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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1905)
the or.zccn Sunday journal, rcr.TLAND, suijday morning, . decemdur 21. 1) : t . j f TOUil TOPICS TOPAZ'S AJfUitJtEJITi, 1 -- ' Kelaare.. ....... ..."Tbe late Mr. TlioinpktM" t.miilre. ................ ...."A iirtat toe eulliuua" JtalilT ...a... .a....... .....a... SiUalM.1 BlU'l(U' i.jrle ................., ."Ail for U0I1I" Htar ........ ............ ...... Vufl-vllle (iraud ............. .... .-.. . utllt- Jentagas . . . ..... . ...... Vaudeville A new venture In Portland's financial circles Is that of the Mortgage Guaran tee dc Trust company, wliicn throws open ita doors Tuesday. January t. In the Elks' temple, 0 Bewnth street, with a capital of $108,000. This institution is to conduct a general trust and bank Ing business, mortgage guaranteeing to be one of the special features, tog-ether with the buying sad selling of stocks .and mortgagee, A thoroughly equipped real estate and rental department is to be run in ' sonnectlon with the bank. This company claims the distinction of being the only underwriting- company . tin the Paclnc nortliweet. - The Tttoers . are as follows: 3. W. Waterbury, f president! C. W. Miller, vloe-presldent; C B. Clement, secretary. "v. Ta a second letter reoedved from the wellfknown English author and humor 1st, Jerome K. Jerome, it seems to be an assured Tact that be will come to Portland during the utter part of Jan hC vary. With him eomea the famons writer ' -snd humorist, Charles Battel JUoomla. whose appearance on the platform has beea salt sensation. The authors will give a combined entertainment, giving a program from" their popular works. A host -of Jerome's admirers hare started ' a movement to give aim and his com panion a reception' and banquet during their stay In Portland. Thia Is Mr. Jerome's first visit te America, and the first, time that Mr. Isoamia has e&er crossed the continent. . . - . Harold Ton Meincke, superintendent of the Intermedia te department, of the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance company, which has been absorbed by the Con servative life Inauranos corn pan y.Xthe t merger te take effect 0a January it, . !, save theatre party last evening, assisted by Mrs. Von Meincka, to his ,, ' assistant superintendent and agents. The meats wore badges which had been made by Mrs. Ton Melacke. In the party were the following;: Ben Allen, , H. Addis aad O. Gooeh, aaaietaat super . . IntendenU; I Oakley and wife, U Alt . maa,'H. Barge. T. Ward, C Brace. C , Bloom. Mr. Klcfcert, Mrs. Graves and ; . Mlaa Orth, adnata. .-,.' .. . "Portland. Orea-en." la the title ef aa excel lent descriptive pamphlet that has -. Just beea published by the Portland chamber of commerce. The book de . -. arrlbea ta aa attractive, comprehensive ; way the city of Portland, tts natural ; ' resources and the wonderful advaa tages offered both by the city aad state. It la beautifully Illustrated, Iiavtng picturee ef scenes of the city streets. . . private residences aad public buildings. . Carefully compiled statistics la the back ef the book give aa authoritative state . meat of Oregon' resources. Industries and commerce. The story ef Portland and Oregon was written by Joha H. Stevenson. ; v .'; ."--t; '' ' We have) oar studio open Sundays front It to for the aecommodatioa of those who cannot visit us during the ,' week. . This Is the gallery which waa - newly eruie, psd with the most modem appUanoas ,-aast before Chrtstanaa, aad . the claaa ef work we turn cut Is not eurpassed-fft the world. ' Moore's stadia, bibs' san.vng. aeventn ana Biara. , v PeteToCarthy of t7t East Wash ington ' street has received 'word from his wife, wheats temporarily aojoarn- ' ' Ing with friends and relatives at Ross dale. Oregon, that he la the father of a bouncing baby boy, bora en Tuee- : day, Deoember it. . .... i - Miss M. C Drain, who has beea quHe . Ill for several weeks, will resume her : duties as head aura at the eooaty hoe ; pi tal tomorrow. Her Illness was caused by ptomaine poisoning, and for several . daya It wag feared that sh would not Ksw Tear's eve and night Richard ' will eerve his anszoelled French din " ner, which Includes all the dainty deli cacies cf the season, from until t p. m.