11 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER "30. 1905 FOR SALE FARMS, PERSONAL. MACHINERY. TYPEWRITERS. 1. FOR SALE RHAL ESTATE. OTTO 'ft CB'M'KBTT. 211114 W'aehlnrtoa et. D40-arre farm, rlrraully Improved, beet -farm In Renloo count;; all atmH and fniple- loente ran b bought with fans; prloa on application Aa Ideal ranch of .-ny acre. In Jckoa county, well Improved, .with ltsn heed of rtne. u Bead el boraea, all Implvwent: ia.uoO. - . An lerDtly Improved Sno-aer farm in I.lun county, all u inter cultivation; certain amount ui stock aud crop wlia lb farm; glHIO. ' lno acre near Forest Drove: very nice ' farm wlti all tha stock. Implements and 'a lot of laat year crop, fur fj.vuo; food irruis can we naa. , 47 acres nesr h'nrth'xamhlll; alee, 'smooth land. bast soil; .'tl Mr srr. - 40-Wore la Yamhill county; fslrly well femnreved, all fenced : 915 per sere. M seres, faring Wlllamttta river! landing oa plsce some oesverdsin land, oomfurrabta aouae; kvnj: in cneapcet on tne market. ' 10 acres well Improved; t-room ho, ctoac to carinas; p.i.ziaj. - . 8 tnw, elegsnlly Improved, now Vaa ewtwt: 81.100: terms.' 10 mm, 8 ml Ira from Vsneonver, 1 mtta from good little towu; nearly all la cultlra , lion, good buildings: $1,150. a V4-acree, 11 utiles from Vancouver: ele . gently improved, all kind of fruit; 1.050 tvrnii ha. he had ' , Karma to trade for city property and le V vers,' OTTO CROCKRTT. 248H Weehtngtou" it. it- auu -vuuvtiKi v -M block aud lerre hone on 12th and ' Markat 15.0on Ui on Uth at with T-room boo, t modern bourn on l.iiti and Tailor... 13.UU0 r room aeodera houao on liUb aear Jsf- teroua S,Ou0 . 7-ruom modern bona la South Port- Und 7 . 2. A atce little property on Hwd at...... 1,400 KAT nIOK. Two T-roon modern houaoa. elrrantlv ,"" located, each ...A,...$S.ono 8-rm oae. lot 100x100... V . ,' ft-room modern entlare, nicely located, 1,2V) o-roem cottage, Inr lawn ............. l.x-vi ' S-room-house. nice Iocs 11 ty J. l ' lo-roou boaao, lot lwuloo 3,U0 t.Rnni houao. aaMuvalo liaaamanl lot MxllI 4.100 ' ' Can hara aa - acra of ground, with houar. for pOO : -ronni. 2-atory bouaa. barn, lot lOOx -' ' l.va. fruit l.too ' 4-rooa cot I a(a, . lot SOxlM, . (ood flatrrn ; ; 800 Aad aoTtral atbar good propoaltkma. ELtWonn LOTH fa down and Jft avaathi fnaa 7S tn f200. Ballwwad -lowaelte C Phona Eaat T04. , V ACRES rmy flna land, laa' rhaa on will front electric Una. II allien from Portland. . an flna road: tbari la no rock or (raealt Ilea laeel and aaay to clear) (All per acre. ao ' krad of rarnaa. I 49, ear of JouruaJ. A. BNAP. - Por Kale Modern T-room bouaa. funilahcd. fX.RO0; fl.noO raah. balance tor ma; aa an inTeataont, para it par cant. Phone Eaat 1287. v. . - ' .. - - , v FOR tAI.E S-ronut bouaa. t Iota, fenced. cUTrr lawn, Trre cbenp; na Mnuat Boott car, maart elation, aire. e intergtuto. 10ntino PKET with atchtlr treoa, ln Wood-'- atock.- Mala . . KAPB In Weadlewu liae Id boueea to aelect from. Ofnco No, 014 Junior at., Woudlawa. Call up Kaat 4VI0, aad will ba taken direct to awaera. -r - . m ACRE. 14 anllea erxet of Fort land, on eearaty mad. near acnonl. ti1 par acra; no aceata. .- Rwea Bner luck blt. RH ADtltTlON TO BB1.LWOOD lote M to (MO; H down, tn per month; mne fin cheap bomea In Hell wood from f.vno to 1.000. . W. II. Mureliouaa, MO Uiuatllla are.. Sell- eraod. ' BNAP l-ot on t'arathera at.. IT50. tat Vamhlll at. CHOirr) butWIIna lot aoxioo. llrand are. aud . Maaon at., 4400.- Inquire Htar- Iuudrr Co. - TAKB A IAK)K AT THrWK. Tern la ran modern M-rooiu kouoea oat Twentr flrarmM., near. Iloet; ateaat beat and erer. - thlruT the beat; take Tour choice for 4.T.t. Then- are the beat narvarna to ba found on the weet aid. CollKia Land Cos, Mtaaroa . bid. Mala KM. ACRKS near carl Inc. la lamp or by acre, dirt cheap; eaaa or toraaa. Terry, tlO Koeoad at. Ion TA RMS. email traeta and lote: herualna ea , , f W. P. -electric line. . O. R. Addltnu. Lanta. Oraaroa Take Mount koott ear. fte. .V) DOWN, f 1 awnth. buya S-room new cot tare. Improved atreet; 25 montlily for . ft-moa Mdrra kouaa and $ lata, lliooe Beat 41ntt. .... OMR rood eornera ekiee to the M. P. terminal: ood buya. HH avrea na ear Una, (200 per acra for whole tract: In B or 10 acra. 1T8 to $300 - per acre. Call 8 Pine at. . POR HAI.rV REAL GRTATB. Pre acre wlthla on utile of car. Scent fare: all under plnr, with 1U asm In atraw . berrlee; baa atuall houae; boat of laud for berrlee. t .. BLAIR ft FlRr.BtiT. , v - f 313 AblOxton blda".. . VRN acrea, with 4-room heauus pood barn and eulnulldlnra, runulns water aa placet; sue acra atrawherrlea, younc orobard; all ha cultlra - tloa: 4rat-claae aoll;' one ml la from ear; 10- ' cent (are. S fur Hoc. Blair ft Hurltiot. A KNAP Here la a chance to ret a beautiful. modern, new. o-ronm hooee. to beat reahlence ' dlatrlct la city, cheap. Innnlre ooraer 114th ..aud MnltBomab. Uolladay Park..- ' (NAP - T-room brmae, all re rood order, near Ankeny carllnu, doaa In, aaat aide; a Cheap . home; $2, two. - - . -. HKNKXB A BAKER, - "f . . I1T Abliwton-bldk. 'i " " ' r i ... . HEW aaooem k-rocra hnrme, nWly flnlabed, cheap, at Hnnayaide. I'hoa Kaat 428. FOR SALEFARMS. . ' - . 