to Rumors of Appoint- 1 (Jeamal Speelal terries.) - rT".an Francisco, Jan.ll In commer cial circle a It Is whispered around that a new president of th Paclflo States Telephone A ..Telegraph. . company .. Is about to - be appointed. - i It - Is - three icontbs since John I. Sabla passed away, but as yet ho word as to- his probable ' successor has been breathed from headquarters. . Frederick P. FlshpresldentlPr. th American Telephone - company, which controls the Paclflo State system. Is eimarninar haraL .enA in, business munity begins to wonder what Is about to take place, It Is thought that Fish will nam a man to flu th place, which carries a salary of $21,000. -Louis Glass, vice-president, la to have refused the place.- It 1 assarted that the new president will be an out Older, but no hint la given as to his nam a .The nam of tha new president may be announced in a few daya. Other wise no word may be sent eat before the annual meeting of stockholdsrs, which takes place la Portland th seoond Thursday la February Reincorporation of th telephone com pany was effected ia Oregon four or five years ago, th transfer from Call fornia being decided upon. Now when the stockholder wish to attend a meet ing they have to travel all the way to Portland and back, although they, !lkelresa sister of King Alfonso, and Prtne th corporation they represent, belong to this state. . , y- . , -t! ; It was stated by Manager Thatcher of th local offlc that In all probability the election of a president would not take place until the annual meeting of the fctockholders, -which Is set -for the Bosnia x nursusy in seorusry. . POPE'S SWISS GUARD OBSERVES ANNIVERSARY h (Joaraal Speelal Berriee.) . Rome, Jan. 11. For th last three weeks th Vatican has been giving a large part, of its attention to th t tlvltlee held In celebration of th 400th anniversary of the formation of' the Pope's Swiss guard. " This body Is due to the warrior Pop Julius II, del la Rovere, in 1601. Originally this body was described as "Praetorian guards of the pope's person and palace,' and their commander was Gaspar von SUenen. aoblemaa from Lucerne, and it has be come traditional that the commander of the Swiss guard shall always be nobleman and always from Lucerne, as Is the cess with toe present colonel, Karl Pyffer voa Altlshofer. In 400 years there has been only one interrup tion la th existence of the Swiss guard. This was after the sack of Rome by the oonatabl of Bourbon, when they bar ricaded themselves In St.. Pour's and were massacred to. a man. NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN : , TRACTION LINES MERGE ' (Joaraal Soedal Rerrke.) . V Hew York, Jan. 11 Stories of a mer ger of the traction lines of this city with the Brooklyn Rapid Transit com pany have been revived. . It Is' stated that August Belmont and Anthony N. Brady, who Is ; supposed to own con trol of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit, hare had frequantjConferencaandat, last reached Aa agreement s . Denials of the merger story were leas emphatic than usual, although no con. firmatlon was secured from Belmont or Brady. ' It is lsarned that progress has been made toward an understanding. 'HlllWOOD BOURBON i -, SUSPerQuart "If "bolfleoT expressly for "us," and we guarantee it to be absolutely Pure Rve and of the highest slandard. Try a bottler full quart SIAS. .. - ( Tava qoauTT itbbs, -Fifth aad Sterkv. Fhoa BCaia S40. mm. TSIGIITED ArSEA . i - Italian Steamer Uguria . Pastes Chip Near Burmuda Island ' With No One Aboard. LARGE FREIGHTER 18 V . DRIVEN ON BY 8TOR1T No, Flag to ' Rovaal Nstlaiialitw Though Signals Set Spell "Report Us An .WeU"lCinptw Davits Tall i , .B. mw. Kwy, . . Nw Tork. Jan. 11.. Strang tals of the eee, were told when th Itallaa steamship Llgurta reaobed port. " Can tata Bnrioo FUetl, who .pom mauds 1th Llgurla, said that never had be folly realised the mystery of the sea aa he did on January t, when he sighted a ship about II mile thl sld of the