- ta mala dlnlng-hall; tl per -cover. . dassle musio. Corner Park andU Alder treeta. , -',- Over (0 71 hunters licenses for ' HOt were Issued yesterday by Deputy County 'Clerk Herman Schneider, to hunters who "couldn't wait until . Tuesday to begin their- New Tear, j Schneider Issued 1,1(1 permits tahbot duflng HOf. For San . Fraaclsee The steamship W. H. Kruirer sails Sunday afternoon, December IL Cabin tit. Steerage 11, meals and berth included. C H. Thomp son, agent. 121 Third street. ; .' Notice was filed In the county clerk's office yeaterday 'that the capital stock of the Portland Cheese company has been Ijcressed from t,00 to 110,000. , The . Michigan toetotr rave a mask hall at the Concordia club,- Sixth and Alder streets last night. . The members .ot other societies were guests. c ' - The Home Training association resume Its meetings next Thursday In 1 the committee room of city hall. Mlas To All Our Friends, Greeting ' May the New Yar; 1906, juat dawning-, beh happiest7 nd most prosperous ot your history. The holiday season .' fiat been a truly joyous onc. onuiually so for tnott of us.. We have enjoyed the largest trade since we began business, . and we are retching with the desire that the New Year shall excel the old. To this end, we are doubling our ' efforts 'to please. Our stock is one of quality, and the , ' name we have established during our twenty years con- . tinuous business in Portland it your protection upon every 'article.. " '. J,V- To accommodate the trade, we will be open until noon Monday, New Year's day.' ' ., - , ', : j t V ' 1 tbe G HEITKE1WPER CO. ; 1 i Jtty:LBRS AND 8ILVKRSMITHS ; 286 MORRISOiy' STREET . .. .. " ''i' 'f A' book of interest rnore ! sorbinj; than the most thrilling work' of fiction is a bank book. Its tale is never too long, nor its pages too many, and the row of figures, so dry in other books, Is intensely interesting. But' in or der to enjoy its pages each man must OWN his book. WE PAY QG.'MliJlOIIJEI Sixth and Morrison Streets. W. H. MOOHK. President. . JC. E. LYTLE. Vloe-Presldent. W. COOFKR MORRla, Cashier. BZBMSOTOKB W. H. Moore. ". K. & Ivytla. ; ieo rnede. w. h. copeiana. . W. Cooper Morrla. ? Jessie Hodge Millard of the children's department ef the public library will talk ra "How Mothers Can Cultivate the Art of Story-Telling;" , Grand ball "Hew Tear's1 night, Arloa hall. Elegant door prise. Good, music. Admission cents. Ladles free. Pro feasor Eaton, tnanag-er. 1 Automatlo change maker and register - machine; aheolutely correct. Don't bay till yea see It, 04 Marquam building. - t -f Paa-Ce-Teate club, tl per month. Keeps year clothes cleaned, pressed. 171 West Park. Pacific !. Open all Bleat. Pocket and lcffloe diaries, calendar stands and pads for 110a. K 11 ham' a. 14 Waahlngrtoa street. Blank books and latest offloe anp- pllea la great variety at Kllhara'a. IH Washington street. ... , - i loose leaf ledgers and systems ready for use at KUham's Ut Washington street... . .j,' .