100 AI'JtRN, 70 cleared, 20 acrea pond timber, 10 acrea alaahed: 1A Bailee aootliweat from Portland: ft ml lea from Beaeerton: will dl ., ' Tide tract; will taka part trad, rot farther particular nee awner. "-Ml acrea, 7 nillr from - Vancouver; email fcoua aad hartu pood well; aererai acre ' cleared; near achonl and church, on (ravel road; R. P. rT; will icliana for city prop arty: price f 1.200. . ' f 40 acree, 10 acre ewale. halanc abot day; no. 00 feet rood timber; aeeoral acree well cleared ; family orchard; llrlng water an pUce I Imuaea, ' bara aud ether MtmilMlnra: team. 2 cewe. 8 doaea ehlckena. t mile ' from food oountry town; 10 wile frooi Van ce ret : fi.OHO. , & acrea, M arret wall euttvrated. balance Cratlaea paeture, I acre orchard: axwd -mom bona, barn, dairy and ether rood eut ' imllrtlnre; aome atock aad all klnda of farm ' ' Implement aad tool; pond proded achonl, " and country town ucrqa the mad: Id ml lea ' from Vancoorer; kn.pooj. will le good taruM. ORRION REALTY t'O.. aruiej waaninpiou t aooa v. ' THRRR ICXTRA-OOOD PARMA. tno-eere dairy farnt In Clarke Vonnty, Wb In ton; orer 100 'acre rultlfetcd, balance naature; P-mom bone, nem barn Mxloo feet, , larre dairy aad wvedbou combined," and otb.r hulldlnr. lH-acr orchard; that I - " flu land, wrll watered; bead of rattl. I aelf-hlnder and cream eeparator' ro with farm; price) (2tl per acre; widow Uuat eell; thla farm la worth more money - than 1 . aeked. . Nlca 40-ecra farm, 10 Bile from Port , land, an anod rod; -lcb, mlllnd land. 13 acre' rulllTated, balanea plur llrlna ' aprltur. aod bulldlnia and pood orchard. OR-a era , farm; 4B a era clear, balance 'paatarek 1010 frnlt treea, farm fenced and emee-feneed, rll watered, bnuae ,Hi40, barn kiKdn, other bolldlnpa, horaoe, cattle, farm ' - Implamenta go with place for 176 m acre: pood term; If alle from Port land; all aa a) tea And 1 m HWfl i .0RIMT MI5T,RATn ,fj0.. -., i ' 4A1 Morrhoui t. i 1 ' . ., LANUIM.rf ft RA.VD, , , . TS Plath HI. , .i. " ' " FRUIT LAND. : ' Red april and atrawherry land In rh TTrtod ' ' Rlrer, White lmon nd Mmler dlatrh-ta. PF.Ai'll OKCIIARIW " And fruit land lu th famoua Aahland Iey. PARMH . :)Ti penenl farmth in the Winmtt ral .ley and ama the Cnlumhl. RAIRV RANt'II') f ' la tba beet dairy aeetinu.of Waatilnrtaa. , L'NIMPROVKI RANCH LAND And hooteeteari rellnqnlahmetit. f.ITV PROPPRTT , And fnelmnt praperty In outalda town. . . , IKIN II LET Vol R MONEY LIR ' , tu aarinra bankl at 4 pr rest when yon ran donhkt It hp htnlNif In clieap land that will anna be reached hy rallroaila. NoW at tba time. Wa ran tall yn where. ACRE. In floe etar af rultltatlon, on flnf 1 road, mile fretu electrle Ime, old boo mi, t aeree la hear In orchard 1 there la aa rock at prevail price II 9v. . p J 4, ear Jonrnal. $n nrav-PARM f 40O lore, tto rwltlrated. belane peetnre; 0 acr clover: . boo, tw name) m atl In lt of 40 arrrt, Ad dreae R Dell, p ot - 1, Klckreal, .0rea, . 4"0 it Itiinl at., Porllaad. leo-ACRE farm. 1 mllea eaat of Portland en bandy river; 40 ecrre ondrr eulrl.atloo, rood Improve meat.-' 14 acre en Powwll valley read, V, mile eeiith of -reaervolrt abort die. , tanc from 2 carllnea. IT acrea fMd, htval aon auj"ninr Motor awiitioa. v j n. eeca heliser, -JM k'allup old. . NAPS la towa lote and Irrlrated tract at tluvar. Ilvver Laud Co., 122 41k at., Portr land. A SO-ACKR -farm, all In cultlvatloa; I mllea from ciiurtboaae, I mile from 0. W. P. ft Hy. Co.. 3.(X; terms to eull. or will trade rot bouaa and lot. Joke P. Sharkey. 701 Chaaa ber of- Commerce. -" ' PREE LAND IN OKtOON uoder the Carey Irrlratloo Act. Ieed direct from etate. . Writ today. Booklet end mep free. B. 8 Cook- ft Co.. 261 Aide at.. Portland. Or. POR aLK Ittoc ranch ef 2.40A acra near Coburp, mllea aertheaet -ef Cnaene. Lane . county, Oreaoa: price low and term eaay. P. I). Chamberlala. Lahbe bldg.. I'ortUad. FOR PI A LB ' 40 cra very fine find. H la nttlvatloa, II ee nice and leed.Vrlch black loam; It ad join Clackamea at at loo and R. R.I ealy ' 10 mllea from center. of Portland will after II for .YBe week only 1 at 47a par acre.. A4 dnaa U 14. car JounaL FOR 8A4.K SO (elrhtyl cna of land with cedar and elder, on running atreara. $10 per acre If taken la 80 day.. Box 214. Kalatua, Kaeblnalon. FOR-aaw or cichanr for ranch 1 acrea tm- E roved land i aulle from Mraitavllla car line. .. A. Delano, owner, Moutavllla, Oreaoa. 40 ACRED apple land near Hood Rlrer, 10 per acre. Hy owner. Aiktreaa K , iournal. FOR SALE TIMBER. - r. CERTIFIBn acTlo. any at piece; kemat price. W, 0. BowaiL, BUS Chamber f 0oa FOR HOMEPTRADII. timber rlalaaa aad acrlp, apply to od Commercial blk. TIMBER LAND WANTPD I can kandle a number ef pood til her claim tn Iteechutea timber belt, at once; till moat b parftct. - J. N. Huatar, Rend. 1 Orepon. . ' 820 ACREf . timber and Mineral laud, half mile from river. 04 Ooldamlth at., Albln. BOM Pi pood bometed for location' In the white Harmon country; feel reaaonaDI. Box 2H4. Vancouver, Waab. . ' ' - HORSES AND CARRIAGES. THE MODEL STABLER. Brow ft Foster, prop. I -hone Mam 047, Boardlnp, livery and aalc; xpn and bacpata traoafer. 20ft Davia at lPOSt RTARLEfl W.' A. Heeahu, prop.. 122 . Wiloa are., cor. 'Alder;, livery, board ia( and aale. Pbone Kaat' . - TO EXCHANGE, PARTIKP) harlnc wild land to rrrepym or waauiDCtoo to exenacf call at. nut McKay - bids: ' 4r . TO FXCHANtJB Good timber land la a flna location for marchandtae, Whitney Broa., Irvine Orepauw , lIPJAD of ereer. eitra-pood eomlnp 1-year-nlda. Wbat have you to offert Addreaa K. R. WlckheUW- Oak Point, Weanlnctou. FOR aa improved farm. 8 bouaa aad quarter block In Oregon City, clone lu; atraet praded nd- aewer, Addreaa owaer, - A. A. Paaae, Bt. John, Orepoa, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WE print your name an 80 ealMnp-earo. Draper alae aad atyto, awri 2fi0 bnatnee rarda, L Brown ft Rcmale. 228 First. Portland. Or. BOOK ft bomrht. aold and evctiaared at the Old Book Rtore. 228 XamhIU at. WPHTERN .ORROOM MINING ft MILUNU CO. headquarter) stock for earn . and In formation at 180 First at, Phase Mala I82. WE need furniture and will- pay fnll vain. Phone Pacific 703. V Wester a Salvage Co., OTT Washington at " FOR BA1.B Milk poara tor raueumpttvea, babe, aid aud weak atomacha. 