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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1905. 'r i I M P! -8 r . ' . : 1 LULL BEFORE THE HOLIDAYS By Jules Eckert Goodman. - (from The Joarnai' Owaf Corraspoadent) KW YORK. Dec l.Th week before Chrlatmas Is always the dullest of th year tor the -theatre. The Chrlstmaa shop- ... ping not only provea a drain upon time and energy, but also upon tha pocket' book, and the theatre la aenaltlve to urn things. It is only an unusual at traction that draws well,, during thin : period, and managers are especially chary of making new. productions. So ' this week there has been a dearth; next ' week we will be likewise In for a deluge with six or seven new offerings of dt- . verse variety and character. ' There, is very little to chronicle t for tha past seven days. Mma. Bernhardt lain her second and last week" at the - Lyric, ' where she Is playing to very .v large nouses. Her repertoire this past ' week has been even more arduous than that of the' previous and the first im pression created has only been intenal- . fled... In both "La Toeca" and "Magda," the two additional plays which she pre sented, she has scored heavily, as in' deed she has In sverythlng which she has enacted. Mma. Bernhardt at f 1 '" remains tha 'marvel of tha stage. E. 8. Wlllard.' who is appearing at the New Amsterdam In repertoire, pro duced this week a dramatisation of Kip ling's "The Man Who Was," which la In teresting rather as a . character study ' than 1 as a play. It shows, ' too. : Mr. Wlllard in the light of the' Splendid " artist that he is, a man of really fin ished merit and skill and possessed of one of the most attractive personalities on the stage.;, Jh r'1 - ... v. !".'" '' ' rH ' -V .'.cp, Round About tha Rlaltb. , '. . ' During this pause and lull' it may be , worth" while, and certainly opportunity la offered, to take breath before begin ning on a new year. This is rather a ' natural place front which to look back , ward and ee what the' year has thus far brought. The big successes have not been many, and to say that they have been mere than popular successes, ,,-liav been artiatlo successes' aa well, would be hard to maintain In every case. i s mill there are some which fit both i rules..,. : J- ., v .,. . "Music Master" Hit." .", One cf -"the biggest successes of this , year, as well aa of last. Is David War- : '-. fleldln "The Music Master." Whatever ." flaws may be picked In Mr. Klein's play, ' the acting of Mr, Warfield has carried It to an unusual height It Is now past ' 7 Its four hundredth performance and Is "still drawing well. And while speaking ' .of Vr.i Klein it should be mentioned that his new play, "The Lion and the . ; , Mouse." Is playing to capacity and Is ev- ' .Idently destined for the rest of the- year at the Lyceum theatre. - ' . Mr. Belaseo's "The Girl of the Golden West," In which Blanche Bates is ap- larlng Is also doing tremendous busi ness, selling seats a montn or more-in ". advance. ; It Is a stirring melodrama, ..' ' staged beautifully and aoted perfectly. Another somewhat similar play of west ern atmosphere, The Squaw Man," at '- Wallack's, is also to be numbered among v. the real successes of the season. This -play just misses being great. Bernard Shaw's "Man and Superman v has passed the 100 mark and Is draw ing audiences who do not seem to be ' ' shocked at the-language of tha first act nor (fee exposition of the man-quarry In . the woman's chase for a husband.