The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 30, 1905, Page 12, Image 12

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    J" '
:'- :-v . (.. . ,
att-BJ- ' - A. Ban -SBS2SBrxa
j ' I ,...'"' s
Ow Ill aa.fl
Entered at the nortofffc at rlaaaV Oengon.
fWlt-UUo. Um tba amaa -
sage eir. Mil IS la M aagas, " M
la 44 paea, aaata, ; ' - v
.'.''' . ' ; '. anr a-muAWWSl " f' ' '
yreeiaad-BeeJamla Special 0T!.'
. 1U Khu mmI, be Jerk, XrUHM eralea
i sag, iAkaga, ... ' " ' ; ;. i'yvV
,' f v iimomirrioir -batbi. " ,;; ;
Terms by Oaminn, ' s
The Dally JoareeL with Sauday. "I'S
J D.U, Journal. 1 res.. ....... J-S!
Tha Delly Journal, with Seaday. BMBthe. a. in
Tha Dally Jasrnal months....... f "J
Tha pally JournaL with Sunday, ft Bsoatba.
Tba Deity Joaraal saootbs.. ?
The Dally JournaL with Saaday. I -80
the Dally, par wees, sallvernd. Saaday to-
eluded i-"
Tha Daily, Bar wart. delivered. Saadsy
Terms .by MalL . ...
Ths Dslly JoereaL with Sunday. 1 yse. ...$T
Tba felly Jea.wae, I Twr r..
Tha Daily Journal, with Sunday. asoathe. i.TB
The Dally -looms! - months. .............
Tbe Dally JourvnL arltb Sunday, ft asaatae. 1.B0
Tha Dally Journal amtba
Tba Palsy Journal with Sunday. I aseata.. .
Tha Daily Journal. I month..... --rV
Tba Sunday Journal, 1 year!;........ f
Tha Baaday Joernal. B mouths uo
Tha Bead-Weekly Joarx-d. -Tba
BanWWaakly Joanai, I U It aaa
' . aata Was Ulastratad. fall Bivkat , M
MlrtaaT'ahMYd 'lwiri7da'hT'draft aaaial
IMMaa. aipraaa antara aad ana II aawaata ara
acctpUUla la I aaa B-oaat "?,
- P. a Bra Ml. FnrtlaBd? Oravaa,
vhiu th jonaurix mat bx tovvo-
. Tha Joan a I caa ba totHa a ' aal at tba
., followtnc plaeaaii if
HOIKH. IDailO H. Ballar 0a. W. IL M
Intyra. ;
CUrCutfPaatarae Mfw aoatpaayi m Daar-
bora atraat. . . .
Denver. coloBaDO X Black. Kitaaatb aa
Oirtla atraata. .
- Kansas CITY Vm, Nar Hawa caaapmy. - ;
W I N N K A KOI.I V-U J. KaTaaaafa. at) Boatb
Third atraat.- . . r
KEW TOBK Otnr Brrataaa'a. Palba aqaara.
DM A HA Ulllard Ratal aawa ataadl Maaatb
BtatkiaaTy company. 190B Faraana atraat.
ALT LAKR CITY Kaaroa Hixal aawa ataadj
- Barmw Rma.. 4S Waat Sarid atraat. Boata.
, ST. tOCIS-Phtlla Itoadrr. 6U Ucaat atraat;
. T. Jtt. Otlra atraat. r
M rBANrJSoO W. a, Arlln. Palara Hntal
aawa atand aad lOtm Markat atraat; "old
atnltb Bma., &0 Battar atraat aad Balnt
Fraarta aotalt Foatar Oraar. rarry balld
nifi N. W baa tier, amrabla aawa atand. aao
arr Marka and Raaraoy allaata. r.
8ATTI B Rainier Oraad aawai aran W. L.
Bhanfca. Bntal Baattla nawa ataad. .
r. '
TACOMA. WATT?n0TO' JTaatral Maw faav
: pan; Ratal Taroma aawa' atand. -:
.-' Boo di BtatloaarT anannaay. , ,
A atora) of ronaldarabla ancny haa aoorad
raUlly Inland from tha oraaa dnrlnc tba Uat
3 bonra and thla moriilnff orarllaa tba waat
era pnrttna of thla dlatrlrt and Arltlah rVlum
hla. Htorn waralnca anaoaaeln tba approach
of thla atarm wara ardarad dlaplayad at all
' porta lnh) aorta Partflc atatca at S p. n.
Friday. It la aipartad tba atnrn will anntlaaa
ta awaa aaatward dnrlnc tonight and Sunday.
ranaln a ennllnnatlon of aaaattlad. rainy
waathar' la Oregon. Waahlnrtoa and. Idaho,
and atrotiK. (naty aaath to waat wtnda In tha
Intarlor. and atrona aoatbarly alaa along tba
poat and at aaa. i '
Tba atom) crntral yaatarday orar tha laka
raailon baa adTanrad ta tha Ht. Iwranra aal
W. It baa raaaad avnaral prarinltatton In the
' itortharn etatea aat of tba Mlaalaalnpl rlrar
aad hljrh nimla and ra Ira along tba lower
taken. . Inder tha InBoenra of twa dtetlnet
arena of blah nreauire fair weather eoailnuea
In the anath Ajtlantle atataa. tha middle wrat
aad an the -South PaelBa roaat.
Max, .Win. PreHo.
Btatlona . r Max.
Raker City. Oraa-on. n
Iloalon. IJaaaarhuaeUa..... M.
. .OB
: .oj
r .
" T
fhkrajro. Illlnola JM :
Tenaer. Colarado...... 34
Kaneae t'lty, Mlaaoarl. .... 44 '
loa A nee lea, tllforala... BB :'
- New -tlrleana. Loulalana. BO '
New Tork. New York...... 4
Partlaad. Oregon. ........ .t 4 -
Hoarlmra:. Oregon, . ........ 4B
Bt. IswU. .Mlaaoarl.-....,.. 41
Ban Fraarlaco. Callforola.. M ,
Bnokane, Wanhlnatna... ... M .:
Tifdun. ' Waablngton 42 '
Walla Walla. Waahlngtoa. 41
Weahlngtna. D. fl BB
44 '
a '
' 43
' . SO
4 i
B. L. Harkett,, Oreahtm,- Oregon, 22; Loll a
K. H ' Caldwell Mfewooa. CaHfornlt ST;
Callle Rorkrr. IB.
Oflorge A. Tornahl. tt: Loretta II. TTook. IB.
' Isaii A. Oatea, 23; Margaret Woodward, to.
' Edward Bray, J; ttlllan F. Baynaa, 23.
Wadding Carte,- W. O. Bmtth ft Con Waak
' fngton bMaV. ear. Foarth and- Wtahtngtoa ata.
Mlaa Bertha Martin, room Bll Alleky bMg.
- Btamntng and fine needlework; waeona gtren.
Bt'BII leermher . to Mr. and Mra. Robert
Ie Riisb. ni4 Mill etreet. a ana and daorbter.
"BOfrTHB Decemhor 17. to Br. and Mra. Roy
W. Boothe. TAT Mirblgaa aTenue, a eon.
' FKNTON Deremher 3B. to Mr. aad Mra. Jef.
ferann T. Fen ton, tst Oeertoa atraat, a ana.
