The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 29, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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- .. .1. -
iy;j a fyrgreater st ock for your choosing than we have ever ha$ before vrith added and enlarged facilities for the delivery of your orders. "
Every department is brimful of good m beeifmade on every article d the to
find them all in this adneed the whole paper if we did but come In they're, all here Drugs;
her Goods Liquors, Pictures, Sundries, Leather, etc., etc. ; tree aeuvery anyvmere in we ciiy.) tanaqian moiiey tanen difw.
Cut Glass,30 Pet Cent Discount
'Fine -Empire and-Quaker Glass in new and ex
clusive designs on sale at this great saving. If you
have any doubt of the beauty of this cut, come and
examine it. Thousands' of Portland lovers oithis
exquisite table ware prefer this to any other cut on ' ' ;-' - -' '.; .
Need the room which our pictures occupy, so
elect from our entire stock:, of Landscapes. (leads.
Fire Scenes, Indian Matted Fquntes, Gibson' Girls,
Colored Heads, Water Scenes, etc, at ONE THIRD
OFF. ;.;,-.A-f : ..- "
Cwncras,, 8x10
view, r mahog
any, f 154 up.
"Other sizes n
. T Extraordinary, offer, on Commercial Deyefopirig
Tiptt: :,t': .,-;.'; "':'-';ry'i
r. . Cabinets . . .... -.. .. . . . .. 80 gross ;
-j--J; 8x10 .v. , . . : I .... . . .j. . . . . .83.00 gross .
. 'Monarch Mats Cabinets.. $1.50 trross
Finest Dry Plates at 80 Per Cent off list
Vallmeyer, Bausch & Lomb, Voigtlaender,' La
Vergue and Swift's Paragon on sale at ONE
THIRD OFF manufacturera cost. '
. We also . offer a large assortment of slightly
used lenses all in Al condition. .- Portrait, Recti
linear and Wide Angle foe, ONE HALF usual cost.
Standard, Photographic - Publications at .ONE
-FIFTH to ONE HALF publisher's cost. ?
" "Photographic Annual for 1906 now out; ,'
Paper. .......... 75 1 Cloth ........... 81 J!5
VHtlltr Ware and Loumlsa Jardlnltrts X Off :
All remaining stock of Vases,' Ornaments; Jar
dinieres,' etc, tole closed out at one half the regu
lar price. -'. : ft'1;' - ' V; :-'
i, Fine
All r e m a i ri ing
- stock ' of lloliday
. Stationery, ; worth
fro'nf 65c to $1.50,
on salep at, your
choice ......55
Gibson Linen Papeterie, all , tints ......... ,. .23
Toile Princess Papeterie. ......v.: .....'.16
Hurd's Scotch. Granite Bond, quire".... .......10
Eaton Hurlbuirt English Handwove. ......... 23
Cog de Roche Tint linen Papeterie.. 22
Two Tone Linen, several tints, .v , ; . . Vt V. ... .28
All theserpapeteries are sold regularly for from
80c to 65c and nothing finer can be; bought at -any
price ,':
Assorted colors, special while itJasts 10 Rolls 1 '
for .....-..........V.v..... ......'.4.25
. Writing-Tabjets, Tally Cards, Sealing Waxa Ac
ceptances, Regrets, Mourning Stationery, -Pencils,
Pens, etc., etc., all at 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT
during this great sale. , ; . - :
Don't pay anybody to buy
cheap rubber goods rubber-
goods that are not
thought well enough of.-, by
the, retailer to put his stamj
oiTthem ariday: "If this
does not wear a year, bring
it ' back and get another. '
Thi is what we do--be-
sides,you pay less here for the business kind.
- 'Premium Combination Hot Water Bottle and
Fountain Syringe, 2, 3 .and 4-quart, at S1.29t
81.39, 81.40. - , ' y .
Premium Fountain Syringe, 1 to 6-quart, at
31.10, 810, 8130, 81.40, 81.50, 81.60.
