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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. 'PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 31. 1805. JAPANESE FLEET Happy New Year Closed Mond: FOR E LAUD hwmt W2 mmm. seeks CALCIUU RAYS Issues Bulletins as to Her Health J In Order That Society . ' " May Not Forget' ' . , " BRIDGE SCANDALS ORDER OF THE DAY Prince Henry of Battenberj Object hot Much duffing Doubtful If Mrs. : Potter Palmer Will Renew Effort! ;:. to Get Into Royal Set. . ' - - - By Paul Lambeth. . ' Ucoorrlsbt.' Hearst Mrrtc. by Wire to Tte Journal.) , . .. 'A London. Dec. , 0. Mrs. Arthur Paget 1 la determined that aoclety shall not for '-get her exigence. Newly every week he cauaea a bulletin to be taaued to the aoclety weeklies and the dally papers, , Informing the world aa to her progress. ," Of all Americans In London. Mrs. Paget s the "publicity department." . She has tried everything from German aurgeona to Chrlatlan 8clence, but her knee really gets no better, and. although she would not confess It herself, all her Intimate friends know that she will be lama for ;llfe. Her pluck Isvery remarkable. It la a noteworthy fact that when a mem ber of the royal family calls at Bel li ' gravis square toifnqulre after tier con dition. It la the&slgna! for a hundred , visitors to call during ; ths next 'two weeks. As royalty has not ealled for a long time, the- vlaltora have fallen oft and 'the number of bulletins has. In creased. Mrs. Paget la by no means Idle .during, the day. , -; Sha actively Interests herself by eor ' resDondence In the concerts held at ' Albert hall for the queen'a fund and ha a good deal to ao wun its management. ' , ..Bridge Boaadala. 1 . ,'. t - Bridge scandals are atlll the order of .-the day. The latest la the toplo of con .'ersatlon at a. well-known club In the jprwer part of Regent street. One ef the members has ludg been suspected or cheating and a committee of eight mem- '. bere has been formed to watch him nightly. He la quite unauspectlng, but mi Is" never allowed to alt down, to play a rubber wthout on of the eight la . among the players. Each member of the committee- la taking voluminous notes and on the first of January they are to meet and compare results. If the experiences of the eight are similar the matter will be brought before the club - officials. S At Almack'a. which la a "cook and hen", club. - the women members have Jaken to writing anonymous letters to each other when they are -not tearing ' , each other's reputatlona to shreds In puplle. One woman -boxed another's ; . ara In full view of a large audience the other day. If thla state of things - continues It le probable U the com missioner of polios will step In, v . r . Mimbj not a Beauty. 4- ' Now Wt It la certain that Prlnceas . Kna of Battenberg Is to become the -bride of King Alfonso.-notwithstanding .the religious differences, which will be i overcome In the usual diplomatic man ' .Tier, her mothers Princess Henry of Bat $lenberg. has beeoma a conspicuous - figure at all social, functions. Princess 2 Beatrice, as she la always called, wss . never ;a beauty, and -ehaHa extremely corpulent, 'but she has no vanity and la ...absolutely Indifferent to her looks or lresa 8 he always has been the butt Nfor tha "chaffJof her brotherg-aiid 'sisters. Including the king. The other - day the king was shown a portrait of Miss Connie Edlea, tha very fat and popular Cockney comedienne of the - Gaiety theatre. t "Why.' that' tha Imago of Beatrice!" . said the king. . Needles to say the remark was on. veyed to Princess Beatrice by a thoughtful lady-tn-wsltlng and now the . prlnoeas is telling all her . Intimate friends that she -Intends to. reduce her figure at once and at all costs. Princess ' Kna will. U Is feared, grow as, stout aa her mother. She is a big. fair girl with a fin complexion and many talents. . Peat Betallatloa. ,v ' Society will mlsa Mrs. Potter Palmer and her dassllng entertainments thl ' winter.