The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 30, 1905, Page 10, Image 10

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    ....... ,....a,- nNe.. a Mr - SATURDAY. . EVENING. DECEMITJCR 0. 1CC3
Tlia UKliUUN UA1LX 'JUUKHAU rwii"t 1 iTiiin i
mm of
Mrs. May Carpenter,
an Aincrlcii Womaff,
wile ol nr wealthy Eng
lishman. She has at
tracted attention tn Ports
Montavilla Citizens Raise School
Flag In Chicago at Half Mast In
Memory of Hundreds That
.Died In Holocaust. . .
' f--- ' ' :
, Board's Estimate by i -;
Jhree Mills.
by her striXing rescm-
blance to Marie Antoin
ette, whose portrait from
a painting is also showiL
Desire to Outdo Neighbor Results in
Dwkrnctioii of Theatr Mot Appall
'. Ml" Disaster That Evef VUited the
" City and Many Familiea Lost Rela
'. threa In Flame.", "X. X
Levy of Largest Proportionate Tax
of Any Suburban District What
the Assessment Will Do. ' .
15, ' T Tlia UKliUUN UA1LX 'JUUKHAU rwiw", ihium i i -jasu ! - t.
n . . -
, :-5f ,!lV
(Jaorsal Special Barries.)
Chicago. HI., December SO. Two years
ago today tha Iroquola theatr waa de
stroyed by Tlr and nearly .'Me Uvea,
moatly women and children, were loat In
the holocaust Tha day la observed here
generally, and flags era at half mast
everywhere. Many of the churches held
apeclal memorial services thla morning,
and some ot tha Proteatant churehea
wlll hold special services this evening.
The graves ot tha hundreda of victims
of the dleaater In the varloua cemeteries
were decorated with wreaths and other
floral offerings. The gravea of tha un
identified vlctlma were also decorated.
The fire at thojlroquols. theatre wee
the most appalling disaster that aver
vi.iten thla cltv. and will long be re-
. . . . . - , a. thn
nwmwna y iiunuiu- ut ,....-.
lost one or more of their members In the
catastrophe., Tha fire originated on the
stage of tha theatre during the matinee
performance of December I0.10. at a
time when every part of the house was
with tha umiaJ holiday crowds
of women snd children. The theatre
waa practically new, having been opened
only a few Weeka prevtoue to tha fire.
.. i 1 1 ..tut rt whlnh
, inr wb .' -
iad been running there since tha open
ing night. It la believed! that aparka
from one of the apotllghta stationed on
the aides of the stage Ignited aome of
.tha fiimav niecea of scenery In tha wings
and In a few momenta theblase apread
upwards toward the fllee. Some of the
actora and employee tried to ' beat out
the flamea hut did not succeed, and the
aignal waa given to drop the fireproof
curtain. Owing to the.fect that a rope,
with which the "aerlaf ballet" waa ma
nipulated, had been ao faatened mat it
obstructed the movementa of the cur
tain, tha latter could not be lowered for
aome time. When It waa finally released
the fire had made auch progress on the
stage that the employes became ' panic
stricken snd opened the large double
door tn the rear of the atage and lead
ing to the court behind -the theatre,
through which the ecenery waa brought
into and out of tha theatre. Tha terrlflo
draft caused the "fireproof" . curtain, a
thin and flimsy affair, to bulge out Into
the houae. and In a few mlnutea It tore
and fell, and immense volumej of smoke
and flames poured Into the auditorium.
At that time moat of the aeata In the
house avl been emptied by tha panlc-n
.aincsen ipwuwrii. naPuivy . w.i.
crowding through a few doors ss fast a
1 he v could. When the smoke and flamea
poured Into the auditorium, sweeping
the whole interior, hundreda "were over
come.. They fell in heapa right at tha
exlta. and were auffocated by the amoka
. and heat Those on top of the pile were
scorched beyond recognition. Tha situ
. atlon waa greatly aggravated by the fact
that the ushers, thtli&tng only of their
own aafety, had fled . for their Uvea,
without StODDinc lonar enough to unlock
and unbolt tha aafety exlta provided for
on every floor. The spectatora. finding
tha aafety exlta bolted and locked, were
compelled to maka their exit through the
main exlta on tha Randolph street side.
