The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 30, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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    the Oregon daily journau portlat.t' Saturday evenino, December so, iec5
Judges Are Named and Ballots
Will Be Counted as Rapidly
'."- -as" Possible.':; '" -
Jpgrty of Girls That Will Take Trip
to Hawaiian Ialands Will Be Made
Up When the Votes Have Been
Tabulated. '
The ballot cut In The Journ eon
teat. th prise In which in a free win
1 tar trip to Hawaii, will be in the handa
i ef the judges at 3 o'clock tonight. . Tba
ballot box or dlatriet No. 1 will be
Miss Lucille Crate.
opened and tha votea counted. 'Tha re
. aulta will be announced at tha earliest
possible moment. The judge are: M. M.
Hloch. J. E. Hartman, William rinnj
. . nn and Dr. Hill.
The four Judges have been selected
by the candidates and will makethe
final count assisted by A. JU. Mltcneu,
' the contest manager. : ' v. -
Who are the winners?, Only a atony
tare greet the person who Inquires.
' But by Tuesday tha trouble of waiting
Will be over. ' "
The heaviest vote of the entire con
' test wa cast today. ' From the way tha
.. X ,, , i
Miss Maude Berry. .
ballots tumbled Into tha boxes today
the total vote' will be nearlr doubled. .
The Interest that has been taken In
the contest was the greatest aver wlt
tteased on the Pacific coast. -
j. All arrangementa have been mad
" tor the trip. Hotel accommodations at
tha best hostelriea In every city has
been secured. Everything that will
' make the' trip long to be remembered la
being done. ,
The Journal wishes to express Ha ap-
preclatlon of tha splendid work don by
: the contestants. Everybody couldn't
win, that's one regret. Tbe list of" con
: testant a' fin one. embracing the
beat types of Oregon's and Washington's
' .womanhood.
r The South Seas and Tahiti.
- i A traveler aaya: -JTJo to Tahiti, If
tonly for tha steamer' atay. There is
no nicer place In all the world. It you
I remain over' a steamer, so much the
better. iTha climate la perfect, th acen
err magnificent, tha people delightful.
la fact tb very aura of tha place poe-
- eeeeea a peculiar and eubtle charm that
1 irresistible." Bound trip first class
. far from Ban Pranalsco tilt. Ask for
' ,,1 folder ef Mr. C W. Stinger, 141 Wash-
- Tlngton street. .- , . ,
; Th ' Toung
Tear festival. -
People's society ef th
Jorwegiaa Lutheran church will hold Ita
New Year's festival Sunday evening In
: the church, 141 North Fourteenth
street The toadies .Aid society will
meat next Wednesday afternoon with
Mrs. G. Vance, . lit North Thirteenth
. street. : ' -. - ., . ,( . '
Dignity and delay are not quite suffl
dent for a aenat thes day.
an . i i,.' . ii ai
1 r yjyj
A proper food will cause
tb disappearance of many infantile
ailments.- This i why MaUia'e Fe4
rive auch marvelous results, beeauee
the baby belnf property fcd with a
truly nouriahlnc food, attalna a con
dition of rood health that reaiata the
tt.rk ef NMee and atevaate eickiMM.
Muui' Tei ts a tom4 that iba
r-ow .tronf. a4 for er a Ba of
MelUa's feod BaMes." . Si
Tee1 C1 T ff Feed NWi
-r tb.f A-oii et , Uk teee, -.
(.eld Medal, liifthett Award,
fortlend. Ore. 1905.
' - BAPTtlT.
raivmlty Fark . Jobs Beatsiea Saa
aar acheoi. 10 a. m.; 11 . at., "a Nw Taar'a
Metie j imhi b. m.. -haw um ak aauar
ta IS . ak, watch ala-at aarvtce.
at. Johs'e Bv. I. A. Latmard. Bdy
school, ll a. -; Macaln. 1 a. as. sad IjdO
BHiwood Nlntfc and rwatllla atrMta; Bev.
weurn a. uin. Hueeay aeaaoi, to a.
amraln. 11 a. m. an T:30 P. a.
ri,Uu la atythodUt ctaorea. Prmwhlng at
laakDMl M4e aa4 ecoad atreeta; s.
