The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 11, 1906, Image 1

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    noon nvaiiii
Raln .orfff9f.iaiUjla.airrfiy,:4
colder; fresh nor& to east wind.
e non m r t
... "
NO. t:7. .-.:., vo-J
I ' ' .... . .....
, ? I I. , I. JJI , , , , I ! M, ,, I I J uu lU!gB!-gf- I I. ,JWLj I ... J I i gggrgg!"BB I, ,11,,, ..L.l, , lit
Lutke Manufacturing - Company
Almost Completely Burned Out
This Afternoon, losing Sixty-
r rive i nousana uoiiars. '
Inttrance Carried on the Stock Co
.'re a . Third f the Loee. Flamee
; Started1 ' in the Dry, Kiln " in the
v BasementVarnish Made the Blase
Fearfully Hot. , - .;
- Fire etrord the plant of the Lutke
nurcturlng company. -at Sixth and
Hoyt strMta, between 11 and 1 o'cjoclt
loattjr. onuainc a -total loaa of approxi
Mtoly-.tte,eoev f v- n -'
Tha flro startad In We dry kiln, whtrt
a larsa amount of lumbar waa baln
preparatory to beln worked up
nura ana rurnleWnsaalany
Of the workmen were away for luimhann
and tba flamea were not discovered tin-
in iney naa gained oonalderabla bead
Bjr Mie-tfrne tha Are department ar-
neo me-iumee had oaten their way
thjroush tha floor of the bulldln and
had reached the aeoond atOry. Tba Are
pread rapidly among tK lla-ht com
buatlbla material and tefore the flro
men could set water on the upper -floor
u enure piani was ablaao, .
' Xad ria-hi Wit riamea.
- . The center of the flro waa tha eaat
em and of the bulldlns frontlns on Fifth
atreet, where tha beavy machinery waa
located. Baverai atreama were turned
on tha flamea at thla point and It waa
not ion ontU tha Ore there waa nearly
extlnrutehed," but 1t apread raDldfr -te
ne nenn nnir or too tructitra. where
it raea ror nearly, a hour before It
waa brought under control. "
-f-Whow the flamea wached the rarnlah
room they leaped kith Into tba air and
tba - beat'beoaae 4ntenaa- and tba
moke ao thick that It drove tba fire
man back. . For few minutes It looked
aa If the flamea would apread across
tha street to several small wooden build
ings, but reinforoemente arrived and tha
firemen succeeded In driving the flamea
rr taekTSnd confined them within the
walla oftha buMdlnsv : - , i
f. V-' ' - ef the lm-.fy I
' After the fire was broughi under con
trol In tha main part of tha atructure
, tha firemen turned their attention to a
, bidden fire In the .sawdust and lumber
In the . batcment. and kept ' aevoral
t reams playing on the building all
, anernoon. y
ih manufacturing piani waa in iL: . - . -. . , rr " r . .
1 large two-story brick building covering'1"" lmon' Bo"th.ikl- wh,era
; half a blookT. Robert Lutbe. tba preal-1?. ??.V thr y,mf ln 'hs0
.dent of the Company, aald that hie plant
ana tne lumoer ana natures were valued
' at I7J.0O. a larga amount . of the
heavy machinery located In tha eaatern
part of tha building waa saved, but hla
loaa will be approximately HMO, with
Inauranne f about one third it -value.
Robert Ltke baa been In tha boat
' naaa of manufacturing builders' finish
tnga for II yeara, "or yeara hla
Jilaat waa located at rroat and Waah
ngton streets and ba moved- to the
.present location five years ago,- There
ware Tf men employed In the factory,
and laat year the company did a busi
ness of, v" ' ', : -
Tha building waa owned by A. W.
