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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1906)
K t 1 t rt i r i fat-? ni3 i a ....... t . . . i and Oak UliL L. r t 10 :t o'clock, a i i i. ' v , s sung by roiLTLA::ixiiAi:TAi::s cu4 1 - t e ,' i . t r nd the ;:-.r I si-- : -f.'' ' ir;y i ' "') . ' - - - - . , MeW--- Pr- ' . r I " l.."v Ilea Juuuu raes kn-Mji f I . )' Prance.... ,.."Tne lt Ur. W ! olre, .'...."A - 111 Nt l" V f r !.., i -ci ) lytic...... .1 - A heppy New reef's day for ,, Kndrew Hamilton, who will be" re lea km 'Trem tha county jail thla evening after hsvlng bean under tha eara of Jailer ; Harry Oration alnce iaat July. Famil ton formerly conducted a local "Intro' " v-'l'anliiges . ".vT,hia Is ' "" rtuplna: bureau" and sold A part of It to ' a man'-fnom Seattle. The partner a had a business trouble In the settlement, Hamilton was charged with embessling ' about 110, tried before a jury In Judge .. Hears, court, found guilty, but owing to ." . the nature of the case, sentenced to . : aerva only 10 day in trie county jau. Thla sentence expiree today. - ' ' A 1 thou ah a holiday nearly everywhere . alae. i thla morning weav av .buay time In the .office of County Clark Frank 8. Field a Kerly tbla morning tha county clerk .was down). Atthe office, : closely followed by Deputies Fred W.Prasp, Herman Schneider, W. O, KsrnA Charles . McKay.' C. C. Roae and Carlo Christen j fan. Tha registration book will be ' opened .. tomorrow morning, and Mr. Fields wishes to . hare everything; in readiness for tha rush..,. , - .. Dr. f. I fiflot's iiifflmir home, 'near ' Hood river, burned Friday Bight. The X'.,-a build In and its contents were a total Ioba partly covered by Insurance. - Dr. w Kllot, with his daughter and a Id eat son "f -' ' had ' gone to tha homd to spend A faw days 'of ' -tha ' vacation - period. - They llghted a large fire In the grate, end while absent from tha, building eating -dinner; sparka Ignited . some bedding, "When the flames wars discovered they ;' . bad spread too far to be extinguished. .- Colored -people of Portland will eele t , brate the' forty-third anniversary of tba signing of the emancipation p reclame tion by President Lincoln tonight, with '.. 1 , Appropriate exercises la the Zloa Afri can Methodist Episcopal church. Rabbi wtephen -Wls--wiU-her-tbs orAtor of : .' the occasion, bla theme being; Abraham , Lincoln." A abort addrsas will be de llvered by A. D. Griffin, and the eman ctpatlon proclamation- wilt be read by ; ; ; K. D. Cannady. . . -. '. : .. After A brief lllneaa of pneumonia Joseph Kwlng. who has lived In Fort-. . , M I.. . . . iaiiu iur in uerev w - day ' at' his resldenoe, 114 Twentieth ' . .' street.. For many years ha waa a boat builder for the O. R. A N. Co hot After. ; -.iiward -established a shipyard At St '' JohnA He ia survived by A wlfs And A ..-. son. : Funeral ervloes will be held va V. derMhe ausplcea' of Clan Macleay. The ; 'f " date will be announce&Jater. .-. ''i""'- " Members of the Violet Social elnb are ''"'"preparing for a danos at tha Burkhard ' hall on tha evening of January la. It Is i .- to be a hard-times, ball and prises will bs'grveh wearers of unique eostumes. 'TT Even' the, members of Prasp's orcheatra, . which Is to plsy for the event, will be dressed ss tramps. - Fred W. Praap 7' ' atatea that ha will dress np as an :- Igorrote beggar.-'" -r ;-j'r.;- r- Beginning with, tonight A hew sat of . ' :; rules of the Barbers union will go Into .i effeot,. The principal change from tha ' pld rules will be thst shops will be par ttedr to-remalN even as long as the propi letors desire;' providing ' that - All Journeyman ' barbers' ahalt not be. som . IUed to work later than o'clock" dur " Ing tha week And If o'clock on Saturday " f" Dr. 'Clarence ' True Wilson, : pastor ' of t Grace' Methodist Episcopal church, has . returned from a trip to California. And .' . tonight a reception wHI be given In his . honor by the Brotherhood of St. Paul. " TllO lalBHlbtJaTai Oaf " wll ffltfsa U 0 fl 0ef Invited to be present.-'--.- ' - Chinese sacrsd lilies flower of tha - Gods) easily grown in a bowl at. water. , Start them now for early bloom A' Wa mall them to your oaatern friends for Ho cAob. . Get Bulb . cataJoc-ne. Port land Seed Co- Front And TamhllL ". Automa'tle 1 change maker ' And cash , register, machine; Absolutely correct. Don't buy till yon see It- 404 TsfarejuAm '.building, srr::-'. w-y tw- j. .v , Pocket; And .office) dlarleA calendar stands And pads for llOt. KllhAm's, 144 WAshlngton, street.. .... . ' " Blank! books And latest ' office sup- - pllea in great variety At KUham'a, t4l WAshlngton straat . 