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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY' JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER SI, KC3. aa GOTCRIuliriALiDEAiniOTIIER TELLS OF : Ml LIBRARY . .... Seattle Man Studied Counter Jfeiting Frorn Public Books - V " In His Town. I - NOW OCCUPIES CELL IN THE COUNTY JAIt Herman Wendt a ' Studious Man on ; Topic Pertaining to Secrets ' of ' Wise Men and Chemists Charged r With Making Bogus Money. . .nerial DtsMtch 'to The Joernal.) ' Seattle, Deo. JO. Herman Wendt, now In the county- JH accused by Secret Service Operative B. W. Bell with con ducting' a spurious coin manufacturing plant near th Bar View brwry. atudled counterfeiting lor from books secured from the Seattle publlo library. He t( believed to be merely a novice at the business, and the knowledge ha poaaeaaed he secured through his atudy of book from the publlo library, of which he haa been a frequent visitor for weexa. When arrested 'by Captain Bell to day. Wendt was deep In the atudy of a ..volume entitled "Mixed Metals." He "waa surrounded with the appliances of Kla adopted trade. . Ready at hand was ,a book entitled "Sscrsts of wis Men. Great Chemists and Physicians,'" also from the library, and which Wendt Jbadl' eviaenuy reaa wim mvuuiy, iur were several bookmarks in It. : ' Lata this evening Wendt was taken j bofnre United States Commissioner .JCelfer. In the opinion of Judge Kelfer, ;th evidence wae sufficient to warrant holding him In the sura of. 11.000. Ha , could : not give ball and was taken to . the county , Jail,, by a ' deputy marshal. Wendt's outfit - was a complete one. There' were seven molds made f plas- : ter of parts and of stses so that fa gold pieces, nickels, dimes, quarters. : half dollars and dollars could be mads. Many spurloui dimes and quarters now In circulation hero are of his making. ASKS PARDEE TO NAME HIS PRICE FOR PAH Kentucky Mai-Writes California Governor Letter Negotiating '. for Brother Release. , ,v (Special Dispatch by tmaed Wire te Tlie Joanuil) ," Sacramento, CaL, Deo. 10. 'The Oov ' ernor of California Dear Sir t beg o : approach you with a letter In regard ' to one prisoner. In your hands. Tha man ' Is confined In Folsom stats prison for . six years. .We are much grieved to know this boy got so far from home - and got Into trouble. ' ' L, "We are poor people, put tn tha nam of Cod, we. ask; a favor, at y6ur bands, i What ta the least money you will let Mm out for? It will not hurt yon In any way. -and wlH gladden pur hearts. He can coma horns and no one hers will ' know It snd no oaa there. I don't say you can -be bought, but It will coat yoa : something to get your office. If It la granted no one will aver know It." -' Such and more ta ths aama effect Is a lot ter received today by Governor Pardee from a man In Kentucky on be half of 'his brother, H. K. Whltehouae, now confined in Folsom prison. Tha governor has replied to th effect that he hopes tha letter was prompted only by Ignorance. . and further . hopea that matters la Kentucky are not conducted In ths way such a latter would Indi cate. : . .-. -.,.-'--; If tha writer were) under the jurisdiction- of California, ths governor aays ha would do his best to have him triad fcnd convicted for ths offense of. offering a ' bribe, and If It la possible he will do so. Under the - present circumstances, he cannot now even think of pardoning tha Folsom prisoner. -V SALE OF UNITED RAILWAYS IS WHISPERED AROUND Rumor Says Harriman Wiir Con ; 'trol San Francisco's Street - " : ,f Car System. ' . " Splal Dlapatrk by Leased Wire to Tba Joeraal) . San Francisco, Dee. SO. Ths flnan ' clcrs - are whispering that thre Is a great deal on ths stock of the United . Railways of Ban Francisco, -Tha whls- per even goer further and aays that the Southern Paclflo aa represented by Har riman Is to take over, or already 'has taken over, a controlling Interest In the " great street railway corporation of this city..