- Mrs. Palmer, before aha left for Chicago, told a few of 'her ne London frlenda that "she Intended to re turn .and -entertain next season. It la xloubtful, however, whether Mrs. Palmer will renew her effort to get Into the "royal aet" - v Mrs. George Comwallla-Weat. by tha - way. Is. terribly disappointed that her " son. Mr. Winston Churchill, la not In cluded In the new cabinet- and tn brilliant young man Is also so disturbed "over this apparent slight that liberals ' are beginning to feel that he may re- tallate by making himself 'uncomforta ble" to tha party which ha " recently joined. . t a i v v. nninr nimn u iT lilUillL 'OAluU , I : ROYAL SYSTEM Grand Duke Michaelovttch 'i Not : ' Meeting With Success In His .' tv Attempt to Break Bank. . tspeoUl Dliaafc he Lessed Wire te The learaall , Monte Carlo, pec. SO- While awaiting ' the. arrival of the Reason a customary plungers at the gaming tables the on- . looking public "is watching with much ' Interest the Play af the Busstaa grand v duke. His Imperial' highness Grand ' Iuke Michaelovttch has a quaint ayatem of playing, whltfh insists of patting eO ' louls over various combinations of two on-one table and rushing off Immedl ately to repeaf.'t&e seme distribution of cola on two other tables. Then he goes ,' back to tha-trt table to see how the - play has come out. goes on to the sec . ond and third and begins over again. Bo far he ha not had much lack at this system.- , . . Grand Duke Cyril Yladlmtrovltch ; el so in constant attendance at the tablea but he seems bored to death by the same and olays apparently as means ef "milling time. Grand Ducheai : Anaataata of- Mecklanburr-Schwerta. (. mother ef the crown -prlnceea af Ger- msny ana sister or urssa,',iraae rticno- ;Jae. may be seen': etery day at the tables. She playa bRre luncneoa oniy end never puts up mora than a louls-at a, times. -Another pr eminent woman to -be seen In constant attendance at the , gaming tables - Is i Princess Dhuleep Cilngh. widow of the famous maharajah. RAe la very plucky and playa with as tonlahtng calm for a woman. - Skating New Tear's day, afternoon and even- Ing. KvervHorty on a aknte. Exposition -Kink, Waeli. rton and Nineteenth. Prince and Princeia 'Carjitacuieoe'a children. .Theyj are ; grandchildren of NIGHT OF TERROR Letter From Eliiabethgrkd -Tells of Terrible' Scenes Follow-,' ing Czar's Manifesto.' .1 MOBS FIRE HOUSES : r AND KILL SCORES Men Loicb Their Heads, Stonea Fly, Women Faint and - Children Cry, While Aboye AU Conld Be Heard Shouts of Revelers in Blood. ;. By Paul VlllierB. . (Copyright. Ilaent Newe Berrtee. ay . win im jourmjii. Parla Dec. 10. From a peraonal friend at Ellsabethgrad. In Ruasia I have received the following letter: -I "want to write you. but to write In a moment like tha preaent seems rMlfUiloue- One must shout with -Indignation or remalnBllent.-feel nothing. Tou know it all; you know of the wave oTblooa whloh Is Inundating our poor country, and my pen la not powerful enough to describe what Is going, on nere. "The day when the csar'a manifesto. published I vu In bed, sick wun Influence, 1 when a friend brought ma a paper. A Joy which I cannot describe filled my aoul; I felt, like embracing tha whole world; It seemed to me aa If everybody must feel tha same way, that all must be brethren. "I hurry to dress and my friend and I shed tears of Joy. Wa run down Into the street; a crowd comes toward as led by an Intelligent-looking workman, holding "a red banner and - "hhoatijig: Honor ths fighters ror . freedom: we follow tha crowd soma distance, when auddenlv-cries are beard. We feel that something terrible Is happening, and I seise my friend's . band ' ana puu nun wsaon paasea ua. In which la seated a man swimming In blood, sup ported by another. Hla ayes turned dim and ha died. A black cloud passes. men and women run hither and thither and. everywhere .abutters are being closed. A whole family flees with 'me to my house, where everything la con rueinn. carrlares coma ruahlng up with Intellectuals with poor people, all of them telling the horrors they nava seen. . . w In the house built for toe people almost 70S are now gathered. All are huddled together In tha. cornaors; tne children cry. the men- liave loet their heada the women faint Stonea coma flTin aaalnst tha ehuttere.