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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1906)
: GITS 1.1EET m LOCAL field: Seattle and Multnomah' Elevens to Struggle for the North-' ----- west Championship.- v '3 ' BACKERS ARE BETTING ' ,V'v EVEN ON THE RESULT Viaitora Want Better Than Even, bat 'j Locale Do Noi See It.Tbat Way MAAVCV Eleven U in Splendid '.' Condition for the Giant Contest. There will be extensive doings this i. . a fi ifin ill t limit tftniri immt A y nana earn down like a wolf en the row last- night and are primed,. Tor a r great f rar. . Thay are here : for blood. ' Nothing but victory will eattafy-those '. wary Oaleritea from tha City af Des . tiny. The band, headed by the clean" -raced Msjmger ' Ingua.. eunnorted and flanked by money backers of rariagmtad . proportion and financial extensions. - arrivea in toe exposition city last even ' , Ing. When tha wheels of the Seattle , umitea came to a stop at-4he Union iMuun, vnm xuuit rani ransi Seattle! TV ware given In the visitors honor by Bart Kerrigan and a delegation of club repre v.. . eentatlvee who .were appointed to look aner me social side or Ir. Roller's eo , horts. The other side-will be featured later byPeter Orerfleld and hie team j L mateei , i v -r- - That the game will be a hammer bo - one Is attempting to deny. Both teame 'are la eplendld condition for the scrim- . mage and It Is not likely that there will V be the . slightest delay on aooount et laca or-tnuning. ... Multnotpah bold her, final practice jnwraij morning ana tne run squad turned out Oeorge McMUlen, the grain, V flour,' feed,' bran, middlings and hay P-nanrletortatin-ax auartacand reeled -u . im mi uj i miuion a , minute. The players raapooded prompt- -. it na weni inrougn tne varioue piaye with Pe4 and precision. Martin Pratt . had more a team end ginger than aa . army of flying machines. "Chancy" Get back your strength. enerfjr. ambition, by name AASSBTTS NATIVE HEMS Coete only 1 fcr threa months' traatmeat ' money back ll dodMl cure. . Alee i Ueeue. At DrutrsKa (in black bo-eefe a not. im an rang k? mew Ufa Ncnve Carte U IT' I - l ' -. Beenm a Itenve I ; f Vr II; u I p' toJ : r- - 1 Bishop, the pious one front Salem, bad a mile of speed to ipare and romped through plays like a -hyena. In troth the entire team showed form and after and hours hard work ran around the field is times for additional exercise. , Betting on the game 'la not ee brisk aa one would think, considering the In tense rivalry that exists between Beat lie and Portland. The visitors. In their usual modest manner, want everything, bnt whether the locals grant their re- quest remains to be eeen. Tha loaical prioea should be even money. In ease ef a ue au note err. but Seattle porta want to win providing the ecore is a tie. The game wlU start promptly at 1:11 ana we- teams wilt face each other la uie fashion: ry . a. . , Muitnomao. . ' ' ' " ' nm Jordan (o).,,LIR Brlnker-Laaater M.erron .LT R Cutts Saunders 4....,.LO B....4. . i Wells Orerfleld .... O Samples Burt ............ RQt,. ....... Babcock . TUiii Pullen Dowllng .B Ml. ft,-jvi t Frost McMillan Q. Burrlngtoa Heraa .......... R H L. ....... . Rniiar iiianop . ,.,,,,.. i, hr. Bvass James , .F.... ...... Coiil Referee Dick Smith. T7mntra Rn. onoruv Timer Profeaaor ' Fechheimar. f ' 11 ' . J - IJbeiaal a i.t i Harrtsbura. Pa- Jan. . .t4irai cnanras in the law governing the own ership and operation of automobiles are made by the new state law, which went Into effect today.. According to the new. law each machine must bear two tage,. eae on the front and one on tne rear and no other tags. Ths actual operator must' be licensed, aa 'a license Issued to one parson may not be need by another person. . The personal lloanse must be carried by tha onerator. anil he must dlsplsy it when ordered to do bo oy any constable or police officer. The law also provides that the itumtM of a machine must stop when elgnaled oy tne eriver or a horse or other anl- Saakeuio Fomltry new. ' ; ; Naahville Tenn.. Jan. 1. The ann.,t exhibition of the Nashville Poultry Show mnuon openeo in. tne- Hippodrome today and will he eonUnued until the end of the week. Several thousand en. trtoa of high class chickens, turkeys, ducks, geeee and.nlao im m the display of chickens being especially line. The exhibitors represent half a doeeir states and. the competition among them la exceedingly brisk. i --. 