The Boston Hot Water Bottle, 3-quart.......78
Marvel Whirling Spray. ...... i ,i . . . 482.69
Tullar Vaginal Spray. . . . . . ............ ... .$1.95
Bulb Syringe, 8-pipe......t ............43
Soft Rubber Infant Syringe.. . . ... . . .15
Nasal Douche. ................ . .Very Special 6
Pure Rubber Nipples, dozen. ...... v; "..30
Oil Atomize? ....... ................ ....46
Oil and Water Atomizer. .................. . .73
Vaseline Atomizer ...... ...... ....r.'.." ..68
i A special discount of 25 PER CENT will be
given on anything m this department -during this
sale. ' ' . i a-
Toilet Articles Household Drugs
Bnthrmol Tooth PMU..124
Holma' JTrotlU ...... 1S
Capillars . 394
Herptolda .. .54
Ajm'a Hair VUor 904 -
BriUlantlna . .......... .13 ;
UitaratM Tooth Ptodar..74
Llthla Tablata .........10
Florida- Watar, larja. . . -334
Braallln Balta 16
Violet Ammonia. .V 15
olgata'a TaJo. Powdr..l5
Almond Meal. U. 16
Arnica Tooth Soap 12 .
Calverfa Dentin ......13
Lonwelaa . ...12.
Petrolatum, lb .........11
Sea Salt, lb 16
Bea Bait, 4 lb .....M.....O .
Soap Bark 4
Precipitated Chalk 4
Nutmeg-a, dosen 3
Glycerine and-Roae water.
Corn Plaatera .......... .8
Japaneee Cleaning Flnld.13
Lye, lb ......T
Moth ,BaUa 5
Poroua Plaatera ....... ...7
Houaebold Ammonia, pta.,5
Hocoa ButUr .....A
r?nrllnaj Irona '.'.... .$4V
WUllama' Bharlns
Btlcka.- .t&4
Absorbent Cotton, lb ,
roll .26
Dlckeneen'a Wltehhaael,
plnta . 14
BklQ Boda, lb ....3
Epeora Balta, lb .;.3
. Powdered Borax, lb 8
Lump Boraa, lb... 7. .8
Powdered Alum, lb....... 4
Sugar of Milk. lb. ......22
Bulphur. lb 4
Carbolic Add, 4 OS. .....12
Mixed Bird Seed. lb..... .T
Borle Acid. lb. ...., s. 20
Phoephate Soda, Ib..M..18
Bath Towels) at One-Halt
: All our stock placed on sale during this month,
for just ONE HALF the price. You lose half the
enjoyment of a bath without a real linen rub sell
regularly for 50c, 60c, 75c, 90c', $1.00, $1.25,. $2.75.
Take your choice at ONE HALF OFF. , , , t
Special lot of , fine Piano Dusters-that we have
always sold for 60c offered now for 29. A fine
linetf Turkey and Ostrich Dusters for 42, 4,
76, 81.10. . -r:
TVantiful collection of Travs. Candlesticks and
Vases in odd shapes to clear up we will sell the
remaining pieces at 10 PER CENT ABOVE COST.
v- " " i- J-1 . , , - , : . , . f.-
' So many soaps to choose from that we can't be-
S'n to list them all here, but they are 6ri sale. Y-ottr
vorite for kitchen and toilet at prices whichwill
nrt a great saving to those who purchase a supply,
during this month. You are going' to Be one of the
thrifty, aren't you? ,W ( n. - 1
Woodbury's ; Facial .... . . . i . ........ per cake 14
Resinol ........ ....... V ........ . per cake 15
Le Trefle (Piyers) .......... . . ...... per cake 45
Societe, Hygienic, nnscented. ... .... .per Cake 28
Perfumed SoapsViolet, Heliotrope or rdse, ,
" per cake.'. . . ... . . . .'. . .V; . . ,5
Transparent Glycerine, perfumed, a large half-pound,
' bar ............ 4 ............... . .per bar 6
English Oatmeal, per box 3 cakes. . . . . .-; '.?r.. .11
MyjQueen Toilet Soap, per box 3 cakes. .J
RegaVGJyceririe (large), 3 cakes . . t ........ .14
Elder Flower Bath, Soap, per cake. '.5
Guest Room Hotel Soap, per dozen cakes. . . . .16
3Jox of 5 cakes assorted, 1 pumice,! castile, 1 Elder.