HAGKL Deeemher 16. to Mr. and Mra. Stephen
Narrl. B70 rpatonr atreet, a dangbter.
. THOMPBON iM-eeniher T. ta Mr. and Mrs.
R. E. Tbompaon, ZT4 Croaby atreet. a daugh
ter. .
CKRARPT Deremher SB. to Mr. aad Mra.
' John' P. Omrdy, SSI Freocie areosa,
daughter, ,
MOK Deeember , David Mqa, 44B MnuanlU
afreet; meaalea. -SMITH
Jlerrtnher 13. Ida Bmtth, 168 8U tee Ota
atreet, trponM reeer.
CAMPBEI-b At Taeoma. Waablngtort, Deeemher
27, A. B. Campbell, aged OB years, 8 monthe.
b- iar. - .
- TRACY Deeamhef BO, Mlrbael Traey. aged
TB yeara, BSS Loeajoy. atreet. Funaral notlca
later. - - ' .
J. P. . Flnlee ft Boa. fnnei al dlreetora and
errhalmera. eomar Third and Madlaon atreeta.
Office of connty coroner. Telephone Main B.
Dnnntar. MerSntee ft Ollheoirh, nndertakara
and enihaunera: aionera hi eeery detail. Beraath
.and Pine. Mala 430. tady aaa latent.
) Tba Edward - noImB TJndertak1n( romnane,
"--v , fnoeral dlraetornd anbalmera.. 230 Third
:.T at. Pboaa B07. r . " ' .
- A B. Rematoefc. andeetaker aad ambalmer.
Raet Tblrtaaatb and Umatilla Bra. Phone
gtaat 4781. ir-
Clark Bros for Bower. HB Morrlaoa atraat
.Single traeea lift : Family bit (TO ta 81,000.
Tha only rametery ta Partlaad whlrh per
petaelly malatalna aad rarea for lota. Far fall
inrormatiea apr'y ta w. R Maeaenaie. w
eater hlork. rityi W. M. Ladd. araaldant
TBAfT At reeMence. IWI ntrnj atreet. Jte.
reniber SO. lw5. Mlrbael Tracy., aged . ft
year, father af Fdward J... John William
. aad Joim Trary of elty. Fa.
neral will take preen o-trom raaldenca Mon-
. day. Jennary 1. Intel, at B:4 a. mil thena
' In Bt. I'etrl-ka rbarea. Nineteenth atid Baeier
-atreeta it a. nu - ftiterment, Bt.' alary a
refiietery. , Frleada- raae-lfully lnrlled. -f
huiT At B:;. a. n. Dreeintmr BO, Yroona
Marie ager 0 yeara. eoontha and 4 dayej
j.uMe of Ur and Mra. Meorga E. Fmet.
, Fanerai aerrk-e Bnnday. Jieeemher 81, at l-.:v
p. m , at aaanet of rirar rreanyieetaa rnnrra.
All rrlen-la and aaualataaraa ara respectfully
tn lied to attend.
jr'li'andnmimny' laMl'leV i 2
' . aad It, biwk FUla4 u.t M
' Y C
. . , INTEREST v , "
-.- .a . v ...... ... . ' y ... v.
- Timt'Ccfflpiny
Eays 4. per cent oil Certifickteft of
eposit Pay 3 per cent interest on
daily balances of depoBit accounts,
subject to theck. -i
RankinnJiours. . . ... ,Qey4ivio4p.'fn.
Sturcly, ........ ...a. m. to 1 p.m.
Saturday evenings....... S to 8 o'clock
W. M. Ladd- . I. Thorbum Ross.
T. T. Burkhart ' . Frank M. Warren.
'. George II. HilL K -; .,;
240 Washington-Street'
- - Corner Second. ;
Sappoaa far a moment that yonVar dead.
Tba funeral was yaatarday. Today your family
Is looking oyer year prlrete papers. Is your
Ufa Inearano aa large as yon would, like to
hare It Baxter sack; eweoatataaeaa? i
MAIN BBS.- r ' ;
' 0V ' f
ARB ft
. AT18F1BO..
. T.
Concord Building, Portland. Oregoa.
Between I aad 8 p. m., call at HOVER t-AMD
and loan of tba . .
la the new town VT THB COLDMRIA, where
"1RRI0ATION IS KINU. Tow a Iota ana Ir
rigated tracts, i . '
C. H. MaaaadariTer to Marietta ' Menna.
Born-er, parcel Bamuel Uirple tract,
beginning 360 feat aauth aud BO feet -
seat of northeast earner block 12,
Wbeewra addition . BOB
William A. MacKae aad wife to Maude
o. Hendaraon, lot B, block Ztl, Conch
addltloa 7. 1B.S00
Joerpb M. Bealy ta Serarlty Baetngs ft
Atuet vnoipany. aoutuweai quarter or . . ,
aoathweet quarter of aecrloa 3; north-
west quarter of aorthweat qaarter of y
aactlon 10, and north half af aartbeaat . i
quarter at aectloa B, towaehlp 1 aorta,
ranee B east 1
Ullaa Thonjeon to, Robert F. Hall. Box ' ' '-,
l(iu reet, heglnalng eoath Una tlllaaa ,
100 feat ,aeat af seat Una of Twenty C
Second atreet ja. ' ' 1
Mary Harkeaey aad huaband to Earl C.
itronaugu, parcel land beginning norta
weet corner block ltw, Caru there' aa
dlilon 1.000
Title Onarantee ft Trust company to J.
. auiia, aot a, pjoca m, waat i lea-.
mont . ?. STB
Roe Bernstein to John A. Shepherd and.'. ,
wire, luuiau rent neginning north una '
Rrarett. 100 feat aaat of aaat lloa of -
Twenty Brat ft. 500
Security Ka rings ft Treat compaay to
K. v. Mra re, iota a ana e, djock zu,
John Irrlna'a addition 1
Portland Lone Fk tmetary company to
Anarea ueryeoig, - aorta aail a is.
block 85, remetery 80
Rachel Mendelaoa an4 husband to M.
P. Canann. lota 1(1 had 11, block 10,
Park addltloa to Alhlna BOO
Waktetnar Baton aad wlfa ta D. N. Bar- ,
- 2a. Feurer'a addittoa "8,300
D. U. Toniaalnl aad wife to Jonathan
Moore, waat aA, feet af north half
lot 2B, block 1, Alblna S,00t
Mary L. Miller to Robert A. Millet, lota '
13 and IB, block 283, Coach's addition. 10,000
It. J. Bella to A. V. Hoggatt ana wire,
80x30 feet beginning emit a line 'Hel
1 mont. Bfl feet eaat. of east line of--East
Sixteenth atreet 3,000
Marlon Veratevg and wife to Fidelity
Truet company, lot 8, block 11. and ,
north half lot ft. blnek 11. Blarkl-
atona'a addltloa 4.SO0
H. M. Carlock ta riorence Merges t;ar- ,
lock, lot IB, block 30, Willamette
Heights addltloa V Ji 1
Secailty Seringa ft Trash:, company to
Helen t. uieey, weal oair m a ana
east hair lot a. hlork 10. John Irrtng's
' First addltloa "A...." S00
Arleta l-and company to O. Henry Blmp- -1- -
son, lot 28, block 8, Arleta Park No. t - I
Same to W. J. rtersard, r Mia 1 aaa a,
block 2 Arleta Park -No. 2
Mrs. Jessie Zimmerman aad boa band to
M st hew Becker, B scree beginning 108
roia eaat and 152 28 rode atwth of
aM.ihwaat eornee of Archon KaMr's
rinnatloa land claim . 2.000
Cell a A. Priest- and huaband to Mlrta
. SJ.e Imtm It 7J. tiloee in. will.