- -.C .' . Portland's beet daacua' school. Set Alder. Prof. Rlnglar. Miss Buckecmeyec Acne On Co. cells the best safety real ells and fine gasolines. Phone East pa. Dr. Wells, Hobart-Curtla.Mala Itll Pine chicken dinner Ive. lit Third, The Vegetarian cafe, IN Sixth. Ask for FrtU's taxnalaa. OREGON LIFE INSURANCE CO Zte 'Ptaas aad 'alethoda stl-Uy Ooaa- Vy One cf the CTreaeest Za Szpsrta ta the tTaited tatea. Jn order te obtain criticism cf the plans adopted try . the Oregon Life In surance company -from a man compe tent to criticise, Mr. L. Samuel aent a detailed account ef the entire acheme ef organisation ef the company. the commisslona to be paid for obtaining business and erpenses In general, to Mr. Oeorge M. Steams, the. oonsultlng actuary. Mr. Stearns save: ; "After carefully examining enclosures- I am very favorably Impressed , with - your plan. I especially like your expressed Intention ta be economical and te do what Is right by ' the policy-holders, also yout limitation aa ' to stock divi dends and your plan to mutual lae the company after five years. If you se ra re the amount of business before opening that you have set out to secure, at so. small a cost, you will have a fins start and success will result. If the net premium is set aside for policy holders, and all not needed from that for mortality and reserve returned yearly as dividends, the results will aa tonishvaad bring business." . - T Milwaukle Country Club. . " Eastern aad Seatt fceaees. Take 'flail wood and Oregon city cars at First and Alder. . - , V ' meekefeUefa d dflrsaa ' Troutdala. Or.. Dee. tt. Te the Editor of The Journal Sir, "will yea kindly publish the address of John D. Rncke feler, and oblige, SUBSCRIBER. No. 10 Broadway, New Tork. is ;hls business address. Ha has homes In New Tork City. Pocantlco Hills and la Cleveland,, Ohio, his original home town, ' Weston saloonkeepers will be prose cuted tor doing' business on Sunday and selling liquor te minors. , , Patrons arid " INTEREST. .'... JLL OilECOII TIL : VISIT SOUTH Every Section to Be Represented In Development 'Excur sion to California. LEADERS IN EVERY ' , , PURSUIT ON LTSJ January Thirteenth tha Data of Leav ing and Stops W1H Be Made at San Francisco and All Cities South of That Place. ' . : '' ' Every part -of Oregon win be repre sented in the excursion te he given by the Oregon Development league . te southern Callfprnut, preparations : for which are now nearly completed. The special train will leave Portland at f 'deck Saturday evening, January la. and tht itinerary Includes stops at Shasta, Sacramento." Ban Francisco, Pale Alto, San Jess, Los Angeles aad the Innumerable pleasure resorts with' In easy reach of points along the coast Una of iln Southern Pacific .j. The reservations made to dlrte In clude berths tor the following people: Governor Oeorge E. Chamberlain, Ore gon; Mr? and Mrs. A. B. Mauley, Port land: Henry Blackmails Heppner; Fred' erick K. Arnold. William Denholm. H. H. Newhall. Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Cronln, Tom .Richard son. W. U. Crlssey. WU- llamMcMurray, H. T. Hudson, Herman Wittenberg, O. U Pea alee, K. K. Merges, Mr. and Mrs. A. King Wilson, M. B. .Wakeman, Portland; Arthur Seufert, The Dalles; Henry Westsrmlre, P. - B. Potter. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Arias. Dr. A. W. Moore, Theodore B. WIloox. J. Kahait Kahn Bros., Portland; Mr. and Mra. It. D. Begun,- La Fayette; R. J. Holmes.. Portland; Dr.-F. W. Harris. Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Cake. Portland; Ira N. D. 'Une, Olympla, Washington;. A. F. Wheeler. Ludwtg Wllhelm, Mrs. A. E. ButterfleM. Mr. and Mrs. H. I Ptttock. Mr. and Mrs. F.,W. Lead better. Port land; Mr. and Mrs. It F. Pohland. Aah land; J. C Oripper, Mr. and Mra. Oeorge Jaoobs, Portland; 8. B. Bakln, Eagcae; Mr. and Mra. J. A. Jennings. Portland;. Mr. and Mrs. c. K- Hpauiding. saienv; Mrs. J. W. Tlrft. J. P. Menefee, Port landrAfr. 'and Mrs. B. Li. French, aad eon, Ellsworth. Wsshlngton;.-,' Mrs. J. W. Bhatford. P. Jaoobeen, J. H. Davlaoa, Portland; Mr. and Mra. M. W. H. Hoffman, Eugene, - Oregon; Senator E.r'HV. Haines, Forest drove; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brooks, Mr. and Mra. Will H. See, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Holmes. Portland; W. C E. MUler, Ba ker City; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Calkins, Mrs. Q. H Chrtsman. Eugene; C. R. Hlgglna, John N. Ortfflo, Astoria; Ous Kuhn, Mr. and Mra. W. O. