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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1906)
: : .ae : ; "'. , - I IT". ... I Arrival of Regular ; Uner From i . th ; Couth . nu!t; In '(: Come Activity.'-: GRAIN CR0P3-CHOW. A VERY GOOD CHAPE Sensation Caused by' the Publication in The Journal That E. J. 8mitb V Wm jReported Selling Choic Oro- ton Hop in New York at Ten. .., - Brent Street, )u, l.-Tbe principal faster e m me Portland wholesale niarheia tod ant , V Btsemer antral kraaka Boliday. ';. jEff art lightening aa. Poultry market bare. f Ureeaed meats. of U blade (Irak , , aaitfe palling cassia eueaUoa ia hope. y Baaaaae fail to arrive, 'v'.;. J... ' ; Holiday Aleasyreat Btreec. ' 'TtC srrlTnl of toe California steemsr was tka only kraak , la .tha holiday' today.' The cargo consisted s Back tka Usual roa f sup- piles. There war oranges M .better : soar teas, Bseal, aa4 vegetablss.,Bf all buds. Bor the Uttar tka drawn waa exeelleat, wltk - pneas practically tka earns aa- a tarda. : : lata Are Tuhtueiaa- Va. - ' ' . '.','-' lfi an quoted alone; groat atraat today at , SO. per doses for strictly Ma. 1 raack stock. i , ttecelput an not aorta so heavy, . aad this kalpad tba daalan . whs bad dropped their price to Site to again keoat It where the ethet awawrt van homing. - , -- , Orsla Cram Setae WalLv'i ' Advices to Tba Journal (roa ever 10 cnik . Spsedeata tbreesbent tka aortbwest, auto tkat . aanr be (or baa tka aatlaok' (or tba coming eeenea km aa- aoad aa at tba preeest time. She westher kaa beam all that eosld ka da. -. am to aata, aad more rail sewing was eons . uaa aeaal. . 5 . Gaadltloaa la foreign countries an tbaa grrsa l the Istoet leans of BroombaU a Can Trade " Valtad Ktadoa Tatrly flaa waatbav baa , baa aiparlaamd ta Um United Kingdom . tfurliw tba paat waaft, . bat - tba laad H a till . aaakad wltb BMiatara aad aar attaaipt at . pWwln k.T aot bcaa mr aaenaaral. Tka tew f porta anna aa tba joaaa crooa abaar tkat tba raedltloa la aboat aoroul. bat It la '. atala Ma tad tbat aU tba laad latoadad (or . . lntar wheat baa aot bMa aaadad and tbat tba : aowlaf wtU saw acobabr ba brt arar till tba earl meatba or aut jraar.x Tba attlclal anr ae price for Enallek wheat laat . weak, wat jma Mr aaowtns a dec Uaa aX Id Bar oaartar; '."tba officiate eoutlaua ta report aoad qaalltlea , 'aotd, bat aaoat recent aafceta ban aad aad Mall auppllaa, aad snob at tka trbaat baa baea aat at eondltloa. . - I ladle A Eeater'a telegram from labon'ta- aarta tbat tba eropa at tba fbajaab an ba- , (lualnf ta aattar from draatb. Tba attaatloa la aot ret acata. bat aome damaxe baa ' alreadr doaa. Aa we aald laat weak, tben le - atlll time tor good raiae ta ban tba altaatioa - ta tba lata dtotrteta, tor wheat aas ba planted . la tba Panjaob aa late aa Jaoaarj, bat tkia "air appllea to a nlaUrel Halted area, and . it tba earlier aarta ran kadlr, aa lata eropa . will probe blr ka andad ta arart (amine:' era -u-.toa kopa, kawaaar, tkat, la an aeea. the arose at tba large Irrigated areea will arTat an famine ea a taiga acalay aacb aa wa bare BMtaaaead la form aara. , .." AaaUalla Aa afilclai bulletin for Beatb. Aaa tnlla ana tkat tba weatber than la aaaa - ciallr fine tor tba wheat barreet. wbleb -aaw- la atoiieee. : The aeaaoa geoarell kaa f aeea excepUoaall rlaa. ' rraaa tbla report wa , near eaeect that the etata wui pare I : . saicaUeat wheat to attar la a abort while. Arroattna raTorakte barraatt reporta " .ttned to eaaM to hand laat week, bat ea laa. da bean ralna teU ebaarall, aad aar agent ' cabled tbat tba- wheat crop af tba center at " reported to ban' beea kail. Ia - - aaaalilarma tba Talae to ba attached to tbeee ' naorta wa mart remeeaber tbat tba whootrrop dlmlnlnbea areatlr tba ebaaaaa at da which weald amout to m cataatxopba; bat, - all the name, then at aaat difference ba ' -tweaa a bumper crop la aseelleat aaadlUea aad .'ana tbat baa beea damaged by front la tba Booth aad knocked aboat earloaal b ball aad .Ytralna ta tba renter north. Tba export am- . .tabr for. tbd aeaaoa. , . . . ... . ' 'iTbat tba trada waa.. anprepnred . tor tba aa. aoeocemeot