804 Uoldamlth at. LAR1 CRT alack of bottles lu awtliwast: order filled promptly. Portland Bottl Pnnply Ck. -API North Elfhteentb at. Malnlr2NB, ITACHINFRT of all kinds raiMtred. G Ira ft Steal Worka. 2M 01 lean at. tred. CeateuQlaJ SHOWCA8E8 AND FIXTURES mad to order; second hand good for sal. Cerleon ft Kail atroav 2PS) Ooueb at. Phone Ctey 871. ' BORRES af all kmda for eale at very reeanaahl price - Inquire 275 Front at. . FOR BALR OR RENT MRTf AND RRCONtV HAND BEWINfl MACHINRB, STANDARD fEWINfJ MACHINE ACRNCX. B. D. J0NH3, 2 X) YAMHILL ST. . . I- , : DIAMONDS, watch ea'end Jewelry at anvtn i of Kl per cent. H. M. Leffert ft Brn.. whole - sale and re tan Jeweler. Offlcaa 807 AlktkT bldr. Third pnd Moniaou. ' BORRKS. harnea. eecond-hsnd wapoua, one pood 1 beekt aleo rlga for rent by dap or month. 420 Hawthorn. Pbouo Eaat 72. , AT Pioalag-ent prices, ee.eral eample paenlln nplne. marine and atatlnnarys write for prlcua. , Rcleman Machinery 0 Portland. NPW 84O0 tffjirkerln piano I1S0; Deckar 8.VI; 12S organ 4)36. 241 Sk Flrat. tarn Mala, upatalra. . '. ... 1 , BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rent or fur sal an eeey payments. TBI RRUNRWICK-BALKI CDLLF.NDEE OS. - 4 Third C Portland. PARROT. Rererred a lot of Mexican eVmpel yeflowbesd parrots - ton lata tor Christmas . trader win acll fill parrot for 88 till aold. Portland Bird Co.. 127 N. 8th. Pbone Rd full. S JERSEY eowa. 1 freak In a few Say. . 818 Sread at . Moutavllla, wragoa. POR SALE On pear, welrbt MO In., aound nu genii; awn one row n year oio. I'Dpn Bcott 11U. I'alaley. WoodUwn. , FOR RALE Rewrfcg machine In rood condition, cheap for en ah. Addreaa A. B. Thomas, 102(1 Grand av., N. MANURE by wsronlntd r carload ou O. W. P. Ry. I'bon Bast 2:116. - A rTNAP- Roukabout nut,. $2A0. Inqnlre at R 2d st FOR BALK Tboroerhored Scotch eollla mala . rmprdeer besotlea. 204 Alberta L, P car. PERSONAL. SPECIAL NOTICE TO WDVfRN Don't rtak Kar Uvea by aa operation whan you re pored by harmlea methods; electricity . properly applied will aaare life where opera. ftoae kllL Wa p nasi a rh latest lvntl- to anutml dbteaaea peculiar to- womeuV- Dr. W J. Neca. M. R., Medical Rlectrlclan. Of fice 718 Dekum btdg. Paooe Red 8281. Offla lunr 8-12, 8-8. IK. Palm Tablera mak you deep perfectly, they cur parvoanne and meka you atrang; rice 6)c a hex. 8 botea 12 h puaruotoed. U drurrhita, or addresa Brook Drug Csk. 47 North Third at.. Portlaad. Oregon. PRTBCT1TB AOENCTrNmddentlat tnveatl- paum.; nnmm biq. on ear inainsow pea or property; mlaaln relstlve loeatedi pad debta eellected; charges reaaonblet err reannndeac aollclted. Orvroa Dtctlv Service ofner 814-ftiS Cnlnmhl IMg.. SM .Waehlns-toat at. Phone Mala MIS. . MEMI WOMRN I Raymond' pill pnalttwly cur nervousneea and lark of vital" rt $1. 4 boa as fa, rinmmer Drug O., 284) Third. CONFIDENTIAL, medical advte to woman W rreav oiaeaaes r women excmsiveiy, conns with unvsrylng sneer all fern I ailment from th elirhteet local trrltatloa to tba mot rompllcated Internal tmuble; maternity ceee given special attention, privet koapltal -rommodatlon; 'neofeaalnMf ladv nnraea lu at v T'1nc; conanltatlnn and dv1c free, X- eienicei ineriiuvv snu oen 1 r.i i'e. Third aad Aide sts.. autraaa. 8BS Aktar e, Portlaad. FRER sm ;cor.,-1 mrolo and wart cure. Rd win L. leaa. dvnt. R. Tauntoa. Mae, w MANLY vigor" reetoced be Dr. Roberta' Nerr OHmhle. One anth'o treetmeut, 2; I month, to 1 sent eenrery eeakd by mall. A rente, Wooderd. Clarke ft C.. Porttaad. Or. BOOK PI fter they gret Decemeee," Hep. t.m.rof. "A Hot Temale." "Pannr Hill. 'Twnt Yr a Faker," "Forbld-ie Fruit. eu vacnt oat free. A, Uchmal. jj nrst st. LORT powere reetnred bv tn great Dr. Loren a nerv ionic Tahlrtsi sne per ana. 8 hoars for H.W. Write or call at Rye-ell Phermecy, tJT Mnrrlenn. bet, let and 24. DR WOni.Ef BENJAMIN, tli Foot Speclallat, "" ""ingtno It.. Hood X4. aVar feel Pied entind. 1 WHY live alone when you ee error a Mr , companion hv joining tn Interetat Intro. - dirinr clty, and meet or eorreepond with . repntahl persona of thla aectlon. many Wealthy: th November reaister. 10 cent. Suit 24 RueerU hide Phone PeclfUT tM. LAD I Kg You anpear 20 years younger, re move sll w rink Ira. have klaHke velvet by a.lng Oregon Urape Skla lupd. I'hoa kat y7. FREB to oat of town patron, oar latest rata lorn af fancy work, pillow tone, center . piece, ehlrtwelsf end noveltle. The Needle Craft Shop. 207 Alleky bldg.. Portland. Or. DOMR' beenltal; renal He pad draaslng. Yam bill and West Park ata. Tl'HKISH BATHS. Mo Oregonlan bit's.; Udlra vmjm. aeeucmea aigata. sue iw-ta. BINd CIIOONO. tm porter of Chinese root medi cines: sells Chinese tea that m-certain cure for all diseases, 1.1 hecoud bet- Yamhill saj Taylor. SEND'fnr free Hat at cut prlcea and elobblng rates ou msgaxlne. Jones' Book Store. 201 Alder at.' - - DR. ATWOOD. I R usee It bldr.. IflhVk Fourth St. Female disease sod confinements tskrn . and eared fori epea eveam. Cooetrttatloe free. ORDER OF WAHniNOTON Foremost fraternal . eoclety of norlbwcet: protecte the living. 812 - w,iyu.iM jiaju- rarinaa, 11 0ET married: Ideal plan, hast results: aead 10c for particular to th Pacific Correepowdeuoe Club, Alms. Oregoa. BALM OF FIQS tor all female dies sees. 2 Kast Belmont. Phone Rest 4084. RED-CROPS stands for relief: specially treat ing ehionte aad prtvat diseases. Cor. Sd aud Aab. BALM OF FIQS for all female dlesa - Hartford St. Peniueolsr atatloa. 2TJ BB MEN I , F. P. (V1tsl-Power tablets win restore ta p. vim and vigor r manhooa; it you ere lacking la the power af vitality. It oes resulting rrom inoiscretioua aaa sxeseeee. send for a bos of thee tablets and be eon " elud of their merit. By null In -plain, pt . 