Why crowded around these exits dur
ing the Jam they were overpowered by
the smoke and flamea and perished.
Only a few escaped over tha fire ee-
nm. which thev reached from the Mi-
cony. .The fire, was soon under control.
At first it waa not thought that tha
loas of Uvea had been great, and tha full
extent of tha disaster waa not realised
.. until the firemen reached; the upper
floors of tha house, where they found
.'. the dead piled op' six or eight high, all
headed for tha exlta, and those on top
terribly burned. The scenes -which fol
lowed beraur description. '
The police department took charge of
the removal of tha hundreda of bodies,
and they were taken to the varloua
morgues ' and undertaking establish
ments, where they were laid In rows on
' the bare floors... to swalt identification.
Many of the bodies - were so terribly
. burned that recognition waa impoesi
' ble. Many of the bodies were not idea
tlfled. ' r. .' '
The cart waa Investigated by tha cor
oner and the blame fixed upon the own
era and builders of tha houae, the. build
Ins department and some of the em
ployea of theatre. Since, then-hundreda
of suits , for damages growing 'but of
the loaa of life and injuries received
during the fire, have been filed against
- the proprietors Of the IH-fated Iroquois
theatre. The amount ef damagea asked
sggregatea several million dollars,
" r .v.: v 'Fat Folks." ' -
I have reduced my weight pound.
bust nine, inches, walat tight Inches and
-. Iilpa olna Inches in a short time by a
: guaranteed, harmless remedy without
exercise or starving. I want to tail yon
- -all about It Enclose stamp and ad
' dress. Mr. Charjott Woodward. Ore
gon City. Or. - ,M
' D JMamTOt C
"Air Is Not Gold
That Glitters'";
acitherii witch hard the same
thing.. Pond's Extract evert
though your dealer tells you so
snd it looks and smells the
. same..' It only takes one trial
to discover the difference. '
Wittk lUntl it ntt ikt thimg.
On unalyiit mmfUt, if
Wiich 111 fftrtd " tht mm
etnuin w1 alcohol r tormald$hrd
aref. Aim dtr f finning
..d.iitin t,tittitiMtittlttllfrHtiiirite
1 ' aasaasasa-assaasassas-w-fssss . I iseBSSSSSSeaBjaa. sasaaassaaa-s-ai . . a i ; ' ' ' ' ' ' " 1
From tha Naw.Torkt8un.
f 7 HE tlk In tha mesa, having run
. I , through campaign atoriea and
I -J .women, stories, had turned to
leaned toward tha fire and knocked the
ashes from his pipe against tha andiron.
"The queereat 4)lt of poker 1 1 ever
saw, he aaiarwse piayea "y- wuiunn.
She. was tna ot little BUI Btuyva-
vm, MmAmh.e Rill Mtu vveaant.
colonel la ; tha Third graduated in
Tha colonel nodded. " . : i
"Ha waa wltn -Reno at the Custer
business," ha answered. met htm
the next week. He reaignea arterwara
and want Itito buslneaa." - ft.
That1, (ha Him. ' Rill waa mtahtv well
connected In New Tork, but ha didn't
have much cash.- if it naan t neen tot
his nnker nlavlna he never could have
kept the pace he did. . 7 .. .
"Ha lived better than any other offi
cer in the regiment. Ha-put up one
r.9 h. hhImI anmaa Tva hSd tha had
lurk to mix up with cold-blooded and
steady, but with enough warmtn in it
to rush his winnings to a fragile when
the time came. . , - -vt, ; : .
