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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1906)
jT ,1 r 11 - ' n r fw lii? OMIT; fvayk!-' n v.-,:. 1 ,i : . :-i.tphr7rbwn Ctartt New Year With! Evaiy Indication FASTTWLVE MONTHS i, " ; - SAW MANY, ADVANCES l- - :. ' - '. ""-r "Jf'f and New fumd-Other Jo- AwtrW Art Soonyt tctTll - - Ptetortot H Uar)r4fc '.... -j ;.i ;. (gpetUI Dispatch te Tfce Jeerssl.V Chehelle, JTaa. V-TU on , most auspiciously for Chahalla: la 101 -.,' substantial pisgrsca :fcen been snada 4b the , tewn and mere improvements ere . 'now.'. In sight for ths coming . r Within the put s-eatC'rerT eubeUntlal " Improvement has been: ade to the mat- Ur or rebuilding streets. - Is ths' resi dence McUont; whwi this kind or work ; l done mew. eruabed rock to taking the -pleo f ittanlrtnas--'The pest yeet : lm ' provement districts put in cruebed-roch ... atreeta end auM new walks. . During ? the i coming: summer it to mora thsa - likely that Cbohsllg avenue and Market - street the , two principal business stras ef the city, will discard tha planking that already neede replacing ' and put down brick or asphalt pave . asest on aometMof equally aa go?; ' Durlns tha paat ' year two brick - Moaka hart baaa araotadOao ot waa. tha. raoonftructlok of . the old Oclsaler opera-bouae block, which J. D. Rice, a well-knewD marohanU boughC ' rebuilt end Increased by an added atery. alvlna tha town a eeond three-atory brick block, Oeerire Oetoaler to juat eompletlnaT m tmnieaaa two-atory brtck, . having a fronta 4fl-fot on. two atreeta. '. Within tha year.wo ieee than 110 new reeldencee have been built and atlll there . la a atrong demand for j iioueea for renting purpoaea, ao much f ha' tha town- grow in,' hwuthtuW v The aacret of Ihto trrowth la tha do. ' velopment that bai ben going on bare im tha lnduatrlal Use. ' Cbehalla haa ? number of manufacturing Induatriea to , day whera four, yea re ago aha bad - Bona. Tha Chahalla rlr Door aompany .. to luat oompletrng lta extenalve new ad ' aiuea, wblol. will double the oapactty of the plant. At preeaat tha aompany'a ; factory haa a capacity of 0 doom k day. and owing to the rery great lo w, oreaae la tha demand for fir for f Inlah tna . Mraoaaa the have found 4t . ad- TlMble to go Into- the; businaea of manufacturing Interior flniah, aach a - . ealnr mouldlnga, ata. Tha new por- tlon af tha factory-to being aapeolally eonetnicted - for that: purpoee. Tha building for tha Inachma-room la by lOfll feet In alaa and la tbla room mora '. tha M new machtnee of ooa kind or another will be lnetalled. - Moat of tnera are here now and tha .met will be here within a few aya. It la hoped to-get tha . Blent to - runnlnc full blait by v January 1ft: .About 10 banda will be , employed when everything la "In running -order. Tne ampany "a r.preTexecaeii , with buslneaa at this time with eon traeta for their output that will keep them gem for mentha. ' " "r: -.; j . .? ' ' 9oum$ toggiar iwl.:.j? : The Coat Creek JUimber company. to ;. building an lta togging railroad now and within a few day a will hare thla into "llliie ef theli gmiiltliiilinr Thla .mill " " atartad up about two" montha ago and ' ' weekly la getting ite plant mora fully equipped and adding more men to lta TipayroH.T About are now employed . and whan all tha added machinery la la and tha full capacity, of tha plant U I ' .. aereiopeax (uuy ; t men wiu oe eta ' ployed. x ., - v v- The. Cbehalla Brick aV TUa company, - : located near thla aawmlll, haa dona 1( ' . biggest yeara buslnesa to 106 and '' baa all tha buainoea ft can handle. It ' la lust now arranging ta burn brick with coal for fuel, owing to inability 4 t wood when wanted. Near by theee. planta . to tha Chahalla . Wood working company which la- running . ateadlly and turning out a line of porch columns, guttera, ate.. Another Industry, which tha town haa needed for a long