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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMSZI? CI, 1CC3. A FOLTilCAL DRAMA V: ' JV THREE JtCTS ' ' :- v - - (With Humble Apologia to Macbeth.) Chief Actorsi TV T. Gcer, C X Johns snd "Firmer" YVithycomb. Scene; A Urge political culdron near the stste capitol, with the dome of the capitol in sight. r . . v ' I . -,.. . , ; ACT !.- ,.-.'..' ..y.,.: Geer v "' WKlIUt of the Fenny Snake, ' . In the cauldron boil and bake, '' , Kye of Newt, toe of. fro. V Wool of bat and tongue of doc ' J aline , " " K And now about the aea ahark'a jaw, .". I'll just throw In a chunk f law. Wlthycomb- : ' , . so fairies ail, both great and small. pray come and aea the "doverao.r's AU ... , , ... ; - . Double, double, toll and trouble, . rire burn and cauldron bubble. ' Oeer , -X Now you two men ef rood repute. -Tall T. T."a Claim" yon can't : dls- ; i put. 1 . '.. Thia primary race la one that kill. .. And will fall to the "Baca of Waldo i . Hllla.". ' , Johna- ' '' High and nighty, great and tall. ' When you hear old Oregon' call, From her hllla and vale and atal wart - . aona, . . ' . 1 ' The "Call from th wild" will ba C. ' A. John-;. . . Wlthycombe v ' - "' . Now you aona of lioneat toll, - - : Don't bother yoarselve In . thia tur moil;' - .. . The man who'll rule beneath "The ' Dome" Ii good old Farmer Wlthyoomb. ; Goer ,.. "' . " 'Tie well spoken, brother, now let'f elng, v ,-. , - Like 'elvfcs and fairies round ; ths -', -ring. ' ' ' v V That myatlo song, "Who Shall Be King. ':-;; Who Shall Be King, Who ' Shall B . Klngr , ' ', "-V ' -Ail' - -.' :" - -. ' t;;, - Now to the forum let ua go, r. And tell the people what we'll do. Well gat. U and. make, tha welkin . ring, . And they (hall Bay "Who Shall Be ' King." . ,'. '''.. .. . -,- .. , ... ;..,;' v, . - : ACT IIv..- .' '. '. -' (?cene: ln the Forum.) ;' , , Gear 1 I ae a form with visage grim. Like Banquo' ghoat It rtaea; ' . Ye god! it can't be Chamberlain T But look out for aurprlaea. Johna. . .,? .'".' "Banquo1 dead" my fear are ellmi. v i car not ror oeorg Chamberlain. - I'll to combat re. ao clear the track ',' Or I'll dia with the hemes op ' my ' ' v oaca. ,,....,' .' V . . Wlthycombe .. 'i. I Banquo dead?' Oh. I ha dead? '. - He' a the bane of my poor Ufa, ' But I'll tackle him or lo, my head ' In this political strife. ; i 2 Ger (aeetng an apparition) ' ' ' , T1 he. "Tl not Oh. rlaaga Or lml Oh. wily Banquo, what a aln! Won't you come out and let me' In? Tou wicked Banquo Chamberlain. Banquo (from the capitol dome) , Not much. ' , , r . I . . - act nt .' '-- " '- Finale. ' Now let u eek aom desolate ahade ' And ; there weep ,our ad bosom , .... empty. , . - . ;...,;, t ... Johns y ; . " t 'Tie over now. tha same la endedf The least said now tha soonest mended. Wlthyoomba - : j .- ' ' "Amen," say I. and now we'll ling, Banquo'a alhre and atill the king, OBITUART ' au .1.., . . ... Boo-hoo, boo-hoo boo-hoo, Woa onto all of ua, V ' , t' For wa went after Banquo, " V i Now Banquo he's got as. -, IH(.LS WEALTH TO HER PETS ' -: - .- .. . " ' ' -.,..t Jv ' . 1 1 . " " '' '..V .'r..'-' Eccentric of Retired Vaude '. f- ville Actress Is Filed In Brooklyn.. ; -t .. - ; FURRED AND FEATHERED . ! ' FRIENDS BENEFICIARIES Superannuated lapdagi Green Parrot, . and Cage of Small LoTebirda - to "Be Provided Vmh Luxuries' Duriog .- . , T Remainder of Lives. , : ' . - SENATORS AGREE UPON PLAN Fulton" and .Gearin to Keep Up Workfor Oregon's Rivers and Harbors. . 