- -A fnunf man comes rusnmg ana telle us that the outburst was directed against the factory of an Englishman, & H. Olworp. who let them enter, and a terrible scene took place. -Men are killed with clubs, with knives., wun re volvers, by tha black gang under .the houts of "Here" is UDerty , XMea and sobs are heard. - "Wa tela nhona incessantly for help, but In vain. and all tha, time new fugitives coma vuihlm -in..-; -.. ; j. -Wa. spent all the night there, terri fied: - only the children sleeping, eight In a bed. - At S o'clock In themornlng terrible ery rings out. - Stones . are thrown against the shutters. "Vladimir Kraleff. a lawyer, the only one af us who waa cairn, anoutea RMthren. all of you who have re vni-rera. ruard the doors! Wi are-- tn dariser. hot keep your heads cooir. "1 Mn never deecrlba the two hours ... iinwed. Time and a rain the. mob sst Are to toe house, and every time wa put It out Then at last xne ponce saw St to come to our assistance and Cos- .ka scatterea tna moos. i. It Is thus that ins eaar gives limnr his people.. If that la to ha liberty..! in hla neoDlei then I -f refeir. .to die." . . ' aranda Kakaa Tan Xwav ' . La Grande. Or, Deo. S-At the elty awwll meeting laat night ordinances Vsre passed that the levy f 4 mills on in, dollar madevortvall property Within the rttv assessed during 10I for sUte and- county purposes be used In paying municipal and current expenaee for ltof and that a apecial tag or mtlla be levied to pay Interest on the bonded Indebtedness of the city during 10. snd a poll tax of 11 upon earn Inhabitant ef the elty between thaagea ef 11 and ! year, to be ueed for work tng the atreeta within the corporate llmlta. - ' ; ', " " ' Help any poor people to have a Happy Hew Tear. RUSSIA GRAVE ANXIETY Id Troubles Both Internal and Ex ternal Greet the Coming of ; the New, Year. ';' ; RUSSIA'S STRUGGLE FELT OVER EMPIRE Class Hatred lore Pronounced Than Ever Fall Balfour Ministry la Hailed ty . of, i-ignt rrencn and Cer Relations Still Bitter, ' ' i Innlm farka (Cepyright. BeentS.Mw Serrlee. ay Leasei -he toJM Jearaal.K . Berlin. Deo. . ItHTio. without grave anxiety' that; the Oermaa people .greet the coming of the new year, - which seema to promise hardly anything but troublea. Internal aa well aa external Everywhere yon aee signs of battles which must be fought before permanent peace can be established.- everywhere la heard tha call to arms. - Class hatred more nronounced --than aver, and the Socialists sre busy adding new fuel to the fire.--' -. : . - Tha effects of tha gigantic chaotic struggle which threatens to disintegrate the mightiest, empire In tha world are felt all over Germany, as were the French revolutions In July, 130, ana February. IMS. ,- V . ,'-'.' The dav may ahortly coma wnen the Instinct of self-preservation may force the kaiser and his government to aena German legions to tha asslstanoa of tha put. Order must be restored in nussia and that country must not oe auowea to proclaim a republican government or th foundation or tna tnrone ox me Hohensollerna might be weakened. - Only Mwt xaght, -.. Tha fall of the' Balfour ministry la Ykiviand la the only ray of light which hnuki throush -the tAreatenlng clouda. and there Is a general feeling mat sir rennbelUBannerman wtll Inaugurate an era of mora menaiy relations iwween the - two countries, so mucn more hm are no real T reasoixt why th h..M .ntst anv 111-feellng between the im. nations. . waiKttnns between Praneo and Germany ... nnchanaed. the bitter feelings aroused her by the Delcasse revelations, naving far from disappeared. Reports received ham the German colonies tn southwest Africa, are again - causing eonaiaeraDie iarm.' and the end of the rebellion seems aa far off aa aver. xruaa-arlaa OrlsU Passed. The Hunrartan ouestlon beglna to look less formidable and threatening, and op timistic papers in Vienna claim mat uie crisis has passed and that tha aged em peror may be allowed to. spend hla re maining years In peace.