Bermuda Islands without a orew aad apparsntly deserted. v V- .'','.. A navy storm waa raging, but - tns Strang veasel was plainly vlslbl tnrougn glasses asout two miies away. She was headed northwest, and swept along by ths wind. - Hr slngl black funnel . showed . three stripes .a blue one, with whit on either side. ' She was riding high, as If carrying alight cargo. Occasionally a rudder and propeller ap peared a th. stera...staatossed by the waves. Steam waa escaping from her exhaust pipes. Though no flag revealed th vessel's nationality, four flag war set la the international odd and gav th allent messag:" ' - ' .'" , Report aa all wall." , - jC - i . But there waa not a aiga of human Ufa - Not a man waa een oa th deck aad no answer cam back ta th signals of th Uguriar Th mpty davit told th story. For-som unknown reason sh had , been deserted by her orew. She was a freighter of aboat 1,00 tana. AMERICA TO CONSTRUCT M TWO NEW BATTLESHIPS . . aearaal Speelal gervt. - ' ' Washington. Jan. 11. The naval .coa st ructors aad .th engineering experts of th navy department ar engaged on th plana and specifications for th two 14,000-ton battleship authorised at th last session of congress. The designer are proceeding with their work" oa the theory taat congress will not be asked to Increase th displacement. Of course, naval opinion la In agreement - upon changes f such displacement Increase, but there ar other considerations which evidently, control and which have led to the conclusion that It la Just as well to provide for the ships of smaller sis. Accordingly,, ths vartoua bureaus of the navy department are engaged In prepar ing th estimate of weight which ar to be credited to eaeh bureau in th completed vessels. It will be some week, of course, before proposals will be invited by th navy department. In the meantime the shipbuilders are evincing th keenest interest la th re- auleemeate of the department. The principal departure from past de signs' of ship of thl type la In th ma chinery. . It la under consideration whether or not one of the ships shall be equipped wlOf turbine power Instead of the ordinary reoiprocaung engines. The result ef the teats with turbine steamers havs beea so favorable that a strong sentiment In favor of that method of propulsion baa . developed among progressiva sxperts. . ALFONSO'S SISTER TO Y; ' : WED BAVARIAN PRINCE Means! Beeatel atevls. Madrid. Jan. IL Arrangements for th marriage of th Infanta Maria Te- Ferdinand of Bavaria have been com pleted.' The ceremony la to take place tomorrow In th ichapel royal of Ah palace. Th officiating prelate! wlllT the primate of Spain, the cardinal arch bishop of Toledo. v - The trousseau of th princess has been prepared in Spain and Franc, and It will be laid -out la several salons of the pa lacs, toother with ; numerous presents, for th delectation of a priv ileged few. The prlnoess has received superb gifts of Jewelry, diamonds and objects of art from th family and from foreign courts. Numerous pres ents have also com from members of ths royal household, ladle ta waiting and high dignitaries of the court. y-vtaltor-ef veyal -and ducal rank ar arriving for th wadding. - Th at tendant f estivltle will include a ball, banquet, a gala night at the royal opera, a military, review and a bull flght, T-- . ENGLISH ARE WARNED ABOUT BUYING LANDS ' - IJoaraal B serial London. Jan. 11. The emigrant In formation offlc has Issued a warning to Intending emigrants not to enter Into agreements relating to land In Califor nia through th agency of lntereated persons or land companies without first communicating with th British consul at Ban Francisco. It Is said ths action la due to th fact that several cases where r emigrants have recently . been made th -victim of land frauds have been reported to the office. Urn SWISS REJOICE OVER ; - AMERICAN RECIPROCITY (Jnsraal gserlal Service.) Born, Swltserlsnd. Jan. 11. There Is great rejoicing throughout the Swiss federation