7 - 7" TOpFFER SEPARATE . " APPROPRIATION BILLS Figures lo These Wil Conform to Estimates ' of Engineers They ,Will Get Into Next General Rivet f. and Harbor, BJ11. j ') Cv: (Rpvrial r4.ptr by treats Wtr to The ?Mmal) New York. Dee. 10. TO her peta. superannuated lapdog. a greea parrot. and a cage of small lovebirds, Cecilia ' A. WoUey. better known , as . Lillian Weston of the Taudevllle stage, left suf ficient property worth I15,0S for their use and to ba used to provide for them as long aa they live. Provision for her furred and feathered friends wss made by Miss Wolsey In a will dated Sep . toniber It. 106, filed for probate In Kings county. She died a week ago at her home. No. Ill : Koaoluako street. Brooklyn. The fifth clause of the will provides that Harriet D. Galea, Miss Wolsey's companion, shall have tha use of tha . Kosciusko street home all of her life. on. condition that she care for tba dog, tha parrot, and tha birds. Mis Gates Is also to be alven the interest from . certain securities for ' her maintenance and that of the pets. Upon Miss Gates' death tha whole estate goea to tha So ciety for tha Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, noon condition that the society care for such of tha pets as may still be alive at that time and continue to - care for them until they die. . Tha only other legatee' la Mia Wol eey's foster mother, Mrs. Elisabeth Wol sey. widow of theelate Charles Wolsey of the United Bttee army, who receives , tha - house at ttl Kosciusko street. where ahe now, live with all ita furni ture and belongings. Under, tha name of Lillian Weston, Miss Wolsey was popular a a head' liner In vaudevtTle for' many year. , She did a musical ' turn, playing upon many Instruments. Lair: year aha retired from the stage, living upon the Income - of her savings. She was practically a 'recluse, devoting all her' time' to her r dog. her parrot and her lovebirds. At . her death she was 40 yeara old. ., ; ; . ; Xeary aTfcipnteat of Zg. t " (SpMial PtapatcH t Tf Jonrnal.t 1 ; - Tillamook, Or.; Dec. SO. The Iladly cogging company has at present run orer 100 logs to their boom on the Wil son river from this camp.' They have about t.000.006 feet in the water, await ing a further rise in the river. - FAT FOLKS ISO lbs. 26T Iba. MBS. B. WILUAWS. tm Mlieett So,. Bstfab), Iroet U welcu, ... .4. ...... gy peaaas i Ih la bast..,.......;;..., isehes Lost ts -waist. is laches Xrfa la hips....... .' This plrtera gives ye sa M'l of ay amn anew brm sad sftar siy radoruae by Or Nnritor. Mr blth U nerfert. I bvtot eajas iitvr oHS la sty Ufa, an s wrinkle In be imi. Vi br earry yoar batdas loager wbts flirt Is at beodf v. , . . lr. HnyiW siiaraafaee bla trntmeiit Is be Brftlr brmli Is evary particular. - No vifTclM. so War Tins or aiarnajrorta. iir. Enytrr baa bra a aixrlallat Is tba aersaaaral traet. wat of ah.lty for the paat S5 yaara. aae baa tha aaiialillMt iVmrmat of the BMdlal rre. t.rnlty. A boeklal aalllag sll a boa I U Ine. Writ tadaf. . O. W. F. SNYDOR, At. D. Sll atarqaaai Mg. lzth sad SCorrlsoa treeta, rortlaad, Oregom, 3 Waahlnatoa llvaaa af Tba ImvhiI.1 Washington, IX C Dec 10. Senators Fulton and Gearln have agreed upon plan, yhlch they will follow when eon- gresa reconvenes, Jn .their effort to seoitr an appropriation for Oregon4 river and harbor improvements. - They will Introduce Individual bills for each of th various desired" improvements, mak lng th appropriation In each case con form to tha recommendation and the estimates of the engineering corp of the war department Tha amount of the several appropriations to be thus asked for have not been decided upon. but the bill will provide for Improving Coo bay, Tillamook harbor, Taqulna bay, Sluslaw river, th Celilo canal, the upper Willamette river, the lower Wil lametta river and tha Columbia river peiow- 2-oniana. rnese will ds In ad dition to the bill for Improving th moutn or tha Columbia