Mm St. Btodna. FrMehliia at 10:30 a. m.
ead T:M a. sl Suaoay aeaeol, II s.
Tbiro v.iiooutw avenae aad Knott atreata;
Bar. B. R. Bliaa. At 10 a. .. SumWy eroool;
prmrfaluc. 11 L a. aad f:l a. m.; . X,
F. U.. ;4fl s. a. . - . . " ' V .
Svodlah Hoyt aad renrteaate etrmts.
Praaraius. 1U.4& a. m. amAJM a. at.: Baaoar
school, it m. J . "
aonwd urrmaa aforra an BoOney avaane;
Rt. . BaeeraMaa. lraacfcla. IV a. m. and
a, m., Bundar acaool, M a. sa-i foeac
propla's MMtliur. a. at.
Oraco Moatttllla. ItlMe Srheol, 10 a. m.1
prMcblDg. u a. m. aa4 T:i) p. m.; Juakara'
BMiln. t a. m.: 8. Y. P. U.. :49 P- aa.
KaoullTllU cbovUioaos. Cnaday school..
a.' m.
BavlaoStroat Artiaaaa' kalL Rundar aehooL
i .m a. s.
(Catral Ker. w. T. Jordaa. MaraiDS mat,
"Tha Loat Mlnlatry"; ovoulag " Opaued."
' Seconal Bast Setmth aal Aakmy atrooM;
Rav. Htaatoa C. topman. Blbla ai'hool, 1 a.;
nraag paopla'a salon. :S0 p. m.1 10:04 a. m.,
'Tha Blaa of tha Ooaai Our New Xaar I'ur-
bom": f :30 p. .. "ITapariag tor A
w Taar'a Aaptratioa," . k
rtrat Too White ' Tampla Twalfth ' aad
Tajlnr atroats; Urw. J, Wiiltoomb Bronthor.
At io:so a. m.. "ue rorwam i hidm acaooi,
ia:ll a. at.; B. T. P. V. aortlro, p. ni. ;
popular evealna earvlro, T:B0 o'rlork. openod
wltk haptUm. wh.a Dr. Brontaar will proarh
on "Home Bwrri Home." tha ninth and loot
la ate aofii-a, "How to Be Happy Thaogb Mar
ried. 1 ntoe baptlaai wateb nl(bt aarrlee
will ba eel aa follow: . At S:S0 s. si.. ro
eeptloB hour and luncheon la tha lower temple;
10 no f. m., aerTire with aerawa ny ir. n. i.
Jordan, new paator of the Central Baptist
caurcb; 11:30 a. as., eoeaacratloa aervlca.
" i . HXTHODIBT. ' : " ' -
' Trinity Eaat Tenth and Uraat streets; Rev.
Harold Oborx. Berrlre at Ilia, m.; aaada)
arhool, 10 a. 4a. Prosram lor watch nlsht
aorTloal Kpworth leafoo. p. " at. i prayer
aerrlee, p. bl; aermoo by Rev. I. U Hadar,
I). 1).. 10 p. at. ; pralaa aervKe, 11 p. m.
Epworth Twauty-lhird and Irving streets;
Rav. Henry T. Atklnsoa. Sunday aebool. 10
a. as. ) u a. aa., "The Ktngilnai We iovern";
Junior learn, t a. am. In the evening at T
o'rlork watch slant aervteee will besla aad
will eootlnno with Interaalaoloa aotll nldolernt.
Darlna the ovenln Iher will bo a aortal Boat
aad light refreehmenta yjll. be aerveal.
ea Raat Ninth and Bill alreet. iTearhln
at 11 a. ra.. followed' by-. teetlaMmy sieetlns.
Taylor-Streets lr. PranHa Bargatte abort.
At 30 n. .. Flaases; J0:a a. 'Troatlng
or reeling WhUkf; 1:1 . n., Hnaday
aebool: :a0 Kpworth teagae; 1:80 S.
