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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNpAY - JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY" MORNING, DECEHCER 3t, 1SCJ. MILLION AND A HALF WORTH OF DOWNTOWN BUILDINGS IN 1905 Year Now Closing Is Record Breafer. But Next Year Promises to Be Even Bigger .Business District Spreading. w ; ' . "'a -r-v - ' ' . ' J ' v - Office ' bulldlnga and. structures for business purposes In the downtown dis trict of. Portland, completed during the 'year,; and those for-whlcji ground Is now broken, havean aggregate cost of mora than $1,(00,000. It is said the year bow closing Is a record-breaker, and. that prospects for construction of skyscrapers for the coming year prom ise the making of another new record, f- The business district Is spreading rapidly, but Is not believed to be reach ing the bounds that the fsst growth of the city Justifies. The real estate mar ket Is stiff, and although the last week's transactions are light, real estate men are well satisfied with conditions and ' say, the situation la but the' ..natural reanlt-of the holidays. Bald- one "The main difficulty Is not to get ' buyers, but to find, available Inside property .that Is for. aale. The tend ency among buyera la to stay close In to the business center wben looking to ." acquire ground. They do not . realise that the good-bargains are all 'around the district that .Is generally regarded as the 'business .center. . The- olty Is : growing rapidly and business property that now seems to be outside will soon be demanded for business purposes." y snore and Offloe BnOdlaa-s. "' Diirlng the year a large number of bulldlnga for stores and offices have , been erected, and others are now under - course of construction. The demand la stronger than ever for up-to-date stores . and offices. A significant of the - situation is that new bulldlnga .are fully occupied as fast as they are completed, ' ' and some -of the modern offloe buildings J . erected this year now, have a waiting list of applicants for quarters. . . Notable new buildings this year, with their approximate cost, are: The Elks' building, at Beentb and Stark streets, .." 176.000; the Bfatter building, on Waah ' tngton street, t0.000; the Oregon ho- , tel. Seventh and Stark streets, $30,000; ' , Katon hotel, Morrison land Park atreets, $f 0,000: Scott-Brook building Second - and Stark streets, $60,000; Concordia clubhouse, Morrison street, 140,000; German Aid Society building, Morri son street. $88,000; Hill hotel, Washing ton street, 84S.000; 1ft. B. Rloherdson'a four-story brick., warehouse at Thlr- tee- i and Johnson streets, leased to Harmon at Co., $60,000; Women of Woodcraft building, af Tenth and Tay ; lor atreeta, 840,000. The Wella-Fargo Express ' company has under construction a 14-story office '-' r'1 GREAT OOP Last Year Saw Largest Number ; f '-of Permits Ever Issued for - Local Work. " - NINETEEN MILES.OF A PAVEMENT ARE UID i Substantial Improvements Were the Order Everywhere, With the JEast ' Side Leading in Number of Better ments of All Sorts. Titer hag been unugual activity in street and sidewalk , Improvements In this clryjtbe past year, as shown by the atat'lstlcretng complied by the city en gineer f of bis annual report forTtOS. to be submitted to ths mayor and the city council. There-has been 41.11 miles of sidewalk and it.$$ miles of street pave ment laid. A large portion of the im provements have been made on ths east side In the rapidly growing residence districts. .The improvements are of unusually substantial nature. Over- three miles of streets have been covered with hard sur face Improvements, principally bltu- , llthie pavement.- and over vt miles of cement sidewalks, have been-fconatructed. A tabulated statement of the improve ments follows: r Sidewalk, , 7 Lineal Feet Miles. Gravel v..t 16,404 l6,llt $1.41$ $.12 11.12 ir.41 Cement Wood .. Z:. Total . ' Streets. .........,..,1.1 41.61 ' Lineal Feet Miles. Graded 1M00 Gravel .......... 