The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 08, 1906, Image 9

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sk: mar is
10 GEllTS UP ?
'.?:,; -,v-: v.- ,,.,.
Advance In Values In Una With
' j 'v East and Absence of. Cset i
-Overabundance of J TuU . Aprtfci
'Hurts Trade of Fancy Stock, sod
V of Course Prices , SuffelcwFancy
Potatoes ' At Weakening.;,' ''.
.J. mat Street. Jna. S-Th prlaeipel 'fnatorea
af tha Pertlaad whole! awrkaw today axel--
Soger 10 blfker..' .:,.V'. .; -A .' '!
Poor apple hurt tr4e..-. v . .: '
Ororetock of odery. . . . ' . , . .. ? V '. .
yancy potato firm."-' ''t.'C' J
Onion eoBtlBoa cull.. ' -. i. V :;
Salmon earning better, f ': i' ..r, . V. '.
Vegetable are higher. ' 'r- vJ?.'
Cr eraafea; Hnril eara kaaaaaa. .
Barley market look higher. . - .
Oata and woeat very firm. - ; , ' j t'-i
" ". Sugar 1 Fifteen Oeata Higher, -j - .
.. to line with recent advance la tha hurket
hi the eeat aad th (oaaral abeeoee et beet
. oncer etocka, the eager market le Usher tedar.
aa .adTaaoe af Ma per 100 poaada ltela( quoted
all alooa the line. The tolWtns. are the new
arleea that rale ea a eack kaalai Vabe, fl Wl
Vaewdered, .(; trait vreaalaled. a.T0: dry
ynMletod. .T0 eoareethnere' "A." t!i-C',
Wet aTaimated. 9S.M; extra flr.n"Wr
C. t&JOi l yellow, IS .00. Xha aeaal dlaeauaU
for auh 'are ubted. . -i .
v.taar AyyiaaXart Irade.-
' The trade la applee la eoaalderebly karf ky
the lack of hupoeUoa akw Front atraet.
Oalla are far (a the majority emeag the arrl
: vela, (ad aa there le aa aeeiaoaaamnca at theae,
, good prlcee era very hard te.obtala ma the
'laacy gooda. Jk year age rralt lnepeetor Reed
wee very -active aad eeatlerated - a large
amoaat at boot applee. Tale helped tha aurkt
. and growera- aad aeelera were well eattofhMS.
. The .pnMla .waa likewise eatMfted. - heeaaet
. thev eeeured aeod anelee whea they paid tor
thaai. anel eat halt a hoa of
aaue aaa wo
u while the ether were fair.' Tbeee daya the h
Ilx, epirlor le no oeea elong met atreet -aad- ot
-eouree.' It le taken .aa aa todleatloa by the
. - ehlpper that ha doea not care whether they
'ahlp good etocka or not. Ule eb are eeaan
la give coeaoat to ahlp aaythlna 'that grewe.
. - t la alleged that the lnepeetor doea not hare
earTlelant money to carry oa tha work. Thla
h) denied by theea ea tha hvtMe, who any that
the lnepeetor aeed bad bnalnear metheda. and
- , Uataa4 at aatUag hie apavoprmtteB aa proper
chaooaU ha need all that tot the city at a tin
whan tneaectloa waa pardly needed,
'' '"' i Omatnk af Oalary,'--T-'''''.
'- Tbara la aa aveiateck af eehwy la the Proet
' . atreet marketa and , all aorta af rlcaa are
ynUag-' ' ' "
.... , Cabbaga I aw ehnwi rsaay Prleaa, bat firm,
hard bead are (lading a ready aala at the
' arleea near the ton. .
'- A car ot erengee and aavarnl ear at kaaaaaa
were aaa aanng the a7. , -ine araogea eema
. a better ehapa. rrolt riper and demand aam
' .what better. Prime etirtar. - : .. ,
. . Oa eecoaat af the lata froeU hi OeKfomla
., awe llree of vegetaMee ware adveaead. The
. w new arieee are ainaa toaey.
Teeaataee area erag'ea
- rtoaa price are riling.
Tnaey Patnteaa Am Itrav
; 'fr: Vera fltmaeaa i ahowa to fancy ' petataaa
v today than for aevoral weeka. tteppltea at
ban erwtttr era eat week 1a ertdence aad a
. ' eertela pert f the trade 1 wlllta te pay the
: allfht arlTenea aaked hi tha price tot ht
grade Ordinary -ateefca ere fladlng bat ttbj
i aii aaa the marvel at aau ana uicieea, v
The anloa awket ceaUanea a dull affair
' ' with praetlcaUy aa moveareat be tha market,
W Jla let mediate proapecu.
' V .. Xgf and Pealtry Piim. ''"'. ' .j"
' Ttier la a firm fueling la both agga and
' poeltr aodey. Oblckena ot all ktnda are waated
' aad are readily bringing tha top agaree. Oeea
i-''. aeddack nhewlee. with price at the top.
, . grorkeye are alow ema wita aauu reoeipta,
: - Beeelnta af egaa enatlnae aau 1 1 aad
af the aala today were aroand tOc
' .. -' Vaaf a the Xattey With Oheaaaf V '
- - What 1 the matter with the ebeee market?
. . Btott aaa knew It la dull, bat the ranena tor
. the lech, af anil m a -ayeery. Eecelpbj of
. ah me era net leraev aot even UberaJ, bat tha
etocka that eeme find bat poor demaad, with Ue
'. the very top far flata. . - .
Oraamery batter le quoted firm with tzH
. - Taetoy price nr the city ereamry pcMacf.
: Oeanuy atoce la Vlemaed at. format Bgurea. . ,
' -.- " Barley Karkat Xaaba Kgkaev
. - Tber le a feettag amoaaT the trade that higher
v v jrlcee WUI rale la tha oar ley market thai week
V ea eeceant of tha large demaad. No change
enday. - Oeta flna bat anchnnged. Seme la
wheat. Plear duller with price a amul. 1
. .. The trade pay the following price ymat
atreet for choice anallty la rouad lota, Prieea
p Ml ptaoaoere are ae epvviiMrai
' ., . - Seam, riee aad Peed.
WHSAT Kew rhrb,- T-r Pad Baaafca. Skrs
hlaiM. TlWei vallcr. Tee. - ,
BARLKT Teed. A.00; rolled, tM-Ao; brew-
' ?4llWkm, fxTOOl eaaked. tats per
n at JUL ma anl
OAm ToOBcrr pnee , i wuim, P2S.00;
Sr. liT.eo.