made b - The Joarnal eetarda ' .tbat reaarta bad come tbat B. 1. Bmltb bad .oold m l.oaa balee at bona la tba Maw Vk narkat it Mrh abOWB bt tlM 00000 ' Uoa tba aawa brought about la tba raaba at . both dealer and grower, aaen m aaana emeu . i . l tm oMrlteft. aanend fee. mer pricee, bat Htda- aawa at Importance la "' ? Vaalti Karkat btlraly Ban. Tba poalrrr amrket la entirely ban at aap. allea today, than being aractJeall aa ar : rlrale. ..With the eioooUoa at ta ea bouee. aa rar here wan aaaoM at the ekma af kaatn.w 'arnrday. Chick ran an aweted ftnaari daeka tafl U'irrtea,. ,:' V, . ted ear af baaaaaa daa tbla mora. Big failed to aartn, aad aappllaa wan amaU. - Tba market aa appkta la ta fab? ahaaa. bat "aappllaa an roily np to all naaliaawuta af tba trada. TMa le for Me. i and atoek. Ma. $ Am ere .liaoet ' ' Tba potato market la a duQ affair, with aa trading reported durlag Ue day. BaaM ta oaioan. . e.ti.Miae e. mm . 1 Tba tramrpayw mneimrw wwwmw , atraet deaktn for quality that a eaotce la round lata. . Pricee paid produem an aa rpecl fled: . ,. .- ,.'' , :';,. - e Brata, flaar and Baal; " - i, ' WH1AT New clab, Tlci rod BaeeUo, (a,, blaeetem, T3WC ralley. T8a. BABLtT Teed, a.00; rolled. 93Mi brew aW-Wbola. ' UT OOi araeked, tSLSO . aar '"bYB par awt ' ; O A T Producen prion We. t wnlta, $X1Mf ' KLWlnV-jrw aaatera Oregaa. petita. iMl .atralghta. jd.toes.aO; eaporl, $3Tll0a,M, K ,; ley, TC-0i graham, , $t,0Oi rye. boa, 6.00: balce, II.T0T -' . ' , MItXSTtirre--BnB. flT.W.aer na mid. . dllnge, diS.OOj aborta, , aoantrr BlBMl alt. ,.iilni aboa. aia.oe, . aelle, faoey. gll.OOOlo 00 ordinary, tT O") BOO: ee.tera Oregon, tl4.00Olb.00i mlareL it- aa.ouaae.w. ; . .....w., u Z W. fbaat. $a,00ff.O. - . 4- - Batter. Egga aad reel try, t.M o60 00; .rloeer, tH.0O.0O; grata. BhAoa . BUTTBB, FAT r. a, k PorUaaa . Bwaet aream. Kiel eoarJOe. j,l . . - BUTTFIUCIt . CTaarner! tHft oetalda . taney, toe: Ordlnarr t7Ho! atore. IR17e. V EOOB No. 1 freeb Ongon, caadled, totl "gold tunga (ad eeetera, MQlflc, CHCKg--.rtew Fnll cream, data, lgdJIBHat ; Toong America, idtgievtr: ebeddar. UVke, OA MR Jeckrabblta. 11. TV per doa. -V rOI'LTBT bllxed ehkbeng, imJ12J per ' lb; fancy bena, 12c per Ik; tonalere, old, Ba ' per B: fryera, UHIlie per )b brollcra, IlUa ; 12c per lb; darke. ISOIde per lb) gweee. loauo-per fhj tnrktyn la per Ib dreeeed. t2Nt(2De per lb( aqnaba, ia.TOQS.00 par don. , Bean. Waal aad - Hides, HOra 100 Ongoa, choice, lOHOllot prime, tHUe poor grade, THQW; Waabtoe loo, lOUfillc: 1(104 eropa. n for abolea. , WOOU-ieod eUp. ralle. eoaree to mealem. ALL EXCHANGES OPEN - TOMORROW MORNING .. Thld la a hollrtar In aU flnan elal mnrkatg throuehout the world and alt plaoea of buatnaaa are cloaad. Practically all of , . tbara will ba open tomorrow. Mr. Lawaon of Boa ton protnlaaa aoma Intareatlna dotnaa tit the ' Btock ' db market and ha mar be right. Anwar. tha tradera are awalt Ina to eea) what he la e"tne to do before p1un(tri( into the bull or bear eampev . 1 . 4 d . Tl prr-ent ou loolt la for a d wary? rood week in the poultry d S gaarVat.- .taaa'pU .ara-.ant . a e d paotad to be vary heavy and aa d J. the movement in tola direction haa bean very light of late good i d ratuma era expected by the 'd a trade, ina greataac call wui, ot - d courae. continue In ducka and d aaana and prlcea are expected to, d d remain around tha top. Turkaye e :wlll In all probability find a good e) - ceill but tha, price may jo althar -d d up or down. There a no telllna. . d) X eeedeeeea KUtSHl Baa. Bte2fat . ?to.