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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1906)
1 - . f . ' T I . tmv C J I . c . "i i..i : ,',,' .' ' to czc::x::ri joniT.i) hi of l r- I V- ", ..r-t ".-v' r "' o k " , enyi 1 V7 car oifTarvM: owner la h- -. k ur In b -i-acr lux-k ra o, l,s 0 - -a li. WWt have eB to k-i . kanmg bid. gOB f TCUAP" 0 acta Btroated I th tnorr T""- . kota. 8-4 Bium Viwr T' - f, lna C-nty. MOT l I . I '- niueo IWei two 1mo of mife4: price Mm acre; for property of onnal eelu in Oregoa WsnBtagtoa. iWl ... b. 0BO-ACBB farm, well bnprered, r lne. all etock. took aixl era boJld- crop; only on : quarter Bile fma railroad town of J,t oouUtloa. la the Willamette vlley wui it cowl teeldeno l Portland; raia flO,. OuO. Call 1U74 Third at FASTI'S baring wild lead Waeblogtoa to axebang call st BVf MCB TO BECHA.NOB Ooed timber l.nd la a fin laeattM for aarckaaaiM, wniiawr w Inrlng , A GOOD tarel tat and Ltooa honae at ittrar'a crcclm. tor toast. laoulr at now' atari -" a au.iree N. A. Baraaa. Lenta, Owa , Bod Ch.mke of. M OKI bomeeteerts aaltaMa far orchard or farm. Ing la tb wan neinaon aieiricu . iw i-w-... aonabla.. Bos 804 Vaaeourar, Waak. A PEW timber teearlon. ,000.000 to 1,008,000 a to tb auartar eectlon; alao hat law ra. '.' llaqulhmete aa4 deeded tlnbar land, MM I j territory. Aaaraaa a a. aara iwiiui. ".Toll BALB lo-aere -hart Hmbar laod, 11 Blla from PortUad. aa O. W. p. Ry. O-'J : ttrw carUna, rtnf. Aaaraaa , , 90s, ao, ) OraabaB, Oratoo. Boat 1. HORSES AND CAREIAOI. rnfj VODVT, tTABLM. Bmra Pwitar, praaa, f ffcOM Mala MT. Boarrtlnf, Urary and aalai ti. .azpraaa and kaMAC traaatb.BM. Darta at. : JN DTAB1.B Tranmfar, ilufiri, Irrary, , UaaalaOt Drop. anardiac aaa aai. w. a .' 123 UnW ara.. oor. Alder. Pb. Bai FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. TUBNITCBB tt IT fomaa bob ba aold bafara-l . rabriury 1; gooa ana enaap. Appiy ur Tba Daxlor, Twairta aaa waaajBstoo. - iWB print yaw aaaM aa M oa ana aad atyla, t8et. b. . A. W. Soaaiala Co., tM Fl niaacarda, ftaoar aalaata carda. II. Pint, fartlaad. Oc. BOOKS . boacht .otd aad afbaBad,t Old Book fctura. t YaBbiU at r trnricRif obkoom iiimno millino CO. baadauartara: atoefc for aala aad. InforBa- v tloa at UtL Plrat it Pboaa Mala 1820. W B aaa a rnrnitare im win pay ran ki '..Pboaa Pacific TM. WtaterB Salrac Co., ' CR .Waablactoa at. - -V- tVAROKST atock of bottle ta nortkweet; .order filled proantly. Portlaad Bottla Supply Ca HI Nortb BKktaaatk at. Mala BsSa. SHOWCASES AMD PI ETC RES Bade to order; : aeroad-band aood for sale, Carlaoa XU 'troa. tn Coacb at Pboaa ay ST1. , FOR SALB OB BENT NEW AND BROONI). 1UND BEW1SO MACHlNrS.TANpARl) . PKWINO MACHINE AOXNOX. H. D. JONES. '. X AM BILL ST. , ' ' J'.. MArniNEET of bB ktoda repaired. Ceo tea- ' aUl Iron Al tlteel TVerka. H Ollaaa at. HORSES of all kinds for aal at tar able prtoo. Inquire 271 Frost t BTU4ABO AMD POOL toM fop taat at M . aala ea eeey payBeata. . . TBB BRDKRWICK-BALKB COLLBITDBB CB. a Tblrd at, Portlaad. . PA R ROTS Rraetred a kt of Metlcaa i-bito dor -ChHatawa trade 1 wl III sell lfparota for till aold. Portland Bird Co. , IZI bi. eia. rsone . MANUBR by waannlned or aarlsad aa, O, W. P. Br- fkoa Baat BSIS. . .. .. " BOW raaea, aeoirrrra. flxraraa hmcht ald . . Mrbasped. . Wearrra Salvat C ! Waak 7 T litoo at, Pad fie TBS. -, . y . TWO JBWBU aaa Nlatars Oread, betel rail roe. ., d aa . ebeap., Sid Cbaabor f Ooav all makea. . fer Bale, or real at low I (Bra. a BUtb t. ' VBdorwood Typewriter Co BabAafr aT.aBL1 mttttM Mtff. IBSif takea at ; 12RT East FoarteesU at. Pboaa Boat BTL A com MB of Kadlab brBorbaa la tka latar ,; , pattaaal CorfrefBdeae Scooola eery rraaoa- -AbW. Beat-atari. - . Ht'BRT AaroBatlo Pwltch "'T . keacht tble atock thronrt fertooaller win rvTl. inielllrent laforaatloa. - Addraa B . '' Id. rara Jowaal. ' T I PERSONAL.'- -' TBS. m I WMe aitri OOB 0100 BOrfeetrft tbef core BateuasBfaa an (ara aaieuaaBfaa ano nw f Oo-TkoaTd b-"sr!!t, rlr ooo-a-BOB. o,1 B Mble or addl Dr bwbjj s : kortb Tklrd et.. Portlaad. Oreooa. ANT aaa or wosaa raa ad atronf aad W bJ in. Serine I'Ula. the arrat toalci prlca ' l i boa. bo . with foil tVJT ' Addrrao or rail A. ClrmeaoTn drnrfkit. - aor. Beoead and Taabin .ta.. Portlaad. Or. SPECIAL MOTICB TO WWMBM DeaI rtak Uar Urea by aa ewtva olieB y ared by karalao aetbodai rroperly applied will aara Bfe wboro flewTkin W. poaaeaa the tete.t lwre.tlo r to eootrol aieease poralla t wnovea. Dr. . u m uuIimI BJIat trlclaa. Off 'EST I TIP pem BMC ; rBoaw p-iB, l-a. DBTECT1TB AOBMCTddW to-tl. . pioese aronertri alaelna latle loeai bad debts eUeetd: cafei eooWj Berrlce. oftteea 141I fWoaMa bids Waahlnatoa