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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1906)
if ' m v- a l W, - llrW r a paa , aj "LUlCLc liiidlt' s- - - 1 r r ?rr"' 'Hi- -v- ft In Annual Mat saga Strongly . . Recommend Establishing ' ' : ; Cuch an Institution. ' , J; ; i U'Mir n rn TWrt cTrtoico TO PATROL WAGON BARN - -.1 -. x "1 .' ...... . .. . ... ii ii i iir f -, "., .-' ... . .- . t ' ' J. This Additional; Room 'Could! Be Fitted Out for Hospital-Force" In creased for fair and Chief Says t Cannot Be Decreased How'. "T Acttng:Chlr or follcs, qritsmachfei1: liChlsennuaL report to the mayor and v. c"r council, recommends tha establish- i ment of a receiving- and detention hoa--IlPltal, and the enlareement .of tha city i,. JalL and .rtioUcagiaa'e-e,uar tare by adding W atones to tns portion of tha -central J V police station now occupied by tha U- f Me, tha. eetsbllshment of a substation an tha aaat aids, and an lnejraaaa la tha - v Balarlae of tha ihraa aarroanU of police from 110 to ?80 a snonth. tha salary of the matron of police to 170 and tha aa jVaryjOf tha dark to $10 a month. -- A Accordina to tha report, the business .of tha department ha reached enormous I proportions ths past (year. The chief .' r aaya, ths preaent headquarters are en . tisrlr inadequate for (ha demands;. V' . . ins ponce i force, aa now .constituted, , , with full complement of officers and pa , trolmen, numbers 1ST men. Including one -acting chief, four captains, one matron, -.three sergeants, one electrician, one stsn i oirraphar, and 108 patrolmanv. There are .five vacancies In ranks or patrolman. Of tha patrolman, three are detailed as ; Jailers, three as patrol drivcra. three as station officers, one . aa assistant- clerk. six aa plaln-elothss men, leaving 87 to bef aiviaea into three reliefs or sight hours ijeach. Detective H. H. Hawley ia de : ' tailed "a officer "for the Soys and Girls' .(Aid society, and Detective Reslng as of floor of the-humane society. Th latter - devotes only a portion of bis time to bis special assignment-.- -t ' HvT' ' Jrowa Zaoaaaaad for Talc. j . At the beginning of. the year the nu ; r roerlcal strength of tha police force was , 17. In April and May 40 additional pa r -v trolmen were added) .bringing the force , up to Its present standard. This was done. In antloipatlon of the Lewie and '; . , Clark exposition, and it proved a wise ' . and timely move. ..The police were busy 1 day and night In aa effort to preserve V order and ksep down crime. , ' I I - "No vacations were granted to any ' member ,of tha department this year, aa l.e has been the custom la former years, on account of tha busy times," saya ths - ' chief's report; "and even now the police ' force la taxed to ita fullest capacity on 'account ot ths many new features in ' criminal matters' brought about by the .: exposition, andla my Judgment It would , V be unwise for ths present, at least, to 4 attemfct to make any reduction In tha t , police" department ' - 1, "The salaries of"sptaIne and patrol Lman were increasedT durlhg the yesr from tsp to HOt. and from 7f "tdve a inonth; i reapectlveJy. This wsseommendabls, . and I would recommend that tha sals V'rlaa ot aatgeanU .ba increased to $80 a f month, aa they now receive tha aame .. aalartea aa patrolmen a This .is an.ira v portact tjranchh. of ths service.. J also recommend that the salary of the clerk ""and the-police matron bo Increased. .