."Well.. one day old BUI went toff and
got married alt of' a audden to tha
tlmldest, moat blushing, prim Uttlagprlg
of a country girl yon ever saw. I beard
his family raised the devil; but It didn't
matter. ' Bill and the wee on Bet tied
down on tha post, and were aa happy
aa If she were Van . Something or
Other, or he were a Farmer Jones.
, "Bill,- though, never let up a hole on
VMtlr.r hut h. ... 'hnnMt atmiltlt with
his wife. The game usually ran. In his
hoaee, sod she aat ana wstcnea until
bedtime. At first she worried a good
deal. I think. -
"It made everybody feel awkward,
a a h... hM la,, .e.. a
while aha perked up, and wa got to miss
ing her if she waan't sitting there by
the fire, aewing or reading, or else lean
ing . over . Bill's shoulder watching hit
cams ana aBKing' itwi ijuwituu.. 1 -
iliMit . v.a.''.et. (h.v vnrl msr.
rled Bill and she went on leave east.
The lamliy wanted to paten up.
"I started Tor New Tork a little later
mmtrmlt .rw .Mil .ft.I I Kit that Small
town a chap named. Brockman asked me
up -the Hudson to a house party, wnen
I arrived who the deuce should I find
there but Bill Btuyvesant and his fraiL
"She-waa pretty as ever, but Just aa
Shy and timia. ne oian 1 seem 10 w
having a very thrilling -time In society.
t fair rl.htArr. fit. tha llltla thins1.
"She and Bill had Just arrived, and at
dinner I noticed n curious patronising
looks thst were handed to them both.
The poor child blushed and sat dumb.
Bill looked mad . and drank too much
' "Along about the bird somehow ths
tslk turned on caraa. - -mere waa a
couple of hard faced matrons there, that
r m l.ul n a. human aharka- from t hi
start. They led the pack tn the card
movement and they never dropped .the
scent Until they had It fixed that tha
to or-ua. enouia maae two lauirs vi
MfJrw .rt.e tftlnner ' 1 .
-'"Mra Btuyveaant tried to beg off be
cause she couldn't play, but tba human
sharka Insisted on teaching her. and
n.t. man. mean little DOkea"at het
country breeding and Bill's povsrty thai
at last 'BUI aetuea me ouain... uim
self. 80 sfter the cigars I found myself
at a table with Bill snd Mrs. BUI and
(he two Instructors. . "
"Tna lesson waa inon tnwijn. . im
professors wrote out a iist'or nanas lor
v, a,.. n t. .111. told her-, ths
rulea.' and answered tba -few pitiful
aueatlons she Ssked. I waa mad clean
thmui.h .nut waa hnlllna.' 1 '
" Thla la a damned outrage ha whis
pered, "Help her If yeu esn.'
i mmmm . -n limit affair a' verv
swift tone, too. I . waa too busy myself
to think more of Mrs. B., but I saw
that aha "was- terribly' conservative.
afraid of her life, and Just dribbllni
away her chips In-antes and lack pots.
m. t.i-.'.h.. Ihr. aura win
ntng bands face up on the table afraid
to bet them. The Human snaraa were
giggling and gobbling up chlpa. , Bill
- "Then somebody started a jack 114
ail around... it waa sweetened at 11 a
clip for five deals running." That put
f 7 la W -4 ,, T -.... .
; ' . .? : ' . ' 4,
' "Then one "of tha aharka opened-It for
tha slse on Mrs. Stuyvessnt's deal. The
other ahark stayed. I dropped.. 80 did
Bill.. " r !;-...' ,!,'';
.ri looked at Mrs. B. She was very
much axclted.- Her eyea were snapping,
and aha was examining her Hat of hands
Intensely.', .1.;. .'