at Pbene Mala KB COMPTDPrTTlAL, medical advlca to Wfoe We treat dtaeeaea of women anJaalTslp. , wftk WBTarrlnt aoccea all fennte "J'eieatJ 1 from too HirhtsBt tecol tmratteoi to J no aMot BaiUna Medical rnetltate aad Baaitanam, Tblrd aad A MoT at., aatraaa SOS Aide Portlaad. BBEB Maple cor a. baatrtt and wart rara. , wia U Do, dept. a Tasatoa. Maaa. "aTAMLT rltor reatorid by T. Brto sn Booths, in I sent Becoreljr aearjd, k J Areata. Woedard. Clarke i Co.. Portlaad, O. UMfT ft, ho. Loreaa'a Mere Toole Tablttai per I bore for 1.V. wi Pbaraay. tit Marrli ke fine (1 . Write or can at Eyi ' laoa. oea. t)H. WORLBT BEMJAMIM. tb Pool By"! lanu Waahhartoa. at Bead SO. aor faat : aado aoand. ' -; " '" p-BHB to oat af tow tMtna. Mtna. aar ataai ea. rk, pillow tope, center lorn of fa inrf . . - - - - - - - ' mum m itim r Craft Shop. SOT AHaky bM.. Port bind. Or. IMI CPJOONO. tmportor of Obte roo - w . m... eavra' fh AbZaI "lit Bocwad bat. taablU aad . Taylor. . . . a, ivenAli A BmmII kLU 1AIIU I mi. ! 'm aad enaflaaBienta takf " - --t. - 1 riu CoaaalUttoB - ana emree iar opeo oreoieo"" ' r'FORBlDDBN FBCIT.M "A Rot Ttmale,' Ktorr of a" "Tinay HIIL" TAgmmr Her fttdnea Oirei." DO aaab. lb A. w Bckmale Co.. S3 Flrat. - Hieilifference' BETWIEM WHAT TOU DID . PAT AMD WHAT , TOU . " BHO0LD HiTB PAID FOB rTHIMOr IW TOCB BBCBMT HOPPIMO ? IB PBOBABLT J ENOCOH TO MAXB IT.' WORTH WHILB FOB TOO TO T Tl PTOFB ADS OP t i a... .AW 'J i i KOB'TOn TAK3 KSrciPTS ' POB A PABTICI'LAB PAT nrTTwr-jc you ' BAT TBB BI0HT K1KB OP .. AM klCUBATOB, - IN TBB 0KB CABS; AND A JOCBNAIi ' ' ADTIBTTSINO CAMPAI0M IB -v TUB VK2. 1 . ;'.? rzssoNAV TPBKIBH BATHB, M Otepoalaa bIKa.i oaya, caauaawa aicaia, aia toao. b 40 (nt fro Hat of cot prleea aad alaba f r-' aa ai'd'iia . aeaar bmob ar Aajer at. OBDBB 0P-WAW1I0T0"J Poromoat tratarMl fety of aortawoat; nrotart tbo JiruaJ. a Warqaaa btdf.. Portlaad. Oooa," BD-C"0f ataada tot ruf ) eoeeUHy, treat- Ini OBioal aad prrrat aiaa Car. Id aad UITI fraaaad white yea wait. . aklrta aavaaed. .- 0ar, fUt - - aaa - iroaua. - Pboaa Ciayy aja." " . TOCNO lady airra raoor. ateobol aad adlealad lata. Parlor W. koala dtark. , MM. fuTBVBNSV Portlaad teadtnf palBbw, : aatrifioclat and tplritual Ufa reader, aaa air iaioortaat aad rallabte facta aboat tba aaat, preaeat aad fa tore. 10 Hot ro 111 at. app. Hotel Fortlaad, Pboaa Pad f to Tla. MBS. aephla B. tela, aayekoBBttrla. aad Bronbataaa: daHr I iv 1 to , T to 1 airciea Tnoaday and Friday. I p. a, S4A Tamblll. leronth. Pacific 10. BBBOBy OTOBlBaT alter Draw kalL IM BAt.kf nr nod n all fanule T1 Hartford sts, Pealaaalar alalloa. DOLLS' HOSPITAL rrpafcrtB; M LADIKS. If m want to Barry, Ma oor aprtety . W hare hnadreda of floe member wo wl Wlab to Barry. Matrlmoay BasUtar, iw. . M biaav raauie BALM) OP FlOB Jot all. feaal llaMai Baat BelBont Pkona Baat 40M. MMB. ANNA LUCKBT MBS. BBBTBB car ali areip OMeasa; au aiaoa si wm a'") mimmmmwn ik bare1 tba Freoek Mod . for rraortaa wrlpklee: Mae. Barrow's fmaeua reBMdlas. Paetda IKS. MO Taylor t - BACKACHB aad kidney a Kladdsr d! Itb Orocoa korka; trial ate far W ' la atinpa. R. M. P taOSk Tblrd at. Maokktt la abeomtely waMiaroof. vrtnNA ue. ueaotta haabHX aara rbaaaav . tlea aad BarroaBnaaa; akw rro fee, eralp and body aaaasaaa. 14Vk Blatk. aar. Aioer, WB bar Hra ootta a job 1a tba Ha of paBtbw dacoratlnt; weaM Bka to ak a. deal 1 a raapaaalbla party. Cell t Iba Maaa ana faetarera' PUas Oa.. SM Alder at -yy' ATT0RNET8.'- A- H. TAMMBR. attorney, 0S Cai bk.. aaa wauniw b. . P. BDBLBIOH, lawyer. IS Srana are. m aa BAB BJBfei BDWABD T. TAOOABT, attoeoey aad Be lor. 41 B csaasa of e AUTOMOBILES. HOWArUI COTBT, Tlfteeatb aad Aide, aAwat for Oaallla aad Pierce aatoBoaltear Brbl reated. repaired aad atsrod. ' ART EMPORIUM. PBOrBBwOB B. Hit METER. Sdl d laadeeape artlot aad toocbi ASSAYERS. SARTIN OTABIDB BXTBACnOW OOV Bad Mowtaaa Aaaar Offlea. las Mnirteia a. ACCOUNTANT. R. H. BLOSSOM, . i PUBLIC ACCODMTAMT.; OnrnoearJon and Oeneral Bid Chamber of Commerce. Pbooo Mala 1TB. ; BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. a. BIBKEMWALD CO.. - S04-SOS LarreetBotutei r JWv'T 'JT,W. iik . BATHS MASSAGE. . TWO roans bidtea rrre tub aad Taper bath. ronrta. Waablnstoa. BLANK-BOOat MAKERS. x. nwa rtAVia A an ham. iob-111 Bleak book maearectnrera: afenia rer eeneo Imprwred Loan Lear leei; eve u Bwreba teat too bast oa tba Barbel. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. l -i !