Ocobock, and la ' f about
llO.oe.Tbe loaa te tha building la es
timated t approximately f 11,000, par.
tlaily eovared by Inauranoo. ; v . ,
n re man W. Baldwin of truck com
; pany No. I had hla left wrtat nearly
arapuUted by glase In. breaking In a
window. Tha artery was aevered and
bta condition la thought to be aeiioua
t . In responding to tha alarm of lira tha
wagon of hoae company No. 1 overturned
at Seventh and Burnatda streets, but
none m mm oorupanta waa Injured. The
, wagon was badly damaged., Thla la tha
aeoond run the wagon has had stnoa It
, came from the repair ahop after tip
ping over St a recent flro on the eaat
, side. . i v v ;v. .. -, ; -..,,.-
, During tha progress ef the ' flame
many of tha employee In the manufao.
turlng plant arrived and made a suc
cessful attempt to rescue their tools,
They reached the workrooms in the
aeoond story by a ; ladder end threw
their tools tnt the atreet 1 - .
r'','(Joeral Sperial .'.''? -.V
Chicago.. Jaa.v 11. The tue title
morniiw- returned e vrili- I
... mree aaioanaoapara-lo fllee 4 favor
or th five children of John, Hedlund.
carpenter. The plalntlffa alleged their
ratnor was ruined by anm that thg'BS
f end ante sold him. ; .-,.
-Washington. D. C, Jan. 11. It waa
atetod at tbe New Wlllard hotel this
morning - that Mra. Minor ktorria, who
was , forcibly ejected from th Whit
House a week ago, la in a dangerous
condition, - occasionally lapsing into a
comatose .atata. ,..-, " -v '
rttssiaunoaa CHve BeMflt,
Joraat Snerl.l Senii. -
tons Falls. & IX. Jan. 1 1 Boh Fits. '
slmmons haa arrangwd benefit for th
blacksmith whose floor waa caved . In,
by the weight of a crowd puahlng In to
see ths pugilist make aouvenlr horse-
-? .
'. LL
r' '
If -
f Ay "
t'r'fX - A"-'-
" i i r M - - , - - , .--
.. V ' J"". Cole,' Assistant TJn
17-17. BAf
-r-f -r-
LYoung Attorney EntersBristol's
Office Today as Assistant ;
iwamea voia nas Been appointed
Blatant VnlUd fitaUs dUtrlct- attorney.
and ha entered thla morning on his new
dutlea. v Though -- comparatively. '. , un
known to tha general public, for bo haa
been V resident of .Portland' for only 16
months, Mr. Cola has won the eateem
of those with whom be haa been thrown
In contact When Cnlted Statea Pletriot
Attorney Brlatol waa asked 'the reaaona
which ied him to select Cola )as bis as-'
slstant, ba replied tersely:- . ; x
"Hla energy and honesty. . :
Jamas' Col was bom In Wisconsin II
years ago; Hla knowledge of, law 'waa
M. .' Wllllamaon. with whom h aubae-
quantly formed a . partnership. '.. After
two years In this partnership he deter
mined to eetablleh himself in Portland.
It waa tha latter part of, 1004 that he
arrived In thla city and opened offloea
tba Macleay- building. Later, hla
brother, Bartlett Cola, became associated
with him, under tba Orra name, of Cole
4' Cola.-.,..-'.:.'.' i y. ..'-Mi-'
The position to Which Jamas Cola has
been appointed cam to? him unaonght,
He la Republican but politic- played
no part ln the appointment. Boon after
W. C. Brlatol had become .United States
district attorney he broaohed the propo
sition of making. Cole hla aaaiatant Tha
matter waa . virtually-, decided -aevoral
weeka ago and Col .was sworn In laat
Monday, although-the fact waa not
made publlo at the time. -.-. ,, ' ' ,
hed, Sutes District Attorney. '
Chambef of Commerce - Elects
Officers and Announces Big -
iu'f Planaiot? Futurtv
. ,'t , i , ... ,. k',' ,'.''
' "In. opportunities It' can be aald ef
the Pacific nortbweet that It Is bounded
on - tha north, by' the. aurora t boreaila,
on the south by the 'proceaalon of tha
equlnoxea, on the east by tha rising of
the sun ana on the west by the day of
Judgment: Our forests are the great
est, our rivers and . water power the
mightiest, our grain yield tha largest
our hop vines and wool the longeet, our
range cattle the fattest, our fruits tha
sweetest, our lands the cheapest our
women tha healthiest and our apprecia
tion of all thla the smallest .of any aao-
tlon of the world. We ara not lngratea
w are apathiata." ;;-- .-
Theae words were spoken by R. -R.