- v. : '' . y- T Aa a. can sequence many men ara watching tb stock, fluctuations of ths United Railroads with a view to ascer tain what Is going to - happen. ' They note the very singular fact that while ' other stocks that ara quoted on the New Tork market ara Inclined to. Swell and boom In price, somebody aeema to be hammering tha United Railroads. In th fac of ths general boom this stock , has been igolng steadily down. . ' Arthur Jlolland resigned th? presl- . dency of "th corporation' soma weeka ago. At today's annual election of tha United railroads Patrick Calhoun was , elected president to succeed Arthur . Holland. ' Tha gossips and speculators found very HtUe in this election to Indi cate any, great change. .Mr. Calhoun has for a long time been one of the .largest Stockholders in the United Rail roads company and has represented a -'controlling Interest In tha stock. - , MR. AND MRS. GOULD V. MISTAKEN FOR ROYALTY (Copyright, Rert' Hws Service, by Wire to Tb Journal) ru, Dec (0. Mr. and .Mrs. "Frank J. Oould recently passed through here In - their automobile. They hava had soma very amusing adventures on their wey down from Paris, ' n one village where they stopped for rftfbahments . they war mistaken by h natives for a Russlsn prlnc and princess who were expected to pasa that way soon.-- The mayor, accompanied by th local band and the fir brigade, -called upon them In th fmn and serenaded them. Mr. Ooifld did not shut the worthy Individual off until hla grac was finished and then amidst th cheers nt th population th mistake waa olat4 . .' 1 eheiit Mabelle Oilman's Parent Is Au- v thority for Statement Shes 4 Will Wed, Corey. WAITING FOR CLOUD OF SCANDAL TO PASS Original Intention Was to Hava ,s Double Wedding in Paris, But Cordelia' Gilman Did Not Wait, When Mrs. Corey Balked. " (Special Dbpstrb by Leesed Wtrs to Tbe Journal) San Francisco, Dea SO. In a letter to frlenda In this city, Mrs. Nettle Oil man, mother of Mabell Oilman, for whom Millionaire William E. Cony has sacrificed hia bom! announced th en gagement of her daughter to the Pitts burg steel magnate. . la tha aara letter Mrs, Oilman stated that her pther daughter, Cordelia, would be married at th same "time as Mabelle, and tha two couples would then mak their homes in Paris. Mrs. Oilman, also stated that after her two daughters were comfortably settled in th French capital; ah - would pay a visit to th Pacific,' coast and weuld spend a fe weeks wftb, her former husband and hia new wir.jj . .. Waiting- (or Scandal to rasa, Tha widespread notoriety which Corey's affair with Mha actress obtained. caused a postponement, and only part of the plana were carried out Cordelia Oilman married in Paris and is now comfortably- settled. Her husband Is said to a French nobleman, and Mabell Oilman la given credit for tha match. During her trip abroad, Mabell Oilmaa has ben accompanied by tha alitor of wuiiam Jo. Corey, aa wan aa her motner. Corey's sister wss with Miss Oilmaa when Mrs. Corey started tha gossips by Suddenly leaving for Nevada to obtain a divorce. At that tlma Mabelle on man was mentioned aa tha cause of tha disagreement between husband wife. II Is ths belief- of th former's friends that th couple had long been separated, and that Mr. Corey knew her husband In tended marrying tha actress as soon aa the law would allow him to do ap. ' Wltar amok. Cam XaT ' "Th friends of Miss Oilmaa say that ths Coreys had agreed to a dlvoroe and that tha only , hitch In tha arrange- menta waa th amount that tba magnate ahould settle upon hla aon. They still believe that Mrs. Corey will obtain her decree and her husband will than wed Mlsa Oilman. Misa Corey, the' millionaire's sister. met Mabelle Oilman In Rome and tha two then "went to Paris, where Miss Corey studied muslo with ths tactrsss. Mlsa Corey baa sailed for America and expected, to arrive in Pittsburg be fore many days. .Be Tore sailing aha an nounced her Intention of giving to th world th true history Of Corey troubles with hla wife and hla lova af fair with Mlsa Oilman. It la also said that tha prima donna and Miss Corey ar fast, frlenda and tha latter will give an entirely new version of tha acandal which has stirred two -continents. . ' Oay'Time Abroad. . To her friends Miss Oilman never made any aeeret of her engagement to th Pittsburg jjjllltonalr before th Utter' wife mad arrangements for getting a divorce. Several months ago sha told frlenda whom ah met In th east that she would marry th' steel man, and at tha sam tlma told of her sister' engagement to th French no bleman. " In letters to her father, C. H. Oilman of this city, Mabelle recounts tales