THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND . SATURDAY EVENING DECEMBER SO, :A SOS DETECTIVES WAGE IVOfalEn ARfAFTER SWEEPING CHANGES III CITY. MICE DEPARTLIEIIT Oil HEW YEAR'S HOUSE CLE1I1G III THE JAVY Board of Inquiry Will Continue Investigations t for.y-Tvyp" 1 . Months or, More. AiUAL REPORT OF POOR FM,1 IMED TO STAHT A DOL WORDY WAR ; ' " eMSBsBS.aBSeBaSBBasaBjeaBTa SlilOOT AGAin Kerrigan Accuses i Joe Day of Don't Like His Statement That By Switching Men About Generally, ; Mayor and Chief Hope to Durinj Year Thre Hundred and - Thirty-Tw Patients Have Ueft Hospital There. Uncle Sam Takes Hand in the . Plans 'of a Los Angeles Painter. . Stirring Uff Investigation Against Him and Snow, DAY DENIES CHARGE ; He Hopes to See Return , . of Canteen. .', & i' , , ' - Break Up Cliques, Which HaVe Impaired Efficiency of . Force- Capt. Bailey May Not Be Changed. BUT KEEPS HIS TEMPER Sara Only Mistake Made Was la Not . - Waiting j for Russell Inatead of 4 Taking Mother's JVord for. His ! Appearance.,-'. ."' -'y Charges preferred sgalnst City De tective John F. Kerrigan and Frank J. Snow by Chairman Thomaa ' Q. - uroene, cnairman ot vne ponce vuromiv- ' -. 1 1 a .ASUM ll tin. - Kerrigan . and Detective Joseph Day .' thla morning, which almost resulted In blow. Kerrigan accoated Day in front of polloe headquarters and accuaed him of Instigating the charges, ending with a threat to thraah htm. Detective Day Informed Kerrigan that he waa badly - mistaken In hla assumption, afterward ' proving; hla assertion toy showing hla report made to Chief Uritsmacber. Detective Day, who will be one of the , wltnesaea at the aeaalon of the police eoramlaalon thla afternoon, aaaerta the. belief that DetectlYee Snow and Kerri gan did their duty In the matter and made only- one error. They are ocused of ' notifying the parents , of Thomaa Kuasell, Jr.. that he waa wanted for assaulting and robbing Paul Ayleaworth In the railway terminal yards the night of December It; of falling to remain at the house, though Mrs. Russell -said her son ' would soon return; accepting the promise of the mother to take him to police headquarters, and not notify .. Ing Detecttvea Day 'and Vaughn, who were assigned to the ease, of what they " bad learned, as well as of falling to make a report to Chief Oritsmacher or "I know that Snow and, Kerrigan did not know Vaughn and I were working on the case," aald Detective Day. "Neither did Carpenter and Reslng, nor their Investigation Independently. "Mrs. Russell Informed -me that these "two detectives did not tell her what her boy waa wanted for. She told ma whom she learned thla from and I have found her statement to be true. It 8now and Kerrigan are to blame for anything it waa In not waiting at the house for ' ymng Russell to return. Any man may make an error of Judgment. Aa regards the alleged failure to report to the chief or the inspector, I kaow nothing about that." - 'J; GARBAGE PLANT A Pflf OIIEt Superintendent . Says It Costs Five Times JrVhat It Should to Handle Refuse. ' : . V--v. v "' NEW FURNACES ARE , Energy Amounting to .Three Hundred Horse Power . Day Is 4Being Wasted snd, .Other S.ig.iUaks Are Discovered....... iV Jt costs tne-elty of Portland ). fpr teach ten .of garbage Which Is burned a the city- .garbage cresaatory, . gupexin tendent .C, L,. Pasfett made a report to the city board of health today of a ae- rlee of experiments he baa been making! In order to arrive at me cosioi -disposing of garbage In thla-city under the method now pursued.- ' ;, The past li.days ha has weighed every pound' f garbage which haa gone ? Into the crematory and haa kept account of all the expenses to maintain the ere- ,-- matory. The results show' that an -aver-, age of 10 tons of garbage ara burned each day at a coat of, or f L(0 a ton. 1 . ' This la aald to be five times more than It should coat, but It la Impossible to reduce- the -expenses -wtthvthe old fashioned furnacea with which the ere- In many cities at a .cost of 20 cents a ; The. report of the' superintendent startled the members of the board ana - they were satisfied that tha city ahould . take Immediate atepa to put in modern . furnacea to reduce the cost of reduction. It la said thut a modern plant could be installed for 116.000. ' ... Superintendent Daggatteald ' that tory to develop toe horsepower, which would be more than sufficient to furnish . electric power to light all the buildings in Portland belonging to tha city. Tha mayor- will bring tha matter to the attention of tha city council In hla annua) message. ' ... . . Th.1 tilll nf RnKri nnhtnartn. Hr. ' Wift - a upe tint ended tha reconstruction of the , garbage crematory last summer, for l&0 nart narment for his nervlcea. wa referred, to the city council. , Jtabrnson TUIn Vila HI m aw. ., wa. Ices, which the present Doara eonsiaerea excessive. Ko record of his being em Moved by the former board of health Is to be found and tha membere did not know that they had tha authority to pay the bill. :,:.J.i.