Flower, 1 Tar and 1 Cocoanut Oil, per box
' extra special ..: .... .T. .... ... . . . i6
' A CASTILE SOAPSr ' 1 V, SpeciaL
Francisco Bernaldo, 2-lb"bar. '. .'. ... ..... .... .11
Francisco Bernaldo, 4-lb. bar. , . . . . ..... ..... .19
Jersey Lily, a new floating castile fpr bath."j..l3
"Jergena," a 4-lb. bar of the purest quality white
castile per bar 39
;' v : per lb. 10
Regular 15c Cakes of Castile, extra "special 7
Regular 10c Cakes of Castile, extra special. . . .t.4
Williams Shaving Stick. . . . . . .;. . ....; . : f . ..15
Williams Shaving Cake, "Quick and Easy''.,.. 3
- A beautiful line
of a Ladies' Hand
.Bags, Club Bags,
Opera and Autor
mobile Bags, Mu-
f sid; Rolls, Cigar
' Cases, ' Wallets,
Bill Books, Trav-
' eling Cases, ; Suit
Cases,' Traveling
Bags, etc., on sale
v SPECIAL $2.98 ' .
Water proof Pegimond ' double action lock, full
riveted 24-inch Suit Case for. .... . ... . . . .82.98
Music Rolls itc "..:
Blacks and Tani, worth up to 76c Take your
. choice for ... . . ........ . . ; . . .'. . . . ........ ,14
All $2.00, $3.00, $4.00 and $3.00 Hand Bags ' - -,
and Club Bags 4 . . .81.98
Several shades, fitted complete, (all new and
nobby and not a one in the house over 30 days.
Select the one you like best at 8198. , .
Steamboat Playing Carda.8
Bicycle carda ......... XHy
Pit ninch ...........30
Trolley Playln Carda.16
Ranner" Pla vlna Car da... 124
8ourenlrjPlaylnf Carda. 73; ,.
Alcohol Lamps
Very handy, for a quick cup
of tea of in illness they're
mighty convenient. ' Get one of.
these spirit gas lamps. No odor,
nothing to break. Special
29v59. ;; ,
Tooth Picks
Ideal Hardwood Picks--Specian ..... ,f5Jpackage
World's Fair Hotel size-r-Special..... 15 package
SaginawHardwood Special. ...... t . . .3 package
Portugu'ese Hand Polished Hardwood. .2 pkgs. 15
Greafst Bargain
Event of thej ear
Dont,fail to take advant- .
age of this money saving
sale. -' 'i
I III I I 1 . 1 ' ' "
; A general 25 PER CENT REDUCTION will be
made on anything in our entire Brush stock. We
cany Imported ' Ebony Brushes in great variety
Adams; Evans & Harvard, Looneus and Kents fine
Hair and Cloth Brushes. . .
$2V00 Brush ................... .81.50
' ' $4.00 B rush .......... y ....... . 83.QQz
Lot Military' Brushes, worth from $2.00 to $5.00 per
pair, on sale now at, . . . . . . .81.50 per pair
A fine '25c Tooth Brush and a bottle of Tooth
powder for. .;. .'.........,'.".. .j..,.. ... ,25
Are a necessity in most every household. At least
they. .have come to Be regarded as such. Nothing
but absolutely Pure Whiskies, Brandies and Wines
can be found on our shelves. This department of
fers some wonderful reductions on staple goods.!
or1n rlntiht nfwttlt. . ' . ' -.'
WilkWi CiHdlii Club, ot..ll.M I , 'f'tim
I.w.r aeial Bootm. qi.... .v I ii. ri m. aw. m
Wooaltrk afotraHeatW, t.