of tha fine time aha la having In Paris and mentions several - glorious dinners and automobile rides which ah has had at th cxpens of foreign ambassadors to the French capital. Many prominent American ar also referred to In her letter hom. but not by name, and champagne dinners were quit in order wherever th actress or her alatar want SAYS LOS ANGELES IS PREY OF GRAFTERS ' Mayor of Calif orniaTown Makes Startling Charges in Pub- ', : i lio Manner. ;V i (flpertal Dlipatch by Leased Wire te The Journal) Lios Angeles, use, au. Mayor uwen McAleer today reiterated hla charge that grarters naa oeea preying upon in city for years. In round numbers hs said $170.00(1 - had been collected, so he had been told by people who thought It necessary to- pay tribute to tha gov ernment In control. .-, -. - "Grafting has," ha says, "not been confined to tha Tire department but tribute money came from nearly all municipal departments and other places. ; The mayor'a share, he ,nd been told, wa IftS.OOe. Following close upon th heels of tb mayor'a first chare- that $80,000 was being collected yearly came an author ised statement from District Attorney Fredericks that he had - written to th mayor M call at his office; Tuesday to give him evidence of corruption, if ha possessed any. District Attorney Fredericks said: "As district attorney, I consider It my duty, on reading in a newspaper charge that bribe had been offered, to make an investigation. Coming aa they did from tha ohlet executive of tha dty, tha charges could not b passed unnoticed. If tha men who mad th charges bad been some Irresponsible person, perhaps would have waited and bad an Investi gation mad before acting, but learning that the mayor aald what he had to aay at a public meeting of .th-flr commis sion, I did not think any inquiry neces sary, :': r "I merely aent a letter to .tna mayor asking him to com to my offlc Tues day. - Th information which ha' must have to base th charge wntcn n nana necessarily Interests ms. No, l didn't name any hour. I merely asked him to call. .; Do I know whether TisJ coming No, indeed. . I hava heard nothing from him.- I don't know aa a m after of fact that he haa received tha letter." "If tha mayor does 'not , appear In answer to your letter, what atep, if any, ill you taker ha waa asked. "I don't think it my duty to fore tha mayor of a city to appear to tell what, ba" knows. No, I will not try to force hlro. Of course if ha doea not come, then it is a matter for th grand Jury." "Do you consider this important enough to call m special session of th grand Juryf" "hat depends. I hava not yet con sidered that.. I think It bast to a what TERRIFIC SIiMl HII8 CELTIC aawawawawjasktaBsassawsessasBBSsl Whit Star Liner Deluged by a , Huge Wave That Carries . Away Iron Bulwarks. WOMEN FAINT AND y: CHILDREN SCREAM Genet-si Panic Results Vessel Struck Just as Presents Had Been Dis tributed to Little Ones' on Christ mas Day,.' p- (SfMdai IM nates b Leased Wire to Tbe Journal) New York. Dec 10. Bringing a siory of a terrlf to storm at sea, tha White Star liner Celtic reached New York to day. Neyar in the history, of Captain Ranaom or of any, in tha memory of Ma craw haa such a sever voyag aa tha ona iuat ended been experienced. Christ' mas festivities were at their height In the second cabin wben tha worst wave strack tha ahlp tearing away a part of th bulwarks of three quarter inch iron and aweeping away an Iron companion- way weighing four tona. ' la the cabin about tha Christmas tree II women fainted and every per son on board was thrown from their feet A "general state of terror reigned over th vessel for an hour. Tha wave truck th ahlp right after tha distri bution of tha presents to ths children had been finished. V - Edward Matthews, second officer or a steamship which la awaiting here, waa singing "Rock Ma to Bleep." A. J. Pal- merr of California waa playing tha ac companiment on tha piano. Every person In the cabin waa thrown from their ft by th ahook. woman creamed and fainted. Two children. whose nun . waa among tha number to faint, became hysterical and It re quired an hour after quiet had been restored to reassure them. - Mia Gertrude Hollnqueat. nursa at tached to tha German hospital, ran her and ther comforting tb children and m 9rwv,..M Mr. Palmer, aa soon aa ba