The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 06, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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    TOViI YG'ICii
tmasa Oread.... ...."Tba MlksoV;
) kr 4...... Mmod bri"M I
1 nulre..., ,..."Whea Ihe Bll Tom"
Irle V "The Vatnl Boss"
f r .......... v....'...-.,'
hentagea . - .
brand v - j
' At' the niMtlnf last evening of th
Portland Federated Trades council a
resolution waa pas'.d favoring tha eleo
tton : of United States ssnat -re by a
direct vote of tha people, aa foKowo:
"Resolved, by tha Federated Trade
council : of ' Portland. Owytpiv . that , no
'citlsen of thla a-mteTand .especially o
member of organised labor, should at
any tlma or under any circumstances
sign tha petition or vote for tha nom
lutkm eleoUoa ef any candidal, for
tha leglalatlve assembly who does not
prom lee to -vote for-tha n--oeivlna
In hlgh-Va"!-" a-aa-a;
j tha previous ''"j00. Vjtansn?
starting tha resolution In his petition
for. nomination and that avery - good
' etttsan should oppos any candidate -lot
the legislative assembly whda . not
; suoscrio xo am aoov piaug.-
A banquet with a epeech-making pro-
gram ' haa been arranged ey the hooo
, River Commercial club for thla oven
. ing. when a number of prominent clt
sens of Portland and tee., atate will be
heard. Tom Richardson, ; manager t
tha Portland Commercial club, and H.
.- M. Cake, president of that organisa
tion, are on tha program. . R. M. Hall,
advertising agent of the ' O. R. at N.
'and Southern Faclfio ltnea In Oregon, is
. slated for a speech along Una of state
- development : through tha - medium ..of
: newspaper and booklet publicity. -A.
Bennett of Irrtgon. Vle-prsldent of
tha Oregon Development lea give, hsg
bMn Invited 1r give g-TtttbbttvnurUnc
Tha banquet will be given at tha Mount
. Hoed hoteC r ' . . - ' V-V.
; -V. ' "V I;-" .'
' " Tha Oregon Bute Horticultural ao-
elety will give seven hand soma cub aa
-V prises for collections and va flat la of
.' - apples to be exhibited at lta annual
; , meeting- January I. and 10 In Knights of
'' Pythlaa hall, Marquam building. and
. tha publio Is Invited to Inspect tha
' product of tha frultgrdwara. of Oregon.
'There la said to ba considerable rivalry
" between tha growers of Hood Rlvar,
' southern Oregon apd . the , Willamette
Tsnty niatrirta ' .
' "The" Face of Jesus" was tha sub
Ject or a sermon delivered laat even
ing by Evangelist Martin at tba revival
meeting held at tha First Christian
church. 'Sunday-Mr, Martin will preach
on the following iubjeetai. Morning.
'. "The Christian And - His-' Diseases"!
" afternoon. "Whines"; evening, "Prepare
. to Meet Thy God."? j V
.'-'Mineral Springs Hotel Co., lessees.
Amos D. St Martin's ' Hot Springs, Car
. son. Washington, la without doubt the
beat health resort in tha northwest Hot
mineral baths for the our of rheuraa-
tlam, - stomach,- liver .' and. kidney
. troubles, Excellent-. table. Electrle
light and stsam heat, , Take Regulator
- Ilns atavi..T3-',f:-(5-; pnj-
-i Frank J. Bladen, son of Captain' and
; Mrs. i H. Bladen, has graduated at
ths head of hla elaas at tha Johns Hop
kins -saedlealsoltsot at- Baltimore- Mary
land. : Frank Hla man. Lamar. Beely and
John Ort schold, all of Oregon, are mem
bers of his clssa. Lwresos Selling,
nn of Mr, and .Mrs. Ben Selling of
Portland, la in his aeoood ea at Johns
Hopkins, j c , ...t - . -i ..
Hrberi " Shattuck. - aational . laoturer
of ths Loral Temperance Union of tha
W. C T. V., la in southern Oregon and
soon will reach Portland, whero he will
M, It le rapUd that tf wUl ar
rive next month to attend' th general
meeting of th Prohibition league Fob
ruary lS. , 1 J'
Th Toung' People's soclaty1 of tha
Norwegian Lutheran church will meet
Tueaday evening In th basement of tha
church, 44 North Foerteanth gtret The
Ijadlea' Mission society ' will - meat
Wednesday afternoon with Mrs, Nervlg,
11) North Fourteenth street t.i .v v
' ' .!. i. :
v "Tr. Brougher, th Whits Tampla,' turn
, day, 10:10 tin., Xoea Religion Need
Reforming?" Lord" supper, 7:10 p. m. ;
"Are Tou an 0 and OT Baptisms spe
cial tickets for reserving seats at Bam
Jonee' lecture dlstnauted. j, ii
'"The Toung Ladles' guild of St James'
English Lutheran cnurch -was enter
tslned Jast avenlngat a Juvenile party
by th Mtaaas Boehmer,- 0t Market
street- After games, there- was a
, Chrtatmae treaeand presents for sack
guest and Mffeehmenta. .