24.276 . Mkeadam $0.67 Vitrified brick ....... 1,120 Plank roadway ...... 7,061 Wood blocks ......... ' 400 Elevated roadway .... '1,041 - Stone blocks ...i l.tOO '.Bltullthio pavement .. 12,710. 4. $7 4.61 .$.7$ .26 1.14 .0$ ' .10 .16 S.40 . - s Totals 104.191 10.21 A lager" number of building . permlta waa lasued In 1206 than In any previous year In the history of Portland. - The total was l.lll. representing a cost approximately--of $4J07,$61. This does not Inolade the Lewis and Clark fair buildings, . which cost approximately $710,000. ' The largest number of the permits was for residences of a good, substan tial character, which were erected on the east , aide or the river, many of them In ihe northern part of 'the city, where -the growth has keen moet rapid. Many handsome residences have also been but on Portland and Willamette heights.. . The following are the permits issued by months, and the costs of ths buildings they represent: -. . No; of Month.' Permits. Cost $411.(8$ 17.87 ' 481,tl $74,488 ' 167.101 18.880 140,410 808.84 881.784 181.82$ 414.788 180,000 January'. 170 118 117 February BILDIIIG RECORD yyPrii,' Way , 110 111 14$ 148 17$ 1(8 too 11 1(0 1, June 1 . , . . . , . .i. .. August . .. September j -October r .November ..... ) " . December "; ........ . .Totals ". . s.-r.... 1,11 $4,107,181 Approximate, It always spoils your appetite for life If von left Vnui hnrt ret nupkr,rf with Desslmlsm., . ' building at the corner of Sixth and Oak streets, to cost $260,000. Charles Swee ny, the Spokane millionaire. Is erecting for Tull A Olbbs, at Morrleon and Bev- Hotel company will build -an annex on Yamhill -street, at a cost of $50,000 to $100,000..- - It. A. Ounst announces Immediate be ginning, of construction- of 'an office building at the corner of Weshlngton and Eleventh streets to cost $200,000. The Falling estate will erect at the corner of Fifth and' Alder streets a four-atory brick buHdlng to match the Honeyman Hardware company's build ing on the same block and be occupied by that concern. Directly across Alder street, at the corner of Fifth, J. B. Yeon will erect a .fine office building. There la under consideration by the Cor- bett estate the erection of an up-to-date business block on the northwest corner of Fifth and Alder atreeta. mak ing this street intersection one of the most imposing in the city. - Work Begun on Plledae, Block. Construction - has -commenced on the Flledner block, a handsome office build ing at. the corner of Washington, and Tenth. - One of the most Important buildings announced f or - the . new .year is that Of the Portland . General Electric com pany. Thla structure will succeed the present bulldlngat the corner of Alder and Seventh streets and will be occu pied by the Portland General's trans mission plant and general offices, show rooms and storage-rooma.. The build ing will cost $200,000. E. M. Laaarua la erecting a handsome building for stores and aptrtmenta. to coat about ,$26,000. at the corner of Washington' and Twelfth streets, Jn the- same .neighborhood Makowlta and Bushong are completing the foundation for a building of the same character. Mrs.