3 eoasBaa Ta. Beanie . Boston. Jan. 1. After umi of Inactivtty the boxing game Is to be resumed In thle Vicinity tonight. The uougias Ainieim ciud or Cheioea nee ar ranged a promising card for Its patrons, the chief feature being a 10-reand bout between "Kid Goodman and rM vesmsrr,. ..; ; . , ,t.i i- .. StsAWahlp Alamtxla. ;l Thla favorite steamer baa resumed he local ran to Honolnht. She le as good ea new, and made speedy trip on hef last run, going down In little over five days, -Ban Francisco to Honolulu. First eabia round trip rate by the Ala. mode la till. Thle applies from Port, land by either rail or steamer to San Francisco.. Every one should make thla trip to Hawaii, where wen bathing and outdoor -wrte -ioyed all winter. i it v 1 iv ;rte atreet., SEATTLE SIIOUTERS HERE FIM1E Northern Contingent ' Fool That S. A.' C. Haa'Sptendld Chance' of Defeating Muftnomah." COMPLETE SQUAD GIVEN TRIP TO PORTLAND While Seattle Backer Art Confident They Are Only Willing to Wager Even Money, fo Win Should Cam Be a Tie Condition of Eleven. -i (RDedal Daman - ta The lnn.l l - - ' I Seattle, Waalw Jan. -i. Promise of witnessing one of the greatest gridiron battles ever fought 14 the northwest haa caused some 10 football enthusiasts to make the trip to Portland to see the game between Seattle and Multno mah. The tie game here simply whetted the appetltee of the local foi. lowers of the pigskin, and the belief that both teams are In better condition ban caused every rover of the game to go . to Portland who can afford the time. ,. - . ' . : . , The Seattle teem exnaota - a . much harder battle than they had with Mult- nomas en the local gridiron, -and they have worked hard to get 1 themselves Into condition. Not a minute that aouid be need for practice has been wasted. Every night the . team . haa been, put through n hard practice game. At thle. time tt le believed that tha lineup of the Seattle aaarsaatlon win be practically the eame as In the game nor nirong snone were made to get Dad Gregory to go- In aa center and give to the club some of hie Ulchiea experience. But up until thle afternoon Gregory haa refused to agree to play en Now Tear's day. With him la the line It Je belleveL tbat 1U .efficiency would be raised SO per ' cent. Club members have kept hard after Gregory, but he haa not 'Weakened In hie deter. mlnatlen not to play..: Aa a compromise he agreed to turn, out yesterday and today to the practice to give pointers to Samples, who will play the posl- tlon. . ... . ., . ' Samplee playing In the anna hare was not entirely satisfactory. He went Into the lino too high. . Muoh time has been a pent on him thle week to make him charge lower, bnt If anything he y laying nigner inan ue aid In the game here. Far some reason, he will not play low. He goes Into the line almost straight up to -the air. Thla aereot was apparent in the practice last night.- Welle, who will play right guard,' haa not put any ginger Into bla play this year. He takes things eaey end loafs through the game. His form thle see eon does not com Dare with Ma niavi of last -year. Hs would be moot for. mldable with hie e sounds ef walht If soma snap eould be put Into hie play. He haa see ehargisg alow all week la CT.Jl. fl. C. SQUAD e'e e Reading from left to right In e 0 the top row - are: lonergan. ' e e Stockton. Burt. Croeby,-Bree0V Baya, Manager Watktns, Loom la, e Saunders, Wilson nnd Smith, a -r.e in tha middle row. . reading' e e from left to right, are:- Horan. ' e McMUlen. Coach Overfleld, Cap- e) e tain Jordan.