- - fi -n-i.".. -1 - - bir ' AXIr prodoo kaadted oa cemmtaatoai try a we pay klfhret prices and pay Immediately k. , BUBT FBANKLIM, . , to P- Millar at Oa. FadBe t. . - , BM Coack BTERUIMO A PABRBLL. prodaa aad rernm j. aloa march. ate. 140 Fraat W ParUaad. O rtwtnrt iuiibi iib. - w ' CIGARS AND TOBACCO.' bsheroidnst CO. I itatrlftBtar af A FIMB CI0AB8. PortlaaC CHIROPRACTIC. ' CUBES apneadtaltl wltboat drac or knife. in. Mora a, bob nail at. rsoaa am sue. CLEANING AND DTEINO. TAMHnX CLBAKINO dj PEESStNO CO. Work called for aad deUrsred. M 4T Taakin. Oaf Portlaad Pteaa Cteaalnc Dyolaf Work! pr Ileal Better la aseaaotlea. ni oca. uay tub. CLOTHES Heaned aad naad fl pes aaatk rblojoa TUtortas oa., MI waaav 6. W. TI'RrlER, profeaaloaal dyer end eleaaar. worn 4arrrasa at. raoae aaia aoia. . NEW PROCESS laea rartaln rleaalBS. BO to 1 pair. Ollaaa. Mala aara. SARTORIAL Tailoring Co. Ladle and Men' drawn q preaalnr. aoo ween, r-acine 101c. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE., A LB amrkarp ad 1wr. Piaek - Heaete A Oa., 100 to 104 Fifth, oor. Stark a CAPES. THB OrnCB SMI WaabJastBa I -Til. . Saaaoet Tlaejeaa. - - CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST At.WAY. RELIABLE SKB THB BEST. ' ST. OEORflB ORMONDE. Beer af BsTpL . telle ena of marries, airs, boalaee. elck- aje, bow to Inrest aioney. Bpernlatloa, bay ' Inc. Ml line, partner, friend, onemleo; cwre 11 mniM aieraaee WMkneM or peery Bins, . settle hrre qnerren, reunite tb eperted. k.alefla anerrlaee. loretee alM. borled treea. area. Blaala one.' paper, renew yoatbfnt vitality, lr Wernrtlc crt power of eeatroL deeetep. teaebes. BHS WaaaJadtoa l, alxim, ptimie aeeier. CARPENTERS AND - BUILDERS. AUTHORS d) WOOD. ai pea teia. balldwai p , iiMm led Johblns: ator aad affiee flibail Uut Soap pud CohiBota. Mala baT. WABHBTJBMB FLOTD. waroa baToora end seaeral )nb work, ad at raoae kesad kao. P. B. TAMDBBBOOP; i,wrtf ala tat. aad pjbaor, BBT Stark at' 1 FIBC:, corownteri reoalrlns asd r-b- )' ZZ - T -e rTr fro-e ford -.. a 1. t . (urit 't; 1. -.4 .d eoal. iaala I i a., k of 6 -a ard tt - a al kl"t b a and iw"-,-a oea,, 1 b ..a I 11 1 111 1 AtBINA PDBL CO. Tlr la orwoad. aaal aaa raaa aaa ary awuaaaa. at. blna aa 3 bkwaa aaat of (arry. Baat ST. TBrt BB1DQB PCH CO. Dealer ta e"U aarafrood aad dry eiabwoed, Pbaao Baal aa, OBBOOM FUEL CO. All klada of aval KIP.K UOOVIB. SU Wtm at woaa ana oou. Pboao Mam aw. . . XI NO COAL CO., tajportara b'-tr.'ta ataaB aad emtula ooaai. lull lak ri'MOK WOOD 00 Pboaa Pia mfcta- aioo aaa (reea awi. CARPST CLEANTHO. irXlfDABD Carpet OeaabBt Co.. laigiw fJaat oa tba eoaet. tirtrt and Brol a-, Wle. Bhona anal . sewed sad Midi lUtbaUaav aad Utaet mom- eatber a saoetolty immiT mmt rtaaatiw, aactka yrrmti alt eoainlaed; aarrta awanad oa wnnaat raBoeai. ataia auaa. COLLECTION AG-NCY. DOM Bay aoo owe yea tMoaoyf We Oellact aad debta C an aTaoa. ' aioraiWBBwa umw m CgUertloa Cm., ia Oread are., reoaM 14 aad vL Cltte.oT Baak . kldc Cat Ul aat. Phone Baat 44M. DOO AND HORSE HOSPITAL. PB.C.B. PBOWrf . B.T.B. .B.O.M. plUtmfT raeloe. raoaail DRESSMAKINO. IPrrn'l tADIS1 TAfLOBINQ OOtMOfJL bud aad D0 Alteky bid. I writ Par beeaJat. DANCINa 4- WOOOWAaUri daaetas af faa Woatan Aoaaaomy af MeeM, Maadap aad Tkaraday, Bsectatar Belted. I ana. to 11. Oa. SooMd aad teiirwia. PBOF. BINOLER. BOB Akter, Sixth) ua or print uanaa, u. - ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL " BNOIMBBBIWO . Company, B4 Berentb at., Portlaad. 0. K. for oeorytBrBS B im Oieevicu auav.raiB suia PArlrm BLBCTBIO CO Bnaiaiara. tor, repel rera, alectne winuf , appna. a First eo. stark. Mala BOB. B. B. Tata, togr. DETECTIVES.. TELL as paar troable) w 1 traced la el ni and ariaunai Besla FRENCH BAKERIES. THB only Blaee la Portlaad praooj. war rera a aaruo. Dally dallrary. Phone Oreea dOT.SUtk st FURNITURE FACTORIES. 0BBO0N Faraltar Maaafactartof Ceapaar Mannfactarera. of fur altar tor . tba trad. Paruaaa, Or. . BT7BMITTJBB auonfartortn a lu Baeaaaky's rural tare rectory, ro rront it. FURNACES. BOTNTOM mii wara-atr fornaco too feel. I. C Bayer Faraac Cm. BM Beoaod. ' Mala eX FENCE AND WIRE WORKS.' BAST PORTLAND FENCE WIRE WO BBS gaB, Beet MbitImb St FBeno Aaat in. f PORTXJ1ND WIRE I BON - WORKSBBS naaaer IT., cor. 1 Phew MIB B00O. OASOLINE ENGINES. AT aloilm eel pficaa, arrl rrorsl natk Sfln auttooery: writ fa arry Co. Portland. aaaiBBa, mnn ana pilrM. Be Irreoo Mecblmry GROCERS. WAPHAMS CO.. wboteaal BToeee. aaaa factarora aad aaalioa aiarckaata. Fourth ad Oak ats. N.. - . - - AXLBN LBWIS, coaatortea aad predeee bm . rkaara. rront aa win ., rortiaao, wr. GRINDINO.V 1 B.. J. CASTERLfNB at CO.. toraatoy of to aBtaMOB eteel tempennrv aroceee; room BDare- ll n. 01a oa. raciov eeo. r Maori aharpened to 001 fit tloa. Karteoa A Oa. n . ota. nein iw. hardware: Portlaad Hardware rare O. eMctt aa aw realty to UB let at. ear. Abler. Mala iBBd, HOTELS. HOTEL Peadletna. PoadJetea. W.A. Browa, as. HOTEL