while. Just being started la tha foundry and iron works plant of C F. Qroenke A Bon. who are removing their Sound . Iron Works plant to thla city from Everett.' . . Construction of their plant haa begun already and will be hastened Just as rapidly aa possible. Thla con earn to expected .te employ from - tfi It snen.. 1 ' i - t ' ' - Tha Chebalia Furniture A ; afanufao turln , company haa dona a . record breaking business in 'llOi and baa all tha business In sight for the new year Jr. kil' HM90G ' year graoto yea and wa Wish ywa tSH happy days, and ' we aaa, aAd ta yema happiasaa if 1 yean rase - aack day. Thara aa a great deal ef style thla year and if style la what - yea are after Coomotaad with a.oalltr d dnrabtmy) .aema . whes .wtyto. icigkB. -A -- , v Oar January Salei au m Hww too9a a r:::iCL0THiKjQ 'JXJWm-Prc ( tsas foe stem and Boys, y . I and laa ralrd ghjsst, , V --. X-ohawk BmUdiac , V.VToVa Mm v a ) i s i wm ' , The aw '.. v. -w vk. r WW y- ; luurvw veunn that It handl baa, made many improvements to its ptont duHnw" the past rear to better handle Its ? work., Nearly l hands are employed thera. Tha' Ch shells 4 fla. fiber factory t Is running lta full uoU. of men thrsaba Ing and .working up ui see una w that was grown for the factory In thla valley the paat summer. . During t the coming year tha flas company will make vary extensive addltlona and Improve ments at Its plant,-sacra new buildings will be erected' and mora machinery added. 'it''"" "- '''' ' 11 '','"'" J , . , sratg BtlU Ooamlag. '-,? 5 ' la addltlan ta tbeaa Various Industrlaa tha Chicago Weedenwars . company of Mobile Alabama, which propoeee to a gaga in the manufacture .of an entirely new line In this aeotioa Uddera, lawn awlnga, eto will , soon open nlaat Twenty men will be employed. The Chahalla Fir Cutter eompany la doing a nioe bualneaa In columns, gutter, mouldings, ate. . Aran early data the rebuilding of tha ahinglo mill of tha Chehalls Shingle company, which "waa burned la August, will begla. P. Ouatavaon la adding a large extension tev his snechtn repair shop. f . - Chehalls : new: JJosltlo. light plant, re cently installed, is rapidly being de veloped. Coal mine developments cf the Miller Broa.' mine and tbc mine opened op at tha alectrlo light plant on Coal creek by Harry Weet will alao add materially to the payroll for l0s. The Bt. Helens' Condensing compaay, which la manufaoturlng' cream, la overstocked with orders.- This plant v and : tha Chehalls creamery are strong factors la developing the dairy Industry In the Chehalls, and . Newaukum valleys, In. addition to . these things Chahalla has soma good propositions in cold storage that will probably be worked out la the next few montha along manufacturing lines. - , . : . -..- , ; , Many new people have come into the country the paat year and mora arc ar riving. Farroera arajenerallyprosper - ous andThave money. Out on tha Che-1 halls South Bend branch of tha North arn Paciflo tha many sawmills that are operating have mora buslneaa than they can handle. Thla section of Southwest 'Washington never had a brighter out look thaa greets It at tha beginning - lass "" . &, , r 0IU andjcoal prospectso: ... ii w viim a wp-sivmsi I 10VC r W ; ; Ai inAuiirtu ai itranura rs-aetsl Plspeteh t The liaraat) ' . The Dal lea. Or Jan, V gevsral year aaa a syndicate was formed hers to roopect for ooal . A tract cf land was contracted for about three mllea weat at thla city and drilling machinery pur chased and arrangements made to carry It to a successful laaua if coal existed in this country. : After drilling through several different strata a bed Cf mag netic iron was encountered the depth of this strata was about to feet and ca nard that It took diamond drllle to pane. trats It. . Soma days but two or three Inches were drilled. It was estimated Mt it rer cent iron and seemed to be eo"sxtenstvs that T another bole "waa