4 r;, . , ' " -, .. . ' ' ' '' t - ' - Looae-leaf ledgers And systems ready for uaa At Kllham's. 141 . Washington ; street. '. -. U; , i- i ri tV Portland's best : dandng school, 14 Alder. Prot Ringler, Miss Bucksnmsysr. '. Asm Oil Co. Mils the best aafety eoal sndflnagmollnA JPhonA.EastJIII. Fine chicken dinner Ivd, ltl Third. lZ To VsgstArlAA eafA 101 Sixth. ' :ijt . L ; ' Ask for Frits UmaleA RALPH JENKINS WINS . ' ; ' KERR CUP IN CHASE ' Today's paper chase of the Hunt club "for the Kerr cup waa run over a seven mile course, and was mads In tha short time of 21 minutes. .Ralph Jenklna,'rld" ing Bennett was first; Bert Tongue-on Oregon Kid, second, and Miss Howard on Jim Budd. .third. . Others who- sn tered were John Latta, E. W. Lasarua, Judge A. H. Tanner, Mr. wylds, T. U. McOrath And Jamea Nlchola. , - . Prices Greatly Reduced :;;;r.v;; ... os V..'v. Pianos cf Quclily v 8TEINWAY -A. B. Asa ST AIM f - ... Aad sthstA. ;. Beginning Tuesday ws offer big ' reductlona on all ' our various , makes of HIOH ORADB PIANOS. We have aecond-hand Pianos, for . '140, 140 and 110,0. ' iWA are also making a-II per . cent reduction on all atrlng and -wind Inetrutnenta, . , s xi : DandcrrFicno Co. : -"' SteUway DeeJera. 194 STK STV OFF. OUOOaTXAsT. Sheet Muale and Victor Ma chines and Records. , ..- - 0 c .4 Tr rrit:jrl:n 1:r f.'rrrly Cvrry CuL-riv C.::r End : cf , tS C-nrimtr.' 'V'.:' new cor.:PAf.:za Mto OLD 0?:i3 CHANCZ0 Ar?Artu That Hzs Been Out of CsrHcs va Ct Tut to Good Ad vantage Highland, Ut. Tabor, sod Other Districts Rejoice. - . The east side ef fJes ef The Joeraal is ta the ssaee l I. M. . MUter,- - Keel-MerrlSBa stsesC- TeJesaese- Beat 7a. - - The work of .the fir department on the east slds will be entirely changed this year And Improvements And changes which long have been needed will' be made, ' . Tba . action of the. council .. ia Authorising the new stations as recom mended by Chief Campbell baa enabled tba chief, to carry out his plans, but, besides' the ' new, , appaaatua Installed. there Will be changes nede to the com panies already esUbllahed that ' will greaUy ; Increase -the efficiency of the department and better protect some of the mors distant suburbs. - Highland will get an engine company, similar to tha one already established At Sunnyslde. and tha chemical at that point probably will be sent to the old volunteer house -on Mississippi Avenue. Woodlawn la trying to secure the chem ical, but the Multnomah Improvement club was promised by the council that It needs: would be Attended, to If the Increased approprlAtion paaaed And if the district organised a volunteer com pany. -Both of theae things have been dona and the Hlshland chemical most likely will sent the Multnomah district this year.- A seoond or third-class am ain of lisrht draft will be placed Highland. Probably on of the second- class engines now la servloe wui De- re placed by a first-lass engine And tha aeoond-elass machine sent to the new station. " ' ; t -'- Kaat Twantv-sirhth srreet will get an situation In a locality where several large charitable institutions, schools And fActorles arejoeated. ... . - One of the changes that wilt greatly batter the servloe In -the suburbs will he tha ehanse of the Holladay sUtlon. Tha only truck on the east aide la lo cated there And It la of little use when sa emergency really arlaee. A chemloal Is Also located there and the need of It Ua tut looser ereat. The Holladay eonv n z . . . - pany la in tne territory serve vn aide by tha Ruaaell atreet engine and on the other by engine No. T. . Compa nies from across ths river also' answer many of tbe ca.HA in- thla aiainei ana the result 1 that It has more protec tion than it needs, while many suburbs are left without any. The, truck on Rus sell atreet, which has been out of serv ice for come years, wUl be located again, the Mniiadav traok DvobAbly will be ohanewa) to some more eultable location and the Holladay chemical placed In some suburb where It can rrotect prop erty far outslds the department's range, nrohahlv Mount Tabor or Woodlawn. Even with ell these changea and other nlnor onss that win be ansae mis year, tha east slds will bavs msny Isrgs dis tricts like the peninsular suburbs witn ao protection. HowsvwrT ths situation will be 109 per cent better than It has been before And will . grow constantly better, ss ths territory probably wllf not expand greatly in the immediate future and the Intensive growth will enable the city to provide for-every -euburb with a lightly Increased epportionment each year.