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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1906)
-1 .... GOOD nVEUIIIG ; Cloudy, wiUi occtiiond Uht rtb r Wind. '. . . . , - VOL. IV. - NO. 13. PORTLAND, , OnSGOM, : TUESDAY" EVENING JANUARY 2, ' 1806. TWELVE PAGES. V; , PRICE TWO CENTS-SyjJn'c' I, 1,1 l. I ' U J..1 L.I ... ... I I THE ROUGE-POT 1 AT LAST CAUSTIC m r. . : :t i'.J , --O--- , wu .J.' j -. (, , u i j , , , , . - ; . i '7 nrniPAi Qnninv innn nv MP HI HI I 11 LI i Ulil. U ;--:!..:yu7-f.: m m mm mmm a a Ma mm i . - . .r - . .. x . .dn i r ' Dr. McCprmack : of Chicago Says . Profession -, in Mregon is- uisorganizea, ' yuacKery I-; Flourishes, Eth I cs are Disrerded. r5r MEN HIGH IN PROFESSION KEPT " .OUT OF SOCIETY BY JEALOUSY . 1-7 5- r- ; Division of Fees for Cases .Sent to Doctors Is vuiiiiuuiiir nu ? ucuiai cor niccuuti - io .y. . 'tl J.i... n!..; vn' vauea ;;iu uisuubs, raper. . ,v..;,.-,.... ..... . x. . v , T1i medics! MsacUtlon of thl city i And ' county U la 1 Utiminent . dangar of . tMlnr rent uundor. 'It Is right no. In fact, tor hf an 'attack 1n tha laat laau "of tha Journal J ut Hie AllftrWrfetmraibciatlon; . publlabad at Chlcat-o, which appaarad ovar tha alrnatura of Drv J. N. MoCor- . macki chairman of tha commlttaa- on ...organisation of tha National aasocla tlon. . Dr. UcCormack aay that having ' vlaitad Oregon racantljr, h found It practically dlaorganlsad In a tnadleal way. 4 hat factlonallam among tha mad - tcoa la . aupraroa and - that quack ara rv both numerous and prosperous. r - On this account there will be a dls . cuaslon, at tha meeting of the City and J County 'Medical society tomorrow night , that may be hot. enough t- raise tha , roof of. the Marquara building. . . . a "' - ' ; Znqairy ta ZJkely. ; :., - While U is-aald that ethics have been . Violated ' by supposedly reputable 'phy slclana of Oregon, there Is a disposition -Bi the part of a certain; element to re.. sent the statements of Drv If oCormack In other words, to begin aa invest! tlon and the first : round of the event-Is to tak place aC tUa ing. which has been called for tomorrow . night by the. secretary, Otis B. Wight, of tHa local assoclat 16a.. ..,' Mr. 'Wight says in his InvlUtlon that. tha session will be "devoted to a discussion of medical conditions , In .Portland, including ethics, based upon ;,.the criticism of Dr. MoCormack and an , '. , edltortnl -report of the Journal of Arner lean. Medical association of . December rrs9, -Involving the status of the profession .' , In Portland. A very large attendannaa already, assured and : we hope, doctor, that you will be present. ---r . ; -' 'There is a warm time coming.- 1 v : Portland pas several prominent phy - V" alclans who are not members of the as aoclatlon. . . Some of them' ara out be eavse they were onoe accused of prao tlclng nnethloally while others had bo' ; ,;. desire to annex themselves to tha or '. ganlsatlon, because they preferred to 1 practice In both the schools of allopathy and 1 homeopathy, .rather than In one school. It is noticed, however,' that the ''outsiders, as a rule, are eating three f , times a day and ara able to pay offloe . rent ' They ra also able to keep up a practice VmUt Saab.' """ " '"' ' ".The cause of the discussion ' so pert!--ousljr near at hand Tecltes many Inter ' estlng things, some of which ara an t '- doubtedly facta - Bays Dr. MoCormack, In his report:.: "Outside of Astoria and 1J. Clateop county there Is little real or. aanlsation In .Oregon. - . i . "Factionalism In tb profession In the I city of Portland, led by rival surgeons MEMOWHILLSW HER XIOTIIER; SISTER A1JD IHr.lSELF Ned Styer, Dental Student,. Found. Dying . With Head Pillowed on oeom of Murdered Girl at Caledonia, ''X-'-'l'- Minneeota. ' v - . --'v-r '":'"''.' tJeerssl Bpeelel servtoe.)