(tmlncL todlSle. aanraKlba baearing. loattne aeeht abart wool. owt eca; maoinm wana, aaajlaa aaobi bvoa wool. T6c eaea. TALLaW-rruaa, per ta, SHertot Me. B and greewi, s-.siee. . CilTTia B ABB da ear Bk '-DTI rV la 1 .J a 1AU.AI TT pr lui aV k.o. ho. 1. I to Id' tba, i eel dry ralf. No. 1. anoer S lbs. lee; neltedkldea. SCBHe: ataga and balia, aoaad, eejtet kin, It to SO Ba, Pe calf, aeoad. aader U lha. lie; greee, anaalted, la btee; eane. le per lb leas; aere.k1aea.raatea,-aeeb- r.r, ary, aaeb. ll.0uol.A0t eelt kiaee. aoeVaosi anal aklne. W'aimoa, aacb. tolaal A agora, aavb. teed) B4.VU. , ' . " . ' . FnHg and Tegeteblea. . . " BOTATOBa Beat Oragoa. T0AOa aar arodaeera' price tor ear lota. 70a bar ancki ordinary. CoOT0; peodocera, ertce, AgQMcj r ' pw awev; ez-vls.aB per eraie. ONIONS OregoB yillow larrrm, prodocere price. Me, 1, S1.00) Mo, X eOnJIaa garlic. SQlOc per ttv V t J htm PBCITB-Applea. Ongoa. ; H eo 1.60; finer, (1.TS4S.00; orangre. new aaecX ia.00A2.7ft; , eeedlinc. SI.TSai2.00: baaaaae. f Per lb; Hnone. eholea, S2.SStlT9 per V" ". eo-maee. to per oox; iidmo. anaai, per 100: plneapslee. MOO per deal era pea. Sl.TSfl2.00; paere, Sl.Ssai-Se per box; potue- I""1". i-na per oo; langennaa, f 1.1a; sap. aneaa onagee, TOe per boa. TBUiTABLES Taralpe. aaw, gl 00 per ear; aerrota, I LOO per aeckj baeta. l.eea)l.BB per erkt Oregnn ndtehea. tba aer doa; enbbeae, Oregoa, tl.01 SO per awt; green penpere. U4 25e per U; CaUfonla tomatoea. Sl.S0tl.7ft; perenlpa, Sl.OOfll Jlfi: atriag beana, StflOc; caa nr lower, 2 00 pa rrata; rbobarb, B; areea, r. if i naa e.i nutaei. ac per id; era f100. ; hatbooee lettoca, $1.60J1.74 nor box; celery. aSS.tS per crate; eggplaat, SI. 60 per erat.l pumpkins. 1U; aaoaeh. lUei cnaberrlee. Jereeya, fis.oe ' per no,; ioce pay aad zuwawoa, t04; radlehea. 2Sc per aomTZ " ..rRir.r rauiTB Apalaa, enporatad. lod) rmw r" .... mnvHb wwuwr im , Cacbea. lOHQIoe per Ibt sacks. He per a i prenee. So ta do. SHa; Sr drop aa neb sixteenth a me lies almt; age. California black. ' per in; apneota. lOHCttsc par lb Hte per Ibt California white. Be Bee Pa 'tea, goldee, da per tb farda, ILSB per IS-lb ' - Slramrlai BJnta. ta. ' - B-TOAB Back- baeW Oobe, Bg 0 powdered. So. PR: fralt namliM na 0K , av mmI.ii SS SSi Coat A. $0 to; beat granalated. SS.SS; ntra C. SB. OS I gMdea 0. S4 tol D y.llow. Stab; bba, loet H bhta. BSet boaee. SOe adeaare aa each baela. lew Baa per awt for eneb, 1) dan; maple. Ideilee eee re. --(Aban pHeae apply to 'sales at teas tbaa' car tote Car lots at aoeetal Brians eebJert to Oartna tlona - . . . B0frT- -.m par rnrrn pmb.m - . mk ea . BA1.T flnara. Half emi. lOaa. e aa nee tea; table, d.lry, ana. B11 tOOs. SlO.TB; 1m. ported tSe. I Utmni Bne , blf AAt 1IVW BIB aa. Ill AA. U. . . K a t4.e0eW.aA; halk m (ha. M.M4s.oni aackaT wa. enejgawi irrerpnol rnma'rork. glgJO per toa: KV-lb. reck. gTOOi 1 00a. $t.n. ... T. t(HAin Ao ca (carta, THa. -?. Oleana heed. Te Az. act BRANS aaierl erhtfe. ' ea m Um. rw mi rueeiPu. aaj aoeaaaoni. Meaor per aoaj walaara. lAetlBe par lot plan note, 104)1 tHe-per lb blckor aata. tOa pet Ibi cbeetnata, eeefrre. 4Sain par lb Bra all awta. Me per Ibt fllbarta. 14011W per lb! fane r" , ainaoBoa, iiajlO)he. Faam. Ooal one, Xta. aiaaP'uar" "" W-aadar; Utfa; lAtf Mr nL JtSfi!Wfi" -!. Iraa - TOR pZnTI N la aeaea SBs aae eeX- - -.BT-" WFITB LKAD Tna tsfa. TVs per B; SOe-Ib . c per lb: kaa torn. SUa per IK TT winn rllj. IT.B0U1 aaae at axWA. r t k'.S.P. Oil .Para nw. n a-Mrt lota. BOe, lit!0 r- f .nirf kettle. C. .1 -w-av av-nw- o-oo. tow. nas; 1-0DI wt. 5Sa per gelt ground cake, car Iota. BBXOO rw wai a toaa rar lora, par toe, meam. raw aaa Fie.kaaa. 1 PRESIU MKATB Pi nme we - !?. Bar lb; eawa, St)aa per lb; bora, block. Wipe per 10; pecaen. Te par lb; bulla, SASe per lb; eowe. SUttee per lb; -il, extra. 7 via fVta per ; ordlnnry. Kt per tr poor. Be per lb; mattea. fancy, fi-TMepw k." ar . aa saivn, ni u rortmns pare -flarel) bssns, 10 to 1 Jbe. 12a per lb; lito leiba. J" nreuainni oaeoa, l.rjJSC . per B rnoolo. ia pee lb; enHnga, Ha per Tb( regnar abort clears aaamoked. 10H pec Ibi amoked. 11 Ha per Bit dear becks, enmoked! JSV IT J?'- ?. "He lb; Cnloe hutta. 10 to IS Ba. anemnked. Be nee TK, ki dl pw mi enw OTlinw. unemoaeo, lie Bar Pel 0. ie par in 1 enouMere, SHe par lb. aar, ion. 11 He per r lb; SO-lb tine, loe par lb; tl.SO; t-lb UUe, SXTBl fancy 1-lh aata. Si SOt U-lb fancy Satl; il ls- fane J-lb SATS Aasks , tofie, ptak, SSdjeost rai Blaesitaai ta, tall 1X00. end. ta per tb oaedera. Be par lb; hall hot Te par lb; crabs, S1.S0 per doe ttrlned baas. tHe ear fb: eatflak. teee Ik! aalmoa, ailnrsldea. ac par Ibt eteeihesds, Tc per ibi tree, tog Hi; barring. Be per Ibt eelee. Be per lb: airlBips. 