- On a second attendance, the other night, it was remarkable to note how many young . girls there were present, and the curious 'par of It was that they, seemed leas V abashed at Tanner's tirades than their escorts. "In fact, m alt the laughter you could detect first the shrill feminine treble rather than the deeper masculine guffaw. Some of the men appeared rather ashamed and embarrassed. - but ' , the women, either because of bravado - Tr understanding, took it all as a Joke. Other Successes. ' "X ":" v'".v : . James K. Hackett and Wary Manner Ing are still appearing in Alfred Sutro's ,v "The Walla of Jericho," a not uninter esting study of modern society, at least - modern English society, terminating in r' a roualng act "which trembles between melodrama and true pathos. - This play met with an unusual reception In Lot don last year and bids fair to repeat, it ., here; ; .'; '"',- . . . . Two comedies produced under the dl " rectlon of W. N. Lawrence, may fairly be regarded as successes: "The Prince Chap," with Cyril Scott, and 'The Man on the. Box," with Henry E. Dlxey and - Carlotta Nlllaon. -T Both are charming ' hnd both are splendidly acted. - ' To this list also may be added Mar- -A Happy1 New Year to All PFUjMDER THE FLORIST 14 nxtM mair, f "' Between Alder and Morrisoa. , Open today (Sunday) and New Tear's day. Speelal aTtention to tele phone rorlera. Phone Main 464. Exposition' Rink FOBTLAsTP OS Skating New Years day afternoon and evening. Ladles and children admitted free mornings and afternoons. Admis sion 19c Skates Sao. Amsoirr OBOB3STSA. Bxpoeltio Building, lttk ft wash. Sis. Skates reserved by . Phone Main 6140. . i BBLASCO (& MAYER, Props, K. D. PRICE, General Manacer. Vi, . ' a BECINNING.WITH MATINEE TODAY 'PBOXAI. sTBW YBABj KATIBBB KOB9AT. Tairty-Seooad aag tVast Week of the Belasoo Stock COmpaay TBB BZLABIOUI ,il inilii tiUf il eUaV ; LAUGH MR; TOM raiOZS Bight, tic to garet Angltn In "Zira." . Mlaa Anglin has made something of aJ sensation and her emotional acting has been pro claimed as of the first rank.- The play Itself Is hardly of the highest literary mark. ...--- Finally there must be added Maude Adams In "Peter Pan," the moet exquis ite and beautiful and meaning play of the year and many years past. Nothing of such poetic reach, of such charming witchery, of such pathetic simplicity and allurement, haa been seen on the stage in many, many days,' It Is a play to be seen and then seen: again, a play to hold In one's memory, as perfect and beautiful as the childhood dreams which It pictures. . . '. . k . . Fair Week's BUI. , ' . At the - Garrick Grace George Is In her . laat week nf Margaret Mayo's dramatisation of "The Marriage of Wil liam Ashe." Saturday will mark the end of tha New York run. too, of Wil liam Collier In his revival of "On the Quiet"; "Wonderland1." at the MaJesUo and Virginia Harned in "La Belle Mar seillaise." a charming play well acted, which for some ' unacountable reason haa not taken as well as it ought to have. Miss Viola Allen in Clyde Fitch's "The Toast of the Town" is still at Daly's. This play, which venters around the character of Betty Singleton, does net show MB. lTltcB ns DeW nor does It' prove ar)i exceptionally"- fortunate medium " for - Miss - Allen. Miss Olga Netheraole at Abe Herald Square, after having , presented Hervleu a . . rThe liabyris)h" and - a dramatisation ot "Carmen," will revive next Monday Kitch's "Sapho," one of the most talked of plays of Its day. -V . - At the Broadway there is the English comic opera "Veronlque.'v presented by an excellent English comtiany. - It is s piece of - Bojnsv-merit. both In book and music ahd rises fsr above the ordinary musical comedy trash. Other nuslcal plays, in town are "The Earl and the Girl"" at the Casino, a typical Casino show f Peter F. Dalley In "The Press Agent," ar play more clever In 4ta sug gestion 'than Its realisation; Richard Carle at the New York in "The Mayof of Toklo"; Marie Cahlll at the liarlenf opera house In "Moonshine,", and a re vival ' of "Babes in