THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER . 30, 1005. .: DIG DELI1D FOR DUC EAT Yt, While Formerly Raised Ex , tensively, Uttle Is Produced v by Farmers Now. V CAN BE CROWN IN .!-'; v v '. tAiii I iie"T-re wit rrvr VW. . S. Hurst, Former Buckwheat Miller, Says It Would Pay Farmers i to Go Into BusinessNow Miller ' Buy Almdit All From New York. , There Is an increasing . demand for - 'buckwheat In this territory, and manu facturers are asking? why mors of this , . grain Is not produced In Oregon. Some 'years ago there were quite a number of 'farmers who had patches of buckwheat, ' but an overproduction sent the ; price down to such a figure that 'll was, no . Jonger profitable to raise It. . j "- Buckwheat grows to advantage in va rious parts of the Willamette valley. In the vicinity of Aurora and on-through vOervals and - toward Sllverton - the I S round seems specially adapted to Its - production. - t At ons time there was a mill in oper- atlon at Aurora which used a Urge part - :of the production of Oregon buckwheat ,It was owned by Hurst 4c Co. Several years ago the mill was destroyed by fire, and as the grain production of that , ;vlclnlty bad so narrowed down that the , mill was no longer profitable. It was not ' '.rebuilt.-1 W. 8. Hurst says: '.. "' '-'f- "From what . I can-learn, the chief , reason - for the lack or production of '..', J buckwheat Is the low prices which pre - vailed "a few years ago. Buckwheat does ' .not yield heavily in Oregon, and unlese ' the price is good, there la little In It ' .Toe the producer. ' However.'for th past three or four years prices Hav been Tgood, but our growers have gof- out of the habit of growing buckwheat,' and ' .'consequently have little to sell. .At present prices I believe It wttl pay dur , ( farmers to devote more sttentlon to .buckwheat, but It would not be Wise to , grow It too extensively for the demand ' is limited, snd. overproduction woetd be 'sure-to bring unremunerative prices .'again.'' . t ,. - ' - . Cereal millers of Portland are of the opinion that the demand for buckwheat ' ,1a growing rapidly. At this time they .must secure practically jH of their t product from New Tork growers. This '.' same course must be followed by. the "millers of the entire Paclflo slop. If . Oregon raised more buckwheat lt. easily --rould secure the trade or an manurac " v'turers west oftbe Rocky mountains, . Mhe millers say, . : : - ; CAPTAIN WALTON BACK RENEWING ACQUAINTANCE :,:v . ; r , ' Captain K. 8. "Walton, formerly regl-i ' mental quartermaster of the Nineteenth . Infantry at Vancouver barracks, and his wife, have returned , to America because ' Captain Walton has to . testify in a .lawsuit at Seattle next week. It lata ' legaf controversy between the govern kment and, a contractor. 1 The captain' IS' well krrowih-Jn, port-! and. He left for the Philippines last April. Although he la "expressing no dissatisfaction with his lot, the officer v brings the Information that no little animus Is still displayed by the natives ' 'against American soldiers. He says I that soldiers travel among- the Moros In ' groups of five and six, fearing foul ', ' play. .. ..-,., .. Captain Walton met many old friends .today and hopes .to be able to stop over . on his return from Seattle. He put In . 1 the day at Vancouver, , , - '.. '' 1 . r r . r some Hew Mouse, ': Building permits have been Issued aa ; 'follows: C. C Hounsell, residence, Illln V o'a between Bancroft and Hamilton Streets, cost ff.OOO; Mount -Hood Brew ing company,', factory, corner East Ninth rand Marlon streets, cost tl.06s; H. J. ., Hefty, three-story brick etc- comer ; Front and Alder streets, cost ISO. 000; ' 'Mrs. C Lampeft basement for dwelling, Sacramento street, cost $78. NO1 ' The public as hereby notified that the Lindsay Light Company, has brought suit in the. United States Circuit Court in New York against Block Light Company, for infringe-' ment pf Letters patent No. 728296, granted to Charles R; Lindsay, Jr., May 19, 1903; and now owned by Lindsay Light Company." . - -- ' ' - ' " --- ;-' ..V'V; Imitations always follow the introduction and successful sale of any product that bene fits the public in general. : - - : ; :- v m In the case of tli'e . Lindsay Light there has" .been ; no exception this rulet Your protection is in the name t Look for it when you purch on Mantle, Burner and Globe. Price, $1.00 Complete. L All Dealers. -.v.