'lama Arcane addition l.TOO
Altertna W. (Jleay and wire to Mahal H.
Todd, north half of aooth bait and
nntb half of north half - of parcel
Olddeoa-? Ar-tTtbbetta'. donatloB landi .
claim I
Bllaa A. Sparry at al. to Joha nnaorao,
parcel land beginning aootb lino
lihirk B, anbdlrlalon Prorhetel'i, a11.
' (la aft raet B Inchea eaat of houth-
west corner block 8 .................. BOO
Vincent Cook, to Robert II. Jones, k-
t: block I, Cberrydale , . i. I 4T3
rv It atltt and hnaband to W. C. - Al-
. Tord. lot IB, hlork in. Orchard Homes. 171
Paeinc Btarea 'irnsi aompsny w n.
Smith, atrip 20 feet wide In nor Bur eat ;
onarler,' of eoathweer1: qnarnr,- aectloq '
ta, township I north, rausa I east.... I
Joaepli 0. Ilonaton and -wife to H. O. ,
BIKraa lota ftl and fU. hlnck d. I'OCtB-
amith Vim- T-t.,'. 800
Security Barings ft Trnat -company to
n n Patera. Iota B and 10.. block 8.
loha'. Flrat addition y.. l.BM
Vfllllam M, I-atld et si. to redertrk , , J
II. Btroag, a a, piocs i. aironga ao- -
dttlna ,
Portland Trtiat company ta Boaa Bern-.'; '
ataln araith 4tl feet lot kV block 12.
Klne?a Second addition ...,.-... 3,400
Lennttns Bargmiaaa and hnahanttfto Jnae
phlne BartoVtlT. east 10 feet tract F.
llroTera addition and perrel Breet 0,
' heelnaln nnrthwaat aorner . tract u.
and other property. Ororer s addition., 1.1BB
Richard Willi. ma to Mary W. tlsatyn, .
.block 801. dry.,., 8,000
Ferdlaand 4Jnnrtorph to 3. A: Stela, ots
t and 3, block 8n. Selrernod.- 1,050
F. H. Marls r ta u. k. nnrnaiaa, . ama
1 and 2.- block 2. Escalator 1
netiry n. Foete ta Victor lind eomneay,.
' Iota IB. 20 aad tl. block 14. Wills oi' . .
etla addition -i.... '
Hen Metis Adams and bnenanB ta Rob In- e
arm t'.rT. lot ft. block B. Beearanca ad-
. dlilon w V
.'t and B. block 118. TVwtlandReal Re.
"tate Aeeoelatma addltloa Is Caruthera' V -
.... lA.aO0
J. If. ; Loader to J. T. Alexander, eaat
M feet, kX a. block 823, Bakh'a addl-
Title Onaraatea ft Trust company to V.
Klfred lloyt. lot SO, block IT, Holla,
day Park Ktrst adilltloa -v
W. F. Edwards and wife ta 0. D, Brae a,
ba-ck 8T. Bulllraa'a addltloa
M. tl. George and wife to Harry Creae
aad wife,' parrel north half donation
land cUlm of 0. T. SulUraut and wlf
" Oat yoar Insurance-aadabatracta to real ea
ts ts from the Title Onarantee ft Trust com pan,
840 Waahlngtoa street, earner Second.
' ' NOTICE. ' '
t December B, Woo. The board of true less
of the Oregon State Insane A ay him hereby
Inrltea sealed propoaala for furuiablnf the
. followtng supplies to the institution for tha
alx months ending June 80. lol; Orocertea,
mlllfeed aad flour, meats and flab, dry goods,
drugs, elattouery, leather and fladlnga, aboee,
. plumbbut, barilware, tinning, crockery and
- gUaawarei l.taie of -sard- snpptlea--win--iaj
furnished by the clerk of tba board apes- ap
plication, Samplee ran be aeon at tba say law.
and goods mast be la accordance therewith.
Where samples ararreqalrad and not furalabed
byIddara, the ArtKlee moat be equal to
asm p lee to ba earn at tha asylum, aad bids
will ba assumed to bars haea mani on baala
of aamplea. All goods most be la strict ac
cordance with sample. In original packages,
whoa possible, and dellrered at tba State
Insane Aarlbrn with In 20 daya after tha con
tract la awarded, and blda most ba on blank
forma, which will be furotabed, together with
.; Instructions ta bidders, br tha clerk, npoa
application. Keen bid an floor or meat ainit
be accompanied by a certified check of $3M.
and each bid oa flab by a certified cheek of
873, and all ether blda by certified checks
. equal to 10 per cent of tba amount bid; checks
or unsuccessful bidders to be returned Im
mediately, and those of accepted bidders when
- tba contract Is completed. Bids must ba la-
xloeed In aealed enrelopee and directed to tlie
board, rare of the rlesk. ami plainly marked
"Blda tor Aaylem Supplies." and tba claes
of goods bid on suotiM also be matwlhed aa tba
enrslope. 'Price, fitness and quality being
aqnal, preference will ba given ta ertlcl-e
manufactnred. grown or produced tn thla
etale. Wbea a partlcnlar article la spe
cifics lly raited for. bids for other kind, or
saanufartnra, or brand.eqnaMy. good, will be
' entertained, but to1 Insure recognition of eu-Hi
blda aamplea of the artlclee K h) proposed
1 to supply must accompsay them.
Bidders wlU take notlca .that there Is e
spproprlatloa available for maintenance of
the asylum. Therefore r Is Iras , for auppllea
' ess only he andltsd by tba secretary "of etate
i and certificates of evidence and allowance
.. leaned to clalaunta. Aa nana aa there la -an
appropriation available, warrants will ba Is
sued In Ilea of lbs certificates. -
The board tsservsa tba right to reject anv
or all blda, or to accept or reject any. part of
a bid. Bids will ba opened st the cspitol at
. Salens at 10 B. m. Wednesday, Jaanary 10.
1908. .. l-
- By order af tba board of trustees of tba
Oregon Bute Insane Asylum.
. . . W. N. OATENS. Clark.
PROPOSALS INVITF.D For eappllee (or tba
Oregon state penttsstlary for period ending
June 80. ion. - v
Sealed blda for drara. dry foods, irocerles.
shoes, leather snd findings,- plumbing sup
plies, hardware, flour,- fish, meat,- ate., will
be received at tba office af tbe an perl n
. teadent of tbe Oregon atate penitentiary
until Jaanary 10. 100. at S o'clock a. m.,
at which time they will be epened. -
A deposit jot fZOO In eeah or certified
check, payable to tha euperlatendent. mnst
accompany each bid for meat aad flour, and
, all other bids must be' aceompsoled by an
a moo at equal to 10 per cent st tha amount
pf the WC
r. Samples to accompany all bids where
practicable. Tbe right -Is eenarved to re
ject say and all bids snd to accept or, ra.