PLOlhV t
ft exr.ew. -
LOliB New eeetera- Oregon patent. .M
' ' atralgbta, U.T0O-a0 export, M0eja.H vV
r.m.o vaa-dt-aot
rye, eon.
ley, . a.
' as.oD: ble. M.T6T
, bflLUTUPrS Bra, glT.80 per tna aileV
f inga, gza.oo: anaria, aoaairy, (ip,w- elty,
I HAt Prodaora- pHce Tlmothr, WUIemett
valley, rancy, nii.wfiiavu; erainery, gT.ooaa
.' P 00) eeatera Oregon, U4.Maji5.O0; mlxrd,
rl.e6d.0i , t40tP.M grain, tvm
M cheat, iS.00. . ' v .
Barter, Xrg aad ISaltry.
BtTTTXB PAT P. a. b, PmUad Saaal
' tmn, SKI oner.' 19.
UTTT.H Cltr aieemeiy, SIHei 1 en tat da
thnev. Sue: ardiaary. tTHel atare. leAlTc.
- B(KIS Ma, 1 treah Oregoa, candled, zuSJeD!
ejeld eturaga
dilBBoB i- New Poll ereea. flat.
xonne Amerirn. loei hwihim, ion.
. OAhlBJackrabblta. fl.TL pa do.' -A
- POULTBY Mined chtckeneT lie per lb I faaey
keea. 13lSV,e .per . H reenter, , old 13e per
lb; fryrra,, la per Ihi broiler. pmi lb;
dacha. 16e per Ihi geeee, lOQIIc par 4h
tareeya, lie id) i ma, av per, ja
aauaba, fXTOtjs.M per do. '
,rT "THepa.- wed aad HUea,
HOPS luud Oraroa. . rbolee. 10llOUe:
prime,' SQAe; poor grade, TOSe; Waahlag-
f, Joe: erope, eo w tmi.
. WOOL i80S dip; valley, aoane ta aMdlnak,
Hc doe. tJe7 eaevrra Oregoa,
uiunv ait anaiiie. . . "
SaKRI'RKINS Shearing. S9e eeeh
I wool, SMptOe each), awdlnm wen. aodT5 aaobl
rl;Tf ALlfl W nV Sili Ha -B and
-.. area en. a .amv. .
, ClUTTlnl BABK ta per lb, ' . . " '
HiDxew ne. he. L.l km and an. lSUCl
, 11 He per ( hj kip. No. 1. S to H .Ine. Hal
dry celt No. L imm the. leal aeltVd kldea,
ateere, aoaae. lbe aad eve.
Monday prices in
........ -.... ; "r. w
" I;'?." 'if ay. ' ' July.
d Oiloaao ...... '.I .7H I .14KB
rJt.- lula. . . ,it- ,iH . '. ,-''d
Milwaukee .... ,t1 . ,IH ,
. d
New TorK. .. ,f 1HA ......
Minneapolis "., A. ' -
Liverpool ..... a Hd fallHd
Duluth ........ .8IUA
ICanaas Clty. .71 ...... ,
Ban Franclaoo. MOV "MS,
4 March. ! barley.
. a
' Grain of all ' kinds Is twin
4 nought by the trad. - Thla shows
an Indication-of a healthier feel-
4 Ins. In ooareo grains tht prices
have ahawn many lata advances.
but . mora art expected on
count of tha anormoua demand,.
' Miners are mora eager to pur-.
4 chase wheat and aom of them
4 Continue U offer a fractional ao
4 nniM'Onr tha- printed quota
4 tlona. Thla latter, however, la
not in Una with theaotlon-of -tha
: flour market, which la dull and 4
.lifeless. ; ;::..'..: ' V. j'.',v'
X eVe " '
UaHl etare aad belh. eenn,- trip,
16 t SO the, Pc ealf, eonnd. nader 18 lbe, llej
rreea. anaalted. le leeaj eulla. le per lb leeaj
boraehldea, aalted, each, $l.2fttll.TS: dry, each,
l.OUttljiOl cell hldea, IB a Mel oet ktne.
maon. . each,, lOtjiiAc) , Aiyura.. aK StktB
lvJto aaaV Tataalaa. .
POTATOES Beat .Oreren,' TBSaOe per aaekl
price -tor ear lota. 1U Ber.aacai
erdlary B70e; prodoeera, price. eta)ofte
eweeta. 11 no oar anch: lA0OXtJ6 ear crate.
ON 1 ON S Oregoa yellow banr.ra, (1.00; pro
docerb' price, aio. 1. Boodtl.OOl Ma. i, aOafsCf1
jaruc, sigwf per in. x . . . '
imsu rauiTB Apple, oregoa. - pj.ouo
1.60: faaev.. tl.TB01.OO: aranera. new aevcL
I2.00aa.76: - eeedUng. ' . ; banana,
he ' per lb; lemona. choice. 1.781J.OO per
bos: fancy, f2.ft0tj3.00 per box; Umee, Mexican,
$128 per 100; pluaapplee, M M per doa; pear,
lJl&ai.M per box: pomegranate. dl-ZS per
box; Tannerlne. i.K; Japaoaee erase, MJ
OOe per box. . '
VnVKTABI.mkTarnrpn,-new, TBe per ek
enrrcto, 076e enek: beeU. P0c3;.OT per
leeki-Oregon rafTUhee, She per doa: cabbage.
wregon, per cwi; green peppan,
toe per lb: California tomaioea. IS;
parenlpe, POrejft.00; at ring bean. IT He; caa
lirinwer, It 00 eraui rhnbarb, 1.0 eratai ffreea
peer, 12t4c lb: boreeradiah, ae per lb; arti
choke. Baeatl.00 nee doai hetbooee lettnee.
ll.X6Ql.K0 ner box; celery, f2.M03.TS per
ineriblbla, 'IZfoSSli 'A
per bb!; Oooe bay and TiUwaook. SIOM.
PK1ID r-KIJlTB Apple, eveporateo. Jtraj
10 VI per lb; nrieota, lOVitJUe pet lb;
prachea, lOVtdlsc per fb; aach. He par . 1
laaei nnu. 10 te Jo. BUet 4e droo ea each
I i teen U aaaller dee: Sg. Calltornla black.
Httoe per Ih: canrorala White, ee per re,
datea, goldea. Se per lb; tarda, SLtft per la-lb
Sreeeriaa, Vala. aTta. -'-STTOAai-ljUfk
healernh. M.aBi awwdered.
IB M; fruit graanUted. to. 70; dry graaalated.
A70) Ceaf. A. S.4b: beet frummted. SS.Ml
eitre.O. AS.): - enlde C. U.10: D vellew.
tO. 00; bbU, IOCS H bbln, S5c boxea, 50 advanra
ea eeca aaai. pwa an per m wr van, tm
aava: naanU. mmm Ik.