Hog, newly elected president . of tha
Portland chamber of commerc. at Ita
annual meeting and banquet laat night
in the rooms of the Portland Commercial
club.; - vv - x .'.- ",'.':
A . spirit grateful for the ' splendid
achievements of Portland and Oregon
during the. laat year, and determination
lo make, growth and ' progreaa . still
greater In the coming year,' dominated
the -assemblage,' numbering nearly -100
business men. The slogan of. "United
Oregon", waa heard in various forma of
expression, but ail meaning the same
good will and cooperation among all
eltlaens of. Portland toward the common
and pt the state's, development, sad, ths
clty'a upbuilding. '
At a business meeting held at I o'clock
were lBpoed'of and ejection ' of new
(Continued on Page Two.)
' - v
" " .
avcene at the Annual Eanuct of tie
Fraudulent, Municipal Sacuritiea
Marketed Throughout Country
by Broker Who Com-',;,
,j ; mitted Suicide. '
Detectives Seeking to Find Confed-
' erstes ; and . Enfrsvers-Books of
. Firm in Fearful Chios Dead Man
Heavily Involved With Customers
. for Whom He Carried Accounts.
(Joarsal peeud ervjea.)
Cleveland. . Jan. 11. The causa n
me aulcld of ' Iceland W. Prior, tha
financier and broker, . Is v believed - by
banket who ara probing . Ma aooounu
10 oe aa te the fact that ha aald
forged municipal bonds in varloua parts
or tne country, He waa also heavily In.
voiveo wttn customers for whom- he
was carrying -New.Tork. exchange ac.
counta. : .
L Detective . employed by the bankers
commute are aeeung to nnd out who
engraved tha bonds: end who assisted
in their disposition.',- Sensational, ar
rest are expected to follow. ..
It' seems clear that Prior had a mm
ber bf confederate. .The forged bond
were sola in small, lots; eom to in
vestors In th west and others In the
east .' It haa been discovered that bone
were sold In larg auantltltea to any
on investor.' . . , "v -- - -.,
One- of. th men InveatlaaUn -aald
that the failure will probably amount
to ll.000.000. or tl.800,000. : The . sus
pended Arm's books are In a terrible
atata of ehao. ' All the Irreaularltlea
are lata at the floor- of th Cleveland
offlc, but th Investigation may extend
to nm Boston ornce, or which Charleg
K'Dennlson'waa In charr.
Tne commute nas also discovered
that Prior took money for cllenta Jor
purchase of stock 'which h- never
bought, and eawd -th money oersonallv.
The - amount of money so obtained . la
sam ia De arer ieo,oVi ; v- -.-
Prior was on of the moat oromlnant
financiers in the middle west He waa
formerly president of th .Cleveland
stock exchange and was a member of
(Continued on Page Three.)
. Everybody knows William Ian- . dt
e aings Bryan. Everybody knows
d that what ha has to say on any
auoject is interesting, just now
Mr., Bryan la making a tour of i
eyt in worta. ttm is everywhere
e . th gueet of th highest dlgni-
d ;. tariea , of tha landa whloh h. : d
viaua. it in BDia to aee th 4
fnald of the big movements,
social, xand peltUcal, ln .th . far -:
'. aab H tm in a Mtter position
4 than almost anybody , elae to
S know and nndarstand what thee - d
' groat movements are.-
In view of all thee thing -
d . The Joarnal. recognising th lm-. e
: porta nc of Jlhe letters, eecured : e
the exclusive right to their use
d In Oregon. -. Th first of th let- ; 4
- ters will be published next Bun-', )
e day morning. If you want to i
keep up to data you must read
d ;athSS' ,- t --i ,'.,, ,;-....
' eV A ev ev'' '"' '
at :
CcnimercU' C-b Lr lY.'J
r. .
if' .
- Former United States Senator George W. McBrfde.
MurtI-MiI.1onalrs) j Chicago .; Mer
chant Critically III lQvNew? f
4 (.'