realised the condition tha passengers were In. "rushed to the piano, and resuming th seat from which ha had lust been thrown, besan playing popular airs .to detract the at tention of th passengers from tna water which seamed to b rapidly filling the salon, it waa several Hours after quiet had been restored that all of .th water was gotten out of tha rooms below decks, Colonel Robert S. Amnion of Frank lin 520 per cent syndicate fame, as he was leaving; court after arguing his ess for an appeal ' ColoneJ Amnion claims he wss' sentenced under a law not In force when he offended. - th mayor intends doing. There will be time enough after that to talk tbout th grand Jury. What tba grand jury might do I 'have no mora means of knowing than you." Tha sweeping charge which tha mayor now makes, claiming that there baa not only bean graft in tha flra department but in other departments. Which prao- tlcally covera tha entire city, may ba taken up by tha city councl. i ataay naturalisations. , - (Special Olapatek te The Joarasl.) Astoria. Or., Deo. . During the year Just closing 367 persona hava "been naturalised In' Clatnop county. Nearly all were Scandinavians, although many nationalities were represented. Ona hundred and ninety marriage licenses were Issued and 14 divorce suits filed. ' Japan ths Fortunate One. ' from tha fit Louie Globe-Democrat. At tha time of ths making of tha Portsmouth peace treaty It waa aald that Russia had much tha best of the bargain. At the present date tha ad vantage - sasms to be altogether with Japan. . ' ,. .-. . - - . . i ' .-) r. I SUNNYSIDE PJ1MHG & UllUUG CO. INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF THS 6TATR OP OREGON , Capital Stock 1 1,000,00. ) 1,000,000 Shares;, Par Value 1.00. j TvXLj Paid and Noa-Aaeteaable. . TO THE. Mil VJITH A SHALL SALARY VE APPEAL HELP US DEVELOP THESE CLAIMS AND .WE GUARANTEE TO DEVELOP v 7 V YOUR POCKETBOOK, Bead ma your dimes. We wUlsaaka'yoa aoUars. Start rig-h oa the aaw year. Sara a raw dollar eaefc . monta. Till ta tha application below and mall it with 10 pes seat of ta amount s assart bed aad snake the aaaaaat of tha monthly payments to salt yourself. -. i ns Hunnysld Mining ft- Mining A .-. .i. - ., . . - am to lime as money is neeugd lor aeveiopmeni or ur pinuus luaunmvry un n srwunu iur - ! Is ample for all needs, for as development progresses the price of the stock will advance. The property consists of el a lit claims, each sooilf.00 feet, located in the Gold Creek Mining District In Marlon county. Oregon, Sixteen miles from th C. tk B. R. R. at Oate. Th or is chaloopyrite. carrying gold, silver, copper snd lead. i' i . t .i . w . . i iiMa MM . v. . tn v.n fMt wil HniiH. 4& riit nfnnnal work already con. y m vnuw irum , r 1 1 v u hi iwwm y - , , - -w - . - , . - -V , . i Copper ledges almost Invariably Show greater values as depth Is, atulned. Tha present .-assays show ample values to make a lara-e divklend-pavlng mine. ' i. .' . "..u The Bunnyslde Mining Milling Company has provided in Its by-laws that no officer ahall receive a (except superintendent), until dividends amounting to one per cent on the capital stock hava been paid. Cone, auently they can reap-no benefit except In the increased value of the stock and In this all stockholders share. ? Application for atick, .to, ahould be made to WALTER ADAMS, Secretary. Ul East Thirteenth street. Port land, Oregon. . - v - - ' 1 ' . To th Secretary of th SUNNTSIDB MINING A MILUNO CO.: ; .s " .; ' '.I hrby aubacrlb for... .... .i.V....... ..T. . . .. .tts, . , Thousand Sharea of the Capital Stock of Suinyslds Mining A Milling Company, at IS eent pi- s,hara, and herewith hand you..., as first payment on aama. i , - s' ) ; ;,: i '-, '. r ; ' And I agre pay th sum of .. . ..1..;. ....... . ..i .... .V. . .pollara on tK - t . i , . .1 A(U-.. aammmvX it m t 1 Ih. imnimt annrlria(l haa been na Id. authorised to receipt for my certificate and forward aama with your advice to me at address giveft below. Should th aubscrfber through lckns or any reasonable cause , b unfb to meet the J1; ft" having paid oa halt the amount subscribed, the Bunnyslde Mining Milling Company do hereby agra to issue a oertiflcata for tba amount paid on-th written request of the person subscribing. r '3... i ' , - . . ' - - ' " . ....i - -'" ' ' GRAND 