"Oh.' she cried, 1 wish I knewt J
wish I knew! Can't I aak BlllleT
1 " 'No,' snapped Shark Number On
" 'Oh,' cried. Mra 8., than I yea, 1
must! and she, shoved out 1150 worm
Of Chips- . --' ; -- ' - ' ' ' "
'BUI turned white.' , I snook in my
boots. Bhark Number , One 1 hesitated
and acowled.. ..Then aba pushed out her
7s. . Numoer- -iwo- aroppeo wnn , .
nasty ll'Va word. Number One drew
two caros. Mra. - BUI put down the
pack. " v ' r" ' '
"How manv does" the dealer taker
cracked Number' One ';' -'
" 'IT soh, I.don't want any," anawerea
Mrs. B11L; ;..'''' . . '
"Bill Blghed contentedly. . Tna anara
bet 11. Tha - pot now contained ' 171
almoleona. . . j . 'y . -
"'Dear me!' cried Mra. Bill. M want
to bet lota. Bill, lend me aome!" and
.1.. tlAA . suit nn tha.tuhln- and
.11. w.w.. J
aattled back with the pinkest, most Im
ploring expression, muteiy oegging v
shark to coma on. ,
"That lady looked at nar caraa. ana
frowned. -u-i-f. '.'.; ''. ;.r -
"Not this tlme.'Jihe anorted. If you
mini, tn hot whan nil have any
thing you must learn to bet aometlmea
. . . . 1.1.1
when you nave teas man - n
fluah. Take. tha 1 pot. Three , kings
" Wh, ohr cried Mra., .ana
I waa what yon call ciumng, too-, ana
aha threw down the Sew, seven and nine
. .ink. -th. niiMti of hearta-and the
ace of apadee. i thought - you'd be
fooled. She went on naivety.
I'd been ao careful before.' ;. '
mm Mnr.iiuii tn me that ha nearly
died of heart dlaease right on the spot
t wss too happy to noiioa. was warn
ing the human aharka. " '
n it r 1 whlanered ad
miringly when - the - play bad started
ruin - - - - -
-."Mra. Bill smiled In her bewitching
way. - -1' '
' 'Oh!' aha answered aoftly, 1 haven't
been studying BUI all these monms tor
nothing.' ... ' ' :
-rk. Mm. m. faster. ' Mrs. Btuy-
Jk..nt wim. a little bolder.. Bha won
on tha whole, holding the lead mai ia
Jack had given her. I atlll kept even.
. "At last the night -waa over. The
dawn-, paled tha yellow lamplight and
gave a alrkly color to our -facea aa wa
at about tba table. Bill waa more than
11,000 behind when they atarted a
bunch of, 120 Jacks to close the game?
un.. two .Hri off evenly enouah
Into the maws of .the . hard-faced
trona. Then came a ernie o open. ;
..iir J..... It Mntll It had tht In It
flat Mrs. Btuyvesant cracked It Under
the 'Tuna for the slse. Bill stayed. 80
did Shark Number Ona. Then Number
Tw boosted It 100. .
"I dropped and threw my euros on me
tahia Mra. Btuyvesant stayed. BUI
. m.jt Th. t he ahark hesitated
and then ahovad In her little stack. That
. . . . t n . 1 A
maae tne nimt iui.i
"Mrs. Btuyvesant drew two cards. Bo
did Number One and ner running raw.
i.t wiha tha latter ladv closely
. .ki..i.. her draw aha moved
her elbow toward a little stand by her
side and Wltn eiegmni creiri.n
swept off on tha floor a1-high .ball that
had Juat been brought her. -' - '
"At the craah .of tha gtaaa wa all
jumped by Instinct. ' As . I did so 1 AV.r a. nils of my chins, and
.w jt--m. Mw .va. A a tha cloth before
me .instead of 40 tha floor, where every
one eiae waa looaina. -
mrmm ..lll tfl thlB fact that I SSW
a Jeweled finger rest quickly on the
table ,a-nd slide ona of - the . discarded
cards deftly under a lace handkerchief.
i tnnra'tha hit of Daateboard
was slipped into the ; hand of Shark
Number Two. . 1- .