' Dr.' Houee's subjects Sunday: !:) Perpetual; Presence of
Cbiiatr a New Tear's Sermon"; t:S0 p.
m.. beginning of a series on "Ths Mod
ern Prodigal.' Ri tleee and Ready td
Leave -Homa."... . .. - . rr
Thar will be a Joint Inatallatlon thts
. evening of tha officers of Sumner post,
O. A. R., and Sumner Woman's Rial It f
: . eorps at - tha letter's hall. Grand ave
nua and Eaat Pin street. : i .- , , ,
: Tor San Francisco Th elegant tl
steamship Redondo sails Friday,' Jan.
' . nary (. Cabin tit, stecrag 18. - Meals
and "berth Included. C H. Thompson,
agent. 121 Third street , , v;.. '
. Talant of th United Brethren Chl
, neaa mission will give a musical and
- literary program - at th , Man's Resort.
Fourth , snd Burnstde : streets, this
. venlng. t !' ;" 'v--.
' . Watchea, Watchea, Watches On easy
Week ly. j payments, II down, lOo par
'week. Don't go without a good tune
. : piece. - Metxger Jk Co.. ill SUth atreet
" v Dr. O. C Cresaay spoke at the Temple
Beth Israel laat evening on Th Com
. ng of Social Economy.' . -,.!
C Friday. January 11, th first of the
weekly -readings 'will b given 4n th
Wasliinc at
' Almost any on can : afford to
have laundry sent out at a price)
- Ilk that W call for and de-.
liver, too. In fact, w tak alt
fh family troubles upon our own
j V shoulders. .... '-;'
' nooiTB ajtd cttXTgassigii -, -
i.U L.JeeLlJ ilLiaijL
City Exwcutlve Czzri ' V. Jmi
. Ctand in Reolul.on Ad- Y
' . drtsted to Council.
If It It Found That Fir Escap It
r Necettary Executivg Board Will
;:Tkt Stci t Fof c Schoot Coard
'tor Co-'TATMi Tw. r-.
"Resolved. That no additional eleotrio
lights be Installed by th executive
board until the appropriation of the
funds to tha.dlfferent departmenta are
mad by the eity council." -
This resolution was Introduced by th
light committee at the. meeting of tha
city' executive board yesterday after
noon and adopted by th board. , Mem
bers of th committee . said that tba
coat 'Of the' lights r already installed
would, b 7,700 for the year, which
was conaidorably In excess of th sum
to be -raised from th tax levy added
to th- amount carried over from last
year.' Unless ths city council makes an
appropriation from tha general - fund It
waa announced that no additional lights
can be installed thla year,: ; .-. '
Member of the fir committee ' and
Chief Campbell of the Are department
were, ordered o rank ;a personal In
spectlon" of the Shaver "school building'
on ths cast aid to decide whether It
Is necessary to require fir escape to
b placed on the structure This ac
tion was taken because of a letter from
Battalion Chief Holer! who- aald that
ths buUdlng was three stories high and
In case of fir dlaastrous results would
happen. -. v ' -' ' f v : -'
It was ' tug gestedV bj Thomas O.
Greens that th memhers of th sohool
board be arrested or th school ordered
closed if no fir escap was erected. - It
th committee finds that a Are eecape
la necessary the executive board will
on to fore th. sonooa ooara
to comply with ths Ww. . .;-:
- An order wag mad that th city en
gineer 1 ahould decide how . and where
telephone and eleotrio light poles should
be erected In th. different districts j?f
ths city,. . ."
A' telegram, from ' Senator John M,
Qeartn. who- was formerly a member
af th board, was read. In which he
wished the mayor and th member' a
happy New Tear. A response was or
dered -sent by Mayor Lan. v "
patent-room of fh Public library by
th local branch of the Association of
Collegtat alumnae for blind people. Se
lections will be mad from current pe
riodicals and other material not con
tained books for th blind. The
readings will begin at p. m. A cordial
invitation Is extended to all thoee who
through trouble with th eyes ar un
able to read.,-- ,. . . j , -y.-
- Why don't you read your gas meterT
Call on us and got card telling tiow
to Nad your meter (free). Oet S trass
burg mantlea that don't ' pop hack
Union Mantle" company, 144 Tambill
street, Phon Main. 1111. " ?.-.-"
' W make any suit or overcoat in the
house to order for 111; any pants, $7.6;
ao more, no less. Unique Tailoring Co..