-.v, -. .. v. -? ; IN new office; BAt Side BseUeata stay ; Bills at Ot Baet wasalngveA Street. -Tomorrow morning east aide residents may psy their water bills at the new of floe of the collector, 40T East Wash ington street, in the Holman building. Moving the east side -office has been considered for more . than a year, but whenever a new location-was suggested a largo number of residents would come forward with sn ' objection and fot months . ths office - was left la the Rsffety building because no generally agreeable location . could be dlaoovered. The Improvement of East Washington street and the diverting of seat aide traffic to this thoroughfare, with the location of the central postal station on Esst Alder street, made a new busi ness enter aad tbe last selection of the board was acceptable to the majority of the taxpayers, the office only being moved - a couple of - blocks from its former 4oea tie. , Fifteen years age the offloe waa ee- tabllehed on Eaat Oak street and at that time about 1.000 houaenoiaera paia their monthly bills there. Other offices have been established since on the eaat aide but the bualneae of this one has Increased until more than t.000 person Una np before- the window each month. The new office has two windows and residents living north ef Belmont street will psy at one while those living south of that street will pay at the otheit An additional clerk hie been secured and payments can new be made In lees than half the time required under the, old arrangement.' .'. : ; V; ,..''"' " ; BRINGS PACK WIFE. y j FlxeboAt Crew Smbeerlbe Ao Present for Orris Brm aad Bride. . . ; " Orris Brown ons of the fire boat erew, secured a leave of Absence Friday end took a hurried trip to Astoria he re turned this morning with a wlfA ' The marriage ceremony waa. performed At Astoria Saturday arternoon, ana wnen his fellow firemen learned the reason for Brosm'a danarture they 'took up a collection and thla morning presented ths groom with se.ef . silver, knives and forks. - ; Edward 'MeOraw, who ' has retired from the supeiintendency of ths. Morri son bridge division ef the Portland Con solidated Railway company, waa given a gold watch by ' tha . carman of the division Saturday evening, the presenta tion taking plaee at the barn oa Eaat Twenty-eighth street. For II yea re Mr, McOraw has been In the employ ef the company, 'starting his work ss a boy whan his duties were to groom down the horses that pulled the little tor care about town. His place will be taken by Ou BucholA the promotion being an nounced Saturday evening-after - Mr. Buchola heeT presented the watch to the retiring superinienuani. EAST SIPS NOTES, t v elation early this year will erect a mar. ket at Eaat Third and Madison streeta The association has purchased ths block I I - 4 and wUl endeavor to have all the eaat I . , -Rev; i tr . .i i w ' t. a ceiebrant. A I ' r nee it being erected for A. o. . oe Dawaon street, near Is' ': iveralty Psrk. The house la t if k erU air. Temple will bul; J for tenants dedrlng modern suburbao 1 : -s. - - -Ths clerke f Foberts Bros.'- depart ment store a .1 start the new year with a ball at MuUnomah ball tonight. , f;:::::: STfiET . 1 . '. i j Car end Vehlclss Ctop to Let , Runaway! P They Crosa Crld; at Full Cpad - Gu Weft bla Ice company, did not have A- happy New Tear. - His eup of trouble was full to Avertlowing. He had JusT atarted on bis rounds for the day with a wagon load of Ice, and wa crossing the- ear tracks at First and Salmon streets when one of the horses slipped And broke Its; leg. Bailiff Harry Circle killed the Animal, -- - . ; t Another bdree was' put In ths dssd one's plsos. and Noffke again started to supply his customers.. When Tenth snd Morrison streets was reached the driver left tbe wagon to deliver eome ice. He called to passerby to hold the team for him a minute, but before Any one could reach them the horsee atarted on a run down Morrison street. Cats and vehicles halted In order to allow the runaways' to, pas a. ' At the corner of Third, atreet Patrolman Ole Nelson made, an effort to atop tbe horses, but failed. 