- which ha cer tainly deserves. - 1 Th delations between tha Hungarla mMnt and tha parliament, which thraatened. to end la the secession of ths kingdom, are . less strained.- and both aid) are In a much mora conciliatory niuvl which Bromlsea well for the future. u.n- nf the' troops which had been called to arms, by the mlnleter of war during the early part ef thla month In anticipation of serious troublea were dis missed immediately before the Chrtatmss holidays, a fact which called forth greet rejoicings. ... ' . . - Want Murder fao-psd. . ;. Tha first or- the new year Is expected to deckle tha fate' of Russia. Should ths ar-a mvernmenlf fall to restore order,, The r.urvpamn . German people demand more loudly every day that tha murder i uermans tn i" Ralttna be atooDod. and eveh the papers. which a week ago were strongly opposed ta the sending of German ,warshipe to Russian ports are now changing their policy. Sweden had taken tna first step iv sendlna a cruiser 'to. Riga. England la only waiting to, see what the kaiser will do. and an Englteb cruiser la even bow at KleL readt to leave at a moment' e aotlca. . w , Zaaependease eawxalU in etari. ' (ilJl rrtmAtpa t& Taa lunial. Independence. Or.. Dec. 10. kien-have arrivedi and are on the ground to start tha big Spaoldlng awmlll the first of tha year. The first ran or logs. was brought down yesterday.. The milt will start rutting construction lumber, fend the-mill wtll be reconstructed ,and en larged. -Jn view of the hop market be ina dull and little work being dona la tha hop fields, this milt will be quit a boon to thla vtclnHy, aa It will provide work for men during the wlr months. GERr.lANY Squadron That Destroyed Rus sia's Navy Will Make Visit . in the Surnmer. - TO BE GREATEST . NAVAL DEMONSTRATION Will Be a' Larger Show Than When the French VisitedGreat Briuln and King Edward ' Will Review tha Fleet, : (Copyright, Hearat News Srvtoa..ey fceaaed Wire te Tse joaraai.) London. Dec 30. The Japanese fleet. which so completely eclipsed the whole Russian navy, -4a to visit thla country next summer, when Portsmouth will be th scene of a great naval aemonaira tlon. from a popular point of view the concentration of the battleahlpa of the east and west bids fair 'to completely eclipse anything this historic town has vet witnessed. The FTencn eniemo week waa great., but naval men declare that the Japanese week will be greater. Early -In July la the data fixed for the hrrival of the Japanese , fleet -In Spit-bead.-, i ' - The visiting squadron Is to ieav Basebo, according to existing arrange ments. In the beginning or May, ana tha ' six weeka Daaalna will do pro Innml hv maktnc one or two calls of a friendly and ceremonial onaraoter on the way. ' Ths ooniDositton mf the Japanese rieet has yet to be deftnlte!yaettled. The Nlchi Nlchl Shlmbum has stated lhat It will consist -. of two battleships snd four cruisers .and that Admiral Togo hopes to command It In person.