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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 31, 1SC3. - w ' poijlaio's FASTEST GROWIMTG STORE Store (Closed All Day Honday, January 1st, , New .Year Day ' ":' . Store Closed All Day Honday, J anuary 1st, , ...:. New Year's Day - 7 , I s. r (Sl&jpa;mt& ale Prices and values that will be the sensation of the week. A sale that attacks every price and every value of every article in our big stocks. In fact, the most ruthless reductions ever made on good, dependable ; merchandise. That low prices and 'enormous assortments are appreciated was shown by the , record-breaking sale of last week. The crowds indicate where5 the bargains are, and the croyds have thronged bur aisles from morn till eve---buying. SPECIAL PRICE TICKETS in every section. Tuesday Will Sale There -J ' ' : MUSLIN GOWNS. 7;7? Very fine Gowns in .muslins, cambrics and Nainsooks. Yoke; square, high' and V-shaped necks; tucking, in serting" and hemstitched ruffles, lace and: embroidery trirmrjin gs. Prices for Tuesday's sale ; as ; follows 45,-53, 59, 68, 89, $1.20. ,v , v ; ' :7-i muslin skirts. .: , Fine quality-Cambric and Nainsook-Skirts, wide and fluffy, made with deep-lawn, flounce with, clusters of fine tucking and deep lace or embroidery ruffle, dust raffle and underpiecerDozens-of "- styles to-choose ; ; from af prices ranging as follow 45, 69, 74, 88," $137, $1.60 up as high as $3.00 each. , - ;: MUSLINDRAWERS. m ' j. A splendid line of fine Nainsooks and Cambrics,1 also good Muslin Drawers, made umbrella styles with deep "lawn flounce trimmed in all the new laces and em , broideries.' ; Every new idea in trimmings are shown among this lot at following prices for Tuesday's sale 23V45 60, 77t, 88, 08, $19. Wonderful DRESS GOODS ' .'' You will find the largest array of genuine bargains in fashionable Dress Fabrics rever offered by this store. Doubljrattractive, both for the extreme price lowering and for the high standard of quality .our stock represents. Prudent buyers will find this a' rare saving opportunity. -' ' rl All Silk Beduced! 85 Taffeta Best gradeTaffeta; 19 inches wide; all colors, blue, brown; green, navy, and evening shades; regular 85c quality. Special Clearance price . i V. V. . . ; '. 58 . - Blacky Taffeta; Specials ; l"9-ln. black Taffeta; regular 65c grade..- ; Special . . . . . ... . . . . . .... . . . ..50 22-in. black latfeta; regular 85c grade. Special ' . .. . 4 . . .651 24-irt. blick Taffeta J regular 95c grade. Special .................. K. . . .69 36-in. black Taffeta regular $1.25 grade. Special . . ; ... i . 90 "Black Taffeta 36 inches wide, best guaran teed black silk, rich and heavy; regu- .: lar $1.75 grade. Special at,. . . . . . . .$15 .50 Satin 19 inches widej best satin, all colors ; regular 50c quality. , Clearance sale price . . . . . ... . . . . . ... i . . . .... .29 Grand Clearaiic6 Saletof Women's ,: Tailor-Hade Garments Every item in this ad?will impress you with our-sincere purpose of making bargains that have never before been equaled.' A clearing-up sale where price is no object. Every garment is this season's latest style. V Colors, qualities and sizes are fully represented. r Women's Shirtwaists Q Q Values 81.50 to $2.25 wOO A lot of Women's New Winder Waists at half price."-Flannel waists with yoke , and shirred fronts, trimmed with applique. Al paca and sateen waists, with fine tucks, col ors black, blue, red, green an J brown.. In this lot are- waists valued from $1.50 to $2.25. On- sale Tuesday at . . I 98 Misses' Walking1 Skirts x Prices on Misses' Skirts are cut deeply. Our entire stock of pleated styles in melton, serge and fancy mixtures, black and colors, in lengths-from 23 to 36 inches, at the fol lowing very' special prices. . . . . .