river. It la recognised by tha Oregon sena tors that - probably there will, ba no general river and harbor bill at this session, and consequently little chance of securing the pasaags of these bills until another river and harbor bill 1 considered, but' they hop by Intro ducing them now that reports may be made upon them and they win be la ahapa for early consideration when th general Dili I framed. HENEY SCORES VICTORY 1 eeaBBBBSBaWBWa Washington "mdg Buls That Xadiot. ' ment Afmlast Bess on Xs Oood. ' (Wblnrtn Barm f Tbt Jaaraal.) Washington, . Dec $o. Attorney jrrancie . Heney scored, another legal triumph today when Justice Wrlrht of the District of Columbia criminal court overruled tha demurrer of John A. Ben son to tba Indictment reported against him )n connection With alleged publio iana rrauas. Acoordihg to tha flrat count of tha In- dlctment Benson gave Mr. Harlan of tha interior departments bribery money s a nms wnen no report Was upon the flies of th department and before any had even been prepared by the special agents. .This constituted, th flrst,.polnt of the demurrer that at th time "of the giving over or the money. Harlan was under no duty concerning the report " The - opinion of the court aeems to be exact In saying that Harlan was nnder no concrete duty respecting any rar tlcultr report and equally exact In say ing that hs was under an abstract duty wiio respect to an reporta in general. Th abstract duty of aecrecv concern. lng report, tha court ruled, grew out or th nature or his clerkship and was hot dependent upon the existence of reports. Thia duty would have existed although no report had aver existed. Tttm Initlotmant aall .lit ,1 Benson was suspected ot defrauding tha umtea etatea or puduo lands and that special agent of th government had been vordered to Investigate tha matter and report to the appropriate depart. ment for tha purpose of criminal prose eutlon; that it was an official function of tha chief of a division of that da pertinent to consider the report when It was filed. Upon this hypothesis of raci it, oecam. forthwith, aa a matter of law, the duty of that chief to keep th report a secret from Benson. The existence of th duty I therefor auf flcisntly shown, by -the Indictment and the other polnta mad aaalnst tha first count of th Indictment are disposed Of oy mi mowing. . v In conclusion th court said: "Nam ar tna other counts are wanting In any of the avermenta presented by the first and the nrst being sufficient the others ar good also.. . Tha demurrer la over ruled."'. . . . . . .- i . Attorney Heney. who Is absent from th city, made the principal argument against th demnrrer whan tha oaaa at a. argued' before tba eourt -i. 5?; 1 morning begins our an- I A nual January Clearance Sale. We are receiving daily ohipments of furni Jture that should have been here for the holiday' trade and now must be sold at' an enormous reduction. If you will" klance over this advertisement and thqn inspect the' goods themselves you cannojt but be convinced that we arc making very deep cuts in all lines. CooA bouht noyr be delira t your convenience, v j i a an r7. O ; i Colonial, Chair . -. ThI ", Colonial i - Chair, In (, weathered ' , and golden .oak Jan, uary sale CQ price.. 90.3V Center Table Iron Bed Chiffonier ; . i- - tt Canter Table, oak or mahogany finish . AH Iron Beds reduced tl.BO Beds , S2.86. Like cut . regular 19.00 January . J QC : . January sali . tC OK sal price.. ..'' pric..,.,.... POJ In ThI Chiffonier. solid oak, with swell top, .drawer and French bevel mirror; . regular $18 January ,r v price, f. . J " Mission Furniture latest Mission Furniture, . arrived too lata for holiday a, will be sold during -our January sal at anormou reduo. ' tlona. ' . s - v .;.