-l.'. The ordinance providing for'the ap pointment of sweet Inspector waa re ferred to the city attorney for an opinion, whither -or .not - It. waa manda tory On tnS DOara le prncewj o wu ma appointment to tha office - . , . '. j SEATTLE FIRM OPENS r ' BRANCH AT ABERDEEN .ahufl-l MMahk tm WA laawjal.t iiMna. W'aiaih Deo 10. t'ariten A Co, wholesale meat dealera of Seattle " -and Tacoma, have purchased two lota ir.., ihaniaafi aa a alta for tha branch establishment of (heir business tiere. - i ni ouiiaing di .tum. piihir. and distributing plan? on these lots will st onr andf the erect loa of a plant 100 by 110 feet will be pushed in completion as rariaiy mm pnim The plsnt will, be supplied by the car load from the-compaiiys headquarter! MRS. ADDITON SAYS HE , , IS NOT FlTTpR PLACE Nephew of .Senator, on the Contrary, . Declares He Is Honorable Man and Says He Wishes the People Hfnew .' Him Better. '' ' Although no Special effort la being made by the1women'a clubs of Portland to unseat Senator Reed Smoot, hlswtate- ment. reported' In today's, dispatches. that be hopes to live In tha senate to cast his vote for 'the bringing back of the canteen" ,haa been a source of no Utile displeasure to tha W. C. T. tt The senator la aald to hava acted In a spirit of revenge. : The- women say they will get even. - "There Is a general feeling among our members," said Mrs. I H. Adduon, president . of , the state organisation of temperance union, "that 8 moot la not fit for the office. We are against him as strongly aa wa can be on account of the Mormon principles which ha repre sents. We believe that all tha canteens In -the army ahould be converted Into amusement halla, gymnasiums, to. but we want no liquor served. care little what the senator from Utah says. What we desire is, the elimination of alcohollo liquors among the men - who do our fighting." -A nephew of -Reed Bmoot now living in Portland heard' lha statements made by lira. Addlton. "it is a pity," said he, "that people do not know Mr. Bmoot. Ha haa been persecuted by tha women of tha nation for the sole reason that ha la a member of the Mormon 'church. Mrs, Addlton had da hesitancy- in aaylng that the women of tha country want nothing .to do with a man of hla character.' - But. aa a matter -of fact, there is positively nothing in Smoofs career that la not honorable. Ha haa a aterling reputation among Mormons, Jews and Gentiles In his own state, and I think that If the men and women of America were . ac quainted' with the man there would be leaa of thla unjustifiable and deplorable crusade.' ... . -., PORTLAND FIRM MAKES LOW BIO ON KLAMATH WORK Fourteen Bidders Make Figures " on Reclamation Work, in V Southern Oregon, i . ;'" "Wlel Dbeetrtr'to The Joorsal.- ! Ban tranclsco, Dec. 10. A board, con sisting of tour membere of the United States reclamation service, opened bids for tha Klamath irrigation project in Oregon and California yeaterdayi There were submitted 14 bids, aa follows: ' Btona Stone, Oakland; Mason. Davis A Co Portland and Seattle; San Fran cisco Bridge company. Ban Francisco; Bay St - Ktver Dredging company, Kla math Canal company, Pat ton Bros. A Co.;- Clement A Strange, Robert Wske fieki, International Contract company, L. A. Moncure, Harry I Millard, board of engineers;. T. Wiener, I. H. Ensign, J. B. Upptncott and D. H. -Humphreys. Tha three lowest bidders were Mason, Davis A Co., Ban Francisco Bridge com pany and Clement A Strange. Mason, Davla A Co. bid tha lowest, 1387,610, Btona A Stone tha highest, U44.013. ORPHAN OF THIRTEEN k SEEKS HER BROTHER From Mlaa Lulu McClure; a 18 -year- old glrlof Grover Hill. Ohio, Chief of Police Oritsmacher received a moat pa tbetlo letter yesterday. She aaya that her father waa killed two weeks ago, leaving bar an orphan, and In order to get hla Ufa Insurance aha' muat locate her brother, who aha thinks, may be In Portland. . ' ' -My Uttle brother, Fred McClure, left our home In Denver, June 25, ltOt," writee the child. "Ha la 4 feet T Inches tall, haa light hair and blue eyea and a scar over the right ere. He haa worked aa a bellboy. He talked once of want ing to go-to your city. Please help ma to hunt him. Our dear papa waa killed in a railroad wreck two weeka ago and left ua some Insur ance money, but I will have to find brother before Lean get M. Please let ma hear from you.