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Feldenhetraer, Portland; Mr. and Mra. W. T. Wright, Union; Mr. aad Mrs. W. & Beattle and two sons, Mr. and Mra. W. H. Moore, Port land; Mra. E. E. Waters and daughter, Salem; Mr. aad Mrs. E. O. Blaochar, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Williams. Hood River; M. Hoff. Baker City-, L. J. Shell. A. J. Armstrong, A M. Love lace, Mr. aad Mrs. A, H. Averlll Dr. and Mrs. H. W, Coe, B. H.- Trumbull, Mr. and Mrs. C J. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. F A. Watta. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Kern, Portland; J. M. Thayer,-'armlngton, Washington; J. It Albert. Salem; .W. F. Flledner, Portland; Hal D. Pat ton. Sa lem; Miss Eula McCuIly, Joseph: Cap tain Oeorge A. Pease, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. . John W. McAllister, La Grande; A. O. -.Hall. Portland; J. Q. A. Bowlby. Astoria: Mrs. Frances M. Harvey. Hub bard; Mr. and Mra. C L. Pariah, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Raley, Portland: Mr. and Mr. H. Bamberger, Baker City; L A. Wright. Union; J. H. MeClung. Eugene; . Mrs. William B. . Gilbert and two children. AstorlaK. CATHOLICS GIVE ' ' TO TAGGART MEDAL Cold . Badge' to Fireman Who 'r-' Rescued Father Cestelli From Burning Roof. A gold medal 1s to he presented' te W. J. Taggart, driver of truck No. t of the Portland fire department, next Fri day morning by the Catholics ef the elty aa aa expression ot their appreciation ot his herolo rescue of Father Alexander Cestelli from the roof of St. Michael's Roman Cathollo Italian church during the progress of a fire In the pastorate of the church early Friday morning. Arch bishop Alexander Christie has appointed for the presentation W. P. Lulls, John Heltkemper and Matt Klernan. At the time ef tbe rescue Father Ces telli wss standing on the roof of the porch, his clothing. In flames.. Hs was unmindful of his own danger In his ef forts to awaken the members ot the fire department, whose headquarters were just across the street, that they might save the brick and stons sdlfloa from destruction.' It was while the priest stood upon the roof of , the porch, a human torch, calling to the firemen, that Driver Taggart was attracted , by his cries. . . v Rushing across th street, the fireman called to the prleat that he would save him5 from his perilous position, caution' Ing' him not to attempt to Jump to the ground."-- Quickly climbing a supporting post to the roof of tbe porch, Taggart reached the priest and carried him safely to the ground. . , PIONEER FIRM WILL 'GO OUT OF BUSINESS KstaMlahed In 1171. and continuously In business slnoe that time, the pioneer firm of Marx A . Jorgensen, wholesale liquor dealers at 110 Third street, have retired from business. Mr. Marx dis posed of his Interest four years ago ' to his . partner, and Mr. Jorgensen, now lakes a similar course, disposing of the stock on hand and closing the door with the ending of the year. He wtir keep hla offloe In the. building until Janu ary 15. . "I became tired of the business, and decided to gt out. I started It 10 years ago, with Mr. Marx, and we hare in the course of our firm r career seen the many changes that have come In Portland's business history during that time," said Mr. Jorgensen last night at the Arlington club. "Mr. Marx retired four years ago, and I am now practical ly out. having sold all of the stork, and am closing up? the accounts. kI will have use for my offica only a short time after the first ef the year, and Will then close the door had quit active business." cLmerican - Restaurant co a. txxjui Aan eovcx its. t cWir sat Aaro snoaTT, aaaay Slaaec Prom 11 a. sa, te p. i Seat at rota aaglaise free with an orders Saamag XJttte JTeok Clams, ttaawa Batter ... . ......,.,....,.204 Claaa BonXllea with Toes Pried ataaor Clama .., ............ 