$1.48, $2.25; $2.48, $4.50 , Bring Tliese and .The Annual Clearance Starts Tuesday :IIorniiig ..: ; "Are ; Inducements for Yon to Come Tuesday morning , we will be ready to. show you' the grandest stock of Muslinwear we have . . ever had, and we will quote prices during this sale that are ' absolutely without precedent. Having secured a full sample line from a leading . manufacturer the variety of garments surpasses that of any former season. All garments are - beautifully made; there" is no skimping anywhere, sizes are generous' trimmings are of the best. Wise women will, take advantage of the prices "we off ef "and "lay In a year's supply- ,' A very ftfw detailed descriptions follow: . " ; r ' : MUSLIN Excellent assortment of ; long and short Chemise, square and round necks, finished in embroideries, finest '. '- wash laces and fancy hemstitching. ' Numerous styles at following prices 32, 47, 67r-89, $1.29, S1.49. ' '" .-. v."; - CORSET' COVERS. :: - .. A lot of fine Nainsook and. Cambrie Corset Covers, square, round and" V-shaped neck, daintily trimmed in - laces, insertings and embroideries. On sale Tuesday 23, 45, 68, 78, 97, 815. :.. ; CHILDREN'S GOWNS. Outing Flannel Gowns.for children from 2 to 14 years of age. Made with plain, taicked and featherstitched , yokes, in colors pinks, blues' and white. , Wide skirts ; : and full sleeves. Prices during this great sale range Ifrom, each.......v........4:..., 86 ' 1 v -FLANNELETTE SKIRTS. J fust a few Outing Flannel Skirts left. - Made knee ength with deep embroidered flounces. Dainty shades in white, pink and blue; excellent value at $1.60. i On sale Tuesday.. .. ... . ... . . .... . . . :.. .81.09 VALUES fop TUESDAY Black Dress Goods $1.50 Vicunas 44 inches wide, fast black novelty ; Vicunas, beautiful.vJhigh-fmished goods; would be exceptional value at $1,50. Special Clearance JPrice . i . . .89 81.50 Broadcloth and French Venetian; 62 and 54 inches wide, fast black and abso lutely spotless ; always sold at $1.50 per yard. Now on Special Sale at. i . .'. . . .95 $1.00 Ocean Serge 5 inches, heavy, fast black ocean serge, pure wool and absolutely spotless; regular $1.00 grade. Special' C Clearance Price , .77 f ' i ' Colored ' Dress Goods t $2.00 Cravenettes Priestley's Cravenettes 56 inches wide colors brown, gray and , castors ; Teguiar .uu graae; special - Clearance" Price ..... . ... . i .. .81.58 81.25 Waterproof Cloth 56 inches wide, - genuine Waterproof Cloth ; all colors, castor, gray,. brown, Oxford; regular $1.25 value: Special Clearance Price. .. . ....89 $2.00 German JJroadcloth 54 inches wide, real ' German Broadcloth, heayy . double weighjt, satin finished goods; colors brown, blue, "tan, gray and castor; regular $2.00 and $2.50 values. Special Clearance 1 " : I Price, per yard. . . .. . . . . . . J. . . ..... .$1.58 . . Women's Walking- Skirts Great bargains to be had in Skirts' the com ing week. A clearance " sale of Pleated Skirts in dozens 'of styles. All handsomely tailored. - Materials are Panama, mohair, U melton,1 serge, cheviot and fancy mixtures. Trices for lucsdays selling range-r $2.25, 82.48, $3.15, $3.00, $ 4.05 "Women's Hainooats 1 v Not a single one reserved, all our' finest in cluded. Go through the stock and pick the best. Don't wait come atonce. The lat st "styles of Empire Raincoats, in colors tan, olivo and Oxford. Every garment wa terproof and worth double the prices we ask for Tuesday's sale. Two lots to . choose from at. . . . . . . .