(Jearaal Roectat Servles.!' V'wit
New. Tork, Jan.. 11 Marahall Field.
th muIU-mllllonalra Chicago merchant.
aald to ba ln a moat critical condi
tion with pneumonia at th ' Holland
Dr. W: B. James.' physician 'attending
aaaranau neia, tni morning laeued.a
suuetrn saying that Field has pneu
monia to a moderate extent,, but la In
no Immediate danger. SUnley .Field
denies the reports that the patient spent
a vry bad night .' ,-: . '.- 1
At . t o'clock this ' afternoon' It ' was
announced that Field's f condition wss
unchanged, t Dr. OlggS remained In at
tendance all' day. - Members of th fam
ily now her remained at th hotel all
day, - showing ths . serious -condition .of
the patient. " -'.-.-, ' t
' Marahall Field la' on of the richest
men la th United State. Hla advanced
age. . 70, make recovery doubtful. Do
spite hla year he haa bean very active
and keepa In doe touch with the de
tail a of hi great wholesale and retail
eetabliahments and hla numerous finan
cial and manufacturing .. enterprises,
employing many thousands of persons.)
ILias been said -of Mfs-Fleid that "he
la a stockholder In so many companies
that It would take him 10 minutes to
(Continued on Pag Three.)
'. .
1 :'d)
Sleeping, Car. Attached (Ito ya
f, bash Fast Train Leaps Fromj. t
Elevated Railway.:
.(Jearaal Soeelal Sarrlee.1
St Looia. Jan. 11. What might hav
been a horrible , disaster coating th
live of - 10 people waa ' miraculously
averted thla morning when a Pullman
aleeper plunged from th elevated track.
The glrdera caught on and of th ear
and . prevented lta . falling .entirely to
the ground. , Six paraon wrer . seri
ously Injured and a scor of others
frightened slmoet Into hysterics. Had
th oar been allowed to finish Its slung
msny deaths would have resulted. -
The Pullman waa attached to th fast
train on th "Wabash from Chicago. The
train - had lust eroased th - bridge and
Waa entering the city ever the elevated
tracks along tha levy "when th flange
of a-wheel broke and th car. after
running along a few. yard on tha tlea.
broke It coupling and pluhged off the
trestle, rear end foremast - - - -
At thla point tha trestle is about SO
feet tn height - On and of th ear -In
a myaterloua sjnanner - caught on the
girders of , the trestle. ' th other end
smashing against the trestle bents. Th
passengers, -numbering 16. ..war dashed
into a Jieap at the lower end of th
car 'and those underneath, seriously. liuJ
Jured. Panic ensued among th fright
ened traveler and th women became
wildly hyaterlcal. . Thoa Injured were
remdved through th - wlndowa . . and
taken to city hespitala.-,.v- ..ri
1 1
r, '.,,,., y , 2 '"
Former United States Senator "
From Oregon Is Reported to"
T 1 Be Critically 111 sTsac- , "
- ramehto; California.
Practiced Law.' Encaged in Basineaa ;
. and Became Prominent In Sepnbv
f Bean PoliticaElected Member of'4 -'
Lower House of State LsfUlatore,
1 Then United States Senator.'; - .- , '. .
Oaorg W. MeBrld. former -TT "
BUtes aenator from Oregon, la dan
gerously 111 at Sacramento. r.iifn,i. :'.
Hla condition . Is- ao serious that th
gravest fear , are , entertained by bta
family and frienda, who are anxloualy
waiting from hour to hour for decisive
tidings. ? .'.. ..' - , ... ;
Senator McBrlde's-ailfe ls in Salra.
mento with him. ;...' .
Mr. William H. Dolman of 7ortl.4.
agister of Senator McBrlde. received a, .
dispatch last evening saying that he
was very dangerously 11), but had rested '
mor easily during the day. Later
news nas bean leas encouraging., Rala
Urea of -the sick man' ar in constant '
telegraphle communication. with Sacra
mento, and they do not disguise th fact
that hi condition 1 causing them a
rious alarm: ? : ..:-;.,
Senator McBrlde went to California .
about three weeks ago and has, been
visiting Alfred Holman, publisher of tha
Sacramento . Union and formerly- man- ''''
aging adltor.of th Oregonlaiw They
are old friends and Senator McBrlde Is .