-Qearln. owner of the southwest corner of Washington and Thirteenth atreets, has removed the large frame building formerly occupying that site and is considering ths erection of a buslnees structure or apartment house. Russell at Blyth have under considera tion erection of a modern 14-story sky scraper at the morth west corner of Sixth and Stark streets. . ; ; ataay Buildings Bamodeled. : Sftany business buildings have been reinodeled during ' the' year and others sre now undergoing alterations. The Snell. Heitshu A Woodard building. CRITICISES JUDGE Secretary Campbell of Oregon City Board of Trade Has Something to Say. - ROADS AND BRIDGES V NEED ATTENTION Thinks That President of the Court Should Devote ' More Time to County s Affairs Pleased at Pros pect of a New. Road. ' (RimcUI Disoatcb to Tbe Joarsl.) ' Oregon - City, Dec. $0. Secretary Campbell of the board of trade of Oregon City, when asked If he had any thing to aay regarding ' Judge Ryan'a criticism of the recent report issued by the board, said: - i "Judge Ryan's criticism of the report Issued by the secretary of the board of trade Is quite a surprise to me. Judge Ryen appeared before the directors of the board and requested them to circu late petitions In opposition to the con struction ' of the Barton bridge. As there were large petitions before the court In favor of the project and the probabilities were that, ir no counter petitions were presented , the court would build the bridge. , The board passed resolutions against the project and had copies of similar resolutions that had been passed by the Harding grange filed with tbe court "and w. A. Huntley, president of the board. ap peared before the court for the same purpose. It is quits possiDie that an this bad no influence whatever witn the rourt yet It la well known that the people who were aovocaung ui ouua- Ing of the bridge were loud in.tneir denunciation of the board. ' . "It Is pleasing to know that the nnan. olal. condition of the county Is better than It bas been during the last 80 years, aa in the last two or three years tbe amount of tbe'taxea collected from the property in thla county hss been greater than aver oerore. ii me luage would -devote more of bis time, which Is paid for by the taxpayers at the rate or 8100 a montn. to me Business oi Clackamas county and leas to traveling over the whole stste It is altogether probable that the financial condition of the county would be In still better shape. ' i "While I cannot speak for anyone but ptyaelf. I' admit that I am not as con versant with county affairs-ss a humble cltlsen ahould be, yet I hear4t currently reported that. nearly half of the brldgee In the county -are In an awful stare of repair, that even the county courfrU afraid ta trust - the , property of the county en maay of these structures, as witness the shipping of the road roller to Oswego by boat at considerable cose, for fear that the bridges between here and there would not hold It. "I am further- Informed - that many of the roads leading Into-Oregon City, such as the Molalla and the Beaver Creek roada, will require a great amount of moneyMo put them In good eondltion. Personally t Am very glad to hear that the county court will construct a first class road Into the Stafford country, and will only ssy that It will be the first of the kind built In Clackamas county for several years, with the pos sible exception of the road In the vt clnltjr of Judge Ryan's property." - i CONTESTING THE WILL Xetrs of e. 7. Trailing Claim aT Was . - . Vnduly Znflaeaoed. , (Kpeclil Dlipntrh te Tbe Jaratl.) ' Oregon City, Deo. $0. Heirs of lh " ' ' - ' "' ' formerlv occuDled by the postofflce. Is halne- reconstructed . Inside for stores and offices. It Is said the Portias Transfer company baa leased a part 01 the building. lmnn the business ' changes BOOB to be announced la the removal of the Oregon Savings bank from its present location In the Marquam building to the northeast corner of Washington and Sixth streets. The latter location will be remodeled ' and. made one of the finest banking homes In the city. The bank will, move March 1. A report that F. Dresser's grocery will remove to the corner of Washington and Four teenth streets is denied by Mr. Dresser. I "We have a number of propositions under consideration, but will not go out aa far as Fourteenth," said Mr. Dresser. Shoe Company to IveaaeL' The Rosenthal Shoe