drilled a considerable dlstanoe away andi the same stratum encountered. . The drilling proceeded ta a. depth of l.fttt feet, when for some unknown reason the work waa stopped. - : It was claimed at the time that the drillers were ever a fine bed of anthra cite coal and U la believed that work on tha prospect will soon commence again. it is reported that representa tives or large operators nave seen in is prospect y and . are very enthualaatio over It. '" ' , ' , t " " - ';' Reports from Fifteen Mile and Ram sey creeks say that . excellent oil pros pects have beeii found In that vicinity, tha tasts and smell being ao strong that the water cannot be uaed, and by drop ping a lighted match into tne weua it will bum. ,i t.'X. m- t-t '..: y LONDON MORE -VICIOUS iXTHAN ANYtJTHER CITY .' -: f.v ' i i " ;,, ,: , (. r, '.I': ' ''- tfoarasl pedtl Serrlee.1 ' London, Jan. 1. "Why to It that ton. don's crime figures should have become eo appalling that- even the ' United States authorities 7 yimw them with amaaementr -- - .. ; . To thla question, . asked by a Dally Mirror report es,. aa nfflnlsl , at Bow atreet.. a recognised authority on . crime atatlattoa, replied; . ..... . There can be fed doubt that Intel lectual crimes are on the Increase." I mean, forgeries,-', highly . difficult bur glarlea and bugs swindles that require brains, resource ana nerve. a mnar ous tendency of crime today la toward oppression and murder by a system under which no one can be bald re sponsible by law. 1 -1 mean not only 'frensled finance that la responsible for many suicides, defalcationa and the like, but also a system of Jousinesa la busl-peee'- and landlordism - which, aweats rants out of men and wetnen until they are forced lot the atreeta to steal or etarve." -----" " " h la the opinion cf a well-known doctor. London haa become the worst city , la the world.-- ' v - There le mere Vice, crime, lunacy and drunkanneaa here," he said, "than In any other city in the, world.'' - , ; t, ,' Fiafsnd tack Oaanad AUen Lewis Beat Brand. , , - I' '- j ' .-a rtnarVitr fJfarnH Heircai tO'AU' ar RESIDENT With Mrs. Rootwvtlt, Ha la Sln ' caraly, Dallghtad to Oat Hia ,tDaug,.rtar Bafaly Marriad t': NICK LONGWORTH NOT A MILLIONAIRE ! i Yooof - Coupls to Start Ufa Along t EconomkaJ : Ltoas 'to, a Hooaa ' Rented Ihirnlahed Brid Ifotber- : tnjw No Idas of 8tpplnf Pown. i Vwashlav Bar eta af The Jesrael.) - v Waahlnaton. D. C. ian. 1. 'Washing ton kas been keyed ta the highest pitch of social sxcltemepfaover the long de ferred announcement cf thd engagement of JMUs' Alice Boosevclt-ta Wichous r..rik -and now enters the princess into a, new role and wttneaa the JubUa tlon in tne presiaennw a ever two people , are openly. slnoeraly delighted to get their daughter aaf elf married, the preeldant and hto lady are tha dlatingutobed pair.: - But their Joy will not be completed until the day after, for things are ao uncertain. Just us their la -an mman w. - - 1 fytf invading tha moat modtoh-nornea . tha c.DltaL and it would be Just like Archie or QuenUn Reoaavelt to go and gat that allment,at a critical time.. ui b.frii incidents and the prlnceaa changing bar pretty mind, the wedding la due at 4 o'clock, February 17, la tha east room of the white house, with the M,hM af Waahina-ton officiating. So mw BU. -Mil. - t ' Kml on a vary as to tne aar ." hlch the distinguisnea coupie bear each other. Well Informed friends of .the dapper - Ohio . repraaentatlve aay that ha Is untold fatnome in depths and be knows no hour sleeping cr wak in la which the talL alender princess does not Mnger In his retinue.. Well Informed friends ef Miss Alice aay that aha has loved her-lever from the nrat, Muma thav ; admit that she refused him three times and kept him on the tender : hooks until he demanded bar to name the day. , Certainly at present thav ara . not eov lovere. v They are onenlv devoted, and they seem