1 & Pried Saimoa atiais i&g Pried abUlBat tjaae he. 16 Boiled Xieg ef atattoa, Caper eaee.20 geek Xeebelt Pet Pie.. , 20 Pork roKlorlola. Creole Saaoe. .. . 2S rnmc cucua, aaarywaa 2 . Cnam-Prlttora, Ciesia Saaee., 20 abort auee Beef. Bweet Potatoes. .20 Taney xjvers em Teaea, Mnahroesas . ..204 antagaeen wni pnsesa, xaauaa. . . . i B Cora Beef ataea, Poeuaet X-g'----lK' Baaea worm aaa mesas. ,,15e Oed Fish BaUa, Cisesa aaee:,...,X54 Boast Turkey, Cranberry Baaee - aad Celery .S5d Back eaffed. Baked Apple -S aprlag Xrfuab, aDa Seaee, Oreea Peae w !Of Ohlokea wtth Blessing ......... ...25e avoast Perk 15 Beef ........... 15f Calf priaeT Caioksa, fried .40 Bagllaa Plum- Paddlag, Bread v R4 Ceffee, tees wtth all orders. f FATE OF BELASCO T Bids for Rental of Thsatrs Ars ' Made, But Good Pries Is Demanded. BELASCO AND MAYER LIICE THEIR PROPERTY Meanwhile a Race Across Continent la On te Secure Possession of in dependent" Contracts Which Hay Later Concern Portland. ' - :f As "a representative of Consldlne Bulllvan. John F. Cord ray la speeding eastward. Tomorrow he will be fol lowedaye, even pursued by a repre sentative ef "Pop" Russell. .. They are both after a contract with the "Independents" for Seattle, pri marily, and Spokane, Portland Taooma, after that. In a conference bold yes terday, before the race across tbe con tinent began, M. E. Mayer of Belaaoo Mayer, told Russell that he wanted 120 a week rental for the Belaaoo the atre. Otherwise he said., the houae would be eloaed Indefinitely.- ' I will simply place a lock en each door of the theatre," said Mr. Mayer. ' The price demanded by Mr. Mayers was somswnat beyond Mr. Russell's ex pectations but the race Is onj neverthe less. While Russell would have the Be la co possible to' depend upon la this city, in case be secures a contract with the Independents, Consldlns's agent sen offer the Grand locally, and houses In the; other towns named which a re at presenatfollewtng the same policy as the Grand. . ; i "Theirs win never be another theatre In town under our management." Mr. Mayer of the firm of Belaaoo ft Mayer made the above statement last svenlng; and - with emphasis. "We have closed the house for good. so far as wo are concerned," said he. "and If anybody la looking for a chance to Invest in! the property he can readily enter negotiations by addressing 8ena-J tor Joseph. Simon of the firm of Dolph, Maliory, tuaun at Oeartn. . "We are dosing for the very simple and understandable reason that we have lost S14M00 In-It weeks," continued Mr. Mayer. "The city of Portland. t seems, will not support a stock com pany of this caliber, no matter what the productions are, and . although we have doae our best, the ease seems hopeless. - "As a real estate venture, we are perfectly satisfied. We have been of fered more money than "we Invested In the property, but still we will not sen until we vet a -price that will fairly clear as ef eur losses. - In ths meantime It may hs stated that Mr. Mayer came te Portland with a cigar In his pocket and still has ths price of a smoke. He also occupied a drawing- room in a puuman on nis journey. "And X want to say." he resumed, "that we will not ewe a penny when we quit this city. Every account Will be paid In full, for, aitnougn it may suggest eon' celt, I must, add that the firm has the price to settle for anything it under takes." - Russell asserted yesterday that the antl-ayndlcate people would agree to put up a bond guaranteeing that St high class performances would be furnished the house during the first 'year If ths Independents secured It" The fact re mains, howsver, that there will be a warm race across the continent and still warmer Interview with pave Belasco and the Schunarts 'between coraray Russell's agent for possession of the house and the Independent booking. ru oaaooa vim rows . - BAILWAT 00MAbT. . .A HOTEL EvSTACADA