company will, U la reported, take a lease on the corner now occupied tor Mr. uresser. jo. j. Walsh at Co.. who held a leas on one of the . storerooms In the new Elks' building, have sold the tease to- the Mortgage Gusrantee Trust company. The Knight Shoe company, now at the corner of Fifth and Washington atreets, will remove June 1. but has not yet decided upon Its future location. A large amount of money baa been spent by- the Portland Trust company remodeling and fitting tne stone struc ture at the corner of Third and Oak streets, Into which It has moved re cently. The Alnsworth building across Third street Is undergoing remodeling at a cost of $10,000. H. J. Hefty Is spending $1.000-remodeling his build ing'' at the corner . of ' Front and Alder streets. Residence T. building continues un lnterniptedly'ln the suburbs and many homes coating from $1,000 to $6,000 are I going up. The prospects for growth and improvement during the , coming year are bright. Architects ana ouuaers look forward te prosperous year. v stoma Xrge Deals. " - The week's real eatate record closed yesterday with the recording of a num ber of large deals. Robert 15. Inman sold to Roger B. Blnnott. ,Daa Melarkey and E. J.. Daly, lots 1, S. 6, 6,'T and S. at the corner of Grand avenue and Eaat Morrison streets. The ground I three quarters of - a block, lying between Union and Grand avenues, Belmont and Morrison streets. The price paid waa $66,000. The purchasers have no Im mediate plans for' permanent Improve ment of the property. It is aald the site Is. under - consideration by parties with a view to mercantile uses. F. W. Ledbetter bas sold to the Ban-fleld-Vevsev Fuel company for 8T8.000 a piece of property known as the Cen tral" dock, at tne loot or wasnington street. . . - ,"-.' - - Joseph ' M. Ileal r bas purchased for $26,000 the old Logus block, bounded by Union avenue. East Stark, Washington and Third streets. - . , , late O. J. Trullinger, who died last April, yesterday.- Instituted a contest In the probate court to set aside his will. They charge that his wife, Erlkke Trul llnger, exercised undue influence over her husband. She is the principal bene floiary.. The eatate ia worth $10,600. The case will be beard February 6. t aTusbaod Alleges Cruelty. - fHiMetel Dtmateh to. The Joaraal. Oregon City. Decs 80. Thomas H. Purdy has sued for divorce from Ella Purdy.: They were married at Battle Creek. Michigan, November t, 1181.' He alleges cruelty and aaka for control pt property worth $$,000 which la in their joint name. ; - - . -. ? Stop Paying Rent and Acquire A HOME We own choice building lota in all parts, of the Cityand its suburbs. On these we will build for you and sell houses and land on the installment plan. , Do not hesitate to call on us, for we can suit every purse. .; Just as samples of our lptsl We arc extensive owners of property in ',- - , ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS With their unrivaled views and cool, bracing atmosphere. - WOODSTOCK Our most attractive suburb, with school, churches, pure water and 5-cent fare. '. - : ' ';'.'.' Goldsmith's Addition The Court End of Our City. v SOUTH PORTLAND Close to the business part of the City and beautifully located!, TREM0NT PLACE Attractive for men of moderate , J ':f. means. . PORTLAND TRUST CO. Of ' OREGON S. E. Cor Third and Oak St&C fcaonr m mmw yiab t tmTa A KOMJB. . -39oo Fle;snt, new, modern home. East llth street. Sisoo New -room house, quarter block on rar line. tisoo Nice 8-rootn cottage, full ( lot, I pner AIMna. on Car line, flaoo Finest qusrter block,' In Upper Alblna, on car line. $800 Full lot, 4-room cottage, near O. It. A N. ahops. Cnn make terms on sny of this property. 