-u. Inatinet waa to sneak. I leaned
forward.' but a Quick. V nervoua little
haAd caught my. arm.- I looked'dqwn.
It waa Mra. Btuyveaant. ...
" 'Tia ha atlll ' she whlancred.
nari, .tiit .v. MMnf anralv sha had
not seen what I saw. - X took out a card.
and scribbled on It as carelessly as I
could,. 'She. stole from : the discard."
Then I slipped It in front of Mrs. BUI.
She nodded, and," borrowing my pencil,
wrote. 1 know. . It was : my ten of
hearts.' -; '
."I crumpled the card In my pocket
What waa thla Innocent- up. to, any
how? V i - ', . ; -,: - .. .'
"She bet two hundred, enarx joumoer
One callrfd. Number Two , aaw, and
raDldly counted out a '. plla. of - yellow.
chlps.-' -' V. ..-..----.'.'. . .
"'I raise you S ve. hundred,'-she aai4
coldly. ' ' .."
"Mra Btuyvesant hesitated an instant.
'1 that '. ah .. answered, with a
queer look in her eyea.indI go you
one thousand' better.. I am shy that
thousand.' -: '?
"BUI gasped like a drowning msn. 1
W.t aa lf-I'were going under fire again
for tha .first time. . Number Ona threw
down her cards. - Number Two laughed
a hard little laugh. Bhe .pushed ,"
worth of chlpa Detore ner. ,. , . i.
" 'And a thoussno," nne saia.
M 1. Arl twn - thnllMltil.' came" With B
little' tremble of desperation . from Mr
Bill ' " " "
. VWe were ail leaning forward quiver
ing with eagernesa.--Bill waa the color
of death. The other table had broken
up and the players preasea over our
aiiuuiuTM.. -
"Number Two drew ' back ' her lips
until her teeth showed like en angry
-i can. - ana aaia.' 1 nan iour wm.
1. one tnrew opwn - ot iim
reached for tne cnipa. tiiii aana oaca
In his chair like a sicx 01a man.
" Nnt a-nnd cut. in-' Mra. Btuyveaant
sharply, and Bha threw on the table-
four queen a.
"Bemarkable,1 ht Tea. But tha
..uaa thin. fmJt I1.1I vnvaelf dis
carded thequeen of clubs!" - . .,
--" . , i . nlirt i.. i .
(.irariHi Di-vwi " . ,
': Mexico jCity. Mex., Dec. 80. Owing to
the ecarclfy of wheat caused by tne par-
ti.l.ll,M ut tha epnn. tha a-nv.
ernment has removeii tha duty on Amer
ican arid Canadian wheat, beginning
with January. When It was realised In
th. h.'.lnnln. nf fnll that tha r.roa'waa
short, ' the duties were lowered by the
government, dui ine enure removal oe
came Imperative, when the reportSjOf
the sctual crop showed that It was even
smaller than expected. The city bakera
have - reduced the .slse oS ' their loaves,
asserting that 1C was impossible for
them to give ths same -weight as for
merly. There Is a small supply still In
the handa of the large farmers, but not tn hrln. nnwn . tha tl Ho.
The price of corn is. also-very high snd
mis causes great nsjasnip mmung ins
poor, . ' . -.' I -
'' ' ' (Jonrs.l Special Berrice.) " "
Sydney, N. B., Deo. 10. After axperl-
m.ntln. for .Mr. . t ll.rlm tlr. h.
Cape Breton, flying kites, Alexander
Graham Hen nas succeeaea in naving
t.1. lt..t nml.n.if Irlta. . th. "Venal
King," rtse In the alr-atul carry a weight
of 227 "pounds, this including a man
weighing lit pounds, ropes weighing
12 pounds, and tha kit 'itself weighed
. . . . . ...
f 1 . pounoa, maaing a wii va iot
The kite foa'e SO feet and remained
.. ill. nt1l nh.l.mntil wara taken.