Portland. Amertcaa plan; SB. SB fa day. HO' BELTEDBBB; Eampee pUa 4tb aad Alder ta. ,HAY AND GRAIN.' b. m. OOOPBB CO. 1 Patoi biel iBl urf. ftea. 1 UB UBI vm tra. HAIR GOODS. COMBINGS koorbt or atada pl awKcbe for aala: a unporrea Ban- owe a. nn, wuuam BoqoMlth. be Beat Twelfth. Bast 1T10. t : INSURANCE. UAAO ta WHITS, Dr BOO Dakaa LAMBERT. WHITMEB CO. aad real estate! office 10T-10S bids. Mala 1008; dept. 404 Bast Aider. Baat aal. JAB. Me. WOOD, aplnoor liability Bad la- . amdoal acnoent enrny oonoo ok au aiaeo. Phono 4T. B0I .MCB.ay Bio. , , if m mnni COMPANT Ptr lneo ranee. t da'SherkMk bias- Orofoa Pboaa Ctey BBS. LOCKSMITH. i BirHARr80N. xnert lock aad koyaaltb aeaeral repalrin ; eaattroa bralnf : all work I BtotB WT Boraalda t . Pboaa, PaetfU )fjl 1 - 1 .i..-.-to: w rj.-.. BROWNB'S IM TOWN E pert teckeatth and . blcrl wimlriBS.WB r . Clay 823; aujBt aaoao; MaU MM. j" MACHINERY. TAB H. O. ALBBR CO.. Soroad-baBd I aawmllK t. MA 'Oread am HIPPELT MTBRS. mack relate and ale trleiarei electric lrbw, otertrical BebB r H taeolln enfloe peUKy, - Ui - Oak et. Pbene Mat lBBB. MUSICAL. XealBaa a anil arvilt a attttk Bafiaaj f fa Pali m at ids iteiteTi . Palaclaa af the Bpaaieh Htndenla, dlrectur W II Ilea M. Bi J, A. WEROO. Tlorll . flrstxlses. Boa 4Mbe'ad roaatrert work 1 bMf., 41b aad Merrlooa. WERBEB'S MaodnllB. Baate. Onity stadw; STB AMari A a I ror moeeo enema BbTIL THIEI.HOBN. ptiptl taaa aa Ban Lk. XM. Mala Beed. ! 1 1 C it. .MONEY TO LOAN.v- VBADQUABTBRS FOB SALABT LOANS. - Mobawk kldc. aw, Mocrlaoa aad Thbrd. Laoii ff yoa If pea MOIM or oentleawa. No PntUetty. rw yo pay barb a weel raa aar back Sl.BS a weel 10 yea pay bock 18.00 B week, ltd eaa nee heck IIUi week. It yea kimiw led voa par kwehv S8.00 a week. roraaaw eimi) la eeee ec - Strictly Salary .Loaas. THB CBMbCBMT LOAN CO- Mohawk bids.. . Morraoa aad Thwd. MONBT TO LOAN Oa tapfPMd dtr property or for bonding f ai yuaia. ror iroa a to jo year' tl win prrrueaw m repay au or pa arte aa year. Loaas appeared I sad money sdraaeed batlaing art of teaa BprrrasM taa.a an aad eepteeeo. r- FBAO a. STROMO. FlBascUl Agsaf. v ' SeB Stark t . THB STAB LOAN CO. Aar tolartod employa. we re-earner, aaa fat eo aa ata wkbobi mortgage Beta, wltboat mnrtgei -. montn. H MoatB. Week irwvnn Repay to aa MB.OO Bepar to aa dlfl.00 Benar to a 118.88 r d.rt Or 88 18 dS 11.85 or il.dd 4.00 or $2.00 er $1.00 . . ... BIO McKay kldg. MONBT to kaa oa aaL, parsoaal aad eel le tare! eecnrlty; pcli at ton tloa to caattai atort gagMt Bote boagbt. a W. Pallet. 804-8 reatoa aidg., s BUtB at. THB CONTINENTAL CO. 1 . aaa erare er.- . 4 Will baa poa money r B par elrr1 tl.SOO to 818.000 aa reelty er Bat koUdtog paipaa. HIGHLY roopeetekl Im tedlM and goaa bb borrow Bmaey oa ajamoadaand Jew.lry. Collateral Imi Baak. BOB Waak ingtoB Bt. Fkooe Blaefe Tl. MONBT ADVANCED BALA EI BO PEOPLE aad arbera, wltuoat aernrnyi eaay oayaaaa. Offlcee ta 88 principal clttea. Toluaa. S2S AbbagtoB b4dgf, IOSH Tkb-d c CHATTEL Inane la aoanta raagtag frea BM to bb.wo; rooming aeoeea bonse oecllty. New Bra lmb a Tract cm., worn Abiagtea bias. WANTED Mortgire la or apnnt Bt ooi AHaky kldg. . B. Ward, lawyer, MONET to loaa aa Cteekaaaaa covet r landa. B. F. sad F. B. Biter. BOS CaAaba C Oaa- LOWEST tatoa oa fnnrlrnr and atBo. Baat. era ijoan 1.0.. ee aaerioeB Biog. . uuy a. TO LOAN Baa to antt oa chattel enr1t. ft A. rraao, ai tae aarqaaak. - MONBT TO till aa all Btoda of Wiuiaa Boll, room a, waahiagua sauaina n.OOB-BS.OOO TO try arrrato aartr .aa Oft Oemmirrla. hidg. reel ootats aaaoi iij WB haeo frea 81.000 00 tr 81" 000 00 for Mag- bra. MM oa Impmred city proporty. wl. h. aiiiinmiBi. . SIS Chamber of Come MONUMENTS. A ETOITJT. BBS Ptrrt at.. Patand teadlag marble aad granite work. ) STEOP ATHST DBS. ADIT A N0BTHBT7P, dlS-lS-lT Dekva bldg., Tblrd and waeningtoa ota.' rooa Ma'a 84. Examlnatloo free. . DBS. OTTS A MABEL A KIM, 408 Marleey bldg. Ctey TT. Baa. M. I1BI. uoasaitauoa iree. TBB eery beat Mdy Mteoperh la towa. . Uol L. O. Johaeoa, oalto IS. Belltnf-Hlrecb Ndg. PRINTINO. WELCH A DAT1S. Prlater Doer of thing win ibb ana typo oa paper. bldg., Slitb aad Morrlaoo. main 417. ANDERSON A DCNIWAT COMPANT, prtntJn. ntBograpbuux. Blana poo a. raene amain 11. Sod Alder st " . PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. r. S. BEACH A CO. Tb Ptoa"T Paint Oa.; wlBdooAgiato .BBS , giaawg. . Jo imi bi. Pbene U34. . , ERNEST MILLER A CO., Beroad aad Taylor Wall paper, paint, au at aursn pnaoni tree dell rery. s PLUMBERS. DONNE RBERO A BADEMACHER. Mnltnry plaabor. S roortb at Beta FOX A CO., sanitary ntombera, S81 Second, bet. Mala aad Balaton. Oregoa rea rnone Mate tool. : PATENT LAWYERS. U 0. WEIGHT, dome tic and forrlga pabaabi; larrlBBemeat tarn. 004 Dakaa. PHYSICAL CULTURE. v PBOP RINOLIK'S School af PhyleI Oaltar: fl branrbM. BOB Alder at. aaa Rtaihj. S00FIN0. TIN ROOFING, gatlerinr, tfr1ag and g.atral Jobbing. I. Leall. fareoa at RUBBER STAMPS. - P.C. STAMP WOBKS, BeS Alder t..pbon TIOi robber ateap. seate, etendla, ba trad check ; Bend for catalog No. .Mala BS. STREET PAVINO. WARREN CoasliailMl C., atreet paTlag, ftim. walk aad croalag. 