" Ject ' any portlna- of a bid. On each en
velope should be inscribed tba nature of the
bid. Goods 4h Oregon menufscturs or pro
duction will receive preference, other things
being equal. AH. goods and auppllea mast
' be delivered to the penitentiary within 29
daya after tba contract la awarded.- ,
Schedules of tba vsrlons lines of goods WlU
be furnlahed npoa application to tbe .sopar-
. Ven-hers will ba asaei for payment aa
the flrat of tba month followtng the-cam.
pletloa of the contract, aad geoathly ee
. contfnoona contrscts. -'
Bidders will take notlca that there Is an
: appropriation available for , maintenance of
tbe penitentiary, therefore claims for sup
- riles raa only be aadited by the eecTetarr
of stats and . eertlflretes of evidence af si-
Inwaaos bisned to elalmsnts. , Aa sooa as
r- there Is an gnpmprlatloa available . war.
rente will bs Issued la Hear at tha ear.
' tlftcafee i. ,
- Bidders are Invited ta ba prreent.
aw. JAMBS.
' Superintendent Oregon State Penitentiary.
Bslem. Oregoa., Dec. 1Z 108. m. .
THB nnderalgned will receive aeated blda for a
a lock or mercnanaiaa consisting principally
' of fumlahlna goods. and dry goods, together
' with - flxturea, located at Pendleton, Oregoa,
harlag a total Inventory ralnatlon ef about
810,7110.00, np. to Monday. January,, 8, It).
. at 12 o'clock M. All blda to he tor cash
and a deposit of 10 per rent must accompany
-each after made. -
Tha right te leaarv.d to reject any and all
r Mda. Inventory may be seen at my office and
, the stock Is subject to Inspection si rrndleton,
Oregon, K- L- SARIN.
- Front and Ankeny Streets.
will bs received by tbe undersigned at tba
office at tbe Port of Portland, la tha City
Hall, until 13 m. Toeeday. January 2. IBOtL
. and then opened, for furnishing tha Port of
Portland with 1.000 feet of 20-Inch pontoon
' pit, f. a. b. Portland, Oregoa. Plana-and
specifics tlona can ba aeea at tha office ot
the commission, and tba right la reserved ts
retect- .., bMe. y akWK. '
Clerk of tha Board.
, HOLDBRB. tha Oregoa Water Power ft Rail
way company Notlca te hereby given that tba
, regular annual meeting ef tba etork holders
of tha Oregoa Water Power ft Railway eom
pSny, a corporation, will be held at the
office of . tbe company, corner Flrat and
Alder streets. In the city ef Portland. Mult
nomah county, Oregon, at tha boor of-10
o'clock a. m. of Toeeday. tbe Bth day of
January, 1008. Tha aald meeting will be held
for the purpose of electing- dlreetora for the
- ensnlng year and for tha transaction, af socb
other bnalnesa as "Silly, ba legally' brought
' before It. Thla notice te glvea pursuant to
tba require meats of the by -la we of tbe eom-
""- ' w.t.mW' "
. Secretory Tba Oregon Water Power ft Ball-
.. way Company. -,
IVANHOR IXIDCiB, No. 1. K. of P.
Members please take aotlca:. XoH are
respect fully requested to met In our
ball, elrhth floor Marnuam building.
on Monday, January I, at 2 o'clock
m., rrom whence wa win nroceeo
Eleventh and Alder ata. for the
Purpose of toying the cornerstone for oar new
ythlsn Temple. Visiting knights snd mem
bers of other lodges In tbe city ere cordially
Invited to meat with as sad partake- hi tits
ceremonies. L. . CHOIJCH, O. C.
FRKI) P. HOLM,' K. of R. sad 8.
NOTICE To tha stockholders of tbe Orleans
Hold Mining ft Milling Col Yon era hereby
notified thst the snnnsl meeting of aald
etoekuoldrre will be beld at their office, 221
Falling hldg, Portland. Oregon, at-the hour
of 1" o'clock p. m., Jsnasry .ly3.. .
OROROB L. COL WELL, President.
- T,. V. SWKrOETT. Secretary. -
LOST Saturday morning. Iee. 80, on Fifth st.
between Burnelde and Flanders, hand aatchal.
Return to 202 I' landers and receive reward.
MB 'end boys wanted to tesra PI,trMBI50
TRAOE; paya 88 dSyrafter completing course
- of practlrsi Instruction at borne or la enr
erhools; gradtietee admitted to anion and
Msaler Plumbers' aeenrlatb'n; positions ee.
cured, tiiyne Bros. t o. rinmning ncnoois.
Mew York. Chicago, Illlnola, and Ctnclnudtl,
C-hle. Free catalogua.
PORTLAND Barber College Tuition fseswoabls
as sny senool en sinibe. ani r tsnoera at.
XiiiclC : ;; ;
. MaB -resTilar lortgej at the hones ot
' - Aad tha latter la a regular -patron sm
. n..e ef tha' "".
WANTED Clerks and window-drees era to erady
showosrd-nrltlng at Y. M. 0. A. night
school t personal tns true tloa. Apply for par
ticulars. ... , '
WANTED Good, reliable maa to baadla cof
fee and tea roots; must have capital enough
to owa bis own horse aud wsgon.
' VB Second at. .
SALESMAN ooWoo tba road, to sell oar eef-
feea and teaa to bote la and restsursnte.
Btaadard Coffee ft Spina Mills, 200 Beoond at.
WANTED Maa to do choree far board aad
room. 401 unloa eve., euuth.
WANTED A good, live, energetlo boy to learn
optical business, lenaegriauLug. vio. , wegve
to start. 211 Macleay bid.
TWO stenographers.' bookkeeper, blllclerk.
acvsral la borers. Business Alan s - visaxing
Houae, 110 second. . .
RAILWAY mall elerka wanted: roune- men over
ID to prepare Ic po.itiUu.v.llujlriui
-aallry'of fSOO per annuiu; splendid positions
for men of good physique. K. O. llryasn,
21S Columbia bldg., ttdfl Waahlngtoa at, .
WANTED Salesmen to Ball Oregoa trees, rosea.
etc.; liberal row in lesion to thorough workers,
with reference., hi IS. JoumaL
WANTED Yohng maa. alngte. ata 21 to 38,
to travel in J be northwest ana eoiicii; give
phone number. Address I B, cars Journal.
WHO wanta met I am a food all-round cook.
air. narry. sjsia una.
WOMAN, aver SB. eaergetlc, reliable, to take
rbarge ac a vtavi omen, cau or a oar ass
Room 38. Lewis bldg. '
ton St., cor. seventh, npstelrs, . Pboaa Main
2(82. v Frmale . help wanted.
TWO ladlea ran have their rent for taking
rare of 4 moma la cottage, furnish so. u
IB, aara JonrnaL ...
WOMEN to make garters at home; food pay;
no canvaaalng; nartlcnlara for atanip. Brad,
ley Co., !04 St. Clair at. Cleveland. Ohio.
mr apaclal Inducementa for 80 daya to ata.
denta. 2TlV Morrlaoa.- raabteaabla drsaa
aiaklnf. r '
WANTED Ateeonce, a bright, eaergetlc, prs
aentable Dike or woman, a good talker, to
take np aa attractive nropoetttoa. Inquire
. T33 Chamber af Commerce, 8 a. as, - -
VAirDKVILLS sketches snd stsga daaenig
-, tanght; engagement seen red. Bert Ooff, 810
-Alleky bldg. One- week'e trial teeaoa free.