- lAbeva priee apply to aalaa ea Ian thai
aar lota. Car let at aoeejal pricee enhjaet to
BBernanoaa.1 . - .. .... .... ,:'! V-
honkt s.m par -unta. -. . , ;:v - , :.
COPPKkWPiekag brand. Ill M. '
SALT Coerea Bait ereand. tope, tT.ett aet
Pnrtad llverpoel, Oa. 17 00s lOOa. ld.M;
124. Sid Mi eitra na. bbia. Se. te. 10.
M.MttK.M; balk. 20 lb. B4.MtJS.Mt anek.
We, BoetgBef Lrrcrpnot lump reek,
Ian; b0-)K reek. pT.OO; 100a. M.T.
aAew per
uHain daub cnicarra, Te. . -.
BICB Imperial Japaa. New L l Sri Na, S.
; New Or la aaa head, Pli hit. Si
Creole, SHe.
BBANBatmnil white..' S.trli laree " arhtte.
t3.2S; pink, 1175; bayoa, S4.MS Lima, fft-io;
alexle red, IVia, .- -. -
ru J raeaata, yamoea, ac per re; err.
Cnle. . IH par tb; roeated. Pc; eoeoaaata,
MO per dna walmta, IBCtiSM per Ibt pine
aemvwaizft par IQJ nieaory aom. iua pax
lb: ckeetaata, eeatera, 4o10e per lb; Braetl
Bate, lee per lb; alberta. 144I1D per Tb; taacy
pacaoa, lOTieytevic; aimonoe, naji7a.
Palnta, Oaal k, !. - - :
SOPH Pate htaalla, Ul jtoadard. UHet
Baal, tie.- i -
. COAJj Oftea-Pwart ar Aitml daeee. SOUe aar
gel; water white, tree bbhv IBc per gel;
aeoen, ae per gu; aeaaugai, xrv-aea;..
!He par raL
O a no UN a aa , ana MUt aa ' eaL
hren bbln le na nl
BBNBINB M-deg,-aee BSt pat gl, Iraa
Mrpat Bir
hbra Mc per gaL
Wit ITS LBAD ajwi Ttoe. TV ner Bit 00-Th
Mta. ne per in; ro arta. t per la.
a ikv Pavjus .creeeat eeaa ai nx.oo.
LINSEED OIL Pare tew. in -bt hrt. BOrt
tbbl lot tie; ranee, fee ner (al; geaalne kettle
Ued, taeaa, ta per gel; B-bbl Iota. Btai l-bbl
lot, M per gall groaocT cake, ear Iota, S30.0S
par toa; lee than ea. Iota, 130.00 par tea, ,'
" ' Heato. Iih aad riaibiimn ' - ' 4
PBHtH bUCATB Proot treet-iBef , eteara,
aile ner Ihi eeere. SA4e ner- lb: ban. klnrk.
Ji 7 He ee lb; peckore, TTHe per Ibt belle,
use per ; lb i veal, extra. aHtta per lb;
ardlnary, t VI -per Tb poor, .Sue par- lb;
lion, inner, iniffni pw 10. .
BAMS. BACON. BTO. fertlaad aar. derail
!e nor Ibl
naeen, - leejiBe per
eettaea. tHa aer Vbi
rb pleale, S pa Jb.
regniar an ore ciaare, aaamonea. luny per id;
BMktd. 11 Ha pa lb; eleer hack a, anaamkea.
iuho per ki ameaea, uyj to; uaioa oatra,
1 to It Pie. aaemokea. Be pee Ih;
rare - Bay. arrwaax; nrma ia3a. mmauavawv, aaay aeon aBa
amok cd, Uo per tb; baaldra, SH per lb.'
LOCAL LAUD Kettle leaf. 10a, UH per
Ibi Aa. UVa ner lbi ftO-lb tin. 10e ner lb:
ateam rendered, 10a. 10H per lb; ha. 10)
ner lo: eonipooDti, as !
canned BAiiun tMiamau nver, l-ra una,
l.M S-lb telle. fiTSl faeey l ib Sat. SI M)
h-ib nary Bate,; raaey io ore in,
AUakh tolla, pink, M0c nd, li.hO anml.a
PISH aodt T per tb: Soneder. t pet
that, THe per lb; rb. 11. BO per do;
bnae, tH per Ibl eatdah. Te perlhi
le per Tb) chlnook, 20 b
bom, ac per ia
nu P" uini, umijwi,
tnrgeou. Be per lb.
-Shoelwater bay. pet
OlrJTBUB einoaiwaur
al. H.SJ1
CLAhtS Ilard-aheO. Bar ' hex. tXSPi rnaa
cum, taw par box. . . .; , , - .,. ,i
stro to:;e:retai;;ed;i
Livestock Very Rrrti With Hoge
the Leading Feature Prices v
. - Same ae on-Saturday.
t ri.Nl,',.-. ,.'.t:;;. ,stu;
Portland TJnloe
Stackyard, Jan:, t-ltrt-
atoca receipt: ,
, . , ., iy " J-V-. Bon Catfl Sheen
Today " V ITT OtrJ
TS - ...
Peaelrain OMh.. IM
month ago. tt SS UUt
Thara I treat atrenrth la all Ilnae of lira
etock. The greeteet dlaplay m at bog, which
era very alow to arrive. Cattle arrow; like-
wia eoaep ana vent ; biv, rru
Saturday. . - - ,t .....
. utflotal tlveatock arlrea: .. - -
Hoc Beet aaafera Oregon, I". 00; blocker
and Oilna fata, t4JOd,74; atocker tad feed
are, ts.2et.Mi
Cattle beat eeatera 0rer" ateere, $4.W
Utbt and medlnrn ateera, 12.63; Jlbt cow.
tIoi atockara and feeder, I? 40; ball, tl.nft.
Sheep Wethera, ac; mUed heepr d4l aala,
k0aTrea-41oed veal. IM to BOO ponndh,'
; xauga ana near, ihhk, . .
" Chicago, fee. S. Ureetock receipt:'
....... ... Jlotn Cattlh.
CTilcara .....W.ouo tti.O'O go.taiO
Kaaaee City. ............ 4 9"0 B.000 B.OOt
Omaha .uj'e-a.ouo I4.i
llore opened Be etcher with .n0 left
awinta n rear aao ' war tt.ono. Pr
Mixed. BII.0etB.o2H: roneh. SB.SOtiaJOi good,
t.SAUBoBi HM, SS.lBiji.4S. - . . .