$7.65 and $10.50 Hundreds of ' 4 , ' S ; . Starts devoted to the sale of CHEMISE. - V ATew .of the Kinds of Women's i '. v- - Hosiery on Sale . .Women's "Hermsdorf dyed outsize Stockings, all. black or black with unbleached sbes, regular 45 vaWes; " . :V. "( ' ' - WomenSs ribbed fleg-, lisle thread Stockings, abso lately fast and best 39 quality. v k ' ' , t , '"Women's extra heavy silk .fleece lined Stockings,! plain or ribbed tops, best 39 quality. X ,.'," Women's all wool cashmere Stockings.pfain black, Oxford gray, .or natural wool, regular 35$ and 40f 'grades.-' ''u- ' - "Women's allover Lace lisle thread Stockings, hand some -patterns, best 35 quality. , - w ; , Women's heavy all , wool ribbed ' Stockings, ' best . 40 quality. Knit Underwear l - . .. , Clearance . f . v, A clean sweep of every garment in the Knitwear Stock, Women's or Children'sJJn derwear, selling at prices that will prove a 'surprise to every posted buyer. A general reduction throughout the entire stock. -- ' ' Tuesday's leader will consist of 50 Dozen Women's All "Wool Vests and Pants, $1.25, $1.75 and $2 Qualities Your Choice The above lot is composed of several, of the season's leading numbers, the assort ments are in some cases slightly broken, but all sUes can be secured by selecting from the' various lots. 1 . ' v . ':: All colors and all textures Jersey Wool "and All Wool Cashmere Garments ; values from' $1.25 t$2.00 eadn Your choice Tues day at, ach.., ...69 EXTBA SPECIAL - Sateen Petticoats, $1.50 Values for $1.08 J Four styles of - best quality black Sateen Petticoats, made; with, full flare, at-bottom, gored hips and drawstring bands. ".Wide and narrow ruffles, .lucks, accordion , pleat ing, etc.? dust ruffle and underpiece;"values well worth $1.50. On sale . 5 . Tuesday . . . .... ... -.SJL.08 GREAT GLOVE SALE o50cPai y ' . . .v Here's a Glove item that must attract appreciative shoppers: The : Gloves are yrtU fitting and durable they , are ;the. satisfactory sorts of Gloves--but what a price tumble: ; - . ,' $1 Gloves 50c Half Price 50 dozen 2-clasp Kid Gloves,' Paris polnt and chain stitched backs'!! sizes ; colors black, brown, tan, red, mode, gray and white; the best- values in the . city . at $1.00. Tuesday's. Clearance Sale Price, only S0 SPECIAL NOTIOE-Sale Gloves cannot be exchanged Bargains to the Front Gravid Clearance of For Womeu Here' Tuesday Morning- A Tuesday morning' we inaugurate a sale o. Hosiery that will eclipse any pre vious offering ever made on this coast." Our entire Hosiery Counter will be stocking's that retail in the regular f way at Soft tstr f and, 45 a: pair . ' '. "' . .-t,-. v-- - Your Choice of tl ST TTTk o"" , 18c FaiF ' " Aisis unquestionably the greatest sale ever attempted in this,, town. We give you an absolutely unreserved choice of any pair of stockings on our counters at from 10c to 30c a pair less than you' must pay for them at other stores.' " V, V-..';'' "' ,:";' '.-.''- ..'":'.' Belo-vr We Enumerate a Few of the Kinds on - We anticipate a tremendous response to this announcement, so to avoid disappointment, advise early shopping. ' I . - TJNIIATCHABLE Offerings in DOITESTIC GOODS , v BUY WHERE YOU -ARE SURE OF THE QUALITY I 'The best possible quality at the lowest possible price is one of this store's' firm prin-ciples-r-it is what we insist on from, the manufacturers and it is what you expect from us. The name ROBERTS BROS, has atood "The Best Values' for many years, it car ries with it a guarantee insuring absolute and lasting satisfaction in all goods bought at this store. - ' . .''''"'.; " ; 60c SHEETS AT 40f - iM Bleached Bed Sheets, 72 by 9afnches, mades of good, strong muslin, free from starchy excellent values at 60c," (.Special clear- . ance price ..-..40 65c SHEETS AT 55 Full Belached Sheets, 81 by1 90; inches, hemmed ready for use, made of extra quality muslin; special values at 65c; Clear ance sale price.. 