HELP wanted and enppMed. mala er female. R.
0. Drake. 208H Washingtoa st. Black 18S3.
WANTED Position by men and wlfa aa mob
In camp; references furnished. Phone Eaat
670T or address 0. M. C 431 Spsncer St..
Montavllu. Or. .
B'ELL-EtlUCATED young man dealree poaltloa
, at anything. Addseaa 430 Yamhill St., Port
Isnd.. Or. "
WOMAN wishes work nt housework or cooking.
Phone Beat. XI 21.
NATIONAL Employment and Labor Agency,
aia nne at. foone main lave.
28 N. Second' at. , Phona Mara 1828.
Henry Tabara. zor svereti at. rnoaa ra
el Be 840
BIO FOUR EMP. AGENCY. Help supplied tree.
IS North second at. rnoaa Mam lwio.
!o.. B North Becooa. rurn sines all sinaa em-ployment-for
maa aad wom.a. Main 8008.
THE Portland Emnloymeat Co., 206V Morrlepa
at. t'none racine .
AGENTS to sell the-beat la elek snd accident
Insursnce. Paeifte Aid AesocUtkm. BOO Oa
kam bid.
WANTED Agents; something new) good seller,
big wages. 208 McKay bldg.
WANTED 18 agents to sell nursery stock:
88 to 40 per cent commission ; good ter
ritory, tail ain seat rorty-eignta at,
Mount Tabor.
Oof rental department hea bean enlarged
and provided with additional atsff.
Wa Invite llarlna from LANDLORDS and
offer personal attention to and continuous
supervision aver all aropsrtX-Intrastod to sar
A. 8). Cor. 3d and Oak ata. Phona Bs. TA
WANTED To rent a 4 or I-room bono with
barn, about I or t scree, rloee to car Una.
' Adilreea T, Journal.
HAVE bnyera waiting for city real aetata; what
have yon la homes. Income property or vacant
mtat R 7, cars of Jouraal.
IF row have a flrat-slaas fsnn for ante, aes
aa. . Wa slwsys have buyers for that kind
- of property. Gregg P. roe., 317-818 Fentos
bldg. Phonq Msln 8308. V ,
WANTED Suitable Iocs t Ion for feed and trans
fer business, to buy or tease. Ksdderly Trans
fer Co.. 110 North Sd.
WILL buy at once, one acre or. less near ear
Unci- good water and soli for gardening, I
8. Journal.
WB want to buy merchandise of any name or
Harare. Will buy- the complete stork or any
part, for cash. We want clothing, a hoes, fur-
nlshlnge. drees ponds, cloaks, suits, millinery
snd groceries; city or country. All proposi
tions will ba held strictly confidential. Ad
drees Spot Cash, Jonmal. -
F0NES will give Sgorea an spraying- -
PAINTING, sprsylnsi and whltewaablng treee.
hesementa. barna. dorke, etc.; largeat gaenllne
spraying nnUlt on the coast M. G. Morgan
ft Co. 822. Union are.- Pneas Esst 2817.
F. J.-STDER, printer. Second and Washingtoa
rts. Phone Main 8838.
aah price paid for hot t lee and rnnk
of every description. Portland Bottle Sunnly
Co- 801 North Eighteenth.'
Phone Mala 2288.
any quantity l also take ssrae on commission
and' guarantee best resnlts. . The Portland
Auction Rooms. A. Schubach. prop., 211 Flrat
st. Phone Main BAOA. .
F0NES does spraying, pruning, wbltewksblng.
WANTED t tar 40 acres, oa earllne, '.srlthla
8c limit; cash: mnst ba cheap; owners paly.
. koota 808 Allsky bids. - ;
WE want eoffa nrna; ales bavn a 'buyer for t
cash reaieter. Standard Coffee ftBplcs Mills,
M 2d st., Portland. Or. ,
WANTED-OooB fresh row. Addreaa 839 Wor
cester Bldg. Teiepnona Keai mm.
WANTRDe-Tvm National cssb rsglsters, Mat
adders. - Address Brana ft Co., B. . K. cor.
Flrst-and Alder. -1 .'"
FURNISHEDAROOMSVOR rent IIHI nasi wr.iw rooms in inruan,!
81 wsska4 Bfis uUbmb. Itrst aad Aider IU.I
THB RAMANN. 138 N. 18th.. cor. Hoyt Newly
furalabed rooms. 31.80 up; soavvnlent tocatlon.
18 mluutve' walh to fair emends. Morrison
car at union depot direct to bouse. Phone" 3470.
BEAUTIFI'Lrfroat anile and two other desirable
furnished rooms' In modern home of' private
family; phone, beth. furnace beat, walking
distance. 6M0 Fourth at. Phona Paclne 318.
FURNISHED rooma, single or ea suite. 3 per
month and up. Hotel Falrmoant. Twenty
alxth and lUabnr and Vaughn ata.
THB GRAND Newly tumlsbed roams by tbe
week or month. 3H Ofasd ave. -
NICELY farnlshtd rooms st moderate prices for
rent la large private house, close) In, , Call
at 14T Tenth et., near Alder.
HOTEL MONARCH. 8AB Stark at., Mra. Arkley,
. prop. Neatly . furnlahed rooms; transients.
THB GRAND, 451 North Third St. Rooms tor
gentlemen 11.80 per week and up.
tiaAT anil BAiUB.
THB HUB. 88 Eleventh at, (or. Stark Newly
furnished, ateant neat, gas light and baths;
one block from earllne; rstea reasonable.
CLIFTON, Wrat and Columbia Single rooma
. l per week and apt trnualeate Sue, 88c, 60c
per day; no children.
TWO nicely .furnished rooma for rent; furnace
beat, nee ot phone and hath; rent reasons bis.
. 128 13th St., between Waahlngtoa and Aider.
Fl RrTT -CLASS rooma. very cosy, furnace heat,
free phone and bath, reaaonabls price, 463
Merrlaoa. - -,
NICELY ' furnished room with private family,
atrlrtly modern flat, every convenience, 8
bkx-ka from JoamaL 300 Morrlaoa at. Phone
PaclMa 123T.
NEWLY furnlahed rooma, reasonable. 107 North
Fifteenth St.. -bet. Flandera and Ollaaa.
84B HARRISON One Urge roere with beat.
Ilgbi, bath; eaey walking distance; good
nrlghborbnod; $12; suitable for two; gentle
men preferred.
SLEEPING tw office room far rant. 43Va fu-t
St., room 10. . " .
LA RGB furnished front room, eteve. bath, rent
310; 4 blocka from-: Columbia tbaatra. 81
tioHb 14th. - .
FOR BENT Furnlahed bouses raping -eoome ta
best brick block ea eaat side; gaa raagea,
bath, etc.! ae tra eaten ta; nrloaa moderate.