- In any case, however, it Is not snticlpated by -4 he British naval authorities that the visiting squadron will, consist oi more than six warships. Tha intention la that tha vlaltora shall proceed directly . to Splthead. mooring there to special buoys that will be prepared for their reception, as In tha case of the French visiting fleet. The British channel fleet. North sea squadron and first cruiser squadron, forming a roosl; Imposing force .of IT battleahlpa and nine cruisers, will be assembled In the anchorage to greet tha guests. - ' It is understood that tha king has already signified his Intention to review this combined sea fleet. After this royal Inspection the Japanese fleet will weigh anchor and proceed Into Ports mouth harbor, where an unprecedented round of naval hospitality will ba ob served. The grand naval maneuvers are due to begin about the time of the de parture of tha Japanese fleet, and In naval circles It is deemed highly prob able that tha visiting squadron may participate In theae tactical axerclaee. KAISER IS INTERESTED IN ROOSEVELT WEDDING GIvlrTg Much Thought to Suit- able Present to Alice and Nicholas. R. Malcolm Clarke. (Oosrrlsht. Hearat Newa feenrtee. by Leased Wffe W laa oarau.j Berlin, Dec 10. The wedding of Prince Eltel Frederlch, second eon or tha kaiser, ta Duchess Sophia Charlotte of Oldenburg, has again been postponed. Borne time agVTi was annvuncvu ma waa to take place on February 27, when the kaiser and kalseiin Celebrate their silver wedding-, but as the kaiser dealraa that day to pass tn the moot quiet man .r and at the same time does not want ta deprive his farorlta son of a wedding Penning nis ran. n wu. not to ba married until tha middle ot March. " " "' - - " "' Speaking of weddings, tha kaiser la said to be very much Interested in the coming wedding Of Mlao Alice Hoose- velt and -Congreesmsn UJniwonn ana Kan riven considerable thought to the question of a suitable present. . Aa I am tola, ns s" up rst Intention of presenUng the young couple with a portrait In oU of himself and will pronaoiy imm wmm m -plete dinner aet of royal Berlin china, which will no doubt ba mora welcome. PARISIANS ARE RAPIDLY BECOMING AME Plenty of Smoke and Trolley Cars and Flirting I axes xne Place of Literature.' hi'' '"' n -B...1 Vllll.M VtV iimwJtM. Rnti8rwl Herrlee. Df : parts. Deo. 10.-There Is no doubt about It. Paris, tha metropolla ol.hs 'world, la rapidly, becoming Amerioan- lsed. It Is no longer' tha elty It waa f ha aecohA emotre: when a famous EngUahmaa- who visited It said that he had no Other fault to find with It than thora waa nor smoke. enough. Now ha certain winds blow we have all tha factory amoke any Engliabman rfealra to feel at home. Our atraeta have been Invaded by tha Amer ican trolley car. and we could no longer get along without oursunway. Flirtation has succeeded tha passion for literature In ' our salons, ana have become enamored of poker, aa weU aa bridge. Tha character ot our news papers has changed, and we are rapidly becoming, used to some, which are of tha most pronouneed4 yellow hue. There are not many of us who do not deplore tha rhanse. who do, not feel sad when wa aee tha race for the' almighty dollar ar frane. Which baa supplemented the old-time happy-go-lucky disposition of the Parisians, but what can wa ao but bow to the, Inevitable? American Government. neetal class at tha T. W. C A. night school, studying Stress American Com- monwealtn. xne pnncipi o nnrami, state and municipal 7. governments studied and discussed' j Winter terra begins January . IMS. .Tinassook's Sokoal Tax. ' 'Isnari.t tllmatrh a. The Inmndt.) Tillamook Or, Dee.' la. At a apeclal meeting af this school district, aa 11-mlll tax and a special 1-m ill tax toward par ing off the- Indebtenneas at aoout ine an tha old acheol building were adopted. . -r ' - a ; 7 , . . ... i n : r- M H Copyright 1905 by Hart Schaffner 6 Marx . Sam'l COR. V '. . nmm .says music WILL CURE GRAFT t '. ;'.':,. . - 1 ' - ,; - ' Vicious Boys Under It Influence ; Become Jmbued With Spirit . of Kindness. . (Ssedat IHepateh ay Uaaad Wire te The Josraal) Milwaukee. Deo. SO. Professor Wil liam la Tomllne of Chicago says that music will cure graft. In an address to tha Wisconsin Teachers' aasoclaUon Professor Tomllns said: 31ve