-. JJZ3& la .Too Um3L -"The Jail Is in good condition, but is - .itnntheii too email and on this account the nraclfce "InTiWcadlng jreara of re-1 TOPPER, AKD Have Majority of Stock In Big Consolidated - Ufa - Insur- ' ; ance Companies. . " Colonel Wilbur a Tupper. of Js An geles, California, who waa appointed recently an aid upon the military ataff of Governor Pardee and who ia presf dent of . ths Conservative Ufa Insur ance - company. : hesdauartera' "In r tha southern California city, and George L Cochran, vlca-prssident of the company, ,ave acquired a controlling Intareat in ivm. Paclfla Mutual Litre toaurance two mjsI San Francisco, not only . for thsmsetves but their company aa well, by securing two thirds of the Shares of sto of the merged corpora tin. Ths .remltalng stock Is held hy the directors of JiievPaolflo Mutual com. 1 Afar6ln to advlceaxrecelved today enaiaaV. . from ths south, they paid, from $180 f. to 1176 a share for the etockXJt ia said ' to be the largest life InsuranceNmerger ' ever effected in the United States, the nii dated company, which .became ; operative today under the name of thaJ ' Mutual vxmeoiiaaiea - u in.ut.nv, - companr. hsving insurance in foroe of "'nearly 100.000,000 and a surplus o: .' 11,100,000. r ;'. - " .. .Tha. offlesrs are aa follower Prssl dent, Wilbur S. Tupper; Vice-president and treasurer, George I. Cochran; aeo- ' ond vice-president and actuary, John F. "woche:" thlrdTlca-preatdeht,' -Oalt : Johnson. Ths secretary has not aajet , . nwii aelected. ' y-'. The salaries of tha nsW company re f aa foljows: siaent fis,vw per an v num; - vice-preeldent l.00s eecretary, v ' II (00; treasurer, . 11,000. . President ; Tapper Is the authority for the atate- inent that none of theae salaries wlU be increased.-. . , - i f; " FRIGHTENED BOY ALMOST -LEAPS INTO THE RIVER . ("peclal Dispatch to Ths loaraat.) -" '. -. Ore von City. , Or., Jan. I. Having ''' been- chased by a band ot troublesoms boys from his horns into ths business district of ths elty. Johnnie Krohn, the 17-year-old son of Mra. W. Krohn of , , tnie city, waa in tha act of leaping Into ths Willamette v river Saturday from ths O. ' C. ' T. company's dock, when he was reecued by Constable Trembath )': and Sheriff Shaver. .- . - - r -. The ISO nu dmh rm;ii -"""ff ' ths neighbors "ehlldretKToung Krohn X ;waa badly, frightened when restored to his folks ana nie wrnnn nTv dui yet bsen arrested. , , i ' -K HoBlata Blsea Ofdoe. .' At the annual .meetlhg of the eoclety Tytvers of ion, hel yesterday after noon in ths Hall atreet synsgogus, the following officers" were elected for the ensuing yesr: J. Bramnery, president; M Ostran, vice-president; M.' Rem, seo retarr. and J. Seveanskr, treasurer. leaalng each morning all petty offend ers, such ae common drunks, vagrants, brakebeam riders, hoboa and others, has been followed becsuse of lack of roem to retain them la jail, with the under standing that they leave the olty im mediately."' - y v, " ". The report gives in detail an account of " the lmDrovementa oropoaed to be made in the second story of the head quarters and continues as folio we: VOne- thing -mostly needed St the preaent tlms Is a receiving hospital In connection with the jalL jMODoay can estimate Jhe necesaity of such aa Insti tution unleae familiar with the work of the, department. Every day sick and Injured people are picked up on tha streets and brought to the Jail. - Men are -frequently- brought In of whom. It Is . difficult to Judge whether they - are dea ufchs tall at Haass e as been drugged or injured, but there ia no 1 P' for tfiem but a cell jn laOjre they areToclceJ up anaTsKouTd they hwe' been d ruined they mar ate without meo. Icsl aid. Casea of this sort havs .hap pened and ethers will happen if no pre caution are - taken - and - ao . emergency hospital established with a attendance. -., ." - r. f- .amara-aaoy ftoapiaBL . . "In this connection I would recom mend that the suggestion of Councilman Beldlng be followed. . lis hss suggested that If sn emergency hospltsl is eetab llahed there is staple room for it dn the lot occupied by the city Jail and police, atatlon. He -suggeaU that the part now occupied as the patrol . wagon barn have two stories added to It to make fit in conformity with the re mainder of ths building. " This would afford ample room for all necessary apartmenta. - If would alsO