Logaatlk.. 10SH . Untoa . ave aeraer Baal
"Alder. Pboaa Best 4824. ,
THB MITCHELL, rlsnders snd Bevetirh Rooma,
housekeeping aad trsnslsnt; soarealeatl prices
THB GLArjSTONsf 812H Ssvlsr St., feratebed
-rroome; aadar hetl aunagemants arlcss ras
sooabte. -t'i
I1.T8 FEB WEEK Large aleea furalabed
laundry and bath.
rtland. . . . .
Sherman. South Portland.
HOUSEKEEPING rooma. In I. I er 8 rooma,
at lowest ratea: electric lights and pboaa In
cluded. 8tm Water at. ,
PA RLORB. kltchea conlectlng, bsth, phona,
light: eery awell family. 42B 3d.
88.50 PER month 4-mom fmmlshed cottage,
large yard and trait trees. Inquire Dick
snp store, 44th sad Belmont; tabs Bunny
' Bids snd Mount Tabor csr.
HOI'SEKEEPINO-roome, or rooms' with board,
private family. 2T1V Third St.
- at. Nicely fnrniabed rooma. alngte or en
mite; steam beat, electric light, free bathe,
hot and cold water; privileges of Ugbt kooee
keeplng. STAR ROOMING HOU8B. SS0A4 Larrahea
Furnished rooma. tl up par week; bousekesp.
' Ing suites. 83 snd np per week.
THRER furnished housekeeping rooms st 838
Seventh st, 88 per month; ass, of phona.
TWO psrtly furnlahed rooms suitable for light
housekeeping, modern. Phona Pacific 273.
NEATLY furnished, unfurnished, houeekeeplag
and aleeplng rooms, close in, 1 week. 84
10th, aeer Stark. -'..
BOOMS with board for permanent tenant,
reasonable; ftrst-clsee boos, soaking. 231
' Sixth st.
SOB SALMON, bet. Front and First Board and
room 34 to So weekl modem brick bldg.
ROOM with -breakfast or board; IB mlaotaa
walk to let aad Washington ata, 48 Bast
Bth at. North.
THB MANITOU. 281 Thirteenth St. Elegantly
furnished rooma. alngte or an suite; excel-
lent borne cooking ateaa neat, seen asm
hot wster; terms eery jnoderste. Phona
Mala 1208. . ' ,.. - l
LINDELL HOTEL.' Fourth and Market New
brick, elegantly farnlahea, modern tarougnoat;
rstes raaaoaabla.
PROMT ma with board, eoltahte for 2 people,
$28 each. 188 Thirteenth at.
H nasal Far Rent.' Rente Colteeted.
Boom I Hamlltoa bldg. . Phona Black I1BS.
NEW modern 8-room boose, 888 Ktmt Davis st;
rent reaennabte. Call 80S Eaat Davis at.
BOU8B, SAT North Twentieth, V
a. porca.
lata bath, furnace, cement basement. R. L
Oliean, 420 Chamber af Commerce.
KADDERLY TRANSFER CO., prompt sad re
liable plana and fnrnltnrt movers; ateo stor
age. Pboas Msla 1088. Office, 110 N. Third.
MODERN S-ronm cottage, porrelalB bath and
basement, Holladay'a addition, near atsel
bridge. Inquire room SOL tbe Dekum. Tela-
phone hetwaea s and 8, pacing aaa.
840 EAST ANKENY. bet. Seventeenth' and
- Eighteenth Modern S-roote house, blinds, gss
. flxturea. fine laws, rosss. . L Vaoduya, 278
. Washington.
: 243 Stark St.,, .,.! , :
. " Will rent yonrbouse; '
Will And a bouse for T0-2J '
- See as or Phona Mala 1BT8.
T-ROwM aottage. No. 388 Broadway. Phone. East
BIT. - '
SUBURBAN home on cer line; flna for chickens,
vineyard, berries, fruits. Phons West 288L .
I FOB RENT House. T moms; Data, enanee, gas,
fstewn; $18. 888 Grand avs., N- Phona Eaat
FOR - BENT Quarter block. T-mom modern
honaa East Twenty-first an. Brooklya. Benf
$13. Phone Scott 1B22. .
rd( BRNT Alraoat new 8 -mom house: -mod-
- erni reeeonshle to good steed tees at. . In
quire 808 Sacramento at.
.0-ROOM botrse. 408 Montgnmery; 8-mnra flat.
ewt niii, nut.. i-, - - .
NICELY .fnrhlahed B room bouse, furnace heat,
-rent, reeeonable. Call at 831 Eugene at.
$18 PER MONTH 4 -room furnished cottage
with yard, free water aad wood. $42 Eaat
' Second, aear Mill. .
FOR RBNT-i-A very nice modern B-runni fur
nished cottage. Including plans, on Vast Msdl
. eon. 2S'per month. , Otto ft Crockett, 246
Wssblng ton at. -
NEW cottage with1-4 rooms downetalra and 2
In attic, ateo bsth and cellar, one block from
Grand ave. and Tnvlslpn st, $11 pat month.
The Bnrrell Inveetmatit Co.,
.. 1 I
First St.
la thte -tows there la 8 business store, shop,
factory at of nee boelnees-Mrhlth would bs
worth twtea as much to yos aa tt Is to lbs
maa who te bow running H; and, ba. la tarn,
might be better Stfed to yoar rbaolneoa tbaa
yaa ara. ' - . y. ' "
FCRNISHF.O or unfurnished new seven-room
Bet. $J0. 304 .North iotth, cor. Bavlar; W
car to 28th, turn left HiO feet..
THE dwelling-house of 18 roams st Tenth and
Msdlsun sts.; also the stsble and n part of
tha grounds. Tbe Burrsll Investment Co.,
No. f First at. .
MCKI.r furnished bouee ot T rooms In South
1-ortlsnd, completely furtilshsd. rent $:13 per
month. Jennings at to., .i vtasningiun t
OFFICES, nnfnrnlshsd. and aampla-ruocuai alea
hall 80x20. Ooodnoagh bldg. Apply at lbs
CENTRALLY located office-rooms, with phone,
light and beat, $T.B0 par aaonth. fc. L.
Cata, 118 Second at.
FOB RBNT Large store. Sixth St., neer Wssb
Ingtoa. Inquire 8.' Mortoa Ooba, $34 Oak at.
Phone Main 1S8. !
FOR RENT Lsrge light offices. Sixth et., near
Washington; can ba need for light manufsc.
tnriug. Inquire 8. Morton Ooba, SM Oak. at.
' Phone Mala 1.18. -. , i
MANUFACTI'BING or other Intrreete aeedlng
cheap, well lighted apace. Inveetlgate build.
Ing 881 Morrison at.; 2 lower etorlea, rrsr
fsce, esrb 40x40; store shove. 20x40. Inquire
84 North Twenty-first. Pbone Mala 1844.
Rl'HBRLL sad Rorthwlrk. fine corner for meat
market or delicatessen; built-in coolerl rear
living rooms; 318. 800 Beat Oak. Scott 72.