10 par lb: -perch, c per lb: black cod, Te per lb; atlrer aaa It, To par lb; lobsters. oe rraa macaeret, aa per U ernwSah. a TBIBItB-BtoalwabhT Bay. par gal. HBtt CIbili HardbeTL aar baa, aaoa. tee clams, 11,00 per box. . ,. - CALVES AKD SHEEP ARE 25 CEriTS ADVAKCED .: ':;f:" K '. .' Hog Ar Rftten Cnt Up Jon Batttr : Demand Daugh- , , .J.trty-' Civet AdvicerrrrT' PfBPttaVtlel lTllldal amMWttnbgMtdB Trnm latL Stock ncVpltir,' vT"". Toosy .............. ... ' i: . 74 ... week age 10 ',' ... Prevlmte week : ire i-'l" .oa '.' . i . . ..... ... . W-J . , , , btootk age , BO , M ' , 44a Aj batter tone Is pr.TslJing all tbnngb tb Urea took aaarkeS taAmw . mm ,,..1 msds by Tba Jooraal during the past tew dare. TtM. L. mm. . J . , . . wm " . . . v, , 1, awe in Ml aoga. XO cents .bt. f beep, aad Jbe lit aeU-eelee Tbe r" aoane, oui win ant likely ahow aa adrance la price for tba next few dare aa account mt the nniiaw ... tba market. Vaal calm wlU da better here after. . , . Threagb The Joamat Presldeat Danghtrer Biskra this announcement: . ', "Eeervthlna Inolra mmmA'km M l. . n " Stock aarkrt. Tba appears aee are that all puuiKi. wui m amu ifenngj our log tba ooatiaoeeee at tba present week. I bellen the. erica. lh Ileeatnck m r4n. u i days will be folly aa good as will rale la ahippers to aome la aow with their stock, it wll pay taasa. - , OfflcUl ueaatoci an reel - , uAM nmmi u . n, as asaS AO. kl w an aad China fata, Toolo.lO; storken aad rattle Beet eastern Oregoa steers, $S.TS Sko; light aad medlnaa ateen, SIM; light rows, Sil.oO; atockara aad feeders, la.lSi bulla,. Sheep Wefh.ra SHtlSKg, mixed sheep, df) Vairanw-van, TTBS "' " aPVV BPff-J BlVewa, j U S rough and baery, SHCea. , !"., Woodbura made what the Independent saya la aa amaalnf arowtb laat year, but wlU rrow even mora tfala resur.j j ijvml, viu reert or Astral CSeaa, svug-aar gal; water white. Iron bbhv Id? par gal: s . k-sOeile Prttr.t A-i-J cf Ci Com piny Z:y 11 h r;:cc:ary. . I to Ctizr.i Ci3a";. ',' v METERS RSCIOTwa s 0fiUY.CA3 CUSNSD Blue Flame Ideal for Cbokina or lot Welabach Burners, Says lit. Adama OrefonJan Attack Expected, Be cause Free light Waa Cut Oft. i Growth af iNiitlana; and TnlJae of ax teaoton of the yaa stains baa aaoeeel taied the trraausl inoreaslne of preasure rrm--Ue'-rortr-a-ej-Por41g- company from the ona-lnch preesre of' early days to a .preaaure of from t4 to Inchea, " la Mew Tore. Ban Francisco and aome of the larger cities the preasure, It la aald. rune up to II Inchea. ' QM m alders deny that the amount pressure haa anythlna to do with the reoordlng of amount of aa used by. the meter. " - The recant . reduction of price of gaa by the Portland Gag company haa atvea rise to charge that the duality of a- haa diminished and that the tnoreaslnsT of preasure on the mains meant that the 'raetera would rooord (uae of mora aas than formerly. -"There Is no foundation whatever for theae oompluintav .The quality of eu la not determined by the blue f lama, and the Inereaae of preaaure that must be put on with the extenaione of the 00 rn party la making haa nothtaar to do with the running; of the maters faster or Blower,1 aald President C F. Adams, , "The blue flame, la tb ideal gag f or cooklnc or for Welabach burnera, aa It cartiaa the needed - host unite. - But such a gas would not be suitable for open lights, ao- -wa hare to keep the Illuminating elemanta uniform- for all parpoeea. There le no change made In the quality of the aaa alnee the price le reduoed. It would aaake no difference to ue aa to the eoet of production, : for If we could Introduce more - "air, as la eug geated. Into the manufacture of gaa we would have to uaa ao much. more oil tllumlnant' that It - would be a eoetly proceeding. ' t ' . . v ; . "Oaa praesure la the same aa voltage In electrical transmission. The slae and preaaure at the end f the gaa pipe will depend on the orifice. If a large opening' ort Up ta need aad - the gaa blowa with a noise. It la only neoeaaery to turn Jt' off until the orifloe ta re duoed. "A meter will not record gee unleaa the gaa la-used. Our company spends about