81. The Armstrong Tablet Co.. luci. 8M Tela DM hlk.. - iMtrolt. Mick Ipsa. SUITS pressed whlkt you wait, Bfle. Ladlaa skirts pressed. 80c. Gilbert, tone.. SlxU at.. no xt to Quelle. Pboo Clay SOB. ST. GEORGE ORMOKTJB. Beer of Egypt, tells yen or msrrjsgs, lov. bualneaa, alcknee. how 'to Invest aeoncv. aneeulstlon. buvlna. aell- Ing. partner, friends, enemlee; - cures all nervous diseases, weak sees or every a ran, eettlea love ouareela. rennlfsn the eenarated. hasten marrlape. locates mines, burled treasures mleslug once, papers; renews youth ful vitality, give msgnetl secret powers of control, develop, toachaa. . SSBM wasuug ton at. YOTTNO Udy glvea vapor, alcohol tad medicated natue. -Parlor 2T. 2Ho4 Btsrk. MRS. ANNA MICKEY la sow located at 8.10 Taylor at.; principal of tha American Beauty Perlore. She cures sll sculp dlsesses; sll kinds of ha tba given: electric masesg. manicuring ana cniropoayi aiao sasm is arrow s jsmous , remedies;-' satlai action guarutaed. I'hoo Msln 2243.' aflM RTHEI. WARD, wain nnd hair enerlaltst. " ahm manicuring and riilropoily. formerly of Kto Taylor St., M new Ipcataa ax soim mor rtson at., room 14. - ANY amn or woman can he strong and happy - by using Sexlne Pllla. the great tonic: price 91 a boa, n tvoxea pn, witn run .gtisrsnree. Addres or rail J. A. Clemsneoo. druggist, 'eor. Second and Yamhin ats., Portland. Or. MIRrf ENOI.1KH. magnetic healer, ancreeafully tresta rheumatlam and neevooaneaa; slso gives electrle and magnetic treatment. . 14614 Btb - at., cor Alder, room 24. - - - ATTORNEYS. A- H. TANNER, attorney, 808 nomiDarclal blk.. Second aad Washington ata. Pboas Mala 844. 0. F. BURLEIOH.. Beat Portlaad. Is wyes, 12S Orand ave EDWARD T. TAOOART, ttoenev and eakov. 418 Chamber of Oummar aa bldg. AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD COVEY, Plfreenra aad Aider, aswat tor twaiime ana ncrce antomooiieai aaacniuea rented, repaired and stored. ASSAYERS, - OARVIrT CYANIDR RZTRACTTON CO. sad Montana Asssy Office, IPS Mesrlaoa at. ART EMPORIUM. PROS-ERROR R. MAX METER. 848 Aids. Portrait and landeeape artlat ' and touch. ACCOUNTANT. CHARLES . PFAHLRT PubWe andttor and expert arcountaut. Bona f, Chamber or ummerc bldg. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. B. BIRKENWALD CO., sT4-8n8 Largest botchers' etrpply booee on tba BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS ft'KILRAM. 10S-111 Second St. Blank bonk msnnfsctnrers; agents for Jones - improve uew-usi srnger; ee tn new Eureka leaf, tha beet an the market. BLACKING. WERPO0T Blacking, ahantutely wa .errs oof. si r ess the leather, Bukea shoes wear 80 ' root tourer. Fa as la n nuo. 18 1 18 cetrta. . COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ALU produce bandied an enrnmtesloa w pay hlfheet price snd rmy Imnwdlatsly. Ruby franklin, i , Rnccessor to P. Millar A Co. Pbone Pacific A8. 2R Oouck gt LRNBCB BROS., - cremmlaalon msi'i Tisnts. Sour, feed, hay and produce. 8S2 to 208 Freut at f heoe Mala toM. . . fVFRDINO ft FARRELL. prodsce and mmra rlon merchant 148 Fmnt at. Portland. Or. Pbone Mln IT. CI0ARS AND TOBACCO. ESBEBO-OCNST CO. - avtstnaotora of ' WIK CIQAB8. Porrla4d. OrepoA CHIROPRACTiq POSITIVRLT ctrres an rnrma of rheamatrnu. or. Bva Hogau, 208 Hall at. Pbone Msln 804. CLEANING AND DYEIN0. TAMHIIi CLEANINO ft PRESSINO CO " caiieu ror a so aeovare. rsoo Clay FH2. 847 YamhllL ' Portland Steam Cleaning ft Dyeing Worka; -pea. eaticr laenaenies. Sll- era. t.isy TV. CL)THP.g cleaned and pressed 21 per month.'1 Caloo Tailoring Co.. 847 Waahlagtoa at. , . W. W. TrRNRR, profmatoMl dyer end la nor. SOB Jefferson St. I'koa Mala SB la. - NEW peoeraa lacs rwrtala cleaning, SO la 81 batr. 4A4 flltn. Mala 004. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet (leas lag Co..' tarreet pleat on th meet. IwIng and Ilardtna r tele. Rhnsia Bset 20 Carpets leaned, refitted. . sewed and laid; both steam and latest rors--jtreeed alr process: reaov stlna) SMttresees and 1 SANITARY esrfiet cleaning, auction and com. Ol . I ele .n..lnu.. .1 . . . - urltbout remove L Mala 8334. Beat 432. CAR P RTB cteati.d n the fWt w rale na rnons ( lay st. rra eVssiiastosttsSa CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WnoLRSALR ernckery and glaarwara. Prael, Hcpoio ft tu. in te o Fifth, eor. Stark st CAFES, the orricRten Wsrtington tJL Bra sal Ylgnssn," . I'kon Male ;i: oi.ii.i; CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS ft VoOD. earoenter. rmllders; re pairing and Johhtnr: store aad office Fix tares built. Shop Columbia. Main 827. WASnRIIRNE ft FLOYD, wapna builders sud general Job work. 82 8th St. Pbon Heed Bee. F. E. VANDERBOOr anaetw. S87 Stark at. Pbon Msln 147. WM. FIRHBErk, carpenter; repairing snd )ob blng done. 291 Rnrnslde st. Phono Msln 8427. COAL AND WOOD. ve... .ceeewe CntTRCHLEY BROS, have removed from font -IMvls st. to 42 Kearney st., acsr 11th: I now rn larceet woodyard la th citv. cerrr Ing all kind of wood aad coaL Main Ml WESTERN Peed ft Fuel Co.. 00 Front, between :llsan and Hort, deslera la sll kinds ef nouaa roses and pueksmlto 00a la. Phaoe - Main 1U1H. - ALBINA FURL CO, IValer In cord wood, coal and green and dry alsbwood. R. R. and Al blns are.. 8 blocks east of ferry. East ST4. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealers la coal, eurdwoud aad dry aUbwood. Phena East 424. TRY KAGLR LUMP COAL. 14 ton 82, ton 7 Hankie. 