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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1905)
THE . OREGON " SUNDAY, JOURNAL .PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING,, DECEMBER ' 31, ' 1DC5. ' 20 4- f i I. . Batared at the poatofflee at Portland. . for txTTr-iaUoa tWvash tha malle as fEST stag aopiesf Far " J ifr Ml paper, 1 seat: 14 to X pages, a (Mi . to 44 pages, Ml . it , , 1 editorial ; Iimii.u...... ?2 Offme.. ....... ..."" " TORK0B ABTMTMWft a"-" Vreelsj Benjamin Special .A0 ETil 108 Naesae street. sw Xerhj tolbaaa "- , : mtounioy bath. - ' Tarsal bp Ointe The Dairy Joorr-l, with Bauday. I eBae...tT.! Tba Dally JoameL 1 gear........ "J-" Tba Dally Journal, wttk Banday, 8. most, i ll The Dally Joaraal aaoatBe. ...... Tha Dally JoernaL, with Baaday, I aatlia. .o Tba Pally Journal months...,. ?? Tba Dally Journal, with Bsada, 1 """"V najjjly,.jaf "Ud' SU7 "J js The Dallyj 'VaaK'aaitraa;8nday ta espied w Tain by Halt. Tba Dany Journal, with Baaday. t eeer... .87.00 Tha Dally Joaraal. I year The Dally Journal, with Sunday, moethe. 8.78 Tha Dally Journal, moatae..... ......... f J The Dally Journal, with Baaday. aaeutbe. 1.80 Tba Dally Journal S axmtSa. ..... ........ Tba Dally Journal, wltb Baaday. 1 asonth.. Tba Dally Journal. I Baoath. ....... ....... Tba Sunday Joaraal, t year.. ........ f Ij: Tba Baaday JoornaL 8 month Taa Basal-Weekly Jean. -J. The Semi-Weekly Joaraal. B ta It pafaa llttaau'ld'"ba"aia'oVi" draft i0"1 taa, axpraaa ardota aad aaiall amount ara . MtM, axpraaa acceptable ia 1 aad B-oaot mtaai at am pa. THBOOUREAIe Km 1X1, Portlaad. Oreron. WKU TU JOPEEAX MAT Bl FOOTHt. Tba Jsemel ru ba Isaad aa sal, at tha ' following places: BOISE, IDAHO H. Ballot Os. W. . ata i , Intyra. -CHlOaOO-Taatorae Raw eompaayt MS Oear. bora street. . , DENVER. (X) IO R ADO J. Black. MxtoeBth aad Cortla otreete. KANSAS CITY Taa KoyNewe eaaaaaay. HISNKipoi.ISM. J, KavaaaacB. a. Boa lb Third atraat. . ... IBW YORK CITT Brmtaaa'a. Catoa arroaia. OMAHA Millard Hotal ava ataad: Magaath Stationary aotnaaay. IBM raraaai atraat. SALT LAKB CITY Kaayoa Hotal aaara ataadl : Barrow Rroa., At Waat Baeond atraat, Boatb. ST. LOUTH Philip Roodor, did Laeaat alraot; . T. Jatt. an OMra atraat. . , BAH rBANCISCO W. B. Arrllnaj, Palara Hotal aawa ataad and Wm Markrt atraat; Oold amltb Broa., SKO Batter atraat, bad Saint y. . Praada hotel T Poatar Oraar. -ratry balloV ,' :!. WbaatVy. aMrabla nawa ataad, ear- nor wrkt aad Kaaraay atraata. BBATTI B Rainier Oraad aaora ataad! W. U Hhanka, Hotel Beattle aawa ataad. ' SPOKANE, WASUIfiGTON Joba W. Oraaaal or iv. TACOMA. WArarNQTON Oantral Kawa Ban: Hotel Taeoma' aawa atand. , . TICTOBIA. BRITISH WI.CatBIaV Tl Tlctoiia Book A Rtattnaary aaanpaay. WEATHER REPORT. The atarta eetiter off tba Waahlnf tea enaat - yratorday erentna advanced rapidly eastward durlna the Jaat 24 hmira. and ia thle erenlnx central orer eaatera Waahlnf ton, where It baa ' eaaaed rain and amderately blfb wlnda dnrlnf today. , Rain baa alao fallea In weatera W'aao Inatoa, weatera Ore iron, while llyfat nw Is ; reported In southern Idaho. The winds la the Interior dlstrleta were snore areera than abut tha eoaet. 'Tba followtn niaxlrnrim eeloeltiea are reported this evealnir: Walla Walla, 3d aitlea. aoatbeast; Boise, 28. aoatheaat: 'M esat at Pnretello. an miles west at Rnaebnnr and tl aillea west at Portland. The wlree are still dowa to the month of tha Colombia and tba ' wind reWwlty at North Head la not known at ; thla Africa .Na bl(h wlnna are reported In the sound naantry or alonf the Strait of Poca. The Indleatlona are that tha storm will poa tlane Its esstwsrd movement, canalnf a mettled . rainy weather, la tble distrlrt Bnnday west of the CaaraaetBaoantatna, aad rain tornlnf to atww la - toe -aeetloaa east of this ranye of wnntalna. Tbwj winds will dlmlnlab In foree. .llhaerratlona up .to a p. ra.i Mastmura tan), nera tnre, 4JV n sreea : mlnlmam temperature. Its dearees. Hirer reading at 8 a. m., 4.3 feet rhanf ta past 14 boars, A.S. Totsl preHplta tlon. t p. n. la ( p. m 0.TS loch: total pre ripltatloa sine Reptemher 1, 1005. 14.82 Inehea; normal precipitation slace rVtotemher 1, liMIS. 1.12 lut'bes: defleleacy. Im-bea. Total ennshlne Deeember 29. 190A. 0.0; poaalhle sun shine Deeember 20. 19n. S bonra 4ti minutes. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Rdward Bray. 20: Ulllaa P. Ilaraea, 15, . ' Joba H. MH'abe. . Helena, MoDtana. 40; f Prances B. MrDeTltt. 8B. Joseph W. Cramptos, 28; Lydla 0. MUt ' 4snab. 20. John W. 1 W,' Miller. 4; Rons P. Brm ; keaab. 22. Oarsr llalsorsea. 23: Lanra Harris, 20. J. V. Brer. Poreat, Waahtoftoa, S3; Mary T. Pore man. IKs ..... ., Aostiat ('Inaa, S3; - Clenranttna De Mayer, IS. ?K J. Brace. .; Ona Baker. . Phea Tine, 2lr Amanda Wilson, 15H. : rhsrles K, Hardestrr. 2: Patella Da tjlOS, 24. - Ijtahi Hers:. 20: Julia E. BTleeater. 21. John Coach rUnders, 40; Mabel Claire Hons- neu?el testbermaa, 82; Tlllla . Habey- nana, 25. , - : Wadding Cards. W. O. Bmltb Co- Wash. ' tnrtoa 'bid., ear. Pearth and Wsahmatoa ata. Miss Bertha Martte. mem S12 Allaky bMa. Btareplna and fine needlework: leaaowa grrea. : UNDERTAKERS. . J. P. Ptoley A Ron. foneral directors anal emhalmers, corner Third and Madlaoo streets. Office of eoanty eraroaer. . Telephone Mala B. Dunning. McRntee A Ollharnrh. andertakers aad embalmers: modera ta eeary detail. Baeeath aad Pine. Mala 430. Lady assistant. -' Tha Edward Holmaa Dadertaktas enmnany. fsneral directors aad embalmers. 230 Third at. Pboaa SOT. A B. Hemstoek. andertsker aad ambslmer. Rast TnirteeaU. and Umatilla are, Paooe Beat 4731. . . , i. ' r BODLBT. TBI PL0HI8T. 124 PIPTH BTRKBT. s BrrtRTItW C1KITTJLT. 