THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALS, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, DECEITS EIS vS'lSS. BAH! UPON YOUR 4 . N A , (From The Journal Dec 28) ' ,?- " BfflS WANTED FOR CLOTHING i Ths proprietor of th Boston Stors. First nq Salmon, find them selves "a peopls without a borne. the building havlnr ban renUd from under them or over thelf heads and the atock nuit be removed so that on Monday roornln; the new leaeeea will hava possession. Bids are therefore repeated for the atock In lta entirety, and will be re ceived till 1 o'clock of Thursday of thla week. The atock te valued at about $7S,9, and oonaleta of a superior claaa of men'a and youths elothtnrr and shoes, at one time the property of Holland Bros, of Oma ba. and Oana 4s Co. of Chicago. HoUand Brqs." waa on of th "swell ' elothina- atorea of the Nebraak metropolis, but unfortunata apeeuletion threw the firm tnto bankruptcy and lta atock waa bought and shipped ' to thla olty. Oana Co. are buyers of bankrupt atocka af any kind of merchandise If aold at thla firm's flgurea which are never mora ' than 60 centa off the dollar of th true value. Thla stock wi f a higher grade than that usually coming tnto their fingers, - and waa ;ought ataoroewhat higher figures, which Information may be of Inter eat to proa pec tlva bidders. . ' '-" ' rTiiTTTTTP TT TTTV" Mil AT Of actual inventory value. We had JJL11-fcrv:.TJ Viiavaaaav..;. Th.n..f.urW. They bay t the moon In the delirium of their We are here now prepared to serve the public and with our sleeves rolled up and smiles of I M FaMK 3,000 Holland Bros 27c on the dollar, , slaughtered like this : "i C For Holland Bros.' $3 and $8 4We4t) Suits in all sizes, for men. 'i;jf For Holland -Bros.' $10, $12.50 04.4D and $14 All Wool Suits in lat- ? t tvlp for fall and sonne wear;. 100 X styles to pick from.1 7 fl0 A C Fo Holland Bros.' $15, $17.50. X ahOa4t) $20 and $22.50 All Wool and Worsted Suits m an enaiess vaneiy oi styles and H the latest fashions. , essssMiitttttttt''4 Pants -From4 Holland Bros. $8,000 Pants stock, bought at 27c on the dollar, we make the following extraordinary reductions. We can afford to do this because we bought this fine stock for almost nothing. 78f For Holland Bros.' $1.75 Worsted , Work Pants. ' .. ' ' ' , 09 For Holland Bros.' $2.50 Worsted ; Work Pants. , T .f T; $1.48 For Holland Bros.' $3.00 Dress Pants. ' ' : 92.48 For'Holland Bros.' $5.50 Fine Worsted Dress Pants. J . ' ; 83.08 For Holland Bros $8.50 - Fine Worsted Dress Pants. ' ; : r Underwear - . . Holland Bros, handled only the first qual- ities ot -Underwear, dut, our.purcnasc ox ; their-vast $7,500 Underwear stock at 27c , ion the dollar enables us to sell the best j. kind for less than one half what you are now paying for the rubbish some dealers : v-. V v"', handle ;"' - 10? For.' Holland Bros.' 50c Underwear. 35t For Holland Bros.' 75c Wool Un df mear. ' . - ' '"': 1 "' -s. 4Sf For Holland Bros. $1.00 Wool Un-:j-' derwear."'.'- J-,"V';-' ; 88 ForHolland Bros.' $1.75 Wool Un 1 derwfar.,' ' ' ' - ,;. Sl.lO For .Holland Bros.' $2.25 Wool Un-; derwear. - , ' ' " " 81.48 For Holland Bros.' $3.50 Wool Un- . "derwear.'.-,.'",. . , .,;.'.''