Bl.. "That Old-Paahlooeol Homo."
annnyalde Yamhill between Thlrty-dfth and
Thlrty-aUth streets; Rev. T. B. gorrl. At le
s. aa., 8uaday arbool; 11 a. at., "The Xear
Crowned"; 13 a., rlaaa meeting; 1:80 p. nl..
children's ' rlaaeee and junior league: P
Bk. Dpwortb league devotional meet log: T:S0
p m., aermoa by tb paator, followed by varions
servlFee and Intermlaeloiie aetll mtdnta-bt.
Oraee Twelfth aad Tayb treeta; da re ore
W. WlkVMa. O. D. Tha Mator baa returned
from Baa Pranelare and will prearb at 10:80
a. sa. ane I:au p. as.) rlaaa steeling, s:u s.
m. Randay arbool, 13:14 p. Ba.; Epworth
leagne, a:w. p. m. - f
CentenaryEaat Pine and East Ninth atroeta;
Rav. William H. Heppe, U. D. At 10:80
a m.. "Ufa In Ita Lara-er Bet Una": wat.h
night aerrlre beginning at :3n p. m., with the
fi.llowlng program: Kpworth leagne boar; half
noar wna. metnoaiai fiymnai; aermoa, . a
llomentona - Hour"; foneeemtloB aerrtra. Baa
day arbool. 11:18: morning rlaaa. :30 o'clock:
Juntore and Intersredlataa, 4 p. a.
i nlfereiry i-ara itev. l. A. wateera. at 11
a. sa., "Time and Eternity"; T:80 p. "Ho
brietr and Prarer"! Kondar arbool. 10 -a. m. :
class meeting. 13:80 p. a.; yuaUie leagne, 3 a.
m.t lntrrmelat ' leagne. 4 a. m.t senior
leagne. a m p. at. - W atch Bight BMtatlng W1U
varatd prograna. . ', v . -.
" . 1TC0aX. '-tV; V-'-'-a
Trinity Nineteenth and. Everett ate.! Dr.
. A. Morrleoe. rertor 1 holy oomiounloe, . a
a. 'an. I Sunday acbool. :SO a. m. ; moralns
prayer, ll o'rlork: evening prayer, T:l o'clock.
At these services part ef tha Cbrtatnua uuale
Will be repeated.
, St. stenoeo'a Thirteenth and Clay streets;
Rav. H. M. Ranwey. Holy communion, 1:K0
Bandar acboaL 9 a a.: m. : mornlnc
aervtre, 11 o'clock: evenina service, 1:80
O'clock. On Fridays litany aerrlee at 4 P. m.
Bt. Paal'a Woodmen: C A. Parker, aorvlee
and aernxje at 8 p. m. ; Bnnday arbool. 3 p. m.
Bt. John's Hemorlal Hellwood: ktev. w. K.
Powell. Bervira and aerawa. S:aS a. Ba,: Bun
dar school. 8:43 p. Ba, . j
St. Matthaw'a Pint and Carntherg . atrettg;
Rev. W, A., bf. Breck. 4rvice and aerawa,
II a. m. : Bnndar arbool. 9:45 a. m.
St. Uaeld'a Eaat Twelfth and Belmont
streetei Rev. fleoreo B. Vaa Waters. Bnndar
araooL s:a. a. m. i amirninc prartr with parti
of the Chrtatmaa moalr repeated, II ardors
evening prayer. ChrUtmas carola sad srgaa e eiors.
Oood Bbenherd Bellwend atreet and Tanesnver
venue, Albiaat Bev. John bawaoa. Hnaday
arbool, io a. m.t morning prayer, 11 e clock;
evenlmr prayer. T:80 o'rlork.