4 fred, 0. XlBar, oos Oommerotal Blook, veoeaa aaa waaussresa-. . Your Advert sing In THS JOUTvAL, Because Pe?tle Read It Carefully When Coruiitrfas the Sxct cf tzy L" EsUte. The Real Estate Pas of THS JOURNAL Is lndiapensftle to the Coyer, the Hester and the cf IUJ 1;.: bllatuMl In 1888 For Inside Property ; : See ' Real Estate -Brokers 7 . AX.WAYS ; SUCCESSFUL 442 Sherlock Building Eettabillaihexl In 1888 r-TUE NORTHERN PART OF THIS CITY HAS A GREAT FUTURE"' $450 Buya a good corner with build ings, earing-$480 rent per annum at low rates. Smoo Will purchase t lota 100x100, in me uoiasmitn Aoamon, wiin i coi tarea. rantlne? at I2S ner month. $4060 Buys one of the best pieces of properly on tne Kaai oiae, yioiaingi a nominal rent 84&S. tesOi Will buy a nice l-acre traot near the car line. ' fl750fc-Wlll make you the happy owner or ia acree, ironinn on jonnaun creek and within 600 feet of the car line and fronting on two county fie,0OO Is the price ' for one of the nnesi quarter diockb, wnn upro residence thereon, rented 11.200. Tine lots on Hawthorne avenue : at prices ranging from $400 to I960. b Henry's Fifth Addition, special bar gains ana ngni on car uno wm, 100x300, aloe ground, water piped to your door oniy aaao. sWreral more lots ia aald Addition at I too. ami up. - XMumeroua tuwr gooa investments. l : sit ookbcsboxsa sua. ' HOLIDAY TinE Is the right -lime to buy a home. Do not forget that some 4,000 new homes have been built thla season on the EAST BIDE, and that the GREATER PORTLAND will D on tne juasi Diae. - Holladay's Addition Is the geographical center of the city, and la the moat, DESIRABLE residence district and much of this will become BUSINESS property. Do not overlook these FACTS when making Invest ments, and call and inspect the prop erty, for seeing Is believing. The Oregon Real Estate Company SSU Third St, Boost 4, Portland, Or. For Sale Prominent bueinesscorner, on Stark Street . Northeast corner Tenth. JTor particulars see , , " Louis Salomon ." 11SH JTlrat Btreet.. ' PARRISH, WATKINS & CO BstabUahed 1S7S REAL ESTATE nrsvsvajroa ttai, ajto XMAM AOxarTSl - 250 Alder Street Important Offer 80100, west tide ef rrent. bet. Oak aa4 Pine, 8-stor brkk bslldins, , The artBsl preerat rents vslne ss ssree tslned tor eanpartaoa with similar balMlsee In Mais TlrUiltr will Mr 10 per cent set a price or 15 per eeut set es eesb seeeanxy te bar the property. Neither Ineestnrs oar speealaters eaa a ford to neflert this. SBxlon. S-story brick batlaug. 818.000; teats 41.0oa When we get te ebtalnlng prloe apae whlrh tbe rants will per S eer eent, tba,-o( eonret, this prnrerir will sell far 80 per enit ore ths le now usmI. . K. U. WlLBUa, 88 M'KAT. BLIKJ. S.D. ADAIR SaAXi B STATS, BXBTTAI.S AJTB , xsrsumAJioa . .. Desirable Inside Property, both Suslness and Residence. . 365 Washington St GOLPSMITH&Cp. Qelser-Hendryx Investment Co. ' We will be in our new quarters in the Elks' building January 2d, where we will be pleased to at tend -to the wants of our. many friends. , . . Don't forget that IF YOU WANT BARGAINS in Houses, Lots, Acreage, ' Farms, Timber or first-class Business 'Property, WE, HAVE . THEM, v We Make a Specialty of HOMEUiXDiNG See us about this if you contem plate building a home, as WE CAN; SAVE YOU MONEY. , - Property?'; owners desiring to get quick action and good returns should4ist their property with us. Thomas McCuskcr SCasager Bealty Department. - 329 Stark St, Phone Main 1279. Branch Office 1665 E. 13th St, eiiwooa. rnone tiy. LAND FOR SALE V XV eXa.GJCAKAS OOITaTTT. Sas osb 140 eultlvaled. all fenced: 4 aorea in good orchard; good house and barn, on county road 117.80 per acre; one nail caan, Dajance per cent. 1SS aorea 10 cultivated, all fenced, old Duuainga, on county roaa. s muss from Oregon City 180 per acre. , SSO aorea 100 cultivated, 80 alaehed. all fenced: One house, fair barn: about 80 acres bottom land, 4 miles eaat of ' Woodburn, Oregon 880 per acre!" one - nail casn, Balance f per cent. 41 H acres 1 miles eaat