- - "iipdsay Lldht Company j' Chlcmi 'vc . '' 1V- New York ' (As Interesting Booklet on Economical - Illumination (re oa request) J TIIC W. F..BOARDMAN CO. . ' raetlte UMs eprsseaiaf ive S30 Market 51" o-1 ran i ciiAiE fi::ds i:o taxer a Nearly Every Produce House Pays Express on It, But It T4" ., Dies Ownerless. "Main tlTJT la this McBwen A Koa keyr - . ", "Well, this Is the steamer Ion. We hav a coop of chickens for you. Send for them at once, as we ' need , the room." c! f x .. , . . .. Chickens were scarce in the Wholesale district yesterday,-so the-answer was; -"Well sen for It St once." .. A two-horse truck was hastened to the steamer. There stood the "coop of chickens." It' was a small-slsed coop about the sis of -a cracker box. It contained a single hen and a sick one at that -a Feeling that there was something In the wind the firm, after paying 15 cents to the expressman, sent the coop and chicken back to the dock. It was marked "W. B. dlafke- Company." "Is this the Glafke company?" cam over the telephone... ; "This is the steamer lone. We have a coo of chickens for you." , . "What luck," aald Bill OlafVe. " "We have several orders for chickens: and Bone In stock." 1 . . VAnother two-horse ig was sent to bring the coop 'of chickens back. . , "bld you verjf' Ma the remark of Mr. Glafke when he viewed the ahlp ment of on Ion sick chicken.' Back the shipment went to the steamer dock, after paying the Zl cents exprets. The coop was marked "Bell sV Co." "Mr,. Bell, this Is the atearaer lone. W have a coop of chickens fa you. Getting late, so I wtah you. would send for It at ono," Of course another express wagon waa engaged and .the sick pullet was again transported backto Front street. An other XS cents was paid for hauling It and again It went back to the river dock. . This time It bad been : marked plainly, "tievy Spelgl." - ; Thus the -chicken and coop were sent for by nearly every house on 1 Front street and as many times taken back to th dock.- It cost $1 for expressage alone to transport th chicken, and be fore its Journey was concluded It had died of th strenuous life, ' It weighed about two pounds. A good, Hv on of Its sis could be purchased along the, street for li eents. . . STEIKBAGH EMPLOYES ARE GIVEN PRESENTS " :':i'. " .". , , .-,. New Year's Gift in Cash Given " His VVorkVnen by Head of , ; the'CIothing Firm. When th employes of tb clothing firm of A,. B. Steinbach ft Co., .Fourth and Taorrlson streets, opened their en velopes today containing their salaries for the 'month, they fount a handsome cash .present .from Mr. Steinbach. with, the- compliment of the ' firm and best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Tear. .. , It has. been 'th custom of the firm to make the employe a present at New Tear'a, but heretofore It has been in th shape of clothing or articles Out of the- store." Yesterday afternoon . Mr. Steinbach Instructed th cashier to draw a certain sum and divide It among the i employes, placing a --Specified amount in each monthly pay 'envelope. . The gift waa- mad by Mr. Steinbach upon the eve of bis departure for th cast,, where he goes on his semi-annual purchasing tour. . y f Preferred Stock Oaaaed ..( " jllen Lewi Best Brand, . .--'-.At .Taylor Street Church. , - The program for th week at th Taylor-. Street Methodist church , follows: Monday The . official board: ' subject, Official- Responsibility." Tuesday For men only: subject, "A Sturdy Man hood." - Wednesday Forwomen only: subject, . fh Necessity for Christian Women.'' i, Thursday Oeneral prayer meeting: subject, . "Our Privilege and Opportunity." to mm 3mm FmbcIscoo. . " ratenUX,May 9, J9C. SCALE DANGER IS IfJLlKIEOT W. K. Newell Says Fruit Industry . of Oregon Is Threatened ' j-'. With Destruction. - ... SYSTEMATIC SPRAYING ' ' OF TREES ONLY HOPE In Towns, Mr. Newell Recommend That Woodsawlng Outfits fie Used for Spraying Plan Started in Sev . eral Town. 4 .