0PRA COMING THIS SEASON Savags Organization . Will Ba : Heard In Portland in ; ; Greatest WorksT . Tha Savage Orand Opera company. which la to appear here In a repertoire of pronounoed standard during Febru ary, haa lust closed its annual engage ment in Washington, D. C under cir cumstances whloh Indicate that the country la music-mad. In tha national capital tna Business eclipsed that of "Parsifal" last, year. Tb singers wer credited with their finest success In Verdi's florid "Rlgo- letto" and Wagner "Die Walkure." Thla la tha first tlma any of tha "Nlbe lungen" trilogy haa been given in Eng lish in this country, and the great drama, with Ita scenio and lyric grandeur, its superb muslo story of ths warrior maids and the goda of Walhalla. at tracted even greater . audiences - than "Lohengrin and Tannhauser." hereto fore tha moat popular of all Wagner works. '? Mr. Savage haa.. provided a company of nearly 200 singers and musicians, with special artists for tha Italian and French operas, ss well for the -"German masterpieces. Puccini's, delight ful "Lfc Boheme," with ita "butterfly Latin quarter scenes; Vardl's "Rigo letto"' aad Oounod'a "Faust," aa wall aa "Tha Valkyrie," "Lohengrin" and "Tannhauser," ara now ' being - taken through tha aouth. V . Attar a. week la Denver there will be engagement In Pueblo, Colorado Springe and Salt Lake City. Tha grand opera tralq..J,WHl then maks Its first tour of t -northwest, visiting Port land, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Bal Ilngham, Tacoma. Spokane, - Anaconda, Butte and Helena. ' UMATILLA )VATER USERS " BEGIN SELLING STOCK (Special Dispatch to Tbe JoarcaM ' Echo, Or.. Dee. JO. Tha first stock In the Umatilla River Water Users' asso ciation, under tha East Umatilla proj ect, recently approved by th govern ment, waa subscribed today by H. T. Irvtn taking 1(0 acres. Subscriptions are being received by H. U. Holgste, at' tornay for tha reclamation aervlce. A mass meeting will ba held . Saturday, January f, to ratify tha aetlon of tha committee for th organisation -of th Water Users' association. Th meeting will b attended by a number of prom inent northwestern irrigatlonlsts, also by J. T. Whistler, engineer of tha rec lamation service. . . Th by-laws and artlclea of .incorpor ation, similar to those of. tha Klamath Falls Water Users' sssoclatlon, hava been forwarded to tha secretary of tha Interior for approval. . . Mr. Holgata atgtes Ust in govern ment will Irrigate between 11,000 and 20,000 acres, but what territory will be covered -la not fuly determined. Prob ably it will depend considerably upon what lands ar first -signed over by their owner. It la expected that an enrolling fe will ba charged on stock subscribed sfter February. After Sat urday's meeting th principal place of business f the Water Users' associa tion will bS Hermlston, eight miles west of-here. . . - MANY CALLERS GREETS LORD AND LADY CURZON (Special Dispatch by laased Wire to Tbe 7oarnaU London, Dea 80 Lord and Lady Cur son ware bealeged dally by callers after tliolr arrival from India and ajl of their frlenda have remarked not only on Lord Curson's healthy - appearance after hla sericu Illness but also upon Lsdy Curson's complexion, which th Indian climate does not appear to hava affected at ail She la -as beautiful aa aver, but considerably thinner. ; Sha hopea, however, to put on tha lost flesh on tha Riveria, whore ah I spending soma weeka with hr children, ECONOMIZES BY CUTTING SCRUB WOMEN'S SALARY (Special PUpatca by Lnsed Wire t Tb Journal) New York,' pec. 81. The big Insurance companies have started a campaign of economy. President MoCaft of tbe New Tork Life, haa Cut th. wages of th scrub woman from 120 to Sis a month. President Morton ot tha Equitable is trimming tha extra pay off for overtime Work. A committee) representing tha clerks entered a protest against working seven, hours for nothing and waa dis charged. . f Order Beetored at miga. (Special Dttpatrk br teaaed Wire to Tbe JeereaH Berlin, Dec. 8; The German consuls In Riga and ilbau today, wired that It will no longer ba necessary for aats country to aend ships- to take" away Oerroan subjects from-'the Russlan-Po? land provinces. Tha : captain of the British steamship Freda, which put In Danslg for coal on her way from Riga to London with th British refugees, also ststes that absolute order haa been restored In Riga, and that there la. no danger, of aa outbreak,'. v company nas sse.ovv snares oi siocs 1 1ni . annnn from 11 it tn 17ft Ort mill, ! Aid: reaa ........ WOULD LOVETO HEAR FROM "GENTLEMAN.-FRIEND" V- Oakland Maiden Writes Pathetic Letter to Portland's . ' Chief of Police. - From Oakland. California, widely known to fame aa the Beautiful City of Slumber, a pensive maiden yclept Daisy Krell sends a naive communication to Chief of Police Oritsmacher, ' in which sha expresses tha yearning of her soul to hav him ' locate her "gentleman friend." Sha calmly asks that th whole polio department be put at work to aaoertaln tha whereabouts of this lucky person because sha would "Just lova to hear from iilm." - , Daisy's-Innocence as regards Oregon geography- and commercial affaire la particularly refreshing. Sha Imagines that only ona steamer plies ths Colum bia river, and that Us movements are directed by tha "Columbia River Steam ship company." . That, address of tha writer la 1TS Devlnell street, Oskland, snd ths chief says that If her "gentle man - friend," whose name ia Hbr Berts, learns that ha la. Wanted, he ahould at once aend her a few lines and gratify tha longing of her heart Daisy says: '.,; "Dear Chief Will you kindly do me a favor T I am very anxious to hear from my gentleman friend. H went away about tha latter part of Septem ber, and -I hava not bard from him sine. I wrote two-or three letters to htm, but I hava . . net , received : any anewer from him. 1 . "Ho told m that1 hia stepfather worked on th, boat operating on th Columbia river. So I eent a letter to hla father and I addressed It to the Columbia RJver Steamship company." So It never cams back to ms. bo he must of got It Hla stepfather's nam la Mr. Barber and my gentleman friend name Is Mr, Heber Berts. - " "So if yon And blm would you pleaaa tell htm that I would Juat lov to hear from him. My address Is 1711 Devinall street. Oakland. California. I will ap preciate this favor -very much if you will look him up for me." It la understood that Inspector Bruin and hla whole staff of detectives ara to ba called off from th pursuit of mur derers, highwayman, burglara and other minor offenders aad set at work trying to locate Mis Krell' a ."gentleman friend." ' , LOEB IN NEW YORK ?t ' -a POLITICAL FIGHT (Special -Dtapatcs by Uaeed Wire te The JoarasI) Albany, N. T, Deo, 80. The name of William Loeb, Jr., was unexpectedly Introduced into tha Republican fight alt uation In tba state tonight The news came from Washington, but neither at th capital nor among those who are in tha secret would any ona indorse it as being even semi-official. . Loeb haa Roosevelt's confidence, and as tha message cam to Albany, h If under consideration for tha chairman ahlp of tha state committee that I al ready filled, and which, save by an up heaval, will remain unchanged until fall,' . . -. Loeb lives In Crater Bay. nolltlcallv. He established a voting residence ther last year. .He used to live here. Back tfl 18 he was attracted by an 'appeal of the mayor of Cohoea, who had boldly set out to take tna scalp of William Barnes, Jr.. as leader of Albanr count v.. Loeb threw himself into th movement with dash, and spirit, but it waa hla misfortune to see it go down in defeat For -a time; thereafter ha waa without an attractive political Identity, , HEAVY SEAS BATTER . --SCHOONER T.W.ALLEN (Special Dispatch by Leasee Wbv to Tb Journal) Nw York; Dec. 80. Battered by heavy aea which threatened to rip ber to pieces, th lumber' laden aohooner T. W. Allen, whloh want ground' on Pin Point, Plum island, Friday, ia em bedded In tha treacherous saada and up to an early hour this morning no vessel had been able to approach, close enough to rescue th crew, which - IS" still aboard. With tha wind blowing a' gal and tha wavea running mountain high, the - situation of th man la terribly precarious, and tha chances! of saving tha ahlp ara email:1-. ANNA FITZHUGH WILL XIUIT STAGEMAY WED (Special rHspsteh by Leased Wis te Ttie Jnarnat) New Tork, Dea. 80. Anna Fltshugh, the otreee, who ha been on of th brightest figures in musical comedy for several year and who, ss Tommy Top in 'Tha Wtsard of Oi" made a decisive hit is to abandon th stage forever. Al though aha will not discuss th sub ject It Is known that she is to become th bride of John J.. Hardy, aon oi a member of tha British parliament - I Inspects Company 0. "t (Special DlapMep. to Th. Journal. 