147 Washington street, near Seventh.
Barbers' beard of examiners will be
in session January tV and, IS. at ICTtt
First street to examine applloanta
William Wanner, scrury. . j,. ,
111 health haa caused A. 3. Armstrong
to close - his .tailoring establishment In
Portland.. He will go to California to
recuperate. J r. "r .. ;
4 Why pay tl-! to 110 for eyeglasses T
We guarantee a perfect fit for II. Eye
examined ,fra, Metxger at, Co, .111
Blxth street , . j.s.-... . .
-' Ws clean and press your clothes and
shin your shoos for' 11.00 per month.
Unique Tailoring Co. I T Washington,
Main li. - , - -T- . y. . .
' '
Blank; books and latest offlo sap
piles In great variety at Kllnam's, 14
Washington; Stiest. ' 1 r
Pocket , and office diaries, calendar
tanda'and pads for 1000. Ktlham'a, 140
Washington stret. j . . :
Loosa-leaf ledgers and systems ready
for as at Kllham's .-140 , Washington
Acma OH Co. sells -the beet aafety aoel
plls snd fin gasolines, Phon East 111.
V Merchants' lunch lOo I l it I. 117
Waahlngton. .
Portland Tamal factory, 141 Park st
Fin ehicken dinner Ivo, 111 Third.
Ask for Frlts's tamalas.
Kept Swtet Longer. ' V1
Ths " Pasteurtsed milk keeps ' sweet
longer, contains 4 per cent butter fat In
th milk. " Th board of health of th
eity of Portland roulrs 1.1 per cent.
We ven do better. Ws remove all dis
cs s germs - thereby making our milk
pur -,nd healthy. . A trial . will - con
vince i you. Phone for our wagon tq
atop and serve you. Pasteurising Dairy
company, 100 Russell street Phon
EtMll. r t t, '. . r iy ,
Th stealings of Charles Adams, for
mer cashier of ths Seattle assay office.
thbught by th careful and thorough
Investigation Of government officials,
according, to Attorney J. T. Ronald of
th Pugt sound city, who It registered
at th Portland hotel, - , ' V V
'1 understand that th officials have
found 1100.000 worth of property stand
ing in Adams name," said Mr. Ronald
this morning. ."That does tint Include
half nftereat . in an eastern drug
store, which ls la the nam , of, .Mr.
Adams' brother.'' ' '
Mr. Ronald said that a partial If not
entir reconciliation had been effected
betwn Mr. and Mrs. Adams. Shortly
after Adams was srreated Mrs. Adams
repudiated him. but on Christmas day
ah visited her husband In, the county
JalL Sha waa permitted to glv hint a
basket of delicacies. .
It is understood that when Adams ts
arraigned he will enter a plea of guilty
and throw hlmseir upon tne morry or
the eowrt. "
-Ther 1s a feeling." said ' Attorney
Ronald, that' tha presiding Judg will
- g'a a stlt !," . ...
llfcti' ljiiiUiUa
Han cf C;rd to Give Up This
'.'. Plaur Ground . Czuiei :-m
GenartJ PrototV .
i .without rucuc kzzoxt
Leadora ay East Sldo Pays Heavily
to Kacp Up Oroundi lor West id
aildThat Tliiia Hat Coma lot's Cif'
east aide efOe ef The Jearaal la nm
tore f t. H. C Itlllrr, Ho assi awn .
-Th plan of the city park board to
withdraw from ' Hawthorne park and
apend th money required to keep up
this pleasure snot for ths Improvement
of west aide' park Is -not meeting with
approval from eaat side business men
and cltlsens generally. Hawthorns park
la practically th only breathings spot
of a publio sort half th eaat ld ha
and mor than 11 squars mnes or wwr
settled territory depends on It In sum
mer. Indeed, for th II squar sail
of territory on th east aid of th rivr
Hawthorne park ts the only plac of a
publio sort ' Wltn -running - water
aulet nooks. " - . -v-
Th only other pleasure ground Is ths
small tract in lilngtotHkhich consists
nf a couDla of vaxmnthlocka-Wlth a few
benches -and swings under th ahad
trees: "A straw vote taken of ths 00.000
eaat slds residents probably would not
discover a dissenting ballot to th gen
eral vot of disapproval of th park
board'! plan, t Through th Eaat Sid aaswiaiiun mn it
erated suburban clubs th wish of tha
eaat slda neoole will be mad plain.