- I am It years old and have no papa and no mamma." . Chief Oritsmacher says: "If that lad la in Portland we will And htm; the lit tle girl can depend on that." j GOODA DA JUDGE,- - STOPPA DA KILL Police Judge Cameron was honored by a visit of a delegation. of Italians this mnrnlni who. on behalf of i the law- abiding. class of "Little Italy,": thanked hint for his warning delivered rrom me bench yesterday that , the descendants of the Peiagrana and " Etruscans - must cease carrying deadly weapons In Port land. . ' "Oooda da Judge Cam'." declared one enthusiastic member , of the delegation. XJott da Tight way. Btoppa dar kill.". In sentencing Via CAlaconl to 4 days work on the county rockplle ytonlerday for carrying a stiletto, Judge Cajneron asserted that tha Italians must Cease their practice of- carrying 1 concealed weapons, which he haa- found to be general In thla city. Ha warned ail members of the Italian cotafty that he would deal severely with persona con victed of thlaj)ffense. GOVERNOR PETITIONED - A : : TO PARDON JOE YOUNG - '- ranavWt Dlanatfh te The leanal.. ' ' ' Ralem. Or Dec. 0. Governor Cham berlain this morning received a petition ftsktnr'-for the pardon of Joaeph W. Young of Portland, reoently sentenced to sis. years In tha penitentiary on a charge of murderous assault ion Kaspar Van Dran. Toung Is now confined In the county jail In Portland pending aa appeal.' .: , " , -'i van Dran was ahot five timea by Toung in tha formers place of business and two months- later, recovered. - His wife waa mysteriously poisoned shortly after-he left the hospital and yesterday Van Dran waa found dead In his room at a Portland hotel, having committed gOtelde, . Plsns on which Mayor Lane end-Chief of Police Oritsmacher have been work ing for months hava crystallised at last, and tomorrd'w an order la to be issued which-will mark tha moetf" aweeplng changes ever recorded In tha history of the local police department. The up heaval will affect all reliefs and all branches of tha service exclusive of the detective force. By these changes the mayor and chief expect to make the work Of cliques, so inimical to tha de partment, comparatively harmless. Tbs order Is signed by Inspector Bruin. Tha most remarkable feature of the changes la that not only ara all cap tains acheduled for a change, but that sergeanta, patrol wagon drivers and Jail era ara to be ess lined to different re liefs, thus throwing them out of direct contact with those with whom, they nave been associating for so long. Captain Bailey la to be transferred from the day to the second night relief, ss ths order Is now worded, though It la barely possible that In his case - no change may be mads. A snort time ago ba waa tranaferred to tha day. from the second night relief, with his own .con sent. Since then friends of Bailey have been to Mayor. Lane and told him that tha captain never wanted t be. changed. Accordingly ho was to be -placed hack on his old relief. It now develops -that Captain Bailey, learning of - the- proposed change, haa entered a protest. That hla official superiors-' would -prefer having hlm,on tha second night relief known, .aa numerous complaints "have been made that ha haa ahown discourtesy to per son! calling at police headquarters dur ing the time he haa been on -the day relief,. Ha haa alao at timea used lan- Significance Seen In Arrival of John Consiciing and John : y v-'.'J'-, F.Xordray, r1 1 MAYER SAYS HE IS IN . ' NO HURRY TO SELL Sam Frledlandcr, Managetjpf Oaks, Also Said to Want .Playhouse Might -ut in Light Opera Company . for. Season. .".' y- . . fc w , firm of BelaaoO A Mayer arrived in Portland from Ban ay . n inriaw Th. . nhlcmt of his a to .in., tha Belasco. tha the atre whlch.for t weeka Jiaa tried every method to achieve success. u t,mn nnthtnr to aav aa to the future of the theatre, except that In time it will be reopened. -"If anybody wanU to buy the prop erty or lease the -house I auppose we I.. -a. tmmrm" U Mr. UVr. "but until we get an offer the final dispoai- tlon will be a 'matter 01 oouou been of f ered 'more money than we paid nMA,, An not para to aell iur m i""!' w t " " . ' It at the figure offered with real estate booming as It is in ronianu. , Meanwhile John Considlna, the vanr aullla naarnata f the Paclffc nOrth- uu , in. n--- - - west, and John' F Cordray, one of hla lieutenants, nave arnvea irora and. It--la aald. for no other purpose nr acnulra the Belasco. ,v jfia.w.-. . a In thla case the playhouse would prob ably be oevotea w uniu .-- - - Mr. Cordray came oown inus. -la, hla mustache had disappeared. There are two Portland houses- con trolled by Consldine and Bulllvan, both of them presenting vaudeville. That a- thlnt on their circuit may be questionable, but at tha same time the manager r?v glances toward the play house which r , . . .inaa nrnhahlv for fear that opposition will break In, . Sara Frledlander, manager of the Oaks, la also iootpng over i w . i . .v.. T).i,,.n Hla nian. If he should secure It. Is not announced, but he might put in a ngni open vmuVur, Intended aa a second TlvolL " . . NEW INDUSTRY IN IDAHO FILES ITS ARTICLES : Tobacco Crowing and Manufac- . turing to Ee Engaged lit : T - " on Large Scale.