1 . Albany, Or., Dee. 80. Major John L. May tonight Inspected company O of thla city. Thar waa a good attendance. in ina treasury w "" mntt frnm 11 S .tv- tIS.00 In Silver. the .Dollars ......... dsy of Then you ar Portland Auction Rooms ' A, Schubach, Proprietor, ; WISHES YOU ONE AND ALL : A Eat,. Drink and Be Merry. Then ':, Come to the , -vV ; Tuesday Next at 10 a. at . Residence, 906 Corbett Street. Take S Car. ; X.- Tha owner, wishing to leave tha city at once, has Instructed us - to SELL WITHOUT RESERVE all ths Orst-claSs and almost new fumlihlnn nt hie 'eight-room residence, which consists of new jewel s gas range, new gas wa ter heater, line massive Iron beds, com plete; up-to-date dressers and com modes,! sanitary steel couch, lac cur tain and portieres, oak bedroom suites, oak extension tabl and chairs, rockars, upholstered (ha Ira, center stands, Brus sels carpets and matting, cook stoves, heater, kitchen furniture, laundry uten sils, rarden tool a. eta. Sal at 10 a. m Tuesday next, at , 80S. Corbett atreet 17 nxt. "8", car. ; C xaae L. FORD, Auctloneer. "'- The Portland Auction Rooms, i 211 First Street, Every After t noon at 2 p. nr. (Except Satur- - day and Holidays). Haa already become the -most popular auction Will In lh,.KltV 1, I - -- j . u u hvu kaowt why, coma aad And out . ,J. Tuesday at 2 p; m. we will sell 40 BEDROOM SUITS AND A MARTIN BROS.' PIANO. Sine ton and flnlsh. T5 .EW WORKS F ART In th PICTURE lin. aa wall ss LiiNiNu-HUOM, PARLOR, HALL and LIBRARY FURNITURE, many fln ' - ."in. luuq,, I EVERTTHINO (Inds Its was to our AUCTION ROOMS a place where th rich and poor can find bargains. Wa ax- tmnA m n Invlt.ttiui . 1 1 ..I 1 . salesrooms and Inspect th . goods Jo be C L. FORD,' Auctioneer. FUGITIVE CLERK SUPPOSED TO BE IN CANADA ' F. P. Wilson Short In Accounts and Fleet, Lsavirtjf Broken hearted Wife Behind; (gpeelal Dlspatek by Lease wire te Tbe Joarnal) . Los Angeles. Dec. I. Laavlna- be hind him a. broken-hearted wlf and a deficit of possibly fll.OOO in his ac counts with ths Title Guarantee Trust company. Fred P. Wilson Is a fugltlv from Justice and aupposedly haa' crossed tn Canadian border. . He was -ascrow clerk and haa been employed' by tha company for several years. Wilson fur nished a bond of 110,000 and his em ployers say tha extent of hfa defalca tions will not exceed , thla amount by mora than f 2,000. Almost ss serious as th financial loss involved Is tb shapa In walch Wil son left some of ih matter instrusud to him. In covering up hi peculations ha transferred money from one aacrow to another, and thos who ara examin ing hia records And It difficult to locate tha papers of certain real etate trans actions. Mrs. Wilson, -Who Is left alone with out, mean of support ha heard from ber husband alnca ha left and hla -letter aet any doubt there might haVa been In her mlrid at rest ' Ha waa In Wyoming when h wrot, which gives credence to th theory. .-that a may hav escaped to Canada. Sh has given him up. and will return to her sister lii Colorado aa soon aa sh can gat trans portation. One before her husband got Into serious trouble and aha stood by him, while his father is- said to hav ruined himself In straightening oat the young man's affairs. j - i . y ' To Work tha Mil Xlae. ' ; (Sperlsl Dispatch te The Joarnal.)- . Cottage Orove, 'Or., Deo. !0. Salem capitalist ara visiting snd looking over th paint, mln north of town. Th deposit Is a sienna paint and known to all resident of thia aectlony Ther ia no queetlon as to- th axlstenc of paint ' earth: There la onlx "one other bed Known In the United States, and It Is located In Pennsylvania A com pany for working tha deposit baa bean organised and teata made. , Auction Sales Auction Sales ' BY J. T WILSON Auctioneer. Tuesday's Sale On the 'Premises, t Southeast Corner of Fourteenth and. Jef ferson, at 10 a. m. Elaborate House Furnishings. - ' Our opening sal for the NEW "YEAR comprises In part LEATHER COUCH; , select parlor chairs and rockers, - set tees; fine portleree and rope hangings; AXMIN8TER CARPETS, - rugs; OAK HALL TREE, ball carpet; DINING ROOM SUITE, oak sideboard, extension