0 - Blngle fTsees lft. Pamny lots iTO to 1,0OB. Tha only eeaietery ta Portland which ' aer peraelly maintains and rares for kits. Par fun rnformatVei apply to VT. R. Maekeasla, War , eeeter block, city. W. M. Ladd. araaideat. Oet yoarr Jnmrance and abstracts ta reel ee : tute from the Title Onarentee eV Trust earn pes, 240 Wsshlngtoa street, earner Recoad. NOTICE.- THE aadrrelgaed will reeerre sealed bids for' a v stork of mercbandlse ronsiatlng principally y of fornlahlng yonda an Iry gonds tetber : with fixtures, located fit Pendleton, Oregon, baring a total Inventory raluatloa of alwHit up to M.mdar. January S. ltMM. .. at It o'clock M. All Mdarw he for reab aad a deposit of 10 par rent Bast accempaoy .' ea4i offer made, p" Tbt right Is reaerred ta reject any and all , hide. liiTeatory may be sees st my office end the stork b) aubect ta laapectiotvat Pernlletoa. Oregea. ? . R.-L. SARIN. ,. Pmtit and Anbeny Streets. NOTim. Antioal meetlnf ef the Riser Plew . remetery" Aaaoelatioa- The annnal aieetinf f tha members of the Rirer View Ceaietery , asaoclatton will be held at the tisnk of I-aild " . sV Tlltoo os MoadaT.the eighth day ef Jaaa . ary. IIMaS, at 8:,10 ,a. as. A general at - tendance la desired.' rA11 owners of family " , Ms la the cemetery are members at the r aaserlsUoa and aotltsHI tn participate, VT. R. MArk'RNKIK. CI Clerk. - . WILLIAM M. LADD. President, NOTICE. The eh f ant tmffet glee by Oorell a furnltnre store and draw a hy myself, sod ankaowa Is me antll lofirmed by Oorell . " Msny thaaha. Mrs. Will tiastlogs, 420 Bass lAnr. tit. Tsbor. r MEETING NOTICES. KOTrTR To the afnckhoMera of the Orleans , ii.d Mining Ml lite : Toa are perebr . ' aotlfled that the animal meeting c said stockholders will be beM at their office, TU - Palling kldg.. Portland. Oregna. at fbe hear of 1 e'cloca p m.. January , land. 1 potion t. COLWELL, President U T. BWIUOBTT, Becretary. ORPOOM CIRCLE, Ka. 171, W. a W., meets . Mneday eight ia Lions' hall, aor'aar Wll , llama ara, aad Raaaeii at at 'slock. Orpiia Addition FIHEXOrS RIGHT IN rvuaa, bare a look at them, easy tsrms. ' We bare also acreage, farms, ate. . ' a-ROOM HOUSE with mm. terma. BMAXL HOUSE. 2 lots. .; terma. Oood lellTery wagon, cheap, . A fine dairy eatflt of is cowl. Take Mt. Boott otr, 1 oft at th re.. walk J blorkt to Foater road. ,,r . Come Rnndsy ' coma at any time. Wa ara waiting for yoa. ohVtuesbayanb Between 1 aad S r-.Srn.. rail at novr.R LAND t OMPANT H OFPICB, 122Vh BlXTU BTRKET. sad leara of tba . Par hoasea or -larestment. JO.VE.R":- Is the new toara t P THE COLUMBIA, where "IRRIUATlO.N IB KIMU. j Towa lots and b rlgatea) trarta. PALMER & CO. EArtTERK ORBOOR 1RRIUATED LANDS With private wsterright; .aa annnal water tax; la the heart of moat rapidly deeelnpliif riHintry; beet laTaatmeat la Oregon farm Isnd: essy terms. SUBURBAN AIREA0K Near car Uses, at Terr low prices. ' i e SAWMILL With timber, on B. R.. where lam, iter csa be awnuractared and pnt on ears f'ir leas man value ot togs ia rortiaaa martet. ' PARK Of eeerr nearrlntloa. TIMHP.B LANDS s speeteltr. I ust your properly wnn as, - , 318 Orcgonlan Bids:. v TO LEASE The eronnd floor of tha brick en tha N. W, corner of Plrat and Halmon ata PAJ.XI8H, WAIKiRS CO., MB Alder at. TO RENT' 2 new and elegant flats af B aad roome aa Zith near Washington st. PARRISH. WAIKlsl Sr CO., 8M Alder at. ' MEETING NOTICES. NCtncH OP ANNHAti MBETINO OP 8TOCK- rlOLDERa, the Oregon water Power Rail way company Notice la hereby gives that the regular enaaal meeting of tba stockholders ef itbn Oregon Water Power A Railway eorn party, a corporation, will be held at the office af the company, corner Plrat aad Alder streets, la the city ef Portland. Malt, nomak eoanty. Oregon, at tba boor of 10 , o'clock a. m, of Tuesday, the ' 0th day of tfiauary, xvm. inn asM msetuig will no heia for the purpose of electing directors for the enautng year snd for tha transact hie of aacb other baslneaa aa may be legally brought before It. Thla notice la glees pursuant ta the requirements of tha by-lawa at tlx com pany. . Secretary Tha Oregon WaVe''power- Rail way Company, IVANHOR LOIMJB. Na. 1, K. of P. memners please take notice: Hon ara respectfully requested to met tn-jnur hall, eighth Boor Marqoam bnllttrng. on Monday. Jennary 1. at 2 o'clock p. m.. frota whence we will aroceed ' to Elerenlh and Alder ala. for the Pnrpoae of laying the corneratone for onr new ythiaa Temple. Visiting knights and mem bers ot other lodges In the elty are cordially Invited to meet with na aad psrtska In tba ceremonies. L. K. CROUCH, C. C. PRKD P. -HOLM. K. of R. and B. DANCB with fond masle; wblst with Banal prises: coffee snd rake all for 15c on Mon- ' day night. January 8, In K. of P. ball, Msrqnsm bids"., by Centennial Council, 1,811. Knlgbta aad I -a dies of Hecnrtty. Come ami hare an erenlnjr at plea ears. By order of ' committee. LOST AND FOUND. LOST A'-rhatat af gold beads, rtwna Mala MJrt. ; Reward. HELP WANTED MALE; t MEN and boys wanted ta leara ' PLT7MBf NO , TRADE; pays 85 dsy after completing eonras -. of practical Instruction st home or la ear Bchooia; graduates admitted to anion and Mester I'lumbers' aseocJatlnni positions -ss cured. Coyne Bros. Cat Plumbing Schools, New Tork. Chicago. Illinois, and Cincinnati, Ohio. Free eetelogoe. v PORTLAND Barber College Tuition rsaeonablc aa any kchool on aoaet. 