7 ... ,v -.' - j " The runaways continued 'across the Morrison street bridge, probably making tbe f asteat time that has ever neon made over that etructur. ' Near the corner of East Morrison end Eaat Wate atreetA team, wagon and v Ice were halted by falling Into a hole caused by th tearing up of the planking of the elevated roadway. - For . three quarters ef an hour car traffic waa held up while the ear-men labored to nauF- oof the horsee and wagon,: The - attmals were only out slightly about the feet - A large Amount of loe we scattered About ths waysidA " EVAN'GELIST PLEASES ' ' , . ..URGE AUDIENCES -n. V -i ' -mmmmmmmmmm- ' --' '-' " The first day of the revival af'the First Chrtatiaa church waa a emcees in "every way. Evangelist Martin draw ing full houses both morning And even ing. The large chorus under the direc tion of Miss KaUiryne Llnebaa proved all that had been expected. (Mr. Martin la one of the -best pulpit entertainers that has ever been beard In the city. He possesses A wonderful voice end At All times holds ths closest attention ef hla congregation. His ser mon en "Going Forward" waa a splen did effort. Ths evangelist declared that the way ef the Christian was forward. not upward; that Instead of marking time, riding nobby-horse and merry-go-rounds tba follower of Chriot should press forward so. that 'all the world can aee bis progress.' 'i Judging from the large - -- audiences yesterday, ta t likely that larger-quarters will be necessary to accommodate those desiring to hear tbe evangelise There will be services every evening in is wees exepi Baiuruay, . C0NGREGATI0NALISTS TO SUPPORT A MISSIONARY LLsfore than H0 waa raised at A watch meeting last night by ths young people of the First Congregational church tor The JlMthat rsma necessary 1609 will be raised today, '- The church has been considering for some time the fitness of Assuming the entire support of a mlssonsry but ths matter has been delayed from -time to time, till It waa proposed last night. Ths i Idea wse favored at-once and the money raised within 1 minutes. The young people will communicate with the American Missionary board About tbe ealeotioiv and It - Is possible that they may raise. 1400, which the sura re quired to support a man and wife aa missionaries. - There were about tOO people remaining to attend the midnight servloA. -From I to II there was a praise service, from 14 to 11 a social and after that the more solemn service, r A, Caution. . ; We wish to caution our patrons and the public in general against employing tuners upon taetr mere representation thst they are connected with Eilers Piano House. Numerous complaints have been received by ue during the past few weeks from customers In- every part of tbe eity, complaining that Individuals representing themselves as Authorised expert tuners In the employ of Eilers Piano Mouse had been allowed to do work - on - their pianoa, .. leaving their plsnoa In a number' of instancea in a positively unplayable condition, " We -wish to once more announce that we never sollolt business by "canvass ing" end all Individuals styling them' selves as authorised tuners - ef Eilers Plsno House and soliciting work in its nams should be asked for-their letters of authority. . Our regularly authorised expert tuners are supplied with jiroper creaeniiais. v ; -'.,, - ''i.-1 n, ., ,, . , f Eilers plsno House hss gained An en viable reputation for fine tuning and repairing, and on this account It will be readily understood that our same la fre quently used by Incompetent and lire aponalble parties to tura an odd dollar or two. . Te Insure securing the services of our men. call up Exchange It, EUere Piano House. . Tuning Department, or address off loe, IS1 Washington street. from where all orders will 'be given conscientious and Immediate attention. - ' Rsmorjeling Sacrifics Sals. Welchi-the-Amerioan- -Clothier,- corner of First and Morrison, sends greeting or tne New zesr to en.-. Customers and Frleftia! For your present and past . patronage we thank you. The increase during the past year Is so great that -we are foroed to. re? model the storeroom, enlarging It ex tensively In order to , accommodate tbe tradA .,&!. r- t . ... ... :. " Carpenters will be at work In a few day upon the extenalve plan outlined; we must make room for them and to do tbls prices will' be cut deeper than ever before In order , to dispose -ef our surplus and save moving II about. All men's snd-beys clothing and furnish. Ing goods go st your own prloe. it win pay you' to patronise this sale, because "If not right Welch make It right" applies to every article In the store regardless Of price at which sola.. Owaukla Country