- '.' ' "The fruit Industry in . Oregon Is threatened with destruction by scale. The danger Is Increasing rapidly and In all parts of th state. It is Impera tively pecesaary that measures be taken at one to stamp out the pest." ' . This statement was made by W. K Newell of the state board of horticul ture in the course of a conversation oa th subject of a campaign against seal, which the board ha inaugurated. Each of the flv commissioners has a separate district. Mr. Newell's : district com prises the counties of Multnomah, Clackamas, Yamhill, Washington, Co lumbla, Clatsop and Tillamook. He Is doing- his utmost to indue th fruit growers In toes counties todestroy th scale by systematic spraying of their trees. - , - - . "It Is of 'tha highest' lmportanoe," said Mr. Newell, "that the seal should be stamped out In th cities and towns aa well as In the country. The fruit orchards In th country cannot ba pro tected fully unless the pest Is destroyed In the towns aa well. We encounter much difficulty In getting people In towns to spray their tree properly. - ' 1 . City reople Worn Spray. -. ; "In Portland, for example, there are hundreds of people who hav only one, two or three trees.- They cannot afford to buy an outfit to spray their trees. The same . condition prevails In - the smaller towns. To meet this difficulty I am trvtn to ret th civic lmnrove- men ' societies la all the smaU - towns in my district to tak up the matter. Th people are generally willing enough to do, J9ut they don't know what to da "Irum trying to get owners of gaso line woodaaws to equip them with spray pumpa. Th season for wood sawing is generally from August to 'January,-and during th remainder of the year th maehlnea could be . used for spraying fruit trees. In that way the owner -of a woodsawlng machine could hav it In us all th year round. ... -"This scheme has- been' started al ready. In Forest Grove, McMlnnvlU, North ".YamhiU, Oregon 'City and Mll waukie wood saws are to be used In this way, and In several other places th plan Is under consideration. Any town can take up th suggestion. Where therols the engine the' necessary, ex pense of adding the pump and tank la not more than.; 60 or,60. ,. .,,. Ji.4 "' Urn sad gmlphox. . "For winter us th spray should be lime and sulphur. It la highly Impor tant, that every- one ' who -.baa trees sprayed should see that th compound Used Is jnad strictly according t the formula recommended by th horticul tural- board. Too. much car cannot be taken on this, point. .The formula, for winter spray is as follows: Fifteen pounds Of sulphur and II pounds of 11m In 0 gallons- of water. After th 11m Is slacked th mixture mirst be actually boiling for an hour and a half. . 'Th tree must be covered thorough ly with the spray from th ground to the tips of the leaves.:. If an Inch of surface is left unsprayed It. will shel ter an bid scale, which' will breed a million next year. People' must prune their trees before spraying, to get the best results-rhey can't expect th best results on a tree that has . not been pruned for 20 years... "Th formula I hav given Is for winter spraying, continued Mr. JfewelL "It is not to be applied after the leaves start In th spring. In th summer the trees must be sprayed for th codling moth. The formula for th spray to be used can be obtained from any mem ber of the commission or from th sec. retary. George 1L Lamberaon, In . th Chamber ,Qt Commerce, Portland. Th best way Is to send to th secretary for th bulletins which are Issued by th commission and 'which (v full , In formation. ' ; goal Klnut Insect. "Seal la th minutest kind of an in sect, no bigger than th point of. a pin, but It bores Into th bark and nit only sucks up th sap of th tree, but pol sorfa It as well. Th little twigs die Unit. In th fall th presence of scale may be known If the leaves continue to nana on th trees after th time for them to fall. - In th spring th tree which is Infested with scale will not