207 Flanders at. WANTED Clerks and window-dressers ta atudy . ahoweerd-wrltlng st - T. M. C. A. night school ; personal laatructloa. Apply tor par : tlculsra. WANTED Good, reliable maa to handle cof fee and tea route; must bars capital emmgh to own hla owe horse and wagon. , STANDARD COFFEE SPICE MILLS. .ft Beeond at. SALESMAN now aa the road to sell oar eof . fees and tees to hotels and restsnrsnts. Standard Coffee Spice Mills. 208 Second at WANTED A good, lire, energetic boy to learn optical business, leascgrlndlug, etc.; wages to start. 211 Macleay liklg. RAILWAT null clerks' wan t'd; yenng men over 18 tar prepare for posltlotm with . starling ' salary of Shoo per annum; splendid posit loos for men of good physique. R. O. Hey sen. Sit Colombia bldg., 865 Wsshlngtoa at. - WANTED Maleamen to sell Oregon trees, rosea, etc.; liberal commission to thorough workers, with reference, E IS, Journal. WHO wanta mat I srrV a good all-round cook. Mr. Harry. Main 1152. WANTED A good hastier with a few hundred dollere In real estste snd railroad tlas. For further information address Boa 4T L, Union, -Or. , f .. . WANTED Men; essy, heeirhfol work; 88 or more dally) write for particulars. Continental ' Distributing Serelce, Chicago, : , WANTBD A good reel estste ' hustler: na money required. Inquire 818 Oregonlaa bldg. WB hare sacsncfes fog all kinds of office help; try as. Business Jso s Cktsrlng liousr, 110 WANTED Men. eeerywhara; good pay; to dis tribute etrcelsrs, sdr. mstter, lark signs, etc.; no esnTssafng, ' Address Ndlloaal Ad sertlslng Co., 10, Oakland Bauk bldg., Chi rsgd, IIL - ca " . . r - '- 1 WANTED lood boy. erer id. Apply Fore man. Journal, after 8 Pea. Tuesday. . HELP WANTED FEMALE. WOMAN, mar 25 energetic, reliable, ta take rl odos.. Call or address 1 charge of a Vtael - Room 28. Lewis bldg. HANSEN'S LADIES' A0ENCT. 848H Wssblng tna St., ror. Seventh, apstairsj. Phone Mala zntrs. ' aauiaie aeip wantea. PORTLAND SFWINO SCHOOI Call and get my eneeiat bidncemente for 80 dsra to ata- deata, 271 St Morrison, fashionable Braat- KELP WANTED FEMALE. TWO ' ladles raa hara their rant for tnklng ears of 4 ruoana la aottssa, farnisoea. U 's, care jouraau ' - VAl'PKVILI.B aketcbea aad atage dancing ,f.uKU( i enssseaieiit sveurea. mm e, , trlsl lessim free. Bert UoS. 110 Allaky bid. e- WANTKD Women opera tore to work on shlrta ana oreralls. . Apply at Btandsrd rsclory No. X, ,uraad ass. aad East Taylor at. TOI'NO lady steangrspber as office asslstsnt; sieaay poeitsDn; good salary sea commsision to -party with 176 to IIISii. J 0, rare Jounisl. WANTKO llrl- for general boasesrork; also urse. mi tni unaea at. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED At aoce, a bright, energetic, pre- eenisDie man or woman, , a gone laiarr, io take up an sttrsctlre propoaltloa. taajalra T33 Chamber of Commeree, B a. as. HELP wanted and supplied, mala or female.' R. ti, ursas, atH wasningtoa at. macs iwoe. 1 WANT a few mora ajrenta on salary, either stamp. J. J. Joba, 73 Kayt Elereota St.. N I, U RU, ra-ajaB. r. WANTED To borrow M0 on New York Life 4nsnrsnce policy; atones, ta be ased to assist ' .In buying eatsbllalied profitable business. J a, care Of Joaraal. - wT BUST I want 4 ageata for Portland ami -vshijoining towas, men or women, a. murpny. Naahriiie atatkm, sn. Brett car. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTBD Position by maa aad wife aa rook In ramp; references rurnlabed.. f none Eaat S707 or address C M. C, 481 Spencer at.. Moatarllla. Or. . WELLEDITCATED yoang man deatrea noeHton at aaytnins. Aooress in lamaiu st, rurt land, Ot. ' - ,h , WANTED Experienced young man, position ta rierai store; ii rerereaeea; in car eui rtty. 14, rare Joaraal, I EXPERIENCED yoanaT maa wants position aa oooaleeper m cityl racereaces. Aaurees 4 4, Journal, " yoUNO maa with bnaloaea college sdocstroo wants wor a; willing to ao aayuias, is, cars JouroaL TWO carpenters want work by day or contract ; . will aub-flrjlahi counter or abalt work. Ask - for Roller. Mela 8148. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WOMAN wlshaa work at I ' Pboaa Esst 2121, rk ar cooking, LADY stenographer with experience wanta situs tton. Phone East 141. EMPLOYMENT AGENC NATIONAL Emnlnymeat aad I-abor Agsacy, 813 Piae at. Phone Mala 1304. - HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. ' ' FOR MEN. N. Recoad t. Phone Meln 1528. JAPAN KB B-CHINESR EMPIXYMENT OFFICB. . Hersty Tabsrs, 207 Ererstt St. Pboaa Pa ri oc 640 BIO FOUR EM P. AGENCY. Help supplied free. 18- North Becoad st. paona Msaa SCANDINAVIAN AMERICA- EMPLOYMENT - Co., B North Becoad, furuishes all kinds em- ploy meat for men, snd women. Mala 8088. THE Portland Employment Co., 205H Morrison at. Phone Pacific 2.10. - WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS ta sell tba best la alrk aad accident Insurance. Paclfls AM AaaaclaUoB, 600 Da- hum bldg. .3 - -, ' -1 . - ' WANTED Agenta: eoree thing new; goad aallar, big wsgea. 208 McKay bid. . WANTED 18 ageata ta sell aaraery stock; 85 to 40 per cent commission; good ter ritory. Call 212 East Forty-eighth St., Mount Tsbor. ' ' . AGENTS' HARVEST Greet light: mantleleaa gssbarner: 80-csnd la power light en 8-foot - gss: ssmple prspsld. 20c; alao Are other great sellers Just out. Hoooua, 1227 8. 40th are., . Chicago, lU. u.-.. WANTKD-4Ux eipeiienced trarelmg salesmen for 14ns. Glee psrtlculsrs In Brat letter. " Dept. 2, boa 470, Kansas City. Mo. - WANTED Men, erety where; good pay; to die tribute circulars, adr. matter, teck signs, etc.; no csnvssslng. Address Nstlonsl Dls- ' tiibntlnr Bureau, 100 Oakland Bank, bldg., Chicago, 111. . . ' 1- 1 ... ' AGENTS on salary ar rommlsslon: tba greatest agent's seller ever produced; every aaer of pen snd Ink buys H on sight: 200 to 500 per cent profit; one agent'a sales amounted to SnaO fa ill dsra; another 8-'l2 ta two hoars, Mui roe Mfg. Co., X-244. Lscrosee. Wkt, WANTED B flrst-eleae organisers for np-to-dste fraternal order with eetabllahed national reputation, t 5. rare ot Journal.