- k' Caledonia Mlnn Jan. ' I. With his ' head pillowed on the dead body of his sweetheart, whom be bad murdered, and her- motherland a-alder-alsteT-tying fatally woended in an adjoining room, - Ned 8tyert aged tl years, was found by ( neighbors, who burst Into the house of T-Mra F. Wheaton this morning. i Styer was a student at the School of ' ' Dentistry In tha University or Mlnne- ' Mil "Wf K, R.n fnimnrtl nf Iimm Pearl Whsaton. aged IS, a con slderabl extent hla affecntwa are said ' to havs been reciprocated. But his woo '' -ing did not run smoothly. Mrs. P. N. Wheaton, 1h mother of Pearl. I on " Of th richest farmer In this county and Interposed strenuous objection to . ' her dsughter forming aa attachment for -,, ; the young student. . . , - ,'- . ,r Styer was denied permission call st th Wheaton horn. and last night , mad his appearance there shortly after ' midnight. Hla appeal to be allowed to speak to his sweetheart was denied and Tl was " refused "admittance- by ' th mothee.' ..:-..'. "..", . Rnraged and erased by th tqought that he must bid good-bye to th object V of his affections, Styer attempted to break Into the house through a window. , He. met an obstacle la the person of Rurk Wheaton, aged it. an elder sister, : who sought to Jteep htm out. - Styer drew -a revolver ahd fired two shots at the woman, we h."-t peastng through her bree-. r -I wound. The .71- v. , V, - - . . ..;. , v.. ... , 7': j, . and other sparls lists, -Is almost entirely responsible for. this demoralisation' ta tha state. Jn my opinion there is no hope for improvement until thla Is reo- m mmm thta-wcrssj All- a-slleal profession can be harmonised and united for"Tts own ami the public good, la ac cordance with the modern spirit ' of organisation. '- -.-- - "They have a live local society of the old sort, honeycombed with and domi nated by rival - factions, most respect ful and decent In form and expression, as might -be.-expected from such lead ers, but so evenly balanced "and-alert as to consume nearly all of. thlr pub llo energies and so evidently personal and selfish aa to fall to enlist the sup. port or to command the confidence of tha rank and file of the profession of the city or state for either aide, and to effectually bar- progress .for It as a whole. : This , information came to -me from various sources that many of the meet , -active - and .Influential physiolaas war outside f the 1 society; soma be cause they were kept out by factional Jealousies and mora because member ship did nor seem desirable under exlsU ing oondltlons. - For instance, when It was suggested in my opening talk that a. united profession ought to enlist tha support of the press In tha proper edu cation of - the public in regard to health and medical affair and In the warfare against quackery, and that . tha family phzslcians of toe leading newspaper men be put on a committee to confer with them, it developed that tha physi cian of tha most prominent editor of the state bad been, repeatedly blackballed by the society and hence could not well be asked to serve In. this capacity. IMaaTCma IMeo. - , ; ' "These - statements - will com as . a surprise to members of the association who attended the Portland session and enjoyed the hospitality of the profes sion of that beautiful elty. j This sur prise was only intensified with', m when the . opportunity for a more ' ex tended and personal' acquaintance, and Inquiry has confirmed my first hnpres slon of the high character . and capa bility of tha very men who were con. trlbutlng most to the discord which is proving, so disastrous to the best in' terests of the profession and people of their city and state. "To appreciate tha extent to which these unfortunate professional condi tion In Portland affect the state, It should bo remembered that It I the only great .center of population -: and commercial metropolis 'In Oregon. -and that this city -dominate la legislative ftn,d- ait other at f an extent which - (Continued on- Pate Two.) . not recover. ' Th - erased man " than eought hla sweetheart who, terrified at his actions, had sought refuge in clothes closet In an ' adjoining room. Forcing open the door, Styer fired a bullet through the girl s heart, killing her Instantly. -Placing hi head on the bosom of the dylngglrl.Styer fired the remaining- bullet into his .breast and was beyond aid when found. SHnRTFR niV SDAWTCn w. rvi Mimta 1 few -1 TO MINERS IN FRANCE ' j"," '' 1 " . ' " '.