not happy one moment ' apart, --7 '-rT ',We aalHeaatre; vi'iv;v But crosaio things will Intrude on theeeJ weet visions of love's young araua -and now the oueetlon la how - nwok Is-ths-Honori worth warth at nresent. snd bow much In nraaneetlve. It seems a shock-to learn from authoratlve eoureee -that just -now ha recalvea an" allowance of 11,0V a year zrom ma nouur mv aim salary aa-a member of congress from Cincinnati, pr l.00 mora Ultimately he will ahara, at bis roomers option, the fortune ' left by Judge Nicholas Lonrworth, with his two staters, Mrs. Buokner Wellington! and the Viscoun tess ds Chambrun. This ; fortune la eetimated from tl.SOO.OOt to U.tOO.vOO. which does 'not place "Nick" even In the millionaire class, even If be shares the ' Inheritance evenly with hit ,two sisters, which Mrs. Longworth's friends do not think altogether certain, f Mrs. Longwortb senior baa. the entire patrimony under' bar ;" thumb and aha can divide It according to her will. She-haa ne . Idea at stepping down and giving the young people her magnificent home on the ' outskirts of Cincinnati. They may visit her If they wtah but the princess will not reign there In her ' time. The name is said ef the h6me on North Bhora The only domi cile which the heppr young "Nick" ean call his own . to the furnished One on Eighteenth atreet Thla be' haa taken for a yeer, and here the princess must make ber nesl,-Ifine wanfslbe grand European trip which la to be a art of the bridal Jaunt Taktag Ms bride, and. aha .the president's 'daughter at that, to a rather ordinary house rented fur. nlshed is not exactly tha American Idea of chivalry. ' But Idea change. Then It la the , beat proof In the world that the young "people must start Ufa along economical lines, nf tftey want to keep up with the throng, v . ' attcgles Be BOgkat. Iamal IpnUl aervis.l - - Pittsburg. Pa., Jani.atogles will not be the cheap" tmoke hereafter that they have been la the paat - A general advance In prices wad put Into effect by tb manufactnrers today, amounting from fl to per 1.000. according to grade. Ae -a result of thla advance the retailer will probably aell his four for a nickel stogtea at three for I cents, and the three for cents at two for 6 cents. The advanae In price If attributed to (be Increased demand for leaf tobacco. ' ., j , , , , . . PLEASES f I'JEDDIIG i ,,' ' inlrana Mn. Ta!!l. NVV-Y0rk Reporttn Ht KlHed GriKl ' With a Pocket Knit ,' (Jesnisl gpeeUl eree.lj " j ' : i w. vi Wrla-ht of Spokane. Waahlngton.- waa a vlaltor at the Bronx i&oo para h.t ha had made what haa been deacrlbad, as tha beat "kill" :' J banter 1 the weaw woen " irVi. grlssly bear with a emeu p"' -""T la tha ,,aearwater ! i country. saye la was bunting .Tl w? eompaalons when ' i tZl doga lighting large grlaaiy near their camp. (He bd Wft hto sua In oamp. 1 v '.:-r mat from him. Wright seised every op portunity to nae It - Although he iaai rowly aaoapad blows 'from the pawa of the huge beast be peralatad in hia at tacks until after a long fight be klHed it He eacapad -with- but few injurlea, but his dogs were painfully wouaded. i ' A SLAUGHTER SALE.' i . v ,!.':,,. ,.'.,' i i . ";.,'. : MaAIlaa B KcPoaaall Aw aarlxf a , atefola January Cleaa-Vp ef Bey ,thlag la the Store, ,c . Jx.i ': ': ' !'; Messrs. McAllen aV McDonnell, Third and Morrison, nave begua la earnest a reaular .January clean-up cf-everything In .their fine -store. ., The stock consists of all things In Linens a class or mer chandise for. which the house haa be come famoua and tka prtcea of which have been mercilessly reduced, ft -values falling to 1.5. the seals all down the line declining In. like proportion; and In all instances corset prlcea are cut In half; "Queen" wodasjauallns to the coat ef material; .mens and 1 soft golf and percale shirt reduced to too, . M...jn mA wiptiiiree. fluueh aov. Kill vuimmwv.wmw. M" . era. table