Cattle nrrong.
. Soeep- Strong.
' ttortlanr Bate. '
Tnrb, Jan. . nt-rltpr rare: Demand,
kerriag. ae per lb; entne, Be per lb: akrlmpa,
10 per ' lbi perch, ee per lb; black cod, T
per tbt tumcod. -Tc per tb: Oornmble nver a malt
lO per lb; ellrer emelt. Te per Lb; nberere, 1M
lb: treeh mackerel. Be per lb: arawfMh,
optc;:o i:lhup;
llilf LOVJ-ZU
Chicago Vhert .Market Closes
.MixedJanuary and May
Each Lose' an -
MD'ttFTZtAZZti v
PpmwlTefJPl-hths n4 JUttsr.e
Qusrtsr , Cent Jllibsr News r Is
Bullish, put .Attitude of Lesdinf
Butt Causes Concern. r ; '
i. w'Ui ' ' ', - .' Opea . Cloae . Oloea Lnea
w . . Won, Hon. Sat. , hloe.
January,. JI4 - JUH S Mk I .OO'A
Juey... V.. ...... .MJa : MA .001
September.... ,3i .Kt ,.0
Cklearo, Jan. B Tb wheat market wax
ubjeeted to eeeere eeUtng preeaur today, whbHi
nweea u ( come rrom ine camp ox
leaalDB totereet. bat aetwlthatnadiaa thla eelllng
th market practically reeovered It fall h
to tha day. Trade haav alnnjat to a -nu
ewang around to the bear aide. They aeem t
aca aa nigairMaaea to tae aaarp aovaace
la flax, reflecting damage in Argentine, an
favprabto barvaMIng weather, the falling art
m the world a nbtpawau, gooa aieereaeea in
eaapa at wheat and near, waien teaay
anted to MO.000 buahem, Beealaa anaankv
it end entailer ehlpmente from the coontry;
thla met but -njf-leaat. "rrractori bVerleoked
aad everehadowed to the mlade ot local talent
by tha varying meed and opera none ' or. 1
aaadtnar hell tnleeaat.
on Ida! foouuone try omaera, atarr Dnoaa
! tpen. High.
B .Wtk- S
Map...... .' .tTU , .r ,' . ,.: 4S .
July Si . .Mi" . .M - .S4&B
Sept .IM v' .SSt ; . MX M
vunia. , - ( e-i;
..... ' !J
an.. JL.S1V
Mar..... , jij
Jaly..... 0
aa.f.. 1S.SS
May..... 14.08
July..... 140
)T .so! -
tmn pobk. - .-
.. ., ItST . .. U.M ; ,.
14.1T , 14.08 y
14 SO UJI . ,'. UM '
LABlt. ....
t.ts .
t.T I.TT .-..J., I.tT t.TS A
a.SSr-S.St JS '. IM A
T BS . T.M : . ,. t.BS r TBS 'S
i.ea. -, t.ot . t.ot 1 7. i.eo
I.TB T.TS f.IS v
Vaucage, 0mm aiaa weawci
No. S rd. .... ....Aa .ST..
no. a rea. ............ ...en
no. a aara.............
N0..S hard. ..v......' .
No. 1 nerthara.....,.
No. 1 northern. ........
Na, aprlagv.......'
.3 v
Chicago, Jan. t. Orala ear letai
' .... Oar Ore da
Wheat M I
Corn ........ .SS It Sot
Oata ..S9S ' t 11
enjeax r jenny I , MaaaaaytrinT nni, mivta
Lrrerpeel, Jan. a Official priced
...'".. . -':. .' Ooem,
CVjo. :
de Sd
aa Hd
da S d
ee 14d
May .Be lofid
naary .....4e tUd
Mey e SM
maran .rt,..
Ckioage, Jaa. B Qreta vtrfbla aapply:
. Today:- . Year Ago Iivi
"'. .. - Buah. - .. Buah. T r Buck.
Wheat ....... efl.SJS.ofld .5H.0Ot a,T4t,000
Cora . 12.S1B.000 ll.nt.ooe ' l.Bto.ow
Oata XT.Bi,ww iiv,ouu
Mew York. Pas,
SCwttoa fatare doard t
to T polnte higher.
OfftrUl aoUUaaa by Orerbeck. Start Coohe
V Open. High. Lew. Ohm.
January ...... ....ilH J12S JU0T 11JT
March ....... .V.7..US JUS lltt 1I4B
April .114t 1142 114! 11M
uV, , I '.. 114 nm ,1144 1W
1131 '11S2 ll2i
1I6S 1IB2
line iwe-ti
September ........10
inB ina'i
Qclnbar ......10T8 lOat 1071 tOelxaia
Uverpeal Cotton Lewwr. ! V -LtTerenol..
Jen. fc COaltoa fatarat cloeed
to 10 potato lower.. ;:. ".
sajt Vbsjioisoo LOOAX BOCttv'r
flnntra Ooxta Water
............. t 40(4 44
Spring Valley wawr
Mutual Electric . . . .
Olaat Powder " Vt
Honnkea noger ................... wi jjjj
rlutrblnaoB Sugal , 14 ,. 'T
MakawelV Sutat St , SB
Paauha Sugar .......... i... jxj ,
Alaaka Parkerr ....... S2 .. BH
Calldrnla Wine ................. S1H
Oceanic Steamahlp ............a, .
Paclfl 0et TaWphone ..... .!? L.
Pacinr Coaet Borax "'J; j ""
Bawallaa ComnMrelal J4 ),..
CallfaralB .Prnlt.... ;. ., ,'
' scwT0 oox 'BuaxiT. . . , ; ; .
ai v.. a nrflHal ramoer
. " Bid. r : Bid.
1 .'IBM lOereeta .lOB.OO
Allonei ...... 4t.2B lI'rret ,..... 4S00
t'.VT...- ' T Onlner 1OT.00
Blntham .... Bd 8 I Roy (I . S 1t.
Calumet . ....TOO.w IHhannoa ...... aia
tor?BB; S2.2 Tnmnrnck ....1M00
nale Weet www -
10. T
uana . 1000 Utah .....I.. Sl.l
Mohawk ...... WTB Vlctorta ....... t
r. I2.ITH Winona
Nevada Can.
12.STH Winona )...,.( SOO
Sorlh nutta ...
. Dominion .
M.00 Wolrerlne . ... 14.00
U. B. atlalgej aw
Baa Prandaen, Jaa.
BnTlwa ........
stuo,M ........ -le!
S. Official ataatast
. nia.