at Mr. Holmah's home. , J,ij,A -l
j.t asotkas I Osllea.-. 4 ;: j . '
For a number, of year Senator Mc- ;
Brid was' obliged to use crotches and
hla health- of let year haa not been ro-
boat -' After reacbln (icinif't - Ms -falling
strength excited. - -n
and his brother, Dr.- ") - j,
waa summoned . from 'Pasadena. Dr. - -McBrlde
la an expert of wide repots
tlon In nervous disease and testified in
th trial - of Ouiteau, - the , aaaaaaln of
President Garfield. Bat Id spite of all
that tho . medical aklU cl Dr. McBrlde
could do. his brother's condition haa
grown steadily worse. William H. Dol
man of Portland, brother-in-law. la
at Sacramento.-... -:.-;...... i, ,
George Wlckllff McBrlde mnm nf m
family that baa figured conspicuously In
the poUtical hlatory of. Oregon and he
waa himself tha first native Oregonlsn
to fill th offlc of secretary of atate.
Hla father,1 Dr. James McBrlde, was a
distinguished -pioneer. Dr.' McBrtda's '
oldest son, John K. McBrlde, wss a rep
resentatlv In congress from Oregon, be- ,
tng elected ln lid on a, Union Republi
can ticket Aaother eon. Tbomaa A. Me- '
Bride, has served for a number of yeara
aa juag or tn rirth Judicial dlatrir.t '
George W. McBrid aerved aucecaatvely
aa a member of the state legialatur. a '
secretary of a tat and finally a .United
State. aenator.. . . ., - ..'..
r Ftny-On Tear OVL " .
Born March It. HI4. rn Yamhill
county,. George W. McBrlde was du-
cated at . the common school, at tha
Monmouth Normal school and at Wil
lamette university. He studied law with.
J. C Moreland of Portland but did not
engage In active practice and finally da
voted himself to . business, being en-
gaged for 10-yaar-n mercantile toast
neea at St Helena. He became active In -.
Republican politic and for a number
of years was Identified, with that ln
of the party of which Joseph Blmoa. ' -waa
th recognised leader. . j
In IIS! George W. McBrid V waa
elected a member of th boos of repre
aentativea In tha state legislature and -when
the legislature convened h waa
made apeaker. Four year later h b. .
cam th Republican nominee, for so
rotary of state and waa elected. -
His second term as secretary of Stat ','
waa drawing to a Clos whan the legl
iatur of ltB convened. , A'- United ''
Statea senator waa- to be chosen and
Senator Dolph was a candidate for re-
election. On th preliminary ballot '
when the two branchea of the leglsla
tur voted aeparately. Senator Dolph,
who waS th' Republican caucus notnl- 4 '
ne. received more than th number of '.-.
votes required to elect hi vote in th ,
bouse being 10 and in the senate, It.
,:. i ' afeaa Bolpk foe awaavts. t, ' i f
But th law require that th senator
ahall be chosen by Joint ballot of th' "
two house and when they met ln lolnt !
convention ther had been Just enough ,
defecUons from th ranks of th Dolph -supporter
to prevent hi election. Sen
ator Dolph' atutud on th silver ques
tion had aroused strong opposition and if'
I spit of being tb caucus nomine h
could .aot. muster .-strength, pnougBiaJL.!!
wia vne uaof. . . .. . , .-, ..... ..
Senator Dolph's comootttnr befor
ne eauau - were . Jl w;'"FaltuiL""
United Statea senator, and Thomna IL
Tongue, who, waa elevated a year latrr
to congreaa. During th 40 day of -th
.legislative session the flght be
tween th supporters and the oorenenta
of Senator Dolpbr was waged bitterly and t
without surfac Indication of anything
but a deadlock. But ulet.nd effective
work "waa being don by George W.
McBrlde and hi friends Had 00 tie
laat night of the eSkn,'a th alocM
waa snaring the stroke of 12. Tho . - J.
Cleeton. a snember of ths hotife 1
Multnomah county, swart 11
and In an enthw s ape- .
McFrMe for a
" ;- - - j--- '
t to f
-1 '
'. c.