71 uregoaaa aiog. THE Barber Aaphalt Paring O. at Portlaad. OfScs 054 Watr bib. . .-- " I, ' 8Cap TREATMENT. BAT, falling bate, dan draff tree ted: hapa ' tea. aaalcartaa. cblrecodr. face work. Mr. I. rklropody. fa work idkta Voorrk. see. M ras Padne BBS. 1 at r. s. B8. SECOND-HAND GOODS." OOODE'S Fwrnlror Hon Hlgbet pr1ceepel -for econd h.nd fnnltmrwUJBonaAn. rnona racinc an, SIGN PAINTERS. SOLO RIONS, window lettering, cloth Manor. economical electric fane asd 1n af a" -bind medo aalcklr. 1 Footer A Kletear, Fifth ad Beerelt Ei change 80. SAFE3. WB rensbr sad rebolld tsawmltan, gas , glnea. printing preeaea, time Inrk. fee, ape lockont. do all klad of aachlno work. Co tembia 0s En1n A Safe Fyll. B48 Second b 1-boa Paclll Bid. Wwttf i. Sapar. Bt ..'CASES '..) ;xnTU-i 1 CA8I8 of i k-k, bar 1m Loiee 1 r ore flrtsree a acturtiig t.. "T3IANSFE2 JTD TtXV T!J0V SAFES, alaao asd raro'tar ed, aarkeg ready for shipping ad M"oea; an worm gaaranteedl targe. Sotory bock, fWproef war. boo ee for atorago. Office IBS Flrat C C M. Utaea. Pboaa Mala BT. - , THB BAfiOAOB OMNIBUS TBANSFBB CO.. eor.'Blitb and Oab at.; baae checked frea betel or neldeaco direct to Jeetlaatloai piansors tbaator arotd rwaa aaa aaaoy bbos at depots. Print Exchan SB. a O. PICK, office BS FlrH at. betwesa BtarB and UBC it.. PBOB pienoo leu nnoeed end Backed nr BhiPDlng; brick "wareboua. Front aad Clay ats. OR BOON TRANSFER CO.. 1S4 Nortb Slrtk. Phoa Mala sav uaary bbbubb now ""e BAST SIBB Tranafar CC, A. B. Holcomb, prep; 188 - wauar er. ranw a. POST SPECIAL DBL1TEBT M. 9 Waak Ina-wm at. roon Mem roe. TYPEWRITERS. 7 in Imaoiltera. aB BileL reated. old. and reoelred. Ceeet Agoaoy. 1.1 btark. TL lewfc -TTTREESe SHRUBS,. COSES.' I thy atook. Ob 1008 tltntrtd ad prloed aeta ta ae telle aa POavAlaABw BoSB W, geaa Bad Taahlll ot. . - TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Cobb. bra. tt per month, Lawreaa BroB.' Tow vo.. Nlath aad Coach, raon aiu. TELEPHONES.' THB ealr rsfr totepboa B.-B. anaavt xt ' FINANCIAL. - -' 1 ass nxTOH. gumma. - Trasl aalral Banklag BW.' fMkMtleas aaae a all Botats a ntata l.ilx at aredlt taaaed Beallabte Ml . ..a .11 Mi.l. ta the United States. Rlebt Eicbaa aad Tetegraphl Traaaf old a New Tor. Waaklngtaafliieaga, n Uoola, prrrir, van. oaa Montana aad Brlttok Colaabta.. -a Bxcbaaga Mid aa Loodon, ParM, BwBa, Frankfort. Hocakonat- Tokabaa. klaafU Bad Hoaoiaja. , i. FBANK WATSON. ...... .....''"f B tVDJJRHAM ,. !!?iS R W. HO YT Coebte OEOROB Wi HOTT........i..AalBtBbto . Traaarld a Blairaj aaakTBg mm Srafto aad Letter of Credit teaaed AraMakld II Parts af tea wane. a Bp warty. DOBTLAND TBTfBT OOMPABT OF 0BBO0. r ' Tae OtJeet Tnet Oeoioaay fat Oreee. i - nrjtnnnr'rJI rlvra A1.bdo.0U0l Boaerat kankin. Biehecar aa TI aart of tb world. Barlaga seceoat. Tla ert B ratea, 8 to d per coott ebort-eell epectel aartiS- erroTBocr VlVu.7. ' ' SsatkeBat Cornet Third ad Oak Skb Pboo Prtrato aaiint ra SEN. 1. rtiniH ; . U PITTOCK t....jrteB- I O. UULiTBA riBST NATIONAL, BANK Destgnated Oapuallory aad Financial Age t ... rtMit e,. Pf1doB8... ............. 4,i-Vaeet oer Caebtor . .J. W. NEWR 1 nn. AaatetoBt CBabter... W. . dTORD Bccoad Aaotataat Coehler. B. P. 8TB TENS Utter af Credit iMoed Anllabl la Baraa mmA We BWeteea BtareeW Slgbt Baebang aad Tterephte JPranafar old a New Tork. BVotoa. f lee to. Bt Lenta, St PaoL Omaha. Saa FrancUoo aad the principal polar 1 tb Nortbwaet . Bight an tm mile er.wa in ee mm ImIm Paria. Warlte. Feaal Mats. Heogkon . Tofcnhia. CopeeAMSon. Cbrtatt!. Stncknol. -St Petoratearg. ta ow, EonrB, pnnoiam. 1 . coueeooaa Mao oa re men d METTTO BTATPt NATTONAt BANK - ': nw nnaet anm nltflA. BOETHWEBT COB. THIRD AND OAS BTB. I Oeneral Bearing pnaMoaa. Tm , wrm raafrn Atattabl fa All Cities of the VaMed State Hooa-koog aaa auaia. TOtttWOBo BtABl OH FATOBETTBJES. PrMldoBt ...... J. C, AiwBwwrirj Tlce-Prealilent . , , W at A TEN Tlce-Preal dent B. LB A BARNES Caabler B. W. rTHMWI Aaatataat Caabler A. M. WBIOHT ............ ..W. Aw MUH SEOOarrr battvos a trust oompant. -BOB MorMeea St., Portlaad. Or. nassaiil a Oeneral panking BnMBoaw , . BATTBTOfl SrVABTMENT. lata art Allowed ee Tla aad Baring tipalU Act a TToate ror eat. ice. , Draft sad Utter of Credit AraUabte to All ' - Warm ot rhe Waeld. 