!. " (Siies in shirts and drawers are com' plete in every line. yr THIS IS THE SALE,. OF SALES ; LIKE YOU WILL NEVER SEE t7 :V THIRD AND BURNSIDE STREETS ; And the latcstof our successful, mighty, monster, amaz ' - ingly stupendous bar OF ttOpTiG, DAIS, CAPS, FUDSISDiriG GOOBS, SHOES, mm THE BESlTlUCTiOBi-OF ALL VALUK l R1ALE fflMIIirS APPAREL imL-BEGIN - - . ....... exasperation and look askancrat the sunlight while they bemoan their fate. In the meantime THERE is with that which amounts to a New Year's present In every sale.-.; We really have a gift distribution In this satisfaction uponour radiant countenances, we stand as an army of gallants ready to serve, our friends at iis for G3eiM Suits bought by us at V if" For Holland Bros.' $25, $28 J)liV40 r and $30 high artcustoni tail ored Suits, made of finest imported wool- ... .3 . . t i ens ana tnmmea m me very pesi. . : $15.95, $45 Suits. For choice of Holland Bros.' finest custom tailored $35 to t ALL SUITS ALTERED TO FIT-TREE I tvi ; - Suspejidero , Sold as Suspenders were never sold before. Holland Bros.' stock consisted of SjOOO pairs of Pure Silk Web Suspenders. We got them at 27c on the dollar. "That's why you can buy them at these prices: 3 For Holland Bros.'t ; J6c Suspenders. ' ' Of For Holland Bros.' ; 25c Suspenders. 17 f FonHolland Bros. 85c Suspenders. 22 For Holland Bros.' 50c Suspenders. 3l For Holland Bros.' 75c Suspenders. 47f For Holland Bros.' $1.0Q Suspenders..: ' G2f For Holland Bros.' $1.50 Suspenders. a The rubber in every pair is guaranteed" ' to be perfect. - .;:'f:. ' ' Sox 2 For Holland Bros' 8c Sox. t 6 For Holland Bros.' 15c Fast Black Sox. Xtf For Hoirand Bros 25c Sox of alf : , kinds-'v' " .'. :v.-. . "i.; ''--t - 24f For Holland Bros.' 50c and 65c Fancy f Vests '"-1 "1,000 Wool Vests at 10e each. ';2 A ii Store open evenings to give the vjorhingman a chance to get his share m ine greatest values on WE ARE ALWAYS "B8L'G TOGS" g (CENTTS) .dDN the nerve and cash - --VI . Tr--' - - ;,'.t - WorK Shirts Never before was there such a chance for the workingman to rig-up in everything he -wants inthis line for a song. . 874For $15 Negligee Shirts, y ' r 41f For $1.00 White Shirts. ' ' 6ft For $2.00 Dress Shirts. V ' " S9 For Holland Bros.' 75c Work Shirts . 59 For Holland Bros,' $1.25 Sateen ; Shirts. ..'.:,' . v I , ' -y:T'- t 09 For Holland Bros.' $2.00 Wool Shirts, f 1219 For, Holland Bros.' $2.75 Wool -Shirts." v .''-:'.'''- ' :'r'- 81.89 For, Holland Bros.'. $3.50 Wpol Shirts;n. t'- .- :- -!", : .Every shirt is of the best known quality. 37e Eaeh. for Holland BrosA $1.00 and $1.25 Semi-Dress Shirts.- . V' ' Materials are Imported Madras, Dimity, etc. . : . - ;;f. ''-. :. 41 Each for a hundred of Holland Bros.' $1.00- and $1.25 White Shirts in best , i f knowrr brands all sizes. . . 69e Each for Holland Bros entire stocky - at-iW41son T3f6sXtown Vrnadef" Dress nir nearly cycrj size. ; v . Umbrellas V -19 For Holland Bros 60c Umbrellas. 39 For Holland Bros.' 75c-Umbrellas. 89 For Holland Bros $1.75 Self-Open-L 'ing Umbrellas. : : i $1.29' For Holland Bros.' $2.25J Self Opening Umbrellas. C ' 81.89 For Holland Bros.' $4.00 Silk Um '':: brellas..' .' ' ' "V- i' i ' ."-' ,1ru".. " 82.22 For Holland Bros.' $5.00 Silk Um- ' brellas, ..'-'V; ;., ., , ;Hats. v $44280 was theinvoice price when we bid 27c on the dollar; for the "stock yesterday. ; It consists of Stetsons, Gordons, Langleys and 15 different makes of the world's best V r. 5':: " 'i.V. hats. : . , :. 