-:.''!'!''' :i '' '' ' 1 ioemsl Spetial gervtee.) ''" Pari. Jan., I.Thla was a red letter day fo the thousands of men employed In tha mines of Franca, for It marked th Inauguration of a workday limit of eight and one half hours In place of the nine-hour limit heretofore In opera tion. Th law-providing thla substi tution was enacted some years ago, but only became effective today, Tha same law provides thst after January, 110, eight hours will constitute a day' work for man employed underground.. . GOYERuCI HAKLY DEFIED' : BY SECRETARY OF STATE (Jaanial Keeelal Harvlea.t ' ' -Indianapolis. Jan. 1 Secretary 'ef Slate Daniel Storms, who was ordered to repn by Governor Ilsnly on account of ' lrr-"ilarltles In his accounts, notified th x . . - i.t ft-'ca . Miss Antique of th Tall Tower LUCK III LOTTERY HAKES MIMICS Association of Porter In Lisbon 5 Win CapTtaT Prize of Two -i 1 Hundred Thousand. : FOUR INSANE WITH JOY " -OTHERS BUY! CHAMPAGNE rV-Pownln JaJli-Whfle. Streets Art v Filled Whh Tipsjr Members of the - Union, Each . of ',t Whonj Oot .Two ;" Thousand Dollars. fj.' t-K u ''; (Jearael gpeelal Barries. I ' Lisbon, Jan. J. --.Four men ara raving maniacs, a dosen are occupying cell In th polio tttlon, and several are lead ing tha gay . life and spending money Ilka watsr, a th result of drawing a lucky number In a lottery. - ' ' An association of street porter fn this elty, numbering 100 members, clubbed together to-buy a lottery ticket, each contributing; a small amount toward the purchase price. Tha drawing was held yesterday and tha ticket purchased by tha porters union was found to have drawn the capital prise of 1100,000, giving each porter tt.000, which Is a for. tuna to people In their rank of Ufa In Portugal. " '' ' '.;: Four of th lucky porter hav become Insane with Joy, and the rest are wast ing their - money buying champagne. A number have been locked np to pre 4 vent street brawlm-whlle In many parte 6T IB D' cltfcn be seen t?i tipsy her of th union spending With a lav- lah band their windfall. NEW POLITICAL PARTY r ; INVADES THE FIELD ;:;:r JtMrsal Speetat SerrleeJ Bakersflald. CaL. Jan. S Th Na tional Ownership party, organised her two week ago. will hold it nfat con vention in Fresno : on , Washington' birthday, Th party advocate th na tional and municipal ownership of pub llo atllltiea. S.. . , - .' - ' .. . sskBsasaiBWBsssBBasSjsamTsBa . ENTIRE TRAIN DITCHED : . BUT NONE INJURED 't'' (Jnanal ftpertal Herrk) ' ' ' Butte, Jkn. I. The Great Northern passenger train southbound from Butte wss-yeterday ditched near Woodvllle. the entir train of. Ave eoachea leaving the rslla . None was Injured though a JOURNEY AROUND THE WORLD -i ' . ; V' ( V - ' ' ' . --.v i - : 1 1 number ware bad shaken up, ( - , "It reaJlymakw me lofk mpro It's Open to Reader of The Sun- ". day "Journal ; Beginning ; 1 V January Fourteenth. SERIES OF LETTERS ' f ; FULL OF INTEREST The New Orient, the Government of the Philippines, the Zionist Move " ment in Palestine, Seen Through ; Mr, Bi7sn's Ees. -X" ', - ' Th Journal baa pleasure in announc ing that In It Issue of January 14 there weekly letter from th pea of William Jennings Bryan, who '1 making a tout of th world.: - Mr. Bryan erossed ' th ' Pact do to Japan, stopping a day at Honolulu an route, and has already concluded hla visit in Japan, Korea and China He Is now) at th Philippine Islands, whence his itinerary will Include India, Pales tine, Egypt and the countries of Europe. After