0. F. ADAMS '.'VtcVp L. A. LEWIS. A. L. MILLS. raed Tlee-Preeloeet Beceeter B. ai. w. e 1 d 1 n ... OEO. F. BUSS ELL. ..Aaatataat Beoretary TBB K0BTSAOB WABANTEB - r , a TBUBT OOMPAJfT BANK. Btork. rbad and Mortoge Bongbt aaaLBote, latorMt Paid ee Tla rMporlt. Capfjal. yy pyealaoat 0.' W. Millet... .."."."V.!V."VlePrMtdM S. B. Clemeot...... ..nwcretory . Blkr xrapl. aerenta aaa nwa otrewea. . maui ion. Ot SOaTTIBXsTTAlt OOMPANT. .. PTNANCTAL AONNTB. -'J STOCK B. BONDS ANDM0WASaa. Bit Stark StiMt ' Phoa Mala IMA Offer Oltt-Edg laeMtswnt to tfaalctpal BBS BBIkroae wnaeee ie MORTQAQQ LrOAlSa Oa Perttaad Baal Eatot TKIaa Inenred Abetrset FarBtefcod TITLE OU ABANTEE ,B OUABABTEE A TB BUST DO. Wasblagtea Bt Cor. KALAMA'S NEW COUNCIL ; . BEGINS ITS DUTIES ji-l '-u-y.,..t ,- ' (Special Dtepatcb to Tb Joomal.) ' Kalama, Wash, Jan. 1L Tho Bow oouncilmea of tho town of Kalama took their oath of office Tuesday aventng and immediately entered upon th discharge of their duties. Msyor C KAlahan, who holds over, thanked tha old coonoU for Its services, and spoks to th new coun cil along th lines of economy in' the exDondlturo of tho public funds. Tho new .council Is ss follows: - - .'" R. K. TunstslL chairman of Judiciary committee; Hugtj "Bhuls, - chairman of ways and roeana committee; John scott. chairman of ' streets, wharves snd bridges eommfttes; O. D, Peck, Chair man health, police and publle property committee: Byron Coffey, chairman flrisnc eommltbe: ' R. B. Tunatall, chairman ordinances; John Scott, chair- main lire, light and water committee. PENNEBAKER SUCCEEDS v -; ' i ;T00ZE AT WOODBURN rrspoetal Dtepatcb to Tb Joomal. ' Woodburn. Or- Jan. 11-WIUiam P, Pennebaker has been sppolnted-post' enaatrrr aP WoodbTirB tT the president. to succeed "Walter X. Toose.- Mr. Toos forwardeo his reelgnation a month at and recommended the appointment of his BSSisteBw.aar.. r .i".".1 , wu.. im aarved as deputy for the past eight .aara Mr. Ponnohakor also had the n dorsum en I of State Chairman Frank O. Raker. State Committeeman Neal IX rwtdnn. Coikntr Chairman Charles Murrhr-and Precinct Commlttaemaa U. taV Allcks, . 1 -v - IP" "Hr ", rs T lltore Fir 8nt to 8an , Pectro Than to Any Other Coast Town. : THIRTY-TWO VESSELS IN ' HARBOR AT SAME TIME F. P. BtumfBTtnor ( Ssys Port Can Hsndlo) ! Tvraatr-Fi, but'; Ad- ditionsl Crsit Must Wait Turn SUmAxkAbes BttOdinf Boom Our MOtw IUmbr ISTdTOkTTdnl W Ban I Ptdro thaa to any titbar port oa tba Iaolflo caaat. acoordinB to F. P.- Baam- gartnsr, looal asant of tba California dkOrasoa . Coast StaajBSblp -eornpa-ny. wbb returned this cnornlns from a tbroo woeka racatlon a pent ta, southern Call- forBla. While bo was at Saa Pedrw tl easels wore there oUecbargindt cargo sa and eavch of them carried from 100,060 to 1.800.000 feet of Sr. A good portion of the product cam frora PorUand. ma addition to tbeae oraft dlscharg- Ins lumber," said Br.' Batungartaer, tba Oarman snip WansbeK was la port from Antwerp with a enera! ear(o of fralsht. After teevrlns - a part f her shipment tbare she will sail for Port- "Tha fleet of lumberarrlara was so Jar go that it was Uspoaalbla for all of them to cot berths, and eonaeauentiy tba-unloadlnB-operstlonB ware eoaald- arablr delayed. Tbe steamer Noma City, on which I mads too trip soutn. naa to BDond nine dare dlscharglns bar cargo. wood pars ot tnia time waa speni walUnr (or a berth. ' All of the other oraft suffered Uko deUysv It to ana af tba busiest small ports X bats arer been In." - ' vr Mr. Banmcartner says thoro ara Am' pis aeoommodatlons at Ban Pedro for IB Teasels at a time, oat nuu anr auiui Uonal craft which may arrlrB bars ta wait tbelr turns. Bo explains tbat few of tba Urge parts can handle a larsar number of Teasels, but that prepara iinia nra bjalna? mada to inoreaae tbe TrrrrlBL"PraoUcallr all' of tba lum' bar is placed on cars as soon as it is taka Trom the ships, and sent t In tortor points. The major portion of it boob to Artsona and Now Mexico, but much Is dellTered at Lo Aaselos aad in the immediAts Tlclnlty. "1 never saw country booming so,' ha concluded, "as southern California. Mors building; la promt on in Lob An. gates than la any other elty of its else In tba United States. In a few Tears, at tba raU of its present growth. U will beat San franc! eco in population. It alraadr haa much finer buildings; AS A result Of the Buuaing activiiy w jom Angelas and - tha ' surrounding country there Is going to be aa unprecedented demand for Oreson Sr. I expect - to charter another res sal to load lumbar tor Saa Pedro In a few oaya wa are none load in tba Bblo . Columbia for thoro. and it is probable sba will be enraged to make another trip.