-,'. Oak Desk , A Weathered Desk, Mission pi tern; worth S10.0C Oak at- o ' January T Tt .,:.. aaleprlo ..' ' Jj I " ' '( m mmm mll,m ',"''.''':" . j ,' : I Buffet r , ": Buffet Weathered and Oolden oak;; reg. 60 (jnjn ' Jasale prloa....,..r,r'w,-'j t 1. China Cabinet China Cabinets, in gold en and weathered oak.' aa shown above: regular-. t7.6S Jan u a r r price, $22.00 Morris Chair Morris Chair Reg ular 114 value Jan- Dresser V , . " A Dresser, Ilka cut, plain front ' and German bevel mirror; res ular $11.60 Jan- . Q OA uary sale price.. ...... Dlnlng Chair Oolden ' Oakf-Dining Chair, in can seat . feluel Range v Our regular $55 Range . COT Cfi old during January sal. .." '' Barga - ins: $35.00 Oolden Oak Chlffonlr...f 27.50 $95.00 Birdseyt Maple Dresser.. f 68.60 $50.00 Birdseys Mapls Drtsser..f 41.KO $6240 Birdseye Mspls Dresser., f 51. OO $67 JO Birdseye jMaple Dresser.. 53.50 $45.00 Birdseye Maple Dresser.. f 36.50 $75.00 Mahogany Dresser.. .....f58.50 $100 Mahogany Dreiser.. ..'..78.50 $30.00 Mahogany Dresser....... 24.75 ' $85.00 Mahogany Dresser....... 6650 $90.00 Golden Oak Dreiser.. ,...65.00 $7240 Golden-tak Dreiser...... 59.00 , $75.00 Golden Oak Dresser..... 58.50 $30.00 Golden Oak Dreiser...... 29,50 $36.50 Weathered Oak Buffet... f 28.50 ; $3240 Weathered Oak. Buffet. ..23.60 $4240 Golden. Oak Dresser...... 34.50 $30.00 Gelden Osk Dresser...... 24.0O $2740 Golden Oak Dresser.. ....21.50 $22.00 Golden Oak Dresser...... f 18.SO $50.00 Birdseye Maple Chiffonier 39.50 $32.50 Birdseye Maple Chiffonier 27.60 $29.50 Birdseye Maple Chiffonier 23.50 $70.00 Mahogany Chiffonier..... $90.00 Mahogany Chiffonier,.;. 68.50 $2640 Mahogany "Chif f order. j. .22.00 $65.00 Golden Oak Chiffonier. 47.60 $35.00 Golden Oak Chiffonier..". 28.60 $25.00 Golden4 Oak Chiffonier.;. 20.50 $27.00 Golden Oak Chiffonier j. 21.O0 $85.00 Full Brass Bed.........T v 68.50 $70.00 FuU Brass Bed.... ....... 56.00 $7740 Full Brass Bed... ....... 62.00 $45.00 Full Brass Bed..... ...... 36.50 $35.00 Full Brsss Bed., ....... ..29.50 $17.00 Iron Bed......... ........ 11.50 $20.00 Iron Bed.. ...$13.50 $1740 Iron Bed. ............. ..12.50 $1440 Iron Bed.. ...........,..,.. -75 $18.00 Iron Bed.. ............. ..12.50 $ 8.00 Iron Bed..... ...... ...... 6.25 ' $14.00 Iron Bed.. ......... ...... 9.75 $65.00 Weathered Oak Buffet... f 49.50 $36.00 Golden Oak Buffet.. 29.50 I . ;v $29.50 Golden;. Oak Buffet..,., .'.23.50 .$2740 Golden Oak Buffet....... 2 1.50 ' $2340 6-ft. Pedestal Ext. Tabl..18.50 $30.00 6-ft. Pedestal Ext. Table.. 25.50 ; $3240 8-ft. Pedestal Ext. Table.. 27.50 $26.00 6-ft Pedestal Ext. Table. 21.00 " $2340 6-ft. Pedestal Ext Table.. 17.50 $28.00 8-ft Pedestal Ext Table.. 22.50 $ 740 Weathered Oak Rocker... .4.75 $14.00 Weathered Oak Rocker... .8.75 " 111.00 Mahogany Finished Rocker. 7.75 $ 8.00 Golden Oak kocker,.'.'.ta..4.75 $ 8.00 Golden Oak Rocker... .....4.50 $ 740 Golden Oak Rocker... 5.25 A5' Jahuary Sale Prices on Carpets I ; Burlington ' Brussels ...... 73 Sanford Extra .Brussels 80. TAmber . , Velvets ... ... $1.19 '. "Vyilton - - I Velvets $1.30 Royal " v Axmlnsters. ,?1.31 7 ztra Super All ; .Wool Ingrain ;78rf 3-Ply All Wool . Ingrains ....... 08 ; ' Bristol i ingrains ...... 62f ' . Berkshire ; . . " , Ingrain ; ' ... .".30 Dignified Qedif :?o Ml Our credit systcmis an attractive; one,, and every honest man or: woriian is entitled;:to its benefits Will January .Sale Prices Linoleums. Best Inlaid " - Linoleum , ; .91.51 Second Quality,. ' j Inlaid ; '-7.'-.";'-' Linoleums ..81.3S . Pottera D. '-';;V " Linoleum M.81 Potters E V Linoleum . .". . ". G5 English I., Linoleum Oil Cloth, -' First Grade.... 