leaf out p roper tly. When the rruit ap- neara It will be Speckled with seal. -"W propose to stop absolutely the sal of fruit which la speckled with scale.' Much was accomplished last summer In this direction." . Mr. Newell Is an enthusiast In horti cultural "work and la deeply Interested In promoting- the welfare f the- Indus try. For the lniormauon 01 in irun growers of the district he Is to deliver a number of addresses, devoting par ticular attention to the subject of pro tecting orchard from scale and other pests. He pok last evening at Mil waukee and will deliver anotner aa dress this evening at Russellvlll. Next Saturday evening, January , Mr. New ell wUl speak at McMlnnvllle, where preparations have been made for a large meeting. .. i . r ELECTRIC RAILROAD " PLANNED AT BAKER (Special Dispatch to The JoaraaL) - Baker Ctty, Or., Deo, ao. A scheme for an electrto railway from here to Haines and .North Powder has been t k - A V. . t H. nnH.MtnnJ .that WHUtun the necessary capital has been secured to construct sucn a tin ana in wwi will be' commenced as soon ad h weather permit. - - ' . a Lack ef this elty Is the moving spirit In the enterprise, and says that money has - been secured for the con struction "work. .It Is proposed to run the lln from her to Haines., which la 14 miles distant, and thence on to North Powder. 10 rolls. Th lln will paas through a rich farming country. ' Weston's xcaaonle Officers. "V Bprtsl Dlapateh to The Jeerael.rT Weston: Or., Deo.-0. The following1 officers have been elected for lodge No. 5, A. F. A. M-. for the ensuing year: W. M., B. B. Hall: 8. W C. F. Bulflnch; . m. , , m . . c , . t m w . , - --- . son; secretary, A. F. Turner; B. D., IX F. Ivnndar; J. IX, W, B. Prioej B. Ah 1 . Wood: J. 8. Price; 8. ., U 8. Wood; J, B., Thomas J, Rr; tyler, M. A, Baker. H0:J. U. HCGAN THREATEN- t ED WITH CONSUMPTION Kept Losing Flesh Grew'Weak CHILD DYINQ WITH CROUP Doctors. Did Them No Good ' "What pusxled me In th beginning waa that I kept losing Uesh without any cause for it that I could see. I had a little trouble with my stomaoh, too, and after a while began to grow weaker and to cough. Th cough, 1 thought, would sdon go away and cur Itself, but - It didn't. It grew worse, and then I be gan to spit up a peculiar looking sub stance. I never thought of Consump tion, but one day I bud a hemorrhage, and then was frightened In earnest and did Just what you would do, I rushed to a doctor. He didn't do me any good, I kept going down hill and the outlook waa bad. Things took a different turn, however, when I heard of Ir. Acker's English Remedy for the Lungs, for I took it, and It not only cured my coughing and spitting, but also built up my whole system. 1 took on permanent flesh, and today am' Just as healthy a man as you can And in a week's travel. You . may be sure I always keep Dr. Acker's English Remedy In the home, and It Is a good' thing I do so, for one night my youngest child was seised with - Croup. That hoarse, wheesy cough was the flrst signal, and I lost no time In giving th poor little sufferer E roper doses of this GRAND MEDI XNK.. In almost no time the disease waa under control, and my child was saved. I advise -tovery parent to have a bottle handy, all thsvtime. Jt Is both an axneotorant and a tonic. It cured me of Consumption and my child of Croup, ana & Know wnai a mm itumiiH v. (Signed) Hon, M. Hogun, HI Center St.', New York.", i . We can Ibut repeat what Hon. M. Hogaa says, "Dr. Ackers Kngllsb Rem edy Is a Grand Medicine,",. lor It cer tainly la.and what Is more. It really cures your lungs, strengthens you in every way and prevents all forms of Throat and Lung Trouble. It la per fectly harmless, even a child can take It, aa you will notlc It cured Mr. Ho- Rn s child or croup. io not couniounu Ark.r's Rnarllah Remedy With the many advertised cough syrups. It Is a medicine that cures the lungs, makes thatn trnni anil healthv. It will Stop a cough at once and cures a cold in less than a day. We can furnish proof of this from thousands of people, -we don t want you to take our word for It. W. don't ask you to go by what others sa say, If it hut wa want vou to TRY It. and Is not all you think It ahould be, or that w say it Is, your money, will b refunded to you.