- ?; . ' ' (epeelal DUps'teh "te The JoornaU V Lewleton, Idaho, Eec. 0. A periodi cal announeement haa . been publiahehd from Oro Flno citing the progress of the plana of a company. there for en gaging In tobacco growing and the anan ufacturlnsr business. Preliminary Steps ara being made In the Investigation of soils, growing of tobacco as an experi ment, and finally the securing ef lands for tha planting of Initial crops. Testerday, article of Incorporation of the company were rnea ana tne corpora tion will eiow actively carry out the ob Jecta for which It .was formed, with all the prospects of a most bright and suc cessful career which will herald the in troducing Into this section of an lm Dortant and cermancnt Industry, 'The jiame of the corporation la the Clearwater Tobaoco company, limited, and the capital stock Is IHO.000. The shares of the stock number 160,000, and they have all been aubscribed. TERRIFIC WIND STORM STRIKES CORVALUS . . s.MriiI Plteatch to The feornal.l Corvallis,' Or Dec- 0. A terrific wind la blowing here today, streets are deserted and awnings torn down. The ferryboat want ashore and la not run irlng. and telephone wlrea are entangled. There le no, record of the apeed of the wind, ss the machine for recording ths rata at the college experiment station la out of repair. A heavy ..rain fell thla. forenoon, . ' . . I preferred Stock Canned weed. . Allen Lewie Beat Bcand. MAGNATES AFTER THE- BELASCO guage agalnat which members of the department were warned by Mayor Lane. Unless tha order affecting Captain Bailey la modified, the reliefs, January 1, will constat of -t he t follow ing: . Day Relief CaptalnMoore, Sergeant Taylor, Jailer M. E. mills, Jailer and Janitor Ben Branch. Patrol Driver J. M. Plica, - Police Clerk. Leonard. Station Clerk Casey, Warrant Officer and Court Bailiff Circle, City Hall Officer Quinton and Patrolmen Carr, Hlrach. Burke, Kel ler, B., K. Smith, P. X Anderson, Hart, Toung, King, Courtney, O'Brien, Hill, White, J. C Maloney, Hunter, P. R. Ma loney, J. F. Anderson, Crate, Croxford, Alden, Cole. Riley, Sloan, dolts. Mount ed Patrolmen Carlson, Q.. Nelson, the latter doing post duty. Bailiff (Jolts, who la to be aucceeded by Circle, will have a beat north of Ankeny and the liver to Fifth otreet First -Night Relief Captain Slovar, Sergeant Hogaboom, Jailer Robaon, Pa trol Driver Oruber, Patrol Call and Tele phone Clerk Inskeep, and Patrolmen Ad ams, Murphy, Bart em," Raney, Peterson. Quntafson, Endlcott, . Ttchnor, Holts, Jodon, K. B. Nelson, Galbralth, Evane, Daly. Ogg, Roberta, Craddock, Mackey, Myers, Thorpe. Seymour, Hoesly, Scott, Wade, Venable, Wenleaa, West, Lytls, Richards and Patton. ... ' - Second Night Relief Captain Bailey, Sergeant Baty, ' Jailer ". Brothers, Patrol Driver Isaaca,-8tatlon Officer E, John son, ' and - Patrolmen- - Wllsom Fones, Blackman, Humphrlea, Thompson, Mo Olnnls, Isakson, Porter Wendorf . Fos ter, Mallet, Balea, Anundson, Qittlngs Kienlen, Thompson, Slnnott, W. Nelson, Phillips, Ehmsen, Eberman, Smart, Bor rla, Teevln, Parker, Qulnlan and ElHs. ONE MOREAPPEAL FOR RELIEF ; n : - ': .. ;''-. Dr. A. J. Ciesy and Dr. George ' Wilson Will Ask ''Council , : Committee for Funds. ; FOR HEALTH DEPARTMENTS . BUILT-ON MODERN LINES Dr, Giesy Would Have Health Officer Chief of Department, With Cityl Physician and Aisiatant, and Vari : ous Inspectors Under Him. s . x . Members of the city board of health will make one more appeal to the city council for relief ''iff the city health of fice. Dr A. -J. Qlesy and. Dr. George Wilson were appointed a committee thla morning to go before the ways and meana committee of the council - Tues day and present to them tha neede of the department. Thie action waa taken la view of the feet that there haa been considerable discussion recently, on the reorganisa tion or the city health department, and It waa tha deatre of the board of health to know how far the" oouncll would pro ceed In .the matter. The doctors will aak the waya and meana committee for funda sufficient to reorganise the health department along modern lines and to pass auch ordinances aa will be neoes aary to make the change. In discussing the matter, thia morning. Dr. Ulesy said that hie Idea would be to provide sufficient funds to employ an efficient physician aa health officer, who should be officer In chief of the health department He would then make the city physician, assistant city physician, sanitary and market Inspectors subor dinate te the health officer. The city offloer would be held responsible by the board of health for the manage ment of hie entire department i . "We are willing to meet with the city councilman and receive suggestions from them said he, "but whenlt comee to being dictated to by the city council, who and who , We. shall not employ, we will not atand for It If they desire a $150 man as city physician we can' get such a -man for them and let them auffer tha consequences. It would be much better If tif&y would provide an appropriation sufficiently large- for us to reorganise the department so-, that the city will receive the benefit" Dr. Frank Cau thorn, who resigned, aa city physician a month ago, is attll fill ing .the office pending the appointment of his aucceaaor. ', . POLICE THINK INNIS a IS VERY IMAGINATIVE s .'