Oeorgo Flanders, on of th leaders
of th association aaa general agem oi
th Standard Oil company In this dis
trict, said: 1 - - -,
" - Woald Parchas ths Park. . " r
"Ths "plan aald to be considered by
th park board of taking away Haw
thorn park and leaving th entire east
sid practically without a pleasars
ground isvnot right It is neither Just
nor la It prudent bualneaa policy to
glv up the only real pleasur ground
t he east side has. What th council
should . do and what th park ' board
should recommend Is to purchase Haw
thorn park, if It can be secured at a
reasonable figure. If this cannot ba
doner then preparations should t mad
to securs a saltabls. tract on th "vast
aid for a big park before th prtc of
land becomes prohibitive." -
F. L McKsnns, known as ons of th
leader for municipal Improvement,
whose project for .a municipal belt tin
hag general approval, was Just as post
Uve. .. . . . .."--'"
i "It H bad business policy to let ths
east aid go without even th poor park
fallltle it now has," said he, "Th
east aide certainly pays Its share of th
money that goes to keep up th expen
sive City park and to purchase rare animals-and
birds for -the people who can
easily reach that park, and sotns return
should" be given,' " , . W '
Tsast Side Wald'Hv Farhv 'T .
"Th ' east aid should hav had a
park long ago. ..Hawthorn park should
b boaght. ' Th east sid ha paid for
It several times and th money has been
diverted . to " th west slds . pleasur
grounds.' If that tract cannot be se
curodi, som-cther should bej taken ovr
at once.' ant strongly-opposed to any
backward etep." "-:
- AI Kadderly, on of th leading bual
neaa men of th central east aid dis
trict that especially has enjoyed . the
park, spoke similarly.- ; i
"Such a course as that proposed by
th park' board Impresses m s 111 ad
vised," he ssld. "We have few enough
breathing spots now on- this sid of th
river and Hawthorn park haa long been
th only plac during th summer days
for thouaanda of east side peODle. . Th
park should be purchased; It oertalaly
anouid not be given up becaus of the
slight cost of maintenance." .
Such expressions, and eves stronger
ones, ' eould ' b multiplied Indefinitely,
for every on of th 10.000 or 11.000
taxpayers on th eaat aide appears to
snare - in aaa - sentiment . Th east
aids through Its clubs will placs Itself
on recorq-ano snouid the park board
disregard it popular wish a consistent
Snd determined campaign will be mad
to get for ths east, side some of the
money which It contributes for park
purposja y ,' ,, . , ,,, ,, ...
Mo &osr Popalar-Wlta
' :. M. Jokas Teamsters.
. St Johns -has. discovered. that om
types of improved streets ar consider
ably wore than th original mod, and
In th future a grading Improvement
wUl not b attempted in th town In
th winter. Several contracts recently
were let and performed - on downtown
streets, and In on or two Instances ths
Improvement, consisted of bringing the
atreet to gred laying sidewalks and
plank curbs. - Th street Was bsought to
grade, leaving a new layer of soft earth
that, with traffic and rain, worked up
Into a pasty mass. One ef these streets
was a main artery ef traffic and em
braced a steep hill In Jt . rambles
After It was Improved th first team
ster who tried to make ths ascent with
a loaded , wagon discovered Just how
mack wore th sew street was than
ths old. - When a at' Johns street It
graveled th situation IsJnot much Im
proved, as ths town has no roller, snd
th loo rock la left to roll up. to the
eurbs tn long billows. . ,t. -r; y--.
St, Jo has fcasaek
u..x.l daps
" On smsll gasolln-launch and a few
heavy rowboat In thre year mad a
small fortun for their owner, an Ital
ian ferryman at St Johna Last wh
tb ferry business waa sold to th new
company' that will pot In operation a
boat almilar to the one , erosalng ths
Columbia at ' Vancouver, with accom-
'. CiaBT.TST.w . B. KABTXS, X.X. 9.
Of Waverly, Texas, wrltesi "Of a
momlDg, when first arising. I often And
a troublesome collection of phlegm,
which produces a rough and Is very
hard to dislodge; but a small quantity
sf Ballard's Horehound Syrun will at
one dislodge it. and th trouble la eve.