- Won't you try It to day? Don't put It off. It may be too late tomorrow. i . - B sure to ask for " U AOXXS'8 IIOUII JUnCE9Y t- - v-or the &ung-, ''. AU 'Drug-gists a Bo, 60c, $100... - SEATTLE'CROOK TAKES NEW PLAN TO GET CASH : Mose Goldsmith Invited to Room at Fashionable Hotel and r; ' Robbed. ; ' - tArm nianateh to Th. Joermal.V - ' ' Seattle, Deo. 0. One of the boldest of thefts took place yesterday evening when Mose ' Goldsmith, owner of -the Strand theatre of i this etty, waa held up In a room of th Lincoln "hotel and mad to pay f 1.TS0 by a man giving the nam of Burke. . Goldsmith received call from Burke over th telephone,' In which Burke arranged for- a business meeting with Goldsmith At th meet tng. Burke Showed Goldsmith a draft for f 18.000. told him that he owned, a half Interest In th Butt Mlnec and an agreement waa arrived at whereby Burke was to pay Goldsmith 111.000 for a half Interest in th tatter's theatrical business In Seattle. Another meeting was arranged and Goldsmith went to Burke's room on th top floor of th Lincoln hotel. He was ushered In by Burke and told - to . read a letter lying on th table. Th letter staled nlalnlv that Burke needed S1.700, and If It was not forthcoming at one Goldsmith would die. .The latter looked up to find Burke holding a big revolver In line with his bead. Goldsmith was commanded tot write out a check for ti.700nd send It to th hotel office, where It warf-cashed and hsmoney sent to the room. Burke then locked Goldsmith In. th bathroom and mad good his escape. - Officers are searching at different towns along tho railroads centering here, but so far no clue has been found. .- "V ' PRESBYTERIANS AGREED ON PLAN FOR UNITING BnaiM.! blW ) St Louis. Mo., Deo. 0. With th ratification of steps taken yesterday In th joint session oi tne icnonu acmuur h. ...itln, Af the Cumberland Pcesbv- terian church and the Northern Presby terian church of America will have been accomplished. The division of the church occurred in isiv. wnen tne vuBuwrmou Pmhiit.rUii waa oraanlaed In Dixon county, Tennesse, and wa brought about through disagreement among cer tain tnamhera and ministers over th Question of predestination and other questions of practice. , Th arrangements made and adopted .A . I . Inl Inn irmmtMrAmW nmwlfla for th unity of the two churches and declares that the conreasions oi raitn of the Presbyterian church of America, in 1S0S. aa wall as other doctrinal and ecclesiastical standards of that church, have been constitutionally adopted by th cumoeriana rresoyterian church. - ; f V- . ; ... . WALLOWA RIVER FISH ; v HATCHERY'S BIG SEASON . (Rptdal Dkmatek ts Tbe Joerrl.t) Elgin, . Or... Deo. 10. A. D. Allen, superintendent of th Wallowa rlvsr fish hatchery,- reports that the season has been very successful, considering th difficulties and disadvantage , wun whtch th management has had to con tend. Th total number of egg secured was MOO, 000. This number would hav been doubled had It not been for th recent cold weather, wnicn caused an Ice Jam to form against the upper rack, compelling th management to remove several, sections of th rack, thereby liberating t.000 salmon. Those liberated were of th'aocky and Stiver side specie, and few eggs hsv been secured from them. Of the number of eggs se cured 6,000.000 had hatched and tho rmatnlngv were In geod condition. Had It not been for- th forming of th Ic Jam th number of ggs secured would hav reached the .1,000,000 mark.' Th superintendent la well pleased with the hatchery so far. , . -;- ; Conrimercial Courses.'. Classes In bookkeeping, penmanship', arithmetic, shorthand, typewriting, com mercial correspondence an commercial law at Y. M. C A. night school. Winter term begins January 1, 1104, In 'th? 1:3 of the Palms IS loyd 1. . K - .-f-. ..