Club. Eastern and Seattle races. Take Sell- Wood and Oregoa City oar at First and Alder. ....... - .. ... . PS:iACY'IN DI3TRIEU , TIOU OF FINE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. - ' v' . ' ' ' -r The Last Week's Sales Record at' Eilers Piano House, a Most Fitting Ending to the Greatest Year in the History of the ' House Year's Business Excels the Enormous Total of One Million and a Half Dollars In teresting Statistics Compiled, by ' an Eastern Authority, . . K " That Portland la ths great musical cent: of the Pacifio coast was never more forcefully demonstrated than In the number of high-grade piano and organs sold during th year pest by Eilers nans iisasu Pistlsaa' eg as moat popular wholesale And retail piano The last week's business -was - the crowning event of the banner year of the House of Bllers. r-i-.Tcs; Following upon the heel of th sale of the fine Kimball pipe organ to the United Presbyterian Church at Albany, Oregon, and Another fin Kimball pipe organ to the beautiful,' new Danish Lutheran church at San - Francisco! comes tne announcement tnat tne 'Bun ny side Congregational church. Rev. J. J, Staub, . after nearly four year ef -preliminary . work, . carefully examining every known make of organ, placed an order laat Friday for a new tl.000 Kim ball Duplex Tubular . Pneumatic . pipe organ with BUera Piano House. In addition, the Washington State college at Pullman. Washington, one of the finest colleges In the west whose piano department Is undsr ths sbls 'di rectorship ef Professor Herbert Kim- brough. has Just purchased over a car. load of assorted high-priced . pianos, enough te equip the entire building. Ths piano selected are the very best webers. Chlckerlngs, Blocks, Hmddorffs, Hobart Jaw Cables And five Klmballs. Ths above volume of business la many piano, concern would be. considered normouA but not less -than forty-two pianoa. Pianola pianos, pianolas sad or gans were sold, ln addition during- the past -week to cltisens , of Portland vicinity. -'.., i - " ' ' Am Bastera Tlew. - The editor of the New Tork Musical Courier, th strongest and most Influen tial musical paper,. In the United States. in a recent issus. published the follow Ing fact a which should prove of Interest to westerners t "According to the census, th eighty five million people in this country take the two hundred thousand , piano pro duced annually, but the two and a half minion people on the recuse enaat taaa about 10.i00 of these plsno this year. thus showing. ' according to the census figures, that while tbe I per cent of tne people living on .the Pacific coast take per cent or tne pianos mace, tne rem ef the IT per -cent, of -the Inhabitants take per cent ef the pianoa made. This shows A tremendous difference la favor of the Pacific coast's desire for pianos. If I per cent of the people take i per cent of the output, then If the peo ple of the United States should ell be come aa anxious for pianos aa the peo ple of the Paolf M coast are. It would be necessary to make three hundred and twentv-flve thousand pianoa a - year, whereae we are making only. two. hun dred thousand. . . - "Of this tea uuusehd and odd pianoa that are going te he aold In thla Pacific coast section this year." continues the editor ef the Courier, "over four thou sand will be aold by Ellara; and that Is t he-new force that la here oa the coast which in course of time must Inevitably revolutionise the piano system. ' .Of course, these people who are engaged In the trsJe here, those who are viewing tbe piano .JiAde-Jfcatn, the old -point of view, those who are naturally, following out their own evolution, are unable to see this, and In thla respect they are not ta our particular ocou nations.' '. . nt aiiATC way.; .- ' "Here ia our line of goods; her are our prices; here are our terms; thla is ths method In which we conduct our business; here are our reference If you need any. " We will nuke good la ease of deficiency; and we Are mer chants. We offer you front this line a great A selection as you may deem necessary forthe purpose ef securing what you wish. - t Continuing further, he etateet . "All the old style of business ia abandoned; the many -Incidental Intrigue so fre quently, resorted to la order to sell pianoa (I am not' here reflecting upon any particular dealer; I am referring to the old system of doing the plane bast naae In thla eovntry), all of these are abandoned, and the strictly msreantlls method of handling A -product la applied