I know ef no medicine that la equal to
It and It hi e pleaaaTit to tak. I can
most cordially recommend It to all per
sona needing a medicine for throat or
lung trouble?. Sold by Woodard. .Clarke
A Co.
l,. (i... a tu,aul UuiwJ i l
duty between St Johna and Linn. i.
and th far waa a dlme'esch. w y , w i
a tariff of as much more aa it
thought th particular load would be r.
Sundays paid an especially .food divi
dend, and the single launch frequen.y
earned 40, and even ' greater sums,
when the fair was on and thooasnds
was taking- thar rid te St, JsAad
tb river trip Ur Llnnton. -
The new ferry company has secured
a franchise from th St Johns council
and vU reduo th tsrlffs 10 per sent
For the present a large launch Is used,
with no arrangement for teamsters and
freighting wagona, but as soon aa land
ings ar secured tha contract will ba left
for a modern ferryboat of - th heavy
type, and before next summer's rash
begins th boat will be in operation.
Th establishment of a wagon ferry at
St T Johns will greatly aid that place,
and the peninsular suburbs generally,
as th direct Llnnton macadam road to
Portland ntay be used, and the present
circuitous . routs along , Portland and
'Willamette JjojUavaxda-Jaft-fot-plaasur
parties.. ': '. ',- .'....... j-y.
- Contracts have bean let for two mod
ern residences In th - Eaat Twenty
eighth street district A 11,000 house
will be built for L Preston at East
Yemhllt and Eaat Thirtieth-streets, and
a houee costing 11,100 is being erected
for Mrs. A. Burr on Kast Twenty-seventh
etreet. near Wasco. -
Tb annual meeting of Evening Star
grange was hald today at ths graag
ball, near South Mount Tabor, Reports
and election of offloars will occupy
th session this afternoon and evening
Mllwaukl grange held a banquet at
Mllwaukle Woodman's hall last night at
which mor than 100 wer present Th
baniuat was th annual ons given by
ths losing slda In ths con teat for new
mmbrs.; .'' , .
Napoleon Davis was Instsllsd as mas
ter at ths seaatcm of Fatrvlew grange
thl week. OthJr-ehtef officers recent
ly elected ar: Overseer, N, Hall; lec
turer, Ethel Heslln; steward, K. Heslln;
chaplain, Suaan Sherwood; treasurer, Al-
Vln Axjtell; secretsry, Julia unovr..
iiia :xm to lecture
, , '....... f . , ..... ..
Charles WTielan Former Mayor
. of Madison, Wic6nIn, Com
bi rr lng in Fobruary. ,
Charles Whelan.' former mayor ' of
Madison, Wisconsin, and member of th
state legislature, will corns to Oregon
Vahrnarv 1 in his oaDactty as supreme
lecturer of th Modern Woodmen . of
America, and will spend ths month in
a tour of . th state, accompanied ny
Stat Deputy 8imna. He will have
thre or four dates in Portland. Hs Is
said, to be one of th ablest orators tn
th. Arder.. '
"Our order closes ths year with TIB.
000 members, of whom 100,000 were add
ed In the last II months," ' said State
Deputy Simmons. "Ths Oregon juris
diction I In a prosperous condition, and
added more than 100 members during
ik. MMiih of December." .
a joint installation of officer will be
held by Oregon Fir camp and Margue
rite camp of Royal Neighbors the even
ing of January IT, at Artlaan s hall. In
th Ablngton buMdlng. R. W. Foater,
consul, and other old officer," hav Men
r-loteV - ''' ' "'V
Last night Stats Deputy Simmons In
stsllsd officers of Oregon sprues camp
at Hill's hall. Upper Alblna. consul A.
J. Collins and other old officers had
been re-elected. Next Monday night at
I'pchureh hall there-will be Joint In
stallation ef officers of Oregon Grape
ramp and tb Royal Neighbor esmps of
Oregon Ros and St. Johna. .Exercises
will be followed by refreshments and
Kvara-reen cams No. In
stalled officers Wednesday evening. Ths
xerclses were follow oy an aoaress
by City-Councilman Vaughn, refreeh-
menta and dancing. y v
i. t
tf .
its tun AM Zako i Ik Bellewa of
- Bteratty and Xte Xteafeaiag Moteso
Ssvog Oeaoa, ' ''
- a constant roar of complaints cornea
from th business man along Eaat
Water atreet south from Esst Morrison
m acoouat Of ths outrageous delay In
I completing the Umpioeiiient cf East
Water street Morning i-sper v
It Is simply awful I Men hav been
driven to desperation by H. and women
and children ar dying by ths dray load!