ICMI' ........ D . " - " .
It rose gracefully .and descended Jflst
. . - i t . . ... . .t
as easily, rvmaiimis uiiwtti it. .
trol., Professor Bell Is greatly pleased
Vlin inf ami iiiiciiw
Giv effective relief in bron-
. chial snd lune troubles. A
Contain nothing injurious. .
Tka east side offlcs of Tbe Journal Is In the
tors ef J. M. C. sillier. 300 Kast Mnlsaa
street. Telephone Bast ITS.
big school tax next year, but In addl-
... ... ... , 1 A w.
tlon K Will raise mo aaiari.a
teachers, keep up the school by providing
extra room If necessary , and pay off a
large block of Its bonds. V '
Tha board of directors at Us meeting
Shursday night, after canvaaalng the
tuatlon, decided that It could not ask
the taxpayers for more than a 10-mlll
tax aa - tha property valuation In the
villa had been Increased ISO per cent by
the laat aeseaament.- A 10-mlll levy waa
tha equivalent of It mills unaer ine oiu
valuation, and the board considered this
1.1-k .non.h a van for liberal Montavilla.
But when the taxpayers got together
last night tney aurprweu
Since It has been learned that the rich
-.k.. ni.trint with three, times
tha property valuatlon'of the villa had
decided not to pay off any of the bonded
lndebtedneaa, nor to grant Its teachers
aalary Increaaea and by a Stt mill levy
to secure only money enough to finish
tha school year wltn. tne viua iwu.m.
had determined to outdo their old rival
M. itit nt tha tasnavara ores-
aiiu . hi-" - -
ent were eager to paas a levy that would
surprise Mount Ttoor. im rnimni"i-datlon-ef
haJtioard for a lO.mlll levy
Awn hv a two thirds ma
jority and It waa decided to levy a tax
of II mills, which will be equal to a
10-mlll levy on laat yeara oasia..
. . 111 KUUt.BMA IK 111 .nd will
J ni sjfc wm iiiwiu"" ------ -"-, 7
enable the lndebtedneaa of the dUtrlct
to b reduced to s.ouo ana m umrm
of tho teachere to be raised. The Monta
4i.t k.. iiMn n. vine consider
ably leea for teachere than neighboring
country districts because so far bonda
and ' Increasing . school expenses took
..ii.hia hut durlna- the year
a gradual Increase will be given the
teachere longest in trapiuj -j
year It Is hoped t havei thaalary
schedule up to a mark tha will ba In
keeping with tha ' present high peda
gogical standard or tne acnwi.
. ,k. huKi hlahlv nralsed the
work of the teachera and said that the
Montavilla school maintaining the
highest standard of ny of tha county
schools outside tha city. . '
The taxable property of tha Monta
villa district la given now at I4K.I90.
Last - year it -was lese than half this
figure. ; but during the season many
. 1 v..n hntit In tha villa.
nuuar. ii.u - - ; -
probably lav In all, so that mucn or n
. hurn.n will ba borne- bv own-
... MMnt Imnrovementa. Bnt
even at.the best the district will pay
this year a raucn niimrw
before.. Jf tna rate is aopi up ir -.i
.... . u. i.trlet .debt 'can be re-
uiucr j -
duced until It will be no longer a bogy
aait HajLOeen ror nsii a qtoio ,
Taxpayers "Will STot
Till ShiUlvaa'S
enlch Because ef
i kail raad.
( .. .. . ,. ...
While tna property wwn.ra iiiuinuni,
and thls-lncludes most of the east side,
are- convinced that a fill Is tbe proper
method of bridging Sullivan's gulch, on
Orand avenue. It la not probable that a
fill WU1 be made there, even though Ua h. le.a than that of a ateel
bridge. A year ago the taxpayers would
have hailed with joy tna announcement
that the fill could ba made for 140.000.