Toyland ' at the Academy. : ., ; tfanacers Are Timia. , . .' So New -York ought to be able to worry through this week In spite of the fact that there are people who will tell you that there, is nothing to see, noth ing worth seeing now on the boards. Aa a matter of fact the year thus far does npt seem to have brought forth any thing very startling. There has - been a number of ambitious attempts 'Which have not altogether eventuated aa one might have expected. Managers .seem toL have -grown timid. They are . de manding the unusual and virile and strong, the melodramatic, and yet when It, comes to making good. their convic tions they have for the most part fallen back upon the old conventional themes and. worse, the old conventional treat ment of theae themes. Still no season which haa given a "Petet Pan! r even a "Man and Superman" can, be called quite empty. ' And when one thinks ot the many.' Shakespearean productions which we have had thua far, of such offerings as "Monna Vanna" and even such plays as "The . Labyrinth." badly adanted aa it watt, one finds H bit to be thankful for. AVhat one looka for In vain IS the new ,; play , by tha new author or striking character and -real merit.- ' So far the season has been absolutely barren aa far as the produc tion of new material of real worth and lasting value goes. ' " , j- : ON THE STAGE (Continued from Page 81xteen.) the famous Everett family In astonish. Ing acrobatic displays. Louis Prltskow, character vocalist; Mssie Dodd. the Dreamland trio, with Miss Gladys-St. John. Palfry and . Barton, wheello wonders snd- La Clede and Raymond. Two magnificently produced burlesques will be presented, the opening piece. "At 'the Circus," and the closing Jbur letu, "Through the Clouds." In both of which' ase Introduced the entire com pany. Including, the. 10 beautiful chorus girls.- . v Saturday matinee la the last perform anca. - ' . 1 . - ' . : ' ,.. " ' . : "The College .Widow" Cominf. Henrv W. Savage'a production of Georae Ade'a highly successful comedy, "The College Widow. comes me Marauam Grand" theatre Monday, Tues day and Wednesday nignts, January , t and 10, wltn a -matinee - weaneaoay. A nerfect reflex of life In an Inland col lege town, its exquislt - humqr, pat sttuatlona and stirring cltmaxea eon tribute in making it the play or tne dec. ade. ' The advance sale ot seats win LYRIC THEATRE Besting- l riood, XgTS. ... xousa or voosssas." Week Starting Monday, Jan. I Tha " Incomparable LyrlC Stock ' j ". ' Company Presents "The Fatal Rose" A Military Drama In Three ' Acta. 4Ap ADMISSION Ap 1UC Reserved Seat 20c 1U t Pourtsenth cti-id ..Washington Stm. ; PHONE MAIN E. L. SACKBTT, Rat. Manaf er rABOB OOKBDY Matlaeea, 15e to loo. I open next Friday morning, January (, at 10" o'clock. . Two Playt at the' Empire. ; .The patrons ' of the Empire theatre will have two plays to chose from for preference - -this week.' Starting this afternoon and continuing until Wednes day night with a special matinee to morrow, New, Yeav's day, the play will be tA Fight for Millions," and of mod ern melodramas this . la,- one of the latest. There-Is S submarine vessel in full operation under the water used In the' play. The-wlreUss telephone, an Invention thatlut not been perfected yet. is demonstrated. ' There . la an underground railroad tunnel arena and the 'interior, of the famous Sing Sing prison in New York 1s shown. Another feature Is a megaphone message from an ocean steamer. ; The apex of senaa tlowalkam la . reached, when the hero's Innocence la flashed In the air by elec tricity and read by the audience. The second - play starts ' Thursday night a,nd continues for the rest of the weelu "When the Bell Tolls" Is the title. It is not given to. as much sen nationalism aa the former, but