For a mil and a half In all directions
reople He In spasms, and Lone Fir
corpses are found at as hours of. ths
day snd night sitting upon their tomb
stones weeping becaus of tha utter
desolation of the suffering region!
Men snd women mourn In this hour
of humsn sgonyl
But b thankful, too. ' - - -
Thar Is a panacea for tb people's
111. W ar selling lots st City View
Park so fsr swsy from this frightful
bellowing of the masses that Its mellow
echoes are sa songs of consolation when
they embrace th ear. And City View
Park la ths most delightful residence
section of th metropolis. It' has ths
best car. service of any section of Port
land and Js reached In about 10 minutes
from th business section, Ths richest
home of Oregon will be erected there.
It overlooks th besutlful river both
north and south, all ths perpetually
snowy mountains to th east th grand
soenery of ths western uplands snd ths
enchanting grandeur of ths city Is
spread out aa a blanket before Its doors.
And there Is no sorrow there. Ksvsr
will a "roar" be heard except It be from
th heart-sick unfortunate who has not
secured a location, and all of these will
hav th right to extravagantly bemoan
their fate. They will hav lloens to
disturb th equsnlmlty snd peace of all
th universe. ' Therefor, yon, gentle
reader, get In and drill. - Buy a lot at
enc and ba forever happy ven until
Oabriel blows his horn, Th .Oregon
f WwlT POWgT'Townsit company, O. W,
P. building. First and Alder,...
. . ' 4 ... .
t. rax roina. ,
f bare rednosd my weight II pounds.
bub$ Bin inches, waist eight Inches sad
hips nine Inches In a short tim by a
guars a tied, harmleee remedy without
exercise or starving, t want to tell you
all about It, Enctos stamp and ad
dress Mrs. 'Charlotte Woodward, Ore-
go City, Or. -'
Milwaukls Country" Club. ..
.' Eastern snd Seattle races. Tak Sn
wdo and Oregon City oars at First and
Aldsr. . . . ''." ' , ' C. -
. ' Ooavlot Seat t Asylmas,
(Bascial DIsiMitch s'Ttie Jnaws !.";
.Salem, Or., Jan. 1-r-Danlel I son, an
Insans convk-t, was transferred from
th penitentiary , to th asylum yester
day. . Ison was received from Astoria
laat October snd wss to nave ' server
two snd on half year for assault
with a dangerous weapon ; li'i'i
Dr. Ctephen 8. '.1z Doclinet
; . ' Call to WeaKhy f,' tyt York J
, Jewish Church '
Thoaa Goto to Rabbi Say Ha Intends New York Next Fall to
r LeitT Independent Jewish ReUgibua
Dr. Stephen 8.: Wis of Tempi Beth
Israel has declined a call to Tempi
Emanu-El of New Tork City, th largest
and ' wealthiest Jewish church In th
United States. It was specified thst If
ths call war accepted "the pulpit shall
slways be subject to snd under ths eoni
trol of ths board Of trustees.'' " '
At ths close of th servloes st Temple
Beth Israel test- night.-Dr.W,'- Tad
to th congregation a Utter aujressed
to him by. th board f trust Of
Tempi Emanu-Et H also , read an
open letter he sent to ths president ef
tba board end do th New Tork congre
gation M which ha dacllaad th call
and gave his reasons for doing so. Dr.
Wis also announced thst hs would
make known his plans for th future
next Fridays ' -
It I believed by many that the rabbi
ha decided to ieav Portland. It Is said
by thoss cloe to him that whan his
terra of offlc aspire tn Saptember he
will go to New Tork to lead an Inde
pendent . Jewish religious movmnt
Dr. Wis refuses either to deny or ver
ify th report. .
Prominent members of the congre
gation of Beth- Israel declare that urg
ent efforts hav been mad to prevail
upon Dr. Wis to remain In Portland,
It is said that If h consents to remain
a raengagement for life would, b of-
ilx week a so Dr. Wis visited New
Tork at th Invitation of th board of
trustee ef Emanu-El, and delivered a
series of leotures. He was srged to
aocent tha call aa rabbi to serve in con-
Junction with th Incumbent rabbt He
replied that h would accept th sail If
he were given a free pulpit. On his re
turn to Portland hs received a letter
from Louis Marshall, president of the
board of trustee and one of the. most
noted lawyers In New Tork. , . V.