Bt. Mark's Nlnrteeatb and Onlmby streets;
Rev. J, E. H. Blmpaos. At 8 a. a., holy
eommanioa: It a. a., holy eoatmsaioa and
aeraoB; e ernes, eveoaong ana aermoo
10 a. aa Beads? acbool. r
. '" OOXaREOAnORaX. ;
' Highland Corner Preacott and Eaat Sixth
streeta, aorth! Hev. Aroaa Si. Kocawnoa. sun
Am r ' arbool. 10 a. m. :' morning aenicee, 11
o'clock, with preaching; Junior endeavor, -8
p. a.; evening aerrlre, f:80 o'clock, with aV
dreaa by atev. William u. u linger ea worn is
the Boath." ,
HaaeaM-Btreet East' Be Tenth atreet. Berth.
an,f H.m.Ia tMMl! Vmw V n fnieao. At
10:80 a. m., service with sermon; 13 m.. Bun
day srbooii :5 a. m., Chrlatlao Endeavor
Bible atndr: T:SO n. a., am Ire wits aeri
Mlaalaalppl-Avenae Mleelealppt t aveane and
Pronmnt atreet; Bev. William L. T'pehew. Bun
day acbool. 10 a. m.; 11 a. a., "God's Pro Ti
er ore la Our Li Tea"; Chrtatlan Endeavor, :80
p. m. T:80 p. a.. "Peat. Preeent. future."
ytret Msdlaoa and Para atreeta; Kev. n,
le neew. m iv;e eu mj ivrouni ,
1:8) a., Bvansellat Pinner; wetrh night
aervice roiiowa; nunaay erneoi. is:ia p, na.
Bt. Johns Woodmen's hall. At 8 p. m., earV'
lee with aermon bv Rev. . 1 Hoaae.
Bonnyalde Eaat Taylor and Eaat Thirty.
fourth atreeta; Rev. j, . Btaob. At 11 a.
m., "In My Pather's Hoaae"; T:0 p. a.,
"IVMt-Mortem Opportnnltlea" ; Sunday acbool,
10 a. m.; Junior ( brlatlaa Endeavor, 3 a. a.;
aenaor innatiaa saaaavor, e:is p. an.
''' V. ' CXXISTUaT. ' ' '
rtret Ooraee Park aad Celambta streets: Rev.
E. B. Mackley. Evangelist 8. M. Martin will,
seeaeh at 10:80 a. m. ea "Aa EvangeUat'a
Ideal" sad at T:B0 e. a. oa "Going Forward.
He will prearb' every evening daring tb week,
except Saturday.
Centra) Eaat Twentieth and Salmon atreeta)
Rev. J. P. Gheraiier. D. !. . At 11 a. a.,
"Bowing and Reaping") T:80 p. aa. Rev. E.
M. Patterns, WUI apeak ea "A Peollah Man's
Reanlntloa"; Bnnday arbool. 10 a. a.; Jnolor
endeavor, a:so a. bl aeaior endeavor, s p.
m watirh meetlna.
Bodney-Aveane Rodney avena and. Knott
street: Rev. r. Elmo KODineoe. At in a.
m., Bnnday arbool; II a. a.. "A 'Touching
Story"; T:80 p. at.. "The OoaJ and How to
Reach It"; the Carlatiaa Endeavor aoetety
will bold a watch BeaetiBg after the evening
i .' ,.('1'.. ' '
' -' l'UTHZEAB". '
" Korwerlaa 4H North Peeirteenth street: Rev.
J. M. Nervlg. Bervlces Bandar at 11 a. as. sad
Kew Tear'a day at If a. m. and S p. a.
Bt. Ita't Engllah West Park sad Jefferaoa
atreet; Rev. I. A. Leas. At II a. a.,' "Wnat
Win Tea Ia With ChrlatP't T:o n. a.. VTbe
Detective Plnds HIS Mas"; Bandar acbool, 10
a. m. : Laiiner leasne. -t a. a. Tna raator a
AM will aaret ea Tharaday ftersuaa. at the
Horweatlaa . Brnod Eaat Tenth -and Oraat
atreeta: Rev. 0. Hagoee. Bervlces at 11 aj
a. anS V -an o m. K. anflifUe adtonl. 1 1
treat: HeV. ttudmaad Orlll. Bnnday ssrvleea.