Kara re ....... a.S .11
retoal .......... . .V
Cob. Oal 1
Ophtr ......... S JJH
Vrrloa On. ...... a ,
Yellow Jacket .... ,
fa lewenta i-. . . . r . "
Mexican ....... I-IB
Nvcheouer -.-j-rrrr;fl
Hale a Nororoaa. 1.06
........ .It
r-'-rirnr tobk oopto luaxsr.
Tfew York. Jaa. a Oeffee tatarea tleeel 10
Xantiary "..ftao Stall July ....... ft td
PT!raery ; - T-.l Areet , I 0
Mareh . S.W STB Beptember.i T.OB
"nrli ...I. STB , SfcilOrtrawe... t.tB
May S BO SB November., T IB
Jaa .... Bid SaBI December,. t.Bt
New Yerh Oeak Oeffee.
Bow . York. Jan. B Ceah ewtiaaj -Beat.
In,, .
a-gheat iox::ge
Tennessee Coal and Iron Has a
.' Rise of Eight Points, Cut
5 ' Falls to Hold It. ' ; "
Steel snd Cosl Stocks Feel Bullish
1-Tendeticw fni Colorado Fuel Rises
f ,: Onav aad.Ba Eightlvew York
Centred Two. Higher, 7. ;Cy. ..f
AOT AM CBS. - .- iTiM
ail UIBew
Sugar ............
Smelter ,,,
da preferred....
One A Poendrp...
Ureal Weetem .... m
waraaT- ventral ...
Lonlevtlle ......... U
MeUepeUtaa ...... H
Max. Central
Colorada Puel .....1
St. Paul
5Mr XmScn,'-.:.ia
Ndttolk 8
N. Y. Central ....
PeancFlvanla .....
Pncifle Mali S.
C. N. W 1
CDeeepeeke .....,,1
Cel. Boutbera ...J
oe let ptd...,
Looomotlv ........
Seatbera By.......
St L. S S. W
iPreae Bteel Oat .,...1
Bepublle Bteel .....
do preferred . , t
V. S. Steel JtZ
da preferred..,,,
Tena. Coal
tx , none,,
V. a Bukbair..,..,
Losses. -
Oat. .' ta Weatera '.
People 0 ......!
Beaoing .........
Berk lalaad ....
Atcblaea preferred.
Brooklyn ..........
ueneer ...i..4....
Oo preierrea
2r nfd
Southara Paclfl I,.
Caloa Pacific
Walt Street, New York, Jaa. t The liroa
in lanaaaeaa veei m mm ioaay preparea a ar
i B en
aa Inl-
aatloa fur the tradere la the ahane at
tlel advaace eight at the ooaoinx of S Botata.
rxeueoiy mm wan expeeiea ea wrew tae xraa-
Into a
enay, not ne anon laiag . aap
ablie did aet anre to bay, . and
ix n tae ear ue nnce went a own. in.
cloelag being but a net gain of t polnta.
United Btatee Steel acted verr bnlllak. and oa
heney bunlneae the aommoaJdrncrd 1
nolaaj. Caeorade Poet gained 1H polnta, and
new 1 era uaacrai polnta ror.tha oay, 1111
aoal Oentxal, Cheeapeeke ObkV nhd Pi
Qna'eeeh galeed 1 point.
urnciai eaeianmna
Cooke Oo. I
Anaconda hUnlng CeTTr
Amal. Capper
oe. .
do preferred
Ani. Oar r can dry, g
an pmierrea..
la. Sugar, en
Am. Smelt- aoa
do preferred
Baltimore Ohio
do prefer led.
Breokfjn Rapid Tranalt.
Canadian Pulfle. com.
a d O. W eem...
Chi, MU. dnBt. P..;..
CSX, w2 em
Cheeapeek Ohio....
Cole, nonthem, coal
de I tret pre f erred...!
u. a a. eoca
do preferred
Brie, com,...: ,,.
do eond preferred. ..
do firet nreferred....
nilante Central
Mnhivllh) 4t NnehrUia.
Met. at. By............
Maxlcaa Cantral Br
Minn. St. P. 4 St. M
xaamunn ranin..
a m x.. coca.......
da Beeferred ..... . . . '
New York Central
Nerthera Pncifle
AaNe , alCaBBBBMlTS).afa
Norfolk Weatera, a.
North AmerMea
N. Y.. Oat. Weatera.
panaayivaaia nr. .
p. Q. L. ttOa.
w - ' Btu ne-
Pacific MaU 8, a.
firet ore
Ben. Iron A Steel, com
do prerei rea
Bock leland.
do preferred.
Bauraera my..
na areterred
St. L. S, Pn td ptd.
St. I xw, aom.,,
nxrfj naVefClBe)d . 4ifi(lltl
21 H
Texaa at Pacific
Tenneeeae Ooal Iron.
ToUda, St. L. W
do preferTed. ..... ..
Ulna nciiic voaa.....
- e Brei erred ......r..
(jeetrai lawtaar.
v at
O. S. Benbrr.
V B. Bteel l jo., aom...,
do nreferred .i
Wheat A Lak Brie.
WnMeneia Centra 1, cam,
WO jpty IVH SJdJ . mtlttn
W. u, Ttlfnpli..wa.
ki PBeinTittf
OP PffffTtl . e a t e a ,
Call swm tin A ((
TotaJ Mta for eteir.
, TOVofAS lrnraru srocxa
, Saa Praxeleee, Jan. . Official
Bid. 1
Montana tt.lO Dtxl ...... t
Midway t.TTH
McNmra ..... .SB
5 almoet .x..... SIS
orth Star .,.,JM
Beeeve .......-ie
Oold Mt ...... -..Oa
llm Butler TB
Tea. Nev. ' (A)IB BTM
Toa. Bxtoaaioa. STB
Red Top ...... 1.40
flnldfleld ...... .TO
nana. 11
Oolumbls Ml......
Jamba ..........
jamoe n. ......
Black Bott
- .SS
Rllrer Pkk .
tletdea Aacher
Ohio Tea. ,
O. Bull Prog .... .11
rrlamondflald .. .4T
Ton. Star ....... ,0T
Home ..v ; .14
Bendatona i-TBA
00 Exteanioa.' ,n
Adam .08
Ceak Bey ........ ,td
; New Tars, Jaa. S. Ooreroraent bond:
He. t reeaUt WtO
do eon poo ............... 1K30
Mo. S regular I...., 15
On coopoa ...... IPOS
No. S email bends ..... ri
Wt'4i lost.
102 '4
Ne. 8 regular
tog lost.
. j
ie eeapera !........ :. . MM IW'iJ 1S
Dlatrlct ef Ootaabla etb.