covers, sllkollnea, drapertea, Swiss sasn curtainings, . uuni(iing Swlas and madras curtains, stc com ing under the baa of him who has th slaughter knife in band. - - The house U -determined' te make-a apeedy end of Us stock reduction, i . i. nff.,ln, trada Inducementa that "will doubtless command Immediate at tention. . -, ' ,'i '''"- " PRESIDEfIT WELCOMES , .. .TWO PRETTY BRIDES i '. -''IWasluafaai' Boreaa' ef The joarasl.) " ' Washington, D. C Jan. 1. Two brides of distinguished diplomats made their how te President and Mrs. Roosevelt at - the white house, New Yeare recep tion today. : Onevaa the newly made wife cf the. recant chief executive of Bquador Senora ' Maria ' Avellna da vi... . tn.A-ntftAm wii Senora Pardo. wife of the Peruvian minister who sue oeeda Senor calderon. - uanarau imn de Plasa was one of the most successful -i . .kih VsinmAnT haa . elected. He laid down the ralna cf government only iasl liarcn ana h dm vwa mim came as minister to Washington. Ha i . nv,, Vortuna and a beau- tlful wife and much boapltallty Is as sured him. '- r - i. -i i - ' - EXPANSIONT-SUNNYSIDE. fine jrew XtoahaJl Organ to ; Be 1 V ataUed la . Ber. Stanba i-- Fla TOareh, f (V " "Following upon the heels of the sale ef the- fine Kimball organ to the United Presbyterian ohurch at Albany, Oregon.- and another fine Kimball or gan te tha beautiful new Danish Luth eranchurch . at San Francisco, oomcs the announcement that Con gregational church, Rev. jr. J. Staub, haa decided upon av wbwh vh after nearly four yaara of preliminary work, during whloh time every known r nan was carefully rnveatl- aated. The oommitfee, consisting of Messrs. S. C Pier, B. O. WOOda 4. T. Wilson, B. 8.. Qruber, W,, H. Sawtell and Rev. J. J. Staub, placed the order at Its final meeting last .Friday for a fine new ll.ooe Kimball pipe organ, with Ellera Plane House, which will be abortly inelalloa.. w All Kimball organs are built upon the mnbrated duplex tubular pneu matic ayatem. patents for which are controlled only by W. W, Kimball Ca, Chicago,' IlL '-... v . - The world's treated organists pre nounctbe . KImbH aystem thejioat perfect Orgaoa constructed -upon this principle have a touch lighter and a repetition 'quicker than any piano, air preasure being uaed entirely for 'the purpoae ef operating all valves through out, instesd of 'springs and other cum bersome , mechanisms- Sound : In other arganev "' V- ' '" '- . Ellers Piano House has lnetalled no taaa than 0 Kimball pipe organa In the laet few years, snd not a single one haa given anything but the . greateet satisfaction. . Notable - among .theee la the great Kimball pipe organ In Trinity church, .of thla city, recently Installed by Ellers Piano Houaa, V ' , .''-'"'-f.rf-kTew' taw Bffscmlw.--r ; Joernsl Special tervlee.) k Lansing. Mich., Jan. 1. A new state law in regard to' birth certlflcatee went Into effect In Michigan today. The measure provides that the saw eertlfi eatea shell give the exact day and hour cf birth. The law Is designed ta In crease the a sours cy ef the atatlstlce and tha legal value of the records. , Foraatar GJfford Hnchot Ucuta H Inatrucflona tor Applicants, -J 'I t'UiLfoir' Parfnlta.' .t.So?. mU3T pay cmall cum : v for crazing frivileci3 Forest aWcJrjRrUl Aim to fceftrlc? : Number of Qhtue or enaep t ac "' tnal Owto;-Capacity'- ol Cues ;'ljndcr' Nontial Conditioog. , " " "" 1 ' " i' . ". . . 1 ; ' ''"' (WMhlnstca Bureau af The Joarasl.). !T Washington. IX C Jan. 1-Glf f ord Pinohot forester of the department of agriculture, haa toeued the following in structions to sppHoants for gracing per mits on tha forest resarvae:, , "In aooordance with the forest re serve rules and regulations, on and after January 4. lo. a modest fee will be charged -,for the privilege of graalag all classes cf llveatock. C iThe oraat reaervee belong to- all the people, .