- WANTED TO RENT -.- WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAOFJs; FLATB, ROOMING HOUSES, STORES. ET1 Our rental department baa been enlarged and aroTlded with additional ataff. Wa inelte Hating from LANDLORDS and offer personnl attention to and continuous SHperrliloa erer all property Intrasted to our PORTEND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON. B. R. Cor. Sd and Oak ata. J-hone Ea. 72. GENTLEMAN deal res furnlahed room, IS per , month: unfurnished, 84. with Store, la quiet prlrsta family. B B, Journal. e WANTED Good board and noma for 2 sdtilts; , mast be reaaonabls per moroh. Address P. 0. box 188. . ' WANTEIWThree furalsherl Imunekeepint rooms, two doable beds, west side, close In. Address, ststlug price J 8, sare Journal. MAN with hoy, 0. wanta private board; mast . be reascinsbU; stste price aad location. Ad dress J IO, care Jonrnsl. WANTED REAL ESTATE. FOR quirk salsa and ready money, list your real estate -entlf na. r -. Wanted. Immediately, desirable corner lot, close In on west side, for (lata or apartment bouse. Querter block on Fifth. Slith or Serentk sis., not more than S blocks from Washington, S0 000 lo 8100.000. . Wanted Iieslrsble west aide B or 7-rootn ' house, fractional lot will do; bouse must be modern, price not ta exceed e'i.oOO, ea Barmen ta. ( . - Spot rash buyers for good west side rest- -dence property. . south of Washington st. preferred. List yowr east aide cottages and modern residences wltb ns. we hare reedy customs rs. ; Hrleg your bsrgalns to aa for gulck sales. . THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO. " : 149Vk First St. HAVB buyers waiting for city reel estate, what bare you la homes, hi come property or vacant lota t T, csrs-sf Joaraal. IP ran here a flrst-clsse farm for aala, sea aa. Wa always has boy era for that kind af property.. Gregg Broa.. 817-818 Fen ton bldg. Phone Mala 8303. - WANTED Suitable Iocs Hon for feed snd trene fer buatnees, to buy or leeee. Kadderly Trans-r-ef Co.. 110 North 8d. WILL buy at once, one acre or less near ear f.'ciarwal tirt " U ' ,ro"'u- WANTED A corner lot, or fracttoa; wlthr ar wlthoit boose, west side, sear ennrtbouss; 11.500 esah, balance loatallmeut plan. Ad dresa. B 14. care Jodraal. - ' . WANTED t ta 40 scree oa rarlinr, . 5c fare; must ba cheap for east. Roosa 805, Allaky bldg. ' WANTED 8 or 10 scree, highly Impmrreil, bearing fruit snd berries, some pasture, gnu. I " bouse; must be close to car line; wilt pay 1 spot rash for right pises. H 800, care of Journal. . - WA NTED 8 ar T-motn modern hmiee, walking aire prlo Jsunai, its prices ana israje. Aaarats 4 a. emra w WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED To rent, withla Be limit. S or mora acres wltb gixxl bouse, fruit,, ate. . Phone East 1552. "' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WB want, to buy merchandise of any nameiof nature. ' Will buy the ooetplefe stock or any part for cash! We want clothing, -aboes. fur a ladings, dress goods, cloaks, suits, millinery . and groceries; city or country. All proposl- tlnas Will he hel.1 etrlcfle eeriUnllil. LA, oxesa poc i aau, rfournsi. . PONES will sirs -figures an spraying. PAINT1NO, spraying snd whltewssblng trees. naaeoienrs, oa nil, uocss, etc.; isrgest gasoline sprsyliu) outfit ea the coast. M. 1. Morgan Co., 32a Union are. Phone East 2tU7. r. J. RYDER, printer. Second and "Washington am. . i-nooe sisin ao-jo. IIIOHRST cssb price, ssid for bottles and junk of eery ascrlptlin. Portland Rot tie Supply Co., 801 North Eighteenth. Phone Mala 228a. WTi WILL BUT, SELL OR TRADB ANT OLD THIM. WFt.Tr.KN HAI.VAUB CO.. 027 620 WA8HINOTON. PACIKlO 70S. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID for furnltnre In any quantity; also ta k a aaiaa on commlaakm and guarantee beet results. Tba Portland Auction Rooms. A. fVhubeca, Pros., SU First st. Phone Main fia&5. WHO IS M. O. MORGAN CO. t WANTED 2 to 40 acres, ea car Use. withla 5c limit: cash; mnat ba cheap; owner oaly. Room SOB Allaky bide. , WB wsnt coffs nrna; also bars a borer for a rasa register, ntsndsrd uoiree Buica Mills. 2U0 2d st, Portland. Or.i: WANTED Good fresh cow.. Address 63B Wor cester bldg. Telephone East 1H28. WANTED TO BUT A good aeeood-hand heaey tsuor or snoemsker a sewing mschine; must be In good condition, Apply Wilson's, 72 th at. . F0NE9 does spraying, pruning, whltewaahlng. WANTED TO BUT A good second-hand roller rut una, jappij w lsoe B. Ola SI. I ABSOLUTELY guarantee yon the beat Drlree J' tar your , household furniture and pay sot rssn; stso storas or all arscripuons bought', rlntbtng. shoes, dry goods, 'kroner tea. etc.t aU tranaarthma atrtctljr confldeatlaL Riug up se.. Main eve.. ... FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CHEAPEST aad best located rooma In Portland, Si wees ana up. "uumaa. Slrsl sna Aider sta. THE HAMANN. 135 N. lHth.', cor. Jloyt NeWly furalahsd rooaa, 81.50 no: coasrnient loeatloa. - 15 minutes' wslk to fslr groujnds. Morrison car aa union eepoi auwet vo nouee. roone ssiu. BEAUTIFUL front suite and two other desirable rurnlabed rooma la modern home of private family; phone, bath, furnace heat, walking uisiance. sou a our in at. 1 sons ratine jis. FURNISHED roon alngle or aa suite, 88 per month snd up. Hotel Falrmount.