148 N. Sixth. Paclde 242. OREOON FUEI CO. All kinds of coal aad wood, Alder St. Pbone Msln no. KIRK HOOVER. SIS Water St. Wood and eosl. I'bona Mala - - - FX'LTON WOOD COPboM PactOe V4 for dry - aaa green atarrweoa. KING COAL CO.. Imrnrterp hlrh-gred boo, team snd smithing cos Is. Msln 142.Y COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES any one owe yea money? - We aelleet - bed debta of all kinds. North west era Law ft Collection Co.. 122 Orand v., room 14 aad in, t.ltiaene rutag - Dlog, cut iinm out. Phone East 4424. DETECTIVES. i: TEIX as poor troubles; ws never sleep; evidence trice la civil ana anminaj cassa. sk Henlnger. Bo 800. DRESSMAKING. KRISTER'S LADIES TAILORING) OOI.I FOR. 202 and 400 'Alleky bldg.; writ for booklet. DBRRRMAKINO, flrst-rlaea - snd up-to-dsre: rhsrrea reaaooablo. Tel. Main 1522. Call - 414 Fifth at. DANCING. WOOOWARDS dancing achonl f tb Weetera lM.hwiv off xlnale. Mandar end . Tkuredar. ., Spectator Invited. Lewona 60. . Desclag 8 to 11. cor. neeead aad- Morrxeaa. DOG AND ' HORSE ' HOSPITAL. M M BROWN Tl.T.S D C.lt Don. florae he. . pltsl.287 Rnrnld. Phone : Maln40H6; PaeXO. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. RORTRWEST ELECTRICAL ENOINBERINR Compsny. 84 Seventh St., Portland. O. K. for everything In tse aUetilosI Ran. . 'Msln VlA. , . .PACIFIO ELECTRIC' CO. Fnrlaeere. eon tree- to-, eeparrer. elecme wiring, eoppnea. e First, ear. Stsrk. Msln Sr. B. BJ. Tsto. mgr. FURNACES. B0YNT0N wsrm-str fnrueces ssv fueL I. 0, Rayar Furnace Co.. 8S Second. Mala 41. FRENCH BAKERIES. ' TBS only piece fa Portland to get French bread. Barrere ft MsylM. 407 Sixth at. Dally deliv ery. Pbon Oreo 80S. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON rnrnltnr Maaotacturlng Compssy Msnuractr.rr f tarnitas tut th trada, Portland. Or. rrRNITCRR menurarrsrlnr aad reda1 ecders. U Ravi ask y'a furultura factory. 87 Front t- grindinS B, J. CASTE RUNE ft CO., Inventor of tb famoua steel tempering proceaa; tool aaar) aned reeaoeahle. 147 S. 8th at. Pael8 84: Basnra, knives, sctoeors sharpened to pert ee rie TWO. GROCERS. W A DRAMS ft CO., wholesale am grocer, aner cheats. faetnreea end eon and Oak sts. ' ALI.FN ft LEWIS, eommhwton snd peodoce ape, stissra. Front and Davie at., Portlaad, Or. HARDWARE. Portland Pe rawer Os. aotlclt opporroetty v goote nricea. IPS let at., oar. Alder. Mela 1884. i . :"- HOTELS. BOTE Pendwton, Pndleto.-W. A. Brewn, any. BOTEL PorTUnd. Amsrtcsa plsa: 8. 88 per dap. HOTEL St. Oeorge, PemDetoot -toodlag beteL BELVRDRRRi Ewropees pltai rh and Aide eta. HAY AND GRAIN.1t 'W.. .M e.V'.- m ie B. 0. COOPIB ft CO. Petstoos, food knd floor. 12s Uaton- eve. Peons East 1B1T. INSURANCE. WaflTB, OrTbs ISA AO L. as. SOS Dstrsi LAMBERT. WnrTlefwR-ft CO. Pie Tssnnre aad reel eotite; office tdf-IOk Pherh-- bids. Mela IOM; dept. 404 East Alder. Beat eI JA8. Met. WOOD, ampmyers HabtUty and tn dlvfcmal neddest .eurety hsada sf an klnda, Pbon 47. a8 McKay bid. BV F. RARTEI.S COMPANY Fir rnsnrsaa. 442 Sberleck hldp. Orwgoa Phono Clef 828. LOCKSMITH. 1. H. RICHARDSON, expert lock and keyemlthi genera! repair Ins eaat Iron braslngt all 1 gnarsataod. 27 Barasld st. Pbon Pa ic(l Kir. BROWNE'S IN T0WNErnert teckewlth aad bicyete repairing. 2BB st.rk. cay Clay SfS: night pbone. Mala 88. MUSiCAL. LESBONR Hoc piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin. vtoiia;.rnatrumente ror oaia. Miu rirst. sor Mela. Mr. Msrtr. PIANO, eroltn, strrar and wind tnetrameata. rroreasa Bdwm A, Smith. Bo4 Tsraifth. Mara TV PIANO tualn. Mr Perfect wort gee re stood. C W. Jobaeoa. rhone Msln I81L J. A. WFBC0. vtolla-OMkep and repetiei 1 srsrk suss smee,. v masset oiug.t aui pan saomapa. TUB n. C. AI BEE CO. Reeond-hsad maUnary, eawmllla, ato. 248 Orand are. HIPPELY ft MY ERR, UMChlnleta and le. trlrUr.r electric-elcretore. electrical machin ery end peeoltne enf a spectslt. 224 Oak St. Phone Mstn !. - - r - MONEY TO LOAN) READQOARTRRfe FOR SALARY LOANS. 42N-P Mohawk bldr.. car. Morrleon and Thud. ' Ladles er Oentlemea. No PnLllclty. Tf yoa borrow f.n yon pay tmck 81.1m a week. If you borrow fas you pay back II 5 week. If you borrow you pay back It 00 week. It yoa borrow $ in you pay back $2 M a week. If yoa borrow Am voq pay bark AS 00 a week. Psyuesum eneoended lu esse of atckasaa. Strlctlv Salary tsiaas. THE CRKSCENT LOAN OO, "43S-S Mohawk btual.. eor. Morrison and Third. MONEY TO LOAN ' Ou Imnroeed . titv nrottertv or for building purpuee. An smonnt on from 8 to 10 year' time, with privilege to repsy all or pert of Insn; sfter one yesr. Loan ap proved from; 'plan and money advaaced aa asiiainr progresses; mortgagsa taaea up sua replsccd. " . rUKD U. PTRONO. FlnancUl Agent. 2U . titer k Street Til R STAR LOAN CO. Anv aalsrlsd employe, wage-earner, earn get set aui note, witooui ueortgaso 1 .1 .1 8-iO.on Rspay to na 813 A"i ar tn.hTi or 8.1 M p..i.i.i.nriMj m os o oo or e-' ei.w.' Sla.00 Repay to na 8 4.00 or 2 0 or f 1.00 ziv aerr.By oiug. MONEY to. Insn.'kelsrnVI ceonle, tee maters, etc.. without security; esey psymcnu; largeet business In 40 principal -cltlca. TVvlmsn, 223 Abtngtoa bldg. Pboim Msln 847. MONEY to htaa na real, fereooal and collstersl security; snsctsl sttrntmn to chsftel mort- gsges: notes bought. C. W. Pallet, M-S rentoa bldg., 84 Mixtn st. THE CONTINENTAL CO - . 14a a... at Wlll losn you money at 8 per coat; 11.300 to ia.m on realty or for building purpose. HIOHI.Y repectehl place wher- ladles . and rente ran borrow money ou. diamonds and Jewelry. Colieteral Ijrnn Bank, zuv wasa Ington at. Pbone Rleck 71. CHATTEL loene In anwunt lunging from 82 to 8S.000; nsomlng-housea a -ne-ia4tey new - Bra uh ft Trust Co., J anineuou Ding. WB make all klnda of loans on trood'ee. utlty at kiwect rate: aneclal attention given to -chattel lean. IPX Morrleon ot. i. MONEY to Iron In eume of f8.onn to $o.oi)0; ternai to ault th 208-lO. Commercial blk. Room WANTED Mortger loons: umderst mount In or about r Joans, er. a. warn, sawyer, Allsky bldg; WANTED TO LOAN 82.000 on realty, st T per rent. Innitlr CorjcauDon's Market, Slat and Johnson ste. ... KfdTfr-T. ro loan on iriacvamss nanny lamn.. R. FT ind F. 8. Riley, SOS Chemher of Oom- LOWKRT rate on Atrnltiu' and pianos. Eaat era Loan Co., 440 Sherlock bldg. Clay 828. TO LOAN Bums to ault on chattel security R. A.