(but of necessity, under proper management their use for graslng pur poaea can only be allowed to a limited number. .Therefore, it la fair -and Jusi that those who. - receive the gracing' privilege should pay a small fee which win i go - toward . . helping ta pay , " the running expenses of the reserves, "in order to protect and assist home builders, a special eonoasalon will be made In the graslng fee on cattle for the eeasoa of Itet as follows: 4The permits tor each strts.-or terri tory for the year 10 will be listed la order of the number of cattle covered; then beginning with ' the emalleet, one half of tha permits wlU be counted oft and the number of cattle ahown- by the largest of theee permits will be taken eg "a basis for. thif concession. "Appllcanta far graslng permits 'wm be charged only half rata oa cattle wp to tha number thus establlabed for their state or territory, but ail cattle ever thla number will be charged (or at full rata - - - .r.r-i i---'.' . t ,;T., -JTBSaae at ansak.' '-:- "In determining the amoknt -ta be charged, the sdvanUgea of the locality, method and cost of haadllag atock, transportatloa.facllitlaa, market condi tions and the demand for range will be conaldered and tha rate eatabllshed ac cordingly.. - The number of stock to be allowed on aach reserve will be fixed oa the basis of mixed stock aa they are usually . owned and , ranged in ' the locality.- '.. ' .. ;t---.... ...On calculating the number for which permit will be required and the amount to be paid for tha privilege of graslng cattle and boreaa, all . animals six months old snd ever at the Jlme ef entering will be coasted, but no charge will be made tor calves and eolta ander six months of age at the time ef enter ing, or for. those born during the year for which-the permit Is granted. The intent to that calvea and eolta ratood during any calendar year shall be paid for during the following calendar yean The f aot that young stock require leas feed than -old stock Is taken rate consideration in fixing -the rate, and Id all cases the chargea will be reasonable la comparison with the advantages af the reserve. . v In counting sheep and goats, alt ant mala six, montha aid and over at tha time "of entering will be counted a arown atock and each two head of Umbo or kida under sin months old will be counted aa equal fa ana head of grown stock. aeenorweais. "When sheep or goata enter reserve for the purpose of lambing or kidding there an additional charge cf I eeate per head will be made en the grown stock and the permit number required and the amount ta be paid for graslng the lambs or kids raised wltt be eeti mated aa the average percentage of lambs and kids usually raised In the locality, two head ta . count - aa ana. Thua,. a person who wishes' to drive l.OOe ewes for the purpose of lamb ing on a ' range where - the . average lambing la eat lms ted to be per cent would be required ta have a permit for and pay the graslng fee on l.eoo head. The tt per cent Increase oa 1,00 ewes or leo iambs to be raised would I counted aa eoual to 40e grown abacs. "It will be the dim of the forest aervlee te restrict the allowance for each reserve to a number of stock which experience shows to be the actual graslng capacity of the range under normal conditions, to make such range divisions among applicants and tha dlf ferent classes of stock as are for the beat Interests of the reserve and com monwealth and . to divide the graslng firivtlege fairly. The advaatages given n the use of a protected range are eon aldared to be full compensation for the Hoc ted. and tha earnest bo- operation of stockmen- Is- solicited to carry -cut the poller of a conservative use of the range under such restrictions and regulations aa will Insure its perma nent utility." "--' ELKS CONDUCT FUNERAL 1 OF KASPAR VAN DRAN (IceeUI Msestea ei The Jeerss1.t ' Albany, Or., Jan. 1. The funeral Of the late Kaspar Van Dran, who died In Portland last Thursday