of panby, on county road: 16 acres cultivated: 0 aorea slashed; 80 fruit trees living waier, xair Duuaings ts.uuv. 40 aoree 8 mllea from Oregon City; II acres cultivated ami la grain; 14 acres slashed; acres; In good timber; fair bulldlnga, living' water. S cows, -j 1 horse, small wagon and all farming 4 implements 13,60(1. . , SO acres 20 aorea cultivated, 4 miles from Oregon City, living water, no buildings 81,400; 11,000 -down, bal- ance 4 per cent. 81 acres 14 miles from, Oregon City, acres cultivates; zo acrea aiaanea; .small bouse and barn, good orchard .712.004; one half down,, balance 4 per cent- . ' SS aorea 8 miles from Oregon City: 11 acres cleared; C acres slashed; good bouse, and barn, living water 81,400. Other farm-ana timber land for sale. ' OBBOOir OXTT nU8T CO, Oarde Xldg Oregon City, Oregon. by the Acre on, TWO OB ACBSB,, Three blocks from the business can tar, at a low rata for a few dys. ?. HOME LAND CO. Phoae Baal STO Boott lass (residamoe) WANTED--ReaI Estate ACREAQE We want'' more acreage TO SELL have customers for small homes In the suburbs. List your I, 10 and 10-aore tracts with us, and we will find-a cus tomer for you.- ' - , PARMS We also -want mora farms to sell. Rave people In the east who want to com to Oregon and buy farms, list your land with ua. - ;- i List your timber land with ua and wej will NU. ll for yen. - BLAIR-& HURLBUT . ' SIS AJSOrOTOsT BVZXAZB-0. f : Houde For "Sale 100x100. two flats And on house, on one lot, the otner is vacant, around 8 feet above sidewalk. Both streets im proved. Rent 8100 per month on the one lot. .Price of both lots and build ing 812,000. Look at this. It is on the southwest corner of Corbett and Whit akar streets, rlxht on the car line. xJxlOO, with.O-room modern house. early new; no. i w,nij-nrm eii-wei North, between Ssvler, and ThUrman, All In splendid order. Cement floor. Stationary tuba, etc. Price 81.1(10. Beautiful house, No. S East Twenti eth street North, between Ankeay and Burnalde. Elegant houses, all around this 84.800. - . . ' 2-story house, 788 Eaat Davis, bet tld and 21d; ground 74x118 82.880. l.atorv house. 704 Flanders, bet. 21st and 22d: ground 28x10012.800. 22X100, r lanaers, doc iiii ana no 11,600, with plans complete for bouse thereon. , - - R.M. Wilbur , t io McKay Building- . Great Bargains In Real Estate SISOO 3ash A Snap 100x100, In Ho laday'a Addition, dose In; muse be sold. i 8)930028x71, Front, near Olbbs, 7-roota residence. , f . $00080x100, 14th, near Thursaan, t modern houses; rental 158, 9130O Eaay terms, V lots and 8 -room residence. In . good condition. Mount Tabor. $300088x100, Froat. near Columbia., $3900 80x100, lloyt, near 41st i Sjnnott & Sinnott . Beat estate Ageata. MS OXAMBB Or COMKBBCB, At ST. JOHNS Drrlr- KOTO THKB KT. Invest in St Johns The Coming Manufacturing and Shipping Center of the Pacific Coast. ' - Five . transcontinental j railroads . building through St. Johns. ; -.V.v- ;, ... -.v.; . Realty win double in value within one year. 920,000 Three-story building and lot 50x100, pays $2,400 ' per year;,$5,000 cash. : ;:'-'--':-V. ; 92.000 100x100, good business property. ' Lots, Blocks and Acreage on all Parts of the Peninsula. . Easy Terms. PHONE SCOTT 4061. REALTY SPECIALS tl fWVk Nice 7-roora hobsa, fun let, 0,Vw 7if Eut Taylor, near Twenty fourth at; eaay terms. - . - f VH Nice 8-room cottage, lot SO ' 117. on Eaat Balmon, near Xast Seventeenth. t7 IfkA Nice, nearly new . 