I Bandar acbool, 13:1
Retbaala Danlali 1'nlon aveane aad Mnrrw
I Orlll.
m.l Bt
p. a. Monday, Kew Year's day, aervice at 11
11 a. a. and T;80 p.
lirat Caeca of 'Christ, - arleatlat i(tl.k
Rite rathedral. Morriaoa aad Lnwnadale atreeu
At II a. a. and a, a.. "Ufs"( Sosdsy school
St rmee ef aaorning aervice. -
Beeoad Chnerb of Cbrlat. Sclentlat Aadl
toriHra balldlag. Third between Taylor sad
eaimoa aireeca. At ii a. a. ana s p m.,
"u I aenay erneai, ii n. a la tee read'
.teg-ran as. . Wednesday meeting, 3 p. aa,
' ' '-' YRtBlTTlELaJT. ;
. Mlapah Rev. t. ft. MrUlade, D. D. . Kew
fourth Pirat aad Olbbg streets.' frrarhlng
Bt av.ey. o. a uy ate., m. u, smpor SUBOA
I. 'is mora thxn ihtwt
L'mos the strenVt of
Oooom mlxodwith
SLat, starch, or ar
rowroot, and Is, there
fore, far more
ooonomlomlm .
. , a .n
The Finest
in the World
o!a.wvod.' :
Highest Awards v
tri Ettrop and America ..
.i-..'.v.o'-: ' .
A new and bandeotnelj lllae
trated Becipe Book sent free
Walter Baer & Go. LttT.
arhool. 13 a.; T. P. B. C. B.. 3:80 p. aa.)
prravhlng, T:X0 p. Ba. - '
Calvary Elevenrb and Clay atreetsr'Rev. W.
R Ullbcrt. At 10:80 s. m., "The Btiperacrlp.
tloa"; nt T:30 p. m., "What' Christ Saw Proa
tae troaa." t - 4-
Third East Thirteenth and Pine streets;
Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery, paator. Preaching
aervice, 10:a0 a. m., , "Tha Becuod. Hundred' ' ;
prearb Lug at T:B p sa., . .
)n,- r ' : ; v
, 4 BratlTv-AUST.
Pirat Bplfttuar horlety Artiaans hall. Third
atreet sear Washington, j t'onference nt ll.a.
m. ; young Beanie's rlubJ'tKO p. m. ; 8 p. a.,
lecture, folWeil" by spirit delineations. A
watch meeting will be held till th dswa of
the new year. ' I -
Bible Bplrltaal Borletr Alder street At
11 a. a., con fare ore; aa evening service. ,
ZTAwexucAx arsociatios:.
Pirat Engllah Eaat Blath and Market streeU:
Rev. B. A. Hlewert, At 11 a. m., "A Teat
of Tree. Olacipleeblp"; Bnnday acbool, 10 a.
a.t young people's alliance, B p. a.: 3:80
p. a., .-Kev. H. O. Henderson will apeak oa
'The Joy of the Victor": following thla. there
will be apodal maelc. abort addresses snd a
eonseerstloa service lasting an til 13 o'clock.
Beernid fhnrrh Pargo and K er by ' atreeta:
Rev. J. Boweranx. At II a. au, "Rhflections
I'noa the Old Year": T 80 D. m.. "Proaoecllna
the Kew Year": Hunaar achooL 10 a. a.:
K. U C, R., To m.
Or k ley Oreen Preaching, 8:80 P.' BL. by Rev.
J. Bowersox; Sunday school, 3:80 p. m.
: ! v;: v.v:.r.. r'.-u. a: a. t ;, "
T. M. G. A-Aaaorlatlon audltnrtnm. At
3 n. m. the Bnadav Club for Men -will be ad-
draaaed by Dr. lianlrl I Rader ' on "Luting
the Man': anloa br Ml as Rnth Eddlnas.
aoprano, and 1. W, Brawn, tenor; half hour
Barred concert by saeoclatloa orchestra; all
msa wsicosM. , .
The Reorganlaed Church of Jeaas Chrlet of
Latter-Day oalnte Woodward 'hall. Brat floor;
Her. will a. render. Baooatn arbool. io a. a.
11 s. m.i "Preparing for Zlon": T:80 p. m.,
"Coming ef Christ Other Thiaga Pirat"!
Uua'e, Eel Iglo-Literary society, 6:1a p. m.
...' V ' - " vr -- -
Plrsa Corner of Eaat Pifteenth sad liorrtaos
Streets; Rev. H. 0. Bhaffer. At 10 a. m,, Bible
arbool; 11 s. m., . sermon by . Rev. B. K.