RATES t n rrnoT raoat nrmn a Lasstaf wnasteekfaat I S IwiM kor per day....... S.M Baea ess Boats see wMk., J ....... li.Se neatest, toe. laaeseaa, tOe. Diaaer. Me, ' twrisl Tl", hMiaiag reaad-tflp fare sad dlaaer 1.M tpwlal Ticket, hMlsdlag ' reaad-trip ton, tee BitM'e ktag aad, tsne Male .,...,..,..,.,..,,. CJtniLSAVK tioxxt cmoi mir Airs Atsza st. pally at I M, t tO, II 0 a, at. lite, !:, . :0,.t:ll P. u.1 . .', . -., fseaaier Writs' L. O. MacMahon, Manager zstaoasa- ob xeo a. i 0 Pianoforte Velee PradnetlMi, Pipe IWn, Rarmoer n4 (VwpnalHns. Slatfloet raifitaICK W, O00 aicJl. s geisMet stnet. tseae Cast SOSa, DU II D3t!Il7iLtllE BESIDE HE ' Only Two Weeks Ago -Ordered Improvements on Cemetery Plot Where He Will Rest ALBANY LODGE OF ELKS WILL CONDUCT FUNERAL Relatives and Friends of Mr. and airs. Van Draa Express Deepest Indignation Over OreroniaA'a Charge Against Miss Monteith. Kaspar Tad Dran. victim of sorrows such as rarely fall te the lot of man, will find a final resting place at Albany, beside the body of his wife, whose tragic death Ave months ago clouded ths brief remainder of his days, . . Twe weeks age Tea Draa telephoned de his sister-la-law. Mlas Mantel ta, say ing -that he bad visited the grave of his wife; at Albany aad bad found that tbe grass .would not stow over the mound. He bad given orders te have a railing erected around the plat and asked Miss Montelth's advice aa te having the grave covered with cement. His anxiety te And some outward ex pression of the consuming sorrow which preyed upon JiHa was In keeping with his utterances te a number ef his friends. Possibly evea thea he . was meditatlng'taa desperate act which was te ens his troubles, aad 'foresaw the near approach of the day when be should a ha re ths little plat la the Al bany cemetery. . - "There la nothing left for jne te live for," he said sadly to his attorney, J. M, Long, only a few days age, and there were others te vhW he spoke la the same vein. . : The autopay, performed by Dr. Mary B. Parker, ahowed that Kaspar Van Pran's death . waa the result of swal lowing cyanide ef potassium, the same deadly drag which caused the death of his wife, less than Ave months ago, Where hie procured the poison Is not known. Indeed, ae effort seems te have beea made by the police te gaoertala this fsct. . v The body will he taken te Albany on the l:SS train this morning. Oeorge Van Draa, a brother, and M. S. and W. J. Monteith. brothers of Mrs. Van Dran, will accompany the remains. Ths funeral will be under tbe auspices of the Albany Lodge of Elks. A telegram received yeaterday afternoon from Chris Vaa Dran, another brother, who re-. sides at Albany, stated that the ar rangements for the funeral had been made, and that It would take plaoe at 1:S otlock this aftsmooa. Kaspar Vaa Draa was a member of the Pendle-1 ton Lodge of . Elks. Several Portland Elks will attend the obsequies. I Among the relatives ot both Kaspar and Mrs. Vaa Draa the keenest tndlgna-1 tion Is expressed on account of aa edl-1 torial published yeaterday ta the Ore-1 goftlan, which virtually charged Mlas Minerva Monteita wita tne aiuing ex her sister, Mrs. Van Dran. "Ne one who lctiawtheml both will believe for an Instant that' Mine Mon teith could have committed such a hor rible crime," said Oeorge Vaa Drsa, "The charge seems le me te be CJiw- Inally libelous. Miss Monteith and Mrs, Van Dran were devoted te one an other." . Watt 3. Monteith denounced In the bitterest terms the aoousatloa against his sister. ' There could not have beea twe sis ters more loving than they were," he said. VMrs. Vsa Dran wag like a mother to Minerva, and was always do ing things for her. Ask everyone who knew them and they will all tea yew the same thing." t Assistant District Attorney Ous ,C Moeer. who subjected Miss Monteith to a rigid examination Immediately after her sister's death, has been outspoken In expressing