K..t ..av the. nrafer a I7&.009 Steel
bridge, even though a bridge is a less
valuable improvement man ins un.
The reason tor this strange change la
th. mm m nald bv the entire etty
for the construction! of brldgea. Blnoe
hi. mI.m sia. .il.nnA . fnataad of . the
district assessment program, east side
residents have been resolved to see Bul
Ilvan'a gulch bridged at genera expense.
Tha east aide pays a tg portion of tha
tax, and the Sullvan's gulch bridge Is
th. nn.t imnorrant Improvement of this
sort desired on that aide tha liver. It
Is felt that the district has a valid claim
on the futid and that when the present
.in. ImI hrlda-aav-ara nald for the
Sullivan's gulch -structure should be
built next. Were tha I mill law not ta
force the property owners probably
.... t .1 .mmI th. nrf.r aJj-Milv mads
to fill the gulch for 140.000 and gener
any It 18 uiouRni inai u.iwr .in. vu.
betterment a fill could be paid for from
the t mill general fund It would be a
great-aavlng for the fund, and a bene
fit for the district. '" . ' . i "
Kew Xead for Johns Waasrworks
i nmsnaar Takea Charra of Work.
' 1. W. Beott has severed his connection
with the St. Johns water' company . and
t Tl Rii.iion' hsa been aooointed gen
eral manaaer of the plant. Mr. Scott
.ua . fMHuhiu fmm I h. nld Council
for his plant and this franchise wss
validated by the charter passed at the
Uat session of the legislature. Behind
him waAths firm of Hartman. Thomp
aon Powers of Portland and thls-com-
pany will remain, in control or ine sys
lni. - v '
' The plant has grown In a few yeara
from a neighborhood syatem with per
haps a dozen customers to a modem sys
tem with tbe majority of the 1,800 resi
dents of the place on its mains. In the
present yetr lmprovements.costlng be
tween $10,000 land $30,000 have .been
made, new ptpa mains have been ex
tended to tha remote parte of the scat
tered town, a big reservoir for tha mill
district's protection has .been built, new
pumps put In and the gravity system
Improved by the addition of two of tha
Lwls and Clark fair- watertanks, Ths
phenomena growth of the town and the
Imperative need for frequent and costly
Improvements 'have made the system,
a losing venture up to the present time,
but in the coming year It Is expected
to systematise matters so thst tha ex
pens will ba met at least from tha
receipts. - -i
rirH Hewer for at. Johns Ordered by
. OoaaoU and Others Will Follow.
' The first attempt to provide drainage
for the business district of Bt. Johns
mii will ha made. " The council at its
m.ating accepted tha city engineer's
1 estimate of the area and neoessary pip
If NotWhy Not?
5 Mail .This Coupon to THE JOURN AlV at Cnce
To THE JOURNAL.. - ,'. . ; ;
; Fifth and "Yamhill Streets:;: : , ; iX .
Please send representative to see me concerning your
Graphophone Offer.-. ,V.
.; jMame. ......... ..... a .......
.X Address . ..v.. ...... .. . .'. . .r...........; .'.
": ; 1; Date. ... .... . . ...V... .". . . .7
r&Zmsr- ,;1aiiisieairpf
XVtfetable Pitparalionfor kst
Simuaung mcfooaanaiieKuut
tong (he 5tooarii? andBqvrels of
Promotes DigesUonJChrerM
neas and Rest Contains neither
Opduraforphine norllinexoL.
Isot "NAap OTIC.
" ,
Aperfecl Remedy forConsfipa
Tlon. Sour Stonwtfh.Diarrhoca
Worms Convulsions .Feverish-'
ntss and Loss or Sleep.