tells the 'atorv of the tntrlarue af a daring Eng ltshman posing as a Russian baron and at the same time attempting to Diaca mall aome English, gentlemen en tour through , Swltserland. The picturesque monastery rot 8C' Bernard, the Alpine monks and does cut quite a figure In the play. The company at the Empire this week oucbt to prove an exception ally good one. Including Percy Hunting, David Williams. W. F. Tobln, Frank H. Seaward. Mollse Csmnton. Nellie Uuerln Jane Williams and other players of well known ability, There will be special New Year's matinee, tomorrow. v " i. - Li.- . , ' . - Innocent Maids Cominf to the Baker ' After . Dreamland Burlesquersi at" the Baker ' come the Innocent Maids com nany, full of the good things of the burlesque sort. . ' . - ' f At Cripple - Creek" Coming. E. J. . Carpenter'a production of "At Cripple Creek," a thrilling new-drama by Hal Reld. is booked for an engage ment at the Empire for - next week. atartlna : Sunday matinee January The company appearing in "At Cripple Creek' is one of excellent strengtn. VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK At the Grand. ". s Today and. ' tomorrow' the perform ances at the Grand will be continuous from I:0 to 10:4t p. m. ..c ; Manager Jamea H. Erlckson will atart the New Year. HOC. right by giving Portland the acme of vaudeville enter tajnment. The new bill is far and above anything thla enterprising theatre has yet attempted. While the standard is the very beat,. Sullivan and Considlnt will 'maintain H throughout tha coming year,- keeping the Grand at the top notarJ or vaudeville perfection. A (500 act 11 the headllner.i This Is Walter Deavei merry manikins. .- The marionettes art an entire ehow In themselves. They give a complete performance, supplying -their own stage., orchestra and players 'The act baa played every first-class vaudeville theater In the east.'and comes direct tdVfthe, Grand for New Tear's week., ' Another ten-strike is Gilbert's one-ring circus. There Is no other show of Its ' kind' on the vaudeville . stage. Siemens and r Miller are society enter tainers, and Bert White will be beard In bright, current comment. Miss Flotilla Sanford will be heard In versatile mu sical numbers. Master . Harold Hoff, who is a wonderful Juvenile soloist, wllf sing the Illustrated ballad, "Fly Away Birdie, to Heaven." ' The Grandlscope wHl flash "Puss In Boot." an interest' Ing and comical story without words. , -. '- -.".' .V PanUgeg New Year's Bill. 1 "Pantagea' theatre, at - Fourth .. and Stark streets, is going. to start the new year with but one resolution," said Real dent Manager John A. Johnaon . yester day, "and that Is to give Portland the very best vaudeville .shows that It la possible to obtain. 'If we hear . of good act In New Tork or Chicago or even In Europe we are going right after It. It la that kind of a policy that haa made the Pantagea attractions popular wherever they have been, and we Intend to pursue that aystem her as. elae- whan" v, Tha Tl rst bill of tha new year which opena tomorrow Is an attractive one, made up of excellent vaudeville num bers. The feature, perhaps, is the Four Deans. , novelty-acrobats, who. hall from Europe. . They ar not In the clasa of ordinary acrobats. Fred Schmohl, a noted clay modeler, has also been en gaged to give aa exhibition of lightning work. In clay. He -will produce por traits, . figures apd caricature. . The Chatham sister are a team of pretty misses who sing tend give a 'fine exhlbi tlon of acrobatio dancing. ' Charles H. McGtnnla haa won laurels n the east aa an Irish monologtst. The Southern quartet offers the kind of entertainment which never becomes tiresome. They slug quaint songs and then liven things up- a. bit with dancing and a comedy sketch. . Leo