- 1, - - 'v. Jliip."t The Journal Party Will Be In a Whirlwind of Ballots the i ..,''"'-', v - HERE IS Votes received up CONDITIONS Of Th Journal'' Hawaiian Tour CONTEST i mts-aay yeesg tsey ever It yeeie ef ace say he seoilaatoe st ssy Msm ea ' Masks pravtosd by Tbe loeraaL with the endoTMSMBt t twe wsU-ksswa elttsess , e( the atstrtet la which she reslees, r BOOaT Three Jsagss agreeable te the slfterMt eaadldatss shall he sstseteg s eradaUy nana the wtass la each dhv trtet. ene rosag lady he ehtsea treat each Clstrlet, ., .- . TKT1S AM tm ether eleettewj. each srtet shall nto esparstely. The vee la . ess saaaet srreet the ether. Matters tree? erty eBsemlag tbe alstriet wlU he settle hy the wtahes ef the sujorlty. Ihe .wl Br shall hare the right aaaw a presy , U assMe to attssd benwU. . rOTBTS Tetlag win eoeiSMaee Thar. gay. Assart a. 10. as eleee Satorear. DMestber SO, at a e'eloeh . sv,- leca. Ceapoas amst he voted wlthls sevea r after Issae. Oospess est Ireej the Pally looraal srast he eeatly tHwsM. All eoapese. whether single er speehh. sisst hear the aaa ef the esadlsate to he veto tm. , ootrroinj aax error as rofxowsi rriTX Slagto eaassas, sat troei th sallf i aaper, are geod for eae vote, gehserlptloa te the Evening Joaraal sad Saedair atoralag lesraal three SMsths,, a epeslal ' erapoa ef It votes (paid te a4vases) abscriptlea to Svealag asd Baaday Mora. Isg Jesraal sis- BMatba M.TS. a spoetalv . coepo ef KO ote (paM la adTsaee). Bah. eertptloa to the (mlnf asd Baaday Mors Isg Joaraal It BMBths, gf.sO, s spsetal eMpoaf WO votee (paid sevase). Sshsorlptloa to the BvsalBg aa4 Basesy Maralsg Joorsal. three swaths hy sull. I1.S0, a special eoapea ef 10 votes,-(pale ; ta asnaeel. Saheestptloa to the B-raalag aid Banoay Maralsg loaraal hy "all sis swaths, 8.ToVa special esajpaa ef too vota ' (pal la sevsaee). Bsbacriptlaa to the -BreaUg as Basday M.ralsg JoerasI hr '. stall It awotfas, 7.00, a special eespoa ef TOO votes (paid la adranra). Baol-Wackly Jonrssl. tl.OO s year, epestoi eeapaa ef 100 rotas (pstd la advsacsh . , BfXTB Ooepoes ahaald be veto at the headqwrcars. eesrast res sv ajsllad to the' straps eprtasmt ef The Joarael. ce et , asy pelst aaaisd halsw. Tolas will he sested Maadaya, W4oMSays sad IVIdaas ea tte totals assissrit to the aabna the follewlag day. ' Asy eaadKatS wtmsrowtag fresi the a test caaaot bars has veto ssaatsd to aa : ethss.. '' XXADQVAaTXXS AS T0TDTS rtAOXSt ytrrt OaitTlae-Mnltaflrash sad ClsehisnS eeantloa. lot I as pUes. Oeepe Oopsrtawat et Ih Jearaal-aaeav '-geooad IMatrtes Casoa, UssiUlla aad Wallows eosBtlos. Third Dttrlo WaasoJ SraiaB. OtlUaaa. Marrow,. Whaclse aad Oreok eoaatlas. rswth Dltrfvlakai," flraat, Baraef . ao Malhsvr eoeatWs. , . . . . Tlfth ' IHstflohi ' OhimMa "ssd nahM easntlae, Oresoa; Ktiekliat, OowUta, Clarke, raetSe, Wahhlakssi aad Bhsswala saeatlas. Waahlsgtea, - Bbrth DUUlst Martaa, Una aad' teas voBth Olati 1st -WaahlBf toa. TttlaskM, ' TaiahlU. Bastaa, Peek aad uaaora soaBuas. Xlgth " Vitrtnmt las, Osos, aoaepklse. jakaoa, , Klamath aa .eotfutle, - - Carrf, Lake Aoy Information regarding eon ditlont ot die Hawaiian tour should be addreated 'to the manager ol the " Contest Department of The Journal. ,' ' - BgVaBBafsssBaBSaTataBBfaaataVaBT CouponFree -Hawaiian Trip ' .i-.-v.-' !--...- Msoslulu, tlswailaa Isiaads ... This eotipoB Biust k roted en V I Entertained at This Hotel During Contest Closes; Votes Will Be in Eight o'aock.This Evening. THE WAY THEY STAND to Friday eveniag In: The Journal' Hawilan Trip DISTRICT tflas Minnie 8. Phillips, deputy clerh rlrcalt eoart .......j... ,-Tl Halite Madlfaa. Olda, Wort man 4k King slots ........... w-..l-lie Mlas Badle Wlutrraaantle, City lre wotks ......if-; lit. i'H Mlaa Lara Bacy. Mo Has Rafael etreet .. ............................... ht.M Mlaa Oretrhea Karth, telapbuse operator Portland poU! ........................ Tu.fiMt . Mlaa Bras Bbaroo, 210 Raat Thirtieth street ...... ............,..... .HMt Mlaa Kuth Lee, onrtorard bit FoderSted Trsdas Ceuacll..... a6,0 Mlas Margaret Smith, M Wllltanu svenoe ''" Mlaa Menrletts Wtnkleman, 4IT Bast Cooeh- street). .................... ...;,S7. 7S Mlas Edith Hers, 34 Btark street .i.,.-7...... . .y..'. 85..H1 Mlos Lsnra lerb7alilre, 6H0 Water atreet. ....' .