-n. Twenty sixth and i psbar and Vaughn ata. THB GRAND Newly tarnished rooms by tha wees or montn. xssa ursnd ave. NICELY furnished rooms at moderate prices for rest in large pnrsts noose, close in. csu at it xentn st, near AHlerv' HOTEL MONARCH, 805 Stark St.. Mrs. Ackley, prop. Neatly rurn'STiea rooms., "tranalf-nta. THEtGRAND. 4n(, North Third at. Rooms for gentlemen' 8I.0O per week aad np. THB HUR, Eleventh st;. cor. Stark Newly lurnianea.; ateam neat, gas iignt ana ostns; one block from car line; ratea reasonable. CLIFTON. First and Colombia Single rooms $1 psr week and up; Uanalrijts flOc, 25c, fioe per oay no cniiareau SLEEPING or office room for rant, ,48 First at., raom LA ROE furnished front room, store, both, rent 810; 4 blocka from Columbia theatre. 81 : North 14th. . . NICELY1 furnish ad room with nrlvsta fsmlly. strictly modern flat, every convenience, 5 blocks from Journal. 808 Madison at. Phone Pacific 1237. .- , . 1 . . A COMPORTABLB room, with bath and gas, 88 per month. 428 North Zlst.. near Vaughn st. DESIRABLE room fronting Morrison St.; bath, gas, telephone. 634 Morrieon at. NICE ground floor front room, running water, 82.50 per week. 2B Third at. 8ti SINGUB room for gentleman: very drslr- anis surronnoinga; quiec, ceuirai. sou ism- .' hill, nest 12th. ',' - -,.- NICE large room, plenty of light and vontlla tloo, $1.50 per week. f3 Morrison. MliTlrr. PAIMRB .centralis located. Alder, roe. Park at Steam-heat, electric llghte. pororlaia hatha; aullea for lleht booaekeenlna. iaVI nil. D l . 1' J , a . .... . u .uvun, " Tbetb, gss and noons, centrally located, near IMjsiaiiiicw, NICEfcY furnished housekeeping rooms; alao alngle rooms. u&Va Kussrll at. McKay out. S WELL-FURNISHED alcove ronms. $10. ar 4 for $23; also 8 aleassat ground floor rooms; a , ,k n K '.k.lll , paKrae sun mu. . uu ibhiuiii . v, . ,,ua FOR RENT 1 furnished front room In nrlvsta fsmlly: fine location. Central. West Park, Bear Stark St.; gss. phone, heat. Inquire forenoons, lower Ilan- r-ij, west rsrg su Also suite housekeeping rooms for rent. FOR RENTa-jlOUSEKEJEPINO. FOR BENT rurnlabed bonaekeeplng-raoms t best brick block on east aide; gaa r a ages, bath, etc.) ao transtentst prices aaederats. Logan blk.,' irstH Union ave.. eorser Bast Alder. Pboaa East 4624. . THB MITCHELL, Flanders and Seeenth Rooms, boasekeoplnf aad transient; eaavsnlsnti prtoae reeaonabls. - THB GLADSTONE 812H Sssier at., furnlabed roome; under aew maosgamsst; prices rea aonabls. The leal Estate Man 7 Wro fails to' put his "For SBie" or -"Rent" advertising in The JOURNAL is as unlikely to get ' ' business as the hunter with th - 1 -. . ' , bow and arrow is to get game. For Adyertlslsg A '- ' ' ej" " V , ' ' , Of reat estate there is no meth- od so effective and so economi cal as an advertisement in the classified columns of : The ; JOURNAL. ?. ' Of real' estate happr;ning make ' it indispensable to the buyer and - a the seller. v i Portland's leading real estate dealers report plenty of returns from the advertising In-Tle'Joirnal fOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING 1.7i PER WEEK Large eleea furnlabed aoaaskseping-rooms; Isundry aad hath. , 1 Bhermaa. Booth Portland. ( HOUSKKEKPINQ rooms, Or rooms with board, prlrste fsmlly. 27H Third st. TUB COMMERCIAL IIOTEU. 488 Waablngtoa at. Nicely furnlabed rooms, stable or en - eulte: ateam beat, electric light, free baths. . lau cow water; prirurgea of light hoasa keeping. 8TiB MMIN HorsB. -JtKia Larrahea Purnlahed rooma, tiffVf weel; houasksaD- THREE furnished housekeeping ronms at BVHJ Herenth st. (8 per wuoih; use at phone. NEATLY furnlahea. nd Jpnr"r-oaj, ckM in., ft mk. trO FOR BKNT Purnlsbed moms for hoeerkeenlnz. 48 Tacoma are. I'alon 2808. , 430 QUIMBY ST.. doors west af. Jrroot. 10 ,. minutes' walk from nninn dcp'tri north A communicating 2-room sullt of newly fur. ueHq mvuneseeping-rooms, COmpiSCS ires .u, e" per auunio. . THREE furnlabed . hoasekeeptng mm; bath, hot aad cold water! rent f 10. SOB First. 208, WAHHINO TON Newly remodeled house keeping rooms en suite; single sleeping rooms, very reasonable. , 402 FOURTH ST. Furnished housekeeping rooma: clesa. respaetsble. walking dlatanee. NK'B rurnlabed houaekeeptng moms for rent, eery reasnnsble. Inquire at 242 Montgomery. A FEW front rooms furnished for housekeep ing. 145 1 Hlitb at. -r TWO furnished housekeeping m, bath; ao collars n. sne Krerett at. TWO large boaaekeeplng rooms, ground floor; 2 bedrooms; water, bath. --Pboaa 5818. 888 'Montgomery. ; 1 NICE pleasant furnished housekeeping rooms. .w, e ptw aaana. at 01x10 at. . , . FURNISHED boaaekeeplng rooms from 85 per - month and suites from 86 up: free pboaa. gas rsnges -snd pccelals bath. 1 127 Lowasdsle. ROOMS AND BOARD. BOOMS with board for perms aeat tenants, J cooking. 331.1 reaaonabls; Srst-class home anta at- 208 SALMON bet. Front and Flrst-rBosrd aad room 84 to $5 week; modern brick bid r BOOM With breakfast or board; IS mlantes - wslk tp 1st aad Wasting toa ata. . 48 East 8th St.- North. T THB MANITOn. 281 Thirteenth St. Elegsstly furnished rooms, single or ea suits; eicef- - lent home cooking; steam beat, abundant hot water; arms very moderate, i Phaaa Mala 1203. . - 4t . . ..? LINDELIj HOTEL. Fourth and Market New brick, elegently furnlahed. modera throughout; raam raasoaabla. FRONT room with board, enltable for a peopla $25 each. 188 Thirteenth st. - S04 COLUMBIA at, Jan. tat. nice, well-fur- nlaaed front suite and good sing Is room: heat, gaa, porcelain bath; nice table; reasonable. 5i with THB ILLINOIS. IWtu running water, wltJS 101 Pleaaant rooma. ar ttbout board; rea- FOR RENT HOUSES. ,'sal aaw-sat I as, -. "bjSlanss''aaa FOR RKNT r Ri-oTM, Itwiia-B. flat ftttajjec,, .roonut n& rvgaui in-iiinB ajai gtrr i cm, J' ' ' PARTIAL LfST. i 8-room boaaa, modern . z 8-room hoaae, new, -modern .. 