his thorough ' conviction that she Is Innocent of the remotest re sponsibility for the crime. . Coroner-Flnley, who visited the Van Dran apartment Immediately after the tragedy and held the Inquest. Is equally positive la his declaration that the Or egonlan's accusation against Miss Mon teith Is cruelly unjust , - ,, Watt Monteith crlticlaes the police for allowing Chase to leave the country, and believes that ha might throw strong light on ths mystery of Mrs, Van Dran's death. ' ' . There has been some speculation as to ths valus of Kaspar Van Dran's estate. In all probability it Is very email. Hla business was unprofitable for several months ''past, and-his troubles Involved him In hesvy expense. He sold his sa loon at a heavy sacrifice only two or three weeks ago, Some estimates have placed the value of his estate at 111.004. but It Is probable that this figure le much too hlgh.-No effort will be made to learn the exact value Of hla estate until after the funeral. , i ' . . FIVE PEOPLE MISSING REPORTED TO POLICE :"""""""""""r 1 ' : The police were asked ' to locate six missing persons yesterday. H. Fehog Mo, who has been confined to the Oood Samaritan hospital at Beaver Hill, aald that his wlfs deserted him ar Marsh field, and when he went to the hos pital sent his 11-year-old girl to some Institution In Portland or Oregon City. He asks that the child be located. J. C Walker reported his sen, Cecil Walker, aged 11 years, missing since Thursday. He went away with Willie : Harris, aged 14,' whose parents are also searching for him. ' v ' Oeorge Allen left his home at Kelso, Wsshtnarton, at 4 o clock Friday morn- i ing." . His motner teiepnonea enter Orltsmacher yesterday. The boy Is 14 Mrs. Hulda Mlnard of 109 Esst sixYT leant 6 street wants Lee -Mlnard lo cated: I Its age is 41 years, and a sa loon-keeper? - -r ' J. L, Laxton la reported missing by '. M. Vale of 11 Water street. He works st a warehouse at Thirteenth and Marshall streets. .. v I! . i - V., , ... '.' FIGHT ON PLATFORM V 0F CAR ENDS IN JAIL ;' f .: O. W. Crockett, a "conductor on a Lower Alblna car. and- C. Cole, a pa enter, engaged In a rough-and-tumble fight about 11 o'clock last night on the rear platform of the car. The conductor struck Cols for spitting on tbe plat form, knocking him through the car window. The men grappled, and Cnle threw the conductor. ,rasaongra Inter fered, and ths men vwero separated. Crockett came to the police station and lodged a complaint asatnst Cole. 'The police also placed Crockett under srreet for assault and battery. Both men fur nished bail. Great January Clearance Sab cl Consisting of Persian Silk, Tebria, Kermart, Sarouk, Senna. Shirax, Iran, Espaban, Fereghan, Luis, Hamadan, Sereband, Shervan, Daghistan, Cabristan, BokhAra, Kheva, Belouchis "tan, Atttolik, Bergama, Runners, etc . ' ' ' Prices Surprisingly Reduced ON EVERY RUG, ON EVERY CARPET, ON ALL OUR BEAUTIFUL SILK PRODUCTIONS. And on everything, great or small, big or little, in the eleborate selections exhibited -by us. . WE OFFER BARGAINS NOW SUCH AS MAY NOT BE HAD AGAIN IN YEARS. . ATIYEH BROS. TeL Main 2050. 411 Washington SU bet. 10th and 11th. aiC RETIRING FROM WE RETAIL BUSINESS H,s stock of whiskies, brandies, gin, wines, champagnes, rem, at a reduction1 from. IS te 44 per cent. Thia stork mtust be closed eat within the next days, W shalt offer as follows.-' - , " -; ' All of our Sweet Wines, regular price ti es a gallon, at.....,.,., .f.l.2S All of eur Sweet Wines, regular price ft.te a gallon, at.,., ....... $1,00- All of our Sweet Wines, regular price tl.SS e. galloa, at.,,..,,,,....70 All of oar Dry Wnea. regular price li t a gallon, at. ........ All ef eur Dry Wines, regular price ll.e a gallon, at..............3g) All ef eur Dry Wines, regular price Tie a galloa, at. .....;..,.,.. .45 All ef our Whiskies, regular price t.M a gallon, at.,.....,...,ftS.S0 AQ of our Whiskies, regular price lM gallon, at..,.,.:i,...S2.TS AU of our Whiskies, regular price' tt.M a gallon. at............f 2.40 All of Brandies, Gtns and Rama, regular price t4.t a gallon, at..