crossing ths Atlantlo and spend ing a brief tint at horn he will sail again from San Francisco, making a special trip to Australia and New Zea land. 1 ' ... :- ' -...' Aa Opporruaa Moment. r A better rime for Mr. Bryan's tour, from ths standpoint of the reader, could not possibly have been, chosen. . Extra ordinary change are In progress In nearly every section of the Old World. The oriental slumber of centuries Is broken f a new regime dominate th far east; th bid Ideaa. to th relative strength snd Importance of 'European and Asiatic natlona ha been rudely jolted, and Caucasian contempt for the Mongolian has given place to th re spect which triumphant might never falls to command, i. How kre th new conditions to affect th Interests of th rnta-ifnlted trtatnl Kow-g the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans? It will be Interesting to have Mr. Bryan's leisurely taken observations answering these questions. ' 1 ' -. Vrr ruipla Snbmlssloa, , It Is to be hoped that tha Inhabitants of the Philippine Islands ara progressing rapidly. toward civilised conditions and that American control means a glorious new birth of light snd liberty and self control snd Improved material pros perity for the teeming: millions. Cer tainly wonderful chanoea are going en in tn Philippines. i-J4r-Bryan i Ing a careful study of the conditions snd the record will he spread out' In full for the benefit of The Journal's readers. Cable reports from th Philip pines state that Mr. Bryan. ta counsels Ing Filipinos who sra clamoring foriff dependenr to yield loyal obedience to th American government, -' Th vreat empire -of Indl Is also undergoing mighty changes Ths leaven of western education and missionary effort Is bresklng down barbarous cus tom. An extraordinary movement - IConUnUed oa Pag Tor, modem, tion't you jMnkV "IS IIOWAOEIJEDICT John Henry Hicks, Hero of Owen Wisteria Novel, Marries San V Francisco Girl, ; V ' f. GROOM IS MANAGER OF -7 . 1 LARGE MEXICAN RANCH BrtdedurrMiii3EAtSerine . Adams, ' Daughter of JournalUt Ii Orad . sate of Stanford and Taaght , School in Arisona. ', 4 " - - Ueeraal Special Servlee.) " , San, Francisco, Jan. . Miss Katha rine Adam of this elty became th bride of 1h Virginian" yesterday. He need no longer be nameless, for records tell that he Is John Henry Hicks, and that his residence Is El Paso, Texas. Mr. Hicks Is modest about th compli ment paid him by Owen Wlster, but friends give all th interesting 'details of a lone visit paid by the clever nov elist to th great ," O. - ranch. - or which Mr. Hicks Is manager. ' . Miss Adams la th second dsughter of Edward-F. Adamr.-atr editorial writer on the San Franclsoo Chronicle. , Sb met Mr. ! Hicks two years ago when teaching; a training School at Tempo, Arizona Territory. She ' Is a graduate of Stanford university, class '01. Th couple left en rout to their home, almost on tha edge of tha wilder- nssn. ... - an; Ttsaa, don not give tha slightest Idea of where Mr. and Mr a Hicks will live.. For about 11 months of the year they will he "at home", at soma camp on the - TV O." ranch of 1.260,000 acres, lying-on the Mexican aid of th RIo Grande, 110 mile or mor fsem El Paso, and prob ably 100 mile from any poatofflce. Hlcka la one of tha beat known cattle men on the southern range. Big, gen tie, clear-headed, resourceful, with a fin reserve, John Henry Hicks Is all that Wlatsr painted "the Virginian" to FIGHT UPON PRINTERS begins in eah::e3T ".; :;: . ' " ' (Jeersat Special KervW.) - New Tork. Jan. J. The fight of tlte Job and book offices and members of the typographical union over the e' ht hour day began in earnest t -r. Neither side Is willing to give 1 - of th number of men out Lorr i i of nonunion! men are ready to U.n i places of Ut trrs IIIAII Robert E. Brinstad Reads Mes sage That Wife Will Have No t More to Do With Him, Then -' H: Shoot Himself. ' C ''-,''; HAD BEEM CELEBRATING -- NEW YEAR WITH FRIEND On Coming Home at Half Past Two o'Clock This , Morning ..Elevator .' Boy Hands. Him NoteHe Enters "Room, Reads Note,' Puta Revolver to Temple and Pirea.' "'.' ' . " "Bob: - J rfus to lt you ' enter my room tonight 1 and , everything- Is over between us e forever. - WUI starve before I a) e ever speak to you again. 