furnish ad ditional .room for Jail purposes and for off! cere" quarters. : . ' "A room could also be flttsd vp for a detention hospital. Frequently people afflicted with oontagtona diseases call orfare brought to the Jail, but there Is 1 1. aAu mm ka eaaaalsasal am. fw place where they can be retained un- til turned over to tha proper authorities, except - to keep them standing around ths building or on tha sidewalk, where tbey expose thS officers snd ths public" - Ths chief further recommends tha es tablishment of a substation on ths seat side. That district is now patrolled by 80 men.- He ssys much tlms la loat by the men In coming and going back and forth to their beats, and also that the dlstsnos Is too great for a patrol war on to answer .calls. . He further ssys thst-drsw bridges frequently Inter-1 rere with quick servioe ot ine paxroi wagon.. ! f.v.. :. i- f :', I:--. i t. '; iy Watti, .' ' ' In Conclusion ' the ' chief thanks , ths mayor and the police committee for the wise counsel given In the management of the department. ' Following la a luminary of tha work of the department for - the past year compared with that, of 1904i v . ,. ., . ; V,. .. i04, ; 101. Total number of arrssts.: . 1,047 0,049 Arrests , for violation ' of . , saloon ordinance. ...-11 117 LArreata.of soliciting pros-v . tltutes , II . 121 Arrests for lewd oobabita-. ' . tloa .......w., ' T l Minora arrested.. ...1,101 T J.tSS Vagranta arrested. .. rl 11 It 7 Following, are the eatlma ted axpenses for loos: - - . v- .-. v.t... , Salarlea ...r.4.i;......;,'-..f 41I4.020.00 Mtsoellaneoua expensso ,...v. 4.400.00 Stationery .V..,....,...Ui' ; lf.00 City Jail "..'. MO-00 City electrician, maintenance , ' ft and Improvement . alarnr'. v ' I, " . system 1.100.00 Stable s-.n .v. . . . .". 1.(30.10 Inoresse In salarlea.,, ....... 100.00 East side station..,,....... ; 1.080.00 s e ee a aa Total HULL ' Alio RACE TO EAST Supposed That Theatrical Man wagers Are After Independent Coast' Contract. 5 v: v " "Top" Russell left town last night Hs came here to stay for one week and suddenly, terminated ills "business en. gsgement" at the end of the aecond day. -.. Ths supposition Is that Mr. Russell Is on his way to New Tork with the ob ject -of procuring a contract -with the leaders of the Independents Flake, Be Tasoo ' and Schubert to present all of their attractions in this city aad Seattle. Meaawblle John F. Cord ray la racing in the asms etrection on a similar errand. If either should succeed It Is probable! that eriorta would os made to secure the Belaeco theatre, although Considlns snd Sullivan, whom Mr. Cord ray repre sents, might take it Into their minds to devote the Grand theatre to the attrac tions of the truat fighters and use only the Star as a vaudeville house. M. R Mayer of Belaeco Mayer said today that ha had heard nothing further from any of the parties who want the property. Alia, f m mm uvm .ii I "gsmest" managers in business Is denv onstrated by the fact that although they have lost many thousands of dollars In their Ideal theatrical 'venture theywlll tonight, aKthe conclusion of ths per formanoe ofXThe XaUe Mr. Tompkins." tender a banquet at the theatre as their farewell to the members or the stock company. ,-, . PUTER AND M'KI 'V ELUDE FEDERAL A State ' Land v agent West passed through Portland today , an route to Salem.. He la preparing for the famous Kelllhsr ' lsnd fraud caae.' which com mences In Salem tomorrow? ' ' ",, " VMr. .West denied emphatically the statements that have been made to the effect that the government knew - the whereabouts of Putsr snd McKlnley. It haa been stated that government agent a knew where the two lsnd swindlers are located and 'could apprehend them at sny time. ' It waa ilao atated That both McKlnley and Puter would appear In Washington to tsstlfy against Congress men Hermann. They - will' not testify, aocordlng to Mr. West. - even