. ' After a careful Investigation of the circumstances connected with the ' al leged robbery of A. I Innls of (01 Pet- ty grove street which was aald to hava occurred' about o'clock Thursday night on Hoy t, between Fifteenth and Six teenth streets; the police state that they place no credence In the story. Innls reports that he waa, beaten on the head with a blackjack but that he waa not robbed. He ascribes Vhis to the robbers becoming frightened before completing their work, ' A peculiar fact la that when he appeared at his home he. waa carrying the "billy with which he feaya he had been assaulted. "This thing of men being held up and beaten with a blackjack, and yet not be ing robbed, ' and parrying- the weapon home with which they were assaulted doea not look well to us. said Inspector Bruin. "That the man bad trouble with somebody or other Is net to be Ques tioned. His condition shows that But wa don't believe hla assailant had any thought of robbing him." ' ' -. , , COURT CLERK FOUND GUILTY Of LAND FRAUDS '-" . r . (ynarast Speelet Service.) Washington, Deo. 10, A, A. McKeaa, clerk of the district court of Yuma county, Colorado, wae found guilty to day of fraudulently securing timber culture entries in the Akron land .dis trict and waa sentenced to two years' Imprisonment la the Leavenworth peni tentiary, i . y Some Are pcirTe. .. .' - " ' roe Smart nt. , "Ft, whet ere the weaee of emt" ' 'Well,, the salaries of those treat officials ary greatly, auj eoa." . .... ; , CADETS CONVINCED OF ; -y GRAVITY OF SITUATION All First Class. Jtfen Said to Contem plate Pleading- Guilty and Resign ingSuch Action Would' Embaraea Department,' ss All-Are Needed. Joornl Special tStrvlee.l Annapolis, Md . Deo. SO. Admiral Sanda la authority for. -the , atatement that the board of inquiry Investigating basing at the Naval academy will prob ably continue Ita ' re searches until larch. ' Midshipmen ar.e fully con vinced of the gravity of the situation. Not only la Stephen Decatur, Jr., sixth in the- first v class under - arrest on varloua charges, in jeopardy, but ' Mid shipman Carroll 8. Graves of Spokane, Washington, Is reported to be booked for trial aa soon aa Decatur is dlapoeed of. :-- -. . .' ' - . .. A large proportion of the first, class men Implicated' in hailng, in" fact ell the first classmen, have contemplated pleading guilty as a body t-haslng chargef and offering to resign, but this would place the navy,, department In a dilemma -because all are needed o fill vacancies on ships aa soon aa the class graduates In Eabruary.. Officers hsre realise that tha basing scandal la a bad thing for., tha service, but all agree that the house cleaned, ... v . Midshipman Decatur, pleaded not guilty this .afternoon to charges of baa ing. Midshipman , McCrary, . however, Identified him and testified to (three In stances when he was haaed by the .ao cuaed and described the manner of has ing. '-. , " -,V--...y..; '... :. . ' FRENCH STEAMER LINE ; TO INCLUDE PORTLAND ' r:l-cA- ' -' l"""V ",---" . (Rpeelal Dbipateh ,toTI fonrnal.) Seattle, Wash., Dec 10. The Cliar geuer Steamship company, a French corporation, will operate after the first of the y ear . freight steamers between the Old World points, Portland and San Franclscoi Ths shlpa will load at Havre, Dunkirk and Swansea, coming to the Jaclfio. coaat by way of the Sues canal, with many stops In the Orient Returning the ships will sail down the Pacific, taklnr frelaht'for Mexico , and Central America porta. In South Amer ica a cargo will be taken on-for the homo ports. The company operatea 40 steamers, ranging from 1.S00 to 6,000 tons. The first steamer will reach San Franclace bout -January II, and will then proceed to Portland and Puget sound. , A large anfaunt of wheat will .be taken on at Portland. Lumber and wheat will be the Cargo that the frelghtera will load at Portland and Puget eound.'jt.