41 " Oil Cioth,, v Second Gra4e. .33 .1AY0R AKD GOT "RAKE-OFFS" : Officials of Long Beach, Califor nia, Accused of Being Graft-' N.era on City Cpntracta. ' Special Dlapatch br Leases Wire to Th Josrnal) Los Anaeles, Deo. 19. Rufus T. Eno, msyor of Lone Beseh, and J. B. tiosee, one of Its oromlnent. council men. hsrs bees arrested br th district ettorner of th county and, locked In th county1 Jail on a charge of taking bribes. The wo spec! rid Instances relate to "rake- offs" in the 'bulldlns- of th Lone Beach wharf, but It la said that ' Kraftlnr e- tMida over a period of two -yeara, nr lnc th two man took office. Mearlf all of the bl . contract that weat through th mayor office ire said to have been ; "greased through" with bribe .money. Their arrest wss a com plete surprise to th two official, alao to Long Beach, which wa simply thun derstruck. That town has always been a slronirhold of church people, and the city officer Were thought to be abov suspicion. . Two secret service man want to Long Beaeh from Loa Angeles this afternoon from th office of th district at tor nay. J On of then found Eno on th street and askedhlm to come to the city for a "conference" with District Attor ney Fredericks. Losee wss J found In his real estate office. Ho was' also ln Tltsd to tbs city for a conference." Neither of the two men had -the slight eat Idea that they were being arrested. They cam out of th "conference" nn der arrest on! a felony charge. "They are charged on two particular counts.', J. C. Newsom; en srchltsct, to get Ms plan for tha dancing pavilion at tha and of th Lonr Beach wharf accepted. Is alleged to bar paid 1100 to Epo for himself and Lose. '' Th. money 1 al leged to have been paid In tha city ball at th time Eno helped ' Newsom Cash bla demand. .. The other charge wa In regard to the specifications 'for piling for th wharf. Losee Is alleged to have put through a resolution changing th piling from cyl indrical to square. Tha change lessened th cost of th contract 1,600, Lose Is ald , to hay permitted $1,000 for himself and Eno, tha city being made to pay th contract -off at tb original prloa, Lose and Eno had a long talk with th dlstrlot attornsy. H would not ssy whether they confessed on not Afterward they, mad a statement claim ing that thet. arrest la due to a polit ical conspiracy, their enemies tsklng this mean ot "doing them up." They both wer cool and collected. After eome hour In jail they wer released on ball furnished by prominent Long Beach men. , . " . : ref erred Btoek OaaaeaT woed. Allen Lewi' Best Brand, :. EUGENE CITIZENS FAVOR MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP i (Special Dlspatc ts The Joarasl.) ' ' Eugene, Or., Dec, , 10. At ' a mass meeting., of cltlsens, held th th court house laat night, resolution wer passed 'favoring th voting, of 1300.000 sleoOlo light and water bond at tha special municipal election on Tuesday. This 1 art offset tcf th resolutions passed by th Commercial club th night before, opposing city ownership. Th meeting was largely attended, and was . enthusiastic. Addresses were made by prominent advocates of munic ipal ownership, Including -Professors Converse and Hyd of th University of Oregon. Bom excitement " waa occa sioned when Councilman W. W. Calkins in hi address charged the' two dally 'newspspers of the city 'With being sub sidised by the corporation which now own th local lctrlo light and water plant. . r" , .. t Art Furniture H Manufacturing Co. t " C A. WALKEB.' MgrL .Manufacturer of ; DRAPERIES JPECUL DESIGNS ll PUBUTUat ' ANt CABINET WOK SUttre Kada aad SUmovated. Special AUratloa Olvea So pau Work, -i ' fsctorj ssi tarthoais 44M5S-4S2 Bsyt Street, PertUsd, Oros '.' ; Phon Main Its. -- R. ANDREWS. Tres't I1 V '