Dr. Wise replied to the tetter, declin
ing th call and at th asm tiro pre
pared an open letter to th oongregatlos
of Emanu-El. .Ths letter' ws made
ntihlln laat nlaht It follows:
. "Portland, Or., Jan. I. HOI. To th
President and Members of Tempi
Emanu-El. New Tork. New Tork Oen-
tlemsn On the first of December I re
ceived a communication from Mr. Louis
Marshall, .chairman of a committee of
th board-of trust of Tempi Emanu
El. a oopy'of -which I append.-'--
"On December J addressed to him the
fbTIowlne- raDlv: .
"Mr. Louis - Marshall. Chairman of
Commute of th Board , of Trustees,
Tempi Emanu-KI -Dear Sir If your
letter of Oeoembe 1 b -aaprssslv of
th thought of th board of trustees of
Temple Emanu-El, I bag to say that no
self-respecting minister of religion. Is
my opinion, could consider a call to a
pulpit which, In th language of( your
communication, shnll always b subject
to, and ander control of, the board of
trUlteea. I am, yours very truly,
:; South Sea Islands. "
Ths 8. 8. Mariposa will ' be sailing
again for Tahiti December II. Th voy
age to Tahiti la ths most delightful of
sll tripe to th South Pacific. All Ta
hiti travelere ar enthusiastic. . First
cabin round trip rats from Ssn Fran
cisco, lll. C W. Stinger, agent, 114
Washington strt .
y"'ii f-:. ' BarJaJair Votssita. " 'C
Building permits hav been Issued as
follows: H. E. McGinn, cottage. Hall
street, between Front and First streets,
cost 11,100; H. E. McGinn, repairs to
two dwellings, - corner . Hall and First
streets, cost 11,100; Hubert A Hall, re
pairs to atahla, ooraes-Wster aad lsoet-l
gomery atreet a, iseo; jars. Mciniyre.
cottage, 021 Pettygrovs atreet coat
11.000; Italian Gardeners' association.
Market building. Union avenue, between
Main and Madiaon streets, cost 11,000;
J. E, Altchlsoa, resldenoe, Multnomah,
between East First and East Second
streets, cost IM0O; K. Altchlson,
residence, Miltnomsh ftraet. between
Eaat Flret and East Second streets,
cost f 1,100. --"
npHE train which
.'J J, . fa supposed to .
b run every day,
but which lays ; up
for a day now. and:
then, without notice,
would not be greatly
popular with the trav-.
eling public, ' . 1; ,
The store advertise--7
rhent, with a' similar .
habit, is open to.strik ;
ingh : similar objec-
Reidember, this Mr.
Storekeeper. '"' , .'
Victor WatiMiif Machines
Ar self-selling. Kvry en knows that th Victor Is th beat. We hsv a.
complete Mock of mscblne. snd our stock f records is so that you can at
oc get anything yo ask forj, u- .A. -r
rverythlng In Sheet Muelo and Mnslo Books. , Musical Inatrament of all
kind. - ". - '
ST SUiW AT and tew other stakes ef rianoa. ALL STANDARD, everything
sold on easy, terms. , .
lit Sixth street, opposite Oragonlan hi
Jr. B. If yon w ' s -
at' prleei fret .J.'. )
MOOTS ago Dr.
N. J. Fulton opened an office In Fort-
land for the practice of her profession.
. V09AT shs la mor widely known in
Portland and throughout the states of
Oregon, Washington and Idaho than are
many doctora who hav given years to
th upbuilding of their reputation as
healerg of th slok. . -:v- t
ZS rtost : The answer la very
almpla. Sh has. cured th sick. Thsy
hav usually com to her after trying
a great many other doctors, and In near
ly every case they hav been greatly
benefited or completely eurd.
zs tt ,ajtt . woarnam she Is wu
known? Her ' patlenta from alt- over
Portland, from'rarloua places In Oregon,
Washington and Idaho go horn cured.
Their friends and relatives bear of tt
and 'thus her reputation grows. ,v
About two weeks ago Dr. Fulton, waa
called to th bedside of a man who has
boon constantly doctoring sine about
ths first of June. He has had aaveral
different doctors, but ha gradually grew
worse all ths tlma. His doctora finally
wanted to perform an operation, but he
would not consent to It When Dr. Ful
ton waa called ah found, htm In a high
fever, temperatur lit degrees. ' Sh
treated him lass than two weeks ' He
want bom (h does not live la Port
land) todar. Dae. T. nearly wll. t- -- - -
similar ones, .'rr. ;.-
aunrs. ,:
If so, yon would do well to go to Dr.
Fulton,. th great naturopath, ' .
OFFioa m
- t :
st, noil
that. Pond's Extract hu been
on the market for sixty reari,
is bottled bf the manufactureri
snd never sold in bulk, leaves no
chance for adulteration. .' r '
How about witch hazel
which it ; always told in bulk
snd panes 7 through : several
bands before reaching the con
sumer ?