7 -room house ......,. 4 -room bouse, new 8-room bouse - .'..,, 6 - room bouse, Ross st ...... 7 - room house, aew, modern-.-, B-room bouse, l.ltb st ....... -8-room Sst, Hsll st 8-room Sat, Couch ar ........ - 8-room house,- Irving at ..... ..$25.00 .. 2H.U0 2:i.o ., 12.00 .. 27.50 22.1 .. ., 8.rsi .'. 17.60 45.00 85.00 . 1 1-room roomlng-nouae ..4-rooDi flst. furnished .....,.,e, ' a -room houss, furnished . Store aad bakery. N. 14th St., , Storeroom. N. 14th at on 40.00 25.00 10.00 PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY jOP'ORROON. Southeast Corner Third snd -Oas streets. Phon IVIrats Excbsngs 72. ' REDUCED RENTS. Betatlfnl -room flat. 825 Mill. Charming bungalow cottage. East Eleventh and Oolng. Desirable T-room cottage, 188 Bast Thirty eighth st. TUB DUNN-LA WRENCH CO. - 14944 First St. , ?. Rent. Renta Oolleeted. HYNRON. Pbooe BUch $198. EDWARD Lv Raom I Hamilton bldg. , NEW modern 8-room boose, 809 Esst Davis at; rsnt reason an la. (u (hb East Darla at. HOUSE. 28T North Twentieth. 1 nana, poree lain bath, furnace, cement bsssment. 1 R. L Ollsaa, 420 Chamber of Commerce. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. nromot snd re. llabla plsoa and furniture movers; also stor age, raoae Msin ions, oroce. no h. nira. MODBRN B-ronm cottage, porcelsla bath aad basement, Holladsy's sddltloa.e Bear steel bridge. Inquire room 801, the Dehorn. Tale pboaa betweaa B aad B, PaeUI 488. - $48 EAST ANRENT. bet.' Seventeenth aad Eighteenth Modem' S-room bouse, blinds, gss flitures, 8na ;lswa, rosea. L Yaaduyn. 274 Wsshlngton. T, j ' THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY , 248 Stark st. Will rent your house; Will Und a houss for yoo. 1 See ns or Phone Mala 197B. FOR RENT House, 7 rooms; bath, shades, gss, lswn; $18, 889 Grand av4., N- Phono Esst 1700.. , FOR BENT Qnarter block, T-mom modern houss Esst Twenty-first and Brooklyn. Renf . $15. Phone Scott 1522. . . r FOR BENT Almost new bones; good- . ern; reaaoaable to good ataady tenant. Ia . ejulre 808 Sacramento at, -- ' ,i' 10-ROOM house, 408 Montgomery; a-room flat, 498 Mill; references. .Apply 807 Sixteenth. NICELY furnished 6-room house, furnace bear, reat reasonable. Call at 821 Eugene at. $18 PER MONTH- l-room furnished cottsgs with ysrd, free water and wood. 842 East Second, near Mill, . FOR RENT A very nice modern Broom fn ' nlstied cottsgs. Including piano, on East Madi son. $25 per month. Otto A Crockett, 24GM Wsehlngton St. ' , - NEW cottage with 4 rooms downs fairs and 2 la attic, alao bath and cellar, one block from (Irsnd ave. and Division st, $11 per month. ' Tha Burrell Investment Co., .. T I First St. FURNISHED or nn furnlahed nei flat $.10. SrH North 2rtth, cor. Savler; W ea to 26th, turn left 100 feet. THE dwelling-house of 18 rooms at Tenth and Madlaon sta.; saw the stable sna a pan ol ths ' grounds. Tba Burrell Investment Oa., No. f First at. NICELY furnlahed avwae of T rooma In South Portland, completely furnlahed. rent -U per month. Jennings Al'o., 8.124, Waablngtoa St. $18 MODERN 5-room house, gss, porcelain ?lumoiHg, sintiousry tiiiw. reo k. t union, ake Woodstock orJ-ftlchmood ear.- Phone Esat 8B28. . S-ROOM house, good yard, fruit trees; $14. 848 niramook. west or i Bioa ave. $2P Comnletely fnrnlsbed 6-room cottage, water inciuatn: nesa ana cieaa, cwae iu, none Esst 8n8. NICELY famished a-room bouse, with bath, 500 Rest Morrison: enltable for 1 or 2 families; rent reeenoable. Phone Bast 8308. FOB RENT Rnnnyslile. Tlilrty ninth snd . Bel mont sta., fine new entlase, $16; 6-room flat $10.. Hlrong. 18a West Park at. B-ROOM bouse, modern, - firat-elaas location. west siae. tjsti at eeu innsMrcai fMtlg. . VERY dealrsble B room- eonee on Rrosdwsy, on car line, rine neignnnrnnoo, ). n-moia new house, Mt. Rcott line, $10. . Western ('regoa Trust Co., ytl Stark st. T-ROOM tinnse-fnr rent. $16. Qulmbv t. Ja- a u hi nil u FOR RBInT HOUSES. NICE 4 mo to house; hsll. pantry and bath; good- nelghbsruoud. 107 Fifteenth St., N. i rice trj -per aionto. Apply ur e. s. e wi East Twentieth at. . FOR RKNT-r-4-roora bousa oa Clacksmae and Wheeler sta.; rent $. Inquire OJ-North souneeBBi at. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. vi i itAr), iuBrTintMi, man 9mmv9Mrxnm i bribb a-rlO ta.1vl Astsrslas SB urn is s'sVaWai wuwmjut n sraadj. sakirvar as mw CENTRALLY located offios rooms, with Sheae, light and heat, $7.60 par aaooth, R. Ia Cats, 111 Second st. FOR Ma MT Lares store.; Sixth st siesr Waah Ingtoa. Inquire 8. VpfU Cohn. S84 0M at. Pboaa Main 188. . FOR RENT Large light offices, Slith at., near waablngtont raa be need for light manurao. - turlng. Inquire 8. Morton Uohn. SoCOak at. Pboaa Main us, J , MANUFACTURING or other interests needing ehesn. well llahtsd sdscs. InrestlsaU bullil. Ing 651 Morrls st. ; 2 rower stories, rrsr race, earn etixso; emra snore, ximeo. inquire jos north -Twenty rl rat. inone atsia livts. BI'SifEIrL aad Borthwlrk, Sim corner for meat market or deilcateaaen;. built In cooler: rear , Using roams: $18. 00 Esst Osk.. -attest t 72. FOR RENT Room In rmeerr afore for meat market, new store, good , location. Phone ESSt W11B. y . ., FOR RfiNT Wore, enltable for' cigars ar tai lor; $io per month, inquire clothing etore, Nor 12 4tn at. - . . . . FOR RENT 2 large storerooms, flrst and second Boor. M First St.: reasonshle rent. ; Bherwood A Boyd, 2o6H Morrteou. Room 8. riRSTVTMRS desk room, everything furnished. gin l commercial nil. UNFURNISHED ROOMS.' . V . HOTEL FAIRM0PNT. Rorth Tweaty-elith at., from Cpakat at . vangha. , ,. , . Roeaas furalatisd and asfrrrnlstisd. ails gad an suits. $1 .par weak aad aa. . . fJ ' A permanent modera bunding, plastered ad with Bathrooms sna asousra pramungv. . PIPED FOR OAS FOB CO0EIN0. " i . ' AU ' 0UTSIDB BOOMS. , FOUR anfurrjlahed hoooekeeprng rooms, close in. eaeap. in Market at. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI- TURE FOR SALE. TOM beat reeults oa ''FURNTTuRnT Whether to bay or sell, ring are Mara BdBI. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, til First at, - ' $200 BUYS furniture of S-roma cottage, irjc hid ing bedding, table and kltchenware: can t Beat that for begain. Pboaa Eaat 5528.-' $116 BUYS fursJtnre (nearly aewl of 6 rooma, modern: , walk tag dlatanee; reasonable rant. E 4, JoornaL . . -A SNAP 12 rooma. $800. Inquire at 26 Bar- - soon sr.; nan aa bdiu tomorraw. NEATLY furnished B-rnora house at a ascrbTlcc . ir lacen before the 5th: 8275; will taka D- atanroenta. anqress 4 1, eaea Journal. FOR RENT FLATS. NEW .npper 6-room Sat. attic and baa gaa range and wood heater; Twenty-fo ana East Msoison, roone East 1488. ' t .1 MODER4 B-room -stpstslrs flat. 4 blocka from postofflce, vacant January 1. $40. Call S52Vs Blith at. BEAUTIFUL ' LOCATION. 4 rooma end bath. eiquteltrlya dainty and cjeen, snluble fur . men and wife, hoaaekeeolna: 817.60 a month. nnfurnlahsd. 881 lltk st.. two blocks shove jererson. neterencee. I'bone raclnc 9T2. T AND 8-room new modern flata. furnace; Twenty-fourth near Waablngtoa: $-18 and $40. ' New modern 8-room flat, close to steel bridge, very convenient, $25. Western Oregon Trust Co, 291 Btsrk at., S ROOMS, fine, up-to-date, tarnished; house for reat, Marast sr so or ess j 7, rare Joaraal. MODERN -room fist, one, block nortB steel Bridge, rrooting river, awl lrrsbee. for" rent miscellaneous FOR RENT Aboat January - L 8-srory Brick building 100x100. aortheast onr. Third aad Madlaon; will remodel aad tease who la or part to dealrsble parties. . Apply aa B. T. Cox. No. T Plrat St.. room to. BUSINESS CHANCES. ALWAYS on hand, choice residence preeerty, vacant lota, acreage, large aad amaU farms, dslry aad fruit ranches, a few good -etock , ranches, some A1 timber tracts, wsll located aad good titles, good business onsnlnea. rooming-Bouses meet any locality, st your owa. terma; don't fal), to sea aa before bay ing. NORTHWEST LAND CO., .. - 208 Ooodnongh bldg. . ON account of sicksess. wilt aell aur twa . stores . of . millinery and ladles' furnishing goods at a sacrifice 1 $500 dowa, balance 00 time; Sna location; no competition. Ad dress P 14, cars ' JoornaL FOR SALE la the. beat valley towa af 8,000 Inbkhltants. elesn stock of shoes; Invoice about $4,000. Inquire 78 1st St., Portland. Or. WHO IS M. 0. MORGAN. A CO. I GOOD restaurant, fine Iocs t Ion, low rent; will aell eheap-Tor cash. Apply to R, B. vieetb, . 240 Hoiladay ara. and Invsstlgate. Thla la a enep. WANTED A etock of groceries ; stats locs- tlon snd dlacount for spot cash eonudentlsL Address D 8, care Journal. GOOD BUY t win sell half Interest or all ef ths finest furnlahed real estste office oa the PsclSe eoeat, and the best location In Port land, at less than Involcs of furniture, or trede for reel estste, ae 1 have invested In the manufacturing business. Address D IS, care Journal. RELIABLE aad energetic partner .wanted; . liualnesa rirst-class; will psy from $100 to $1 IM per month; only $200 required. Address B 10, Journal, , '"'.- WILL mveet $10,000 to $25,000 In established Saying bnalnesn or good I ados trial enterprise. 1 15, cars Journal. FOR SALE (Vmfectlnnery, well Iocs ted fn good towa of 1.200; lerge fresh stork; doing giod raab. tmalness; good ressoa for selling. Boa 220,SIIvsTton, Or. $50 TARES bakery, fully equipped, baking every aayi aouu awinuuorooou; rent e.w. Tel. Esat 48.19. ' . - t FOR SAI.t Bakery, restaurant, soBa fountain. . Ice cream and randy tooia; best stand ;n town; only home-mads randy' In town: will Include rindy recelpta; mast sellj,r Jan. 20, - iHiirl. Call or address, Stepbenf - Hsuse, Ooldendsle, Wssh. . . . , GOOD coffee Ixmea, ' well located; a bargain; only $165. Call $12 I'ma at. STORE, bakery complete; living rooma at tached. 6tM Hood. Key 7.10 4lh St., owner. "THE KISS OF OOLD." If Interested tn mining, send tmwthla unique booklet, which contains a muipartsnu of facts snd figures snd some Informs lion shout min ing properties. Inst as the loveafiar aliotild look at the nropnsltlon. Oet It; it's free; every page will Intereet you. ' BOl'THWKSTFRN SBOTRITIESV C0 J0IMAL7 "WantAd'-Iates TRDIB AfT CLASSIIIOATIOB ' Flye Cents per Llnq Na ad taken for less than loe par Bay. Seven- words, aa a rule, constitute a Una, but aacb line to charged regardless ef tha Bomber of worde. WEEKLY RATI T taaeHfons (baraamg sna Sunday lasua $0 CBIB far Una pes MONTHLY BATS flBsluding an Banasy Issuss) 41 M per Una par month. ACVEBTISENSBTS most, be U Jeurssl baslneea eftoe by 1$ eelsok eesk days And by 18 a'sleak Baturday evening far the Sunday Issue, to eeeure elaeaiaoatlon. Display sstea given upon appUosUo at tha affloe. , . . V THE JOURNAL v BRAKCHf OFFICES ... AM) e r RTlSEMIarTB, "i' Win I be received at regular maro-of fva rarsa. FoIIowIds Is a Hat af authorised a aants, who will forward year advertise ment la time for publics Uoa In tba next -'- -" ' I . SfOKTH BTDS. ', B.-A. Prsstoeu dragglst, Tsreotr-third sad Thurmaa afreets. - Neb Rill Pharmacy. - 880 Ollsaa Street, corner Twenty-first. . A. W. Allen, pharmacist. Sixteenth and Marshall arreeta. McOomrnoa'a Pharmacy, llbMtaaath aad Washington atraata. ; j 1 SOUTH BTDX. : B. r. Jones Ceu, druggists. Front aad Glbhe atreete. Oottel prut eompany, first aad Oranl atreete. Fabian Bvertey. dragglst.