over, the proclamation of President RooaerelW conferring tipou Import .from. Switzerland to the United States Of crude tartan) still wines, ver muth, brandies and works of art th re ductions provided for In section S of th Dlnglsy act. Th new arrangement la th result of negotiations for a reci procity convention between the Cnited State and Switzerland- and ita grant ing was preceded by. th voluntary an nouncement of the 8 wis a government to extend the favored nation treatment to American Import without at the same time preferring "any request Whatever ar. QaaxtsTJi p, s. auBrxsr, ia. 9. Of Waverly, Texas, . writes: "Of a morning, when first arising, I often find a troublesome collection of phlegm, which produces a cough and la very hard to dislodge; but a small quantity of Ballard's Horehound Syrup will at once dislodge It, and th trouble is over. I know of no medlolne that la equal to It, and It la so plsssant to take. I can moat ooraiaiiy recommena it to aii per sons needing medlolne, for throat or lung trouble?' Sold by Woodard. Clarke 4k Co. , . J? .a.: 1 i .rtv.'.r 1 112 . Q'2Z J"CCj.i7"STCr.l:i 1 I I44H J ,'i ulrdi; Ctrczt tt2,L. Pcrt!zs J, Orc-cti1 1 1 iKiEiioDtiir t i ," . 'J... ; w - ( census oro urs or ooe-rre, an Aieiaaar la elath, tud blee sore, bm1iis mt; UceS-trlBiSMd op and bottoai; larae aa aawll aiaea, la waits, eras ana black, miliar ai.O. JlBlIAd PHiC. ....... .Ta yzvia-avsT oossxr, . tsa. wad of good eaaUty &aUte, aaort leasts, Uee-vUssw top sad Bottom, with eatls srawlas rtbeona) la .wblte aad drab, alaea rrem 10 to Ml regular 4I.0U, .Juan ,t JEica . .. Jaa- v HgTam-BTTiT O01 IR, Vs. ,- oe at seed eaallty atUte; eees , b-rt i sxdlai leas seer abdoaMat laee.wnBun to aa Dettoaa, wik aatia arawtn notnaa; -sjade wtth hooka, la alM IS to to, white sad drabt regsler $1.00, lUBILia PUOn. ...las xosxatrrroarra oomsrq, mt f good euallty Ooudllei mouiuoi laasta. with faaey elaatla aupsertara attacked: sue trtmsted at top; walte an srab aliw ortr from 1 to s0 regular 50c JUaIU,i IPalCS.. ...les ) rr"i"Tt r an td...iBell at ' alsr prlea..- -x- atlneh galtiasa, BBS-third rag. ic: FOR JTIIIIJJATH A nttto" BATHA8WZET makes hard watef soft as ralo water, ; it petfumea, retresbea and mvigorates; Cleanse the pores and PREVENTS all ODOR from perspiration. ' Plasty Is sack sax tettsv.rrlos23. S-ave4Mdneiy The Boston ben tal Parlor. 11 Morrison street, are sivina their annu January reduced prices for the purpose of advertising their Alveolar System of Painless Dentistry. . , .. .. Com at one aad bar free examlna- mmiV rgBRTTART I. ' 1101. Wl Wf I I. 1TTTRACT TKKTH - rRKEL. SluVBR PILLINOS, IBs UP; OO1J0 FILLINGS, 760 UP: SET Off TBETH; 14.00: SPLENDID SET, fJ OOj OOL.D CROTNS, $1 TO $S; WHITS CROWNS, $$. W . ait work aniaranteed for ten rears. Lady attendant always present. AH work done absolutely without pain by specialist of from It to 10 years, ex perience, , t ... :rT. . , ssiH tj Ope, m I aSwBBissa, Si Pramk asita simian am, . - Offloe Hours 1:10 a. m. to I p. Sunday, 1:10 a. m. to 11:$ p. m. The Mcdf ( Chest pi every kouas iKouldlhare Potxf Eitfsxt tiw cUieir and bnae at hand for emergeo de. ' : k never faa to reaers past when arjpKed promptly aoJHbet-aO. . Lanbert ' and : relaxei stiff and oore msclei aupplie the ioinbj pre paratory to atUetic (eat, and after rnleat exercse refrehe Eke sleep. Which Hotel is: not the sam thing. ; On analysis of seventy samples of Whkh Hazel often offered as "the same thing" fifty tip) were shown to contain wood alcohol of -fotmaldehvde or both. To avoid danger of. .' -,r poisoning use .-. 