thle the EILERS HOUflM ON THE COAST. AS THEY ARB CALLED, , HAVE BEEN -ENABLED WITHIN A FEW TEARS TO BELT. PER ANNT7M--MORB : PIANOS "THA V ANT OTHER FIRM, AND AS MAM PER ANNUM AS ALL FIRMS COM BINED ON THE PACIFIC COAST NOW SELL." ... ', '- - : . Set the Oldest, ,. ':." We are not the oldest piano house en the Pacific coast. ; Bllers Piano House has only bees in axlateno seven year a In that time we have built up not only the largest business, but sell aa many pianoa as all other concern combined. There are piano oonoerns wbe claim to hAve been established It or ftp year who do not do one quarter, nor even one tenth the volume of bualneae aa the Houss of Idlers. This wouia ipaioais that the niano concern of merit, honest values, honest prices and fair treatment la at Stl Washington street. . A ltaapse AaeAd.' "! Before the Advent ef -Eilers Piano House very few homes possessed pianos. Till, luuiititlnn waa undoubtedly dus to too high prices, inconvenient terma of payment and various otner reasons. -Theea difficulties were Immediately recognised and many cltisens remember what bitter antagonism mst the Eilers Piano House from all tha other plane dealera la thla vicinity. But by selling nianoa at "their proper values, llbaral and broad buslnesa policy, .soon forged the name of Etlere to the; front and enabled thousands and thousanda of homss te purchase a plane that hereto fore were unable. .. ? ' The hearty response' and support eur effort have met with ere a source of much, gratification and joy to ua, ana will serve a aa Incentive to greater ef fort during the coming year, - . The business In ths future will, aa In the past, be-jtonduoted on strictly mod ern and nroea-fraugea principles, ana with ever SO different makee to choose from, eech representing the beet value at ita respective price, and a atrlqtly "our price" aystem that the loweet we feel the'forthcomlbg II month -will far surpass this, the greatest, year In the history of the biggest, buaiest and beat , piano and organ dealerA Eilers Plane House. SSI Washington street Other store in Spoken) Seattle, Walla Walla. Wash.: Lewlston and Boise. Idaho; San Francisco, Oskland - and Stockton, Cel.) The Dalles. Roeaburg, Astoria, Eugene. Salem and Pendleton, Oregon. ; .... i " , -tr; 4 J L.. --. - - . . .... , VycJnssdry, Jsn'y..31; the uiicio r.crrrn ' Our Popular prices Lower Than Cver." TtS::rt C;:j tt 9 oC!:dL -. .. TCM. rTv .7 f. . ncd-ctlcns in Cur Have bsea aiase ee evteaatve that everr i Coat, Holt, -taeket, Aalrt, rr, etc., ie sow wiiaia ue reaca ec any percssser. Oa sverr article ia this hm that oa m have as owwreea- deat.d etiisee to soy et the YO ujLaA yajOS SXOU for less teas aver. T UMCC CtT ! Mixtures, eaevlets, vtUt MIIJ hroadelcrth an4 aisay ether fa sueh a fabrics, wade np la different styjea, aa Sedlairate. fitted Wafta. box. Kte aad bkMiaa eftsotl. lined with slut er sateea. trims ertta-pla ta- pii braldi ins, straps, stitching see raecy : skirts floated Is various style A s worta 71$ to Ctf Msde ef Paaasia adxteres aad elalB aa- tm-Uls, all enters; stylss pleste sad fnU aklrts. lugolsr srtce. az.e te ge-oO. . - - JstSee Mce. 8 55 to - WHY KJlICCvT A W2AP A "msBBfaetnrer has lust seat sa DOZZS LASIXS' CAFZS, ef dlffereet I.Drtbs sad made ef good SLACK SXB t OLOTHl some trimmed with stiteblns. ether with band.. ." soa they wrre worth from W-60 to AftO each. To dUvoae of them oulek It. price Is eat, during Bargala J'1, te, each , H5v SILK WAISTS FC2 9SC bat- cbeas, at TEE LATE STYLES Lsdlee leegth Osata, la hwee keeks aad half-fitted,, with hH aad stitched strap eowa .bark, yokes, snd pleats. Materials et mli tnres sad covert slot ha; regular $7.60, $M aad IU.S0. Thafa th, 38c EACH st which we wlU eleea oat aa od rtne r uumr HOET COAId. ' These ere swee ef geed-wesrlsg Ksnwy - an4 Ansora autertala, set are set tbe latest styles. We have ealy easall ewes. If we ci a fit yea, this is year ehsece te get s gsnaeat) worth from S2.M te RM, st ealy . Clearance Sale : W guarantee aatlafactory wear ' with a perfect fit oa Men'a and, - Toutha Suits and Overooata, from fMO to 15.00 lees In prlos ao- - eerdlng to its valu A Oood as sortment of Hat and Pant, re duced In price f rom 0o te Il.tA . Complete line ef Shoe et very ' low price. It will pay yon te Investigate eur prices oa Under wear, Overshlrts. also Trunks, Suit Cases. Blankets aad Com . f ortera. r':-'.-;. .';,."-.'. .. - .."".'.. 1 John beilar - . AT TWO STORES.' - ; FteaS ad Tesnhin aad Third and awia.. -. . " , tencrete Construction Co. j; TOl C1sAmt ef oasaMswa,".