$2.TS All of eur Bottled Oood a, regular price lite a bottle, at. ... .v, .. .f l.OO All of our Bottled Oood a, regular price tl.SI a bottle, at......v....TB All of eur Bottled Oood a. regular price ll a botue, at..,.,...,...6&4 All ether goods la proportion. LAKE ERIE WINE AND CORDIAL CO. 04 Wsshaagvsa teX, lilllil Tsatb Sad BleveaSh. . .'. for sals. Telephone acala TO. be E. B. COLWELL (Toaamir raaana'a.) . Wholesale and Retail Qrocer ml ass, at rara.ii, ooa. yyxaao. .. Wtakes Tee A HAMY NEW YEAR : Via tlie Kew Tear tens the new nento. Hess, tkat we will ee kMter this rear teas last, ,i eas suae se eeuw wmm vm ess e trade with the v'; l Big Store of Uttls price iMk eesr ke Mils ef year beats mmnera tkeei ltk tbe srleas we eaete I aad (ie yw trade aad save at leaat " lea awry Mltr'l worth ytm bay. SEMKMBBS, i-WE bAJiDLB HO TnAtl. Je eaa the nrlTltoee ef rar atneer Ml n sei eatiewe. aer .........,... 40 Weaters err sresalate ease snrar, IS Be. II. on Ip sirm mrj grmnwmiwiu .new, ,"-,. - t Kictra orf graselated ettfar, IS ins...., .,.1.00 . - i a ,,wiite m aa an Bet lefemi, eraage ana eiime pw, per le. I Bkt-a MagBaiiacteeaea earrania f lAe a pas a. iiiii,b .i ,,, Ma sew s-rrews lease Meeretsle ... .We ,av 1 la eas Rnral bakins sswSer . 14b eas Brhllllaa'a Seat keklsa sewM'...vSV Cmaee Blackwell'a oil va at i settle!.. ft Mb sks Ans A Haw. star s T lbs rreaos srsaee 8hrea4 Wbeat blaealt, per pkg Iba LeaMaaa lire .... 1.1 bare koal Saea saap .3fte ... v lb pall best Mrs IO pan pp mra ,.l.0 ..1 so m-is pall seat wra I'iseat eaatars basts, par B) 14 Baat pmue Santa, pee is lui rntaa haaM iboseleaal bar m . k. .10 ..lee MirrMre esenaaet, per lb ............ A., .We Hard-weeat soar, per sack ...,v.....$l.00 Kcetrareats, per pkg r Ve IViatas) rareal, per pkg ..,.,,.......,aoe rUa Naptka soap, per bar 6e heat seft-wbeat sVmt, par package , Java A Mecba eottee raUr 5e ...... .X hnl enda eraekera (abnet 10 Iba) .......fro KnsUsh Ereakraat tee, per lb ............tfte raa-r Oanpeweer tea (refaatr OV) f lbs kmaea Jara estrM ..... as bare tar seas rea Biaeait. per pag .......... Tiger ereaej tin eiae o ....... .Se I rrlsars. Bide DMiTenee isaaaara sa non KAnt . Happy NevTYear We shall begin ore Tuesday, ' January 2d, 1906, with a SPECIAL CUT4 PRICE SALE On the entire line of Men's and Youths' Suits and Over coats; Hats, Pants, Shirts and Underwear. A general line of Shoes. Big stock of Blankets, Co mf orters, Trunks and Suit Cases, You can save money by in vestigating our good values.' We -offer them for33 per: cent less than regular prices. JOHN DELLAR AT TWO STC2ES first tndTamhni d Third xni Divls - DRcTVIESIROW'S - WONDERFXt , f RHEUMATIC ';CVRB.' ron ai.e at aix rmcaaisTS. Mies Edith Kelly t alu'tln. 1M k4 .) WK WISH Otm 11 ANT FRIENDS A - Briflht anfl nappy New Year . We wilt be with yon daring 1101 wits, a fuU line of Wstches," Diamonds and ether Jewelry, uy Diamonds saiiy In the New Tearthey - are. Increealng ta value.-, ' ' - ' j AeElVRIGOT TC I317A JEWEIXS , 293 Korrlsoa Street Japanese end -Chinese - CURIO SALE ... . . . ' ' Owing to eur surplus stock ef holiday goods we shsll reduce prices on every article In aU lines. , consisting ef flne Silver Cloi sonne, Batsuma, nsw Brsssware, Bronse Decorated Porcelain Tea Sets, Silk and Satin Cmbrotdsred Kimonos, Screens, Carved .furni ture. Toys, Matting, sto. , . Andrew Kun fiCo. aar xommxsosT wr. 7- Formal ning Apollo Roller : Skating RinK j MOnrs at, TrraiaBAT aim WTTiWli. dat ATTaaaooa AJro t zara. , Admission Trcs Every night St . sn lntrein and Instructlfe ethlMMnn In eomftv. and trlrh easting will te given er Waldateln snd I"!?. wrld famous fr their aota. Ths flneit efcatlng In the noHh west. C-ii nM'i---1. Ojp'e J