tt.OOO a year ta carry on Ita meter .' Inspection ayetem. The presaure haa nothing to do wltk the amount of gas uaed If the owe using liiaA-aa-adJuata the burner to aeeure the flaaae daalred." -v . - Mr. - Adama aald ' the - oompaar s peoted crltldarn from the Oregonlaa, aa the buslaeea relatione between the two eoneorae had been readjaated. and there waa no more free ge for the Oregonlaa newapapera, and but little advertising ror tbera rrora the gaa company. , , Na-w Year'a Attraction- at Marquem. The W. T. Osrbttoa Onen eomaaav hi the ensleal plsy, Wbaa Johnny Ooaae Marealae noma." wiu ea tae few leers .attractMi at the btarenaa Grand . theatre toabrbt at S:l Cctocki- Tba eompnay aagaged br w. T. carav toa as an aaaaanlly good ane, anabertnar OS paophj and toeladttig many af the 'beat aamM open art let a on the Anterlcaa stage, aaoag tasas wiiusm x. twatoa,-w. -r. carMtoa, James Tertea. comedian: C D. Bart, esma- dtaat Donald Mac aetata, beaeel Char lee Church. Harry A. aauy. oeerge Hnimga, hi ha Gertrude Vaughn, tba deugbtfal prima donna eoprano; It las Bertha DaraU the bewltcklng tltUa bob. bretts aad "parlaata sbuer; htba Jaaa Balla. bory, contralto: alba Mae Blbell, bliss rloreaee allla, aflns Ms Melding aad ether talented sad wall known people, and a pretty aad fneda. atlng choree of southern halloa, army of Deere and plastaUoa darkka. OartaJa at S:18 C slock, ' . Tickets Tomorrow fof Opera. The adrance eele at eeara wlU aeea ariaonew (Tuesday) morning at 10 O'clock for the Boaema Comic Open company, which aamiis to the Mareaam Oraad tbeetre aext Tharaday Bigot tor aa aagngemeat of Soar sarin annua. Tba opening Mil Tbareda Bight will ba Souea'S "Bl Caoltaa"! rriday- alaht.-Balfa'a . "not mlaa On-I"; Ba tarda y matinee aad Bight, Oil pert ana Bauiraa a -The atuada." , Football Teams at Marquam Tonight The Bnttle and afaltnomah football tee ma wtn strand tfts ttarqnam Grand tbeatre tonight, aeeapyag the bom and logos, to wlrneee the analcat pay. Whoa Johnny Oemas bUrehlag "The Yankee Consul" Tomorrow. Tiima 11. 1 .iM J an! VAmJ.. .IAI. With a apodal price matton Wedaeedsa. tba attmctka at tba Marquaa Oraad theatre, will be the aoeloal comedy snetans, "The Yankee Comal." The company wblch will be aeea ken contains sack names aa Ten hflrbekaa. Hsrry abort, auce nnnmer, Mae Bottl, BnaaM weioaa, 4. r, nainu, ueorge anaida, Harry Davis. C. B. Leffereoa. Ooeena Kurt, afnrearet rierla, Jsbms Temple too, Olga haloing, . a ll"t tbat gins aa sheolute gaarantoa of a epical! l performance, beg. ruing , tba merits-at .the pan Itself, then can be ae dnobt, far It has beea paased upon by the entice and public af New York, Philadelphia sad Boston, aad owo xao- oeac muarcui mwieay ex lee pt Beats an aow neuiag. , , " VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. !'.. ConttauouB Show. X M'-'.i Tben wfll be contliranua earforaMaoas tsdst St the Oraad from S:W to 10:4S p. a. A tnOO act Is the feature. , Tha a br Walter Daana merry aaniklna. . The -maalkbm) at Desna hare beea featured aa all the big na devlla elrralts bt lbs east. OUbert'a sae-rlna cbrcaa at another Bo-reK. ;howB AH Day Today. -. To bars a happy Hew Tear, visit the Star today, when the shews will be eontlaaoas from t:S0 te 10:4S p. m. The vaodevllle ear tertahimeat which tnt aoma of fere will make happy. The feature et the New Veer Mil la contributed by a troupe at mral Hawallaa elagers from Honolulu, slur tug thab? nattre eonaa. as wall ae popular Aaaerlcan bak la da. Tba dancing of Patay Doym wtU ba an other etmag card. That eoaamporltaa beoae Is aha offer Ins a Mexleaa con tort km let named raearo; two Oermas comedian a, BaUea and Began, to a collect la et new Jekea aad pan. daa, aad esveral ether food acta. Te flompete With TWsoo, ' ' v (Jetrraal Ipaclal Berrlce.) "Memcrite, Teun., Jan. L Today marks the completion of the new White River line of the Mlaaourt-Paclflclron Moun tain system, which will be used for e through service between Memphis and Kansae City. The Inauguration of this aer v toe will enable the Iron Mountain to enter Into effective competition with the 'fiieco system, which operatee the eld Kanaa City, Fort Scott ak Memphis road between Mempala aad IOlbom City. I AT THE THEATRES. - ' ,n..tU lilt! s v . -. -m tion and ConxlructJon to Cen t One.. . 