-.- ;. Mr. Haumaartnar said that Orays Harbor socUon is sending- s Isrgo amount af lumber to southern Califor nia, ss is Puget sound., ,, , f ,: DRYDOCrCBUSY.' .' ;... tar BaMt yateaac. Toward th last Of the week th Brlr- lah ahln Sakaaoni will b placed on tba drydock for cleaning and painting. Be fore th wore is eompieieoi 1 ow lleved that th British steamahlp El- laria. which also will be placed on tne dock for treatment, will arrive from th sound. It Is said that negotiations ara ander way for a number of other ves sels which need-cleaning and painting to undergo treatment. Th drydock has been in almost con stant demand during tna pass aix montha Soma of tba largest reesels coming hero this season bare been lifted by It Among these are th Btaamshlps Numantia, Oceano, British ships Bu phrosyne, Blythswood. French bark La ROChJaaueun, American ampa .v. . gwnt, Harry- More.- schooner William Rnordan. barkentlna John " raimer. steamer Bailey Oatsert and half a doaea other river craft. Every one of the large vessels lifted meant a handsome revenue to tho port. . Th bill for docking th Oceano amownted to mors than tt.Odo, but this Is consiaeraDiy nigner inau. were th charges for fixing up tba other sblps for the reason that th Oceano was badly disabled and bad to remain mated, howevor. that tha sverag rev enue which th port realised for dock ing those craft was in tho neighborhood of $1,000 spieea - - - ; An effort Is being mads to Induce the Hamburg-American line, owner ot th steamers operated oy u roruan -a emtio stoamshlp company.-to have all of Its drydock work don st Portland Instead of in the orient, snoiua mo plan ba pursued by th company It la said that the- -Partland plant will be on Of the busiest on the Pactoo coast. As It Is tbs plant is owaora u.i Idle. When money was appropriated for Its construction many were of the opinion tbat there would bo no demand for it. WALKER CHARTERED ' wm Placed ta Wheat TPPOB Wlllsmaata. . - ; a a or two tho steamer" O. "W. nr.11,.. ot tha Kamm line will bo placed in the. wheat trade on the upper Wil lamette river. Tb veseel was char tered this morning by F. A. Flohspot th FUher Flour mUls, Corvallla, Ore son, for It daya but may b kept in th trade much longer. Sh Is expected to go up tho river as fsr aa Eugene and ... .rnu. wherever they can ba so- rored. It -re-alo probable-thai ahe will make sevaTat tripe downths . Tlyer on this side of Corvallla. The O. W. Walkr-draw-bt-4rt- feet of water when fully loaded and It la said tbat tb present etase will permit her to be op rated without much danger of going aground. Besides It Is pointed out that the fiver has been rising rapidly of late. MANY DAYS LOST. tints gg- potaoeu. tm Tear Spends PlTty- WO Bad A half P7 AS lear-'TrB. " During ltOI th ateamer Pomona of tho - Oregon City . Transportation 'com -asny's fleet lost 52 Vk daye lying at .artoua" tandlngs. not includtrT Crfoti Mty, while plying between Porv - J o-i Corvallla in otner wor v i-iutf lta sh stopped at the 1 L ach day to rcive or t ddod together m' 1 11 ilnutes, nial to ' .011 ra t T t 1 ' " Ca;: i . r rf t I I ' " 1 r 1 4 I err c ; " k-i . . . t. f 'to. avorazai, I , . A t.ay lor t y-r, 11 aaada 1.08 Uo. . , t , for any on ' at 1 1 . . Ill boura. a tri-. irj t. 11 u utea to tha stop. Tba Altona ot tha am Its, t " is on tho Albany and Salam roo. v 1 total of B.OII lajvi--- due - 1 yoar' and tboroby lost 1.111 hou. e t , $0 mlnutoav oquat to) 48 daps i boura. . ' Sba alao goada tb sna numbor of atopa b) Septan bar. 1. i was whan tba bop aoaoon was at lid height Captaia Orahara prapareg a Ut ilatod raoord of the showing: mada t r bis boats at tho aad of tba jroar. I finds that tola ona compare farorabir wltB tboaa of forraar forbad b. ,; BLOCKED BY: M03. Paaosts Bajrw IkF . im BBBolas. 9. -. earm.u. - - - - - - - k ..nawt-..aa' -aeei wni aneaianiy JLUirono 1 BrrlTos at Pust aousd. wharo aba ta ' " undef.-charter to load for tb outward -. Ltrln. the offloara and craw will hava Dlood-curdiiag tales or Huaaian bay barlty to rolate. : Jamaa Latdlaw a. Co. local agents of the weasel, have. f, , oelved ward from tho owners gling aa oxplana tiott of - why tba steamer, baa . aot arrivod. - Sba was das oa tba sound Decomber It. but It is now feared aba will not ba able) to put la aa app aa ran no before February. Oa Aor' last voyags tha Dunerts too . a cargo from Maples to Pott, a Russian port on the Slack . Wit ib -reached there tba town was tha aoano of cantlnuows . rlotrnc. - Tha - author! tloa could not cop with tna Jurwllng men. All of the workmen wars oa atrlka and it was lmpoealbto to get -tha fralrbt , discharged from, tha ataamer. for tbe mob would not permit tba oraw te per-. form tba work. Whenever an Attempt was tnado shots want flying near tbelr heada Finally it was decided to make no further attempt, ta- st -rid ef the freight until the asutataent had suieted down. The laat report from tho aoeo of th disturbance Indicated that tb ' steamer would soon ' be ready to sail for England, It is supposed tbat aha Is . now there. From BBfigiaaq sn wui pr- eood to the sound,.