1 d e yf: ... 'MATsV; '.,;;. ; e - Frantically pacing tb floor of ' her room at tb Oregon hotel and sobbing and wringing her hand tn mingled- in. dlgnation and grief -because Robert , B. Brinstad. her - husband. ' chief clerk ' at thenoteL bad remained out late drink ing with a friend, Mrs. Mattl Brinstad acted on th impulse of th moment and penned . th ' foregoing not to blm, which was left In th oar of tb ele vator boy. A few minute later - her husband entered lb hotel, - ' received th note, whica proved to b hi death warrant. and going to hi room," obtained en trance with a pass key, read th brief epistle, tore it -into a hundred pieces and taat thsm Into a wastebeskat;- then. with tha chiding of- hi wife, who lay in bed, aounding In his ears, placed th mtiBKl of a. revolver to bis temple and blew ais Drains out. - -...: As his body. fU to th floor, breaking th arm off a chair in Its descent, Mrs., Brinstad lay on moment frosen with horror." Then .came th terrible soul rondtna iwallaatloa that "averythlns was indeed "over" between then that tha man aha loved, tha father of her baby girl, bad taken hi own Ufa, had turaed- hi aaad- sgatnst himself "and died .tha death of aeulcld because of her act.' . 7' . ; KatpI IfaiSsil" X Xev Ory.'-: ' With a wild scream of an gM I sir she Jumped from th bed and rushed Into th hallway, crying "Help! Murder! ' A bellboy and guest - occupying room near by who . war ' late ln - retiring rushed to her assistance and caught her aa shs fell In a faint In a few minutes th corridor wss filled with excited guest snd hotel attaches and Manager' M. C Dickinson waa summoned. ' . He had Mrs. Brinstad placed In bed In an other room and summoned Dr.- Nelson, who baa apartment at th hotel, to at tend the suicide. A hasty . examination showed that Brinstad waa past medical aid,, Through th gaping hoi la hi tempts, the life blood waa stlU pouring la a steady stream. Th man did not regain con sciousness and died a few minutes later. Then Dr. Nelson turned his attention to Mra Brinstad and ah Soon recovered from her swoon.- When th -woman re gained her senses and for th second time th realisation of what had ha p- (Contlnned on Page Two.) SAILORS DESERTED Oil ARCTIC ISLE LEFT TO STARVE BY CAPTllfl Whaling Schooner Bonanza Deliberately Wrecked- by Captain i William Mogg, Who Ends Wild , : Giving Away Wrecked (Joarasl gperlst ServTwe. : - ' San , Franclsoo, - Jan. 1 From tha windswept Herschel island, held Xaat la the grip of Arctlo winter, where rest the bones of! the good whaling schooner Bonanza, comes a tale of ' wild debauch. culminating In th deliberate wrecking of a achoonr. Thla I th charge made by tha ssilors of th Bonansa against Captain William Mogg. who. has Just arrived in this city after a trip across th Arctlo ice with Captain Amundsen, Captain Mogg say tho story Is absurd. Th c bargee are made by the Bailors and are contained In a round robin let- ter to the Examiner published this morning. The letter Is aa follow: Herschel Island, Arctic Ooean, Oct. to. Mr. Editor: W take the liberty of writing this letter, asking If you will kindly publtna It In ybur valu able paper on ' behalf of - the ship wrecked crew of the whaler Bonansa from San Franclsoo. .. j "Th Bonansa was deliberately run off the beach at King's point, Auguat SI. After lying at anchor for over 14 houra th captain lined the anchor and de liberately ran her ashore, took ever". rninv nt st Mr ih t nun mtr. in, m. " ut or bar. , W took seven -boatload nf provis ions to Kerechel I 'ad enough to the crew for ovee one -yeerr AS' ta we arrived at l . Mand tb ce sisrts I trading th provlslone for i we r snowing that other ships r t f iv-. for tne fK-e w Funeral of lFormer iGovemoa-l-' Steunen berg Largely Attend. H ed -ration I Delivered , ; " by W. E Borah. :.V ;.V'i,: BOMB FURNISHED BY . - AN ITALIAN SUSPECT, i.. Dnmonda Mona , and M. J. Hogan' Under Arrest on Suspicion of Hav- f ing Perpetrated Dynamite Atrodty I -Former Traced by Poatofflce Of- ' .ml. : ' ' ' ' ficials Latter Coeur d'Alcner. w -; .