if they are . located. Their testimony In the Hermann caae Is uaeleaS, he declares, and such statements srs entirely erroneous. - T I - i i 1 i rn rtf , -.T" t " ALBERT MILLSAP FlftST ' - GROOM OF NEW YEAR -" .t : :" v-' The first 'marriage" license to be Issued Ih . Multnomah county in 1901 was seoured this morning by Albert P. MtllKsp, tA Alder atreet, this city, who la to wed Miss Halite U. Wstson. The license was laaued by Deputy County Uaerk W. 0i Kerns, v. :. , NtEY GENTS .1 Detectivee In C:arch of Curiir at Wtdhams ft Ktrr Crothera ' 'Rnd Only Pelf. ' J OTHER THIEVEO GST ", - ' LOT OF SILVERWARE T - v .... , These ' Oot in by . e Window, and, Walked Out With Load Through Back DoowMan Scares Burglar -.-Out of Baaenent. '; r-srV .4' Surprised by a , nlghtwatehman. ' Who discovered them looting the property of the radhsms eV Kerr Broe.' company. Front and Oak streets, at an early hour this morning, two thieves made-their escape' 'through a "chute used for dls poslng of bundles ready to be delivered. The polios searched for. them for two hours In vain, though tha gooda they had packed to carry away were - recovered from where the thieves had placed them in the rear of the building. . When the nlghtwatchman saw ths men at work he slipped quietly , awsy and had another watchman in the vi cinity stand guard while he himself notified the police. Detectives Hawley, Mears and Murphy hurried to the scene, only to And that tha burglars, had taken the alarm and fled. f Mors successful waa - tha - work of burglars last night st tha resldenoe Of Mrs. W. James 4ti Montgomery street They entered the house through a rear window and carried their plunder out A kitchen door. ' The property stolen In cludes t4, a gold watch aad ohain. II largs sliver spoons, II silver teaspoons, a silver thimble, a woman's eape, eight souvenir spoons, a gravy spoon, a berry spoon., two plain gold rings. a marquolse ring and a silver-backed hairbrush, Tha burglary was committed between 7:10 and 1:10 o'clock. The only clue left' by the perpetrators waa an Iron spring, of ths kind used to hold brake shoes on streetcars. - It waa found by Mrs. Jamas where It. had been thrown on a bed. - '.''.' 'Vp. R.Mayhaa of 470 Hoyt street sur- prraea iwpimeves in n DUfmni iui night. "They ran on his making - an appearance. He fired shot sifter them, but felled to hit ' ' Thieves also broke Into ths house of H. Schink, 1011 Bast Salmon street, and ransacked It -thoroughly. That Mr. Schink waa eeen by the thieves on his return and they made their escape In a hurry la evidenced Jy tha chimney on a lamp lighted by them being hot when .the , lamp was -lighted - bf ths owner,":. :v, -. CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS TO HOLD JOINT MEETING Members of ths Young Womsn's Chris- t'an aseoclatlofl are entertaining" their frtends-thls afternoon st ihe assoolaUoa bulldlpg. Sixth snd Osk streets. A num bar of members of the T. M. C. A. are visiting ths T, W. C. A, rooms. A.t ths Tr.lw & A. tonight the two or ganisations ' will unite la t spending evening ot fun." Five separate programs have been arranged. , An orchestra will bs plaoed in the general reception room and a musical and literary program will be carried out. Basketbsll and gymnasium drills will be the order In the athletic department. There will be a fancy swimming and polo contest between teams from the Tr M. C. A. and the Multnomah club. Secretary . Stone ' returned . Saturday from a trip to San Francisco and Los Angeles. In San Franolaco the organ! satlon haa IMS members, hs says, and though It haa a half-million dollar build Ing. It has been' found necessary to add two' more itorlea, . . In Los Angeles the T. M. C. A. owns a 1300,000 lot and la planning the erection of a 1360.000 buUding. - , , . ' NEW YEAR'S DAY BUSY ' n ' " 0NE AT HALL , Al thou h a legal holiday, many of ths elty officials cams to the elty hall