05 For all Holland Bros$2.00 and $2.25 'Hats. ' . :.:... . ' . ' 81,45 For "all Holland Bros.' $2.60 and 1 $3.00 Hats. i -K ' y 81.95. For all Holland Bros.' $30, and , $5.00 Hatsr V - v 300 ODD HATS FOR 25 EACH. ' Never heard of such hat values, and we "x deliver, the goods every time. ;V . ; 1 ' AND ITS AGAIN mm HERE AT m BUDKEUAS, SUIT CASES, GDE DDdDD-DAD5 ' to make ofler, which was ao ina ruaoiiumw - unsurpassed block of clothing ejid shoes, ana, aivesxea or our coara such attempts at prices as Ovcrcoate , 1600 Ovcrcoate from the great HoUarid Bros. purchase at 27c on the dollar-almost given away. ; Every garment in this immense stock is of the lat-1 - rest StyiC, DCSt quality ur For all of Holland Bros All X P'l.l D Wool $10, $12 and $14 Over- coats Jmd Cravenettes. No disappoint- ments all sizes. , j : .'!:;.''; $7.90 For all of Holland Bros.' $15, $18 and $20 Overcoats Top coats and Cravenettes. Every garment guaranteed. ' IX V Neckwear 1 For. Holland Bros 10c Bows. i V For Holland Bros.' 15c Bows.' 11- For Holland Bros.'S25c Foar-in-' . Hands. ' 'v.; f-.'-'' .X ;-" C.' llf For Holland Bros.' -25c Tecks.-, : -19 For all kinds of Holland Bros.' 60c Neckwear. ' . 32 f For all kinds of Holland Bros5c' " Neckwear. '; ' -t . ,Vv'! ; 4Sf For all kinds of Holland Bros $1.00 : , and $1.50 Neckwear. ' - .'.y4 . 4. ;'.:' Wbrk Gloves v Omaha,-Neb-i-is-a-WOTldngman's town. That why Holland Bros, had such a fine ' stock of Workingmen's Gloves. . 14 A pair for Holjand Bros. 35c Mule skm Gloves. .. 21 A-pair for Holland Bros. 60c Hog-' . 44 A pair for Holland 'Bros.' $1.00 Calf skin Gloves., '' , 03 A pair for Holland Bros $1.25 Horsehide Gloves. ' - '- . V Ho 90 A pair for Holland Bros.' $2.00 Buck - skin Gloves. ' il iDQJIjB) I',' rfu Fa 1 4 r THE Huifl ' ' ETC . . -v we nere quote; v wuiMuauamp guuua, I 1 1 0 A For all of Holland Bros.' 01 y J choicest S2Z.60, szs.ou and $27.50 high art," hand tailored Craven- T ettes, lopcoats ana uvercoais in an me new. styles. Cy: :-- -r " $15.95 For hundreds of Holland Bros.' finest imported $30.00 1 to $40.00 Overcoats, Topcoats and Priest- T Shoes Every Shoe in Holland Bros.' big $5,700 stock was made to their order in Haver hill, Mas and every pair was guaranteed V :. ... v to. be the best made: ' 95 For all Holland Bros.' $2.00 Shoes. 81.45 For all Holland Bros.' $2.50. Shoes. 91.85 For all Holland Bros.' $3.00 Shoes. $2.15 For all Holland Bros $3.50 Shoes. ?2.85 For all Holland Bros$4.50 Shoes. , ?3.42 For all Holland Bros.' $5 and $6.60 . Shoes. . . ' .::i',l '-'. 'v.' t " Every pair guaranteed to give satisfac tion jorlThe Hub gives you a nev- pair free.;: '"'v".'1 :.: 1,000' Pairs firsFTquaTIty" - for 39.' .. . - f . Glen's Rubbers . 0 For Holland Bros. 15c Engineer Caps. 9-For Holland Bros.20c Engineer Caps. 19 For Holland Bros.' 40c Cloth Caps. 39 For, Holland Bros.' 75c Tourist Caps. 69ForJIolland Bros.' $1.25 Tcmrist Caps. r Handkerchiefs ; 200 Dozen of .Holiand Bros.' 12Jc hem stitched Handkerchiefs for 3. : Dress Gloves C9. For . Holland : Bros.' $1.25 Mocha Gloves. ;: '"-w.i' 81.19 For all kihds of Holland Bros.' f.Zd uress uioves. y - ', COnrJER TfflRD AND BURNSIDE STREETS TO cepted Cravcfflcw V ;