Wiick Htt tt f tki imt Ibint.
-On mumlftu f-ttvatjimtUtj
Witch Hl find mt " th msm
thing" Jtftyw vitri MMVf m
nntmi w4 akohl r formmUtSfd
r asM. AvU 4mtr pinning
tfiuing t i( ri -;7 '
Panfs ;
I Por from" $5 to $7 wa witt
maka s pair of Trousers to your
measura out of tba same ma
terial that other tailors charge
$10 and til for. - -
We must keep our ahop bury
during the dull season. "
It will pay you to buy several
pair of these Trousers.
Tha patterns are all new, the
cloth is a fine firm weave, will
hold hs snap and wear like Iron.
Sea tha , cloth buy several
pair now. '. - '- ,
vnucr xds, rrx a stajuc
ti l
isxexexgew,r:' ; '
',.. .phon a hurt t .
' . . -' Ust Tha TesUt U t . . .
in , VI m mw. .
'lit-. i.aaMa-'W
vsiriMO r aires av, aoe, r . f ".
Matrciusam aroincl Tl.r " ' : ' )
Tares !, si f-vy , ,
- ziAiiass v a.
Weary W. Bvse Otters 6erge Ads' '
kecerd Cttsssay,
"IKE cciuct wzv:?
I've eat with ssr half fee (Drtf rr-..e a
JrauvE, . Ju a suinn few e t i--
Entire low smw, fveu. - s-ar. a.
I towar noer. fVSUi r- SMiMnay. s.
1.00: asst mm, : Ha, It.
swa, mi Ust I, row. KV. riu
y. BOe. - Basse i ead - Wm, ,e. -
' mws, si.ovj aesi s .
gtk row,
'Poiiflvely TnrVefcS
Belssco " Ctock Co' '-xrb
TealgkV ' last ' Tw - TisMS HsiswpO, i r.:
-,i - n Fasar Farsa OjsmsV . -
Prises Nlgtat, He te Tlet Kit-. ISs te 09s.
Iwa TK'oftTPA lm aad 1
si U I UCUU y rasas hie
aiaia !.
1 , - '' - TJsBghe, iMlks,'
, A ncrvSsVMOa aotaBTT PLAT.
Sceaes la Alas Meaastsry , ef St BsraarA,
P KICK-Or salsa. lOe.
, see. toe, ISe. te.
Wart AtMevkej, 0Jsg !
nr a rurt i . stiswrr
Walter Seavse'
Xeny ItssiStas.
A s0 Aet.
taxoisi '
ma yiarOlo
' Bvaoaiga,' Beadsys sal BoMday.
10e, Ss bsxsa sfrs itottaee lOe,
STAR ' Zoarel aaahsta,
Sew Teei' Tea- . ' - .,: ' ' v
tares i ' . s
Beyal BswaaVw . w.n. a, Beseaa, '
v 'waiatstw. ... " -- v:
raioaoT'''. Tsrkif.
loe te say east la tke bsasa aseapt
sosss. ' .
row mtAFB, rata aoaxosx.
Laxxa K'snnia. - to Jjts,
Ssieetsd Otaasstta, atevlag VieSarse. .
rsrf'ins.aoM osllr st S:an, T:so aee s p,
a. AiiaUasiea 10 CXaTS. with asvea rew it
lo cats. ''
'bbt Seventh cadOck v :
Last rso of series for ths AMATEUR
CHAMPIONSHIP medal wlU be rua
y.:--- -.- r - TONIGHT,.-. rt,;
- Don't Win tba Rca v
Saturday morning, afternoon and even.
Ing, for Ladle and Oestiexaen
Skating Sandcy
Afternoon as4 evenlag.
Good Musio. : . Bflnwd Crowds.
Admission 10. Skate is.
Tte Pernla Syzlzz
th - fortlakd Btranncsa
. maooas zzr ora aczooxi T
- Minimum spewd. Ill word S
aslnute. .
' Maximum speed attained, . 100
. to, 111 words minute. .
f Thls'record cannot be sxj-waled
by pnplls of any other business
' college la tb west. ; :; f
Tf Intatwstevl call on u and la
veetlgat further.. .. ,.
xu: CC2JLCZ2f
"The School Who Oadoatee Are
An Employed." .
, Catalog for th Asking.
. 1 1
At a email margin ef T"
sell so mw-b of it. t '
ihe product of all 1- - 1
to rnrtland.
r.j r? r:
T' l f J
I - l , t