early this morning and behind cloaed doors worked hard, finishing ap the buslnsss of ths old year.' Mayor Lane arrived at 10:10 o'clock and spent several hours signing olslms and salary warrants. Hs also devoted - considerable time to his annual messsgs to ths - city : council. which mar be read Wednesdsy. peputy City Auditor Grutse, assisted by several clerks, waa engaged in com piling the annual statsment . of the finances of ths city to be Incorporated in the mayor's message. Among others who were busy in the ban all day were City Treasurer -Werleln snd Oscar Ml ler. his chief deputy, city Engineer Tay lor and aaslstsats aad Superintendent podge of the municipal water depart ment.''' - ' i . : I'.l . " FIVE BUSINESS HOUSES : IN SEATTLE ARE BURNED ? HnalaI IHaMteh s At lnml.1 Seattle, Wsah... Jan. 1 Five business conosrns were put out of business this morning DT nra or incenaiary origin starting to a two-story frame building on First avenae between Stewart, and Virginia etreetei -Tha lire started l millinery store, st o'clock this mem Ing. The. second floor of ths building occupied aa -a lodging-nouse ana about 7s , lodgers narrowly , eaoaped death. It was with difficulty that they were en from the building and theyj all lostShetr personal eftecta Ths namea were rdarjftg through ths holes in. the roof of thehulldtng when the firemen arrived and 1t several mmutea ora thav could enter tha building. Besides -ths muuneryvstore ins ouiia- Inr contained a tailoring Ing snop, oakery, a harttar ahoo aad a lodglng-h as. t The loss is approximately f 1,000. WIFE OF BORAX KING, EXPIRES AT OAKLAND ' (loarul Special Service. V ."'" Oakland. CalV Jan. ' l.Mra 9. V. Smith, wife Of the borax-king dlsd at her homo In East Oakland early this morning of heraorrnege of the brain. She had been - in Ill-health for some time and intended leavtng this sfter noon with her husband on. a. trip for her health. .. ': ',. , .' . . ., . .... : W. . lVaehaeg U W. 3. Lachner of Bakes City, candi date for the Repablloan nomlnatlpa for congrssamsn from the second district. Is In the city today.; lis nss oesn in con ference with a number of political friends la Portland and Is said tO. have i raa Tremendous Growth Shown by '. Remarkable V Increase in . Number of Telephones. - . S "' '-'h wsaaameaBaBaigBI--; THREE THOUSAND NEW 'V SUBSCRIBERS IN YEAR Btujncaa of East Portland Exchange ' Growing Rapidly and In Short Time ' There Will Be as Many Telephones ,..oo..,lUt..idiM-WeaUiir.i.l:.;V r jjfinggujLjrfgwth In. thei i tm it anuwn oy me immenee in ereaae in permanent telephone Installa tions. The Paolflo 8 tates Telephone oompany's-Portland exchange today has over , t.000. . more aubacribera . than a- year ago, and beglna the new year with' a Hat of 100 spplicants who havs to wait ' until ths necessary materials eaa be secured from the overcrowded factories of ths east . "The -Portland exchange has grown during . thOr-year from about 11,000 to more than 1 I.OOO.", aald Manager 4. H. Thatcher. ."When the applicants aow bavsng requests for 'pnonep on file are aerved the Portland exchange will have considerably more than 11.000 subscrib ers. We are lust now reoelvtng ' the neoeesary equipment and wire for ln atalllng theae 'phones, after waiting a long time for our ordera to be filled by the factoriea - Ws havs installed 'phonea during the year aa fast aa could be -dons with ths equipment, 'received from the factoriee. A great many more 'phones eould have been put in if the factories eould have supplied the materials.