Eitra Pine Old Heotca, at.... 1-11
T1a 014 aVmrtmt, qt. .71
luloir Berrr Ulm. at....... "4
Unnlr Br.ndy. ot .4 ' br
CALirOEWIA WIirEalnfii1l. ClaretBa
Betonaa extra . cMea, at.
Offklnel Wirrvqt....,..... Jl
nmaiir. rnri, qt. .......... .n
WoodUrk hTTT. qt. ......... .44
Fin. rallfornla Pott . mt
Sbrry t. fur 1 1.14
Maiarae, UMnmn aorinixiT,
Fourth and Washington Sts.
and Others
i -TMnino,thi old standbvs. Some
mei like one style better than . an
other. We have them both, and
here is an opportunity to purchase
Vour favorite at far below the "regu
lar price:;.'- r ---f - h
Every-Ready 'Safety, 24 "V. ' ' "
blades .... ...... 83.59
Star Safety V. ..........V.. .'81.10
Radio Magus Safety-4 blades 83
Peerless ...;,,. 81.38
Boracic , . . :-hi i98
Swedish!........ 82.05
Columbia .'....'..$1.10
Old Hickory. . .. . .. 52
Barber Special. .29
Genuine Belgian ' .
Hone ,.-.98
Apart ..53
Double Swing,... .29
, D. S. Cavalry . 59
. Kokens ? .' ,'. . V . 65
, Radium Double. ... .69
.;.Russia Shell .y...;. 98
Genuine t ' ' '
- . Horsehide . .8118
7 -'All Shaving Brushes
and Cups at 25 Per Cent"
'. Discount. : , .
Better -to avoid cohj's'.than to cure them. Often
do damage which cannot be overcome. ' ; .: ',
Frost King and Queen Chamois Vestsr plain, ' . .
- .at ' . . . .. ... .-. .82.09
Plain Chamois Vest or Corset for Men or, ;
Women. , ... -82.10 and 81.83
Our Leader- Flannel 'Protector,,', ; i .; i V'f ." i .' , .34;
The Boston Chamois Lined 'Flannel Covered , V v
"""Vest .'."-.y. v't v.C.s . .'V... Ay-, f .81.'38
Alarm Clocks;
All Guaranteed . and Per
fect Timekeepers Choose
from our stock at' these
special prices-73, 81,
81.05, 8136..
1:20, 81.65,
2.25, 83.45.
- : These are" regular
ly $1.85 to $5.00 and
are beautiful . little
ornaments"- for r any"
dining or, bed room.
Whisk Brooms
Double Corded Broom that sells for 25c every
where on sale at 141 "Others at 19 and 22,
for brooms worth up to 60c.
- Our Homeopathic Depl
Offers a special reduction for this sale on all Pellets
and Dilutions to 20c an Ounce. .. , s
Manola Tonic ....... . . . . . . ., .. . .90
Hymosa '.:..-. . . . . . , a-w : . ..90
Camphor Pills (cures cold in the head; . . . . ; ; .20
C C. C Tonic". "' . vi . .-.'; .v.-i . . V. . .'.. .00
Our standard Homeopathic, text books areya
your disposal. Come in and look up anything you
"Perfumes and Toilet Waters:;
Ten'per cent reducton on, all perfumes and toilet
Waters with the exception of a -few contract lines
in which we dojiot control the price. Extra specials :
' ' &r oiinoa. '" ' rVtr ounc.
Bweet'Roae 33 ' Franca Roa- .35
,..... vinfMa- . . SlaV ' ,una Toilet Watet.39
Ruaalan VIoIMa ....... 33v. v,o,M Tllr Wmf-r 39
Tiwtaa Lllao ...........334. xilio Toilet Water.. ..3
Clover . .33 ,4 bareniler Toilet Water. .39
;aahmere Bouquet ".85- Rona (Imported) -Toilet
anay Bloaaom 35 "Water . .........I...39
Price Druggists.
Money Back
Guarantee on . everything
t purchased' during. , this
I ' . great sale. . ' "'
. 7