'f 1.' (Special Dtepateb to The Joarsal .) " Vanoouver. Wash.. Jan.. 1 At the epedal election held last Baturday , to determine whether 'Vancouver'' Should have a main sewer, the voting atood ITS ia . favor - of the-, aewerage .plan to l against It. The quaatlon of whether tbla city should be furnished wltk a mala sewer eyeteinnea been dle ouaaed for aome time paat, and It having bean Battled, the work will probably begin at onoe. . The polling piaoee ae 1 acted . - were: Fot Bast - Vancouver, Oeoghagan'a hall; wast Vanoouver, city hall; North Vancouver, she oourtbouae. The voting commencod at S o'clock and The aewer that la planned la a. sys tem of aewerage to -drain the otty all aouth or Thirteenth street - The plan la to lay, main sewer, the pipe vary tna la alsa from lb lncnaa to 14 Inchea, the pipe becoming larger aa' It peered the river. The route of the proposed aewer la: Starting from Main atraet aad reaching the Columbia river on In galla and fourth atreeta. There wlU alms be a. dee laid through Nelson street. running south to Eighth street, aad then aouth to- IngaUa atreec. y i:od at w FLAY AT V.::C0UYER Paul - Schulx Has Foot -, Crush'sd - In Turntabloj at ' Old , ' .'. RouridhouM. '' , tManakib Sn The loarnsl.) Vancouver, . Waah., Jan. 1. While playing en the turntable near the Old roundhouse In the waa torn part of this ettv. 11-year-old Paul Sobula received a very bad eut In the heal of his left, foot yesterday anetvtooa. zoung swnuia, in aotnpany with aome other lade, wee riding on the turntable- when his foot became caught between the raila of the turntable and the track, badly brulalng his heel and laving the fleah open -to the bone. He waa promptly taken te a phyalctan, who after making an exami nation found no broke bonae, and after taking a few stitches ia the eub bound the foot up, and It la expected the boy will aoon be on his teat again. , CISIIOP OTEA DELI.EJIS ' '' N HE17 YEAR'S SEPT T CatholirT Cathwdral af Vanoouver .- filled " to . Overflowing . W During 8ervlces. . Maaateb an Owe Tiaaasl I Vanoouver. . Waah. .- Jaav I. Blahop CDea of Seattle. Washington, arrived la tbia city last Friday evening In order to hold the Mew Tear-a eon lues in tne Catholle cathedral yestsrday at IS a. nv Hla aermon waa a very auoeeeeful one, tha eauiedral being, filled to Its utmoat eanacltT. and tha aauaie waa eepeelally fine. Bishop vueei ia nisnop ox ue ate to of Was h In r ton and la regarded aa one of thd finest speakara on tha Pa-i clfla eoaat , Thur morning apeciai eerv- icea ware bold at T o'clock ana ugn mass at It. o'clook. - . ' ,.;., . '. -f aeeal and, fereoaaL " (Special Wepatrb te The Journal.) ' Vanoouver. Wash.. Jan. . Mrs. X C Oraham of tbla city spent yesterday ta Portland, j. - . . ' ' Cell Irwin, formerly of this city but aow located with the Portland oem oom pany, spent Saturday evening and yes. terday in vanoouver netting wiia om friende and relatlvea. , J. T. Laaaelle of Albany. Oregon, la apeadlng the hoUdaye with frtanda la thla city and vicinity., . T. xn TTall tf Portland mada a flvlne bnalneaa trln to thla eity yeetarday. Thoaa rerlatered at the Hotel Colum bia yesterday are aa follows: Mrs. c W. Rowland of Lewlsvuie, waamngron; D. H. Doreeny of Portland. 3. T, eelle. of Albany, Oregon; A. Aldan of flshere. Washington; b B. Hall and wife of Portland. Mrs. 1 Form an of Rhode Island and O. W. Wortmaa of Baattla.r Commencing tonight the tiyrio stock eomnany. nndar the dlrnctlon or r. a. Meleaea, will present to the publio ' a slating of three - different parte, eome of the principal features being Lyle and Cecil in ' a special vaudeville turn and the Hlthbirrderr quartet, tne ahow end ing up wltk. an act taken front "In Dahomy." - Hager's Theatre " evs. a. BLAaza, BXAWAenm. . Xager freaaabs the Lvrla Stoolc Comnanv t - TJlrectloa P. O. Use Lean ' In strong dramas and corned lea. Changs of plays Mondays aad Thursdaya, :i naassai aara at at oa loe. i : meearved