-; . . ," . . v r" - TO CLEAR CHANNEL. " rsltoa AXlot M. Talbot, general mAnagor fop tb Regulator lino of steamera, . rooetred this morning tb following telegram,-. da tedWrablngtoB.- Januarw - I,r troan " Senator C w. lnuttm: . VW mM mm, ' ' O Mm T B gyrj VI ar aTqS a BvawararBB, g BBtdBBa, A B Bar 1 ,, quired st the nginers offioe. but th departmant had not yet reoelvwd Major Hosaiers report. - it was received to . day, but did not contain th desired In-. formation, and tha department wired for additional information, whlah tt has received, and th chief of nAinrs ad- -rises ma that be will allot out sf the contingent ' fund oa hand tl.aot to be used In the removing of the rocks ta -question." ' ... .- '- This special approprlatlOB was asked to- be expended In clearing tb. rocks from th' rapids' Bear, Caecade Locks. By reason of them tho steamers Ballay . . Oatsert and Oeorga W.. Simons war almoat wrecked recently. Mr. Talbot took tha matter up with Major Koasaler tha other day. Tha latter sent A full report of th condition of the rapids to Oeneral Mackensle and requested tbat aa allotment be-made available at one' for doing tho work. - The local engtneera expect to feoelT from tho general today ' tnatrnctlons to proceed with blasting out the obstrnetlona This work will ba under direct charge of Darld B. Ogden, assistant United States engineer. AL0NQ THE WATERFROrT. Two three-ton anchors aad Tt fathoms of-ehaln war sMpiied to Astoria laat . night by tbo Charles Becb company. Tba material is . for th French bark. Jaaa Baptist, which lost her anchors In a storm off tho month of the Col am- ' bin river. Th vessel Is expected to leave up for Portland in a day or two. Major S. W. Iloeaaler of th ecrpa of TJnlted State engineers Vrft for Seat tle yeataVday afternoon to Inspect new fortifloatloo work. . 1 " . Tha ranalr work ta tha steamer Aa- ate Comings will ba computed today and -sha is expected to reeum aorrloa to morrow. Sh will carry pulp aad, en gage In th general towing trade. Tb ataajaer risguiator as too itsgm. lator 11ns will be hauled out aw th ways at th St Johns shipyards la a day or two for a thorough overhauling. It HI reoulre about tw months to so th work, and sh will net be operated again until next spring; When tbo work haa been completed it is saia mat an will look like a new boat. C Amonaan. a lonashorwman, aad hia foot - badlr crushed yesterday c-cwalng - by heavy timber falling oa It while he was assisting la loading th British steamship Tottoohaaa at tha Inman Pbulsen mtIL"It tr feared that trie foot will have to b amputated, tm injured man was taJtea to ot visotn a noapiw. With a general cargo ef merensndla and almoat a full list of paaeeiigrara. the steamer AUUnos arrrrwd last night front Xuraka aad way aorta. Captaia Kelly says heavy olonda f fog .wore hanging oft th Oregoa ooast, which made tho passag rather slow. Th steamer will sail oa-th return trip to morrow night, Th Britigh shis pans or do ion ror fJnntea this morning t load lumber for Manila. , - - . Castaln Dalahaye, maater et ins French bark Jeaa Baptist. Is In tb olty from Astoria to consult legal ad visers in regard to tna iidoi auii xor tt 004 which ths Oregon Railroad e. Navigation company has Bled against hla vessel for towing aar into Aion whan It is alleged abs was la A helpless condition, -. -.-.. .:-. "" marine notesT I: :y I Astoria. Jan. 11. Arrived down a , 4:tB and sailed st lt:lt a m.. Btearaef Honir, for San Francloeo. Arrived doers at 4 :S0 a ot, steamer F. A. Kilbum. - Ar rived down at 6 a. m., steamer North- land. Balled at 10:18 a. so-, steamer , Argyll, for San Franclsoa Arrived at t and left up at 10:lf a to, straf Despatch, from San Franclso. Astoria. Jan. 11 Steamer F. A. Kll-. burn sailed at 11:11 a m. and steamef Northland ot Boon, both for San Fran-, C Sas FranclBP.-1 Jan. tt-Saned st laat night, steamer Asuncion, for Port- 1toruvsn. ll.--condltion of the st B a. nv, moderate; wind oast; wa.- cloudy. ,; : - Big TBeal Estat r-l. , (twartal fMeaetrb to T" .' Arlington, or Jn. 11. - rU eetate dwl svtf re I ' ' county WBB closel A- "1 ' i, 1'. ... t 1a ' If 1 ' ' f .1 Hi ' i t 4ow. AvI Barsetd t, tbea Maia A