- . Seenrlmg Xad foe SUllway. SpeeUl Dlepeteh te The Joemel.). , Falrview? Or.. Dec. to. The prospects for the beginning of work on the branch of tha O. W. P. line, from Cedarville to the Columbia river arw very bright Tha company recently purchased a tract of land from the county eouthwest of thia place through which the survey runs. Several deeds hava -also been given to the - officials, of the road from prop erty owners of Falrview. The propoeed branch' will open up a rich eectlon of the country ahd will be a great advan tage to the email towns through which it runs In thla eectlon. - v ; .. (Rpeetal Dlptch to The looresl.) Albany, Or.. Deo. SO. A meeting of the Albany school district waa held last night when tha tax levy for the dis trict waa fixed at OH mills for the next year, to produce 17,600. It la eatlmated that tha expenses for. the year will be approximately 114,081, and about .lialf of thla is expected to be covered by the state and county school rund, Tha tax payers also voted unanimously to add an eleventh grade to the high echoel in this city after New Tear's and the twelfth grade after - the close of the present school year. -'- :'" O. tV erty Brian Suit. ' Suit waa begun In the .circult' court today by C. I. Derby 'agalnat H. L.' Phillips and tha First National bank to recover the aum of f 5,000, alleged to be dus from the sale of mining property In Idaho. - Judgment in that amount la asked against Phillips and It 1 also asked that a restraining order be Issued preventing the bank-disposing of notes of the value .of $16,000, made payable to Phllllpa and depoalted in the bank, . . yThe Dance: to Save mevivaL , "(Speetsl DUnatck te The JosrsaLI . The Dalles, Or., Deo. SO. A series of special revival meetings will be held Under the ' auspices of the Methodist church commencing tonight and con tinue Indefinitely. All the churches In the city will participate .and a large attendance le expected. -r " AT THE THEATRES. t-ast Performance "Buster Brown." The last performaaee . of Melville B. JUT Bund's mniteal eartoea eomedy, "Bueter Ilrown." will he give at the Mirnnim Grand theetre tonleht at S:1S e' clock. This will be yrar Lit opportunity to see BmM and hit dog Tlse in tholr comical aatlcs. Thhi stllshtrnl eunedr eomprlMa people, Incleding s bevy ef pretty su-ls whe res beth elng sod dance.. ..It yoe wtat te lansh see "Baiter Brows.', The Roscian Opera Company.-, y , The BoerUa oprm company will be the st treetlna at the Marnaem Onnd thentre Best Thendey, Frlrt.y, Saturday mattne and Setnr. day nlsht. ' The opening hill will be Soma's RlfCapltaa"( "The Bohemias tilrl." Frldar Bluht; ."The Mikado" Saturday matinee aad night.' Advasce sale epeas seat Tsasdaf. Good Show at Pantagea. ' If yea are looking for something new led eomethtns s Utile better thaa eaeil, try Pan tarn' sew tbaelre, at- reorth end Stark atreete. Ths) weeh's grmnd holiday bill la heeded by the laashahle little . faree-rnmely, c "Mlaa Tesaa." praa.ated by Ella Wllaoe, eapfMrted by Thomaa H. Clarke and S mnpaey of all. Other fnteree are the rive Aahtrm., acrobat.! Carl Hlnkley, romedlan: Adama Shitera. snreltj entertainer: tmrk Hwrte. -eeeeotr je kid eoeie SUniLee White, baritone. At the Lyric There are hat two remaining eppnrtraiHIee to aee "AU for Gold" at the I.jrfc-. "All fur Gold'' is s molndrama ee the aenaetkmal enlr, and eontalns enongh exciting eltnatlnne to pl-ewa the 'meat exacting. The Honday performance will be the laat ef "AU fog Uold." Mast week, "Xne ratal Hu." . , ' - . . . ' . . ' ' v- -'''. " BUT ONE MORE INMATE THAN AT FIRST OF YEAR Seven Have Been Born at Institution Duting Lat . ; Months and ,SixtyThree Have Died Many In vklida Given Ald.: ' .'yr.-' 'There is only one more person at the county poor farm and - hospital than thore waa on January 1,' 1006. although during the l4 Intervening daya JSJ per sons have been discharged. ' County Health Officer Dudley Evans this morn ing completed a report for the Tear, and it shows that -Superintendent D. D. Jackson and, his corps of aide have been busy. " v s't -On the first of ; the year there were 73 persona In the county hospital and 6t at the poor farm, while today there are 76 In the hospital and -67 at the farm.- During the past 11 months 19 persons hava been ordered sent to the farm or hospital by Health . Officer Evans, while S inmatea of the Institu tion have died?.' There have been aeven blrtha at the county hospKal during the year. . The greatest number under Jack son's charge during the -year has been 171. the loweat number being 131. . Evans' report also, shows that during Lthe year 303 persons have been treated ny tne. county pnysician. nany oi these esses were of a aerfoys nature and required the. attention of a physi cian . fcr many daya and k doctor haa been required to call at aome homes a score or. more times before the patient wae cured. Others were only 111 for a few daya, requiring only a little, medi cine at the time In order to enable them to resume avork; but had this, aid been refused them serious ; Illness or death might have reaulted In many cases. Of the persons who died at the farm er hospital, 19 were suffering with tu berculosis. 11 with heart troubles, six from paralysis, -three from cancer, three from Brl gilt's disease, four, from pneu monia and the remainder from fourteen otlier Ilia.. -, -, . . .. A- -- F.CA. FRENCH STARTS 616 '. JAIME-SOU ... ....''