-. ;' Manufacturers ef Concrete Stone Block, Contractors for all kind, of . cement wort lam, - .' f.OHTH END QUIET, SAYS: V PATROLMAN ISAKSON Patrolman O. F. Isakson. transferred from th first te the seoond night relief and given a north end beat, ha Already made an Interesting discovery that this district, under the Lane and Grlta macher , regime, has developed Into a peaceful aad law-abiding part ef tha city. . -i - - As patrojrnan-reportef Isakson had by hard work with the graphite earned a reputation in the department, Only Patrolman J. J., Murphy belong la hi class, and as between .them Isakson per haps haa ta honor of handing in more reports, though Murphy usually are longer. T&e north end report la as follows: . :', , ... . ..., 'The nortj and) s Bot what- It used to be In days passed. It 1 still en the map and i -ay bavs Ita eld. bed repu taAtott, but It i Almost aa quiet as Any ether beat. - Ii som noise there, It Is true, but as far as real offenses or erlmee are eon mod. it I pot so bad as psinted and i 'eved. " "No arrest i tonight after It o'clock, though it a. New Tear-a night, and some of the oon are not opened yet at 1 o'clock t , morning. The Im provement la cert -r great,' ' Not desiring to x, all the credit Of .this interesting covery aa regard north end condition ximoeif. Patrol man Isakson also t e the name of hie police companl m the .district, Charles Foster, to t , report.. y , m . ., i i. ia i The ehoppers' barf menclng tomorrow mo Juhllee, t at I o'clock scount Store seperA 8 c paper end at Bhanahan's tne Ore Is of Interest to hi eur Advertisement In t- watch for dally apec Shenabans, 14-14C Thtrv hereafter. et. Ci:.:;.-;..Cc:4i: ' been greater than- it 1 STOW. Real ising this important fact, we pur- ' chaae for cash only and sell for cash. But to secure for our patrons oppor tunities equal tev our own in every respect, we have just Inaugurated . A f.r CCi.i L.vCM.t Sytxrn . - Corns la and 1st aa explain It to you. It's new . here. S4S BAT . Sreem. Bet that aa it may. we make It worth your while to take advan tage ef the Bjgteas gsiss aa tt la. Tint b toy ia It f:r Ya ; ' Compare our price and goods with merchandise offered- and. prices huoted elsewhere Then ' aCAXB tot t 9umauAMM: at , Sxaat a HAH'S, and get aa'.-. - -1 - - essv. V JTtT UZ'.Z7 SILK VA3TS - Tke very latest, ia all aetorA Weald S-'l fneJM.I. .-j. - t uiJsm taiox ... ; . .. . . . .v. U.U W.S DUCK SATEEN WAISTS ""ltCkwA wsV"'wffJrt--llwafcW,''eSillt'"' snt the latest eleave; worth ti.Oa Te ekne tkm eat, only see SIII-5 Drcsscsds S'f Iff or ' wAisr ass sxtbt UkJ uVSTHa Jaapasess ellhs. for, lards sad taitetas, lacluein all ear oMa and eada In 75e. SSe and $1.00 grsde. xoyin tairs. the tabs ate KKIav.jf SLA OA FXAV BS MIS.'gaaf astvwd all silk, beeatlfol flulah; cheep u-'l.IX PBICS, TTT TASO...... eas CK&rA SS AUAXAOSS, ia black aad tl(bt -eolorsj the yard UHe SoOTOii PLAUDg, light sad dark, la good seanrtmeat,! ti-utck width j. saular ese ?0kuXXX rSIOS, TKS TAES.T.-.-.T See tfFF'lMTfTa SoltlagA Mnnnn( at eae-l i-third off reg- alar piiesr For th Hcosehcepzr mtCiaXZZO SAX ASK m pattens.' ahont soo yards Is all; worth 0c,. . JVfn.1 VklOK. THE TAAD...... le TUlAXr BED SAW At The ysrd.lse tM BOIXS TURKISH. XOWXLsV Bleerhed es sableacsod. 1H yards km, worth We. - iTTSILEA nUOB, ZAOH , Us 900 Curtain Remnsats A Httl sbeewera, will be Bold daring Ssrssla Jubilee : at leas, taaa eas teats their veloe. , TOWTIA, XACK ...... as A tot TOWELS, SAC......,.... SHe The Domestic Dept. " Mikee a showia ef eaeeneat vsroes. BEST AXXUOAJI OAXIOO. Hgkt sad dark, a yard V APBOW SIVORAira, tbeysrd 't HIAVT BSOUSjf. TWIUEB OAX- TOeWE. the Use grade.... THe TAkJtt-wiyS y&BOALS. hi . Hgkt sod dsrk eolers, the yard Te If akas a showia ef eseelleat vsraee. Udles'Fast Clack Ssable eost; renlar Me a felr. '' ramaxM pbios, tiniroi m AMUSJaUMTS. narcuisin Grand Theatre Tesaorrew, nlasiaiy Fights. Vsa. 4. '. . spaetal Priaa KstiBee Wesaesear. ; .... . ' THsJ MX'SICAI. OOIOCOZ , StJCCSSS. ) The Yanftee Consal .' Book by Hsary K. Blimim. tr . stosie by Alfred . Boayas. . et rXOPLB- IK TBS OOMPAMT S ' EVEKTKS PBICTta Batlre lower fleer, tl.faj. . Baleeay, first rowa, tl : Tth. ith. eth rows, 75c ! last S rows, SOo. . flaUery, AOs -aad Sic Bases aad leges, $10.. , kf AT1KEB PRICES Entire lower fleer, tl. . Ba lenay, TOe aad OOe. Oallery. sse, SB. BBATS ABB NOW BBLLTRO. Marquam Qrand Theatre Twe atasyy Few Tear Perfai