White, tha popular bari tone, has prepared a new Illustrated ballad,. "Will the Angela Let Me Playr and the blograph will show a thrilling set of moving pictures, "The Train Rob bers." ... v The grand Chrlstmaa bill, which has been well - received all week, will be shown today for tha - last time with three performances. - . The Star's New BilL ''; Edna Daywalfs performing pets and tha rest of the good vaudeville bill which has pleaaed thousands at tha 8tar during the past week, will close the en gagement todsy. . Today and tomorrow the - performances will be oontlnuou from 1:10 to 10:4S p, m. Starting with -the New Tear tomor row, 1I0, the management will put forth Ita beat bill. It will require hust ling to offer a better program during the entire year than the one which wlH greet the Star patrons this week. The feature act is the Hawaiian Quintette. Thla chorus of singers hss been Ira mensejyr successful lir Portland. They are native Hawallans. from th Sand wich ' islands, and sing both aboriginal songs and Amerlcnn ballads. The Ha wallan music Is soft and soulful. Patsy Doyle, on of the bright lights of vsuds. villa, and a man who la known from ocean "to ocan as an entertainer, will be, on the program. ' Doyle tells Irish stories arid., as' a dancer, ha haa few equals In this country. He haa' danced his wsy 'serosa the oontlnent. Laurel and Southern . will offer a comedy sketch called "A Drummer's Samples." which Is replete with th snappy Jokes of the season, and Interspersed r with songs and lively 'comedy situation, -Ce-saro, a Mexican contortionist, tha first ever .seen here, is snother attraction worth watching. . Italian and Rogers are com pie of German comedians who are thought by many to be superior to Weber and Fields or Kolb and Dill. "When th Summer Breeses Blow" Is the Illustrated song, and -"A Horse Thief Is the Staroscope's thiilllag con- trllmtlnn ; f ." At. the Lyric. For tha New Tear's attraction th management of th Lyrlo haa selected a play that has never before been seen In this city; and, in fact, has never been produced west of Chicago. "The Fatal Rose'' Is a military drama In infe I Jnrquanf Grand Theatre mam A HAPPY NEW YEAR'S ATTRACTION MATINEE . NIGHT Monday Tbe W. T, Carleton Opera Company in the Brilliant, Comic t . ..';', Opera Success ; .-' . ' WiERI J WRIY C ' STANISLAUS STANCE AND JULIAN EDWARDS, , COMPOSERS OF "THE? DOLLY VARDEN A SuperbOrganization of Ringing Artists A Patriotic Mas- teiTpiece Magnificently ' Mounted Costumed ; ' With Exquisite Taste A UNIQUE BALLET S OF PRETTY HOOPSKIRTED . - LASSIES ' NIGHT PRICES ; Lower floor, except laat ' rows ....'.....-.; .$1. 10 Lower floor, last ! rows.. . 100 'Balcony. 11.00, 7 60 and .10 Oallary '.t(o and .15 , Boxes and loges ,.110.00 I Marquam Grand Theatre TWO NIGHTS COMMENCING TUESDAY, JANUARY 2 sutrjni FIRST TIME IN I . Joha V." nooaa Offers th Ooaia Opes Trtamph PORTLAND THE MRIKEE CORISUt i; Book by Henry Mi Blossom, Jr. Music, by Alfred G. Robyns j X ' THE ORIGINAL $25,000 PRODUCTION Xr ill: t fiPZ ENSEMBLE OF ARTISTES fiPZ Z JCsA includin. . 'VwsVs. ' XAJtBT IKOBT ' oxomoa skixlss WAUAOI JZVKIVS josxpk BATiarra jm m. urrnso - I1IST DAVTBS ' jabcxs TntruiTOf , . CHORUS OF PRETTY, wr GRACEFUL GIRLS Two Carloads of Magnificent Scenery; Gorgeous Costumes ' y . -. . . .' , Lavish Effects , ; ' , . .... : .. EVENING PRICES Entire lower floor.. $ l.0 Balcony, -first rows 1.06 Balcony. 7th. Sth. 9th rows. .7 Balcony, laat I rows....... ...S0 Oallery, reserved, 0c; ad- ' mlssloh .15 Boxes and logos...,.....4.. 