Pblllpyln ea
Baw Tarh Sflvar.
BW Tark, Jan. BSllrer. BOe
5 ' ' teaaoB Bllvar Btarket, :
Loadoa. Ian. s-SUver, Be 1-ied.
' Ooaraal Bnaclal aVvhkaA , .
-Dee Molnae, la., Jaa. I, Governor
Cummin' meaaage waa read on the
opening Of the leglalature thla after
noon. , He made raeommondatlone ad
focTttlng antl-paaa, state primary, pure
fond ' Snd insurance lawe. He reooi
mends a "reaaonabl regulation,' 1
euiiing the dlauibutlon of tha eurplue
In Bucn a way . aa can ne praaoriooa
without Injurlne legitimate eaterprlea
of Insurance. L.e recoraraeoda A unl
form policy, . ., ,
Major Roessler Asks for Thou-
jsand Dollars to ; Make.
?; River . Navigable. ;' A ;-;
Bsilej Ostsert Nearly wrecked
lCtvke and O. Wgroona Eunk.a
Hidden Bocks JVhlch .Wsrtj Not
Known to Kxitt Simons Kaitea.
rOn account - of racant Btaamboat
wrackav tha United Btatew cmginaem are
making aa effort to tat matters In shape
to start, clearing; obstructions from the
channel in the raplda below Can cad
Locks. llajor a W. Roeaaler .has re
quested OeneraJ Blackanxia, chief of
United States engineers, te make . as
allotment of 11,000 te ba need tor thlt
purpoee, As It will be naoessary te
remove only two or three large rocks
from the channel It Is held, that this
sum will be ample, ' ' ,
The major expects to receive a reply
from the chief of engineers In a dap
er two, and If hie answer la favorable
a plant wlU be eant at enoe to Cascade
rapids for removing obatrncuonm xne
outfit will, be In direct charge of David
B. Ogden, local assistant United Btatee
engineer. Under him Wfll be Captain
Wlnslow of the dredge Wallowa. It Is
said that ha ha had a Bread deal ot
experience In. rook blasting operations
in the past season on the Snake rlvar
and will prove a valuable assistant. '
gheeld the river wot ee eienroa a
below Cascade Locke eteamboatmen say
that In a few weeka it will become un
navlnbla. In that locality the Bailey
Oatsert baa almoet been wrecked twice
recently and the Q. w. Blmons waa
sunk. Tha Oatsert had a couple of
bolea torn In her hull by running on un
charted rocks and It has been oeciaeo
not to sand her beck oa the route until
the channel hae been Improved. The
only boat which le In commission up
that way now is tne pauee t;ity. vnr
teamen of the line go from Portland
toeihrn raunida and traaafar their freight
and tmBsangere to the Dallas City. -
The Simons was raisae yesteroay ana
reached Portland In the afternoon in
tow of the Maria. She hae a large
opening In her hull which had bean
patched, but It wee neeeeaary to' keep
a pump In operation.. The croft was
taken to the Portland shipyards, where
she .will, be .tpBireL--rr"xenw iA.t
.' ; .
SoemaecS Bporks Wetrtk Two lOniea
, Tbsee MruUlred Tkoeaaavd, BeUars.
nneiaatia axnorts to the value ef
II.IlT.HI were eant from Portland during-
the month ef December, according
to-ia trrOTithly-alaternent-whicb, iiaa
lust been prepared by Collector of Cue
ta,a Pntteraon. It la by far the big
gest month's buslneee ' In the ' hlBtory
of the port ' The duties eoiiected on
Imports " amounted olTlBI.iS.
.......nt in detail Is ae follows t
Vaaaalx entered from foreign ports. ' . 4
Vessels cleared for foreign ports. . SI
Veesele entered from domaatlo ports Bl
Venaeia cleared for uomeatio porta., 41
Entrlea of inarehandlse for duty... 114
Entries of merchandise f rea af duty. 10
Entries for warehouse.... ...i -4
Entries to warehouse and export- -
tatlon .,;....'.4.i ' ' ;
Entries fop export to adjacent Brit-
lah provinces
Entries of rewarehouee. ..... ' I
Entries from warehouse f er eon-
sumption ... . e 41
Entrlee front wrehouee for ,trsns-
portatlon -
Entries foy Immediate traruiporta-
tton without appraisement...... Ot
Total number of entrlea ef all kind a ill
Entrlee foy consumption liquidated. 11
Entrlee for werehouae liquidated. -.--
Certlfloataa of enrolimant granted.' I
Licensee fop coasting tree grant ea i
ToUl number of documents to vee- .
. eale leaned -
Value of exports ;.- ""'"..
Domaatlo, ........... r,se
Poralam '7... ....... ...... ' '
Duties on Imports. ..........
- . ,. .. . -
- 10.0s
Fines, panaltiae and lorieu
tiraa . ............. .
Mlscellaneoue customs receipts
Storage,' labor and cartage.,,.
Official' fees. ,..
-rorai .4 ..
Amount ef refund and draw-.
DeckB JlaJd.
Se) Terns d'Aevaxgna
'Vsvaxaam ae Wack
M ZroatT S ff
eaaessklre. ' - ...
Meyer, Wilson Co. have chartered
the French bark Lev Tour d'AUvergno to
load general cargo at Antwerp fqr Port
tend. She will begin loading eoon and
probably wlU be ready te sail the latter
ttt of thla month. If ao, she will ar
rive at about the time the grain export
ing aaa eon te drawing to a eloee. She
le the first .vessel engaged to bring
freight to Portland for mere then a
month. - j ', .-' f ' ' '
. Of late the ratea have been so high
ae to-be almost prohibitive, but they
appear to be easing up. Pot a while the
tariff for Carrying freight from Europe
baa been almoat as high ao th rate de
manded for transporting grain from the
Paaifle ooaat to tha United Kingdom.
With the charter of ' the ' frenchman
there are aa even to vessels suitable
tor grain loading listed for Portland,
representing a tonnage of about 17.000
tons. There Is one distinguishing feature
about the new vl added to the Hat
Including the apoetrophe. It requires
the same number of eharactere to apeil
the French bartfg nkme ae era ned In
Clackmnnanhlr.tlia .nam of a Brit
ish ship, which heretofore haa held the
reward. The latter le also coming; to
Port tend. -. ,- --. -.