- - . MrvT.hatcher said Portland haa had aa largs a ratio of increase aa any large city in the country. Excepting the email eltlee where exchange were put In dur ing the present or preceding year, Port land la among the foremoet ettlea of America for telephone patronage.. Los Angeles haa a ratio of 11.71 telephones to each 100 persona tf the total popu lation. Portland's ratio js 11.71. Tha buslaess of ths Portland exchange Is growing most rapidly on the east side, The bulk Of 'phones there are in residences. ) The company in a short time will have as many telephones in Bast Portland as on ths sreat aids, al though In ths latter district ths business snd office -buildings require a. vast num ber of telephones, many Single buildings' requiring aa many "phones aa blocks of residence territory. The exchange Is rapidly extending its wires into the sub urbs. . At the rate ' of growth shown during tbs-isst year, ..Portland by Jan uarys U07, will have more than 11,000 telephones, --..-v i... - . ', DR. HILL SAYS CHURCH ' - IS FRIEND OF LABOR I - Dr. Edgar T. Hill of the Firat Prsaby tertaa churnh preanhed ai aermoa toUhe laboring .men yesterday. The church wsa orowdsd with men who toll. Several unions sttsndlng ths services in a body, - Though, the sermon wsa directed par. ticularly to working man aad announce ment to that effect had been made there were many In the audience who were not connected la any way with labor- unions. . . , Dr. Hill's remarka created a deep im pression on the union representatives who were preaent. He explained thor oughly tha rslatlonshlp of ths church and labor nnlewi ana told what labor Ing men should expect at the hands of ths ehuroh. . ' , - Labor and religion wore ao-closely related, he said, that one would be use less without ths other. -Religion Is Ubor, he aald. oMove end a eervloe f or the Master. . . - , Dr. Hill explained the attitude of the church with reference to anions in tlmss of labor troubles. . The church should refrain from sctlve participation, he de clared, but ahould eympethlse with both sides, endeavoring to effect harmonious relatione. , ... y., TAKE M0NEY.7THEN WISH VICTIMS HAPPY NEW YEAR Two masked men held up and robbed August - Eschel. - proprietor of - the Canteen saloon. Tenth and Couch street. end three other men last night and wished their victlme a Tlappy New Tear" aa they departed. : t Eschel was behind the bar and his son and two othsra were In the saloon. Ths highwaymen, -masked and each carrying revolvers, antsreo suaasniy and ordered all to throw up their banda " -; From the reglstarthey aeoured til la money and from the son of ths proprie tor- tney-secured six. jonn - Erickaon. one 01 toe patrons, -wsa rtiievea of l. - By Ella Wheeler Wilcox. V ') New Tear, I look straight in your ayes. Our wsys ana our interests bisnd: Tou may be a foe la dleguiae, 4 But I Shall believe you a Mend. , . We get What we give, in our measure. We cannot. glvs pain and get pleasure I aive you gooa win ana gooa eneer. And you must return It, New Tear. We get what we give in this life. Tho Often, the giver Indeed Walts long upon doubting and strife Ere proving ths truth of bis creed; But somswhere, soma way, and forevei; Reward is tns meed or endeavor;. And If I am really worth while. ... - New Tear, yon will give m -your smile. Tou hide In your mystical hand . No "luck" that I cannot control v If I trust my own courses and stand On ths Infinite strength or my souL Man hioss in nis orain ana nis spirit A power that la godlike, or near it; '. And ha who haa meaaursd his force " Caa govern 'events In thefr 'course. Ton come with -a crown on your brow, New Tear witaout niemven or spot;. Tst you, and not L sir. must bow. FOr tlms is tns servant or tnougnt. atever you bring me of trouble ' Shall turn Into good, and then double. If my spirit looks, up without fear To tho source that you came from. New Tsar. , ( ,.. .',,.! . .