table and chairs; , COMBINATION BOOKCASE and desk; MAGNIFICENT MA HOG ANT BEDROOM SET, with spring and HAIR MATTRE88: dress ers, commodes, toiletware, lac curtains: mantel bed, . dishes, glasawars, kitchen requisites, gas rang and other desir- able belongings. t , i Wednesday's Sale At tle J..T. Wilson Salesrooms, 180,First Street, at 10 a. m. ; Elegant Parlor Furniture, Din-ning-Room Bedroom and Kitchen Outfits, Carpets, Rugs, Etc This sale at our room comprises BEAUTIFUL OIL and TAPESTRY PAINTINGS, by the best ARTIST8 on the Paclflo Coast; lovely CQZT COR NER, with portieres hanging ' and lx-. Ings; JCOAT OF ARMS; portieres In rich colorings; MAO N I F I CENT Sycamore frame; select bent wood PAR- l FOR SUITE, In quarierea goiaen oa; erv stylish HAND-CARVED OAK BEDROOM SET, One springs and HAIR MATTRESSES, rockers and chairs to ' match; drop-head SINQEH 8BWINO MACHINE. In same wood; MASSIVE ll-FOOT DININO TABLE. With BOX BEAT CHAIRS and CARVER to match; oak sideboard; -pretty PARLOR1 SCREEN; upholstered and saddle-seat divans and settees; large DAVENPORT ' FED COUCH; elegant golden oak HALL TREE; 10x1 AXMINSTER RUG. In rich pattern: RATTAN and WILLOW. . ROCKERS; maple and oak center ta bles; DRESSERS in a variety of woods and patterns; taborettes: cushion DOWN PILLOW- and FINE BEDDING ; M A- " HOOANVcehter Jtable, with Inlaid trim ming; toiletware, box couch, kltrhen equipments; GA8 RANGES. STEEL RANGE,-with reearvoir; cook stoves, heating stoves, and other furnishings of note. , Ik - - , , i. . ' Thursday's Sale On the Premises, 600 East Morri- soriT Corner Fifteenth Street, at 10 a. m. The Furnishings of , a- Large Residence- -. ' s - ' -rt i j..iM,lAn. Ue ' Met. ger, the owner, w will sell at PUBLIC AUCTION ALU tbs riiNBi ranum FURNISHINGS, THE DININO - ROOM MTitaf irxj'T'a tu n? n ? b rw ILf m mi rW t 1 r 11 rjll A 0 assw-w KITCHEN FURNITURE, CARPET. RUGS and FLOOR COVERINGS, cook l,Mlln .Invu- flna GAS RANGE. ' cost' JIT, with warminar closet: OAS " HEATER and otner bibe.i;i -'" , NISHINGS THROUGHOUT THH untiai' -or vlll nnl sale comprises modern house fittings for? complete nousexeeping. .i Thursday's Sale.; At Salesrooroi180 First Street, at 2 p, m. Fine Assortment of . V Ladies', Suits, Skirts,' Jackets and Furs. ;' - Our wale of last week tiavtnf proved A SUCCESS, we ar advlsewto oner on -thia day at PUBLIC AUCTION .60 TAI- t ad.u int? ru i T I Tat in an amrtm6nt ' of navy blues, browns, grays, blacks and plaids (all sixes) L'alao ladle m, COATS. JACKET8. SKIRTS and.FfkRS. This consignment affords buyers an op portunity to make selection In CObOHH AND SIZES. Ther I positively rj- serve or iwnnunn i yi to t sold to Deal oiauar. - cam bmi promptly at I p. m-. , : .' Sale At Salesrooms, 180 First Street, st 10 a. m. GigantirGrocery . and Fixture Sale. 10 CASES BREAKFAST FOOQ. n oris-, Friday s inai dwhmvi t i ls ti OLIVE OIL; 15 CASES MARMALADE, ytti i Tea owvaB-DVira. rnKrKr.ll. I TEAS and SPICES; quantlrlea of matche and PACKAUa, uuous, ois--. cults, cookies, cracker and wafers;. FINE TOILKT BUAr. sauce, cumuli and a flna assortment CANNED OOOD8; sliced and ookd meata, aardlne, bot tled goods, FANCY and STAPLE GRO CERIES; TWO BARRELS DILL PICK- LES; I BARRELS of CIDER VINE GAR. THE FIXTURES comprlee fln GROCER T COUNTER, shelving, COM- T PUTING and PLATFORM SCALES. -tor truck, floor nd counter cases, A variety of othr"ncsary fixtures for , grocery business, Including National Cash Register and Chicago Register, etc., eio. Saturday's Sale i At 7:30 P. M. " " ; The D. C. Burns Grocery 174 Third Sirtet -' Great Removal Auction Sale ' ; " Having lntruotlona from Mr. Burn w will sell th balanc of -the lrt teas, coffeee. apices, canned and bot tled gooda, aardlnes, cereals, package and bulk goods, left Over from the OREAT SAL now on at M7 Third J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. Fhon Main H. . J . NOTE Every sale wa conduct thla week I worthy the attention ot Intend ing purehaeera. The housefurnishlnga are extraordinary. The LADIES' FUR-' NICHINGS are SELECT. Tha GRO CERIES ara FRESH and nice averye thlng flrst-clase. We hav enjoyed A BUrCE8FUL and PROSPEROUS BUS INESS tha past year. We wish EVEnT ROKY a HAPPT and PROSfEROUS NEW TEAR. PhonMln l2a and per hapa w can help you,-TOO. J. T. VlLSON, Auotlonr. 'A V "A A'-