tha boys and girls of thla coun try ths Innsr conception of ths higher Ufa aa it can be given unconsciously throush music, properly taught, and you wtll have solved the solution of the graft problem and all other material evlla. Bo materially have I been convinced ef thla fact that for tha laat nine years I have given my entire attention to this work. When I first began work with dlrlldren I saw what could b-4one with them but I did not realise Hie philoso phy ef It until several years later. My xseeeeeeesaeesaaaeseaseMitttttttttt RESOLUTION-FOR 1906 i dr.b.e,wricht: Ten Yearm. Active Practice in Portland V DR.B.E; . 342 1-2 WASHINGTON STREET. CORNER SXVENTII - "v :-',- "'. y. - " ' - OPTIC HOURS: 1A.M. TO S P. M. 7:30 P. M. TO 8 .30 P. M. 8UNDAYS 0 TO 1. I . " ; s; ; ' ' ; : '' Every" SUIT, TOPCOAT, O'COAT and RAINCOAT In the house, including Tuxedo and Full Dress Suits, actually reduced. These fine garments "are from such well known makers as Hart Schaffner & Marx and the Steln-Bloch Co. We can fit every one' up to and including size 50. All goods marked in plain figures. $12.50 SUIT or, OVERCOAT......... $15.00 SUIT or OVERCOAT......... 418.00 SUIT or I OVERCOAT......... $20.00 SUIT or; OVERCOAT......... $25.00 SUIT or OVERCOAT. . : ' $30.00 SUIT or ' OVERCOAT...... moOTVXEDO oyil.. $40.00 FULL DRESS SUIT.............. Rosenblatt THIRD AND MORRISON - . a . ' xxxznKzzvaxxzxxxTxzxxxxzxxxzsizzxxzixxxxzszzzxszzzz experience baa taught ma tha regener ating. effect of music," . Professor Tomllns then ' related hla experience In New Tork soma years ago with classes composed only of the lower elements, but ot soma ot tha most vi cious bora of tha Bowery district, Bru tality was their run, he said, because they knew no better. But with their musical - tratnyia cams a new spirit, until when one boy . saw another boy clinch his fist to strike his mate ba caught, the hand and uncBthched .the fingers with tha : remark, "Aw for get It." ' ,., - ' - n -.' i Tillamook Charon Debt Tree. , ' (Special Dlapatrb to Tip Journal.) Tillamook. Or, Deo. 19. The Presby terian church has been fortunate In liqui dating all of lta - Indebtedness, and on Sunday evening will hold Jubilee serv ices. In which tha Methodist and United Brethren churches will join. After these services, union watch meeting wtll ba held. '-"'''. ' XadepeaSenae ahlpptag Weat, (Bparlal Dktpatch to The Jearat.) ' Independence. Or.. Dec. SO. The first shipments of wheat to be taken out of tha Portland flouring mills warshousa at thla place were taken out by tha Oregona Wednesday and Friday nights. Ths two shipments consisted of -about S.00S sacks. . RESOLVED that I wiU never neglect toy teeth in the future as I have in the past; that whenever I need any dental work I will promptly all -on Dri Be E Wrights the Dentist,, who performs every dental opqft: atidn With" skill and gentleness ; -S Start the New Year with i Sound and Presentable Set - of Teeth WRIGHT '....--- - '(.' $9.50 $12.50 ' $14.50 $16.75 $19-75 C29.SO & Co. STa . . ' " '' ' GOVERNOR TO DISSOLVE ; 5,000 C0IES : :,"'::. : v;,. .: Corporations Who Have Not Paid ' ' Taxes to Be Wiped Out V of Existence. :. - (ftptelal Dispatch to The Joaraal.) Salem, Or., Deo. 10. Fire thousand Oregon corporations will be dlssolv4 by Governor Chamberlain within a few daya In accordance with a law passed by tha laat session of tha legislature, Frank Wrightman of tha corporation department - of tha secretary of state's office has turned ever to the governor a?llat of 6.000 corpora Hon a which nave been delinquent for two years, and. in aooordanoe with the same law. the gov ernor must -dissolve them some time during the month of January. They can be reinstated again by the payment of ail back license fees. - It la time somebody Invented some nther aenselesa doggerel to give people a relief from "Everybody works but father." -. t 1 I e : v The PAINLES3 DENTIST