-. . ' , ; CURK ENGAGED FOR PROF. WATSON'S PLACE Profsssor James Watson,' who for II yssre has ocoupisa tne . position of aunerlntendent Of the sohool for the deaf and blind at Vancouver, Washing ton, has been removed by the board of control aad Professor Thomea P. Clark of the state school for ths deaf at Salem has been . engaged to take his plnoe. Tne exeat nature 01 ine irouoie wnicn led up to tha change Is. not explained b M, ai Klncald, chairman of the board m -' ' " A Nothing in the ' offered that buyers can not afford "to neglect. We have had a most generous patronage at this store during the year that closed at midnight. It has been a brilliantly prosperous year , with us, and now we are about to reciprocate in a substantial manner the favors so liberally showered upon us. ' ,v"' ? ' v - ; ; " ' ' 4VE-DAVE-r.MDivr.iiGni7-REBUGnorjS;irj-pniES ? Mm 'Mm The cuts have beerr-eomething-amaxing--absolutely stupendous f ' We have "thrown the har poon into everything we sell, and the quality of bur merchandise is so well known. that our friends will readily understand the meaning of it all that they are ; offered somethhig of superlative worth at the infilnitesimal prices at which we areeelling now, 7! :' ''. Mu'-i KE CAR At ' this time because the public has been so liberal with us during all . the departed., year, therefore we shall, for a month or so, divide profits onevery sale with the paUorts of our f stjore. THE READING OP THE 'FOLLOWING QUOTATIONS Vnii GIVE; A; BET TER UNDERSTANDING OF . WHAT WE MEAN SAYING THAT "OUR PRICES HAVE BEEN REDUCED. The story will broaden the comprehension of every patron or ourgreat clrygoodr concern. " :i . . :;'.. ,',' Men's Shirts and Drawers winter weight, gray only, heavy fleeced, just the thing for. hard wear. ........ 25 Ladies' and Children's "Black Cat" Stockings All sixes, in winter weight. While they last, per pair.,.,...... 11 Boys' Shirts---In soft golf,' white unlaundered and stiff oosoms ; regular 60c values. Sizes . 12 , to 1 13.: Your choice for ............ 25 Handkerchiefs For Ladies and Children-- Mussed during the holidays. Specials at 15f, 10, 5, 3, 2,if.' i?. , "CcnTfir Third 'trJ tlorrison O. I-tets- UtOp3 ( of oontrol fo the Mhft'on school, t la urnlnratood difficulties be who la In the city. I that there were ssrl twaea the Superlntenv Qd tae board EXmASPECIALS ' I - IViefTlHr-" 1 1 - w -.- eta lajjf va a-.' . "M: M w a , v ' ' ? - -r ; "' " ' "1' store Iq omitteda arid bargains cr OF r: HiEriCnANDISE AFFOHD TO tlAHE TCESE OSK - -r M Here's Something to Bellnd Every Day We have just secured manu facturer's samples of Ladies' Shower-Proof Coats, Suits, Skirts, - Wrappers, Muslin and Knit Underwear, SHk and Lawn .: Shirt-Waists 1&C3 styles for spring, at The garmentau-thousands of themvin be placed oh sala Clearance Sale Prices ON TABLE LINENS, BLANKETS. COMFOR TABLES. LACE, BOBBI NET AND SWISS CUR TAINS, PORTIERES,' COUCH, COVERS, DRAP ERIES, CURTAIN S W 1 S SES,JP L A I N WHITE - AND " FANCY ; HEMMED SHEETS AND PILLOW , v CASES, FEATHER PILLOWS ; TOWELS, NAPKINS and . TOWELINGS. ComeTuesdayMornlng There is no jugglery or flim flam methods everything as stated. Mail orders filled at ruling prices. Please make first and second choice,' in order to insure getting your v i order filled, - " Pncer- lTMZ I Tuesday Morning mm. rOODARD. tLARKB CO. AND & Q. gTDZZOTiZ I" I sale Alt X have to aay in the matter.'' Id Mr. Klneald this moraine, "la that Professor Clar will succeed Prof ir atsoa and that tha auoaesaor coa- t S ' - j Ii i l i li i . V :; : ALL , COLOZ3 - rj' "': Children's Muslin Drai and Skirts Hemstitched and ruffled and lace trim med, and Jean Waists' with buttons on tape band, and Waist and Skirt combina tions.. How does it strike you?. Well, it don't pay to make 'em, does it? At 35c and 50c I Men'srench-percale and Soft Golf ; Mount : Hood Shirts Thousands of them ; yalues ranging from 75c up to $1.50. - While they last., ..351 and CO Kid Gloves 50c We have leftover, as ausual after the great holiday trade, several odd lots of fine Kid Gloves, .values" up-to $2.00. We'll fit and warranter, per pair ; ; . . . ; , I . . . . ,.w . .50 WE SELL KID GLOVE3 Ccrctr Tl!;J CO: Us with the h l r Home tlire a i Sakad for hta i fused to eor J A'- V A. MV: M-