10.00 ?. FOURTH AND STARK STS. VANTAGES BEST FAMILX THEATB1 t :. ' , ' Joka A. fchnsoa, 'THE FOUR DEANS Eoropeaa Aerebata. CHAS.H.M'GINNIS. J . Irish' Mooologlat. ii as t LEO. WHITE Popular Baritone. Pantages' GRAND NEW : YEAR'S BILL Best Attractions Southern Quartette i 8 lasers, Daaeers as. Oosktdlaas. SELECTED PerformaaeMj dally at fcao, T SO aad p. SI. Adwlssloa TEN CENTS. Saves treat Bows. SO Casts. Boxes, Coats. HANDSOMEST VAUDEVIIXB BOUSB ON COAST. Grandjheaire Special New Year's Bill Walter Deaves' MERRY MMIlKinS A $500.00 ACT '.:Jt', STPaTPAT ASTP WMW TBAJt'B PAT COaTTTjrPOTB. - - PRICES Evenings. Sundays and ' Holidays, 10c, too and boxea SOo,, Mat' Inees. lOo to any neat except boxea . . " Star Theatre NEW YEAR'S FEATURES ROYAL HAWAIIAN' QUINTETTE, THE ACME OF MELODY BTJsTPAT ASTP STBW TBAJt PRICES 10 cents to sny seat In th mean one third of th house reserved. acta, and Ita scenes snd lndidtnts ar woven around our recent rar - with 8 pain. Th action of th place beglna In th eouth, Th second ct of the play finds th story transferred to Cobs', during our recent war with Spain. Th famous battle, of San Juan Hill plays an Important part In the play., Th .Fatal Roe" is a story of th love of a young woman for a military orrioer wno ia entirely unworthy f her love. It Is not untn the girl has left. ,tier-horn end-friend that ah discovers her lov sr's duplicity. Last times looay or All for Gold," this week's big success. ) 1 Night, Jan. 1, 1906 v MATINEE PRICES h Entire lower floor....- $1.60 Balcony, first rows....... ."5 "Balcony, last ' rows. .60 Gallery... ...... ..t.,15o and ".SB nu ovsnin lust r ( ilia. r i - ' office open Monday at 10 o'clock. X kAAAAAAaAaaAAaAaaaaAAaaAaX f PHONE Main 868 wxdsTSbtday 1 n I THERE'S A GRASS- HOPPER IN IT TsmA uonuaA (of -PrflisaM Chie" Tmt") HAS BOTTI AXZCB MATINEE PRICES Entire lower floor.... Balcony, first - 0 rows . Balcony: last rows.. ......S1.00 e ar . .i... .10 Gallery. .I5o and '.Sfi .v Th advance sal began yeeter 7. dayr Box office open tomorrow. . WEEK OF JANUARY 1st ' OATXKTNO TO LADIES AND CaiLDSEll Haalasat Maaer. ,- ' , CHA TH AM SISTERS ' Toeallsts aad Aseoeatie Daacera, , ' FRED' SCHMOHL . Ligbtalag Clay ArtlaL ? .B10GRAPH ; . Taa Tralnwrscxars.' ORCHESTRA GILBERTS ONE-RING CIRCUS Th Greatest Show of Ita Kind In .Vaudeville. FLEMENS & MILLER . Society Entertainers. BERT WHITE . " Bright Current Comment MISS FL0RILLA SANFORD . Versatll Mualcal Nnmkra, GRANDASC0PE "Puss , in Boota.". MASTER HAROLD HOFF ' "Fly Away, Birdie, to Heaven.". i "PATSY DOYLE- America's Greatest Monologlst. LAUREL & SOUTHERN "A Drummer's Samplea.' ' CAZARO - " ' Mexican Equlllbriat, HALLEN & ROGERS German Comedlane. .f : . ' W. E. HARTFORD "When th Summer Breeses Blow.1 " STARASCOPE , "Hors Thief." ' . B PAT OOaTTTaTtTOTTB. - house .except boxes. This does not V ' - mm- , Commercial Courses. Clssses It bookkeeping, penmanship, arithmetic shorthand,' typewriting, com mercial correspondence and commercial law at T. M. , A. night school. Winter term Jaglns January S. 1100. ' asoaaBwaBws-sassJssBasaB.aaBsBa " OoaaiaeT Oatarto Wedding- , " . Rpoelal Dispatch to The Soarsal.) Ontario, Or., Deo. SO. Mr.. E. A. Wis dom and Miss Winifred Clement, proml iwnt young, people of Ontario, will be married at the heme. of . th bride's mother, Mr Helen Clement, .near this city on Nw Tear's day. : " : ' ' ' '' :.y . I Marqiiani Grand Tieafre $ i - THE ROSClAn C0L11C OPERA COPJIPMN 3 THREE NIGHTS COMMENCING THURSDAY. JANUARY 4 MATINXE SATURDAY AT 2:15 OXLOCK SOUSES j-sr. r Balfe's "The Bohemian Gitl" Gilbert and Sullivan's " The Mikado " ; r . SATURDAY MATINEE AND NIGHT . : CLEVER INDIVIDUAL ARTISTS r , AN ATTRACTIVE, POWERFUL CHORUS PROPER COSTUMING SCENIC AND LIGHT ACCESSORIES .. it EVENING, PRICES Lower floor, except laat S rowa . . S 1.00 Lower floor, last S rows.... .TS Balcony, first 0 rows.,..,,. .71 Balcony, last rows...,... .60 Oajlery. .SSo -and .Si Boxea and Jogee 7.10 ,) ' Annoancsment Eztrsordinarr Adranc