8 - room WW- house, on Grand avenue, in Holladay's Add.; give favorable terma. O fon hot, two 8-room cottages, i&fiMV Bouth Portland; take vacant lot as part pay; baL aaay terma tl Rnft 4-room new cottage, complete; l,OUU 1100 cash, balance 10 month. East side, good location. tl V( F1v lots. Improved; 8-roont HjtJWl house, barn and chicken yards, one block to -cars; easy terms. tl ftfln 11 acres; S in cultivation; 4 4'iWtf room house, good barn: 111 bearing trees, running water, facing on Columbia liver; 80 miles above Fort, land; an Ideal summer home, tl fWYl . Iota, 80x111 each, on Catlln I,UW Te., near Hawthorne aval this la a snap. Look It up. fflnft Choice lot, 80x100, East Davis OUVI Kat. 2 Id and 14th eta. 800 300 40x100 en Eaat 18th, near Washington; snap. ' 80x100 lot, Eaat Sid ana Clla- tonj terma 2 to mommy, F. ft TOBGLEIs 106 Sherlocl Hit Portland Real Estate Co. ' O. sV DeBirBOm, ltaaagesw 118 Abtagtoa a sia Fhoas Paaiae T73. Special tbe Last Day of the Old Year a g ssAA Here la eometblng you riJ kllll can Invest In. It makes JIWUU SoTwaiMii n 7W sold, then Bay what a fool 1 waa This bargain is on Fourth, between; Couch and Davis; It pays each month 1176. besides the Increase. Long list of .good Investments. Call in and jor you rsei i. O. m. BcarrmOX. Itaaagee, . SIS Abing-toa sliding. BARGAINS aorea, near at Johns, at a bargain : I aesaa. at University Park 818.000. SeslOO, on eventh street, wlljh 8 -story w.tMw - ..n. in Mar' Milt 11 800. Price 4l,ooo. rime aarar hloek, N. W. oor. 18th sad acnuyier ,. . y The Shaw-Fear Co. ' S4SH 1TUI a. 7th Street Corner - 10x100, with good Improvements, ' ca Seventh, near Surnslde 210.000. The " Healy Investment Company aio-sis Abimsrtoa, sosH'rhi in. . $10,500 Whole blo-k. only rartlslly built on, bringing monthlv rental of I 111. This Is a sjiT"1' 1 bnr. 15CS Yea era C ' ' i r.:rrarrc: :ii - tver Lffrre. Yci I - 1 k mam 6C0TT CK ST. JOHNS, OREGON. Tbe Dusn-Lawrence Company Eave - the B;st Bargains $5,500 Fashionable 8-room residence. furnace, gas. all other mod . arn conveniences; swell lo cality, olose In. west side. 4,000-7 well, new, " strictly modem , , "8-room resldenoe, corner lot, , close In aat aide, , p . 92,650 Very attractive 10-aera place, all fenced and In garden, ber- rlea and fruit, a spring and charming brook of rippling - waters meandering througlt . - the place, new 8-room house, small bam and poultry house, good horse, wagon, harness, cows. One stock ef poultry, implements and tools, altu-. - ated In a Una - community.. convenient to school and alec- , , trie cars. It'a a dandy. 93,850 New, atyllah and strictly mod - era 8-room cottage, comer . lot. Eaat Flanders. 91,800 Beautiful Quarter block, ale gant 7-rooca house, a com-, plete home, near Mllwaukla ava, Midway. $1,250 Aora lot. beautiful T-reotn .'... ' house.. I blocks eleetrto car a. 990O Charming new ; 8-room cot tage, full lot. - K Wabash - street, bringing 810 monthly. -'-.. , - rental..- 9 TOO Nloe 8-aere poultry ranch la , Oak Orova - The Dunn-Laivrence Co. 'Wasliingtoh Street 100x100. comer, land worth 121,000; 8 atory frame, cost 120,000, In perfect I condition, rented at very low flgorea. .. pays 7U per cent net on purchase price 4)38,000, Beet buy on the street, "lotf will have to hurry." 40x100, unimproved . HOjOOS 18x100. near Belaseo theatre, new, 88,000 Building. S-year lease, 1121 per . month . . f 10,OO4 18x100, llth at., near Waahington, rent 1&0; eaa be Increased to 7t..lao4) 10x100. GUsan st, near Tth, Income- -bearing; rents will be doubled In )4 months ....1700) 18x100. Front, near Washington, twe story brlok. leased $110 per month for three) years . to wholnl bouse . . 12.800) S0.0OOf feat. Sixth streat near Oak. 10x100, llth st near Waehlnr'o-. facing eaat. Improved ....... MMO B. J. DALY SM AXJU2f9 BXJV Squire Deal Real Estate Coz;i-r OXBAP BOMB. St,0OO Full lot, 4-room modem hoaeei cement basement. M.aoo 8-room modern house end Int. 0dO Hlx lota, chi'ken liou.e and rerd; fruit and berries: good 8-rnom houae. 700 Full lots snd 4-rcKm houae, new. 4,sOO Quarter bl'x and lhre houses, one s ana 1 w i r""'ne. $100 8 room bouse and 1 !' ' SA-B ob rrr- - . U ACmas, m ' 1 ( rourthouee; rrfW 1 Four lsrse l"ts I 1 . Terms on sl AUsky X'.I- 1 ' ' ' : VOyfe 7 "A