Off. '.,
- On account of the light passenger
traffic, the steamer Costa Rica, which
rva a been epe rated- between. Portland
and Ban Francisco by the San Franctsoo
tt Portland Steamahlp company (or the
past Blf. months, has been taken out of
service. ' The company'a fleet Is yow
comprised of the Senator, Columbia; and
Homer. Rapreaentatlvee ef tha line say
that the freight baalneee aleo hae fallen
horf-materially the paat two weeka. It
Is poselhle that the Homer will be laid
up if there le net change for the bet
ter. '
Since the hecldents to the tsre'-r,
Roanoke and one or two other '- t
have eceniTad tho trevellnv pob' I I
been patronising the raUroa f
marlnw rnen aar" they- can prt V"t".
tlatlce to prove that ttfere t five
tlmna many mtnhapa en t' a t-alne.
It'll ti.J thxt Th ocean Ttru. e m -er
ways remain the popular one over which
to sand freight, aa the shipments SO
straight through and. are not laft on
kltttf irgckt" for weeka at a time.
Oaptala BBaeet BUa Tfwe Ontftte aa4
Win ataee Oa ta Sew aVoat.
. Captain James Bhavar returned thla
morning from O ray's Harbor, where he
purohaaad machinery foy a new ateam
boat which he will build soon. The out
fit haa been placed on board ears aadj
win arrive oy we miauie ox ia new,
The machinery came out of the steam
ere Hattie Belle and Monteaane and
consists ef two complete plants, but
the captain says be will only use one of
them.- -.,,.-. :'-f r
The boat which Captain Shaver will
build le being designed by J. H. John,
ston and a contract for her oonatruo
tloirwill be "lat-eoorc- Caalrt-thvvaf
nay that the ahlp yards at Aberdeen
and other points at Gray' a Harbor have
a ble lot ..of work on hand. A now
TtaHooneT whrch will hwaced Ta
tha eoaat trade, waa lauoohed while be
. waa- tnere,-' r-r- i... ; : 1 V
The old steamer Olympian, recently
purchased from tha Oregon Railroad dV
Navigation- company, will be toweo
around to Nw York by the steamer
7rTlan'Ha -- Captain Roberta will com
mand her, - The veaeei will leave on- her
long trip , about the miaaie ot uiig
month...- '.'. .1 '.'' ' '
This afternoon the work ef loading
the British ship Vanduara with a grain
cargo twill ' be completed and she will
leave for the sea ae eoon as a, tugboat
la available. ; .
After taking en a part of a lumbar
cargo at- Rainier, the schooner tings
Hogan will come to Portland to com
plete the shipment The work of sup
plying the barksntlne John Palmer with
a lumber cargo was atarted tnia morn
ing- at th Eastern at Weatarn mm-
Tha Brltlah shin Palls ef Dee win go
down to Llnnton tomorrow end a tart
loading 'lumber for Manila. A part of
the, eaia alanine- r reflwofxl, nvui
be brought from Buroka.
With 1,140 tons ot wheat tne steamer
Csarlna cleared at the custom houae
thla morning for San Padre.
A message received by the lighthouse
department says that the station build
ing at Cape Blanco was struck op iignt
nlng on December IB and badly damaged.
It will, be repaired ae Boon aa prac
' Carrying general cargoes the steamers
Nome City and" Deapatch are an route
to Portland from San Franclaoo. the
former shaving , nailed - Saturday- night
and the latter yesterday morning.
J. H. Gillette baa taken .a , contract
for . raising the little steamer Nied,
which sank about a couple of months
aa-o near the Supple shipyard.
Mew first and second mates have bee
secured for the bark Bretagne end the
veaeei will leave tor tne eon.
"Astoria. Or Jan. I Sailed at 1:10 a.
m. Steamer Delsy Mitchell, (or Sen
Franclaoo. Sailed at 0:10 a, m. Steamer
Senator, for San Freaolsco." Sailed at
a. m-- Schooner Admiral, (or San
Pedro, Arrived at Oils and left up at
10 a. m. Bteamea. F. A. Ktlbura, from
Ban - FrarrClBco and way- porta. Balled
at 10 a. m. Steamer Jeanla, for Port
Doa Angeles and way porta. Arrived
down at 10:10 a. m. British Ship Claa
. San Francisco, Jan. I. A rrt y ed
Sohooner Oakland, from Portland. ''
Astoria. Or.. Jan. T SaUed at T:IJ
a. m. Steamers Tamploo and Aurelta,
fop San Frenclaco. Sailed at 0:10 a. m.
-Steamer Rkdondo, for Ben Franclaco.
Arrived at 0 and left up at 10:0 a. m.
Steamer Argyll, - tmai Port Harford,
Sailed at t a. ra. French barka Alice
Marie and Emma Lauren, for Queens
towa or Falmouth. Ballad at 10 a, tn.
French berk Europe, for Quaonatown or
Falraotith. and - schooner crescent for
San Pedro, r Arrived at 11:0 a. m. Brit
ish ship Clackmannanshire, from Saline
Crua. . Arrived down at 1:10 p. m.
Steamer Senator. 1 . "
Eureka, Cat. Jan. T. fSallad Steemer
Alliance, for Portland and way porta.
- San Franclaco, Jan. T. -Balled at noon
Steamer Columbia, for Portland. . Ar
rived at 1 p. m. Steamer Atlae. from
Portland. --'. ---'.
San Francisco, Jan. I. Balled at
p, an.- Steamer Nome City, for Port
land. - Balled at t p. nv Steamer Homer,
for Portland. . ' ' ' -
Aetorla, Or Jan. B. Condition ef the
bar at t a. nv, obacured; wind north;
weather eloudy. . .
; A. OoXleote MnteaVfMe Seta, '
'One ot the. oddeet occupations fol
lowed la thle age te that of the pro
fasslona! collector of data for corner
stone boxea Probably Bloomlngton is
the only town In America that la able
to boast of suck aa expert to whose
mind and hands the packing of all the
boxes that are buried la the town 1
. Deputy Sheriff Stevenson Is the name
of the man. who Ilkaa to engage In this
kind of work, and he seams to have all
he can da Within a ahort time be haa
packed boxes for the now county eourt
heuee, publlo library. Livingston build
Ing and several - perk structures. He
le now engaged In preparing data' tot
three copper boxea that will be pieced
In 'the cornerstone of a park pavilion.
The boxee and their contents wlU weigh
II pounds. .... ...... , ... .. i.'.j .f .
Mr. Steveneon hae some queer Id aaa
about what kind of stuff should go late
a cornerstone box. The dally and week
ly papere are always Included, but (here
la a great variety of othere things. He
collects a number of trade catalogue
that ahew what the people of this-ago
eat and wear, how they - have their
hotieos and offices furnished, and wheth-
er they ride a boree, bicycle or in am
automobile. One hundred yeare or Iobs
hence, should a cyclone eome along and
lift the bulldlnge ot the town from
their foundation, the people "of that
time will bavea greet time lit etudying
ever the old things that they .will dls
out of the foundation).