Seat YcaSbaldGoTor - xBverythlng depende en how you teeth are treated. Poor dental work ia dear at any price. The Alveolar method aa practiced by the - Boatoa Dentists se gurea rermanent and beautiful reeulta. . If your teeth are decayed . or . ao. eceasad or 4oeae and falling out,' or your gums Inflamed and aore, ' than your health demands that you teeth be. ex tended ta .' If you ere. looking, for 'the beet work at a reasonable fee we would sdvise you to eau upon the Boston Dentists, ill Morrlnon street. the dentleta who originated the The ntoet talked -of and renowned of re. oent dental dleooverlea. .. - Examination free. , Lady attendant SklUful epoeiellBta. - ; DC2-03 teuSiS ttlH BCerrieoa Ore. taaleo Bj fteak - aad reeeaf flee. Xratraass tSlM aiorrleon S '." f4WlA UAtiaei .A. ah ema a. ma, . V ' 'ajwf 1IVWI B'W an.apay- ajk, gas. eaw WS B uBuAy, A9 a. nv to itis I. as. . Tlie Dentists VUhsxlllx Lizzy,. Patrons at Uzih Ctcres - .; A Very H-?y; : ' i cpd Prosperous Netv year .''7-'" Sl'.O " ' ' ''' . ' vvaAM Dry QranulStted PugaA . si.M . ; Sack good Hard Wheat nou, . . IOC) " ' '"' l-pound eaa Assorted -Soup,' regular ',';.".., '-: ; Price ZeO..,.; ,,.,.; 60a II cans Condensed Cream. V Can Baker's erfrartUura Cocoa. : ." -.t ' '..' S5d ; ' t cans Table Feaohea or Aprleota,' r found good Oun powder or DagUakt ' v aoav "- '-4- Pound," Hoffman Houad Jsvai ao4 Mocha ', i Coffee. ISaJL '- Pound fallow's Blend Coat Rloa Coffee. East Side Store 643 WiUams . Ave. Phone East , Main Store .' West - Park ' and i' Washington Sts. V:' !" Phone Main tS38 V RUST AND ROT H '. vi..... , - ' ' Are etrangera where eftr paint ta need properly .and In Judldoua quantity doean't pay to aklmp It, nor yet to alep It all over the wood or metal to be cov ered. We may be able to guide you In that respect (no charge for the guid ance), and are aura we can aell yen very, gooa paint at, con t incuts pnowa, Fisher, Thorsen & Co. ly xaoaT an Moaaxao sts. nxnavinrtya, MBTJTATIOaT, BQtrXFBIBBTT, xflovusaa BTTocns. . laAdaa TlSBklaw. Wei-lonnnla . - BHasBlee. Kldaay Oosattlataba, Blood rolaoa jrarveaa xnaamsya - swanar, hen nan I leas , . mvace Uea . .v Xeaee Tlbailty. - AU manner of Chronto Affllctlone ot men and women. Most modern and acU entlflo treatmeat. No cutting. No pain ful operation a no detention rrora dum- neaa. No mlerepreeentation. Kepuiattoa eetabllahed for honest and fair dealings with all petienta, coneultauoa vioe free. --. .. ... , - jt. icirai Oob, Bd ana Tasakm Swa, Portlaad. Oa Sqftiic Deal Real Estate Company , 000 -full lot. S-room . modern house; cement basement.- fg.BOO 1-room modern bouse and lot.'"' 1x80 Bla lota, chicken houae and yard) fruit and berrlea: good l-roora bouae. 700- Full lota and d 4-room houae. new. f 1JSO Two lots and good t-room house. Ifl.SOO- Quarter block and three modern houses, one ( end two rooma, .. ., 918B t room bouse and I lota. , - : aaxa ob szoxAjroa. " .. 83 Vi AOmBTB, 14 miles Oregon City , courthouse; partly improve eu. - your large iota in tiaism. Terms oil alL Aiisky aids. BOB. none faotfle BOX. ' t:,.-,. 7th Street Corner 10x100. with rood ImDrovementsv ea Seventh, near Burnalder-ltO.OOO. . The llecly -Investment B10-B14 AMaaaa loet, Third St. ' for modem Bental worn. - World-re B owned spec lai lata teswwst pricee eenalstant wltk gsv-elasg ".. ' Oa) to tna i :-'rs v: NEWYORK DENTISTS FOtraTSi ajtd atOBJUBOs STB. :y Dpea day aad alpht, froas tsM a, as. until le g sa. ' ,,.,',11 . ne - I , - J'mAg lllncsd Clama. . I .-A-.-, niii.... . ...--.y, '.' . . .i-. . t--r FIRST! f i ZaT srydaeeele, " ' traseaav I TEETH OVERBECIC;, OTARR C: COOIIQ CO ' -J ' . Mem berg Chicago Board of Trade, . .- mm&rnox cargo, stooxs ara'rtrri ' " Tnlrg Street lKay BuUdlrta. Portlanl. Cj. ''V' :tjra o a STBUTiT coafjciBxc3 t- Ooatlnaoua If arketa by Private vVlre. . . TUtoa, bsjtkara, and UUU4 CUea We tnef Si"eaee..-e pi (rarti eui .e t. m l f a.. - blood, aioroach. aeert, liver, 1 -T epd throat Uoublaa. We euro b Ir.ULlA t without mercuryxto stay c" red flfs" T ever. " We' remove STRlCTUrinl. wiwo out operation or pain, in II daya. . We atop drains, nlabt floaaea aad Bpermatorrhea by a aaw method In a ahort time. We ean restore the eexuej vigor of any man under IS by meana of local treatment peculiar te ouraelvee. We CureA Gonorrhoea .