- Frame, 514 the Marquamr; e ' ' MONEY TO LOAN ea TI kind of security, William Boll, room 9, Washington building. 11.00ft fl ono TO tosa by jwreato perry- an peal aetata asewriry, ova womvmii era. A FBW hundred dollar to loan n ecurlty, "110 Orsnd v.t MONUMENTS. NET ft KIN0SLEY. 2nd First St.. . Portland leading marble and r resits work. OSTEOPATHS. ERS. ADIX ft NORTHRt'P. 415-18-17 Dekum bldg.. Third and WaehlntonJ,ists,Pks . Main s, Examinations tree. DRS. OTIS ft MABEL AKIN, 408 Marleay bldg. -Clay 7T8. Rsa. M. 2151. - Consultation free. THB eery beat lady osteopath ta town. Jr. l. a. jimnaon. suits is. Beinng-uirooa nwg. PLUMBERS. D0NNERRER0 ft RAREMACT7ER. ssahsry plumbers. 84 Fourth at. Both phones. POX ft CO.ssnltary plumber. 221 Second, bet. Main and Salmon. Oregon Pbone Msln 2001. PRINTING. WELCH ft DAVIS, Printer Doer ot clever thlnga with Ink and typ oa paper. Stoarn. blilg., mixth and. Momaon. Msln 414T. ANDERSON ft DIM WAY COMPANY, printing, Itthogrsphlng, blank books. Pbon Main 17. ion Alder at. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. r." B. BEACH ft CO. The Pioneer Paint Co.; window-rissu aad gisslng. iss First at. Pbmo 1834. . ' ERXEST MILLER ft CO.. Second and Taylor rsii neper, paint, ell at axarket prices; free oeuvery. BABMl'SREN ft CO. Johhers. paints. oU, glass. sssh snd doora, Becong aod Taylor. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repelling and general ynooing. j, ineii, xis jerrereon at, RUBBER STAMPS. P.C. STAMP WORKS, 2 Aider at.. pbone Mala Tio; rubber etampe, eeale. e tmct ie, nsgpage. trsd check; aend for cstsiogne P.O. so. STREET PAVING. WARREN Oonstrnctloa Co.. street paving, Ulde- walks and crossings. T1S urrgootaa bldg. THE Berber Asnhslt Pa ring Co, of Portlaad. Office r Worcester blk. SCALP TREATMENT. 6RAY, falling hair, dsadraff treated; sbsmpo. ing. msnicunng. cnu-opony. rsce wors. ears. B. P. Kyne. looVk Fourth, sor. Murrlaun. Boom 22. neons Pacta 288, . SECOND-HAND GOODS. : . 0ODBS Farnltwr Hooee Rlghest rrtees paid for eaenad-hsnd furaltur. 818 Pbon Pedne mm. SIGN PAINTERS. 0Ot,D SIGNS, window lertering. doth toirnsrs. economical electric yens ana signs or en klnde mad oalrkly. ..Foster ft Kleleer, Fifth e na Kvererr. I'sons e.acnsrsre 00. SHOWCASES AND ' FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of very deerrlprtoui bank, bar and etose Jlltnrea made to order. Too laTta Mapafeerutlnr Cw Pert lend, ' t SAFES. -1- WB rensw and rebuild aero ato nee. ge oa.la. printing pr.se es, tlrae torts, -safes, ope lock. oats, do all klnda ef mecbtne- work. Unrambia Oes Bneine ft Ssf Works, 242 Bsound at. Phono Pactri 878. Praah J. Sopor, opt. TRANSFER AND HAULING. RAFFS, Pis ass sad furniture awr. . packed ready for sklnptsg aad shipped; all work Rssrsnteed; large, . 8-atorr, brick, Sre-nroof warehoose lb storigo, AfSee 128 Flrat a. C M. Olasav Phone Main 847. - THS BAOOioR ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. cor. Bltth sad Oat sts 1 nagrsrs checked from hotel or realdenco direct to destination! aaassnsecs rherefore svold Vnsh snd aeeef. )' see at depots. Private Exchange 8S. O. ft. PICK. fSeo PR First t beteeea Stark and Osh sts., phone mm: pleno and furniture moved aad pocked for to I open! com mod lone ketch weiehooop. Front aad Clay eta. OS COON TRANSFER CO.. 14 North Birth. i-aoae Mai an. Heavy Mating aad efnrag. E AT UDE Veneter Co.. A. R HolcomK nro. iss r.aai wets se i-nons nasi oa. POKT SPECIAL DSLIVRRT N SOOVi W aegwsi n, evw mam rvs. RKW ll sen 1 Iters, sll mstee. rested, aold snd repaire. uosst Ageaey, Kit Stark. Tel. 14W. LA RHSI stock second Sand Remlnrtoo and f-iuiin-rremier rvnewrttera, rrom 440 p. t'nderweod Typewriter Co.. SP1 Btsrk st. - TREES. SHRUBS. ROSES. We hare them bv the 1 house ode: strong, beauty sine, inn iwr, 11 m.t rated snd price cats loses tells sll. PORTLAND SfcKD COe-Froat and Yamhill sts. - - TELEPHONES. THR only sxcloerve telephone booee. R.-R. niecinc Triepoouo Maauracturiag sees, psny. 89 Fifth et. TOWEL SUPPLY. vl.r AN TOWRLS DAILY Comb, hrueh, aeaa. ?i per utoat. uwrsac wo.' Towi noppiy l. Ninth end Couch. Phone 410. J WELL BORING. JAMES W. OREEN SO yeera' experience to wrii-oonng noaiuces ta snd snout rortisno.; best af refsreocoa. SW Vancouver are. Kf 2P02, '. r . p. WfRE G0l)i5s7 EAST PORTLAND FENCE ft W1R8 WORKS 2HS Meat Morrtoon at. Phono Est 82L FINANCIAL PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREOON, -The O'dest Trust Oomnaay ta Oiogoa. ., HES0URCE8 OVER $1,250,000. Oeneral Rsnklng. Excbsng a sll parte of the world. Sarins accounts. Time cert Id ee tcl, 8 to d per rent; ebort cell oclal aertln a'M. 1.100 er over. tVl to 4 wr cent. Call for book of "ILLUSTR ATI0NB."r South -eat Corner Third and Oek Sto. ' Phone Private Exchsago 72. PENJ. t. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK... ,...Vlce-Prealdrst B. LER PA0E7J Beeretsry I 0. OOLTRA Asstsrant Secretary M1 IRCHART' WATTOWAL-RAWK. KntTtun aiEnag J. FRANKATSON. ..... ..r Preoldeat R U OI'RHAM Vice-Preeldent R W. HOTT Csehler 0EOR0S W. H0YT , . .. Aorletsnt Ceebtor Traaaact a Oeneral Bsnktff Bnatnee. Drafts aad Letters ef Credit .leaned Avsllabkt , to All Parte of tb' World. ... t, ' Collections a Snedelty. LADD ft TUTOR RANKERS. . ,. (Etabllhd fa U8t. Trajwsot a Oeneral Banking B-ushwe. Col led lone made at all points oa favors We terms. Letter af credit leaned evellehl la Enron and all point In the t'nttedf tste. Bight Exchange snd Teleerspble Tree re re old on New York. Wsshlnrton. Chicago, St. !.ouUC Denver. Omahs. San Pnuctaeo - and Montena and Brltleh Colnmhla. Rxrhenge sold oa London." Pa rra. Rev Tin. Frankfort. Boogkoag. Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. . . .. a. FIRST BATTOnTAt Rnt OF PORTLAND. ORZOOrT. Deslgsstsd Derwsltnry snd financial Agent st -the United Ststee. President ...A, 7 MTILS Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Aealetant Ceehter ,.,..,.W. C. A LVORD Second Aseletent Cssbler. ..... .R F. STEVENS Letter of Credit leaned A veil a hi in Europe nd tb Reetern Stetes. ' Right Exchange and Teleerknhl Transfer sold on New York. Boston. Chios ra, St. Lsnl. St Psnl, Omsh,' Sen Franclec aad the principal point In th Northwest Sight and time bllla drawn tn sums to enlt on London. Parts,"' Berlin. Frankfort -ou-th Mnln. Hongkong. Yokohama. Copeuharea. Chrletlanla; Stockholm. St Petersburg, Mas sow, EuHctl, Honolulu. Collections Msds on Favorable Term. u NITZD STATOS WAtTORAT, RAWX , f, pooTT wn opv-noN. M0RTir7EST COR. THIRD AND OAK ITS. Traassots a General Bar Ring Business. DRAFTS ISSUED. , . . Available In All Cities of the fnlted Stats aad Europe Hongkong aad Manila. COLLECTIONS MADE OK FAVORART Y TERMS. President J. C A1NBW0PTH Vice-Pveel dent ................ .,..vr. R. AYFR Vice-President R. I.EA BARNKS rsenter... ..........B. w. Bt 'HMrre Aesletsst CseMer.,...-r.....,A. M. WBIOHT Aeeletent Csahler. ,,... ...W. A. HOLT SEOTRrrr savtwos ttst coitpart. Sd Morrison St. Portland. Or. Transact a Oensrsl Renhlrr Business. 8AVTNO8 DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed on Time and Baring tsposlt. Acta as Trostee for Rstetea. Draft and Letter of Credit AellebM) la All Part of th World, . 0. F. ADAMS...., Pveel dent U A. t,EWtS...v.. First Vice-President A. L. MILLS. .... Second Vlce-Preeldent R. 0. JI-BITE.-.,., ....Secretary CB0. P. RUSSELL.... Aselstsut 8crtsry J HE OQ-k-TINENTAL O0MP ART. FTNANC7AL AflFVTS. STOCKS, BONDS AND MOHT0AGES. 248 Stark Street. Pbon Mala 171 M ORRIS BROS. ltd First St., Psrtland, Or. Offer Ollt-Edg Invest men re In Mnntdpal and Railroad Bond. Writ et CalL rvfrTriAriR loans 0a Portland Real Estate at lowest Titles IBBUTee. oos-CTntrw imnie. TITLE OUARARTII ft TRUST CO. 84 Wsahlagto St Os. Ssooad. LA GRANDE MASONS . CHOOSE NEW OFFICERS (Special Haps tea to Tn Journal.) La Orsnd. Or Do. 10. Ths follow ing lodge officers hsvs been elected for different L Orsnd lodRc . for ' ths nsulnn year: , V La Orand Lodge, No. 41, A. T. A. M. Prank Kllpstrick, W. M.; F. M. Jackson, a W.; Charles Noyca. J. W.; C C. Pennington, troaanrer; Arthur Williams, secretary: H. J. Hocken berry, 8.' t.;' Leonard -Boker. 3. IX; A, W. Leffel, tyler; Kdward Reynolds, Jr. g.- La Orande Chnpter, No. -AV Royal Arch Masons M. K. Hall, H. P.: T. M. Jock- son, kins; Edward Reynolds, scribe; C. T. Bacon, C. H.; Charles Noya, R. A. C.J Frank Kllpatrlck, tresaurer: J. M. Berry, aecretsry; Mae wood, M. third veil; Leonard Baker, K second veil; Wlllard Smith. U. first veil; A. W. Leffel, sentlneL Hora"Tiaiter. No. IS. O.- B. 8. Qnev1cvj8. Bohnenrnmp, W. M l W. J. Church.V. P.: May Noyes, A. U ; Mr. Frank Leslie, eonductree; LtllA Nortii, associate "fconductrean; Rarhel Worntell, treasurer; Mary Wsmlrk,. pecretary; Beast Bohnencamp. Adah; Nell to, Nell, Ruth; Annie Bacon, Esther lvsmnda Veeey,. Martha; Mary Forreat, Electa; Martha J. Heck, chaplain; nna Fennlnrra Fowler, srd'en; Kdwnrd "rona sentinel. . ... ., -? te Dlneontinna a Traia. v (Special Dlsrritch to Ths Jonrnal.) Pendleton. Or., Dec an. In a few days the extra)- passenger train which ha been In ervlc between this city and Walla Walla on th O. R. N. branch lln will be discontinued. Th train ha been tn service during th Lewis and Clark fnrrugh and through th holiday seannn and has been highly appreciate and ha nerved tha peopl of this city. Walla Walla and Intervening point. The O.iR. AV N. claim that this extra train do,, not pay only at certain Ben sons of th year, and It will be put in aervlce again .next fall during th hip ping seaaon. Daatk af Mrs. B. IC WUaon. fSpertal fHepatch to The Joamel. J 4 Walla Walla. Wash., Dec-, 30. Mrs. Enisabeth Morrla Wilson, wife of Prose- rutins Attorney Wilson, rllrd at Ihe family retdno yeaterdny, pftcp an 111 nesa of more than a year. Hlte wna In- atmmentai in orgnnlxInR. the Walla WSlla Red (.'rope, aoclrty llnif Its president for Pevon yenr. The funeral took plnre at U o'coi-k tMs ruornlnir. The l.n.ty ,!! l)o shlnix-d to phl'nrtvi. iililn br f uiii-T b'jm, lor iitrin'-i,t. AT THE-TKEATr.::. Lsst" of "Blue JeAns." ' , The fset perform e nee ef "Blue Jesne" hy the Beleece elock coutpasy will take pl.-e ti alrht. and 'tsojerrow afternoon the ers.iH.eiitni villi begin' Ita Ust week with a beaut mil pr v ducthm ef "Tho Late Mr. Tosjpklae," a rrle. orated fare. -r "Jerry From Kerry." , Tonight at tho Rmptro th laat perfvmsnca of ths iattrhlag oncceea, "Jerry From Kerry. will be glvea. All week . kstg "Jerry 1'r.oti Kerry" hsa kept Km pi re a a. Hence In higu eplrlte. , Next Week at tb Empir. . Russell ft Drew's rompaay of players, headed by tba dlstlngulsbed actor, Percy Hiinllns, who ass been Been here tn th pest with Madame Morileaka and other stars ef Internet lonel repu tsthsi opens at th Empire theatre for a -week's engereuieat tomorrow afternoon In "A Flgbt for MlllUme." a hew play snd one cow taming many af tb latest mechsnlcsl devh' known to atagedom, Tb play h a esussthwal mcMMirsms. , Beginning Thursdsy night. "When the Bell -Tolls." a picturesque eiclcl drauia reciting th srory ot an Iniiigiav hrr"Ttt" vai l of r English society bandit h an attempt to enrich hlmsslf at the sapenso of others, will he tha hill. There will be