- Pratt, Owens and e - Klrkley. ; e e ' In the. front row are Powllng, - t acuu ana Kupert. ' . .. e . :': Z the practice. - A much lighter man win outplay Welle unless hs changes his style of play." - ; " It II atlTT uncertain whether Council will get Into the game. - If he does not, Christy will go In ee fullback. . The local sports here will take much money to Portland to wager on the game, but they will not wager It an iens they get evsn money win on a tie. They feel that Multnomah On paper haa the better chance of winning nnd should give da a, no odds are forthcoming -the Seattle visitors declare they will take muoh VtnmOny!r the money le given to them on n tie score. .-- - : r- - " ' : The - team with all the ' eubeututee who have turned out to practice left Sunday morning. ' ' " f , ' Speaking of the game today. Super intendent Inglla said: ' '"Whatever the outcome may be. I believe It will be the greatest game yst seen in the north. west Ths game here opened the eyee of local football enthusiasts as to what the team could do. The fact that both team a will be - in - better ehape leads me to believe that the game will be one worth going miles to see." j Disporting gossip, i Seattle Times .. amoks: The fans would go broke on this team if there was only some man in the line who eould take care of Overfleld. One man said last-night that Tie would bet ISO on Seattle If Dr. Roller would play canter against Overfleld, and let Christy or Baimhaw take his place behind the line. Til la In an ft m res that Roller, be ing la perfect naming condition, would wear Pete oak is the firs half, and would hold -him aran. at all atagaa. and with Overfleld eared for, the Seattle team would win." :, - - s e. s V- ..:.: If Multnomah- plays her game thle afternoon the Seattle team will be de feated. In the last game of the season The Journal hopes to aee the better team triumph, and may., that teem be Multnomah. , v.-. , , , For the meet genial e&rtesy and accommodating spirit, dleplayed all dur ing a hard and successful season, the thanks of nil concerned go oat to Mana ger Frank EL Watklna of Multnomah. Happy New Tear, Frank.:';, - . . -, , ;.. ' S ew r ; :' . V '. George McMillan will direct the local team's play thla afternoon. -Oeorge le no novloe when it comes to playing the great game of football. - . , - e ,e c . :' More Seattle dope:' "TJnleee Evan a gets hurt again, the Seattle team will try some end runs. He waa put out ef It in the first play here, so that Seattle had to rely en bucking the- line entirely. Evana la net so fast, but he la a perfect leech for. sticking to ; bla Interference, end, ee Council, Roller and Cutts are capable et putting up a high class article ef Interference, Dowllng aad Jordan will have their troubles." ; , - , ''."'i. V-' ' t-i '." ',; an Indifferent character that fellow Luahman, isn't her "Why, yes, hea forever aaying Doa't care If I do."?' , , v.,, --. i ",,'.' ' v;'i '" It la elm ply wonderful the amount of football reform demanded by the col i&tnT'-' InlWlE' 7 mm leges whose teams have been roundly ucasa-uua year- , "Aa pretty ae a picture," aha By all her friends Is known, ' ' : And yet..ef.eouree, aha could not be I- .' ,' , f m '.. . '' , (HpeHal Dlaseteb te The Jearaal.) Independence, Or4 Jan. fast aad Interoatlng game . of basketball . was played In the Athletic hall between the iiet'ti is ' &m: -We have on-hand 7 about -500 of Mitmmm WEED , SUITS that we ever offered atl 115.0 cizc3 7-stout, s 1 i m ' and "regiilar CLEMMICE P?C;?i : ; ; Samples sent any where uri 're-, quest K Mail birders inteUijchtly " ;' -'- Mr-' HozioF civs c;;3 acjj:i3"--; Salem High acbool team and the In deoendenoa .Alhletle muh'a first team SaturdayTilglii. The" game res ul tad In a score of 4 to 1 In favor of Indo pendenoa. '- The Salem boys played hard ball through a the game but the Ath- fast for them and the game waa easily, theirs from the first. The elutwootn) was wsU fiUed with spectators. Allen Lewis' Beat Brand. .