-, 2:t.S-l Mlaa Sophia Olaon, 2B8 Iry street '.... ...... 2S.'T Mlaa Klaa Orleael, Soft East Thlrty-arst so-ee. 1 .v.v...w Mlaa Aleena Hnen, Oregon City. ,,.-..... ...'......' ......... ... ' tt.lKj Mlaa EItb Hurlbert, St. Johaa .-....' -t..'a.2',b'l Mlaa tneeleve Holmes. Olda. Wortmaa King store ........ ...... ...4....... 1H.4M Mlaa Nellie Manser, BM Ralel(h street. . ....A .....V, la KM) ., Mlas Oeorgie Nlnk, 228 Bornalas street " K1.IWT Mlas Cors Jolly, 753 First atrart .-..... H Ol.t Mlaa Marion Leahy. Wnodard. CUrke Inag esopany , J3.9H4 Mlas Cornelia Barker, 3Hd Grand aveooe. ......,-. .......... 10, ft1 . Miss Bursa Redrilrk, Oregoa City ....... ....... T.T2T v.. . (Voting Place, Coupua DepartnMnt, Journal Offlce.) . . , , - . - Msraict s : . a ., v- ' Mlaa Mollis Proebstel,'Xi"" Grande,- Oregoa ............ ....r. ..7.128BM , Mlas Ratio 'Maah, La Grande, Oregon llrt.tioe - . (Voting Flaee. La (trande, Steinbeck A Blevsr Oooactkaaary.) . Mlaa Agnoa Fletcher, Pendleton, OrguB. ...... .,....... . .......... Tt.M Mlaa I'earl Harrla, Pendleton, Oresoe. 1A.I44 Mlaa Grace llawka. Pendleton. Oregoa le.52. Mlas Mabel Johnaoa, Pendlatoa, Oregoa.. (Voting Plar. PeBdletoa. Brork Mlaa Lillian B. O'Harra. Atheaa, Oregon I Vutlns Place. Athena. Iiell Broa.' Mlas May Callahan,' Walla Walla. Washington Mlas Irt Mct'alllater.Walla Walla, Waablngton ..................... .....i...... 1.841 Mlas ltnir xoung. Walla waua, waaningtoa ................................ j,oie Mlaa llattle Brows, Walla Walla, Waahlngtna 84t Mlaa Lnella Bare Walla Walla. WaahlLgton .i.. tuft (Voting I'lars, Walla Walla. Waahlagtaa Book Nook.) i . Mlas Stella La Lands, Waa too, Oregon e. ,....M..M..a..A...M S.llS -y ' ;.. ':'-. ' ..XUBTSIOT 0. t. vt j . -.; lfV;. -'i.-;.-- . Vtas VBllls Ceeeoen. The Pallee. Oreoa,, Mies Lactle 'Crate, The Dallee, Oregos. (Voting Place. The Dalles. Btaseir Mlas Stella Rlrbardeoa, Hood River. Oregoa Mlaa Lanra Oamer, Hoed Blrer, Oregon.... t Voting Place. Hood River. Wrlght'a Miss Ploren.- George, Arlington, Oregon... (Voting Place. Arlington. Sranaa a 4joanewnmj.t .t i h- r . ; . Mlas Lens Ra, Heppner, Oregoev.. ..... c... ....-.......... a l.SKI Mlas Grace Hagee. ilepnner, Oregoa.. .r1...,,.......M - 474 (Voting Place, Hrppnee, Patterend m .Boa'e Btorh.7 ! ; - , . : ' Miss Gertrude Hhasnoa. (London, Oregon.... .1.874 (Voting Place, Condon. Jackeoa A Hornl brook's Store.) . . - , Miss Gertrude Sharp, PrtneTtlle, Oregoe........,........,.......... 1.TM . ., , ' ' BUTKIOT TO. . ; ,.' : -... Mlaa Effle Mae King. 'Oatsrio. Oregoa. 6T.018 Mlas Hattts Barton. Baker City, Oregon....:.. tf).2l Mies Ethel Tire. Rsker City, Oregos..... 20,7'JO Mlas Mrrtl Urattoa, Rakee Cit, -Oreg . . . ...........,....,.-lO.tka) i v.otmg i-iaee, naser t lie, laniager Mlaa Clara Hwaln. flurna. Oreeon. . t.i (Voting Place, Burns,. Welcome Pharmacy.) alias iwmj Detteeier. . vale, tn-egon Mlas Geraldlne Durkee, Bsmptee. Oregon I voting rises. Bumpier, veerrs cigar saw wowaoiaan i., , '." ' DIBTB10T . SO. S, V- f. v '- , t Mlas Plorencs HesTren, Tsncenver, Wsehlsgroa 48,500 (Voting Ptace, Vancnnrer, ell Main lilreet.) . . , .t j, Miss Batherlne Gore, K a la ma, Washington .,.t.M......Mra...... 4L12S i Voting Place. KaUma. CofteT's Stors.) , .V ... mella Wllllaau, Kelso, Waaklogtoa ........ 2,7f I Voting Place, Kelao Confectloasry.) . -. ' a U Tndd. AstorU. Oregoa tS.lOT Mlas Rohlns Cof fmaa. Aatorts, Oregon....... S..VM . Miss Eatber Anderaoa, Astoria. Oregoa. . ..... ....... ................. ........... 8,06 i Voting place, Aetorla, Owl Prug Store. . , , , ' ary Berge. Home valley, Washlngtoa ' ...... .............m. 11. sot MlsS Delay Watklaa, Ht. Helens, Oregon ...... ........... ,oe i Voting Place, Bt. Helena, tiraj'a 8 tore.) ..... . t nnls Perrlne, Clatakanle, Oregoa ....... .mo ..... a 300 (Voting Place. CUtskanle, Bloiroone A Ce.' Store.) . ."''. Mlas Gertrnas Randall, Caatle Bork, Waehlngtoa ' ....... l.B Mlas Grace Wright, Castle. Rock. Washington ... 1,421 (Voting Place, Caatle Rock, Aader's Drag Store.), .. Miss Alice Perry. Rainier. 