a mathtee on New Year day of "A Flgbt for Millions." , . . Dresrrtland Burlesquers Ntst. Tomorrow afternoon at tho Baker th Dreanv laud Burhrequers will give tlteir 8rst Port Isnd performance. Tba onmpany preeenta tho two -tangoing- farces, "At tho .Circus" and "ThronpU ths douds." Both' burlesques mbrac th esuli ss of th entire, organisation, while an extraordinary ar ray of vaudeville features are Incidentally In- ' ti-oduccd. Including Jolly fob," Vilas uladys Bt. John, - th Dreamund Trio. Ionia Prltakow, Pslfrey -and Barton, and lai Credo nnd May Blond. There will be a special matinee Monday, New Year'a da. .',.,-.. - ., ..... . Seats Sailing for "Th Yankee Consul' "Ain't It Funny What DlfferencefJost a Few Hours Mskel" wrot Hrurf M. Blonsom, Jr, mew few yea re ago, and a, little later he set about to write aa opera. "The Yankee Consul" waa tho result, and th "difference" Is found tn that Blossom today ranks ss on . of America' fore moat stsg writers, snd hi line "Ain't It Funny Wbat a Difference Jnet Frw Hjtwrs Make!" la tbe title of one of tho biggest song hlta In -tho opera. It te-ettng by the Yankee coned!, who also singe "In the Day of Old" and '"In Old New York." These are three ef more than aa even doaea eoccee fui numbers which- will ba sung at th Mar quee Orand thestrs next Tuesday and Wednesday- nlghta, January 2 and 8, with matinee Wednesday. Meats at now on sale. . .. New Year'a at th Marquam. ; Rtsng and Edwards new and original pa triotic comic opera. "When Johnay Comce lurching Horn." will hs the New Year'a at traction at th Marque re Orand thestrs Near Year's aftrrnoon and Bight. The chief broj of "When Johnny Comes Merehlng Horn'' protv ahly la the result of th unique treetmeut gtvunr ths book ond .oeero oo fsmlllar themes. Then. . too, the ecenle environment Is ptrtoreeno--' and aatlafylng. and tba roetamea ar undenia bly a novelty and an altogetber plrastng on to the present generation t bey er of th hoop skirt era corns halt century back. Meata . aw on aalo. t VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. At the Grand Tomorrow ''the perforuiancen at the Grand will be continuous front 8:S to 10. 4 p. p. The bill thla week la all that any on could deelre. Johnston and Cook have a - comely that I one long Isugh: Lynn Welch er hi gen uinely funny monoloabit. and the Onao bar c contortion net that would aurprlee a make Tb Hawaiian Quintet I a kH..' . The Start Show, y. t From S:Av to 10:4 p. m. tomorrow th Star hows will run without Intermission.',. This will bo tb lsst opportunity this, yesr to see Paul, the hsndcuff king. Th educated nets of Miss "Edna Psywalt and tha comedy of Con, nor and MrKenslev contrttmt to Ibe rslcty. Th bill t Mcellent kt every., psrtk-ulsr. OPPOSITION PLANNED TO STATE TAX COMMISSION (Special fnVtnifck to Tba 'Sopmal.F Pendleton. Or., Deo. SO. Aancanor C. P. Strain of thla city Is preparing a pamphlet In whJch h will oppo the proposition for tha appointment of a state tax commission for the purpose of fixing 1 valuation to form a basis upon which property ahallwbs Reseped In Oreg-on. - Mr. Btrsln succeeded In forcing; from tha O. R., N. company the admlepton that an Increaap In th assessed valua tion of Ita roadbed In Umatilla county from 17,500 to $19,000 pep mile, the latter being tha boat upon which the company paid Ita tax this year. Includ ing poveral years back taxes, was junt, Mr. sjtraln says that be thinks that , the appointment of on state tax cotn tnlaslonor, whose dutlea would be aim ply of an Inquisitorial character to as sist the assessors In procurtnc data and Information from- carporatlona which would be of value to them In deter mining a fair valuation of property upon which to baa tha amount of aae ment. would be all rtrht. Ha la also oppoard to tha ayutem of taxing receipts of railroads or other large corporation which have been fives a thorough trial In Michigan and Wisconsin nd aban doned. He alo advocatea th turning cf the Inheritance tax Into tb atat Ir reducible school fund, as a means of keeping up this fund, and to make It still mora beneficial h favors an In- ' cress in the Inheritance tax, Tt Is es sential 7 that something In this lln should be done, ss there remains In Umatilla county .only 1,800 acrea of public school lands. ' CLAIMS HUSBAND USED HER MONEY TO GAMBLE ' ' (Special Tlpa)tch to Th learnst.t . Baker City. Or., Deo. S0j8ult fn dlVorc has been filed by. Est All- Hun ter against hep husband, Ralph Hunter. In the circuit court. Th two were mar ried In Arlington In January. lt. aad at present the plaintiff la a reeldent of Sumpter and th defendant live st Salmon City. Idaho. Th complaint si leges that th defendant gsmbled, gnd secured her money, snd that when udi rrfuaed to give Mm any mora money for gambling he became nragd and struck her. In th year 1 the oue pie separated and hare not lived to gether since. Thef ha'v no children. Judge Ratniiel Wblt granted divorces to AHc (Hniw sgslnst d I. Collin and Lllll Olllette". SBMinst Fred Olllelt. . a -r , Tt U Irrigated taad. (Special plepatcb to Tb Journal.)' Echo. Dr.. Ir. ir When tli recerit order was g1v"rt by Recretary jrilchcny-h.' setting sslda ll.OOO.OOS for the r ! I'matllia Irrigation prolect. It wna dor, on? condition that the Mnxweli com pany noil off all of lt land Instesil rrf retaining JoO acre, whl.'h It waa ti tVi under the'torma pcshcd wllh tbe re. I mallun offlclHla. However, Ihr.r conill tlons fhe rompenr bii rcfuc,i 10 n-r-e,.t, union the rvernmiit grnnia n ri ,1,, conditions for fnen wli i - t .1,-t.' land iindrr the M('l t ' dltPR. It Is Lcllcv. t H:t I tary w!!l Allow I' l h-n ' ders'an.le lfi consent "In !! "v l 'i acre. It N n and In'!)' I ' prnlfil 1. !