..f. " Wants Fifteen Thousand Dollars Because of Two Hurt- ' v v, ; w "ful Letters -I , Jj....l,-..-,-,'.y '. -.- , ; . : ; ? ,. . .. .,-. - .' Alleging that his ability to obtain em ployment or to furnish bonds had been Impaired, v F.. A. Prench. thla morning began a suit .la the circuit court against the National Drill a. Manufacturing oompany -for 1 15,000 damages. Deputy Sheriff Jehu- Xlruost this morning served a notice of this suit on B. Howes, local agent of the company,' . - . For several years French was tha local agent for -the company and-rane-acted business for It in the northweet. Owing - to trouble with the firm, his connections With It were severed sev eral, months ago. - ' In the complaint filed thla morning. French alleges that last August an -officer of the company, whose head officers are In New York, wrote a letter to County Clerk Victor B. Moses of Corvallis, Oregon, regarding a certain check over whtoh controver sy seems to have arisen.- It la claimed that the company's officer stated In the letter that French bad no authority to indorse the company's name to negoti able paper.- It is also alleged that tne epistle stated that MoaeS had a criminal case agalnat French. For this state ment the defendant wants tt.ooe dam ages. . -c ' It Is also alleged that ' the company wrote to the National Surety oompany laat September -reporting that French had collected $ Ml -due the drill firm from J. P. Ford of Pomeroy, Washing ton, and appropriated the money to hla own use. French maintains that he col lected this sum and at once paid tha money over to the company. He avers that the etatements made against him "were false, malicious, libelous and de famatory," and aaka that he be awarded 110,000 damagea for the statements made to the security company. -- BRAVE DOG'S FAME GOES INTO ECLIPSE ;,Dr."W. .H. Dresnen, living at Bllth and Columbia etreete, , reported "to the police laat night that he waa attacked and knocked down by thugs at Sixth and Madison Streets while' on bis . way home at 10 o'clock. He said that ha had a roll of baak, bills In hie pocket, but was saved th loss of his money, as well as of his Watch end chain, by tits big Bt. Bernard dog. King, .which - at tacked the thugs and forced them to flee. - . r -" Thia morning a friend of Dresnen'e called at police Neadquartera and in formed Chief Oritsmacher that Dr. Dreanen has no money and for a long time haa been borrowing small amounts from anybody that he could Induce to make him a loan. . j ..."He reoelved 15 from Seattle a ah or t time 'ago,"- aaid the ohlefs-informant "A close Investigation will convince you- that there le nothing to hie etory. That tale about" the roll of bills makes It absurd." Chief Gritarhacher , has ' become con vinced that no .attempt wae made to rob Dr. Dresnen and detectives assigned to, the case have. been Instructed to pursue, their investigations no further. MILWAUKEE RUSHING ' . SURVEYS IN IDAHO -,.' ', (Speelal niepatrfe to The Jnertul.) ' Iwlaton, Ida., Dec, 10. BUI Terry's pack train la engaged In hauling sup plies for the Milwaukee surveyore whe are engaged In running A survey up the middle fork of the Clearwater river to Lolo pass, and- the quantity of -equipment being aenf to the front shows con clusively that tha ' men plan te rush their work straight through' to Divide. The first psrty has now reached a point three mllea beyond Syringe, snd a third psrty ha4 also passed that point, show ing the ability of Engineer Hayes for field work of this character. Mountaineers aoqualnted with the Country state that ths surveyore will not encounter any enow until they have proceeded fully II miles above the-point they have now reached,--. ..'' WAS TO ESTABLISH , ? "LEAGUE OF OCEANIA" When Danes Read Advertisement . .There Was Something Doing ' in ' Denmark and Mail of ther Proposed .-. King Waa Stopped. , , . 5 ( (Joaraal Special Service.) Washington, D. C. Dec- SO. To found a polony on an Island not .so far out from the Qolddn Gate that ' habitation would be too Isolated and secluded, him self to be king'wlth loyal aubjeeta doing hira homage and responsive to his every whim, was the dream of Peter Johnsen. a Loa Angelea painter, or a least he led ' some people In foreign countries to be HSve hla- lntentione were about to this effect. But remaining In' thla country, Johnsen le not only without a kingdom, but cannof even get his mall. Uncle Sum has heard of his doings, and through the postofflce department haa declared ' that for the present Painter johnsen's mall had better be withheld. ' ""."' Johnsen advertised In Danish papers for men to become 'members of " the "League of Oceania, to establish a col ony on 'a Pacific ocean Island. ', They were to contribute $100 to the society's fund, according to the advertisements, aad In return they were to receive too ,' acres of land on arrival at the colony. A pledge waS Inclosed swearing the new subject to allegiance to the "League of ' Oceania" and jts "ohief.'r Should any one be unfaithful to the chief, he waa to be dropped from the Society. ' ' ' " There was something doing In Den mark when Johnaen's advertisement waa read.' There waa to be a new king ' In Norway; why not on aa Island In the Pacific?. And what opportunity to win tha favor of the new king by get ting In on the' ground floor! 