Today Matinee, tilA I f Bveala. g;l. '- r W. T. Cenatea Opera Oamaay ' THS BTtralOAL OOMXBT SVCOXSS Tha Jttltaj Coaes Karchirti Booe" By the Osmmsri ef "Solly Vaxooa.' MATIKEfl PBICES JBc, SAe, oOe, TSe. 11. MIOHT PBirES 3SP, SSe, sOc, Tee, 11. fl.SO. - Both the B. A. C. and M. A. A. O. ClnB root ball Teams will witness tha performs ace toalght. . ,. --- Marouttrrt Grand Theatre , '. ' APTASOS SAXI T0K0BS0W. ". ; THE ROSOAN OPERA CO. Tkorsaay Fight, 7aa. yrlaaririsbt, Jaa. 0, at. Ma A aad Vikt," e, "M 0pltaa.".vi . "Bekemlas Olrl." ' Vikt,"7aa, A "The Mikado." BVBNINO PRICRH Lewsr fleer, SI and -TS. Balcony. Toe ana sue. waiiery. sse ana Sao, MATIMKEAdaltA MA Children. 3. .. . . BELASCO Preps. TeL Kata U lrU aad Wash. Ma t L. Beohott, Bas. Mgr. foitively Last Week -. v -'; Belasco 8tock Co. ' i V MATINEE TODAY T0VT4SAIX iV ..,.'.. ths' Taaay Taroe Oomoay THE LATE MR TOMPKINS IT 13 TO LAUGH U Prices Sight. S3e te Toe; Mats. 18 t We. BaterThzctrerS: TasnMU and Third Bts. Pbose t0T. TUB HOMB Ur MLSIUAa. BUILugCA Soanlal Kolidav Matinee Todav at 1:1. AS this Week, Ureal Mew leaf's Ofhnmg, orrw r'"l tDirt"i'i 1 tea. bUlr,Ul4l sVWOart.M.aJ Sverythlag New, Fresh snd Bright 8 remains Vsodevflle' neaiUlnoro Two Breeey yareoe "At the OtTeoa" aad "Tkrah t a C.-"a." KOTR Barcala matinee V .inex ay, 1 c to any seat Other mattiieoe toilay aad gatortley, IV, V, AV and MM. Krealng prices, ac, .. a-. lv a,. . seal we won a W . - - - - II . - . . ' ..1 ' g:: l. -r7" a a w - 144-U5 Tfclnl r:: -; Between Alder and Mor,'.. ''fS Pcrtlsnd.Crc. "Jipl,.Fof tba yourv ItCi" . ! 1111. J m Aa Angora Tarn o' (Utiaf shanter worth 53c Just th thins; lor school and ' ' ( tbe rainy weather, -while they V ; Thi Chllrc ; I Of ah ages have set soea tortmiaoi la this sole. Kiomm to ear etore atid so the Buoy ear ataa we eifar la svorytkloc eil roa wear. To"' ere , many sor pilsss la steee f t -'...: ) ) S3 f LADrES' FIKS latTBUI SKTBTe, vrte. dnat-ratne es wwo nooseo, irwssea i with tacks, lees sad smorniaoryi rage-- l.r fl on Tara.. -Igr- ysrr sTrt .te.. ,XA SEAWXiO. wHh ntf- J ) and tacks; sell st toe. ' ' I till I,' BVUa tmnrt r c . . . . it LAiMAd' BnioUif rAAWSAS, with hem stitched eambrlo rafr-e s lADiAB yiSK k-uHrXS SBAWka , with tacks sad emforoaoered raffle, tav mrinm unA l.r dlB. . it ,T VESZ7L-aa wool, esuy D..11 s'aoa left: regular ti.00 greee. yoattf a ymirt Te tAJUud' SAAf VASTS, sS wool! the Soe grade; fairly good esserfsat .la joTtm ref .... :. ........ LAIUkS' Vr.m.M I BIBBED, all wool gray Thii; regular 11.00 a gUAXLAS raiu wm But for tbe fact that thla wool ssder wear la sold eat, either ta vests er saata, the wneld be spWrtfd valoe at ear roc- alar PorOXAS tV.CE. T nooo nm eat we here ade above ssusssl rteae LAItlEr EXTSA nr. CLACK j conct c:s TnmMs soh, Hskt eamht tegalar Sse e ssls man rsies. s paxes fob, ste MRAirtYraTnEass ilal of rate. coats, kmse er shirred sacks, m hmt tbe this sew sleeve all dark eolers; reg- S'ar pneo, sx.ou. - - ... JuBlLifcA raiwJI N.N Ladles aUwool aearsetad J-sdrmmtA Is variety of color. nnuLxz pbioa, saox.......... is ABlUSMAVBjTTS. EcplreTtectre lWh aad Beit is. MTLTOM W. SKAMAlf. Msasger. . Sew Tsar's Ma those at 8:11 Today. -Tonlsht, Toeoday and Wedassday eoalns. Bnasell A Drew sreeeat ktr-Tarcy Paa"" an xDeBr uomsaay as tee vrsmatw -a r,z7t rca coucr - Taoiseay, Friday, Saturday MaA - sad SlgH . -si Ta- tms nit- --A rTCrUBBSQtrB sootstt plat. - Seat Attiaewaa "AT CBIFFLB LYRIC THEATRE The Incomparable Lyrle Stsek I 'The Fatal Rcci p Military . Drama at Three Acts. SO.' 10. PAfiTAGES fspm Si-J BASS B0LEDAT PTIX. alkain llaeiht Lee watte. - : Charles MaiBtihv Uaatad Orsheatra. ' . PertormannM dally at S-BO, T:mI a- 4 p. si. Admlestoa l&.t cents, with sevea tows at Id eeata. . - GRAND ssTsAey Seeeial Sew eor-a B1TL A MlUa. , ... Bert waits. Mis ytorOla Bearer. Master Harold Beff. 'Sam ht Pests. altar Marrv A AM Aet PBIOXBl Bvoahia. Sas-oiy and bol...ra, 10 0e; hoses hue. hew Xeaf e day. soaimaoos; maimese rue. STAR . atay ysA, . Laetol A Bsathera. ';':-V'', Cesar,' . Mallss A Beyers. . IiWi.MrhsA. Sew TeaVa yen. I I Seyal Biawaliaa tneoa - HOWllOTOB. ; Ths Acme ef Foledy. Rerestblef." lOe so say seet ta tbe boaoe ezeer ' New Tear s day ooatmuewa. WE CAN SELL co..:..: At a smsjl margin ef pr "I t ' sell ao mttctk ef it, ha.i... 7. ni the product of all the tr" 1 1 'j 1 to Portland. ins i?r::::: Tell ae your wants a- 1 thsm for you In "t:.ree ' young lamb' tall." ' i-t r - -v - r- - - 1 , WW,' :v"" '' " ' '- " . ". T