-.'" ; 'v-'t.. .'- -(-' ' OpesUI Mepetefs t Tse iearaatf - " Boise, Idaho, Jan. J. The funeral of ex-Oovernor Stounanbers was held at' Caldwell this morning.. Special trains, carrying '. hundreds of cltlsens from . southern Idaho, attewTwt Following tha ': religious service, former Senator W. B. ' Borah delivered th funeral oration, payt Ing high tribute to Idaho martyr. '. Captain Swain, manager of-Thlel' de. . tecUve agency of Spokane, la In charg of tb work of running; th assassin down.. Suspects numbering IS hav been arrested and all released but two aftev being sweated. .' .The , men held ara v Dumonda Mona, aa Italian.: and M. J. Hosan, a miner. ' . ' : Mona 1 known to have bought danger oua explosives In New Tork. . Througn the mall Mona was traced by postofflca " detectives, who located him at Caldwell, where he came from Focatello two week ago. , : j : ,, ; . Th other suspect, who gives the name of M. J. Hogan. is said to be on ef th Coeur d'Alene rtoters convicted nd : sentenced to McNeill's Island - for six years, and recently released. Hogan waa recognised by Staunenberg' son as hav- ing inquired when his father would bo home. He had been seen loiter"; sNrot . the vicinity of the murder Friday- a-t Saturday. His rooms war searched and a stick of TO per cent dynamite' found. 1 Th officer are confident that Mona . . furnished the bomb, Hogan and other doing the work. More arrests are being mad and ovary stranger 1 detained and made to account for hi presence. There . I no abatement in the excitement. ... Tbe men arrested are under a strong guard : to prevent violence from th over-excited community. . t. . : A year ago Hogaa stopped at th Pa- clfkJ hotel as Thomas Hogan. A search of th rooms he then occupied show fish . lines similar to those used to explode th bomb. --i ,. ' ' '-, ' MOROCCAN CONFEREES , MEET AT ALGECIRAS , ' n ' ; . (Jeamal Sneelal Rervke.V : Paris, Jan. t. Morocco ks agreed oa ' th date of January 1 for an Interna- -tlonal conference on Moroccan affairs , to b held at Algeclras, Spain. ' PAYMENT OF INTEREST , : ON BONDS ANTICIPATED Jnernal Bpeelal Srrrke.1 Washington, D. C Jan. 1. Th trees i ury -department announces tha payment " of interest on government bonds duo February 1 will be anticipated, and tha payment begin at once. About I1.T00,-. 000 will be paid out. .'''.. ' - Debauch by Trading or .c ;- Crew's' Frovlsion. '' i : . either tho William Bailey or Montgom ery on their way to San Francisco front the westward, th captain promising us ' that If tea steamers eould not get out he -would go in tho other host. But sS soon a th steamers got to the Island h traded off all the .provisions, even . th boat, and what grub he eould not , trsde off he gave away to th natives, ' leaving the crew without anything to eat. When asked What he Intended to do with us, , he told us that we woudt ' eould go to hell and starve, for sit he oared. - He ssld thatr he was all right, and that was all he eared for. "On of the men had t go over 10 miles to the' other ships: as he was completely destitute, having, to - live among; the natives; also on other I still oa the Island.- sad If be had n t found a missionary ha would starved, while th captain's sauaw t 1 40 sacks of flour, one barrel ef I one barrel of sugar, a big barret .' i In sees, two Or, thre ease ef c goods, beside a case of t and a brrel of coalo.l. I BMiff. ,,tT ' We cm Id first shin I around f - " . '! . L . '-'V.;' .'''