-"r'in a Week - The doe to re of this tnetltote are ell regular graduataa, have had many Kara' experience, have been known la rtland for If years, have a reputation to maintain, and will UBitavtnba mu Unleaa certain cure can be effected. - We guarantee a euro In every ease wa undertake or charge no fee. Coneulta - tlAf. ft mm T .II.M-...l.n.4.l T n tlve BOOK FOB MfiN mailed free In , plain wrapper. . . . . We cure the woret eaaee of piles la tws or three treatments, without opera- 1 -vAdrvane ' v, n w warn a ea a vctnmnQ,, ltm a . Wflld lor e Offlce noun, t to I and T to a I Snndaya and Bolldaya. Jt , ta ..' 4- DR. W. NORTON DAVIS : CO. Ofllcee In Van Koy Hotel. n Third Street Corner Pine. Portland. Oa. eeveeeeeBeeeMeMetet Th? ..lXrOOA' He la dlaeaaea ii m 1 1 kidneys.' He has had great .auocess In curing consumption when the vto tlra Is not too much run down by the dlaeaea, end will stop hemorrhages In aa incredibly abort time. He brews bis own medicines fron.-C roots, herbs, buda, barke and vege table teas, all of which are eok.rwiy harmless, and whose medicinal properties are unknown to Americas down tore. Ha uaee In hie Dractlce over SOB different Oriental reanaoiea. Uua - X dreda of teatlmontais from grateful DR. WINQ LEE . 37 lSorth Fifth 8treet ' , Portland, Orepcon w eeeeeeeM -1 PACrUCULAST YlVR;5C - ONE WAS SAnsriED." Busineiss Property : by the Acre Oata, two oa Tajmn aoaaa. Three blocks from tba bualnssa center. at a low, rate for n few daya. - VhUM BHJJrt BTB a SllBilllS (i VAMTED Real Estcte ACREAQE Wll Want MA,. 1MU mm wrt awe V have raatnin.,. m 1 1 ii n M . . suburba - List your I. IB and IS-aora xraots wiua us, ana we wm and a sua toner for you.' , , FRMS Wa also vaant xao re farms ta salL Have people la the east who want te come to Oregon and buy farms. JJgt your tana wiw ue. , , . ; r. ' .TIMBER List your timber land with ua and we wtiraelt-tt-foryou. rrrrnr BLAIR & IIURLBUT SIS ABXVOTOBT BTlXnZaTO, i rrCViC. Xj)5 DAinnorcVsTzno cu)3:2Tai:Yi3 i, gvasaui aurauis m ' vtee afiaouBnea less.' ! atoeag 4, aeuwe rwe caaMsana e c ; ,i L i I pepg , ,. .Quick Berrie I KaUetui I . At ST Mwm -i .: mum u kxt " uo;,ie lawd co: ar at - v quaatioa biaiwC. X-uu.s UuuuaeuT J Greet OitoCCwtcr sailed arrest because ba euree Bit, without reeortlnn to the knife. mm Call and have a free examination. He wm tell you the exaot nature of your trouble. He treata succeasfully every form of fe male complaint, all private and blood die eases, cancer, paralyala, tumor a, rheumatism ii , Him r b , lm .inmica. u,.r imi -petienta. . - . .. ..-- i mmmimmMom BtUVSOTJU CCMAX satACVsKtizwrcsa. 2PC 10c PACKACI3. J e. Qee Wo ct Ct!:. ty kwatad at BBS stv earner Third Has . loved To the large Brisk bsUd.' bag at a a easuar et vVJ ' - arret aad Morrbna Sts, ItUri IVrt rre-t Or. C. One We, the Oreat Cblneea taewv. Is well baowa and faaoac throng bout the V. S. been nee bla wonderful aad marreloae euros bsve beea heralded broadeast tbreagboat the kba . aad breadth of tbla caaatry. be treabj ay aad alt dteeaaee with powerful Cblaeae raaa. herbs, bass, barbs and eesetaolee taat are aa- t truly unknown ta medical science In tbla anna try, and through the nee ad theae baraieag remtdlea be aaaraatees ta cars catarrh, auaa. Inns troahlaa, rbeuastlsm. nnrvnaansss. ate n. nver, aioaay, xejaaet iisbbisb aaa au pneaae dleeeeen. Tbla fasnsus Seranc earns wl'hoot tae eM af the kalte, without Being poteoaa or 4 a. trandreea at fenruaaoua ea sa at aa e .a. Can aad see bla. Cbargaa awderate. -. - ooBBBXTAXioa rasa, Patlenta eat of the etty write tr biere sad circular. Iaehae de etaap. ad-weea Ine O. One We Chlneee Medleina te.. Ue feat a., ear. Marrlnoa. Portland. Oregon. . trieana mention ta newer. tfhe'elfjn nrnnfSMir i- v. -mr f- . sfe-Var.. t 1 1 W- i .'sOAVitB' . Financki Aztzt ' aLCueaaSf ITbe w f t. S, 8 and 15-..rr3 ' , Quarter.' I!t!f is r-r--- rur i g ' m m sunrBwai I ax mrm v -btv a. an. sr 1 Bal a