55 . t 11c PILLOW CASES 9 - ; " , Bleached ; Pillow Cases, 42 by ,36 inches, 'made of excellent quality muslin, finished, with a deep hem; well worth 11c. Spe-. cial clearance sale price........ ...9 WAc PILLOW CASES 10 - Bfeached Pillow' Cases, 45 by ?6 inches, made of splendid wearing muslin, nice event thread ; extra values -at 12)4$. Special clearance sale price , . ....... 1Q , : couch covers" . Worth $1.44 at $1.12. ;--v Tapest'ryi Couch Covers, good heavy quality, 3 yards long and 50 inches, wide, full as sortment of colors, in Roman and Oriental designs ; best $1.40 grade; Special ''' clearance price ........... . . . . . . . . $1.22 LACE CURTAINS ";' ? '. 4 Worth $1.85 at SlS Scotch Lace Curtains, 50 inches wide and py yards long,' plain center, finished with heavy floral border; unusual values at " $1.95. Special clearance price.;., ..$1.55 Hen's Specials for Tuesday , MEN'S $1.00 DRESS SHIRTS 39c. , Men's Stiff bosom Dress Shirts, mml4 of, fine percale, with cuffs to match---large range of patterns regular $1.00 grade. ' Special at . V. . ..... t .. . .."'.. , . . ; .39 MEN'S 50c. NECKWEAR 25ct v Men's 3-inch. Four;in-I land Ties, large as- sortment to choose from; regular 50c ' Tics, special at. . .25 MEN'S $1.00 ' UNDERWEAR 68c. r Men's Wool Underwear in camelshair color, ,all sizes shirts and drawers; regular ' J "$1.00 values at ................... . .".CS Children Great One-Price Sale 25, 30, Sale in order A Few of the Kinds of Children's -v, Hosiery '6h Sale. Children's extra fine ribbed Stockings,, full fash : ioned, best .35 grade. ' . ' f " J. . A. - ChiWren's Florenza Silk Stockings, high ,4uster finish, best 35 quality. ' "J':: j"-"- .1' -i : Boys', Athletic "Stockings, extra heavy, ribbed, un-s excelled for wear, best 25 quality. Infants' all wool cashmere -Hose, gray wheels and. I toes, best 25 grade." . - ? .:; '..., The different: lots are on display on the Stocking Counter, , the1 qualities are absolutely as represented, and such as we-carry in our stock every season, which means "NONE BETTER MADE." A grand sweep stake of values, all to go at the one price -18 a pair.' , ; PILLOW MUSLIN -: 9f Instead of 12ic Bleached Pillow Muslin, 45 inches vwide, good wearing quality, free from starch; : best 12yi c grade. Special Clearance price - LINEN NAPKINS 90 Instead of $1.25 Bleached ' Linen Napkins, 21 inches square, splendid assortment' of patterns to choose from ; good values at $1.25 a dozen. : . Special clearance price only... 90 - BEDSPREADS ; $12 Instead of $1.50. Full size Bedspreads, good heavy quality, handsome Marseilles patterns; regular " $1.50 grade. Special, clearance price $1.22 ; BEDSPREADS "' $15 Instead of $1.75, ' White Bedspreads, full size for double beds,' finished with deep fringe;- Marseilles pat terns J excellent values at $1.75. Spe- -.; cial clearance price. , ..4..... $115 - ' : BLANKETS . '. , '," . Worth $155 at 90 " T Full sizell-4 Grav and White Cotton Blan- f kets, godd heavy' quality ; never before sold for less than $1.25. Special clearance price ..... . . t ........ . . . . . ,90 ' V COMFORTERSt V ' - Worth $1.65 at $1.25 't. Full Size Comforters covered with best quality silkofine and filled with pure white f" cotton ; well worth $1.65. -Special 1 - -., rclearance price .$1.25 Sale Dainty Embroideries $1.50 ALLOVER EMBROIDERIES 73 Allover Embroideries 22 Inches wide, sxuU able for yokes and shirt-waists, in openwork; blend effects and beading designs ; $1.60 values. Special, per yard ............. 73 25c CAMBRIC EMBROIDERIES 13 Fine Cambric Embroideries with neat edprs, handsome designs, widths from 4 to 8 inches; regular 23c grade. Special, yd.. 13 1 f HANDKERCHIEFS. 250 Dozen Fine Swiss Handkerchief, !ii;Jit ly mussed from window display,' 10c and 124c qualities.. On sale at, ra( li.'f