night, waa held In thla eltv thla afternoon from the hall of the local Elks lodge, the Elks conducting the impressive ceremonies. . An Dran waa a member of the order In Pendleton, where he lived for a num ber of years. The funeral waa general ly attended by-the mem here of the or der and a la age crowd of friends -1 f the family and of deceased waa present Exalted Ruler C. H. Burggraf pre sided and Hon. W. R. Bllyeu delivered the oration, his address being one of the best sver l-ard at a funeral In thla city. , Special ' musical numbers were rendered, and arter tne ritualistic service at the ball a large crowd fal lowed the body to the Maedhle cemetery where" burial" waa had in the plbt of th family where the body of the late Mr Van Dran waa laid to rest last August Tha floral pieces brought to the funeral were numerous and the grave was fair ly smothered w(th the beautiful offer ings of the friends of the family. ; PUTTING IN TROUT -i- v' LADDERS AT DAMS - '(Special Dispatch te The Jeere!.) - ' ' The Dalies, Or., Jan. 1. Deputy dame Darden I S. Frits has Just -returned from the upper Hoed river valley, where ttm haa been superintending the con struction of three trout ladders, two ever the dams of tha Oregon Lumbar compaay and one ever the Hood River LJaht A Power company s oaia; two ladders are complete, and the one over the new dam near the town or Dee will be completed about February U In time for the spring run of trout This dam Is II feet high and win ra .-v " .It - .-' . v " . v-i" v. ft - j m s u i -m mm i IHtllk IH 1 0 BE, .-i - . .', , I -.-. .. - - . ';.-" .y r; In the iWorith $35, $3(j, r i " n ' 1 . :t l Vj ft ;V. ) : " i .. " if'."."."" -take your atv . l.. : .-ll'J-i-t;.. '- : - ju; Ax- 7' v; ; IT COMR ' ' . . V . 500 Boys' 357 0 coats Rlen's Pants 39c j $1.23 Takes the pick of sfiy '; pants in tue house '' ', mm0 vrf Special YOUR OWN PRICES " Come Tueadaw- Sale jenda Thursday and the store win be : X - Tscated Thursday night; Great surprises for you. So come. '' Z ', 11 Czi V C ii I U U U U ii . ii : Opposite Olds, quire a ladder about 1IT feet long. It wilt ha hm the lareaat (rant ladders In the state and Is being built on the latest government plans and up to date in every reepeci.-- -.- , .. . ARRESTED ON LARCENY CHARGE AT CHEHALIS ? .,'", ' . .;, r , -'. V (Seeelal fHesateh a The Jsuraal.) rhahalla. Waab.. Jan. L Oeorse Bar- nett. eon of 1, W. Barnett ef Sllana bnre?. who a few yaara ago waa sheriff af tais county, was arrested here Sat IT, J' M : i' ir-T'o v UOEXTcUSid; peejv-i ,', I - . w House :'e,'T'.,y3-'')!. $25, $20 arid. $15 i a TUESDAY :--'.i ". t 4- SUSPEI1 DERS i i . f.- '. HEAVY 0XES Boys9 Suits TAKE YOUR PICK 1 TUESDAY r Worth from t to $7 V. Yortmzn O King 4 I YOU DON'T NEED to lose a finger merely becauaa ire sore i no more need you lose teeth because. , (forsooth, they ache. If a cur bualneaa to -know whether or not extraction - Is -absolutely necessary our delight to sove them for you every time it's poasl- ble. Suppoee yen make an appointment with us at our dental parlors and find -cat aaaetly-what --It anything should - he done to put ana.geap your teeth In good condition. The finding out la free here. ., - - ; -, - v-'T ; ' -" ' : a WISE BROS., Dentists; rklrd and ; lOpen evenings and Sundays. Mala JOli.' urday afternoon,' charged with grand larceny, ' He la accused ef stealing an overcoat from a man at Med ford, Ore gon. Several- weeka ago Barnett was arrested hare for assault and. battery on Fred Rlege, a hotel man. The bear ing waa poatponed for a day and Barnett was permiiiea i nlsenee. During ChriBtmas day and It la alleged accused af taking- He will be held T pending the arrival Of tha officers froca Oregon. . , - ' Eggn cants a Ulea. it-.. '. .;'!'- v aaw- . . t 1 (a 0 go on nia own reoog I i 1 the night he left town. . .11 ha returned to Chebalia H wore tha aoat ha la 11 'n j - y t .. 1 . )