0. . '' -- Down, came the Danish on United Statea Consul Frasier at . Copenhagen to leera more of the promised land, lie looked about and then complained to the postofflce" department through the , department of state that Johneen'e do- . inga might be open tq, criticism, , .. . The npstofnee department, aent one of Its Inspectors out to pay an offlctal vialt to the Island, and this unkind per- . son reported that the "League of Oce ania" waa all In Johnsen's mind. Neither -, did Mr. Johnsen own eny Island, in fact, after finishing painting .at Loe Angelea, Johnsen went over- to Rands burg, California, - with hie - whitewash ' and Srushes and. when the case came up, failed to make any defense. , TARBELLWAS KNOWN AS - , PRINCE OF REBATERS i-.vj ' (r- : i, ' 'V-v ' (Special Dlepeteh to The Jearaal.) New York, Dee. SO. Among the wit- . tiesses' before -the insurance- investlga ting ' committee todajT was George DL Sicklea, of JBuffaJa," a real estateT dealer. ? and forpier ' general ".manager of the Equitable.' He aaid that he had Ulkei with Tarben, vice president of the Equi table, ebout the business la Buffalo, and . that Tarbell aald the agenta would be -paid t( per oent. of the first year's commission. .. . . ,N, ' ' ' , ". . The rebate wae goneral In Buffalo, he -Was told by Tarbell, and also he had heard Tarbell waa. the prince ..of re batera while he waa In Chicago,, and he asked Tarbell how It waa done, and the. latter gave him an illustration. 4 v FRENCH -SHIP REPORTED -ASHORE AT NORTH HEAD ' -":''.'':'. ' (Spaelal Diaoatek te Tae Jnnreal." Astoria, Or., Deo. SO. A French ves- , sel waa reported . In the breakers off North Heed this morning and a tele phone message "from. Cape Disappoint- -'. ment reported the veaael entering the-" harbor In tow of two tuga. The weather ' la thickening and It la snowing at the bar. The eape wire, lav down and noth ing definite can be obtained, A aevere northwest wind is blowing here. whlchvlndicata roueh weather at the bar. The bar-bound fleet are unable to get out at present.- The steamer Ce- . lumbla la due from Han Franclaoo. , . a , ; r,,:l 'v Bias la kTeYada. .....- (Special Dtapatcb te Tiie Jewnal.) 'X " Albany, Dec. 0. Chrtrtes . Powell, ft young man whose home' 4a at Tangent. . -a few- miles from this eltf. . died t " Battle Mountain, Nevada, few days ago and-hla'remalna were received here today. The young man was a locomo tive fireman and-lef t Jere several weeks ago for JJtah and Nevada in search ef work, expecting to have his bride of e few months follow him aa soon aa he located permanently. He took sick with typhoid fever at Ogden, -But a few days : ago a letter was received from him stat ing. that hfl Had recovered and expeeted . to go to work at once. , On, the .fallow ing day a telegram received from--hie y. physician atated that the, young .man r waa dead at Battle Mountains , -" ,, . '". 1 "'"..' ' ,: -; saTeetou Totes Bond. .? t,. . (Special Plepatch to The Jnerael.) ' - . Sllverton, Or Deo. 10. At a special' meeting of the. school directors snd tax payers of the city, held laat evening In the school .building,- It . was- voted to bond, the district and erect, a new six room school building with all modern ,. improvements. This will give Sllverton two school buildings of about the same stse, and a long-felt want will- therefore be- supplied. - - . v ' ,y.; t -. . , , Webb-Bhules. : ,' . (SpeVlal'rMapatch to The JnareSl.) ' -.'.'-i 'Sllverton, Or., Deo. 10. Charles Webb, of the Pioneer Real Estate company In this city, and Miss Minnie Bhuler of Omaha, Nebraska, were married at Salem ' yesterday. The young couple Will tnskV their future home lr thia city. ', 'll'.:. OstSftS SUvertcnT- ".y (Special Plapatrh to The Jnoraal. , , " Bllverton. - Or Io. 10. The Marion county Bifnday school union convention convenes In this city todsy and tomor row. About 0 delegates are present . Jrom the several schools In the' county . . i ', ,)V-' " Barthquake at Xlngstoa. .. . (Journal Speelal Service. ,'. 'Kingston, Jamaica. Deo. 10. The talanda of Qrensde and Trtnldad ex perienced an earthquake ahock . thle morning,1 but there are no reports of loss of life. v , . a ' i :.. t ' . ' j. Wi Steele Seriously XU. . ' tJoenal Special Service) : Corry, Pa., lee. 10. John W. Steele, known the world ever as "Coal Oil Johnny," le dangerously 111 with pnsu monla at hie home here. 4