Not long aince the town Suffered a
greet loaa of buslneee housee by s
devnetatlne- fire. Some of th founda
tion of building that had been built
a lnj-Han ago yielded vyv aomw valu
able historical facts that kspt the town
Interested fop weeke afterward. The
reeldente became thoroughly enthused
en the subject of cornerstone boxee and
In the rebuilding of the town almoat any
kind of a atructure had a copper box
SUed with - historical material atowed
away tn the- masonry 1
' it' la the opinion ef Dr. Hunter Mc
Outre ef Virginia that tubertruloale will
exterminate the negro pace In thla coun
try. The death rate of the negro la al
ready twice that of the whites, ee e
whole, while in towne end el' -e It le
nearly three tlmoe ae great, anl the pro
portion le constantly on the Increeeo.
fa I . .
Oere-ya Ade' briMaat " r
Watow." one belt
aw three nirut nnd a ax a
Writ t t it e'etork. with ret
uoeaaa qotre barond preced,.. I
1 or, where it na fa 40 wa t . .
theatre, and Chu-nge, Where Ua e.. r
weeka at th Btnoebeker might have .
deflnlulr prolonged but for prior b
in rivalry ot two aalghborlng eu.
Atwater and Bingham. M th ihee-e f a,
Mr. Ade he bulU hh play, iee 1 .
flnda the adherent, of Atwatar hi oeenaar e
te lbe fact that BUly Bolton, a fa
back, haa been iriml nite a anervi
at Bingham lor tha very appelant p 4 ef
trengthealng Blnxhara'l grldtrea .- c. .
Tbraagh the mnrhlaatloaa ef "the ft
widow,'' ta Mile eaa the daturhter ef the V
dent ef Atwater, Bolton m moored xe eater I
letter erheot and It m he Waa wxag f Atwtur
the mack deatredeootaet.
Henry W. Bavaa haa vae "The f"'
Widow" hie enararlartetle rloan and intau,--.
aKenrtoa, 4ea ne - mnaatlng net 4hveaaee
of a eompeny. Among the playere are IV -
tliy Tennaat. Adeline Dunlapv Katherlne hu.
gent, Lhla McMillan, Virginia Mlliea. Wee"n-
a. yhnmai t'aiamea, Clarira riaaat I, .
Payne; Praderlrk Traeadel, Nell Moras. Oenre
Obar, Bdgnr Halateed. Warier Walker, bar
mend Oiaea, Otla TarxerrT'lanreaee Wheal. h,-
oet-arcKey. -Boa-Beker,-Hale Merexeaa-aanr-
Biaitt I, cm, '. : j-
Advance Sale ' for. Ifodjcsxa. -
Th advaace anl ef Beat will
II oeea temar
(Tueednyl, Jaanary B, t 10 o'clock, for th
eelebealed ecu. Madame Helena vkfoeek a
and bee axeelleat eemnaay ef slaver, who
p rne mnreunm trratrd. meal re next laar.
eight. Jaaeery It m Bhakeapeare' dranoanc
tragedy, "Macbeth. PrMay alght. January .
is. Bhaaepar- eaiigbtrul eoioedy, "Mora '
Ado About Nothing." na tarda e matinee. "Mary
Stuart.".. Tbh) I Madjeafca' farewell toar.
i1 . , 1 in aau 1 ..--.
' v Acrobats at Qraod. -. . ' ;"'''
Anre bat, aad good enae. ar th Poor Laea-
dor, who lead th Oread vaudeville- hilt which .
a tar ted thla afternoon; Mta Blaine Parraxt la
woman with a coloratura sepraaa voloa. Pi.
Bare hi aa expert ta uaatsUn- luba; th Le
nta ere maatcianai Mae lee Harold Heft,
with the llluetrated anna, and the thrlUlag
Braadlecopw etura end th en terta lament, .
VandevlII. the klad that cheer aad maka
Bfe aeem more worth Bring, la what tha Star
m etfxeiag thla week. The paeelea Barmeay '
trio, eoneiatlng t Seaman. Adam aad Ho era.
give a geiiaroue aupply ef plane are. The AI
Been, beeiaoatal bar earned lane; Prod Hadva.
metalline king; Vardumaa. female Imperana
alor j Billy 11 tne. many man; W. B. Mart -
rora. etngmg "powa warn taa Binary sue
hawk Plows." aad the Staroeroc with It etarr
ef what happened xe a lanrtax, ((ad a aoed
V ' Cmtiy At TnatAttA LIK
A greet carnlvai of fun I aanoeneed far the
Paatafa theatre thl week. Incladed la the
Uat ef featurae are Biff aad Bang, th celebra
ted knockabout eomedmaoi 7a me Mark, the e
centrle aiaaologtat; Hoillrt trio, juvenll coma
dlana; Bobby Boyle, and the three Reneges, com.
dy apoeUlUt. Lee White will at eg a new like.
trated ong aad tne htocraph will pxetara a Be
an horror graphieally.
,'. Tfth Tallay etaelm,
" (Special Dlepateh ta The Journal.)
Tygh Valley, Or., Jen. S. Qralit
throughout thla section Is doing well,
considering the cold nights end heavy
thawa during the dap. - However, should .
this weather continue much longer ea
rloue re rralt are feared.
The place of cheap prices, but the
best quality of goods.' Come and
let us give you some) of our prices
snd show you our goods:
.1- 15s :..:.-,
"7 .H ilba, WaahedCnrrante.
lbe. Seedless Raisins. ' ' .
. 01.00
Gallon can Choice Maple Syrup.
..'' V, ' ; : f v'-:-' ; alOt i't . T" '. '
, 10-lh. sack Buckwheat Flour,
lb. eaa Assorted Soup; regular tic else
."' 1 doa, cans' Condensed Cream.
;. - " "'" ess -:-
-. - Roll Best Creamery Butter.
l"' 25' -".; '
Pound Oood Gunpowder or English
.. Breakfaat Tea. .
'. It lba Dry Oranulated Sugar. . .
Best sue Store, S4B WQllaxas Ave,
Phama Boat SOB. v v
Oos. West Park aad Waehtxurpaa Ste
" ' Phone taJB suae.
CVj C c
Wit fr
01 ..n .
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re,...e e " '
4 L w... Jk.4l
a.oraMC!' SsJ1 d4) BVvm- 1 -
1 (C?iSi
- pawrrv rm
aukA Am I w
(latobllnhed It-
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