Sals feats . Alraly anste lovers tkrengboat tbe ' entire stats are VrnMag tnrmot with fnad anttclpatloa. to tha eoaUng ot the world's greatest aln(r, Madame Calv. and kor exeollosf company af artists. wba earn to the Msrqaam Oraad tkoatra tr one ooafwl oolr. Moadsy evening, January 22. lOtia. Tbe oauad tor sata will bo so largo that It baa booa deeawd aaeeosary to neelTe .mall erdera rraaa la - aad oat-ot-towa, keglnning Muadar, Jaaoary S, 1WOS. ' Eseh ores Bust atato elearly tha anniber of seats wantad aad bo acceagpaaied by a tasspad. addroased eavolope, taekalng BJoney ordor or cheek sues parable to W. T. PansU, Marqaaai Grand theawe. rortlaad. Oregoa. This will (Its eat ef-toora patroaa the same opportuslty aa those Urine la lertlsBd. The orders rill ho tUsd aad mailed la the ordor thoy aro NeetTsd aad Bests assigns aa soar as passible to the Incatloa desired. . The raguiat sale wlU egaa Mas lay assraiag,. Jaaaary.. Is, ISUO., . . r . . t. . ,.i ... , PRICES Entire Parqaet..... I i.O rtrrt svwa. Paroaot Ctrele t oo Last S rows. Parqaot Circle...... 4.0 Baleoay- First s rows. ............ S.00 Baleaay SooosS rows., ...... .M 4.00 MARQUAM GRAND THEATRE j "The hit of th season. Draraatio critics, hav bo business on th premise a,".. Ban Francisco Examtnrv i T : '-nmrnm arzaaTS m on iunm ' ;' Beginning Monday,, January 8 HENRT W. 8AVAQB OFFERS GBORGB . ADB78 RECORD COMEDT Th College "Widow v: BEATS READT- FRIDAY NEXT. ' PRICES f 1.10 TO SOo. - ? I (PHOVE I Main 1907 I OBBOOB TBE ATBi COMPART. BAKER Special Holiday Matinee-New Year's Day Jan. 1, 1906 TO START THE NEW" TEAK RIGHT A BPECIAX. OFFERINCI Tf O ''' ALL. LOVERS OF BURLESQUE THE FAMOUS DREAT.ILAND BURLESQUEHS Starting Sunday Matinee, Wedaasday Btatia Win Be Bargala say, tS Oeata o Ajy Seat, EVERYTHING rTEW, FRESH AND BRIGHT. STUNNING SHOW CrTaUsB, ELEGANT COSTUMES, VAUDEVILLE HEAD LINERS, w ; i ' AND TWO, BREEZY FARCES, . , ' Atlhg Circus ' BTOTB Wednesday Bargain Day Matinee, SSd to Any Beat, 'other Matinees, Sunday, Monday and Saturday, lee, SKs. Sio, too, ? " BTTanxTJVtt aaUOBM, BS, SSo, BOO, T6 . . 8ATURDAT MATINEE IS THE LAST PERFORMAjGcS. NEXT" ATTRACTION Empirie Theatre AA.rAv.fl .Awirrit tSaJsaUIV si W ejSMaasssj e TwelRb and Morrison its. Special NevrJear's Anraction Starting Sunday Matinee. Dec 31 '..r KOIJCDAT JMATrJTiBl MOSTPAT, jranr "TBA'0B AT. : MESSRS. RUSSELL ASS DREW PRESENT. THE EMINENT ACTOR MR. PERCY HUNTING AND A SELECT COMPANT IN TWO lilO EASTERN SUCCESSES, . ' . BOTH NEW TO THIS CITT. ' Bnaday, BTew Team Btatta Monday, and Monday, Tneeday - aad Wednesday Mlgkta. THE DRAMATIC ETNSATION A Fight For Millions sen ou- '' : Th Great R. R. Tnnnel Seen; Th Wireless "Telephone. Th Great Submarine Boat In i - action. A, New Use for tbe Megaphone. . The Moet Modem of Tlays. A Big Scenic Production. BTXimra FsUCBB, lBo, SSo, NnxtWcc::-ATC: (: t: i Capitan" Thursday : MATINEE PRICES ; ADULTS ........,M..m.,.50o CHILDREN 3o To amy part mt th Theatre. . Th advance aal of seats wlU open next Tuesday morning, Janu ary at 10 o'clock. , - 4- Baleaey Third S lass., BaieoayLaist a led - B.00 s so ' l on I Oallary Last rows ( - Boxes aa &4igeo. ,. . ss.oe M. T H E AT IXC TBB MOME Or BTOUOAL BUB- . ( USQUE. TAJOrXLl ABO TMIBS STEXXTS. : -'. t. " . - OEOEOB U BAKBaV ICaaager. Today, Dec JI and Alt Week I Thronah the aoi:3s INNOCENT MAIDS flMM Mala tit wntrrts aaso a w - Hilton W. Seaman. Hauler I TBarsday, Friday aad Saturday BTlgkts aad Satvday TRAVFRS VALE'S HM.FIN DID SOCIETT SENSATION When the Bells Toll A plrtsrsie ' ssd reaiaslle pl ollb tko si-asea Isld esrlronlag wnrM-faaxnis BHntrr ot Saint Bernard Is SwltsrUnd. Is ibK plav a S.UOii.vO Saint aVraard la eiAlalte. " , snn T t..ka The rintait-TS ftl.mntiiliia Tlii R"e.-i of.tfi- K" - 8o,' BOO. I 3)