- 40$ Jeffsrsoa street, corner Tenth. . " Bettmaa'a Pharmacy aoroer Sixth aad Harrison atreete. , . t . Plammer Drag eompeay, BOO ThWU atraat, eornar MadUoa. :f ; sin nss. : W. BL Love, druggist, eornar Oread avaaae and Past Bnrnalde etreet. Nichols A Thompson- US R Base II atraat, aoroer Albtna avaaae. " Jsacka Drag company, 'Soraar HasrtxiorBS and Oraad aveaaes. - ' ' W a Chbls. draggtat, corner Holla dsy s venae . and . barrabee atraat, . Bear steel bridge. ' ,- R. A Wilson, M. Oraad avesna. Bear Esst Morrison. . J U. w: Ball. $58 Eaat areata atraat. soraer Stephens. anoBTJuro. ','' r. I. Clari, druggist. 1003 Hart TJnloa vanaa. . . mnman. 3. M. Worth, phannacMt, BBS Belmont noonrv. ' '' '. ; lya Pharmacy eompany, rowaa aaa ia atraata. Mllwsnk .. r ARLETA. AREOOV. r,- ' . Arista rharmscy. Mora and Foster atraata. BXIX WQOB. i ' Himstnrk's Pharmacy, 844 OntatUlt ava aae, eeroer Esst Thirteenth atraat. .. X BUSINESS CHANCES. FORvALE Drug atnre. beat,-. In eaatera Ore. gon; essy terms. AOUrese Drugs, care Jour, aalr -. . . . . . i - . f MAN with $1,000 for Booth America; make , $10,000 monthly for 10 yeare. Addreaa P. 0. ) boa 188..- ., .-.. ' .. KUILDINO aad two-chair barber shop an Sixth at aetxr: groana rent, aa per moots. In quire 420 Commercial bldg. s MERCHANTS, ATTENTION. i Oreat chance for a good merchant 4 taka -salaried assuagement of good company la eestrra Oregon: stock aboat $21. Ofal; manager ought to have from $4,000 to $5,0110 cash. F.- FUClig, 149 Alrst st. ' $200 RRSTAU RANT Oood Iocs tlon. 115 restf 1 BMaey-maasr. r. mens, iwit nrsc St. WANTED Partnsr. opening nest saloon; $160 required; arm wita aome anowieaga 01 cooking preferred. J 1. care Journal. FOR aele or trade. 0.000 shares nf $10 each. one nrta interest or ine uoea nay Mining, Milling s Trsnsportstloa company etock ; cauae for selling, desth la family: lncorpor. atad; all Bcaeae psld. Address B IB, Journal. A poOD saying as loon, wall located, can be bought reasonshle; cheap rent, good lesea for 8 years, ytto teocastt, XiSt wssa. tngton st. ' - ; FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. rgaiis to East Portland '8-story $80,000. brick oa Oraad ave., only' J"' Badness Property near East Morrison; switch la aad atraat lor. ' 1 proved; $10,000 ; , . 100x100 an East Morrlaea, near Oraad ave..-- " $10,000; easy terms. ; , . . - 'inalde lot aa Oraad ave., between East ' Btsrk snd Esst Morrison, for 25 per eaat less than any ether lot la the vicinity. TBxIOO, with good building. Bear Union ave. aad East Oak; Ineoine $8A month; $8,5oo; . terms. Choice half-block wa 'peoperiy en 4 vltch already ? R. R. near B. Morrison St.; swll la and street Improved: $10,000. Full block ea E. Waeblngton at.! will sell , aa a whole or divide In half for SO par cent " leas thsa any adjoining property on name THB HEALY INYESTMENT CO, V ' 210-214 Ablngtoa. lOSVt Third St. 11 M A0BB8, H mils from alectrle llnei ne roc a or gravai; nne eoia, vsej to eiesri run - aing water, maa on a sines: s'a par acre. ; nf assy terma. I 60. car af Journal. (rl HOW Is tblsf A nest S-room boaaa, alca level lot BOiIOOv on Eaat I4tn at., one block from earllne; tba beet buy la Eaat Portland; $1,000. M 15, cars JoornaL ' SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. "$400 will buy lot 12, block 6. Piedmont. . $500 will buy lot 60x100, R. Oak, near B. 28th. on monthly paymsBts. . $000 win bay T&xloo, cor. I.. 10th and Going sts. $uAo will buy lot VOX 100, cor. B. SUrk St., on monthly peymenm. tor. 0 will buy 60x100, eof. B. 28th. and B. Oak ata., oa monthly1 paymenta. $900 will buy B lots, 60xl00 esch, sa B. 20th and E. Wasblngtoa sts. 82.0O0 will buy cor. ft. 11th aad B. Oak ata. ' ia.floo wilt buy 100x100 cor, B. Stsrk and EZ.JRth sta.. eaay terma. J. U WELLS CO., 94 Oraad Ave. NEW.-MODBRN HOME, biat eomoleted; 9-room ' houiir, besutirnliy finished; lioiisnsya Add.; corner lot: price $4,auo. Inquire Gordon, builder, 208 4th. ' ' 1 $.1,000 WILL buy farm of AO acres. 6 -miles f rom uregon v ny n.t'iiciimaa euunir, Bwai barn and new house;' fine water. -.$8,200 will ' buy BMMlera 7 room bouse; $750' dowa ami t be lance to suit buyer; In Hollsdsy'a Park, near car line. Three fnll lots on Esst Yam. hill, between BM sad 2th; 8800 each. Bar- - gslns sll over dir. . , COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE CO : ',! . , Room 420 Commercial Bldg. , . . U. F, Ctark. Mgr. , , LOT 80x150. 3 houaes, good location, bet. a car in.., Ma and 840 Tillamook at.' . - 'I ilnes, -848 and 84 Tillamook at.'. side;. $i.ouii to ax.oiai; aiais lowest aasbx prira. B 17. care Joaraal. ' . ,JJ,j PINB 20 acres to cut DP la email tracts-.' 1$ In cultivation, nnnee, new oarn. a gooq weliav aad frail; lead level aad sightly; minotea'V era Ik to food 10-room school, 10 minutes to at ores, P. O., car station, st Lenta, 6c fare .1 . to, any part nf Portland, la-miants service; t - tirlee enVy $200 per acre; will aell B or 10 acres; terms it wiinn, ... n, aLouirna, awasr "Lents, Oregon. Tabs Mount Beott sear, hi' ' ' - . . KEEP IT rTTANDINO YEARS One need not be norn wnn a veni or me girt of Krnphecy to foresee that lots on Dawson at., 'tween Colombia Park and Northern Hill, now selling for $10 per front foot, will, with, tn 20 years from today, aell lor $1,000 pel front foot. luPVnVtn CkfVairstssa tmrmf aiafhtl ttmm orcnnril, UTinn wm iwr, snui - rmn yg jfe , ROttt UI Aa lN , . BVt V9MIIIUIIB eMufa .) -.4 "a.-" iV --7- , majx jtARVAiaa Lssra,