FOR RENT Room la grocery store for meat
market, new store, good location, Pbone
Ksst 8018. - . -
FOR RUNT Store.' eultabte for clesrs or tsl
. lor; f 10 per month. Inquire, tlotblng atom,
' No. 12 4th et. '- -
- BJoomB furnished aad aafwrnlsbea, alngte
aad aa suite. $1 per week and aa, ,
A nermsnent modera nulldtna. Dlastered
M with aatarwoaaa aaa modern siu
' ALL 0TJT81DB 900MB. ;
Mk nese i.ili. m
' WbstheT to boy or sell, ring Bp Mats 8898,
.. . -. 211 Flrat at. ;
$200 BCYS furnltnre af 8-room cottage. Includ
ing bedding, table and kltehenwarei eaa t
beat thla for bargain. Pboaa Eaat 8333. .
$118 BUYS furniture (nearly aew) of B
modem: walking dletaaca; rcaaonabla rent.
B 4. Journal. ... . .
A SNAP 12 moma. $.100. Inquire at 208 Sal
mon et.; mnst ba sold tomorrow.
NEW upper room lat. attle and basement,
gss range and wood neeterl Twenty-feartl
aad Baet Madlaon. Pbone Eaat 1488.
MODERN 8 room npetalra flat. 4 blocks from
postofflre, vacant Jaanary 1, $40. Call 202 ta
With at. -
FOR RBfIT Ahont January--1, S-etory brick
bolldlng 100x100, aortheaat cor. Third ana
Madlaon; will remodel and -teeaa whole er
pert to desirable parties. Apply to, B. T.
Cos. Ns. t First at., mo of 10. ...
ALWAYS on band, choice residence property,
vacsnt ants, acreage, large and smsll farms,
dairy and fruit ranches, a feny good stork
rsnchas, soms Al timber trsete, weH Iocs tad
and good titles, good ' bnstnens openings,
' roomlng-hnnasa moef any locality, al your
- owa terms; don't fall to aaa aa before buy
208 Ooodnoogh bldg. . ,
ON aeeoant of sickness, will aetl snr twa
stores ef millinery end ladles' tarnishing
goods at a sacrifice; $500 down, aalaace
oa time Baa location; aa eompetltkse, A 4-
' drees P 14, ears Journal.
FOR BALE la tba beat Valley town ai.S.000
" lnhabitante, else a etork af aboaa; Invoice
shoot $4,000. Inquire, 13 let St., Portland. Or.
GOOD restaurant, fins location, low rent; wlU
sell cheap for cash. Apply ta R. B. Voetu,
' 240 Halladay ave. aad investigate. Thla la a
- ansa. . ( r .
A GOOD range, folding bed, Jnsttress and pil
lows. $23. 428 3d.
WANTED A - atock of grocer lea; etate loca
tion and discount for epot cash; cosAdentlal.
Addreaa D 8, care JournaL -
FOR SALBrJob printing outfit: Peerless press
8x12. 88 foots Job type, some of It never need;
, cs hi nets etc.; $273 cash. If taken at ones.
McPberaon, Oilman hotsl.
GOOD BCY r. . -.
I -win sell bslf Interest or sll af tba
finest furnished real estste office on the
ParlOe coast, and the beet location In. Port
land, at Iras than Invoice of furnlrnre, or
trade for- real rotate, aa I have Invested
In the manufacturing buslnrsv .Address 0
18, ears Journal.
BF.LIABLB and energetic partner wanted;
liuelneae first-class: will pay front. $ll to
. 81M per month only $200 required. Address
B 10, Journal. - e . .
WILL Invest $10,000 to $38,000 In established
laying business or gooa industrial enterprise.
li, esrs jonmai. . . ,
FOB SALE Confectionery, well located la good
, town of 1.200; lsrge fresh stork; doing good
. cesh bnslneaa; good reason for selling. Box
220, Sllverton, Or. -
TAKES bakery, fully equipped, baking
dayl good Beignnnrnooo; rent
Tel. East 4890. '
FOR SALE Bakery, restaurant, anda fountain.
. tee cream and candy tools; .beat atand '-n
town; only home-made randy In town: will
Include cwdy receipts: mnst sell by Jsn. 20,
Intel.. Call or add twee, Stephens ft Hsya.
Ooldendale, Wash. : i .
GOOD enffes hottae. weH located; a bargain;
only $103.. Call $13 Pine at. t
STORE, bakery completS; living rooms st
I ached. - 80S Hood.. Key T3Q 4th et, owner.
FOR SALE Drug jetnre. beet In eastern Ore
gon; eaay terma, Addreaa Drugs, cere Jour
" nel. s
MAN with $1,000 for South Americas make
$10,000 monthly for 10 years. Address P. O.
. box 188. I- ' -
1114 ACRES.. U mite from electric llnej ns
rock or gravel; flee soil, easy to riser; run
ning water, road oa 2 sldee: $7$ per sere,
easy terma. I 80. ears af JonrnaL
BOW Is thtsf A nest B room aoaee, nlea level
lot 801 ion, oa Fast 14th St., one block from,
rarltnet the beet4uy la Bast Portland i $1,000
M 18. cars Journal.
FOR BAI.R Ftne residence oa Brokdwsyr t fine
fvsldencea la Irvlngton; H block close hi on
' in is
f Isrxl,
a Real
- west side, a bargain: 4-acre tract of
flrst-Hase niece to plat, tlnse In
Twenty-fifth aj.t eacsnl lota In all
the ctty. . For prices and terms, cgu lVg
Mmaasu McMUian, tit ruia si
.' " klOTBL FAlRMOtJNT. "'
Bartk Twenty -sixth at!. ' from tpabat to
' ... Vaagba. - . -
' . JOTRilAt",
"WaMAd" Rates
Flyc Cents fcrilne t
Na ad taken for leer tbaa IBs par day.
Be van words, sa rule, constitute a Una,
but each line te ebargsd regardless at raa
number of words. t
WtlKIT BAVITB " tneertlena (taereAtag
en. Sunday! laaaa) SO 0ENI3 fag line par
week. - ,f
MONTRTT BATB ftnerudtnt aTl Buaday
Isssssi SFl.oo psr line per msata.
ADVIRTI8MEaTS must be ta fearae!
bualnass ofSos by 18 etoleck xvseh days
and by 18 e'eleeh Saturday evening fat
tha Sunday leans, to seears elassHoatlee.
Btaplay sates glvsa "pea appUoatioa at
, - the aflea.. .. , '
' ' r - - .- e. ' - ; '
, - . --'tj,-'
ABVIBTIaTaTSXra. .;. ' ' V.e
Will be received at reenter matu-oWee
ratea. Following la a list ef authorised
events. wh winTorwrd 'yoordvertlse
ment la time for publlcatloa la toe aail
Isansi '..-.', i -
t ' - I : NORTH BIDB.
R: A. , Preston, draggle t. Twenty-third
snd Tbnrmsn atreeaa. .
Neb Hill Pharmacy. 888 Olbaa) atraat.
corner Twenty-first.
A. W. Allen, pharmacist. Sixteenth sad
Marsh. II streets.
McCommoa's Pharmacy, Hhtetaeetk aad
Waahlngtoa atreeta. v
' ' IvITI nos,
B. r. Jnnsa Oa, druggteta, Froal Bad
Olhha streets.
Onttsl Drug eompsay. First aad Great
atreeta. '
Fa btea Byerter. dregfhtt, 400 Jffferaoa
street, corner Tenth.
Bertman'a Pharmacy, . aara at Hats . Bad
Hani sou streets. .