FacSimik) Signature of , r
cufif ecsnr ot aVsUBaxa.,
FOR a nt. ua 1 n
A little " BATHA8WEET" makes hard
water soft Us rain Water. It perfumes,
! refreshes and invigorates ; Cleanses
I the pores and PREVENTS all ODOR
from perspiration. Plasty is sacs pax
i for 29 baths, Prios25o. - , ' ;
and the city attorney Is preparing a no
tice of the council's Intention to makq
the Improvement. There haa been frj
quent - complaint - that tha business
blocks, tha laundry and many of the
mills and factories disposed ' of their
wsste water In an unsanitary manner,
and during1 the. summer season th mar
shal waa spt busy applying disinfect
ants and constructing' temporary drains.
Though having a- population of nearly
1.000 people, a big buslneaa district,
and a residence settlement scattered
over 100 blocks, St Johns has no sewer
and surface drains. By the time an
other hot aeaacn arrives the business
district will ha served with an adequate
sewer, the mills' and factorlss either wllj
be connected with thla conduit,- or with
private qnes. and th. private houses
will be the only source of danger. As
speedily as possibly, Ihs more thickly
settled residence districts will be piped
and until this Is done a close wstch will
be kept for sources of contagion. So
far no epldemto haa come from tha
open drains because a general watch has
been kept by private cltlaens and town
Otnclala. ' i , ;
' . It ' ' ' . ; . ,
t - (Jnnraal Special SerrteeJ '
' Paris. leo. 10. Frederick MseMon
nles, ths Amerlcsn sculptor." has com
pleted tha full slse model efthe eques
trian statbeuf General George B. Mo'
' -' ... ''..' r ; '
mm V i,-
. For Infants and Children.
the Kind You Have ::
A IWaife " Dnn crfit "
nilrMjw- arvsiniil - ' u
Bears r the
For Over
. AMtiK 1 no da 1 1 1
best toilet, powder, aiitiseptically
pure, healthful, daintily perfumed.
Heals chapped face and hands. Ex
cellent after shaving. Only afa powdir
for tha baby. Prict 25o. v . ' v
- ... mm
II.'. "'-El
Mm W m saBsV ;. '.
11 ii
' ft a. II 1 ; T; III
ClelTan, to be erected In Washington,
D. C. It has been Inspected ,and ac
cepted by Captain Frank Mason, the
American consul general, and General
Luoltis H. Warren, representing tha gov
ernment and the Society of tha Army of .
tha Potomac. After a few finishing
touches It will ba turned" over to the .
founder for casting. The flgqre of Gen
eral McCleltan la In full uniform, with
tha McClellan .cap. It Is an excellent
likeness. MacMonnlea worked on tha
atatua more than two years and la now
at -work on the baarellef for tha pedestal.
It will beT finished In time to be ex
hibited In th spring salon..
, . - . jj ; .
- ' fOatarl Xaaona Install Offloara.
(Rpeetsl Dlspstcfc to The Jnonwl j ' v
Ontario, Or., Dec. 80. Peat Grand
Matron Mrs. Ida Fraser Installed th
following officers of Star chapter No.
00, Order of Eastern Star, of this city,
Thursdsy evening: Mrs. Elisabeth Dun
bar, worthy matron; O. I King, worthy
patron i Mrs. Addle Lackey, associate'
patron; Mrs. Emma Bllllngsby, conduc
tor; - Mlsa Alice Mnllett, assistant con
ductor; C. ' H. Brown, secretary; Mrs.
Jane Martin, tfenaurer. - ' -. .
t Acacia lodge. No. IIS, Ai F. and A. M
have Installed the following officers for
the ensuing term: J. A. Lackey, wor
ahlpful master: J. XX, Bllllngsby, senior
deacon: E. A. Fraser, junior deacon; E.
U King, secretary; C. A. Martin, treas
urer ; O. H. Byland.senlor warden; Con
Ryan. Junior warden; C. K. Beldlng,
senior steward; W, 8. Laurence, Junior
steward; R B. Rutherford, tyler. .
.' r - ;.