1 ft m' AMitr opej2 w, The true way to cure all Blood Pnessea tVassoll's Nstlv Herbs drivt out pou a aaaamallr. tsftsTeAewsV ewaTwiy VwtwSlla Vlwel eay. Ua arMl $1 at Drag Sural B ana ami west ar rSU -MSB aNattvo HerhaCe. for a return of sltrllar preference oa th part of the American government. It Is believed that thl new arrange ment will be of th greatest benefit to Swiss Industries. . JL. EKPLOYERSRGANIZF ; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION K ' (Joaraal gpedal Servtst . ' f ' ' . New Tork, Jan.. 11. The successful completion . was announoed today of plana for th formation of th largest and etrongeat national association of employer in th world. Th organisa tion is that of th National Metal Trad association. .. J ' . ' The movement to form this national body has been under way for - a -long time. Local organisations of th metal trade have existed to several eittea. but heretofore, .though Often acting in unison, they have not been banded to gether In on association, Ths amalga mation embrace th local "associations In New Tork. Chicago, Cleveland, Cin cinnati, Boston, Buffalo,. St. Louis and several other cities. . Th association starts with- a membership of between 1.000 and. 1.000, employing over t0, 00 men. The trades af footed ar the machinists, Boilermakers, blacksmiths. atr'-s trrT wool TrrnrawsVaa fc.ue, brojea, aaroxal sad sn Co ton ruia . JCaiUEB HKW, the garmest.'. . : . ke-s sxaar an - rj dvutku la stae, brows Sixl bosh olore rrfuiu . OOe eaality. ware allskiiy eamaarad by water while ka traaelt; sut eaoaick' te hart them, exeept Is price, which Is sew, , wbue Ue last, the garment A BAIlrOOAt fS WZLOOsrS VOW Mea'a blaeaV aad sarr blue Ilackla.' toahea, Btsas rrom ( up. Worth $a.M ifb, ....... . j i; fcii.d paioa fi.T zo c: ROTrTgllPKBg akO WI8I atH Sad Wean ererfwaare Will take aV vaataa f ear Jahllee, t which w riarante to sell Crockery, China aad lrerware below maautactsrer'a coat. We htmsht them far a apodal paraoee, bet hare abandoned the Mas to earry thorn ta stock, ae we seed ths soosa tor other gvada. . CHEAP! CEEJUM CCEA?! w A LOT OF jjto wjsxoaS, vack- ic: FTER THE BATH Usa - lUTHAt Xttt RICE ttZVt best toilet powder, antlsepdcally pare, healthful, daintily perfumed. Heals chapped faca and hands. . Ex cellent after shaving. Only aafs stwtfir far ba saky. PriM 25o. r5 Fire ond GosfcoCatSdz cn31iqGors - 1.I0 Boftlag Sweet' W SrlScaCotUc ' t.00 Oallooa Sweat Wtooa, ....... ---i LAKE HilZ 7btE : C03D1AI CO. AO Waahiaatoa Street. a iu bm Birraau. A Pair of Trousers Free ' For Itl.ll we win mak a ult , ' to your measure and give yon an . extra pair of trousers of ; th sam or different material free. - ,- Choo your suit from a Black ' Thibet, a Bin. Serge or an All-' ..Wool Cheviot, y; ' .- v Thee garments ar acceptable ;. ' for aprlng and . summsr wear. ' . ; The styles ar a, year ahead. , - ,BUy BOW.- : r - .-, sues u Hotel Eatoii - Conor KarrUea aad West 'ark Sweeta. ' . Baaahemety rarnhmee, etereattr equlpeea. fireproof, five mlimtoa' wa sail rrom neart ai shoppug aaa saauieea sucrwt, au Mrs, sir. earaMe roome, steam seated, eleetrie llfhta, tolopeoae la eaoh apartmeat. ete. tare erfloas, loanaias, smokms. ladma raeaptloa par lota, by bmB r tolepbose. Private ssjalsa am Room $I.OO to $S.OO a Day I, , ' - Spaelsl Bats 4 Oemmereial Xaa. sraa kas xatob. - . ' (tvnserlr ot BoMi Redpath, Bpokaae.) , Wines saW j;, J, ooppersmlths and all ' th other trade Z represented in the shipyards . and ma- . chine and repair shops. Though disa vowing -any, purpose td Antagonise the unions, it is admitted that th national association will Insist upon the open ; ShOP, ',.' .-. y.' .' Appo4atsent Withdrawn. J ' . 1j . (flpaeial Dtaoateh -te Th ioaraat) - Chehalls, Wash Jan. - 11. Mayor , Lawrence has withdrawn th appointment- of -Frank, MoCana as city-marahal, owing to ths fact that McCaan cannot .' qualify, aa he ba not resided In th city for a . year, as the law requires. T. R- Henry lias been appointed marshal In place of McOsnn. ' i - -.: Woaderfnl rr . t dlsptayd by meny a man enduring pains . of accidental Cuts. Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, - Bore feet or . stiff lolnta But there's no need for it, Bucklen's Arnica Salve will kill the pain ' and cure the trouble. It's ths oest nlve on serth for Plies, too. 1.1c, at , bsldmore Irug Co 161 Third street.