0rrgoa .......... l.tOA (Voting Plaes, Rainier, Crtedhorg's Coafeetloaary.) , '.'. N-.-'.W.' SI1TUCT so. a, .' I." .Mlas Blanche Browa',LBaleaa. Oregoa.... ........ ............. v. ..a ,1W Mlas Minnie Iretoa. -Scioas. Oregon...'.:.......... 1,K44 Miss Msrr DsTtaeon, Helen, Oregoa , l.4ivt Mlaa L. Belle Darby, Ha lets, Oregon........... 11.2MI Mlas Pearl Shelley. Salem. Oregon........... .4H Mlas Mlnnls Achenbech,- Kale si, Oregoa.,.....',. ............................... ' l.ate Miss Kettle Reddehoop, Salem, Oregoa ...a... ....... 1,23 (Vollng PUee, Balem, Haas' Drag Store.) t . , , . .. . , - Mlas Madge Battee. Engeoe, Oregoa. ...... .....................".w.4. ....... Til, Bag Mlaa Km ma Moffett, Bugeoe. Oregoa..'...........'..........M..M.M.M......t J2.4I5 Mlae Btella Bean. Eugene. Oregon .......... l.SSd (Voting Place, Eugene. Hulls Drug Store.) i. r i. . ... . - Mlas Mande Blair, Cottage Groee. Oregon 42.AM Mlas EtSe Btewart, Cottage Grove, Oregoa tv.ft'M Mies Llnle Veateh, Cottage Grove, , Oregoa t... U.623 (Voting Place, Cottage Oroes, Qlll's Oonfeettosery. ) - , ,' iMIas Lacy Moreont, Woodbarn, Oregon.. 40. Wl i Mlaa Myrtle Traak, WooUborn. Oregon li.lld (Voting Place, Woodbarn. Beebee Whltmsa's Store.) , . . Mlas Pearl Barege. Albany, Oregon.- ' 1T.0T1 Mlas Maggie Chambers. Albany, Oregoa. ............-.............. lOKflT Mlaa Alice Locke, Albany, Oregon ..r........... ...... ....... -T,3jl r i voting riace, ineny, tajwaon a unuj Mies Katbrys fiarrla. Hlleerton. Oregon i Voting Piece. Hlleerton. Bmos s urng sine.; . , .; dlle Simpson, Lebanon, thgon. ...... hm.Wm.i ' S.67S . (Voting Place, Lebanon. Cotton's Store.) , . . -.-v Mlas Nunds Gleay, Anrors. Oregoa. .......4.... .............. 'S.oTt ' Mlas ray . Cooler, BrownsrlUs, Oregon....... 1.&40 ''V.' .-. , ' !1!8T1CT TO.. T. I. '..,,'... , ' Mlaa Berths Conrtetnanehe. McMlnnvllle, Oregoa ............. 63,7i iVolln Placa. McMlnnellbv llonaer'B Btore.l .it Miss Myrtle Butler, roreet Groee, uregon. (Voting Place, roreet Grove, La Coomet . Htore.) Mis Ilaael Kennedr. Lafayette. Oregon,. , (Voting Place, Larayetts roatornce.j Mlas Marie HwtetlT. Hlllabore, Oregoa .y.....' .....; 9S.118 Mlas Hoaa B. Bowsar, Hlllabore, Oregon........ ................i 31,20 Voting PUes, Hlllaooeo, ncsuinieru-n Mlas Orscs ntarr. tjoreaius, ( uregon. .,. i. Mlaa tore apangie, vayton, i in-egon (Voting Place. Deyten. Harrla' Drag Store.) Miss Minnie Roy. Da Ilea. Oregon . (Votlug Place, Dalian. Staat's Confectionery.) Mlaa Olive Btratton. Nrwbers. Oreeon............ i Voting Place, Newberg, Caiwell Co. 'a Drug Store.) llllan Weoeter. Philomath. Oregon Mlas Roaala C. Holahelmer. BesvertuB, Oregoa (Voting Place, B avert on, Thomas ThlngrOafecttoaery.) - . . SIITSIOX M0. C Mlas Edna Psreley, ' Roseborg,' Oregon .".i . . . . , ; Miss Dels Harmon, Hoaenarg, (regnn. (Voting Place. Hoaeburg. Mamllton'a Mlas Mandf Berry, Oraata Paea. Oregon..,.,, df.B34 i Voting Plaes. Grants Psas,. Smith's Drag Store.)).- ' . onlae T. JoneS, Jackeonvllls, Oregon ....... vn.. ...... 84.14 MMJennle Woodtorj, Medforu. Oregon ..,.. ......... 12,400 .. (Voting. Piece, Medford. Rumwll's Confectloasry.) Mlae Lydts Mct'sll, Ashland,' Oregon ..,..,........... ........ ....... Sl.tll Miss rrasces- Oaborns. A eh land. Oregon S.U11 (Voting Place, AshUnd, Buttoa't Newss,tea4 and Saylra.-) - or before December IS, not. HavHlcn 11. J i - - f - Mil, Tteir Stay in Honolulu. ' the Handp of the Judges at " '.'.' 1 '--'"' SO. 1. -1 Y'.."' fvy : 'i Total "faaW ...... ......r........ a. 7 -is acunur ucw atnaro. . ... McOomas' Drag Store. I , Store. ) ,.... Io,t0d .,, i. M.tM v. ...... t'i.tUt "rvm ,, . , ........'........ 4LWB 12,24 Bowe.1 r .......... . , ii . ... m , ... . sd,S94 g vrug avm-i . j. 1B.42I .... . . . .. t.474 .........".. t. 4.O10 - aiw! ..v.v lijses . M 00,100 . ...-tB,S7S s more.) , t . . . r , ..............,......... ..... si. ewi .......................... ii. a. neo . 'B.Tnn .8It ............. ti nt ......................... so.xes tsma Store. k- . . , Counting b Ic-j ca Mondtyi, Vcizzz tiayt and Friiiy tr.i th ttasilt cf tla caadiiitti lzzzzzzzI to th pt"3 tj CzU