P rammer Drag soeapsay, BBS Tblrd atraat)
corner. Madlaoa. -, . ,f , .
' 'V" CAST BTSB.; '
W. & Lova, dmgglat, somas Oraaa sveaas
and Fast Burn aide atreet. . . .
Ntrhoia ft Tbompeoa, 128 Bneaell atraat.
Corner Albtna aveune,
Jancks Drug enmpaay. corner Hawthorns
snd Grand svenaea. m .
W o. Cable, dmrglaf. corner HoUadsy
rvenna and t Larrabss atraat. aaat atssl
biidga. . s - .
R. A. Wtlaoa, ' 13$ Oraaa ivenna, aaat
Bast Morrison.
).. W. Ball. tSS Bast Bsvaatb atraat,
soraar Stepheaa. ,
HIOBXAJTB, '- " v '
F. 1.
CUrk, Oragglst. 100$ Bortb TJatoa
J. I
Worth, absrmacttt, SBB
- 8K00XXT. ' " v ' - '
Brsoklya Pbsrmacs, sompaay, Powell axel
MUwaakto atrssta. ;. : j ,
Arleta Pharmacy, Mora aad Fob tar strsata,
'' RUW009. ' ' r "
Hemerock'e Phsrmscy, 84$ TTmsrUla sve
aas, sooner Eaat Tblrtaaatb Street.
88.000 GOOD substantial 11-ennae
lot. la a beautiful Iocs tloa on weat eldet full
beaement, furnace, bethe. cliweta, ate.; eoulit
easily he metis tsto Bets; this te a bergs In.
, - $1.800 8-room cottage. 80x100 Int. 4 blocks
from ssst side high school; cement walk, la
, front, alee location, 1 block to car, 1
.. $3.850 Good new S-rooa modern bouee and
large lot, tin t'ntnn ave., near Ivy St., on
Instsllmenta; . $300 to $300- ess a,- aalanca
$1,280 Near A room hotter end S ran tots,
nn Ankeny snd Mount Tshor earllae, t
block from earllne,
, ; - OBl'NDY-MFT.BATH CO., 4 ;
.-. 3481a Morrteoa at, - "
$2. 41 -BOOM honaa, well furnished, aa)
'. Flrat -at. i
a.oo Tws' T-room bouses' Bad lot. Bast -
Oak at. . -' ' -.-' ' ' i
-.$1.Bii0 IBS acres timber had. cat 8,000,.
, Oho. rood Br, on Columbia river, i
: 7,V 10 Into to Montavlila; 4 blocks earllne
$ti&0 3-rnom bouse. 8 acres Wad, la Hood
Blvsr valley; fruit leaAc--.- .
.... BECKNF.R ft ItlATT, , "l
. '..: 180 First st. .
ACRES oa car Itne; garden ground; ae gravell
aeer station: $300. terms.- ' ''. .,
. 11 seres, m miles front car lias, 8V4 mites
tn heart of city, on roanty road; $800; sptea
did soil: torms. -
W. 1. TAT ft CO," ;
18SI Foarth Bt. Booat 38.
for BALB HT OWNER Modera alx-i
bouse, between 22d sad 24th, oa Wasco St.,
fllolladay Park add.; wilt build sa either of
1 17 Into from plana and terma to salt pnr
- chaser. R. B. Bice, 882 Sandy road. Phons
Ra,t 10SB.
t none i-ncirie we. ssi , twiawi
Oregon. Real estste, timber lento, rentals, -A
firs Insurance. , Take fall cberga sf properties, - i
even re toaaata, everaes repairs aaa sousci
rsatt. - . - - - - ' ' :
T-ROOM bouse, $2,800, 8M0 dnsra, balsBSS 8a
salt. Owner, Phone Bast 878.
FOR SALS Three 8 -room cottages sa ssst side;
basement snd ysrd, hot snd cold wster, bath
price $1,800.- Address O 40, ears JournaL
NEW 8-roeia bouee, 484 Bsst 18th st. North;
. 1.1 Too, $no0 down, bateocs monthly. Owner,
' Pbone Bsst B7B. ' -
$1.100 NEARLY aew 8-room konee. with fall
. lot; most sightly location en esst side, nser
car line; $400 dowa, $10 per month. State
Investment Co.. 118" Ablngtoa bldg. - - (. .
$1,880 MODERN 8-room house, full beaement.
on Stanton at.! lot 80x128. Bute Investment
Co., 118 Ablngtoa bldg. '
$1,40040 ACRES aeer- Oreabam. Baa timber, ,
stres'm water. Stats IoveStmeat Co., 118
Ablngtoa bldg. . ' : .
ACBB TRACTBt .," ,.;. J
vus arBtJiasn x ist suss xssmsi
Futl-elsed itreeta, water to each Bens
Tew go to these acres on the asms
tar the Sams Be fare the lot maa. pays. The
t man js your aelgbbor, bat he- te re.
etrirted In majority of. featares that auk
a trne mburban borne, i- - '
Opta Wednesday sad Battrrdsy erenlngs. .
r 110 Seoood at. T .
8 ACRES, all clear and la cherry trees 10" years
'. eld; Se ear fare; lota adjoining $100 ts $100
--. $3S0 per acre. I BL cars sf Journal. .
FOR SALB at a bargain, ajodera T-room boese
-wi Fast Taylor, close la: terma to salt
', purchaser. Apply F 42, cars JournaL
FOR SALB Modern suburban cottage, gloss bt
earllne. Kite location, ground 100x100, 0. W.
P. Townalte Cs,, 184 First St.
la. 700, A SNAP Comfortsbla modera boose,
dees In an tbe esst side, S living-rooms, bath, -etc.,
gas snd electricity, large basement con
taining . laundry, tws atort and fuelrepmat
everything about the house la Srst-elsse re
ps lr: the lot le 180 feet deep, contains chicken,
house and yard and anmbanvof Sue frail .
trees; ae Ides I boms -or comfort aad eon
venlsacs. Cell or address the swnrr. room
800, tha Merquam. Pboaa, Mais 88$, 1 tot
10 ACRES, good anil, all In clover snd grain,
for 3-8 Its varus If aotd before Jaanary 11
Ilea fine, sn good graveled road, close to
' ststlons on- t electric csr II nee, O, W. P. ,
' rsllrnoda at Lenta. Be fare to any part of ' '
Portlsnd; best pronerty In Lenta; worth $4s)
an acre: price, $2.V) an acre, -all cash. Ya '
' will find thla Jnat aa' advertlaed. 0. A
Addlfnn, Lents.- Oregon; take ML Scott ear,
cents. ' - . " i
IF yea wsnt. to buy or ssll real sstats esH sa
as; wa do not deal In snsps, but -list yonr
property wtlb na at Ita real vainer we wilt
sell It for yon. Sqners Deal Real Estste ,,j
: Co., Sffi Morrison at., Allsky bldg., room Sua,.
Phons Pad Be 801. W. E. Ijer, manager. '
FOR sste or rent.- fins new' cottars ta Sonay
-stde: large attic. Strong, 183 Weat Park.
FOR SALB CHF.AP Corner lot, N.
Hroad and tMt'T. Mnntaviiia. , ,
FOK SAI.B or font, new house, modem, an
Imorovements Bus Ipcatlua. . Obaar. Tenth