Emertrk, editor of - the Psrlfie Searchlight;
Chiiatlaa Endravor. 3:80 p. aki son serried,
T:80 p. as., with sermon by .lbs pastor.
,'-' at, K. ORTTROX B0UTH. .
Pirat 1T1H Seoond street, foresters' hall;
Per. R. Hi Mowre,, pastor. At 10 s. a., Sun
day acbool: 11 a, a., "The Unity of the
Inarch"! :30 p. St., Epworth lesgns: T:80
p. a., "Do the Great Corpora tiona Help io
Advaac the Muaiooary CsnssT" ; ; -
i-' ': MTTtTt 0T TRUTH. "' ' -': :'
Snirll of Troth Society Drew baa 163 Second
street. - la addition to the osual lecture and
meeaagea by Mrs B. B, Help, st T:40 p. m
there will be s watch met ting. All cordially
Invited to participate.
J ' ' niVlRE TRUTH CIMTiR. '
Divine Troth Chapel Hall 301, Alleky "bnll-
ing, corner 'intra ana Horn eon streets; ever.
Thaddena U. Mlnard. Bervleee at 11 a. m.
Services Thursday at 8 P- sa. at tha home, 3o3
Kleveaia su ... . ,. -
lint Esst Coach and East Eighth streets;
Rev. W. P. Small. At 11 a. m., "The Con
trloatloa of the Cnlversallet Church to th
Worlds Bel Igloos Ufa"; 10 a. B Sunday
achoot. . ., .. . v ' .
Advent Second street, between Hall and
Lincoln streets; Rev. Cbsrles Heffrndea. Sun
day school, . 10:80 a. a. I preaching service,
pi. 80 s. a.; pralee service, T a. Ba.
1 Pirat Yamhill sad Bsvesth streets; T. Q. C.
Cresaey. At 11 a. a., service with flnsl die-
coarse ef Dr. Create y as minister of the
society; Bon day school. I3UN p. ak
' " "- : ivnmoMuv. '.r
Hew ChhrcB" ' Society Knights of Pythias
hall. Marque m balldlag. Bnnday school, 10:30
a. n.; lay service, n:ao a. m. .. , t . . .
'' "' - HEW THOTOHT. - ."
Chnreh of Kew Tbsoght Drew hall, 161
Second street. At 11 a. m., "The 1'oww of
ths Ideal la Beeaglsg Beenlts." ., ;i
',-'' 'birTH RRAHCnT 103110. T
Otlvs Rrsnrh Ooepel Mlealon Pirat, near Oat
street.'- Services every evening st t:30 o'clock
and Sunder at 3 p. m. ,
uiiiuiui ti.iOl'. A. - K. ball. . snniheaat
eorser Beesnd sod liorrlsoa streets. Berries)
st 3:30 p. ay, I -, .-
: American C6verhment .
"' Boeclal class at the Trxr. C. A. flight
school, stHdylng BryVea' American Com
mon weal tb. Tna principles or national,
atata and municipal , governments
atudled and discussed.
Vlnter term beglna January t, 1103.
rrersrred took' Oaaaed Oeede.
e-Allan Lewie' Beat Brand, ,
' Bsasrtahla Care. -. . tr
1 was much afflicted with aolatlea,"
wrttee SA. C Mud, Iowavllla, Sedgwick
Co., Kan., "going about on erutohss and
aufrering a deal of pain., I Waa Induced
to try Ballard a Bnow Unlmant, whioli
relieved me . -
"I used three too bottlea It th
grestest liniment I ver uaed; have reo
ommended It to a number of persons;
all express themselve being bene.
filed by It- -I now walk without orutcbee,
able to perform great deal of -light
Ubor en tb farm.'' loo, too and 11.03.
Woodsrd. Clsrk e Co.
7 8. .'
' i' ' A .
. .i.
-V T '
' 't.
-1 '
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veniences and economics Is thus placed within the reach of
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patrons are requested to make application AT ONCL : - v- '
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Conrenient time to calL
Seventh and Alder Sheets
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